March 13, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2447 every turn, we will never retreat, and we will I ask my colleagues to join me in supporting House Resolution 107, calling for the imme- prevail because the cause of freedom is just and condemning these heinous acts, diate and unconditional release of the Israeli and righteous. As one of my heroes, President and cast a vote in favor of H. Res. 107. soldiers held captive by Hamas and John F. Kennedy, once said, ‘‘Let every nation Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, since last summer. know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we it’s been more than seven months now and The critical bipartisan legislation being intro- shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet many have forgotten about the three Israeli duced today calls for the immediate and un- any hardship, support any friend, oppose any soldiers kidnapped by Hamas and Hezbollah: conditional release of the three Israeli soldiers foe, in order to assure the survival and the , Eldad Regev, and Gilad who were captured last summer. Ehud success of liberty.’’ Today we renew this Shalit. Hezbollah seems to have forgotten that Goldwasser, 31, and Eldad Regev, 26, were pledge. last year’s hostilities ended only after there kidnapped by Hezbollah on July 12, 2006. This resolution also makes it clear that while were promises regarding the return of the was kidnapped by Hamas on we do not shrink from the fight against ter- Israeli men. This just goes to reinforce the fact June 25, 2006. rorism, we also recognize that this battle is that terrorist organizations cannot be nego- Moreover, my cosponsorship of this legisla- one that cannot be won without diplomacy. tiated with. tion follows up on the July 29, 2006 letter I While we declare that we will always support In 2004, United Nations Security Council wrote to American Red Cross Interim Presi- efforts to maintain Israel’s identity as a Jewish Resolution 1559 called for Hezbollah in Leb- dent Jack McGuire urging the American Red state with secure borders, we also renew our anon to disband. Despite a half-dozen state- Cross to apply pressure to the International commitment to achieving a resolution of the ments from the Secretary-General, they con- Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to look Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the creation tinued to occupy the border region as UN ob- into the well-being of the three Israeli soldiers. of a viable and independent Palestinian state servers looked on. We don’t know for sure, My colleague, Canadian Senator Jerry S. living in peace alongside of the State of Israel. but these very observers may have watched Grafstein, wrote a similar letter. In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, we are here to Hezbollah cross the border and kidnap To date, Gilad is the only captive Israeli sol- speak in a united voice to support Gilad Shalit, Goldwasser and Regev. dier to have been confirmed to be alive by his Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev. We pray Security Council Resolution 170, which captors. Hezbollah has not given any indica- for their safety and we hope that they will re- ended the most recent conflict, again called tion as to whether the other two Israeli sol- turn home soon. As we do this, we realize that for Hezbollah to disarm and return of the sol- diers they captured are injured or even still the stories of these three brave soldiers are a diers. They remain in and Gaza and alive. Contrary to the most basic standards of part of a larger conflict that has taken thou- not even international organizations such as humanitarian conduct, Hamas and Hezbollah sands of lives and has ravaged an entire re- the Red Cross have been able to see them have prevented access to all of the Israeli gion of the world for far too long. With this res- and be assured of their fair treatment. captives by representatives of the International olution, we take another small step toward a Israel has demonstrated its commitment to Committee of the Red Cross. future that is free of this conflict, where both the Resolution by ceasing hostilities and pull- I and all in this country, resent terrorist Israelis and Palestinians have a place to call ing back its soldiers, but yet again they are groups who use human life as a strategic tool home and where no more lives are lost to a dealing with opponents who show disrespect to further their radical agenda. In calling for needless cycle of violence. to all and whose word cannot be trusted. the release of these Israeli prisoners, the Mr. BACA. Mr. Speaker, I ask for unani- We stand together with Israel to call again United States stands with Israel and sends a mous consent to revise and extend my re- for the unconditional release of these three united message to terrorists that their fanatic marks. men. We pray for their safe return and for I rise today to voice my strong support for behavior will be unsuccessful in deterring a peace between Israel and its neighbors. They H. Res. 107. This bipartisan resolution calls Middle East peace. will not be forgotten by their families, by their for the immediate and unconditional release of I support the efforts the Israeli government nation, or by this body. Israeli soldiers held captive by Hamas and has thus far made in attempting to gain the Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, I strongly support Hezbollah. captives’ release. