Our Church at Prayer Fourth Sunday of Easter Sacrament of the Eucharist Sunday Mass Saturday: 5 P.M

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Our Church at Prayer Fourth Sunday of Easter Sacrament of the Eucharist Sunday Mass Saturday: 5 P.M May 7, 2017 Our Church at Prayer Fourth Sunday of Easter Sacrament of the Eucharist Sunday Mass Saturday: 5 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. (en Español) and 6 p.m. (Child care available for age 1 and walking to age 3 during 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Masses) Weekday Mass Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 12 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Holy Day of Obligation Mass: 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m., 12 noon and 7 p.m. Civil Holidays of Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day Mass: 9 a.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle: Sunday: 8 p.m.–Saturday: 12 p.m. (excluding regularly scheduled Mass times) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance: 7770 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45255 Thursday: 9 a.m.–Friday: 5 a.m. Parish Office Hours Friday: 1–6 p.m. (On First Fridays, Exposition continues until 10 p.m., excluding Mass time.) Monday–Thursday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Friday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Individual: Tuesday, 6:30–7 p.m.; Saturday, 3:30–4:30 p.m. Phone: 513-388-4466 (IHOM) FAX: 513-388-4097 Recitation of The Rosary: School: 513-388-4086 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: in Church, following the 12 p.m. Mass. Formation: 513-388-4093 Prayer Line: 513-388-5683 (LOVE) Saturday: 7:45 a.m. in Church. Events/Cancellations: 513-388-4080 Sunday: 8:50 a.m. in Church. Emergency: 513-505-1442 or 513-410-2067 Every 3rd Thursday (en Español): 9 a.m. in Lourdes. Volunteer: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] www.ihom.org IMMACULATE HEART of MARY CHURCH CINCINNATI, OH WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS MASS INTENTIONS AND READINGS Sunday, May 7 Parish Membership Fourth Sunday of Easter We joyfully welcome new members of our Acts 2:14a, 36–41/1 Pt 2:20b–25/Jn 10:1–10 parish community. Please register in the Parish Office or after each weekend Mass in Monday, May 8 the Lourdes Room. Please also let us know Easter Weekday if you plan to move from the parish. Acts 11:1–18/Jn 10:11–18 12 p.m. †Gwen Cover, req. by Barb Mather-Strass & Ann Gebhardt Prayers are requested for the †Paul Karl, req. by Ralph & Barbara Gruppo repose of the souls of †Denis Walsh, req. by Mike & Susie O’Neil Edie Mink, wife of †August Tombragel, req. by the Goshorn Family †Tom Huber, req. by Garrett & Mimi Frey the late William Mink †Jack Mulvihill, req. by Jean Ann Sheeran Tuesday, May 9 Easter Weekday Acts 11:19–26/Jn 10:22–30 8:15 a.m. †John Hearlihy, req. by Tom & Arden Geers Wednesday, May 10 Easter Weekday Acts 12:24—13:5a/Jn 12:44–50 12 p.m. †Marvin Bromen, req. by Marlene Bromen †Judy Koesters, req. by Al & Patti Ackel †Owen DeFisher, req. by Eileen Karl †Linda Shaffer, req. by Mary Beth Conover †Rick Shaffer, req. by Jim & Gerri Grassinger †Lindsey Roflow, req. by Nick & Sharon Moore & Family Thursday, May 11 Easter Weekday Acts 13:13–25/Jn 13:16–20 8:15 a.m. †Elise Dufour, req. by Al & Maureen Dufour Friday, May 12 Easter Weekday Acts 13:26–33/Jn 14:1–6 12 p.m. Marlene Williams, req. by Fr. Ron Williams Saturday, May 13 Easter Weekday Acts 13:44–52/Jn 14:7–14 8:15 a.m. †Ralph Zumwalde, req. by the Parish Sunday, May 14 Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 6:1–7/1 Pt 2:4–9/Jn 14:1–12 5 p.m. (Sat.) †Muriel Schafer, req. by Kathy McGraw Sacrament of the Sick 7:30 a.m. †Joseph & Genevie Surrao, req. by the Surrao Family Contact Marisue Naber in the 9:30 a.m. †Gwen Cover, req. by the Cancer Support Group Parish Office at 388-4184. Parishioners 11:30 a.m. †Dominic Hice, req. by Jacob Willig scheduled for surgery are encouraged to 1:30 p.m. For the Parish celebrate this sacrament at a weekday 6 p.m. Jack & Pauline DeJong 50th Anniversary, req. by their Family liturgy before they go to the hospital. At all Masses, please pray for vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and diaconate. 