ISM SI.'IISCRIHEUS CSir. \\ ITX Ill, till (IClli'l'lll KlllliiU'llltlllt 1S7:; Sill. WILLIAM l-'OSTKI! STAWELL 'WOO Scholarships hi N'lilnral History, ISS7:". SIK. SAMUEL WlLS'iN ririi'i Scholarship hi lOnirin^i'rin^. !*>:; JOHN IUXSON WYSELASKIE - Hfr.llllir Erection nf Wilson Hull. is.vl WILLIAM THOMAS Mi 1I.I.IS1 IX xnlO Scholarships 1,7 l-'liANCIS ORMOMIl -.alilo Scholarships for Physical and Chemical .Re.Keareli. isrni Hi'rHERT lil.XSIlN L'II.OOII I'iorcssorship of Music. 10,s:r7 Scholarships in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics IS'" SLUSCIUDERS .... .•mil (-'.nuiiiL'i-'i'iii^. ,ri-17 Onnnnd Kxhihitions in Musi'-. IS!U JAMES CEIIKCiE HEAXEY :{!li.m Scholarships in Snrjrevy und Pathology. l.V.M I.1AVH1 KAY o7(;l .Caroline Kuy Scholarsnips, 1WI7 SUHSOlill.iERS 7;•'l,-l Research Scholarship in biology in memory of Sir .lames MacHain, I'.mj ROMERT ALEXANDER WHICHT lin'.o Prizes lor Music and ffir Mechanical Kn'.riiicel-inir. HKiVJIFA OT IONS (.Continneily. 11KIJ WILLIAM CHARLES KERNnT- £10(1(1 Metallurgical Lalioratory Equipment. liio:! .IOIIN HENRY MACEARLAND- 100 Metallurgical Lahoratorv Equipment. um:; GRADUATES' EUND • 4fiC General Expenses, P. 11* TEACHING STAKE HaO General Expenses. including PRIIKKSSOU SI'KXCKR .£'2SS Pl{"l'KisriOU OHKOOUY - 1(10 PKOFKSMOU MASSON - - 100 inn:! SLUSCRIHERS Prize in inemorv of Alexander Sutherland. HHKI GEnRGE McARTHUR Lilir.rr.i- of 2.100 Hooks. Mm-: SUBSCRIBERS TO UNIVERSITY KU.NI) President—IANKT LAHV CI.ARKR Tri-asiirrr— HKKIIY liCTi.Klt Si'crefarit—CIIAIU.KS BAOK

SI'KCIA I. l-'OUXDA TIOSS MRS. AUBREY HOWEX - - - f.Oll Equipment of Pathological Museum. HENRY HDURNES HIGGINS - - - 10(10 Scholarship for Study of I'oot.ry. DAVID SYME SOrti I'ri/.e for Scientific Resjearcli in Australia. I'RKDERICK SHEI'I'ARI) ORIM WADE 1 1 I'ri/.e for Technical Chemical Rose-arch. MR. AXH MRS. A. E. T. PAYNE AND) . MR AND MRS. .1. W. PAYNE i " Kxhihition in Veterinary Science. SIR HENRY .liillX WRIXON - - (inn Exhihit.ion in Agriculture, MEMBERS (IK UAI! ASSl ICIATION - (147 .lohn Madden Exhihition in Law. SUBSCRIBERS (>',•,'.. R. .1. I.AI1K1NH) - Kir.:". (,'hamrier of Commerce Exhihirion, and I'rize: Commercial Examinations IlltSA'l'lOXS OP i.loo AXH UPtVA I1DS-- AN'DRKW rAHXEGH: - - - - loon liitildines and Equipment. I'RDI'RIETORS (if ••THE ARGUS" Inn NIEL WALTER BLACK ... - Inn MRS. WALTER BRIDGES - - -' Um .IANKT LADY CI.AHKK - . - - 100 SIMDX ERASER Km IIKSHPAC'IIOXd (CKiilinileil). SIR SAMUEL (ilLl.nTT - £lliu lluildinjrs and Equipment. .InllN GRICK - - - - inn WESLEY It. HALL - Km ALICE MANIKOLD - loo EDWARD MAMElll.l) loo WILLIAM T. MANIEOLD - um DAVID ORME MASSUN - 100 MELBOURNE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION •2fi'i MRS. ALBERT MILLER • loo MRS. EDWARD MILLER - 10(1 WALTER BALDWIX SPENCER Km GEORGE ALEXANDER STEPHEN ion JOHN TRAILL ... - 100 WILLIAM WEATHKRLY • lor. MRS. WILLIAM WEATHERLY 1.00 Ifl'IIKI! DOMATIOM • IL'SIl P. 107 MRS. EDITH LANSELL lino r.lcor^c Lansell Scholarship in Minine; Engineering;. 10117 MRS. JESSIE LEGGATT • Klllll Scholarship in Law. urns WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT •200 Research Scholarship in Geology. P.HIS SUBSCRIBERS in; Eqnipinent of Anatomy School. 1 ill IS HERMAN HENRY SCIILAPP 400 Onvtreatinent Plant. SUBSCRIBERS 171. P.KIil JAMES STEWART .... 25,«2-l Scholarships in and Advancement of Anatomy, Medicine and Surgery. llll II) JA41ES CUM 1 NO - 1,000 I'ri/.e for Agricultural Chemistry. P. HI1.1 JAMES CUMING - l.Ouu Eor \'eterihary Operating Theatre. i;ir.i!i SUBSCRIBERS 2(ill Dulilin Prize. lino SUBSCRIBERS liji Jamieson Prize. P.ilo GEORGE SWINBURNE ISO Eor purchase of Apparatus. li) 111 T. EDWARDS - Machinery valued at X'2f)o. 1010 X. GUTH RIDGE LTD. Machinery valued at .t!40. ORIENT LINE OE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Three Eirst-Class Return Passages ammallv since 1900. Cf:

^nivcvsity of pdbounu.



To Ills EXCELLENCY, SIR THOMAS GIBSON OARMICHAFI,, MART., K.C.M.G., GOVKBNOR or . MAY IT I-I.KASF YOTJB EXCELLENCY, f have the honour, in accordance with Section 27 of tin.' University Act 18!t0, to submit lo your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the University during the past year :— 1.—DEATH OF HIS LATE MAJESTY. The Council remembering, with all other subjects ot the British Empire, the admirable qualities of liis'late Majesty King Edward VII. arrd his conspicuous and persistent efforts to maintain the good government and the liberties of all his people ; to preserve pence to the world; and to promote in the interests of humanity sound learning and the advancement of science and scientific research : and to accord praise and encourage­ ment to nil who devoted themselves tu the furthering of these things ; recorded its unaffected and profound sorrow for His Majesty's, death and for the loss which it means to mankind.

2.— INCREASE OF NUMBERS. The increase in the number of students in the last six years is shown in the following Table, in which students of the Conservatorium of Mrrsic are not included. The figures include Research Students, who were taken into account in these tables for the first time in 100S .— 590 ANNUAL REPORT, lono.loin.

T.ikiu.u- full Taking Year. Course for ^. Total B1 le Snli ects. Decree. "" 1904 459 84 543 1905 531 21(1 747 1900 5S3 202 785 1907 028 258 sst; 1908 tiril'i 275 941 19U9 743 270 1,013

3.—STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES. The following table shows the number of students attending lectures at the University during the year 1909 (including Evening Lectrrres) :—

School*. . ^ -j s:>

Arts - :«

Kducation • IS

Science 10 Law 4:i 11

Medicine S2 02 fill 10 3ii(i Dentistry 15 1 - ;« 02 Kn^inemnK 20 111 - " 07 Agriculture 14 - - •211 Public Health - '- i 1 Veterinary - (1 - - 2S Koscarch - - ir. 1.1

Total - 271 till 270 lOKi

The nurrrber attending Evening Lectures was 107; the number of women students was .101 j the number of Free Students nominated by the Education Department was— For Education, 37; for Agriculture, 13; for Mining, 2; for Veterinary Science, 3, ANSUAI, REPORT, 1909-1910. 591

4—CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC. The corresponding figures for the Conservatorium of Music are as follows:— »" •H _ rt Corrrse. c b- "o H

Decree of Mrrs. Bac. S 6 Diploma iir Music - 21 G 12 39

Other Students 70

Total 21 j S 15 123 Ot these 8 were men and 115 women students. 5.—ANNUA L EXAMINAT10N S. The number of candidates for1 degrees of Haehelor and for Diplomas who presented themselves and who passed their respective Annual Examinations in the past Academic Year is shown irr the following table :—

First Second TI lird Fourth Y'ear. Year. Year. Year.

•u _• ^ Schools. t; -d "S •^ •£ >~ — a. a.- a. — — — — Arts - 37 31 30 25 29 24 — 90 SO Education - 66 39 22 18 - - - - 77 57 Science 10 S 10 10 10 9 - - 30 27 Law 41 20 13' 13 19 13 13 12 SO 04

Dentistry - 19 15 S 0 4 4 1 1 32 20

Errgineering 19 16 14 10 7 7 14 13 64 45 Agriculture 14 13 4 3 2 2 - - 20 18 Music • 21 17 8 8 16 12 - - 44 37 Veterinary - 5 4 7 7 0 9 6 5 26 25 592 ANNUAL KKPOItT, 1909-1910.

The following are the corresponding figures of the Divi­ sional Examinations iu the Medical Course on account of the year 1909, and the first, following supplementary ex­ amination :—


DIVISION Invisios' 11

2011 j 102

6.—DEGREES CONFERRED. The number of degrees conferred and diplorrras and licenses granted during the year' 1909-10, iucludirrg admis­ sions ad eundem gradum, is given below :— Bachelor of A its - - - - 27 Bachelor of Scierrce - - - 10- , Haehelor of Laws - - - - 12 Haehelor of Medicirre - 44- Hachelor of Surgery - - - 43 Haehelor of Civil Errgineering - 4 Haehelor of Mining Engineering; - 3 Bachelor of Dental Surgery - - 3 Bachelor of Veterinary Science - 4 .. Master of Arts - - - - .1.7 Master of Science - 0 Master of Laws ... .4 Doctor of Science - - - - 1 ANNUAL R.EPOKT, 1909-1910. 593

Doctor of Medicine - - - - 11 Doctor of Laws - - - - 1 Doctor of Veterinary Science - 4 Diploma of Public Health - - ] Diploma in Music - - - - 5 Diplomaof Education - - - 13 Diploma of Analytical Chemistry - 1 License in Veterinarv Science - 5

7.— PU HLIC EN AM IN A TI ON S. The following table shows the number of candidates who presented themselves for and who passed the Primary, Matriculation, Junior and Senior Public and Commercial Examinations during 19(19 and the Junior and Senior Public and Junior Commercial of February, 1910, and the percentage of passes in each case :

I »

Kxaminations. U11

Primary 312 304 104 | 34.2 Matriculation and Junior Public 1617 005 1 39. S \\ 2068 Junior Cominercial 49 IS 30.7 Senior Public (12!) 230 126 1 54.3 Senior Cominercial 11 1 1 100.0 Junior Public (February) 11 ISI 196 40.3 Junior Commercial (February) ., 18 10 66.5 Senior Public (February) 4S 31 1 64.6 594 AKNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910.

8.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. The number of candidates who entered for and passed the Examinations in Mrrsic conducted by the University Music Examination Hoard drrr'ing the year 1909-10 was as follows:— Entered. Rossed. September, 1909 - - 1436 - 1033 May, 1910 - - - 350 - 2o0 Total - - 1786 - .1.283

9.—COUNCIL. Sir John Madden, G.C.M.G., has been re-elected Chan­ cellor for the year 1910, and Dr. J. H. MacFarland has been elected Vice-Chancellor. Sir Henry 'Wrixon, K.C.M.G., who had been a member of Council since April, 1S93, and Vice-Chancellor since December, 1897, resigned his scat in February, and re­ ceived thc thanks of the Council for his many and great services to the University. Dr. John Purves Wilson was elected to fill the vacancy. Doubt having arisen as to certain ot. the conditions attaching to the membership of the Council of tire three members appointed by the Goveriror-in-Council, the matters in doubt were submitted for counsel's opinion. The opinion received was to the effect that these members had all ceased to be members of tire Council, and the positiorr was reported to the Hon. the Premier. It is understood that the Government is taking stops to remedy the defects disclosed. Leave of absence for four months, from the beginning ot September, was granted to Sir Henry Wrixon; for two months from thc beginning of September to Hon. Geo. Swinburne; and for three months from the be­ ginning of December to Mr. Justice Higgins.

10— OBITUARY'. The Coirncil reports with regret the death of Professor G. B. llalford, first Professor of Anatomy aud Physiology and tirst Dean ot thc Faculty of Medicine, which oc­ curred at the end of Mav; and also thc death of Mr. ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910. 595

A. L. Mills, late Lecturer in Metallurgy, which occurred in November. Professor Halford had been living in retirement on a pension since 1903. Mr. Mills had been a most zcalorrs officer, and it was largely due to his efforts that tho liberal donations to the Ore Treatment Plant Fund were received. A Tablet to the memory of the late Professor Kernot has been erected in the Drawing office of the Engineer­ ing School, and another to' the memory of the late Mr. W. E. Cornwall has been erected in the Wilson Hall. Each tablet was unveiled by the Chancellor.

11. THE FACULTIES. Dr. Leeper has been appointed a member of the Faculty of Arts in place of Dr. MacFarlaud, resigned. Mr. H. E. Coane has been appointed an additional mem­ ber of the Faculty of Engineering in place of Mr. Donald Clark, M.C.E.. who became a member as a University teacher on his appointment as Lecturer in Metallurgy.

12.—THE PROFESSORS. In December the Council had to deal with the impor­ tant appointment to the Chair of Engineering. A large number of applications was received from Great Britain, America, South Africa and Australasia, and Professor Henry Payne, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Professor of Civil Engineering in South African College, Capetown, was appointed. Professor Payne took rrp Iris duties at the beginning of March. Professor Peterson has been reappointed Ormond Pro­ fessor of Music for five years, and Professor Ewart has been reappointed Professor of Botany for a similar period. Leave of absence was granted to Professor Peterson during ill-health, his duties being undertaken by Mr. W. A. Laver. Professor Lyle was granted five months' leave of ab­ sence, his duties being undertaken by Dr. Love and Mr. E. B. Brown, B.Sc. Professor Uerry was granted leave of absence for 1910, in order that he might visit Europe. His duties 596 ANNUAL REPORT, 19119-1910. were undertaken by Mr. G. C. Rennie, M.S., who was appointed Acting-Professor, arrd Mr. J. H. Anderson, M.B., B.S. Professor Masson was granted six months' leave of absence, his duties being undertaken by Dr. Steele, who was appointed Acting-Professor, and Dr. Green.

13.- LECTURERS AND DEMONSTRATORS. Mr. C. J. Zichy-Woinarski, M.A., LL.M., having been appointed to the office of Crown Prosecutor, and Mr. W. Campbell Guest, M.A., LL.B., to thc office of Commis­ sioner of Titles, it became necessary for them to re­ linquish their University lectureships. Mr. J. R. Maguire, B.A., LL.B., was appointed Lec­ turer in the Law of Wrongs and the Law of Procedure, and Mr. R. H. Gregory, LL.B., in the Law of Property in Land and Conveyancing. Dr. W. T. Kendall, Lecturer in Veterinary Medicine, was granted leave of absence for 1910, his duties being undertaken by Mr. E. A. Kendall. Mr. P. D. Bird, M.S., Lecturer in Surgery, was granted leave of absence for four mouths, in order that he might attend the meeting of the British Medical Association in London, of whrch he had been appointed an office-bearer. Acting-Professor G. C. Rennie was appointed to undertake his dirties. Tlie following new appointments of Lecturers and Demonstrators have been made during the year: — Metallurgy—Lecturer— Mr. Donald Clark, M.M.E. History—Evening Lecturer— Mr. E. 0. G. Shann, M.A. Surveying—Lecturer— Mr. J. T. Lupson. Biology—Demonstrator— Dr. Gcorgina Sweet. Junior Demonstrators— Miss G. V. Buchanan, M.Sc. Miss J. W. Raff, B.Sc. Anatomy—Stewart Lecturer— Mr. J. H. Anderson, M.H., B.S. Senior Demonstrator— Dr. C. Gordon Shaw. ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910. 597

Demonstrator— Mr. J. W. Shields, M.B., B.S. Junior Demonstrators— Dr. H. D. Stephens. Mr. J. F. C. Mackenzie, M.B., B.S. Hon. Demonstrators— Dr. J. Kennedy. Dr. C. V. Stephens Pathology—Stewart Lecturer and Demonstrator— Mr. G. Lamble, M.B., B.S. Clinical Physiology—Hon. Lecturer— Dr. J. F. Wilkinson. Chemistry—Junior Demonstrators— Miss L. Green, B.Sc. Miss M. Scott, B.Sc. Miss G. Pitts, B.Sc. Miss R. Sugden. Mr. E. I. Rosenblum Mr. R. Drew.

Natural Philosophy—Junior Demonstrators— Mr. H. R. Hamley, M.A. Mr. A. L. Eossitcr, B.Sc. Miss L. Calcutt. Mr. W. M. Holmes, M.A. Veterinary Surgical Anatomy—Hon. Lecturer— Mr. E. A. Kendall. Canine Diseases—lion. Lecturer— Mr. E. F. J. Bordeaux. Veterinary Pathologv—Hon. Demonstrator— Mr. N. MacDonald. University, Practising School—Masters and Mistresses of Method— Mr. L. J. Wrig'ley, M.A. Mr. M. S. Sharman, M.A., M.Sc. Miss S. E. Mitchell, B.A. Miss M. A. Williams, B.A. 598 ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910.