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni I want to thank my friend from New York, H. Res. 107, a resolution calling for the imme- and her fellow ministers, as well as Prime Min- diate and unconditional release of Israeli sol- Congressman GARY ACKERMAN, for introducing ister Ehud Olmert, have continued to raise this this resolution. diers Gilad Shalit, Ehud Goldwasser and issue at the highest levels in their diplomatic More than 7 months have passed since July Eldad Regev, who continue to be held by the meetings. of 2006, when Hamas terrorists crossed into terror organizations Hamas and Hezbollah These three brave soldiers have been held Israel to attack a military post, killing two sol- more than 6 months after being captured. hostage without medical attention and without diers and wounding and kidnapping a third, These soldiers were kidnapped on Israeli soil communication or access to their family for far Gilad Shalit. in two separate, but equally brazen attacks, too long. The United States Congress has not Less than 1 month later, Hezbollah terrorists which were acts of war. forgotten these men and will make every effort crossed into Israel and ambushed Israeli During their time in captivity, Hamas and to secure their freedom. The Shalit, troops patrolling the border with Lebanon, kill- Hezbollah, both of whom desire to simulta- Goldwasser and Regev families should know ing three soldiers and kidnapping two, Ehud neously maintain an armed wing and a polit- that I and the United States stand by them Goldwasser and Eldad Regev. ical wing, have not reported on the soldiers’ and pray for the return of their sons. These despicable acts occurred despite health and have not granted access to inter- Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I Israel’s good faith efforts, which included its national organizations to check on their well- yield back the balance of my time. total withdrawal from southern Lebanon in being. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The May of 2000. In August of last year, shortly after the fight- question is on the motion offered by These two terrorist groups have withheld all ing between Israeli forces and Hezbollah the gentleman from New York (Mr. information on the health and welfare of the stopped, I visited Lebanon and northern Israel. ACKERMAN) that the House suspend the men they have kidnapped. Defying the most While in Israel, we met with the families of the rules and agree to the resolution, H. basic standards of conduct, they have pre- kidnapped soldiers. I cannot tell you how dif- Res. 107, as amended. vented medical personnel and members of the ficult it is, especially for a parent, to know a The question was taken; and (two- International Red Cross from having access to loved one is in harm’s way and there is noth- thirds being in the affirmative) the the kidnapped Israelis. ing you can do to help him. rules were suspended and the resolu- In spite of these terrorist attacks, the It is so important this resolution is on the tion, as amended, was agreed to. strength of the Israeli people has not wavered. floor of the House today because we want the A motion to reconsider was laid on In these difficult times, our support of Israel soldiers to know, we want their families to the table. must not waver either. know, and we want Hamas and Hezbollah and f The United States must stay committed to the state sponsors of their terrorist activities— EXPRESSING SENSE OF THE the welfare and survival of the State of Israel Iran and Syria to know that America has not HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as a Jewish and democratic nation with se- forgotten the kidnappings that took place last THAT BANGLADESH SHOULD cure borders. summer. We will not forget this injustice until Our Congress must stand in one voice and the soldiers are returned home to their families DROP CHARGES AGAINST SALAH condemn Hamas and Hezbollah, and their pri- safe and sound. UDDIN SHOAIB CHOUDHURY mary sponsors, Iran and Syria, for these cross Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker I Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I border attacks. rise today as a proud original cosponsor of move to suspend the rules and agree to