2 A Stewardship Parish, celebrating 72 years as a faith community FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 7, 2017 FROM OUR PASTOR PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Dear Friends, Fr. Thomas Kreidler Last week our parish was treated to many wonderful experiences that help to [email protected] make IHM so special. Parochial Vicar We welcomed members form our Twinning Communities—Cultural Center Fr. Ron Williams of Batahola Norte in Managua, Nicaragua and Our Lady of the Mountains in [email protected] Stanton, Kentucky. We heard their stories at the luncheons and were able to enter into their moving accounts and share how we have been enriched Deacons by them. We are so blessed! Special thanks to Sue Keefe and Judy O’Brien Deacon Mike Cassani who chair the twinning communities for CCBN and OLM. Thanks to all who 500-4800 ([email protected]) worked so hard to make the luncheons a success. Deacon Russ Feldkamp Special thanks, too, for those who have worked to provide for our 646-5309 ([email protected]) twinning relationships through our annual Rummage Sale. This took place May 6. So much work goes into this, but it is a labor of love that benefits Deacon Mark Johnson our local community by providing bargain resources, as well as the 509-4556 ([email protected]) twinning communities who receive the proceeds. Thank you to all who made this possible. Deacon Bill Mullaney 753-7756 ([email protected]) Another wonderful experience last weekend was out 1st Annual Parish Assembly. This great afternoon helped us “Share the Good News” about the Deacon Dave Shaffer many ways our parish touches the lives of not only our membership, but also 265-4456 ([email protected]) people in our greater Cincinnati region and beyond the borders of our city and state, to, indeed, touch people across the world. We heard about this Deacon Dave Shea footprint of our parish and received input on how we can do even better. 310-6616 ([email protected]) We responded to “Where do we want our parish to be in 2025?” Thanks to Finance and Stewardship John Wagner who chaired the event, thanks to our Parish Pastoral Council Joan Cardone and Parish Staff members who worked so hard to make this happen. Special 388-4084 ([email protected]) thanks to Joan Cardone, Michelle Peters, Debbie Birck and Michael Haley who made the day such a success. We are blessed! Evangelization & Catechesis This weekend is no less special. Some of our second graders will be receiving Debbie Birck Our Lord in the Eucharist for the first time. What a grace-filled time this is 388-4189 ([email protected]) for them and their families! Three more Masses next week will complete our Health Ministry 1st Communions this year. Marisue Naber At our 9:30 a.m. Mass we will have our May Crowning. Our children are 388-4184 ([email protected]) invited to bring flowers to give to Our Blessed Mother at Mass. This will also be Deacon Jacob Willig’s first opportunity to diaconate here at IHM. Liturgy and Sacred Music Congratulations to Deacon Jacob and to his family. We are blessed! Dave Auxier 388-4090 ([email protected]) Next Saturday, May 13, we will celebrate Our Lady of Fatima’s Centennial Anniversary here at IHM. After the 81:5 a.m. Mass, we will assemble at Principal the front of church for a procession around the parish where appropriate Krista Devine Marian songs will be sung, as well as white handkerchiefs will be waved by ([email protected]) marchers. We will meet back at church to pray the rosary. Please contact Stephen Codekas for more information, [email protected]. Director of Communications Michelle Peters God bless, 388-4182 ([email protected]) Fr. Tom A Stewardship Parish, celebrating 72 years as a faith community 3 IMMACULATE HEART of MARY CHURCH CINCINNATI, OH STEWARDSHIP ALIVE Worship & Serve: [email protected] Say Yes to our Mother in Heaven, Interested in becoming an Pray the Rosary Extraordinary Minister of Holy The month of May brings with it the sweet responsibility Communion? of honoring our Blessed Mother especially regarding the Our next training session is coming up! prayer of her Holy Rosary. She calls us to gather together and open our hearts to the peace that only she and her Son Monday, May 22, 2017 can offer us. Bring your worries and hand them over to 3:15-6:15 p.m., In the church her motherly care. Pray for your family so she can protect them. In apparitions all over the world, she has exhorted Please call the church office to register or us to pray the Rosary every day in order to obtain peace. In for more information this Centennial Year of Our Lady’s appearances in Fatima, let’s say Yes to Our Mother in Heaven! Opportunities to pray the Rosary are on the front cover of the bulletin. We will also gather every week day evening during May at 7 p.m. in the outdoor Marian garden in the courtyard next to the preschool building. If you are willing to lead the Rosary, call Sally Schroder. Adoration and Exposition Thank you from the Walnut Hills Soup Kitchen PEA MOST URGENT needs are on Friday at 3 a.m.
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