1-1.—EXAMINERS. The followirrg examiners and additional examiners have been appointed ; — 1. For the Medical Course. Materia Medica— Dr. F. H. Cole and Dr. T. P. Dunhill. Therapeutics— Dr. P. B. Bennie. Forensic Medicine— Dr. R. H. Cole. Anatomy— Dr. VV. C. Mackenzie. Phvsiologv— ' Mr. VV. Fielder. Pathology— Dr. R. J. Bull. Medicine— Dr. G. T. Howard. Clinical Medicine— Dr. VV. R. Boyd. Surgery— Dr. R. A. Stirling. Clinical Surgery— Mr. G. G. Rennie. Obstetrics— Dr. G. Home.

2. For the Diploma ot Public Health. Part I.—Professor Masson, Dr. Green, Professor Osborne, Mr. Rothera, Dr. Hiller, Dr. Ham, Mr. Cobb, Dr. Norris. Part II.—Dr. Hiller, Dr. Ham, Mr. Cobb, Dr. W. A. Wood, Dr. Norris, Dr. Johnston.

3. For' the M.D. Degree. Medicine— Dr. G. C. Hcnnie (Sydney). ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910. 599

Medical Ophthalmology— Dr. J. W. Barrett. Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology— Dr. G. Home. Diseases of Children, including Infectious Diseases— Dr. A. J. Wood, Dr. F. H. Cole. Diseases of the Nervous System, including Insanity— Dr. H. Maudsley, Mr. W. Ernest Jones. 4. For the M.S. Degree. Surgery - Dr. A. MacCoruiick (Sydney). Surgical Anatomy— Mr. G. C. Rennie, Dr. B. Kilvington. Surgical Pathology— Professor Allien, Dr. R. J. Bull. 5. For Theses for the M.D. Degree. Professor Berry, Professor Spencer, Professor Allen, Dr. Maudsley, Dr. Noyes, Dr. A. Jeffreys Wood, Dr. Rothwcll Adam, Dr. J. F. Wilkinson, Acting-Professor Rennie. 6. For Theses for Degrees of B.V.Sc. and D.V.Sc. Professor Allen, Dr. Cherry, Professor Gilruth, Mr. Sayce, Professor Osborne, Dr. Willmott, Dr. Barrett, Dr. Cameron, Dr. Norris. 7. For the Dental Course. Chemistry— Professor Masson, Mr. A. VV. Craig, M.A. Dental Anatomy— Mr. F. M. Ludbrook, Mr. T. F. W. Hall. Anatomy and Dissections— Dr. W. C. Mackenzie, Mr. J. H. Anderson, M.B., B.S. Dental Mechanics and Metallurgy— Dr. W. E. Davis, Mr. A. L. Elvins, Mr. F. A. Kernot. 600 ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-I91O.

Practical Metallurgy— Mr. D. Clark, M.M.E., Mr. G. B. Pritchard, M.Sc. Physiology- Professor Osborne, Mr. H. M. Hewlett, M.B. Surgery, Pathology and Bacteriology— Mr. C. H. Mollison, M.B., Dr. Constance Ellis. Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Dr. ,1. E. Nihill, Mr. A. L. Bcisclrer. Histology— Mr. VV. Fielder, Dr. W. L. Mullen. Medicine— Dr. J. E. Nihill, Dr. J. W. Springthorpe. Oral Surgery— Dr. R. A. Stirling, Dr. W. A. James. Dental Surgery— Mr. 1". M'. Ludbrook, Mr. J. Iliffe. Bacteriology— Dr. J. VV. Springthorpe, Mr. O. A. Sayce. Practical Dental Mechanics— Mr. J. Iliffe, Mr. D. McGregor.

8. For the Wyselaskie Scholarships. Mathematics— Professor Nanson, Mr. Michell. Natural Science (Biology)— Professor Spencer, Professor Ewart. English Constitutional History— Professor Moore, Professor Elkington. Modern Languages— Professor Tucker, Mr. VV. Murdoch, Mr. VV. von Dechend.

9. For the Caroline Kay Scholarship in Veterinary Anatomy— Dr. W. Slaplcy. ANNUAL REPORT, 19091910. 601

10. For the Caroline Kay Scholarship in Geology— Mr. Summers, in place ot the Professor of of Geology, Dr. Hall. 11. For the Grimwade Prize— Mr. Summers and Dr. Green. 12. For the Mollison Scholarship in French. Professor Trrckcr, M. Maurice-Carton and M. CT. Pigeonneau.

13. For the Junior and Senior Public and Commercial Examinations, November, 1909, and February, 1910 (amended and additional appointments)— Algebra 1st I ixarnirrer, Mr. K. S. Cross Geometry 2nd ,, -Mr. K. S. Cross English (sen. only) 2nd Miss E. Derliam Rotany 1st ,, I'rof. Ewart 2nd Mr. .1. S. Hurt Ilistory 2nd Miss H. R. Wallace Additional Examiners English—Miss H. E. Wallace, Miss R. E. Klinrr, Mr. R. .1. Cholmele D. .MeLachlan. French—.Mr. G. E. Parker. Geography—Mr. H. C. Richards. Geomotry—Mr. W. Bromby. Arithmetic—Mr. S. E. Holro.vd. History —Mr. E. Shann, Mr. G. Robinson, Miss Webb.

14. For the Junior and Senior Public and Commercial Examinations, November, 1910, and February, 1911:— Subject 1•'irs t Examiner Second Examiner English - Mr. W. Murdoch Mr, A. T. Stronsr Greek - Mr. W. Kerrv Mr. E. W. Cornwall Latin - Mr. E. W. Cornwall •Mr. W. Kerry French - Mr. E. I. Maurice-Car ton Mrs. E. Wood German • Mr. W. von l>eoheud .Mrs. E. Wood Arithmetic • Mr. M. P. Hansen iir. O. Gundersen Algebra - Mr. A. M. Nesbitt Mr. R. ,1. A. Barnard Geometry - Mr. R. .1. A. Rarnard Mr. A. II. Nesbitt Trigonometry - Mr. G. Gundersen Mr. W. Hromln History - Mr. .1. A. Arthur Miss ,1. Webb ' Physics - Dr. E. F. ,1. Love Mr. E. H. Rrown Chemistry • Or. W. H. Green Mr. E. S. Richards Rotany - Dr. Jean White Mr. .1. S. Hart llrawiug - Mr. .1. T. Lllpson Mr. 1' .M.Carew-Srrrvth Rookkeeping Mr. A. C. Morley Mr. C. L. Hall Shorthand - Mr. E. II. Loughran Mr. H. E. Wade Typewriting • Mr A. C Morley Mr. C. L. Hewitt 60'2 ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910.

Subject First. Kxaminer Second Kxaminer Geography 31 r. J. A. Leach Mr. 11. S. Summers 1'hysiology Dr. J. F. Wilkinson Mr. W. Fielder Senior Examinations only— Subject First: Kxaminer Second Kxaminer Geography- Professor Skeats Mr. H. S. Summers Geology Professor Skeats Mr. G. 11. Pritchard Physiology Professor Osborne Mr. W. Fielder Mechanics Mr. K H. Brown Mr. It. .1. A. Harnard Principles of Com­ merce Mr. A. C. Morley Commercial Law . .Mr. .1. K. Maokey Mr. A. C. Morley Banking and Kx- c-bange Mr. C. 11. Davis Mr. 0. M. Williams

15. For tho Primary Kxamination, Juno, 1911 : — Subject. Kirst Kxaminer. Second Kxaininer. Composition & Writing - Mr. A. Kussell Mr. M. P. Hansen Knglish Mr. A. Fnssell Mr. W. Gillies Arithmetic Mr. K. F. Kussell Miss .J. T. Flyim Geography Mr. T. W. Hothrovd Mr. IL S. .Summers Klein. Physical Science - Mr. L. M. Thorn Mr. M. P. Hansen Botany Dr. .lean White Miss B. Wood Drawing - Mr. P. M. Carew-Smyth Mr. .1. T. Lupson French Mrs. W. S. Laurie Mr. 11. K. M. Walker German Mr. W. von Dechend Mrs. W. S. Laurie Latin Mr. W. F. Ingram Mr. K. D. Ulrich (J reek - - ' • Mr. K. li. Ulrich Mr. W. K. Ingrain British History - Mr. J. A. Arthur Mrs. \V. H. Laurie Algebra • Mr. It. J. A. Hainan 1 Mr. K. S. Cross Geometry • Mr. K. S. Cross Mr. It. J. A. Barnard

16. On behalf of the Royal College of Mrrsic, London. For the Scholarship founded by the late Sir W. J. Clarke- Professor Peterson, Mr. W. A. Laver, Mr. Ernest Wood.

15.—UNIVERSITY" REPRESENTATIVES. Tlie following gentlemen were appointed to represent the University: — Council of Legal Education- Sir Henry Wrixon and Dr. Bride. ANNUAL RKPORT, 1S09-1910. 603

Joint Committee of University and Working Men's College— Dr. Barrett, Professors Spencer, Lyle, JIasson and Payne. Corrrrcil of Working Men's College— Professor Payne. The Electoral Colleges or Advisory Hoards of the Mel­ borrrne, Alfred and Worrreir's Uospitals— Dr. MacFarland and Dr. Barrett (represent­ ing the Council). Professors Allen and Osborne (representing the Facrrlty of Medicine) The Electoral College of St. Vincent's Hospital— Professors Allen, Hurry and Osborne. Faculty of Dentistry— Mr. J. H. "Anderson, M.B., B.S., Mr. II. M. Hewlett, M.B., B.S. Tho Festival of the University ot Berlin— Professor Berry. Rhodes Scholarship Committee— Professor Moore.


The annual prize of .£100, founded in 1905 by the late Mr. David Syme, for the best thesis based upon original work in Biology, Chemistry, Geology or Natural Philosophy, open to all persons resident in Australia for not less than five years, has been awarded to Henry George Chapman, M.D., B.S., formerly of this Univer­ sity, but now of the University of Sydney, for his thesis entitled, "A Contribution to the Study of the Pre­ cipitins."


The Rhodes Scholarship for 1910 was awarded by the Committee to- Frank L. Apperly (Queen's College). G04 ANNUAL REPORT, 19091910.

18.—1851 EXHIBITION SCHOLARSHIPS. On the nomination of the Council, Mr. J. A. Gray, B.Sc, was iiwarded an 1851 Exhibition Scholarship in 1909, and has since had it renewed for a further year; aiid Mr. J. Irvine 0. Masson, M.Sc'Irus been awarded one for 1910.

19. -ORIENT FREE PASSAGES. The free passages placed at the disposal of graduates of tlris University hy the managers of the Orient Lirre of Royal Mail Steamer's, have been awarded to Miss Mary Baker. M.A.., and Messrs. Gustav A. Arnpt. B.Sc, and D. D. Munro, B.A.

20.—BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. The following is a summary of the report of the Director of the Bacteriological Lalioratory for thc year 1909: — The work for tire past 12 months again shows a pronounced increase over any previous year. Altogether 37,000 medical specimens have been examined since the routine work was tirst undertaken in 1897. An indica­ tion of the increase in this Department may be noted by comparing the results of the past five years with the five years immediately preceding: — 5 years (1900 to 1904 inclusive) 9,122 Examinations. 5 years (1904 to .1909 inclusive) 22,638 Examinations. The work for the Board ot Public Health consisted mainly of routine examinations iu suspected cases of Diphtheria, Typhoid Fever and Pulmonary Tubercolosis, and the numbers for the past year ((i87(i) show an in­ crease of over 1800 over the previous year. This is largely due to the great importance attached to Germ Carriers, that is Convalescent patients who still harbour these specific pathogenic microbes for months or years after an attack of illness, and who therefore remain a potent source of danger to the community. Routine examinations wore made for the Agricultural Department. The supply of indigenous lactic acid starters to butter factories was continued with success. ANNUAL KISPOKT, 1909-1910. G05

and numbers of specimens from diseased animals were investigated. The usual examinations of Melbourne water and sewage were undertaken on behalf of the Melborrrne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Impor­ tant examinations were also made for the Melbourne City Council, the Praliran City Council and other Shire Councils in connection with the purity of the local food and water supply. CLASSES.—The rrsrral classes in Practical Bacteriology •were conducted for the following courses:—Medicine, • Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Agricriltiirr; and Diploma of Public Health. Tire attendances averaged 86. POST GRADUATE CLASSES.—The rrsrral Post Gra­ duate and Butter Factory Managers' classes lapsed on account of leave of absence to enable the Director to visit Europe, where he represented the Commonwealth at the International Conference on Leprosy held in Bergen, and the Melbourne Medical Association at the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Society in, Bel­ fast. RESEARCH WORK.—Valuable research work has been undertaken both by the Laboratory Staff and by Post Graduates, principally in connection with blood re-actions for the diagnosis of specific disease, the Bac­ teriology of the milk supply and investigations as to certain diphtheroid bacilli found in dairy produce.

21.—GOVERNMENT RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS. Thc Government having continued its annual grant during recent years of ,£2000 for the purpose of Research Scholarships and Bursaries the following awards were made: — G. Ampt, B.Sc.— (.1.) Effects of Drainage and Fertilisers on the Distribution of Plant Food in the soil. (2) Applicability of the Micro-balance to Chemical Analysis (,.£150). L. S. Bagster— Studies on Liquefied Gases (,£150). Leila Green, B.Sc.— Conductivity of Persulphates (.£100). 606 ANNUAL REPORT, 1909 1910.

H. R. Hamley, B.Sc— The effect of High Temperatures on the Magnetic Properties of Iron under direct and alternat­ ing Currents (.£100). Hilda E. Kincaid, B.Sc— The Metabolism of Phosphorus from a Biological and Economic Standpoint (.£100). Irvine Masson, B.Sc.— The effects of addition of acids to solutions of • their salts (,£150). K. A. Mickle— Theory of Flotation of Minerals (.£100). K. K. Oliver— The Arterial System of the Amphibia (.£100). J. H. Pound, B.Sc— Thc Properties of Mixtures ot the Ethers with Sulphuric Acid (,£100). S. Radcliffe— The possible existence of a New Element in Bervl (425). Janet W. Raff, M.Sc— Investigations of Australian Earthworms. Re searches on Amphioxus (475). Bertha Recs— Work on seeds with special attention to the economic aspect of the problem (475). A. W. D. Robertson, M.D.— The place in Nature of the Australian Aboriginal as deduced from a study of his cranium (4100). A. L. Rossitcr, B.Sc The effect of High Temperature on the Magnetic Properties of Iron under Alternating Cur­ rents (4100). Margaret Scott, B.Sc— The Essential Oil of the Sassafras tree, native of Victoria (4100). Brenda Sutherland, M.Sc.— Research in Chemistry (460). ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910. 607

Georgina Sweet, D.Sc.— Endoparasitcs of Australian Stock and Native Fauna (4100). A. O. V. Tymnis— Contributions to thc Embryology ot the' Mammal (,£50). Jean White, D.Sc.— Ferments and Germination with special reference to the delayed germination ot certain Barleys (4100). James Mann— Economic value of Australian timbers (4150). G. Buchanan, B.Sc— Studies in the lilood of Australian Birds and Mar­ supials (4100). Later, as it was found that, owing to certain savings and to resignations of some scholars, a further sum was available the following additional Bursaries were awarded : — H. J. Grayson— liis Special Ruling Work (450). V. Nightingall— The Application of Radio-Active Material to Plant Growth, .£50, and 420 for apparatus and ex­ penses. ' Bertha Wood— The Influence of Varying Pressures on Growth and Geo-tropic Irritability (430). N. MacDouald— The Effects of Parasitic Invasion of the Bile Ducts in Sheep and Cattle in Australia (4100).

22.—RESEARCH. The total number of graduates and research students who have been engaged in research in the various laboratories is 47, distributed as follows :—Anatomy 7, Bac­ teriology 5, Biology 8, Botany 4, Chemistry 8, Engineering 2, Geology 3, Metallurgy 1, Natural Philosophy •!-, Physi­ ology 5. 60S ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910.

A list of publications of the members of the staff and ot research students will be found in thc Appendix to this report (Appendix A).

23.—POST GRADUATE COURSES. Under the auspices of the Melbourne Medical Associa­ tion, a Post-Graduate Course of Instruction in Neur­ ology was conducted in 1910, embracing six lectures by Dr. Sewell, with Lantern Demonstrations, in the Theatre of Anatomy and Pathology at the University, nine Clinical Demonstrations by Drs. Maudsley, Stawell, Hiller and Sewell at thc Melbourne Hospital arrd thc Children's Hospital, ,and a Pathological Demonstration arranged by Professor Allen in the Museum of Pathology at the Medical School. The class was limited to thirty members, and there was an. average attendance of about twenty-five. The post-graduate course provided for under Tem­ porary Regulation 5 of the Veterinary Course was held in the Second Term of 1910, and was availed ot by 12 registered Veterinary Surgeons, many of them coming from country districts and other States.

2+._HOSPITAL TEACHING. The Council has recognised the Alfred Hospital and St. Vincent's Hospital as General Hospitals for the Clinical instruction of Medical Students, and feels that this represents a considerable step towards relieving con­ gestion, and securing more satisfactory teaching for students. As a further step towards this end the Council has decided that from the beginning of 191.1 all Clinical fees payable, by students shall be collected by the Uni­ versity. The Council will then apply the fees received in thc provision of teaching-appliances, and in the pay­ ment of Clinical teachers, thus retaining a control over the teaching provided.

25.—INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL MEDICINE. Dr. Anton Breinl, the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Medicine, has taken up his duties during tho year. He has visited for purposes of in- ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910. 609 spection various parts of the North of , and has made good progress with thc work of organisation. He has furnished a most encouraging report as to the prospects of future work, both with reference to tropical diseases and to thc influence of work in thc cane fields on the health of white workers.