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:09 Mar 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MR7.008 H13MRPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE H2448 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 13, 2007 the resolution (H. Res. 64) expressing activists, and others, occurred frequently.’’; an alternative to religious extremism, the sense of the House of Representa- and and has been commended by the inter- tives that the Government of Ban- Whereas moderate voices in the Muslim national community for such bravery gladesh should immediately drop all world must be supported and protected to ad- of thought. vance the security of the United States and pending charges against Bangladeshi its allies: Now, therefore, be it Gaining the respect and concern of journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib Resolved, That it is the sense of the House organizations like the United States Choudhury, as amended. of Representatives that— Commission on International Religious The Clerk read as follows: (1) the Government of Bangladesh should Freedom, Mr. Choudhury has shown H. RES. 64 immediately drop all pending charges immense resiliency after facing numer- Whereas Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury is against Bangladeshi journalist Salah Uddin ous political and physical threats. a Bangladeshi journalist who, because of his Shoaib Choudhury; Mr. Choudhury’s actions are coura- beliefs in an interfaith dialogue between (2) the Government of Bangladesh should geous, not criminal, and it is time for immediately return all of Mr. Choudhury’s Jews and Muslims and criticism of Islamic the government of Bangladesh to take extremism, is on trial for sedition, an offense confiscated possessions; and (3) the Government of Bangladesh should decisive action and drop all pending punishable by death; charges. The political leadership of Whereas on November 29, 2003, Mr. cease harassment and intimidation of Mr. Choudhury was arrested at Zia International Choudhury and take steps to protect Mr. Bangladesh should focus on getting its Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on his way to Choudhury. own house in order instead of mind- board a flight bound for Tel Aviv; Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- lessly prosecuting someone for trying Choudhury’s passport was seized, along with ant to the rule, the gentleman from to promote international peace and considerable sums of money and several per- New York (Mr. ACKERMAN) and the gen- stability. sonal items; on that same day police raided tleman from Arkansas (Mr. BOOZMAN) Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my col- Mr. Choudhury’s home and newspaper of- each will control 20 minutes. leagues to support this legislation. fices, seizing files, computers, and other Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of valuables; The Chair recognizes the gentleman Whereas Mr. Choudhury was detained in from New York. my time. Dhaka Central Jail for a passport violation, GENERAL LEAVE Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield then subsequently charged with sedition; Mr. Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask myself such time as I may consume. Choudhury suffered harsh interrogation unanimous consent that all Members At the outset, I would like to express techniques and received no treatment for a have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- my appreciation for the outstanding debilitating case of glaucoma; Mr. tend their remarks and include extra- leadership of Congressman KIRK in in- Choudhury’s incarceration lasted 17 months troducing this timely resolution. It has without legal recourse; neous material on the resolution under consideration. my wholehearted support. Whereas on April 30, 2005, after interven- Mr. Choudhury is a Bangladeshi jour- tion by the United States Department of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there State and congressional offices, Mr. objection to the request of the gen- nalist and the editor of the Weekly Choudhury was released on bail; tleman from New York? Blitz, the largest tabloid English-lan- Whereas in the subsequent months, senior There was no objection. guage weekly in Bangladesh. He is cur- members of the Bangladeshi Government Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise rently facing a sedition trial for daring made continuous public promises that there in strong support of this resolution, to reach out to Jewish and Israeli writ- was no substance to Mr. Choudhury’s pend- and yield myself such time as I may ers, as well as for speaking openly ing charges and that all charges would be consume. about the threat radical Islam poses in dropped; Bangladesh. Whereas on September 29, 2005, Mr. Mr. Speaker, I would first like to Choudhury was awarded the ‘‘Freedom to commend my friend and colleague Mr. Choudhury was arrested in No- Write Award’’ by PEN USA; MARK KIRK from Illinois as well as that vember 2003 when he tried to attend a Whereas on May 5, 2006, Mr. Choudhury of Mrs. LOWEY of New York for their conference in Israel and then was sub- was awarded the American Jewish Commit- leadership on this important human jected to brutal treatment while in tee’s Moral Courage Award in absentia in rights case. prison. Although he was released last Washington, D.C.; two days prior to Mr. With passage of this resolution, Con- year, in large part due to the efforts of Choudhury receiving the award, after return- gress will firmly indicate its view that Congressman KIRK and others, the Ban- ing Mr. Choudhury’s passport and appearing the government of Bangladesh should gladesh government refuses to drop the to allow him to attend, senior Bangladeshi Government officials issued threats to pre- immediately release a Bangladeshi charges