Grand Prix De Dressage Iir '
Jv- li; 115 The Olympic Dressage competition is judged by five judges appointed by the International Eques- trian Federation (FEI). The judges give their own marks for the different groups of movements that are contained in the programme. After each performance the judges meet and discuss the differences they have in the marking. If the head of the jury finds the differ- ences to he too great, he asks the judge con- cerned to adapt his mark to those of the others. The result is the average taken from the judgment of the five judges. The competition lasts two days. On Friday, 22 riders are in action in the wonderful sunshine, but the 14 riders, who have to compete on Satur- day, have not the same luck with the weather. Forsta startande ekipage i Grand Prix de Dressage, Alexis Pantchoulidzew — Lascar, Holland. Placering nr 28, 586,5 poâng. Prins Bernhard med den hollândska hasten Lascar. First rider and horse in the arena for the Grand Prix de Dressage, A. Pantchoulidzew on Lascar, Holland. Place No. Prince Bernhard and the Dutch horse Lascar. 28, 586.5 points. I jt ||. ' ' v • , iililiiliîlaî i ili I ill; - " Grand Prix de Dressage Hii r ' Den Olympiska dressyrtâvlingen dômes av en jury han vederbôrande domare att modifiera sitt betyg. som bestâr av fem domare utsedda av Internatio- Den tâvlandes résultat âr ett medeltal av de fem nella Ridsportfederationen (FEl). Domarna sâtter domarnas bedômning. var for sig betyg for de olika bedômningsgrupper .. som programmet innehâller. Efter varje uppvisning Tavlingen pâgâr i tvâ dagar. Under fredagen rider " sammantrâder domarna och diskuterar och moti- 22 ryttare i ett strâlande solsken.
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