The new building for the Conservatorium of Music, for which the Government granted 43000, has been erected on the Syducy-road frontage, and was occupied in April for the Conservatorium classes. The building as it stands at present provides a number of class rooms but no hall. Some of the regular classes have to be provided for elsewhere, owing to the fact that none of the rooms is large enough to hold them. The plans pro­ vide for the future completion ot the building by the addition of a Hall and further class rooms. Tlic Government having voted the necessary funds, extensive new fittings have been put into the Depart­ ments ot Physiology and Pathology, greatly increasing the conveniences for teaching and research; and the sewer­ ing of the iinsewcrcd portion of the buildings has been carried out.


The new buildings for the Veterinary Research Insti­ tute on the land granted by the City Council at the Horse Market Reserve were sufficiently advanced to en­ able work to be partially begun in them in March. They have since been completed, and the main building, the hospital, and the caretaker's cottage arc now in oc­ cupation, and the whole work ot the School is being conducted there. In order to provide practice for the students the Council has sanctioned the establishment, for an experi­ mental period, of a free cliniquc, the practice being limited to animals the property of persons unable to pay thc usual fees. 40A 610 ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910.

28.—OLD MUSEUM BUILDING. The question of better accommodation for the Library has been considered during the year. A proposal that the Old Museum Building should be utilised to house it was carefully discussed, and the conclusion was reached that the building was entirely unsuitcd for such a purpose, and that at the earliest 'possible date a pro­ perly equipped, permanent building for the Library should be obtained. This decision having been arrived at, aud the need for accommodation for students and staff for luncheon and club rooms having become most urgent, the old Museum building was, with the consent of the Hon. the Premier, devoted to this purpose. Temporary fittings have been put in, and a caterer has been installed in a small way. It is hoped that it may be possible to make somewhat extensive alterations durrrrg thc uext long vacation to fit it for use as a general club house for men and women students and the staff.

29.—DEGREES IN DIVINITY. The Minister of Education having been approached by a deputation representing the Churches, with a request that the University Act shorrld be amended so as to empower the University to grant degrees in Divinity, asked the Council of the University to express an opinion on the subject. The Council resolved to advise the Minister that it was of the opinion that thc conferring of degrees in Divinity would probably injure the Uni­ versity, and that all educational requirements could be met by giving legislative power to some independent bodies to confer degrees in Divinity only.

30.—MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY' RIFLES. In April a volunteer corps, 120 strong, was formed from amongst the students. The name chosen for thc corps was The Melbourne University Rifles, and it has been regularly constituted as part of the Defence Forces.

31.—THE REGULATIONS. Tire most important new regulation made is No. LIII., which provides for the carrying out of the trusts at­ tached to the Stewart Bequest. It docs this by provid- ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910. 611 ing for three Stewart Scholarships, for Stewart Lecturers in Medicine and Surgery, for Stewart Lecturers and Demonstrators in Anatomy and Pathology, by assisting in establishing a Department of Neurology, aud by providing tor a biennial course of tlrree Stewart Lectures on a problem in Medical Science of National importance. The Engineering regulations have been amended as regards the entrance exainination with a view to bring­ ing it more into lino with the requirements of other Universities. Further extensive amendments of the courses for the Engineering degrees are under considera­ tion.

32.—STEWART LECTURES. Professor Osborne has been invited to deliver the first series of Stewart Lectures in 1011, and has chosen as his subject, "The Climatology of Australia from a physio­ logical and medical standpoint." Dr. Hreirrl, of thc Institute of Tropical Medicine, has been invited to deliver the second series in 1913.

33.—BENEFACTIONS. Thc Council desires to acknowledge the following dona­ tions in money: — Mr. James Cuming—41000 for the erection of the Cuming Operating Theatre at the Veterinary School, and 41000 for founding a prize in Agricul­ tural Chemistry. **'• Members of thc University of Dublin resident in Vic­ toria—£260 16s. lid. to found The Dublin Prize. The Hon. Geo. Swinburne—4150, to purchase ap­ paratus. Dr. James Jamieson—4134 14s. 3d., subscribed by former students to found the Jamieson Prize in Clinical Medicine. Medical Congress—440, for Medical School Library. 612 ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910.

Messrs. F. H. Brunning Ppry Ltd.—45 5s. for Prize in Botany. And also the following gifts of goods, etc.: — Mr. T. Edwards, Ballarat—A furnace, valued at 4205, for the Ore Treatment Plant. Messrs. N. Gutlrridge Ltd.—Machinery valued at 4140, for the same Plant. The General Electric Manufacturing Coy. of Sweden (through Messrs. H. Gardner and Co.)—Machinery. Mr. Henry Resales—All his mineral and other col­ lections which had previously been lent to the University. Messrs. Burroughs, Wellcome and Co.—Specimens of Materia Medica. The Managers of the Orient Line of Royal Mail Steamers—Three first-class return passages for graduates.


In addition to thc list of Contributions to Literature and Science (Appendix A) a list of Donations to the Library (Appendix B), and the Statements of Accounts for the year 1909 (Appendix C), are attached hereto

All of which I have the honour to submit for your Excellency's consideration. *

I have the honour to be. Your Excellency's most obedient servant,


AKTS. M. Maurice-Carton, M.A., L., OfHcier d'Acaderriie— Le Petit Francais. Monthly. ' Le Francais Co., Mel­ bourne, 1909-10. Le Francais Classique. Monthly. Lo Francais Co., Melbourne, 1909-10. The Teaching of French by the Direct Method— Education Gazette and Teachers' Aid: March, July, 1910.

HAOTWltlilLi.iOY. R. J. Bull, M.D., B.S., Director of the Bacteriological Laboratory— Annual Report of investigations for the year 1909, made on behalf ot the Melbourne City Council, including results of bacteriological examina­ tions of the common summer drinks retailed in Melbourne. March, 1910. Annual Report on the Melbourne Water Supply, on behalf of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works for thc year 1909. Report on Talbot Milk Supply, September, 1909. Report ou International Conference orr Leprosy, held at Bergen, Norway, August, 1909 (Presented by command, to the Parliament of the Commonwealth ot Australia).

O. A. Sayce— Description of two terrestrial species of Talitridae from Victoria. Proc, Royal Society ot Victoria, Vol. XXII., Part I., Sept., 1909. 614 APPENDIX TO REPORT

BlOI.OuV. Professor Baldwin Speiicr, C.M.G., M.A., F.R.S. (in conjunction with J. A. Kershaw)— 1. A Collection of Subfossil Birds and Marsupial Remains from King Island, Bass Strait. Memoirs of Nat. Mus., Melbourne, iii., pp.^ 1-35, 8 pi. 2. The Existing Species of the Genus Phascolomys. Ibid., pp. 37-63, 3 pi. Freda Bage, M.Sc.— 1. Contribution to our knowledge oi Australian Earthworms; The Nephridia. Proc. R.S., Vict. XXIL, Pt. ii., pp. 224-243; 4 pi. Gwynneth Buchanan, M.Sc.— 1. Contribution to our knowledge of Australian Earthworms; Blood Vessels, Pt. 1. Proc. R.S. Vict., XXIL, Pt. i., pp. 59-84; 4 pi. 1. Contribution to our knowledge of Australian Earthworms; Blood Vessels, Pt. 11. Id. vol. XXIL, Pt. 11, pp. 209-220, 3 pi. 3. Note on the Accessory Glands of Cryptodrilus saccarins; Proc. R.S. Vict. Vol. XXIL, Pt. 11. pp. 221-3; 1 pi. Janet W. Raff, B.Sc— 1. Contribution to our knowledge of Australian Earthworms, Alimentary Canal, Pt. 1; Proc. R.O.S., Vict., Vol. XXIL, Pt. 11, p. 224-254; 4 pi. 2. Notes on the structure of Asymmetron bas- sanum. Proc. R.S. Vict. vol. XXII. Pt. 1, pp. 85-90; 3 pi. (In conjunction with Ethel Rcmfrey Morris.) Kathleen K. Oliver— 1. The structure ot the Truncus Arteriosus in species of the genera, Hyla, Limnodynastcs, Cheiroleptcs, Heleioporus, Pseudophrync and Notadcn. Proc. R.S. Vict., vol. XXIL, Pt. 11, pp. 198-208; 3 pi. RESEARCH WORK. 615

T. S. Hall, M.A., D.Sc— 1. Recent advances in our- knowledge of Victorian Graptolites. AusV. Ass. Adv. Sci., pp. 3.18- 320. Brisbane. 2. Lngarnered grain. Vict. Naturalist, vol. XXVI., pp. 124-128.


Professor Ewart, D.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S.— Prickly Pear, A Pest or a Fodder Plant? Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Victoria, September, 1909, page 574. Prickly Pear (Second Paper), I.e. March, 1910, page 188. Weeds. Poison Plants and Naturalised Aliens ot Victoria, Government Printer, Melbourne, 1909, pp. 1-110, with 33 plates. Biological Survey of Wilsorr's Promontory (Second Report), Vict. Nat., vol. xxvi., p. 29, 1910. Tests with Cultures nf Hoot Tubercle Bacteria. Journal of the Department of Agr-ii-rrli rrrv uf Victoria, February, 1910, pp. 98-105. Limiting (-'actor** irr Agriculture. Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Victoria, June, 1910, pp. 353-359.

Professor Ewart, Dr. Jean White and Bertha Recs— Contributions to the Flora of Australia, No. 11. Proc Roy. Soc. ot Victoria, vol. XXIL, pp. ti-23 with S plates.

Professor Ewart and Dr. Jean White— 'Contributions to the Flora of Australia, No. 12. Proc. Roy. Soc of Victoria, vol. XXIL, pp. 91-99, with (i plates. Contributions to the Flora of Australia, No. 13. Proc. Pruc Roy. Soc. of Victoria, vol. XXIL, pp. 315-329, with 5 plates.

Professor Ewart and Bertha Recs— Seed Tests. Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Victoria, October, 1909, pp. 630-631-. 616 APPENDIX TO RI-'PORT.

Seed Tests (Secoird Paper). I.e., December, 1909, pp. 85-105. Transpiration and Ascent of Water in Trees. Arrnals of Botany, vol. XXIV., pp. 85-105. Jean White, D.Sc.— The Ferments and Latent Life of Resting Seeds. Proc. Roy. Soc, London, vol. LXXXl., pp. 417-442.

CHEIHSTHT. Professor D. 0. Masson, M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S.E., F.R.S.. and Irvine Masson, M.Sc.— The Decomposition ot Metallic Cyanatcs by water. Zeit. fur. Physikal Chem., 1910, vol. 70. Irvine Masson, M.Sc.— The action of water ot crystallisation on Calcium Carbide. Journal of Chemical Society, 1910, vol. 97. Miss S. Deakin, M.Sc, Miss M. E. Scott, B.Sc, and Dr. B. D. Steele— Complex oxalates of Nickel and Cobalt. Zeit fiir Physikal Chem., 1909, vol. 69. Dr. B. D. Steele and Kerr Grant, M.Sc Sensitive Micro-balances and a new method of weigh­ ing minute quantities. Proc. Royal Soc. A., vol. 82, 1909. Dr. B. D. Steele— Arr Automatic Toepler Pump. Phil. Mug., June, 1910.

ENGINEERING. Professor Henry Payne, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E.- Some Aids to Irrigation. Proceedings of the First South African Irrigation Congress, 1909. J. T. Lupson and J. H. Wood— Transition Curves. Proceedings Vict. Inst, of Sur­ veyors, 1910. RESKARCH WORK. 617

G. Higgins, M.C.E., M.Inst.C.E.— " Trussed Beams and similar incompletely braced Structures, Proceedings Australasian Assn. Advt. Sci., 1909— Donald Clark, M.M.E The treatment of Lead, Zinc Sulphides and their separation by means of the Horwood Process. Eng. and Min. Jour., New York, U.S.A., Lond, Min. Mag. Chlorination of Gold Ores in Bendigo. Aust. Min. Standard.

GEOLOGY. Professor E. W. Skeats, D.Sc. F.G.S Thc Volcanic. Rocks of Victoria. Pros. Add. to Section C. Aust. Ass. Ady. Sci., Bris­ bane, 1909, pp. 173-235. The Geological Aspect of the Powlett River Coal­ field. Aust. Min. and Eng. Review, Nov. 5, 1909, pp. 65-66. H. C. Richards, M.Sc— The Building Stones of Victoria. Part I. The Sandstones. Proc. Rov. Soc. Vict., vol. XXIL, Part II., 1909, pp. 172-197. H. S. Summers, M.Sc Selection of Road Metal. Aust. Min. aud Eng. Re­ view, Jan. 5th, 1910. J. T. Jutson— A contribution to the Physical History of the Plenty River, and of Anderson's Creek, War- randyte, Victoria. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. XXIL, Part II., 1909, pp. 153-171. R. W. Armitage— Notes on the occurrence of Plant remains in Olivine Basalt, Clifton Hill Quarry. Victorian Naturalist, vol. XXVIL, No. 2, June, 1913. pp. 21-30. H. J. Grayson and D. J. Mahonv, M.Sc, F.G.S.— Thc Geology of the Camperdown and Mt. Elephant Districts. Dept. of Mines, Victoria, 1910. 618 APPENDIX TO REPORT

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Professor T. U. Lylo and J. A. Gray, B.Sc. - Experiments on the Behaviour of Iron under Periodic Magnetizing Forces. Proc Section A, Austral­ asian Association for Adv. of Science, 1909.

PHYSIOLOGY. E. H. Emblcy, M.D.-- The Action of Ether upon the Circulation. Bio­ chemical Journal, vol. 5, 1910.

A. C. H. Rothera, M.A., M.R.C.S.— Thc Purification of Muddy Waters. Journal of Agriculture, Victoria, July, 1910. Judah L. Jona, B.Sc.— The Osmotic Pressure of Liquid Foods. Biochemical Journal, vol. 4, 1909. Salivary Adaptation. Proceedings Physiological Society, 1910.

VETEEINAUY. J. A. Gilruth, D.V.Sc, M.R.C.V.S., F.R.S.E.— A Disease of Sheep in Tasmania, Veterinary Jour­ nal, May and June, 19)0. Adcno-Carcinoma of the Lung, with Secondary Growths, in a Cow. Dept. of Agriculture, N.Z., Annual Report, 1909. Gangrenous Mammitis of Sheep. Dept. ot Agric, N.Z., Annual Report, 1909. Disease of Canaries. Dept. of Agriculture, N.Z., Annual Report, 1909. Contagious Pneumonia in Pigs (Swine Plague), associated with the presence of a Ilaemamoeba in the red blood corpuscles and plasma. Dept. of Agriculture, N.Z., Annual Report, 1909. Animal Health and Disease in New Zealand. Pro­ ceedings Hague International Veterinary Con- • gross, 1909. RESEARCH WORK. 619

Notes on a protozoon parasite forrud in the mucous membrane of the Abomasiim of a Sheep. Bul­ letin do la Societi; do Pathologic Exotique, May, 1910". Eversion of the Womb and Antc-partum Paralysis in Sheep. Bulletin N.Z. Dept. of Agriculture, Veterinary Division, 1909. Melanotic Infiltration of Hepatic Cells in Sheep. Veterinary Journal, July, 1910. Lipoma in an Australian Cockatoo, associated with enlarged Fatty Liver. Veterinary Journal, July, 1910. Abscess in Cat due to B. Pvocyaneus. Veterinary Journal, July, 1910.

J. A. Gilruth, D.V.Sc, M.R.CV.S., F.R.S.E., and Geor- gina Sweet, D.Sc.— Gastritis due to Trichostrongylc Invasion; Cases in adult Cattle. Veterinary Journal, July, 1910. W. Stapley, M.D., M.R.CV.S.— Silver Wire Sutures, Veterinary Journal, April, 1910. Abdominal Operations in the Horse and the sup­ posed risk of Peritonitis. Veterinary Journal, May, 1910. APPENDIX B.

LIST OF DONATIONS TO THE LIBRARIES For the Year Ending 31st July, 1910.

GENERAL LIBRARY. Publications of Universities, Colleges, etc.; — In addition to many exchange Calendars, etc.: — California: Agriculture Bulletins. Colorado: Agri­ cultural College Bulletins. Columbia: Dissertations, Quarterly. Cornell: Islandica. Glasgow: Problem of Theology (Miller). Geneva: Histoire de 1'Uni- versite, 2. Grenoble: Annales. Habana: Revista. Harvard ; Contributions from the Jefferson Physical Laboratory. Illinois: Engineering Bifllctins. Jassy; Annales Scientifiques. Johns Hopkins: Cir­ culars. K. Ingenieur-ITochschiile, Moscow: Anna- len. Kazan: Memoirs. Kyoto: Memoirs of the Col­ lege of Science. Leland Stanford : University Series, 2. Liege : Archives de ITnstitut Botaniquc. Michi­ gan : Theses. Missouri: Studies; Laws Observa­ tory Bulletin. Pisa: Annali dclle Universita Tos- cane. Sanskrit College, Calcutta: List of Manu­ scripts. Tokyo: Journal of the College of Science. Toronto: Studies. Uruguay: Akrales.

Memoirs, Transactions, etc., from the following Societies and Institutions; — Academia Nacional de Cioncias, Cordoba. Agricul­ tural Research Institute, Pusa, India. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston. American Historical Association. Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. Australian Museum, Sydney. Biological Club, Ohio University. Birmingham Philosophical Society. Cambridge Philosophical Society. Cape of Good Hope Observatory. Car­ negie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria. Greenwich Observa­ tory. Imperial Co-operation League. Imperial Feder- DONATIONS TO LIURARV. 621

ation League of Australia. Institution of Civil Engineers, Loudon. Institute Geologico, Mexico. Isis (Gesellschaft), Dresden. Library of Congress. Linnean Society of N.S. Wales. Manchester Steam Users' Association. Michigan Academy of Science. Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Marseille. New Zea­ land Institute. Oriental MSS. Library, Madras. Rothaujstead Agricultural Station. Royal Anthropo­ logical Society of Australasia. Royal Colonial Insti­ tute. Royal Dublin Society. Royal Institution. Royal Irish Academy. Royal Societies of Canada, Edinburgh, London, Queensland, South Africa, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria. Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Royal Victorian Institute of Architects. Smithsonian Institution, and U.S. National Museum. Victorian Institute of Engineers. Victorian Institute of Surveyors. Zoological Society, Tokyo.

