William Heatley Wilder Papers
WILLIAM HEATLY WILDER PAPERS 1807-1903 LSM RG #67 / 9?(p,;;._. l-,/2.Jf *:l<BOX 1 of 2 ** FOLDER 1 Norking Notebook of N. H. Nil~er --Outlines progression of various Gaines cases, especially one involving Antoine Cavalier and his property claim to the Manchac plantation in Iberville parish, La. ca. 1860-1877. ~.I) --Includes copy of James Fletcher's 1802 will and details of Fletcher's long-time relationshfp with his concubine, Katherine Hipp. FOLDER 2 Correspondence to M. H. Hilder 1844-1888 --Wilder's letter of introduction to H. Johnson, U.S. Senator, from G. Dorsey, in which Dorsey attests that Wilder is a "Gentleman of family, of character and a Lawyer possessing talents, any statements made by him you can confide in, and ••hatever attention shown him will be duly reciprocated [by Dorsey]." New Orleans, March 21, 1844-(,.l) --"'Instructions to Mr. Wilder'' re a petition to be presented to the U.S. Senate on behalf of the Ende Co. ••hich claims damages for losses sustained by the schooner, Fraternite, owned by the -fit-m dur-ing the "last war vJith Mexico. 11 The loss was caused by the 11 utter neglect of the U.S. Chief ·officer in Ve,-a Cruz." Gives details of the event. [The Fraternite, a merchant vessel, i.....Jasto have sailed do\.~n a river in Me>:ico protected by the US Man-0-l<Jar, Germanto>m. The merchant ship ~,as apparently abandoned by the Germantown and ••as subsequently robbed and burned by the Me,dcan militia. ca. 1847.(,J) .
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