against Mr. Choudhury, appar- vent him from leaving the country; journalist whose only apparent crime ently trying to intimidate him into si- Whereas on September 18, 2006, a judge is to attempt to visit the democratic lence. with alleged ties to an Islamic extremist nation of Israel. Last May, the American Jewish Com- party ruled that Mr. Choudhury will stand Mr. Speaker, Bangladesh has under- mittee presented Mr. Choudhury with trial for sedition; the judge made this ruling gone great political turmoil in recent the Moral Courage Award recognizing despite the Public Prosecutor’s testimony in months, and the nation is now being his efforts to promote dialogue between court days before that the government did ruled by a caretaker government. As Muslims and Jews and his courage in not have evidence and would not object to speaking out against Islamic extre- the charges being dropped; Bangladesh moves towards a new round Whereas members of the United States of elections, it is imperative that the mism. Commission on International Religious Free- rule of law and freedom of the press be Unfortunately, however, the authori- dom visited with Mr. Choudhury on their preserved. ties in Dhaka refused to permit him to trip to Bangladesh in February and March The current government has set out visit the U.S. to receive the honor. 2006; an agenda to reform Bangladesh’s po- Mr. Speaker, Bangladesh and the Whereas on October 6, 2006, the United litical system and to stem corruption. U.S. have been good friends for over 35 States Commission on International Reli- We have seen lately the arrest of many years. Despite many handicaps, Ban- gious Freedom wrote a letter to U.S. Assist- previously high-ranking government gladesh has made good progress in ant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Richard A. Boucher calling on officials. It is my sincere wish that the some key areas of development, includ- the United States Government to strengthen standards of responsible governance ing agricultural production, improved the ‘‘voices of moderation’’ in countries like survive under the caretaker govern- literacy rates, basic social services, Bangladesh where the rule of law, demo- ment until free and fair elections take and empowering women through em- cratic institutions, and respect for human place, elections that I hope will happen ployment and education. rights are under assault by violent extrem- in the near term. As the fourth most populous Muslim ists; the Commission identified Mr. In this time of great political turmoil country in the world, a moderate and Choudhury as one of those voices that should in Bangladesh, it is truly inexplicable stable Bangladesh can play an impor- not be silenced; tant role in regional and world affairs. Whereas, according to the Department of that the government would focus its State’s 2005 Country Report on Human scarce resources on prosecuting a jour- Today, however, Bangladesh is at a Rights Practices in Bangladesh, ‘‘Attacks on nalist. crossroads. National elections are journalists and newspapers, and government Mr. Choudhury believes in interfaith being postponed amidst electoral efforts to intimidate them, political party dialogue between Jews and Muslims as chaos; meanwhile, the military appears

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:34 Mar 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K13MR7.016 H13MRPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE March 13, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2449 to be playing an increasingly large role months until one tireless human rights also want to thank Ranking Member within the Bangladeshi interim govern- champion, and my constituent, Dr. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN for her support ment. Richard Benkin, began a personal odys- on the Foreign Affairs Committee. The prospect of holding free and fair sey to free Shoaib Choudhury. Dr. I would like also to thank our ambas- elections during the first half of 2007 Benkin met Mr. Choudhury through a sador to Bangladesh, Patricia Butenis, appears to be much in doubt. More pro-Israel Internet Web site, and Dr. for her outstanding work at Embassy broadly, endemic political polarization, Benkin brought this situation to my Dhaka. Her team has been vigorously corruption and related governance con- attention and now before the House. monitoring this case, attending Mr. cerns, as well as the rise of violent ex- All together, we sought for his free- Choudhury’s legal proceedings, and tremists remains substantial chal- dom, and shortly thereafter, we did making strong public statements on lenges for the Bangladeshi society. succeed in getting Choudhury’s release his behalf. Mr. Speaker, in this context I urge from jail, finally reuniting him with I also want to thank Dr. Richard the authorities in Dhaka to send a his wife and two children. Benkin, sitting in the gallery today, strong signal about the importance Following Shoaib’s release, a senior for his unrelenting pursuit of justice on Bangladesh attaches to tolerance and Bangladesh government official made behalf of Shoaib Choudhury. I am the rule of law by dropping these po- numerous