From the British Museum: — Codex Alexandrinus, N.T. and Clementine Epistles, in reduced facsimile. Memorials of Darwin. Guides to Anthropology and Cetacca. Handlist of Birds, 5. African Freshwater Fishes, 1. African Flies. Lcpi- doptera Phalacnae, 7, 8. Cretaceous Bryozoa, 2. British Basidiomycetes; Introduction to Meteor­ ites, and 'Rocks.

From the Royal Society, London: — National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-4, Magnetic Observations. Magnetic Survey of South Africa (Beattie).

From Governments: — Australia (Commonwealth): Acts; Bills; Gazette; Journal of Patents; Meteorology, Bulletins and Re­ ports; Parliamentary Debates; Parliamentary Papers; Statistical Bulletins; Y'ear-bobk. Baroda: Marine Zoology of Okhamandal, 1. Canada: Mines and Geological Survey, Reports and Maps; Catalogue of Birds. Great Britain: Geological Survey, Me­ moirs and Maps. Colorado: Geological Survey Report. India: Archaeological Survey, Vol. 22 (1-3, Index), 622 APPENDIX TO REPORT.

and Epigraphia Indica; General Acts; Geological Survey, Memoirs and Records. : Fisheries, Scientific Investigations. Japan: Publications of the Earthquake Investigation Committee. : Agricultural Gazette; Botanist, Forest Flora and Revision of the genus Eucalyptus; Education, Reports; Mines, Report and Geological Survey Records; Statistical Register; Year Book. New Zealand: Agriculture, Bulletins and Report; Geological Survey, Bulletin; Statistics; Year-book. Queensland: Mines, Report. Sind. Gazetteer. S. Australia: Agriculture, Journal; Mines, Review, Tanarni Goldtield. Tasmania: Mines, Geological Survey Bulletins, Progress of the Mineral Industry. Transvaal: Geodetic Survey of S. Africa, Vol. 5. United States: Bureau of Education, Report; Com­ merce, Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards; Coast and Geodetic Survey Report, Figure of the Earth (Hayford), Hypsomctry (Hayford). Victoria: Acts, Bills and Parliamentary Debates; Agriculture, Jour­ nal, Destructive Insects, 3, 4 (French), Smuts (McAlpine), Weeds and Poison-plants (Ewart); Mines, Report, Geological Survey Map and Memoirs; Rivers and Water Supply, Report and Papers; Year­ book.

From Author or Editor: — Croke, J. L. O.: Logic. Lea, F. C.: Hydraulics. Moore, W. Harrison: Constitution of the Common­ wealth of Australia, second edition, and students' edition. Pelscr-liercnsberg, M. W. A. Otto von: Zur Gesohichte des Geschlechtes von Pclsor-Bercus- berg, 2 vols. Raymond, G. L.: Comparative Aesthetics, 7 vols., Dante and Collected Verse. Zionist Organisation: Die Judenpogrome iu Russ- land, 2 vols. Devanagar, Calcutta. Hcrmathena, Dublin. The Melbourne Univei'sity Magazine.

From Messrs. Macmillan and Co.: — Carslaw, Plane Geometry. Davies, Geography of the British Isles, 1. Latin Anthology. Marivaux, Jeu de 1'amour et du hasard. Seneca, Selected Letters. Tennyson, English Idylls and Lady of Shalott. Wallis, Exercises in Geography. DONATIONS TO LIBRARY. 623

From Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner, and Co.: — Weise, Language and Character of the Roman People (translated by Strong aud Campbell). From the executors of Professor Kernot: — Alison, History of Europe, 10 vols.; Hallam, Con­ stitutional History, 2 vols.; Hallam, Middle Ages, 2 vols.; Schiller, Werkc, 10 vols, in 5; Waring, Mcditatioues Algebraicac and Meditationes Analy- ticae (Cambridge prizes of the late Professor VV. P. Wilson): Gunimow, Concrete Iron Constructions, 3 vols.; Hawken, Use of Influence Lines in Struc­ tures; Tulloch, Water Supply of Bombay; WdJddell, Professional Papers.

Prom the executors of W. W. Culcheth : — Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers, vols. 11-17, 19-30. From Jane Fisher: — Kingsford aud Maitland, The Perfect Way. From H. L. Wilkinson: — Reports of Murray River Commission, and Murray Water Commission.


(1) —-Journals. British Medical Journal (presented by Professor Allen); Birmingham Medical Review, Cleveland Medical Journal, Dublin Journal of Medical Science, West Lon­ don Medical Journal, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Journal, Journal of the Sanitary Institute, Australian Medical Jour­ nal, Australasian Medical Gazette, Austrabisian Journal of Pharmacy, AlbanyMedical Annals, The Lancet (presented by Professor Allen), Therapeutic Gazette, Montreal Medical Journal, New Orleans Medical Journal, Pacific Medical Jour­ nal, United States Naval Medical Bulletin, Bulletin—Ayer Clinical Laboratory, Bulletin—Commonwealth Bureau of Statistics, Bulletin—Dept. ot State Medicine, W.A., Bui- 624 APPENDIX TO REPORT. letin—Johns Hopkins Hospital, Bulletin—Lying-in-Hos­ pital, City of New Y'ork, Bulletin—Sleeping Sickness Bureau, 1 to 18. Bulletin—Warren Anatomical Museum, 1. Archives de Mcdecino Navale et Coloniale, Le Physio- logistc Basse, Repertoire de Pharmacie.

(2).—Transactions. Australasian Medical Congress, Sth Session, Vols. 1, 2, 3 (presented by Professor Allen), Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, American Surgical Association, Association of American Physicians, American Associa­ tion of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Der- matological Association, American Laryngological Asso­ ciation, 1909, American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, American Ophthalmologic;!! Associa­ tion, American Orthopaedic Association, American Asso­ ciation of Genito-Urinary Surgeons, vols. 3 and 4, Uro- logical Association, vols. 1, 2, 3, Chicago Pathological Society, vol. 8, College of Physicians of Philadelphia, vol. 30. Thc New Y'ork Obstetrical Society, Philadelphia Academy of Surgery, vols. 10 and 11, West London Journal. (3).—Pioceediiu/s. Royal Society of Medicine, England (presented by Dr. Rothwell Adam), Royal Society of Edinburgh (pre­ sented by Professor Berry), Imperial Malaria Conference, Simla, 1909, Institute of Chemistry, G.B. and I.

(ff).—lieports. Scientific Memoirs of the Medical and Sanitary De­ partments of thc Government of India. Sanitary Com­ missioner with the Government of India. Reports of the Medical Officer of the Local Government Board (with Supplements). University of Toronto: Papers from Chemical Laboratory. Papers from Wellcome Research Laboratory. Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Har­ vard University (1908-09), Henry Phipps Institute (5th), Massachusetts General Hospital, Massachusetts Medical Society, Philadelphia General Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, Bellevuc and Allied Hospitals, Bristol Royal' Infirmary, Middlesex Hospital Archives. Reports of Commissioners on Lunacy (England and Wales). Re­ ports of Commissioners on Lunacy (Scotland). Reports DONATIONS TO LIBRARY. 623 of Inspectors of Lunatics (Ireland). Reports of Health ot Navy (Great Britain). Report of Board of Agricul­ ture and Fisheries (England). N.S.W. Lunacy Dept. (Path. Laby.). Report of Surgeon-General of U.S. Navy. Studies from the Research Laboratory, Dept. of Health, New York, Vol. III., Public Health and Marine Hospital Service of the U.S. Bulletin Hygienic Laby., 46 to 61. New Y'ork City Hospital, 1909, Sanitary Commissioner for Bengal, 1908. Sanitary Administration of Burma, 1909. Sanitary Report Eastern Bengal and Assam, 1909. Dispensary. Returns, Eastern Bengal and Assairr, 1909. Bollottino Sanitario (Roma), Anno III. Eisher. Professor: Report on National Vitality. Government Medical School, Rangoon, 1908. Hospitals and Dispensaries in Burma, .1908. New Y'ork Skin and Cancer Hospital: 1. New York State Education Dept. Brrlletin (Medical Serials). Pathologica: Anno I., II. Report on the Dept. of Lands, N.Z., 1938-09.

(5).— Vital Statistics, ibc. Vital Statistics of New South Wales; Statistical Register of New South Wales; " A.B.C." of Queensland Statistics: Queensland "Government Gazette"; Vic­ torian Year-book; Commonwealth' of Australia Year­ book; Commonwealth Bureau of Statistics-; Now Zea­ land Official Year-book; Statistics of New Zealand; Sta­ tistical Abstract of United States; Fiji "Government Gazette"; Fiji Royal Blue-book.

(6).—Catalogues. Index Catalogue ot Library of Surgeon-General, U.S.A., Vol. 14. Harvard University Catalogue, 1909-10.

(7).—Calendars and Registers. Medical Register, 1910 (United Kingdom). Dentists' Register. 1910 (United Kingdom). Royal College of Sur­ geons, England. Royal College of Physicians, London. Royal University of Ireland. School of Medicine, Royal Colleges of Edinburgh. London School of Medicine for Women. Harvard University. Johns Hopkins Univer- 626 APPENDIX TO RKPORT. sity (Medical Department). London Hospital Medical College, 1909-10. University of Tokyo. University Col­ lege, Bristol. University of Durham. University Col­ lege Hospital Medical School.

(S).—Books. From the Authors:—Logan, Thomas: "Biological Essays," Vols. 1, 2, 3 (from the Trustees'). Dr. W. R. Fox: "The Urethroscope." From Dr. J. H. Saunders: Medical Directory, 1910. Dr. Maudsley: Archives of Neurology, Vols. I., II., III. From Dr. Anna Levy: Dr. Otto Rosenbach, " Ausgewahltc Abhandlungcn." From Columbia University: .Studies in Physiology. Toronto University: Studies from tho Chemical Laboratories, Papers 74 to 85. Padova University: Monographs. Mis­ souri University: Science .Scries, Vol. I. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore: Studies iir Rabies. Massachusetts General Hospital: Selected Papers, Vol. 2. From University of Tokyo: Mitteilungcn a.d. Mediz. Fakultat der Kaiser-Japan. Univ. Bd. 8, No. 3. From thc Carnegie Institute of Washington: (1) The Absorption Spectra of Solutions; (2) Snake Venoms (Noguchi); (3) The Differentiation and Specificity of Cor­ responding Proteins, etc. From U.S. Dept. of Agriculture: "Experiment Station Record," Vols. 15 to 23. GENKRAL ACCOUNT—ST ATEilEST of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 1909.

1909. RECEIPTS. 1900. EXPENDITURE, Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £2,051 8 5 Hy Salaries £30,066 7 6 Dec. 31. Leys charged H To Government Grants -£19,250 0 Conserv. a/c Fees- " Music Exam. Lectures .. £13.640 15 3 Hoard a/c Degrees .. .. 1,411 18 Certificates .. 405 9 6n - £30,766 7 Public Exarns. ..4,477 7 0 House Allowances 383 6 Primary Exarn. .. 164 f. 6 Exhibitions and Scholarships 1,243 15 Annual Exarn. .. 1,185 19 0 Examiners'fees .. 1,173 7 — 21,285 14 Examination Expenses 373 11 Various— Examirration Papers 517 3 3 , Sale of Calendars Books 635 7 !1 arrd Exam". Papers £101 15 8 Apparatus 1,829 Hastie Interest .. 809 10 1 Dissections 295 8 0 Sundries .. .. 2 2 0 Furniture 219 1 S 973 7 9 Cleaning and Incidentals.. 2?.-, 3 10 Gas 48(1 12 8 41,509 2 (i Water and Sanitary 136 16 3 Wood and Coal ... 37 10 I) Grounds 52 8 6 Printing—including Calendar 379 5 10 Stationery 328 5 10 Stamps—Postage and llnt.y 93 17 2 Advertising 60 6 0 Commencement 21 2 0 Insurances 10 11 6 Repairs .. ,t;475 ; Less charged to Conservatoriuni a/e luO I 37S 5 : Law Costs 63 19 Transfer to Deficiency a/c 2,504 6 - £42,279 5 3 Jlalancc .- 1,281 6 8 £43,6(30 10 11 £43,660 10 11

Examined and found correct. 13(A July, 1010. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. BACTERIOLOGICAL FUND—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 1909.

1909. RECEIPTS. 1909. EXPENDITURE Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £306 0 3 By Salaries £1265 0 0 Dec. 31. Less charged to To Department of Health £360 0 0 General Account 400 0 0 Department of Agriculture .. 160 0 0 £856 0 0 M. & M. Board of Works 249 18 0 Apparatus, Materials.etc. 161 16 9 Melbourne City Council 60 0 0 Less charged to Melbourne Children's Hospital 60 0 0 General Account 5u 0 0 Melborrrne Women's Hospital 10 13 4 111 16 9 Prahran Citv Courrcil 20 0 0 Telephone 9 5 0 Working Men's College 25 0 0 £976 1 9 Homcepathic Hospital 15 0 0 Specimens, Exarnrnations of .. 59 9 9 Donations—Dr. J. W. Barrett Balance 401 14 and Dr. W. F. Orr 16 15 0 1,011 10 1

£1,377 16 4 £l,S77 10 4

Examined and found correct. Villi July, 1910. F. H. BRUFORD, Aioiitor-Grneral. CONSERVATOR I UM of MUSIC- STATEM ENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 1900.

1909. RECEIPTS. 1909. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £86 14 11 By Salaries— Dec. 31. Teaching Staff . £1,868 8 11 To Fees- Secretarral 100 0 0 Lectures .. £2,439 17 0 Librarian 20 0 0 Entrance Exhihs. 11 10 6 Attendarrt 26 0 6 £2,461 7 Honorarium to Hire of Music 8 11 Director 266 3 1 £2,469 18 7 2,280 12 0 Rent 100 0 0 Exhibitions 40 0 0 Examiners' Fees 5 5 0 Concert and Orchestral Expenses 3 16 11 Hire, Timing, and Repairs 3 13 0 Gas ...... :. 5 10 6 Printing 31 3 0 Stationery arrd Postages 20 7 4 Advertising 10 10 0 Incidentals 12 10 0

£2,613 19 9 Less Transfer from Conserva­ torium Examination Board . £2,356 1 4 Balance 100 12 2

£2,546 )3 6 £2,046 13 6

Examined arrd found correct, 13th July, 1910. F. 11. BRUFORll, Auditor-General. CONSERVATORIUM of MUSIC BUILDING ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the. Year, 1909.

1909. 1909. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. To Government Grant £3,000 0 0 By amount placed on Fixed Deposit £1,500 0 0 Interest 18 15 0 Instalments paid on account of building to date .. 800 0 0 £2,300 0 0 Balance 718 15 0

£3,018 15 0 £3,018 15 0

Examined and found correct, 13/A July, 1910. F. II. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. so


1909. 1909. Dec.'31. ! Dec 31. To Fixed Deposit Receipt £1,500 0 0 Bv Balance £1,500 0 0

£1,500 0 0 £1,501) 0 4

Examined and found correct, 13CA July, 1910. F. K. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. MUSIC EXAMINATION BOARD—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 1909.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE 1909. 1909. Jan. 1. Dec 31. To Balance £200 9 10 B •Scholarships .. .. £88 4 0 Dec. 31. Secretarial—Olfice ..100 0 0 To Fees .. 1,317 11 7 „ Organising 100 0 0 Organising Expenses 41 14 4 Examiners' Fees and Travelling Expenses 459 9 4 Examination Expenses 56 9 0 Printing .. 110 6 9 Stationery and Postages 80 5 11 Advertising 11 2 0 Editing Publications .. 5 6 0 Srrndries .. 20 8 6 £1,073 3 9 Transfer to thc Conservatorium of Music Account 167 18 5 £1231 2 2 Balance 292 19 3

£1,634 1 5 £1,524 1 6

Examined and found correct, 13/A July, 1910. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. MUSIC EXAMINATION BOARD-INVESTMENT ACCOUNT for the Year 1909.

1909. 1909. Jwi. 1. " Dec. 31. To Balance— By Balance .. £200 0 0 Citv of Melbourne Debentures £200 0 0

£200 0 0 £200 0 0

Examined and found correct, 13'A July, 1910. F. II. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.


1909. 1909. Dec, 31. Dee. 31. To Government Grant £5,950 0 0 By Salaries £2,416 14 10 Fees arrd Lectures . 695 8 0 Apparatus, Materials, etc. 603 15 11 Balance 3,624 17 3 £6,546 8 0 £0,645 8 0

Examined arrd found correct, 13/A July, 1910. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. VETERINARY OPERATING THEATRE BUILDING ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS ami HXI'KNDITUltE for the Year, 1909.

1909. 1909. Sept. 4. Sept. 4. To Dorratlon By amount placed on Fixed Deposit £1,000 0 0 Mr. James Cuming £1,000 0 0 £1000 0 0 £1,000 0 0

Examined and found correct. 13(A July, 1910. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.


1909. 1909. Sept. 4. Dec. 31. To Fixed Deposit £1,000 0 0 By Balance £1,000 0 0

£1,000 0 0 £1,000 0 0

Examined and found correct, 13/A July, 1910. K. II. BRUFORD, Aiolitor-General. TRUST FUNDS-STATEMENT of BALANCES at 31K/ Decemlie.r, 1909.

