Annika Björkdahl from Idea to Norm—Promoting Conflict Prevention 3

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Annika Björkdahl from Idea to Norm—Promoting Conflict Prevention 3 From Idea to Norm Promoting Conflict Prevention Björkdahl, Annika 2002 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Björkdahl, A. (2002). From Idea to Norm: Promoting Conflict Prevention. Department of Political Science, Lund University. 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LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 From Idea to Norm—Promoting Conflict Prevention 1 From Idea to Norm Promoting Conflict Prevention 2 Annika Björkdahl From Idea to Norm—Promoting Conflict Prevention 3 From Idea to Norm Promoting Conflict Prevention Annika Björkdahl Lund Political Studies 125 Department of Political Science Lund University 4 Annika Björkdahl © 2002 Annika Björkdahl ISBN 91–88306–38–0 ISSN 0460–0037 Layout: PROSE DESIGN & GRAFIK Cover by Maria Strömvik Printed by Bloms Tryckeri Lund 2002 Distribution: Department of Political Science Lund University Box 52 SE–22100 Lund Sweden From Idea to Norm—Promoting Conflict Prevention 5 To Olle 6 Annika Björkdahl From Idea to Norm—Promoting Conflict Prevention 7 CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 9 LIST OF ACRONYMS 11 1THE STUDY OF IDEAS AND NORMS IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 15 Aims and Questions of the Study 16 An Overview of the Research on Norms in IR 17 Outline of the Study 22 2 A SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVIST ACCOUNT 24 A Middle Ground Approach 24 Methodological Reflections 31 3 NORMS, NORM ENTREPRENEURS AND NORMATIVE STRUCTURE 39 On Norms 39 On Norm Entrepreneurs 44 On Normative Structure 51 4 NORM EVOLUTION 54 Towards an Understanding of Norm Dynamics 54 An Analytical Framework for Norm Evolution 58 5 IDEA TAKEOFF 64 An Idea Complex 65 An Idea that Catches on 71 Norm Entrepreneur or Moral Superpower? 74 6 NORM INITIATION 85 Constructing a Norm Candidate 85 Framing the Idea 87 A Supportive Normative Structure 94 Conflict Prevention – A Norm Candidate 96 8 Annika Björkdahl 7 NORM DIFFUSION AND SOCIALIZATION 99 Approaches to Diffusion and Socialization 99 Diffusion in the UN Arena 103 Mobilizing a Norm Community in the EU 111 Socialization of Norm Followers 123 8 NORM INSTITUTIONALIZATION 135 From “Unsettled” to “Settled” Norm 136 Efforts to Institutionalize the Norm in the UN Context 139 Efforts to Institutionalize the Norm in the EU Context 148 9 PRACTICES AND NORMS AS MUTUALLY CONSTITUTIVE 158 The Mutual Constitution of Practice and Norm 158 Translating Conflict Prevention into Action 160 Preventive Peacekeeping: Change or Continuity? 167 Driving Forces Behind Norm Evolution 172 10 THE LOGIC OF NORM EVOLUTION 177 The Robustness of the Conflict Prevention Norm 178 A Social Constructivist Account of Norm Evolution 181 The Future of International Norms 189 NOTES 191 BIBLIOGRAPHY 199 From Idea to Norm—Promoting Conflict Prevention 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Like a river, this Ph.D. dissertation flows from many tributaries. A summer internship at the United Nations’ Department of Humanitarian Affairs inspired me to explore the idea of conflict prevention. Subsequently, I had the good fortune to find an excellent intellectual environment for this exploration at the Department of Political Science at Lund University. Inspiring sur- roundings for my research were also found at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, the Centre for International Studies at Cambridge University, and the Ralph Bunch Institute in New York. The Policy Planning Unit at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs provided me with practical experience, spurring my interest in foreign policy. This dissertation has clearly benefited from my travels in both the world of theory and the world of practice. Over the years I have encountered a number of people who have inspired and supported me along this journey. My greatest debt goes to Professor Lars- Göran Stenelo for his generous support, for sharing his extensive knowledge and good judgment, and for encouraging and guiding my research. I also want to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Jakob Gustavsson and Magdalena Bexell for their constructive criticism at the “trial seminar”, which benefited the dissertation manuscript. I appreciate the efforts of all those who, despite their hectic schedules, took the time to read the manuscript. I particularly want to express my gratitude to