
Venezuelan Revolution (1810- 1823) BY: JUSTICE CONKLE AND ALEXIS FIGLIUOLO-WISSING PERIOD 7 Why did it happen?

 The people of did not like the government of Joseph Bonaparte  Started in , the Capitol of . Cities and towns either sides with them or not. A Junta was established in Caracas.  A civil war started with the people who sided with Caracas and wanted independence, and those who wanted to stay a part of Spain. Venezuelan War of Independence

 Also known as the Bolivarian Revolution.  Was one of the Spanish American Wars of Independence of the early 19th century.  South and Middle America.  One of the first for independence. Venezuelan War of Independence Continued

 A revolution that led to independent republics.  Hacendados dominated Venezuela.  Those born in Spain were known as peninsulares.  led a failed attempt to start a revolution in Venezuela in 1806. Francisco de Miranda Battle of

th  "Naval Battle of the Lake" was fought on 24 , July 1823.  Between Republican and Royalist forces.  Won by republican forces.  Last battle of the Venezuelan War of Independence. Battle of

 24th, June 1821.  Between independence fighters and Royalists forces.  Won by independence fighters.  Led to establishment of the Republic of Gran Columbia.

Simon Bolivar

 Born on July 24, 1783 in Caracas, Venezuela  Wanted to conquer four provinces that wanted independence  Wanted to Recreate American Revolution.  Proclaimed him self dictator August 27, 1828  Resigned April 27, 1830 Simon Bolivar Napoleon Bonaparte

 Invades Spain 1808.  Made Spain weak.  Revolution was successful. Napoleon Bonaparte Similarities to Crane Brinton’s “Anatomy of a Revolution” Brinton’s Revolution Anatomy Venezuelan Revolution 1. People of all social 1. People of every social classes are classes are unhappy discontented. about how Venezuelans are being treated. 2. Growing bitterness 2. Clear separation in social between social classes. classes. ... Continued

Brinton’s Revolution Anatomy Venezuelan Revolution 3. Government doesn’t 3. Government of Spain respond to needs of society. unhelpful to Venezuelan 4. Revolutionaries gain people. power and seem untied. 4. Men take major roles in 5. Revolutionaries quarrel revolution. among themselves, unity 5. Problems strikes the dissolves. revolution through battles. …Continued Further

Brinton’s Revolution Anatomy Venezuelan Revolution 6. A strong man 6. Simon Bolivar takes assumes great power. over the revolution and 7. A period of terror the war. occurs. 7. Venezuelans rebel against Spain. Timeline

 1808-1811 : Demands made by Spanish government.

 1810-1813 : Government attempts to crush revolutionaries.

 1811-1813 : Revolutionaries gain power.

 1812-1815 : Revolutionary unity dissolves.

 1814-1818 : Revolutionaries gain power, but it isn’t radical enough.

 1817-1819 : Power is gained progressively, leader emerges.

 1821-1823 : Extremists fight back, period od terror.

 1822 : Moderates gain power. Bibliography

 Stearns, Peter N. World Civilizations: The Global Experience. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2007. Print.

 "Britannica ImageQuest." Britannica ImageQuest. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.

 "Biography of Francisco De Miranda - Francisco De Miranda Profile.“ About.com Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.

 "When Did Venezuela Declare Independence From Spain?" About.com Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.

 Masur, Gerhard Straussmann. "Simon Bolivar." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.