Dec. 31, 1909. Fund. Invent ncntn. Rank Cr. Bank Dr. Total. Summary of I iccstmentit etc ' Argus £1,936 0 0 £32 4 8 £1,968 ' 4 '8 Dec. 31, 1909. Barry 23 0 0 1 7 3 24 7 3 M.&M. B.of W. Debs. £46,230 0 0 Beaney—Pathology 2,301 0 11 I 12 9 2,302 12 9 Vict. Gov. Stock 47,951 0 0 ,, Surgery .. 2,120 0 0 33 3 11 2,159 3 11 Vict. Gov, Debs. 4,200 0 0 Bowen ..." 110 0 0 2 15 9 112 15 9 Vict. Sav. Barrk Debs. 7,500 0 0 Chamb. of Commerce 1,201 0 0 22 17 6 1,223 17 6 Queensland Gov. Deb. 100 0 0 Cuming 999 19 11 999 19 11 City of Melb. Debs. .. 6,800 0 0 Dixson 11,600 0 0 184 0 6 11,784 0 6 .Mortgages 33,800 0 0 Dublin 260 10 10 . 260 10 10 Properties •2,930 0 0 Dwight .. 5,330 6 ii 63 19 o 5,393 19 2 Bank Deposits, etc. 4,460 19 9 Grimwade 1,099 0 0 •24 1 6 1,123 1 6 — £152,067 19 9 Harrington 60 0 0 2 2 1 58 2 1 Cash— Hastie 25,800 0 0 6,663 13 6 19,146 6 6 Dr. Higgins .. 930 0 0 16 11 11 946 11 11 Hastie a/c .. £6,653 13 6 Howitt 2,830 0 0 44 12 1 2,874 12 1 Cr. Jamieson . 160 0 0 0 13 0 159 6 0 Trrrst o/c £2,903 0 3 Kay 6,020 0 0 4 0 8 6,024 0 8 Mollison a/c 11 17 0 Kernot 3,331 19 9 3 10 1 3,328 0 8 Sav. Bk.,la/c 81 10 7 Lansell 1,345 0 I) -.'() 10 o 1,365 10 2 „ „ 2 a/c 38 9 3 Leggatt 1,040 0 0 28 16 10 1,068 16 10 3,035 0 1 MacBain .. 960 0 0 12 14 2 972 14 2 Madden ... 734 0 0 2 1 10 736 1 10 Tota Dr. 3,618 7 5 Mollison .. 6,850 0 0 11 17 (1 5,861 17 0 Netherlands Ch. Corn. 21 0 0 5 16 10 20 16 10 Ormond Chair 20,446 0 0 79 6 1 •20,365 14 11 Orrnond Scholarship 6,43!) 0 II lull 19 11 6,539 19 11 Payne 411(1 0 0 26 !• 0 621 4 0 Shakespeare- 1,473 II 0 •2(1 13 2 1,499 13 2 Special Prizes 14 14 0 14 14 0

Carried forward .. £103,656 19 9 £1,942 19 6 £0,737 2 2 £08,802 17 0 Carried forward .. £149,349 12 4 Trust Funds—Statement of Balances (Continued),

Dee. 31, 1909. Fund. Investments. Bank Cr. Bank Dr. 'Total. Brought forward £103,066 19 0 £1,942 19 6 £6,737 2 2 £98,862 17 0 Brought forward .Stawell 1,290 0 0 18 0 11 1,271 19 1 Stewart .. 29,789 0 239 7 0 30,028 7 0 StUliei-land 107 0 6 18 10 112 IS 10 Syme 3,222 0 32 14 11 3,254 14 11 Wilson 141 0 4 1 4 145 1 4 Wright 1,040 0 19 9 7 1,059 9 7 Wrixon 685 0 8 11 10 693 11 10 Wyselaskie—Classics 1,700 0 38 0 9 1,738 0 9 ,, Kng. Con. Historv 1,950 0 27 17 8 1,977 17 8 „ Maths. 1,976 (I 1,963 8 10 ,, Mod. Languages 2,010 0 34 IS 0 2,044 IS 0 ,, Nat. Sc. 1,960 0 6 7 1,966 7 8 ,, Pol. Econ. 1,907 (I 4 3 1,971 3 1

£151,492 19 9 £2,364 10 1 £6,776 14 3 £147,080 15 7 Peterson Retiring a/c 406 0 0 8 0 9 413 n 0 Professors' Retiring a/c 970 0 0 003 14 9 1,033 14 !) James Retiring a/c 100 0 0 S3 12 0 183 12 0 Cons. Students'Loan a/e 38 9 3 .38 9 3

Total .. £162,967 19 9 £3,168 0 10 £0,776 14 3 £149,349 12 4 Total .. £149,349 12 4

13/A July, 1910 Examined and fourrd correct, F. II. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. DEFICIENCY ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 1009.

1901). 1909. Dee. 31. Jan. 1. To Balance £3,601 0 0 By Balance .. £3,500 10 0 Dec. 31. Bank Charge in u

• £3,501 0 0 £3,501 0 0

Examined and found correct, 13/A July, 1910. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1909. 1909. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £622 IS 0 By Scholarships £1,368 15 0 Dec. ,31. Apparatus, &c. 171 10 0 To Government Grant ' 2,000 0 0 - £1,540 11 0 Balance 9S2 7 0

£2,522 18 0 £2,622 IS 0

Examined and found correct, 13/A July, 1010. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. SUSI'HSSE ACCOUNT -STATEMENT of RECEIPTS ami EXPENDITURE for the. Year, Inll'.l.

RECEIPTS. EXPEI- 1009. ... 1900. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance .. £906 2 O To Launccston Musical Associr £t 15 10 Dec. 31. Balance 3,609 11 6 Prof. Gilruth's Trav. Exp. refunded £31 3 0 Fees—Barnett 1 11 6 Toohey 13 0 Stillwell 4 11 6 Music Deposit, Mewton 3 0 0 Transfer frorrr General Account to­ wards paying off Deficiency 2,564 6 0 5 2 ' £3,611 7 4 £3,611 7 4

Examined and found correct. 13(A July, 1910. F. II. BRUFORD, Aliditor-Gcnerul. SPORTS FEE ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 1909.

1909. RECEIPTS. 1909. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Jan. 1. To Fees received from Studerrts .. , £660 18 0 By Balance .. £100 0 0 . Repayment of Advance . 100 0 0 Dec. 31. By Arrrount paid to Kecreatiorr Grounds Conrmittee for Maintenance of Recreation G round Buildings arrd Sports Clubs ...... 606 5 0 Balarree ...... 54 13 0

£700 18 0

13/A July, 1910. Examined and 'found correct, F. il. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.


1909. 1909. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £828 11 6 By Cash spent orr— New Buildings and Fittings £660 17 4 • Balance 161 14 2

£828 11 6 £828 11 0

13(A July, 1910 Examined and found correct, F. II. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. SPECIAL APPARATUS ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 190!).

RECEIPTS. I EXPENDITURE. 1909. I 1909. Jan. 1. I Dec. 31. To Balance ...... £650 10 2 i Bv Balance ...... £650 10 2

2 I £650 10 2 13/A July, 1910. Examined and found correct, F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor -General.


I RECEIPTS. - I EXPENDITURE. 1909. , 1909. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance ...... £349 10 5 I By Contractor's Deposit returned .. .. £50 0 0 Buildings and Fittings ...... 299 10 5 I £349 10 5 13/A July, 1910. • Examined and found correct, F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. ANATOMICAL FITTINGS ACCOUNT— STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year 1909.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1909. 190!). Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £89 3 0 By Fittings £89 3 0

£89 3 0 £89 3 0

13/A July, 1910. Examined and found correct., F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.


EXPENDITURE. 1909. 1!I09. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance By Cash spent on Plant to date £411 6 9 Dec. 31. Balance 827 6 3 Fixed Deposit Repaid .. 670 0 0 Interest on same 17 2 I) Government Grant. 660 (I 0

£1,238 12 0 £1,238 12 0

13/A Jiily, lllin. Examined and found correct. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. ORE TREATMENT PLANT FUND-INVESTMENT ACCOUNT M the Year, 1909.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1909. 1009. an 1. Deo. 31. To Balance- By Fixed Deposit repaid Fixed Deposit Receipt £670 0 0

£670 0 0 £570 0 0

13(A July, 1910. Examined and found correct, F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General..


1909. 1909. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance .. £1,293 5 10 Purchases or Transfers of Invest­ Dec. 31. ments £70,644 8 0 Bequests and Gifts, and other Scholarships, Prizes and other pay- additions to Trust Funds £27,792 0 9 rnents in terms of trust >,4f)7 0 4 Sales or Transfers of Investments . 36,720 9 4 Incidental Expenses 21!) 7 2 Interest 3,936 16 8 £73,361 2 0 68,449 6 0 Balance carried forward 3,618 7 5 £73,361 2 0 £73,361- 2 0


Names. Degrees. ABBOTT, Alsernon M.C.E A'BEGKETT, William Gilbert (Cam.) M.A., LL.M ABRAHAMS, Joseph (Leipeic) M.A. ADAM, David Stow (Glasgow) M.A. ADAM, George Both well Wilson . . .. M.D ADAMSON, Johu M.A.. M.B.. B.S ADAMSON, Laurence Arthur (Oxford) M.A. ADENEV, Theodore William M.A AGG, Alfred John LL.M. AICKIN. James Lee M.A., M.Sc. AITOHISON, Roderick M.A.. M-B...B.S. ALBISTON. Arthur Edward M.A. ALLAN, Edward Buller .. .. (London) M.D. ALLEN, Harry Brookes M.D.. B.S. ALLEN, Horace William M.A ALSTON, Arthur M.A. ALSTON; Leonard M.A., Litt. D ANDERSON, Alfred Victor Millard .... M.D.. B.S ANDERSON, Eugene Wilton MlD., B.S ANDERSON, James Caldwell LL.M. ANDERSON, Thomas Lynewolde .. . M.D. ANDREW, Frank Carl Frederic M.D.. B.S ANDREW, John Chapman .. (Oxford) M.A. ANDREWS, Arthur Troma-yne M.C.E. ANDREWS. William M.-.D.. B.S ANGWIN, Stuart Letcher M.A..M.B. ANG WIN, Thomas Britton M.A. ANNAND, George M.D. B.S. ARMSTRONG, Edmund La Touche .. M.A.. LL.B. ARMSTRONG, Thomas Henry M.A ARNOLD, Leonard M.A. ARTHUR, George M.A. ARTHUR, John Andrew M.A., LL.M. ASTLES, Harvey Eustace (St. Andrew's) M.D. ATCHISON, Samuel MA. ATKINSON, Charles Watson M.A. ATKINSON, Harry, l,«igh M.D. AVERY, David .. .. M.Sc. 644 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

BACKHOUSE. Edward Littlejohn .. .. M.A., LL.B. BACKHOUSE, Samuel Burder M.A., LL.B. BAGE, Charles M.A., M.D. B8. BALDWIN, Edward Earrrishaw M.A. BALDWIN, Joseph Mason M.A„ B.Sc. BALFOUR, Graham Henty M.A. BALMER, Sydney Raeburu M.A.. LL.B. BARKER, Walter Herbert M.A. BARNABY, John. M.A. BARNARD, Robert James Allman .. .. M.A. BARNETT, Ernest Judd M.A. BARBETT, James William M.D.. M.S. BARROWCLOUGH. Alfred Ernest .. .. M.A., B.C.E. BARTON. Right Hon. Edmund (Sydney) M.A. BASTOW. Arthur Henry M.A., M.C.E. BAXTER. James Morehead M.D., B.S. BEARD, Walter Francis .. (Cambridge) M.A. BEARHAM. George M.A. BEE, James (Now Zealand) M.A. BEHAN, John Clifford Valentine .. .. M.A. BELCHER, Charles Frederic M.A., LL.B. BENJAMIN, Raphael M.A. BENNETT, Leslie Ernest M.A. BENNETT, William Ernest M.A. BENNIE, Alexander Bruce .. M.A., M.B.. B.S. BENNIE, Peter Bruoe M.A.. M.D.. B.S. BERRY, Digby Marsh (Oxford) M.A. BERRY, Richard James Arthur (Edin.) M.D. BETHBRAS, John Henry M.A. BEVAN, David John Davies M.A., LL.B BEVAN, Hopkin Llewelyn willet .. .. M.A. BEVAN, Lours Rhys Qxley M.A. BIRD, Frederic Dougrtn M.B., M.S. BLACKWELL, William Yeoman .. .. M.A. BLANCH, George Ernest .. .. (Oxford) M.A. BOB ART, Albert H.D.. B.S. BONNIN, Francis Josiah M.D.. B.S. BOOTH, John M.C.K., B.So. BOTHROYD, Thomas William M.A. BOTTOMLEY, William Francis Stamp M.D., B.S. BOWDITCH, William Lamprey (Cam.) M.A. BOX, Frederick William M.C.E. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 645

BOYD, Hugh (Edinburgh) M.D. BOYD. William Robert M.D., B.S. BRASSEY, Rt. Hon. Thos., Baron (Ox.) LL.D. BRAZIER, Amos William M.A. BRENNAN. Michael Austin B.A., LL.M. BREWER. Charles Alfred M.A. BRIDE. Thomas Francis LL.D. BRISSENDEN, Edwin Ma-yhew LL.D. BBODRIBB. Thomas (Loudon) M.A. BROMBV, Edward Hippius M.A. BROWN. Charles John M.A. BROWN, Gilbert Wilson .. (Cambridge) M.A. BROWN, Hugh Alexander M.A. BROWNE, Hubert Warner M.A. LL.M. BRUNT, William Egbert M.A., LL.B. BRUSH, Francis Samuel M.C.E. BRYANT, Herbert William LL.M. BUCHAN, James William Alexander .. M.A. BULKY. Arthur Alfred M.A. BULL, Richard Joseph M.D.. B.S, BUNTINE, Walter Murray M.A. BURGESS, Arthur Septimus M.A. BURKE, Richard .George M.A.. LL.B. BURRIDGE, Herbert William M.A. BUSH. Hubert Sheppard M.D., B.S. BUTLER. George William Gillam .. .. M.A.. LL.B.

O CAMERON, Donald .. .. (Edinburgh) M.A. CAMERON. Donald Allan M.A. CAMERON, Samuel Sherweu D.V.Sc. CAMPBELL, Archibald Henry M.A., LL.B. CAMPBELL, David (Glasgow) M.A. CAMPBELL. Frederick Alexander .. .. M.C.E. CAMPBELL, Frederick Harper M.Sc. CAMPBELL. James Maitland LL.M. CANTOR, Joseph Samuel M.A..LL.M. CARTON, Femand Isidore Maurice (B. es L. France) M.A. CAVANAGH, William M.A. CHAMPION, Henry Vino M.C.E. CHAPMAN, Henry George M.D., B.S. CHAPMAN. Robert William M.A., B.C.E. 646 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

CHENHALL, William Thomas M.D.. B.S. CHEONG, James M.A. CHERRY, Thomas M.D..M.S. OHOMLBY, Arthur Aubrey \ M.A. CLARK, Donald M.M.E., B.C.E. CLARK. Lindesa*- Oolvin M.CE. CLARKE, Hamilton M.A.. LL.B. CLARKE, Henry Lowther .. .. (Cam.) M.A. CLEZY, James .. .. M.A. OOOHILL, Donald Murray Robertson .. M.A. COHEN, Prank Simeon LL.M. COLE, Daniel Fonton M.C.E. COLE, Frank Hobill M.D., B.S. COLE, Robert Hodgson .. (M.D., Durham) M.D.. LL.B. COLLtNS, Joseph Thomas '. M.A., LL.M. COIJLOCOTT. Ernest Edgar Vyvyan .. M.A. COLQUHOUN, Arthur Gideon Hugh .. M.D., B.S. COLQUHOUN, James Ferguson M.A. COLVIN. Bazett David .. (Cambridge) M.A. CONNELL. Herrry Gustavus M.C.E. CONNOR, Samuel (Royal Univ., Ireland) M.D..B.S. COOK, Walter Edmund M.C.E. OOOK, William Sym .. LL.M. COOPER. Edward Augustus .. (Cam.) M.A. COOPER, Herrry Edward .... (Dublin) M.A. COOPER, William M.A. CORDBR, Henry M.A. CORR, Edwin James B.A., LL.M. CORR. John Retord M.A., LL.B. CORR, William Stewart M.A. OOUTTE, Barton Morrtgomerie M.C.E. OOWLE. Felix Cecil M.A., LL.B. CRAIG, Andrew William . . .. M.A. CKESSWELL, Arthur William M.A. CRIVELLI, Marcel Urbain .... (Paris) M.D., B.S. CROSS, Kenneth Stuart M.Sc. GROTTY, Horace .. M.A. CROWTHER, George Henry M.A,, LL.D. CROWTHER, Herbert B.A.. M.C.E. CUMMING, Alexander Charles D.Sc. CUMPSTON, John Howard Lidgett .... M.D., B.S. . CUNNINGHAM, Edward Sheldon (Glas.) LL.D. CURLKWIS, Alfred Claribeux M.A. CU8SEN, Leo Finn Bernard M.A., LL.B. . MEMBERS OF SENATE. 647

DAISH, William Christian .'. .. M.D., B.S. DANE, Paul Greig M.D., B.S. DATE, John Edward Tracey ...... M.A. DAVBY. Edgar Robert M.A., LL.B. DAVIDSON, Arthur Irving M.A. DAVIES, John George M.A. DAVIES, Leslie Bartlett M.Sc. DAVIS. Henry Patrick .. M.A. DAWSON, Alexander Leith Halkett (M.A., Aber.) M.A., LL.B. DEANE, Charles Maslerr .. (Edinburgh) M.D. de ORESPtGNY, Constantine Trent Champion M.D., B.S. DE GRUOHY, Henry George LL.M. DENNIS. Charles Edgar M.D., B.S. DBTHRIDGE, George James B.A., LL.M. DKW, Joseph M.A. DICK, Thomas Thomson . . (Edinburgh) M.D. DICKINSON, Rivers Beachcroft .. .. M.A. DICKINSON, Sydney Rushbrook .... M.A. DIXIE, Arthur Willoughby M.C.E. DIXON, Owen M.A.. LL.B. DIXON, William Gray .. .. (Glasgow) M.A. DODD, Sydney D.V.Sc. DORE, Albert Richard M.A. DOWNING. Joseph Horace .. M.Sc. DOYLE, John, Patrick B.A., LL.M. DRAKE. Francis John M.A., M.B., B.S. DUFFY, Frank Gavan M.A., LL.B. DUGAN, Charles Clifford M.A. DUGDALE, Lawrence M.A., LL.M. DUNHILL, Thomas Peel M.D..B.S. DUNK LEY, Henry William M. A., LL.B. DUN1.0P. George Herrry M.C.E. DUNN. Benjamin James M.A., LL.M. DYRING. Carl Peter Wilhelm M.A., M.B., B.S.