Professor Ole Elgström, Professor Magnus Jerneck and Professor Lennart Lundquist for generously offering valuable comments on the final version. My gratitude also extends to Dr. Karin Aggestam, Anette Ahrnens, Caroline Boussard, Dr. Catarina Kinnwall, Staffan Lindberg, Dr. Jonas Tallberg and Dr. Annica Young-Kronsell, for contributing many valuable and insightful comments on the manuscript. A great number of people have contributed helpful comments on papers I have presented at various conferences of ACUNS, ECPR and ISA, as well as at seminars at the Department of Political Science and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. I would especially like to thank Björn Badersten, Dr. Karin Bäckstrand, Dr. Magnus Ericson, Dr. Johan Eriksson, Dr. Martin Hall, Professor Andy Knight, Dr. Anders Mellbourn, Dr. Charles Parker, Professor Benjamin 10 Annika Björkdahl Rivlin, Dr. Gunnar Sjöstedt, Dr. Eric Stern, Professor Bengt Sundelius, and my former roommate at SIIA, Anna Wieslander. Special appreciation is also due to the key actors who found the time to allow me to interview them, and I particularly would like to thank Jessica Olausson, and Ambassador Ragnar Ängeby. Although writing a dissertation is a lonely endeavor, there are three persons who made my life as a graduate student so much more enjoyable. Without them as friends I am not sure I would have managed—Caroline Boussard, Kristina Jönsson and Maria Strömvik. They really spiced up the Department of Political Science! A special thanks goes to Björn Badersten for invaluable academic advice, and for being a reliable traveling companion on this journey. There are many more people at the Department of Political Science to whom I collectively want to express my gratitude and appreciation for engaging discussions and enjoyable socialization. My thanks go to Maria Strömvik for cover layout, to Dr. Mikael Sundström for technical assistance over the years and for the layout of this book, to Jonas Johansson for computer support in times of crises, and to Richard Fisher for English proofreading. Financial support for this research was generously granted by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, the Department of Political Science, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Olof Palme Foundation, the Lars Hierta’s Foundation, the Crafoord Foundation and the Wenner-Gren Re- search Foundation. I would also like to take this opportunity to extend a collective thanks to my friends in Sweden and abroad who have shared both joy and despair along the way. My deepest gratitude goes to my family. I am eternally beholden to my parents’ support and encouragement, and for always believing in me. I dedicate this book to my beloved Olle. Your love, friendship and encourage- ment have been more important than I can ever hope to express. Lund April 2002 From Idea to Norm—Promoting Conflict Prevention 11 LIST OF ACRONYMS ACP EU programme for Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific Countries ALA EU programme for Asia and Latin America CARDS Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation CFSP Common Foreign and Security Policy CIVCOM Committee on Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management COREU Correspondence européennes COREPER Committee of Permanent Representatives CPN Conflict Prevention Network CSCE Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe DG Directorate-General ECHA Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs ECPS Executive Committee on Peace and Security ESDP European Security and Defence Policy EU European Union EUMC European Union Military Committee EUMS European Union Military Staff FYROM Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia G8 Group of Eight GAC General Affairs Council ICFY International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia IFOR Peace Implementation Forces IPA International Peace Academy IR International Relations KFOR Kosovo International Security Force MEDA European-Mediterranean Partnership programme MINURCA United Nations Mission in the Central Africa Republic NAM Non-Alignment Movement NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NGO Non-Governmental Organization NORDBAT Joint Nordic Battalion 12 Annika Björkdahl NORDCAPS Nordic Military Cooperation Concerning Joint Training and Planning for International Missions OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ONUSAL United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador OSCE Organisation for
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