public pledges that all pend- proud to join Dr. Benkin in this en- litically motivated charges against Mr. ing legal action against Mr. Choudhury deavor and look forward to one day Choudhury. I support the resolution would be dropped. Nevertheless, the when we may even host Shoaib and urge its adoption. government pressed forward with for- Choudhury in our very own Mount Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of mal sedition charges. Prospect, Illinois. my time. Mr. Choudhury has won the recogni- Lastly, I want to thank the best con- Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I re- tion of international human rights and gressional human rights staffer that I serve the balance of my time. freedom of expression organizations for have ever had: Jeff Phillips had worked Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield his courage. He was honored by PEN tirelessly on behalf of an African pris- such time as he may consume to the U.S.A.’s Freedom to Write Award and oner of conscience for months until he gentleman from Illinois (Mr. KIRK), the was presented with the American Jew- finally won his release. Now he has author of this resolution. ish Committee’s prestigious Moral seized on Shoaib’s case and made it a Mr. KIRK. I thank the gentleman. Courage Award in absentia in Wash- cause in the United States, in Canada, Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support ington, D.C. The United States Com- in Europe, and the subcontinent. He, of this resolution which marks this mission on International Religious we, have all been inspired by Shoaib family member and what has happened Freedom intervened and wrote a letter and Dr. Benkin, and we hope by this to him as a prisoner of conscience in to Assistant Secretary of State Rich- resolution this case and a potential Bangladesh. ard Boucher calling on the U.S. Gov- death sentence against Shoaib can be When we see what happened to him ernment to strengthen the voices of lifted. Shoaib is not a criminal, and he after advocating the cause of religious moderation in countries like Ban- should not become a martyr. He is a reconciliation between Muslims and gladesh where the rule of law, demo- model for interfaith tolerance and dis- Jews, we see the condition of Salah cratic institutions, and respect for cussion between all of those of dif- Choudhury after a severe beating human rights are under assault by vio- ferent faiths in the world. which he was subjected to. lent extremists. The commission iden- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE tified Mr. Choudhury as one of those The SPEAKER pro tempore. All b 1245 voices. Members of the House are reminded to This resolution urges the government But despite such international atten- refrain from bringing to the attention of Bangladesh to drop all charges tion, the persecution of Choudhury has of the House occupants of the galleries. against Bangladeshi journalist Salah persisted. Mr. Choudhury’s newspaper Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, it is Uddin Shoaib Choudhury. offices were bombed by Islamic extrem- my pleasure to yield such time as she Mr. Choudhury now faces charges of ists in July 2006, and he was attacked might consume to the gentlewoman sedition, treason and blasphemy. He by a mob in his office on October 5, from New York (Mrs. LOWEY), the dis- faces these charges because of his be- 2006, where this very picture was taken. tinguished Chair of the appropriations lief in an interfaith dialogue between A judge with alleged ties to Islamic ex- subcommittee on Foreign Operations Jews and Muslims, and because of arti- tremist groups then ruled that and the cosponsor of this resolution be- cles that he published critical of Is- Choudhury must stand trial for his life fore us. lamic extremism. Under Bangladeshi for sedition. Mrs. LOWEY. I thank my distin- law, sedition is a crime punishable by Bangladesh today is at a crossroads. guished colleague from New York for death. Much-anticipated elections were post- yielding me time. Mr. Choudhury was detained in No- poned due to irregularities, and a state Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support vember 2003 at Zia International Air- of emergency was declared. In a coun- of H. Res. 64, a resolution expressing port in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on his way try with 150 million people packed into the sense of the House that the Govern- to board a flight for Tel Aviv simply to a land mass smaller than Iowa, 85 per- ment of Bangladesh should drop all participate in the annual Hebrew Writ- cent of whom are Muslim, it is criti- charges against Bangladeshi journalist, ers Conference. Mr. Choudhury’s pass- cally important for Bangladesh to dem- Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury. I want port was seized, along with consider- onstrate its commitment to demo- to thank my colleague from Illinois able sums of money and several per- cratic institutions, to religious free- (Mr. KIRK) for his leadership on this sonal items. On that same day, the po- dom, and to human rights. For his mes- issue. lice raided his home, his newspaper, sage of moderation and interfaith dia- In