IE EDMONDSON, Francis William B.A., LL.M. ELDER, Stanley Ernest M.A., LL.B. ELKINGTON, John Simeon M;A„ LL.B. 648 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

ELLIOTT, Richard Thomas .. (Oxford) M.A. EMBLBY, Edward Henry M.D., B.S. EMBLING, Sidney Harold Austin .. .. M.A., LL.M. EVANS, Alfred James M.A., LL.B. EVANS. Isaac Bennison (B.A., Royal Univ. ot Ireland) B.A.. LL.D EWART, Alfred James .. .. (London) D.Sc EWING. Thomas •• M.C.E.


PAIRHALL, Alfred Charles M.A. FERGUS, Robert Morrison .. (Glasgow) M.A. FERGUSON, Stewart William M.D.. B.S FETHERSTON. Richard Herbert Joseph (Edinburgh) M.D PIDDIAN, James Rowland M.Sc FIDDIAN, Samuel M.A. FINK, Wolfe LL.M. FINN, Peter Thomas M.A. FIRTH, John Arthur Campbell M.A.. FITCHETT, Frank Shaw LL.M. FITZGERALD, James Joseph M.A. FLEETWOOD, Thomas Falkncr (Dublin) M.A. FLETCHER, Arthur Augustus M.D...B S FLETCHER, Hamilton (Oxford) M.A. PLORANOE, James William M.D., B.S FOOTE. William James ., ...... M.A. PORLONGE, William Percival LL.M. FORSYTH, Robert Leslie .. M.D.. B.S FOWLER, Thomas Walker M.C.E. FOWLES, Edwin Westley Howard .. .. M.A., LL.B. FOYSTER, Robert Causton M.A. FRANCIS, John Patterson Ernillius .. M.A. FRASER, Hugh M.A.. B.CB FREEMAN, George Henry M.A.. LL.B PRBWIN, John Henry M.A. FRBYER, John Kennedy (Royal Univ. Ireland) M.A. FRIDAY, William Frederick M.A. FULFORD, Howard Cecil M.D.. B.S PUSSELL, Alfred : .. .. M.A. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 649

a- GARDNER, Walter Everson M.A„ M.Sc. B.C.E. GASON, Edward Irrce M.A. GATES, William Fleming M.A. GAUL/1', Edward Leslie M.A., M.B.. M.S. GAY, Robert William M.A.. M.Sc. B.C.E. GBER, William John M.A. GEORGE FREDERICK ERNEST ALBERT (His Majesty King George V.) (Oxford and Cambridge) LL.D. GIBBS, Frederick Herbert M.A. GILCHRIST, Archibald Daniel M.A. GILCHRIST. Eneas Fraser B.A., M.C.E. GILLESPIE, James Robert .. (Edin.) M.D GILLIES. William (Glasgow) M.A. GILRUTH, John Anderson D.V.Sc. GLADMAN, Philip Howard M.A. GORDON, John M.D.. M.S. GRANT, Alexander Macdonald M.C.E. GRANT, David (Edinburgh) M.D. GRANT, Kerr M.Sc. GRANT, Russell Walker M.A. GRAY', John William M.A. GREEN, Arthur Vincent (LL.D.. Sydney) M.A.. .LL.D GREEN, Benjamin M.A. GRBBN, William Heber D.Sc. GREGORY', John Walter .. .. (Ixnrdon) D.Sc. GREY, Francis Isaac M.A..B.C.E. GRIBBLE, Robert John M.A.. LL.B. GRIFFITHS. John William M.A. GRIFFITHS, Phillip Lewis .. .. M.A. GROOM, Littleton Ernest M.A., LL.M. GROVB. John William M.A.. LL.B GROVES, Wesley Rainsford M.D., B.S. GUEST, William Campbell M.A..LL.B GUMMOW, Frank Moorehouse M.C.E.

IK HAOKETT, John Winthrop .. (Dublin) M.A. HAGENAUEB, Frederick August .. .. M.A- HALFORD, Arthur Charles Frederick .. M.D., B.S 650 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

HALFORD, George James Archibald Billing M.D., B.S HALL, Alfred Smith M.A. HALL, Thomas Sergeant M.A., D.Sc. HAM, Wilbur Lincoln LL.M. HAMLEY, Herbert Russell M.A. HANCOCK, William .. • M.A. HANSEN, Martin Peter M.A., LL.B , HARBISON, David Thomas M.D..B.S. HARGREAVES, William Arthur .. .. M.A., B.C.E HARPER, Andrew M.A. HARRIS, James Frederick M.D.. B.S HARRIS, John Richards M.D.. B.S. HARSE, Walter Thomas B.A.. M.D., B.i HART, Alexander James M.A. HART, Alfred M.A. HART, John Stephen ...... M.A., B.Sc. HART, Thomas Stephen M.A..B.C.E. HASSETT, Jeremiah B.A.. LL.M. HAWKINS, Herbert Metcalf M.A. HAY, Robert M.A. HAYDON, Jeffery Frederick Meurisse .. M.A. . HAYES, Robert Edward M.A.'. LL.B. HEAJJLEY', Walter Balls .. (Cambridge) M.D. HEALEY, Francis Joseph M.A., LL.B. HEARNE. William Weston M.D., B.S- HEMMY. Arthur Stanley M.Sc HENCHMAN, Hereward Humfry .. .. M.A., LL.B. HENDERSON, Anketell Matthew .. . M.C.E. HENRY'. Louis (Wurzburg) M.D. HENZELL, Arthur Palmer' M.D., B.S- HEWISON, Joseph Henry M.A., LL.M. HEWITT, Herbert M.A. HEWITT, Joseph Henry M.A. HBYWAED, William Beamont M.D., B.S. HEYER, Johannes M.A. HIOKFORD, Frederick Thomas M.A., LL.B HIGGINS, George M.C.E. HIGGINS, Henry Bournes M.A., LL.B HILL, John. M.A. HILLRR, Konrad M.D., B.S. HODGSON, Thomas Cowley M.C.E. HOG AN, James Thompson B.A., LL.M. HOGAN, Joseph Daniel M.A., LL.M. HOGG, Evelyn Granville (Dublin) M.A. MKMUIOltS OF SKNATK.' i 651

HOLLAND, James M.A. A,ip"T ... ..-.. i^S^'" HOLLIDGE; David Henry .. (Adelaide) M.A. -' iv/ HOLLOW, Herbert Stanley M.A. HOLMES, Henry Robert M.A. HOLMES, Horace lies M.D.. B.S. HOLMES, Walter Morell .. M.A. HOLMES. William Tope M.A..LL.B. HOLROYD, Sir Edward Dundas (Cam.) M.A. HOOD, Joseph Henry M.A-., LL.B. HOOPER, John William Dunbar (Durham) M.D. HORNE, George M.A., M.D., B.S HORSLEY, Sydney M.C.E. HORWOOD, Edward James M.C.E. HORWOOD, Joel Henry M.C.E. HOUSTON, Robert John M.A. HOWARD, Douglas M.A. HOWARD, George Thomas B.A., M.D., B.S. HOWARD, John M.A. HUBERICH, Charles Henry (D.C.L. Yaler LL.D. HUOKELL, Edgar Victor Roy M.D., B.S. HUTCHINGS, Thomas Stawell M.D., B.S. HUTCHINSON, William M.C.E. HUTCHISON, Henry Kerr M.A. HUTCHISON, William Brown (Glasgow) M.A.

I INGRAM, William Findlay M.A. IRVINE, William Hill .. (B.A., Dublin) M.A., LL.M. IRVING, Edward Hamilton .. (Oxford) M.A. IRVING, Martin Howy .. .. (Oxford) M.A. IRWIN. Stewart Watson LL.M. ISAACS, Isaac Alfred LL.M.

J" JAOKSON, James .. (London) M.D. JAMES, William Arthur M.S. JAMIESON, James M.A. JAMIESON, James (Glasgow) M.D. JAMIESON, William Boyd (Edinburgh) M.A. 652 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

JENKINS, Daniel Edward MA. JENNINGS, John Charles M.A. JOHNSON. Frederick Miller .. (Edin.) M.D- JOHNSTON, William Edward M.A., LL.B. JOHNSTONE, John M.A. JOLLEY, Edward Francis George .. .. M'.A., LL.M. JOLLIFFE, Charles Easton .. (Cam.) LL.M. JONES. Herrry Gywnne '... M.A. JONES. Hugh M.A. JONES, Nathaniel (Oxford) M.A. JOSKE, Alexander Sydney M.D., B.S JULIUS, Churchill .. (Oxford) M.A.

KEARNEY, Elfric Leofwin (Cambridge) M.A. KEENE. Edward Honrtio Douglas M.A. KEEP, Ernest Edward (Oxford) M.A. KELLAWAY, Alfred Charles M.A. KELSO, Edgar William M.A. KENDALL, William Tyson .. D.V.Sc. KENNEDY', David M.A., LL.B. KENNEDY, John M.D., B.S. KENNY, Thomas. Irwin M.A., LL.B. KBRMODE, George M.C.E. KERR, James McConnell M.A., LL.B. KERR, Richard Alexander M.A. KERR, Thomas Butler (Dublin) M.D. KIDD. Leslie Stuart M.D., B.S. KILVINGTON, Basil M.D., M.S. KITCHEN, George Ambrose M.A. KNIGHT, Glen Alburn M.D., B.S. KNOWLES, George Shaw LL.M.

3L LADE. Prank M.A. LAING, John William (Oxford) M.A. LAMBERT, Thomas Edwin Llewellyn .. M.D., M.S. LANGFORD, William M.A., B.C.E. LANGLEY, Henry Thomas M.A. MEMBERS OF SENATE. : 653

LARKIN, Michael Oormack M.A., LL.B. LATHAM, John Greig M.A., LL.B. LATHAM, Leslie Scott .. .. B.A., M.D., B.S. LAURIE. Henry (St. Andrew's) LL.D. LAURIE, Henry ; M.D., B.S. LAURIE, William Spalding M.D., B.S LAWRENCE, Octavius Vernon ...... M.D., B.S LAWSON, Richard M.A. LAWTON, John Thomas M.A. LEACH. John Albert M.Sc LEARMONTH, Percy M.C.E. LBCK, Robert M.A. LE COUTEUH, Philip Ridgeway .... M.A. LEE, John Robert M.D., B.S. LEEPER, Alexander (Dublin) M.A. LEGGE, Herbert Sutherland M.A. LEON, Samuel LL.M. LESLIE, Ernest Thomas .. M.A. LE VINSON, Bertram Arthur M.A, LL.B. LEVY, David Cohen M.A. LEWIS, Ernest James M.A., M.Sc LEWIS, James Bannatyne M.C.E. LEWIS, Neil Elliott (Oxford) M.A. LIDWILL, Mark Cowley M.D.. B.S. LINDON, Leonard Harford .... (Cam.) M.A. LITTLEJOHN, William Still .. (Aber.) M.A. LIVINGSTONE, James M.A. LIVINGSTONE, William Ramsay (Ox.) M.A. LLOYD, Herrry Cairns (Edin.) M.D. LO0KW0OD, Frederick Bingham . . .. M.A. LONG, Charles Richard M.A. LONG, George Merrick M.A. LONGMORB,-William James M.A. 1.0UGHREY, Andrew B.A.. LL.M. LOUGHRBY, Bernard M.A., M.B. B.S., M.C.E. LOVE, Ernest Frederick John (M.A., Cam.) M.A., D.Sc LOW, Vernon Forster Stanley .. .. M.M.E. LOWE, Charles John M.A. LUCAS, Arthur Henry Shakespeare (Ox) M.A. LYLE, Thomas Rarrken .. .. (Dublin) M.A. LYNCH, Arthur Alfred M.A. LYNCH, Francis Joseph M.A. 654 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

HVL" McARTHUR, Alexander M.A., LL.D. MACARTNEY, Ross Kenneth -.. M.M.E. McAULAY, Alexander .... (Cambridge) M.A. MacCALLUM, Mungo William (Glasgow) M.A. McCAY, Adam Cairns M.A. McCAY, M.A..LL.M. MoCLELLAND, David John .. M.C.E. McCLBLLAND, William Caldwell .. .. M.A., M.D., B.S. MACDONALD, JEneas M.A. McDONALD, Alexander .. (Edinburgh) M.A- MacDONALD, George Mann (St. An.) M.A. MacDONALD, George William. M.Sc. McDONALD. John M.A. MacDONALD. John Donald ,. M.A,,LL.B. MacDONALD, John George LL.M. McDOUGALL, Dugal Gordon M.A., LL.D. MacFARLAN, James M.A., LL.B. MacPARLAND. John Henry . (Cam) M.A. McGEE, John Heury (Roy. Uni. Ireland) M.D. McGILLIVRAY. Harold Irving M.A. McGREGOR, Thomas William .. (Glas.) M.A. McINERNEY, Thomas Patrick M.A., LL.D. McINTYRE. Alexander Grant .. (Cam.) M.A. MACKAY, John Hilton M.C.E. McKAY. Robert M.A. MACKEDDIE, John Pullarton B.A.. M.D.. B.S. MoKENNA, Jeremiah (Queen's Univ., Ireland) M.D. MACKENZIE, William Colin M.D., B.S. MACKEY', John Emanuel M.A., LL.B. McLAREN, Charles Anglis M.D, B.S. McLABEN, James M.A. McLAREN, Samuel GilBllan .. (Edin.) M.A. McLEAN, Robert M.A. MACLURE, Alfred Fay ' M.D., B.S. McNAB,. Francis Alexander Dingwall.. LL.M. MacPHERSON, Jeffrey M.A., LL.B. MCQUEEN, Neil M.CE. McRAE, James ..' M.A. MACRAE. John (Edin.) M.A. MacROBERTS; Andrew Hamilton .. M.A. MAOULLY, Alexander (Dublin) M.A. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 655

McWHAE. Douglas Murray .. M.D., B.S. MADDEN, Frank Cole M.D., B.S. MADDEN, His Excellency Sir John .. B.A., LL.D. MADDEN, Wyrrdham Monson .. (Cam.) M.A. MAHONY, Daniel James' M.Sc. MAJOR, James Perrins M.D, B.S. MANCHESTER, Ernest James Theodore M.C.E. MANN. Frederick Wollaston M.A., LL.M. MANNEKS-SlJTTON, Henry Charles, Viscount Canterbury (Cambridge) M.A. MARDEN, John M.A., LL.B. MARRIOTT. Jolrrr Thomas .. (Giesseu) M.A. MARSHALL, Alexander (Glasgow) M.A. MARTIN, Charles James .. .. (London) D.Sc. MARTYN, John M.A. MASSON. David Orme .. (Edinburgh) M.A., D.Sc. MASSON. James Irvine Orme M.Sc. MASTERS, Frederick George .. (Cam.) M.A. MASTERS, Joseph M.A. MATHEW. JOHN M.A. MAUDSLEY, Herrry Carr .... (London) M.D. MAY, John .. M.A. MEAD, George James M.A. MEIKLL'JOHN. John (Glasgow) M.A. MELVILLE. William Henry M.A..LL.M. MEK-KLN, Arthur Hogg M.C.E. WEWTON. William Birkin M.A. MEYER, Felix Henry M.D., B.S. MEYER, Frank Edward M.A. MICHELL, Anthony George Maldon .. M.C.E. MICHELL, John Henry M.A. MILLER, Edmund Morris M.A. MILLER, Lionel Pindon M.A., LL.M. MILLS. Richard Charles LL.M. MITCHELL, Edward Fancourt .. (Cam.) M.A., LLB. MOLLOY, Charley Henry M.D., B.S- MONASH, John B.A., LL.B., M.C-E. MONTGOMERY, Henry Hutchison (Cambridge) M.A. MOORE, William M.D., M.S. MOORHOUSB, William Edmund M.A. MOORS, Elphinstone MacMahou .. .. M.A. MORRIS, Arthur M.A. MORRIS, Luther M.D., B.S. MORRISON, William (Glasgow) M.D. .43 656' MEMBERS OF SENATE.

MORROW, William Alexander M.A., LL.B. MORTON, David Murray M.D., B.S. MORTON, Hugh Gilbert Stuart M.A. MOSES. Moses M.A., LL.B. MULCAHY, John Herbert Joseph .. .. M.A. MULLEN, William Lowell M.A., LL.B., M.D.. B.S. MURDOCH, Patrick John .. (Aberdeen) M.A. MURDOCH. Walter Logie Forbes .. .. M.A. MURPHY, John Thomas M.D., B.S. MURPHY, Thomas M.A, M.D., M.S MURRAY, Robert (Aberdeen) M.A. MURRAY, Lee f.athrop M.C.E.

IN" NAIRN, 'Robert M.A. NANSON, Edward John .. (Cambridge) M.A. NAYliOR, Herrry Darnley (Cambridge) M.A. NEBDIIAM, Charles Francis (Earl ot Kilmorcy) (Oxford) M.A. NEIGHBOUR, George Henry .. ..' .. .. M.A.. LL.B. NICHOLS. Alfred Canova LL.M. NICHOLSON, John (Edinburgh) M.D. NICOL, William Jonathan M.C.E. NIHILL, John Edward .. .. (Durham) M.D. NOALL, Alfred John M.C.E. NORRIS, William Perrin .. M.D., B.S. NORTHCOTE, Henry Stafford (Rt. Hon. Lord) (Oxford) M.A. NYULASY, Francis Armand ... M.D, B.S.

O O'BRIEN, John William .. .. (Dublin) M,A. O'BRIEN, Richard Alfred M.D. B.S. O'CONNELL, James Horatio M.A., B.Sc O'CONNOR, Nicholas Lawrence LL.M. OFFICER. David McMaster M.D., B.S. OFFICER, Ernest M.A. O'HABA, John Bernard M.A. OLDHAM, Arthur Eggleston .. (Cam.) M.A. OLDHAM, Edward Percy M.D., B.S. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 657

OLIPHANT, James Glen .. (Edinburgh) M.A. OLIVER, Calder Edkins M.C.E. OSBORN, Andrew Rule M.A. OSBORNE, John Henry .. M.A., LL.B OSBORNE, William Alexander (Tubingen) D.Sc. OSTERMEYER, William M.A., M.D., B-S. O'SULLIVAN, Edward Francis (Roy. Univ., Ireland) M.D. OUTHWAITE, Edward Walter M.A. OWEN, Arthur Geoffrey M.D., B.S. OWEN, Frederick James M.D., B.8. OXER, Frederick Ernest M.A.

IP ' . ' PABST, Joseph Charles M.D., B.S- PAGE, William Stewart .. M.A. PALMER, Thomas M.A., LL.B. PARK, William M.A. PATERSON, Alex. S M.D. PATON, Frank Hume Lyall (Glasgow) M.A. PATTERSON, Sydney Wentworth .. .. M.D., B.S. PAUL, William M.A., LL.M. PEI.-IJOW, Edward M.C.E. PERRY. Charles Elliott .. .. (Oxford) M.A. PETERS. Owen Herbert M.D., B.S. PETRIE. Donald (Aberdeen) M.A. PHILLIPS, Morris Mondle M.A. PITT, Thomas Keyran M.A. PLANTE, Curtis Crowther (M.A.. N.Z.) M.A., LL.B. PLAYER, Charles Richard M.D., B.S. POOLE. Thomas Slaney M.A., LL.B. POTTER, Richard Harry M.A. POULTON. Benjamin M.D., B.S. POWER, Thomas Francis LL.M. POYNTON, Edward .M.A. PKENDERGAST, James Joseph (Roy. Univ. Ireland) M.D. PRITCHARD, William Charles M.A. PUTNAM, Philip Timothy M.D., B.S. Q, QUICK, Sir John LL.D. ,43A 658 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

IR, RADCLIFF, Edward Aquilla M.A. RAMSAY, John M.B., M.S REED, Benjamin (Cambridge) M.A. REID. Robert George ...... (Durham) M.D. RENDALL, Charles Henry .. (Oxford) M.A. RENNIOK. Edward Croker M.C.E RENNICK, Francis Heury M.A- RENNIE, Edward Herrry .. .. (Ijondou) D Sc. RENNIE, Ge;irge Campbell M.B., MS KENTOUL. Johrr Lawrence (Queen's Univ.. Ireland) M.A. RICHARDS, Henry Oaaelli M.Sc, RICHARDS, John Kildalil (Edinburgh) M.D RICHARDSON, Charles Herbert M.A. RICHARDSON. Joseph Richard M.C.E RICKAHUV. Frederick Hislop M.A..LL.B tilt'/. Hermann Balthazar M.A. ROBERTS, Arthur Glerrdower M.A ROBERTSON. Allen William David .. M.D, B.S ROBERTSON. Horace Patrick M.C.E ROBERTSON, James Lang M.A ROBERTSON. Johrr ... M.A ROBERTSON, Robert M.A. ROBERTSON, Robert Hope M.A. RO'BINSON, Thomas Gresharn Durntord M.A ROBSON, Edgar lliff M.A ROBSON, Ernest Hilt . .. (Cambridge) M.A. HOLLAND. Francis William M.A. ROSEBY, Thomas (Sydney) LL.D ROSEN HI AN, Walter D. Sc, B.C.E. ROSS, Alfred Ernest Jones M.A. ROSS, David M.A. ROSStrm. Frederick Daglish ...... M.A. ROWAN, Thomas M.D.. U.S. RUDD, Arthur William M.A.. LL.B RUDDLE, Reginald George M.D., B.8. RYLAH, Walter Robert .. M.A., LL.M. S SADHER, William Charles M.A. SALKELD, William Llewellyn Davies .. B.A., LL.M. SALTER, Charles Neeld M.A. MEMBERS OF SENATK. 659

SANDERSON, Arthur Clark M.A. SANDERSON, William Alexander .. .. M.A , LL.M. SARVAAS, Johan B.A., M.C.E. SAWERS, John Buchanan M.A, LL.B. SAWREl', Ernest Edward Robert .. .. M.D,. B.S. SAXTON, Johrr Thomas M.A. SCHUTT, William John M.A., LL.M. SCOTT, Robert . (Glasgow) M.D. SEDGE-FIELD, Walter John M.A., Litt. D SEMPI.E, William Henry (Edinburgh) M.D. SERGEANT, Frederick .. (Cambridge) M.A. SHARMAN. Malihew Stanton M.A., M.Sc SHAW. Charles Gordon M.D., BS. SHAW, John Henry M.A., LL.M. SHEW, Frank M.A. SHIELDS, Clive M.A.. M.B., B.S. SHIELDS, Douglas Andrew M.D., B.S SHIELS. William LL.M. SHORNBY. M.D., B.S SHORT, Robert Edgecnnilie M.D., B.S SHUTER, Richard Ernest M.D., B.S SILBERBERG, Montctiore David .. ,. M.D, BS SINCLAIR, Thomas Walker M.D., BS SKEATS. Ernest WiUington ,. (London) D.Sc. SKENE, Alexander (Edinburgh) M.A. • SMITH, Beruhard Alexander M.C.E SMITH, Charles . . .. i London) M.D. SMITH, Eustace Lyndon M.C.E. SMITH, Frederick Dudley M.CB. SMITH, Johrr Macpher-snn M.A., LL.B SMITH, Julian Augustus Rornaine .. '.. M.D., B.S, SMITH, Richard Ernest M.A. SMITH, Robert Neil .. ..' M.A.. B.CE. SMITH, Thomas Jollie M.A. SMYTH. John (New Zealand) M.A SNODGHASS, Evelyn M.A. SPENOE, John David M.CB. SPENCER, Walter Baldwin . (Oxford) M.A. SPIOEK, Edward Clarke M.A. SPOWERS. Edward Augustus M.D.. B.S. SPRING, James Francis M.D.. B.S. SPRINGTHORPE, John William .. .. M.A, M.D., BS. SPR0U1.B, Walter St. George M.A., LL.B. STAWELL, Richard Rawdorr M.D.,B,8. STEANE, William Percy M.CB. 660 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

STEELE, Bertram Dillon .. D.Sc STEELE, William M.A. STEELE. William Huey M.A. STEPHEN, Reginald M.A. STEPHENS. Carl Vivian M.D., B.S. STEPHENS, Henry Douglas M.D., M.S. STEPHENSON, Arthur Robert (London) M.A. STEPHENSON, Stuart (Oxford) M.A. STEWART, Alexander .. .. (Glasgow) M.A. STEWART, Harold John M.A. STEWART, Hector Joseph M.CB. STIRLING, Edward Charles .. (Cam.) M.D. STIRLING, Robert Andrew M.D., B.S. STREETON, Charles Henry M.A. STRONG, Herbert Augustus .. (Oxford) M.A. STUART. Thomas Peter Anderson (Edinburgh) M.D. SUGDEN, Edward Holdsworth (B.A.. london) M.A., B.Sc. SUMMERS, Herbert St. John M.Sc. SUMMONS. Samuel M.A., LL.B. SUMMONS, Samuel William Herrry .. M.D., B.S. SUMMONS, Walter Ernest M.D., B.S. SUTHERLAND. Alexander Charles .... M.A., M.CB. SUHBRLAND, Ian MacKenzie M.CB. SUTHERLAND. James M.A. SUTHERLAND. John .. M.A. SUTHERLAND, Roderick Tate M.D. SUTHERLAND, William M.A. SUTTON. Harvey . M.D., B.S. SUTTON, Hedley John M.A. SYDBS, Edward John M.A., LL.B. SY'ME, George Adlingtorr .. .." M.B., M.S. T TAIT, George M.A. TAIT. Thomas (Glasgow) M.A. TAIT, William M.A. TANSWELL, Thomas Morrin M.A. TATE, Frank M.A. TENDALL. Alethea Collis (New Zealand) M.A. TENNYSON, Hallam (Lord) ... (Cam.) Litt.D. THATCHER, Grifflthes Wheeler M.A. THOM, Gordon William M.CB. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 661

THOMAS, Frederick William M.A THOMAS, Herbert Sebastian M.A..LL.B THOMAS, Thomas Egglcstorr M.A. THOMPSON. John Henrring M.A. THOMPSON, Stephen Percy ...... M.A., LL.M. THOMSON, George Alexander M.A. THOMSON, Johrr Rae Menzies M.D., B.S. THOMSON. Robert (Aberdeen) M.A. THORNTON. Samuel (Oxford) M.A. THROSSEL, Arthur Graham M.A. TISDALL, Herbert Walter Leyster .... M.A., M.C.E TOOKEY. Thomas Joseph B.A..LL.M. TOPP, Charles Alfred M.A., LL.B- TRINCA. Alfred Johrr M.D., B.S. TUBBS. Henry Arnold (Oxford) M.A. TUCKER, Thomas George (Cambridge) M.A. TURNBULL, Henry Hume M.D., B.S. TURNBULL. John .. LL.M: TURNER, Sydney Charles HA., LL.M. TURNER. William (Edinburgh) M.D. TYSSEN, Josiah M.A. XJ ULRICH, Edward Darling M.A. UTHWATT, Augustus Amlrewes M.A., LL.B.

VAN DER WALL, Charles William (Cambridge) M.A. VOGLER. William Johrr M.A. "W WALKER, Henry Kennedy McGill .". .. M.A. WALL, Maximilian Eugen .. (Munich) M.D. WALLACE, William Campbell .. (Aber.) M.A. WARD, William Carey (Oxford) M.A. WARE, Samuel M.A. WASLEY. Josiah Stephen B.A., LL.M. WATSON, George-Rollestorr .. (Dublin) M.A. WAY', Arthur Sanders (Ixmdon) M.A. WAY, Rt. Hon. Sir Samuel (Oxford and Cambridge) LL.D.- WEBSTER. Percy Samuel .. (Durham) M.D. WEIGALL. Theyrc a'Beckett LL.M. 662 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

WEIHEN, Albert Wallace M.A., M.D., B.S. WELOHMAN, Robert Samuel M.A. WHEELER, Robert (Dublin) M.A. WHITE. Alfred Edward Rowden .. .. M.D., B.S. WHITE, Edward John Bernard M.A. WHITLEY, William Thomas (LL.M., Cambridge) LL.D. WIGHT, Gerald M.C.E. WIGHT, Nevillo M.A. WILKIN, Frederick Johrr M.A. WILKINSON. Harold Launcelott .. .. M.C.E. WILKINSON. Johrr Francis M.D, B.S. WILKINSON. William Camac (London) M.D. WILLIAMS, Alfred Henry M.A. WILLIAMS, Charles Emmanuel .. .. M.D, B.S. WILLIAMS. Cyril Gower Voss M.CB. WILLIAMS, John (Edinburgh) M.D. WILLIAMS, William Henry -.. M.A., LL.B. WILLIAMS. William Henry .... (Cam.) M.A. WILLIAMSON,' John McMulIen Bombie M.A., LL.M. WILLIS, Thomas Rupert Heury .. .. M.D. B.S. WILSMORE. Norman Tlrornas Mortimer D.Sc. WILSON. Ambrose John .. ,. (Oxford) M.A. WILSON. George M.A. WLSON, Hugh Campbell M.A. WILSON, James M.A., LL.B. WILSON, John Purves M.A., LL.D. WOINARSKI. Cnsirnir Julius Ziclry .. M.A., LL.M. WOLLASTON, Harry Newton Phillips .. LL.D. WOOD, Arthur Jeffreys M.D. B.S. WOOD. George M.A. WOOD, William Atkinson M.D., M.S. WOODPULL, Alfred Holmes LL.M. WOODWARD, Frederick Willianr Morris M.A. • WOODS. William Cleaver .. .. (Edin.) M.D. WRIGHT. Charles Panton Far-ie , . .. M.C.E. WRIGLEY". Leslie James M.A. WRIXON, Sir Herrry John .... (Dublin) M.A. WYNNE, Edwin Percy ,. LL.M.

YULE, Alexander M.A. YULE, John Sandison .'. .. M.A.. M.D., B.S.

ZWAR, Bernbar-d Traugo-tt i:.D. .'.'..S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

Names. Deijrees. A'BEOKE'l'i', Ada Mary (nee Lambert) •'M.Sc n'BECKBTT, Thomas Archibald 'B.A. ABERNETHY, James 'M.B.. B.S ABRAMS, Fanny 'B.A. AC LAND, Robert John 'LL.B. ACTON, Frederick Charles ~M.B. ADAMS, Thomas Lament 'LL.B. ADAMSON, Amy Gertrude Elizabeth .. 'M.A. ADEY, Johrr Kellernrann 'M.B.,B.S. AITCHISON, Alexander Smith 'M.B..B.S. AITKEN. William -Ijewis 'M.B., B.S. AKBHOVD, Joseph 'B.A. ALEXANDER, Katharine Logan .. .'. 'B.A. ALEXANDER, Lilian Helen *M.A„ M.B., B.S. ALLAN,. Leslie Stuart 'M.B., B.S. ALLEN, Arthur Wigram 'B.A. ALLEN. Joseph Hollins 'B.A. ALLEN. Mabel Finlay 'M.A. ALLESTEK, Edwirr Marstorr 'M.B. ALLPORT, Evert Gordon .. .. (Cam.) 'B.A. ALMOND, William Thomas 'B.A. ALSOP. Charles James 'M.B. AI.TMANN, Charles August 'M.B., B.S. AMESS. James 'M.B., B.S. A MPT, Gustav Adolph 'B.Sc. ANDERSON. Frank Cyril 'B.A. ANDERSON, James Robert Valentine .. 'B.M.E. ANDERSON. Johrr Hubback 'M.B., B.S. ANDERSON, Joshua Thos. Noble (Roy. Un. Ire.) 'B.A. ANDERSON, Robert Hodgson 'M.B., B.S. ANDREWS, Charles Leonard 'B.A., LL.B. ANDREWS. Thomas Richard 'B.A., LL.B. APPLETON, Ethel Sarah 'B.A. APPLETON. Frederick Charles 'B.A. ARGYLE. Stanley Seymour 'M.B., B.S. ARMSTRONG, George 'M.B., B.S. 664 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE.

ARMSTRONG. George William 'M.B..B.S. ARNOLD, Leonard 'B.A. ARUNDELL, Patrick 'B.A. ASHWORTH. l/ouis Naish 'B.A., M.B., B.S. ASTLEY, Arthur 'B.A. ATKINSON, Llewelyn 'B.A., LL.B. AURIOHT, Johannes Friedrich Theodor - M.B., B.S. AVERY', Gertrude Elizabeth (nee Hall) 'M.A- AVERY, John Goodall ' M.B., B.S.