May of 2006, the American Jewish and seized files, computers and other logue between Muslims and Jews, Mr. Committee awarded Mr. Choudhury the valuables. Choudhury is facing unjust criminal Moral Courage Award. Unfortunately, Since Bangladeshi law currently pro- charges in an effort to silence him. The he was not there to receive this honor hibits travel to Israel, Choudhury was House of Representatives sends a clear because more than 2 years earlier he first cited for a minor passport viola- message today that we will not allow was arrested while attempting to board tion, but he was subsequently charged an outspoken advocate for religious a flight from Bangladesh to Tel Aviv. with sedition and accused of espionage freedom to be quelled by intolerance. Mr. Choudhury’s passport was con- as an Israeli spy and incarcerated in- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to fiscated, his house and possessions definitely. He was subjected to harsh join me in this resolution and would were raided, and he was first cited for interrogation techniques and received like to thank Chairman LANTOS for his a passport violation because no treatment for a debilitating case of friendship and support in bringing this Bangladeshi law prohibits travel to glaucoma. up and for his tireless advocacy on be- Israel. Subsequently, he was charged After being denied due process, half of human rights of all as co-chair- with sedition, accused of espionage, Choudhury languished in jail for 17 man of the Human Rights Caucus. I and imprisoned for 17 months.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:09 Mar 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K13MR7.017 H13MRPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE H2450 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 13, 2007 What is his crime? Mr. Choudhury freedom of speech as our media would that we have on this matter and hope spoke up for interfaith dialogue, he have here in this country, Mr. that that could splash over and spill published articles critical of Islamic Choudhury was arrested and charged over and overwhelm some prevailing extremism, and he appealed for greater with sedition and accused of espionage attitudes on both sides so that we religious tolerance and freedom. For and unjustly incarcerated for 17 might bring this kind of approach and these ‘‘crimes’’ he is charged with sedi- months during which he received less dedication to all of the legislation that tion, an offense punishable by death. than adequate treatment for glaucoma we have before us this session. Mr. Choudhury has already been har- and other conditions from which he Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance assed and subjected to harsh interroga- suffers. He is now facing charges which of my time. tion techniques in prison. His news- could bring the death penalty under The SPEAKER pro tempore. The paper offices were bombed by Islamic Bangladesh law. question is on the motion offered by extremists in July of 2006, and he was Now, several government leaders in- the gentleman from New York (Mr. physically attacked in October of 2006. dicated that they do not intend to pur- ACKERMAN) that the House suspend the This resolution calls on the Govern- sue the death penalty in this particular rules and agree to the resolution, H. ment of Bangladesh to immediately case; but when one considers the ac- Res. 64, as amended. drop the charges against Mr. tions for which Mr. Choudhury was The question was taken. Choudhury, to return his confiscated charged, this is not a person that The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the property, to stop intimidation tactics should be jailed in the first place. This opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being against him, and to protect him from is a person who should be honored, as in the affirmative, the ayes have it. future harassment. he has been around the world. You have Mr. KIRK. Mr. Speaker, on that I de- Mr. Choudhury advocates peace and to admire his strength and his resil- mand the yeas and nays. tolerance. It is time that Congress ience. The yeas and nays were ordered. sends a strong and clear message: we I asked him how he was being treated The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- are watching, and we will not allow Mr. and spoke with him about the pros- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Choudhury and others like him to be pects for his trial. His next trial ap- Chair’s prior announcement, further silenced. pearance was supposed to be February proceedings on this question will be I hope you will join me in strongly postponed. supporting H. Res. 64. 28. At the time of my visit, Mr. Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 Choudhury was encouraged by recent f minutes to the gentleman from Ohio government assurances that his RECOGNIZING THE 186TH ANNIVER- (Mr. CHABOT). charges might be dropped or that they SARY OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF Mr. CHABOT. I thank the gentleman did not intend to go forward with the GREECE AND CELEBRATING for yielding; and, Mr. Speaker, I want death penalty; but as it turns out, a GREEK AND AMERICAN DEMOC- to especially thank the gentleman radical Islamist-affiliated judge re- RACY from Illinois (Mr. KIRK) and Mrs. NITA cently signed an order forcing the trial Mr. WEXLER. Mr. Speaker, I move LOWEY for their hard work in bringing and the court proceedings to proceed. this thoughtful resolution to the House He is being accused of a threat to the to suspend the rules and agree to the floor today. security of Bangladesh. So much for a resolution (H. Res. 228) recognizing the I was in Bangladesh about 3 weeks fair trial and just treatment. 186th anniversary of the independence ago where I had the opportunity to This is something that really should of Greece and celebrating Greek and meet with the new caretaker govern- get the attention not only of this American democracy. ment, that leadership, as well as the House but the world. The Clerk read as follows: leaderships in the two main political This bipartisan resolution on the H. RES. 228 parties that are vying for power and floor today urges the Bangladeshi Gov- Whereas the ancient Greeks developed the have held power the last several dec- ernment to drop all charges against concept of democracy, in which the supreme ades. In fact, I met with our ambas- Mr. Choudhury. The United States power to govern was vested in the people; sador and members in the business Congress should show Mr. Choudhury Whereas the Founding Fathers of the that he can count on our full support United States drew heavily on the political community. experience and philosophy of ancient Greece But one of the highlights and I think and that the success of fledgling de- in forming our representative democracy; the most significant thing that I had mocracies such as Bangladesh lies Whereas Greek Commander in Chief Petros an opportunity to do was to meet with squarely on the very freedoms that Mr. Mavromichalis, a founder of the modern the gentleman, Shoaib Choudhury, who Choudhury embodies. Greek state, said to the citizens of the is a journalist, and we have heard I am glad to be a cosponsor of this United States in 1821 that ‘‘it is in your land much talk about his situation this important resolution. I thank the that liberty has fixed her abode and . . . in morning. But I think the gravity of it Speaker for recognizing this and urge imitating you, we shall imitate our ances- is significant, and I think it is impor- my colleagues to support it. tors and be thought worthy of them if we succeed in resembling you’’; tant that this House is taking this ac- Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I re- Whereas Greece played a major role in the tion today. serve the balance of our time. World War II struggle to protect freedom and Mr. Choudhury is a journalist in Ban- Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. Speaker, again democracy through such bravery as was gladesh, known for his viewpoints in closing, I want to thank the chair- shown in the historic Battle of Crete, which which are favorable to expanding dia- man of the Middle East Subcommittee, provided the Axis land war with its first logue between Muslims and Jews and Mr. ACKERMAN, for bringing this for- major setback, setting off a chain of events Christians and for developing ties with ward. Certainly we want to thank Mr. that significantly affected the outcome of World War II; Israel. As was indicated, he was actu- KIRK for his hard work and then Mrs. ally arrested on his way to Israel at Whereas the price for Greece in holding our LOWEY for making this a very bipar- common values in their region was high, as the airport, and he is also trying to tisan effort, and I would urge all of my hundreds of thousands of civilians were have more equality relative to religion colleagues to support this. killed in Greece during World War II; and especially his observance and oppo- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Whereas throughout the 20th century, sition to Islamic extremism, which un- of my time. Greece was one of only three countries in the fortunately is on the rise in Ban- world, other than the former British Empire, b 1300 gladesh and in a number of regions. that allied with the United States in every Just as Islamic extremism and fun- Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I major international conflict; damentalism have been a danger in want to express my gratitude to Mr. Whereas President George W. Bush, in rec- other areas of the world, it is a real BOOZMAN, the gentleman from Arkan- ognizing Greek Independence Day, said, sas, for his expeditious handling of this ‘‘Greece and America have been firm allies problem in Bangladesh, and he has had in the great struggles for liberty. Americans the courage to speak out on this impor- on the floor. I want to thank both Mr. will always remember Greek heroism and tant issue. KIRK and Mrs. LOWEY for bringing this Greek sacrifice for the sake of freedom . . . Unfortunately, in a place where jour- resolution to our attention and to also [and] as the 21st Century dawns, Greece and nalists are not necessarily given broad note the great spirit of nonpartisanship America once again stand united; this time

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