BACKHOUSE, Johrr Burder 'M.B..B.S. BACKHOUSE. Thomas 'LL.B. BADGER, William Alfred 'B.A. BAGE, Anna Frederica ,M.Sc. BAGE. Edward Frederic Robert .. ..-'B.C.E. BAILEY, Annie Isabel (n6e Bullivant) 'B.A. BAILEY, Guy Brooke 'MB. BAIRD, Adam 'B.C.E. BAIRD, John Chalmers 'B.A.. M.B., B.S. BAKER, Henry Howard Acworth . . .. ' LL.B. BAKER, Mary .. .. •M.A. BALDWIN, Mary Alice '.'M.A. BALDWIN, Mary 'MB., B.S. BALFOUR. Lewis Johu 'B.A., MB, BS. BALL, Hilda Nenrra Pickering 'B.Sc. BANFIELD, Samuel Blackmore . .. 'B.A. BARBER; Alice Mary (u6e Mclean) .. 'M.B..B.S. BARBER, John Arrdrew 'B.A. BARBER, Lydia Amelia (nrSe Harris).. "B.A. BARKER, Gilbert William 'M.B., B-S. BARKER, Henry James Thomas .. .. "B.A. BARKLEY. Ernest 'B.M.E. BARNARD, Dora 'M.A. BARNARD, James Fox 'M.B, B.S. BARRATT. Norman Wilson 'LL.B. BARRETT, Edgar Alfred 'M.B., B.S. BARRETT, Edith Helen 'M.B., B.S. BARRETT. Johrr Edward -M.B., B.S. BARTEL, August Karl .. 'B.C.E. BARTLEY. Joseph Francis 'M.B., B.S. BARTRAM, Roy Douglas 'B.A. BATH. Alexander John 'B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. G65

BATTYE. Jarncs Sykcs ...• B.A., LL.B. BAYLES, William James • B.A.. LL.B. BEAMISH, William Abraham 'B.C.E. BEARD, Amy Elizabeth 'B.A. BEOG. William 'B.A. BEISOHER, Albert Ludwig • B.D.S. BELL, Arthur Francis 'M.B., B.S. BELL, George La.waluk 'M.B., B.S. BELL, James Burleigh 'M.B., BS. BELL, James Leslie •'B.C.E. BELL, Richard, Percy '-B.C.E. BENNETT, Florence Penelope 'M.A. BENNETT. Harold Vincent ,M.B„ B.S. BENNETT. James 'M.B.. B.S. BENNETT, Margaret Emily ~B-A. BENSON, George Fritz v'B.C.E. BERNADOD, Mary Ixmise .. rM.A. BEVAN, Llewelyn David .. . .(London)-LL.B. BEVAN, Sibyl Caridwen .. •M.B., B.S- BIRCH. Lewis John 'M.B., B.S. BIRD, Edwin Jeffery ^M.B. BIRD, William Joshua 'M.B., B.S. BISHOP, Albert Edward Kernn . .'MB., B.S BLACK, George Murray 'B.C.E. BLACK, James Jamieson 'M.B., B.S BLACKBURN, Maurice McCrae ... ..'B.A., LL.B. BLACKBURNE. George Hugh Spencer'M.B., B.S. BLAUBAUM. Athol •M.B., B.S. BLAUBAUM, Hubert •M.B., B.S. BLAUBAUM, Otto ' B.D.S. BLOMFIELD. Alfred Leslie 'B.C.E. BLOMFIELD. Charles Edwin 'B.C.E. BLOMFIELD, Herbert Marsh -B.A. BLOOM, Solomon ..•'LL.B. BONA, Evan Gwynne 'LL.B. BONA. Percy Arthur .. •M.B., B.S. BOOTH, Edmund Holloway 'M.B., B.S. BOOTH, Mary (Syilney)' B.A. BOTHROYD, John James 'B.A. BOURKE. Hugh Stanislaus "M.B., B.S. BOWEN, Clarence Edward •LL.B. BOURNAN. Amos Walter ' M.B., B.S. BOWMAN, Ellen 'B.A. BOWMAN, Vernon Leopold ' M.B.. B.S BOX, John " M.B., B.S. 666 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

BOX, Matthew Henry 'M.B., B.S. BOYD, Thomas Hugh 'M.B., B.S. BOYD, William 'B.C.E. BOYES, Willianr Isaac •B.A., M.B, B.S. BOYS, Robert Douglass ' B.A. BRAOBWELL, Walter Hansford .. . .'M.B., B.S. BRADLEY, Charles Martin 'B.A. BRADSHAW, Frank Meeten 'B.D.S. BRAY. Ernest 'B.C.E. BRAZIER. Charlton George 'B.A. BHENAN, Andrew Joseph 'M.B..B.S. BRENNAN. Anna Teresa 'LL.B. BRENNAN, Edward Thomas 'M.B., B.S. BRENNAN. Frank 'LL.B. BRENNAN, John Patrick 'B.C.E. BRENNAN, Thomas Cornelius 'LL.B. BRETT, Percy Gore 'M.B., B.S. BRIGGS. Walter William Victor .. .. rB.A. BROCKET. William .. 'LL.B. BROMBY, Christopher 'B.A. BROMBY. Wilfrid 'B.Sc. B.C.E. BROOKES, Herbert Robinson 'B.C.E. HROPHY. Johrr Joseph (B.A., Roy. Univ. Ireland) ' B.A., LL.B. HROUGHTON. George Edward 'LL.B. BROWN, Alfred Austin 'M.B. BROWN, Austin Graham 'B.A., LLB. BROWN, Charles James 'M.B.,B.S. BROWN, Edgar Jabcz 'M.B., B.S. BROWN, Edward Byanr .. . 'B.Sc. BROWN. Edwirr Tylor 'B.A. BROWN, Gilbert. Twentyman ' B. Meclr.E. BROWN, Ralph diaries 'M.B., B.S. BROWN, Thomas William ',VLB., B.S. BROWN. Willianr Gillbee 'M.B..B.S. BROWNLESS. Anthony Colling .. .. 'M.B..B.S. BRUCE, Charles William 'M.B. BUCHANAN, Aelfreda Hilda (rree Gamble) 'M.B., B.S- BUCHANAN, Duncan 'M.B., B.S. BUCHANAN. Gwynneth Vaughan .. .. 'M.Sc. BUCK LAND. John Varrsittart 'B.A. BUCKLEY, Edward William 'M.B., B.S. BUCKLEY, Sydney Leonard 'B.A. BULL, George (Cam.) 'MB. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 667

BULLEID, William Henry „ B.A. BULLIVANT, Hugh Edward ' B.A., LL.B. BULLOW, Jarre 'Elizabeth ^ B.A. BUNNY, Arthur George Benedictus ..^LL.B. BUXTINE, Robert Andrew 'M.B., B.S. BURFORD, Albert Arthur •Mus. Bac. BURKE, Gertrude Lucie „M.A. BURSTON. Alfred William Charles . .„ B.C.E. BURSTON, Srrrnuel Roy 'M.B..B.S. BURTON, Joseph Grindy 'B.A. BUTOHART. John Elder 'B.A. BOTCHERS, Arthur Gordon 'B.A. BUTLER, Edward Villers 'B.A. BUTLER, Frederick Stanley *. M.B. BUTLER, Harry Nairn ,M.B., B.S. BYE, Thomas Joseph 'B-C-E. BYRNE. George Robert 'LL.B.

G CADE, David Duncan •M.B., B.S CAFF1N, Melbourne Shrivalle 'B.A. CAHILL. Arthur James •M.B., B.S. CAHILL. Herrry James •M.B., B.S. CAIN. Robert Oobbold - LL.B. . CALDER, James Rennet 'LL.B. CALHOUN, James ..•M.B., B.S. CALLAN. John Bartholomew •B.A., LL.B. CALLANDER. Robert Scott 'NI.B., B.S. CAMERON. Maud Martha -B.A. CAMM, Thomas Carlyle Leichardt . 'M.B..B.S. CAMPBELL, Agues Marion 'B.A. CAMPBELL, Archibald Brown -MB., B.S. CAMPBELL. Colin (Oxford)' B.A. CAMPBELL. Colin Hamilton 'LL.B. CAMPBELL, Donald Albert 'M.B, B.S. CAMPBELL, Frances Helen •M-A. CAMPBELL. John Charles ,,M.B„ B.S. CAMPBELL, Richard Adderley 'B.A CAMPBELL, Sarah Maud ' M.B., B.S. CANTOR. Morris Emanuel Lamen , ' LL.B. CANTOR, Stanley Jacob . 'M.B., B.S. CAPBLS. Timothy William Joseph , 'LL.B. 668 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

CARROLL. William John Smyth (Sydney)' B.A. CARSE, Franc Samuel 'LL.B. CARSON, Thomas John Knox 'B.A. CARTER. Francis John Oharsley (Ox.)'B.A. CATARINICH, Johrr . . .'M.B, B.S. •CATFORD, Harold Robert - M.B., B.S. CERUTTY, Willianr Morphett /B.C.E. CHAMBERS, Herbert Ernest . . •LL.B. CHAMPION, Edward 'M.B., B,S. CHANTER, Arthur /Mus. Bac. CHAPLIN, William Watkin Winne . 'M.B. 0HAPP1.E. Frederic John 'MB., B.S. CHASE, Arthur Pelham 'B.A. CHATEIi, Richard Britten -B.A. OH EN HALL. Alfred Nicholas 'MB., B.S. CHENOWITII. Thomas Oswald •l.'..B., B.S. CHERRY, Edith Sarah (nee Gladman) .,M-A. CHESNEY. Charles Alfred (Queen's Univ. Ire.)'B.C.E. CHIRNSIDE, James Iver Mclver .. . .'M.B., B.S. CriIRNSIDB, Thomas 'LL.B. CHOMLEY, Charles Henry 'B.A., LL.B. CHOM LEY, 'Henry Rawdon Francis . , B.A., LL.B. CHOMLEY, Violet Ida *M,A. CHRISTIANSEN, Wilhelm - B.A. CHRISTIE, Charles 'M.B., B.S. CLANOHY, Bridget Adeline B.A. CLARKE, Cyril Ixmther ' M.B., B.S. CLARKE. Ethel Stone St. John ,. -B.A. CLARKE, Johrr Lea •LL.B. CLARKE, John Woolner , B.A, LL.B. CLAKKE, William Johrr Turner (Ox.)-B.A. OLEMES. Edith Emma- B.A. OLUOAS, Elizabeth Emily 'M.B., B.S. CLUGAS. Herbert Joseph '•'B.C.E. CLUTTERBUCK, Alfred Charles Ernest - B.A. CLYNE. Thomas Stuart 'LL.B. COAKLEY, Thomas Henry 'B.C.E. COHEN, Frank Simeon 'LL.B. COOKSHOT. Harold Murray 'LL.B. COFFEY. William Henry (B.A.. Dublin) 'B.A., LL.B. COHEN, Basil Walker 'M.B., B.S. COHEN. Henry Isaac • /B.A., LL.B. COLE, Francis 'M.B., B.S. GRADUATES- NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 669

COLE, Henry Samuel 'LL.B. COLLOCOTT, Ernest Edgar Vyvyan ..'B.A. COLQUHOUN. Keith Getnmell .. .. 'M.B.,B.S. CONNELL, Egbert John •M.B., B.S. CONNELL, Lucy May 'B.A. CONNELL, Maud ^M.A. CONNELLY, Arthur Waldo ,,M.B., B.S. CONNOR, John Leslie 'B.M.E. CONSIDINE. William Desmond .. .. „ LL.B. COOK. Alexander 'M.B., B.S. COOK, Charles Henry Herbert 'B.A., LL.B. COOKE, "James Douglas •M.B., B.S. COOKE, Thomas Fleming •B.A. COOPER, Claude Tidswell ' M.B., B.S. COPAS. Theodora Emilie Johanna. .•M.A. OOP ELAND, Samuel .'B.A. COPLAND, Maurice Osric .. ..'B.M.E. CORBETT. Thomas Francis ...... •LL.B. CORONER. Herrry . . 'M.B., B.S. CORKILL, Herrry Robert 'LL.B. C0RM1CK, John Phillips •B.A., LL.B. CORR, Sarah Alice 'M.A. OOSTEI.LOE, John 'M.B.,B.S. COURTNEY, Richard Edmond 'B.A., LL.B. COUTIE. Johrr Thomas Oopehurd- .. ..'B.A. COUTIE. William Henry • M.B., B.S. COUTTS, Agnes 'B.A. COUTTS. David John 'Mus. Bac. COUTTS, John -B.A. COVENTRY. Cameron Hilda (Adelaide)'M.Sc COWEN, Alfred 'M.B,, B.S. COX. Prank Eltorr •M.B., B.S. COX, Jarre Cromwell 'B.A. CRAIG, Edith Isabel -B.A. CRAIG, James Chambers ..•M.B., B.S. CRAIG, Walter Joseph .. ..•M.B., B.S. CRAIG, Walter Lennox •B.C.E. CRAWCOUR. Esther -B.A. CRAWFORD, Edward Arthur ' B.A. CRELLIN, Bertram VM.B., B.S. CROMPTON, William (Sydney)-'B.A. CROOKE, Arthur Albert . .'M.B., B.S. CROOKE. 'Robert (Dublin)'B.A. CROOM. Smart Patrick •M.B., B.S. . CROSBIE. William Barry "LL.B. 670 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

CROSS, John - B-A. CROUCH, Charles Stanton ' B.A., LL.B. CROUCH. Herbert Casely 'B.C.E. CROWE, Valentine Francis •M.B., BS. CROWLEY. Cornelius George •B.A. M.B.. B.S. CROWLEY, Johrr Henry Joseph 'M.B..B.S. CROWTHER, George O'Dell •B.A., LL.B. CROWTHER, John Russcl! .'t ' B.A. CROWTHER. Henry Arnold 'B.A. CUMMINS, James Peter- 'B.A. CUMMINS, Richard Howard LaBarte ..-B.Sc. CUNNING, Joseph 'M.B., B.S. CUNNINGHAM E, Francis Wiljiarn .. .. 'B.A. CURRIE, Henry Alan 'B.C.E. CUSCADBN, William George Henry ..'.VLB., B.S. CUSSEN. Gerald Errgerre -M.B..B.S- CUTTER, Charles Christopher •B.A., LL.B.

ID DALE, AVilliam Kellynack . •M.B. DAMMAX. George William •M.B., B.S- DANG LOW. Jacob • ''B.A. DANIEL, Charles Johrr -M.B..B.S. DANIEL!.-, Hilda Young 'B.A. DANIBLL, Mabel Alice Grey •M.A. DARBY. George Robert ' M.B, B.S. DAVEY'. Eva Prances Elizabeth .. .."B.A. DAVID, Tannatt Willianr Edgworth (Ox.) 'B.A., DAVIDSON. Helen Irene -B.A. DAVIDSON, Raleigh Gilbert -LL.B. DAVIES. Alfred Ehenezer •B.A., LL.B. DAVIES, Dorothy Annie .. .. •M .Sc DAVIES, Edwin Zcrubabel •M.B., B.S. DAVIES, Francis Lcthieullier 'M.B., B.S. DAVIBS, Johrr Murray. •B.A. DAVIES, l^slie 'M.B..B.S. DAVIES, Margaret Sandeman 'M.A. DAVIES, Maurice Charles "M.B., B.S. DAVIES, Muriel Kate /M.B., B.S. DAVIES, Olive Blanche "B.Sc. DAVIES, Thomas ' B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE. 671

DAVIES, Walter •LL.B. DAVIES, Wilfrid Norman 'M.B., B.S. DAVIES. William Edward 'M.B., B.S. DAVINE. Milo 'B.A., LL.B. DAVIS, Alfred v B.A. DAVIS. John Reginald KM.B., B.S. DAVIS, William 'M.B. DAY', Louisa McPherson -M.A. DEAKIN, Stella 'B.Sc. DBANE. Edward Wilkinson 'M.B., B.S. DECK, Henry O'Brien "M.B., B.S. DBEBLBS. Arthur Vivian 'B.A. DE GARIS. Mary Clementina .. "M.D., B.S. DEOENHARDT, Albert •M.B., B.S. DBLWER, Harold Charles 'B.A. DENNIS, Charles Edgar .. 'M.B., B.S. DENNIS. George Ernest 'M.B., B.S. DERAVIN. Arthur Francis ...... 'MB., B.S. DE RAVIN, Ernest Alfred •M.B., B.S. DERAVIN, Garnet Wesley --M.B., B.S. DERAVIN, Hugh Alexander • M.B., B.S. DERAVIN, Walter Eugene •M.B., B.S. DURHAM, Enid 'M.A. DERHAM, Francis Reginald •B.A., LL.B. DESAILLY, Julian Gilbert 'M.B..B.S. DEVINE, Hugh Bcrchrnans 'M.B., B.S. DICKSON, Frederick William 'LL.B. DILLON, Edward Emmet •B.A., LL.B. DIXON, Joseph William "LL.B. DIXSON, Irene Craig •M.A. DOBBIE. John Alexander -B.A. DOOKER, Wyatt Bristow 'M.B., B.S. DOCKERY, Luke James -B.C.E- DODDS. William Bruce 'B.C.E. DODGSON, Maud "M.B., B.S. DOMBRAIN. Ernest Arthur 'M.B., B.S. DONALDSON. Robert Johnstone .. ..-B.C.E. DONALDSON, William Henry 'M.B. DONOVAN. Gustave 'Thomas B.D.S. DOOLEY, William Henry .. / B.A. DOSSBTOR, Francis Ernest 'B.A. DOUGHARTY. Isabel Elizabeth ,. ..'B.A. DOUGLAS. Campbell George .' ..-"LL.B. DOUGLAS, Francis John ('M.B., B.S. DOW. Edmund Burnett 'B.M.E. 672 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

DOWLING, Patrick Paul 'M.B. DOWNES, Rupert Major ' M.B.. B.S. DOWNEY', Michael Henry ' M.B., B.S. DOWNING, Harold David * M.B., B.S. DOYLB, Maurice Thomas 'LL.B. DREW, Joseph Milton D'Amer - M.B.. B.S. DREW, Thomas Mitchell - M.B.. B.S- DUFFY, Charles Cashel Gavan 'LL.B. DUFFY, Desmond McMahon Gavan ..'B.A. DUMARESQ, Frances Kate Marguerite-B.A. DUNCAN; Hugh Rennie 'M.B..B.S- DUNLOP, John Wight-man 'B.C.E. DUNN, Bessie Maud (nee Phipps) .. •' B.A. DUNN, Edward Perchard -M.B..B.S. DUNN, Ernest Victor "B.A. DUNN, Henry Francis ' B.A. DUNN, John Herbert 'B.Sc DYASON, Edward Clarence Evelyn . .'B.Sc.B.M.

EADIE, James ' M.B., B.S. EAGER, Clifden Heury Andrews . . . . 'LL.B. EAGLESON, James •B.A., LL.B. EASTAUGH, Edith Beatrice •M.A. EASTWOOD, Francis Hudson 'M.B., B.S. EAVES, Ethel Mary Vaughan (nee Cowan) 'M.B., B.S. EBSWORTH, Richard Henry 'M.B., B.S. EDGERTON, James Arthur 'B.C.E. EDWARDS, Edward •B.M.E. EGG LBSTON, William Moulton .. •B.D.S. ELCOATB, Robert Leslie Gough .. 'M.B., B.S- ELLIOTT, Harold Edward "LL.B. ELLIS. Constance '"M.D., B.S. ELVINS, Henry Francis Herbert .. . .'M.B., B.S- ELVINS, Horteuse Rita (nee Connell).. - M.Sc EMBLING, Herbert Augustus •M.B., B.S. ENGLAND. Egbert Francis Scott .. ..'LL.B. ERRBY, William v B.A. EVA, Cyril Herbert Vyvyan 'B.A. EVANS, Harold Maund> ' M.B.. B.S- EVANS! John Herbert •M.B., B.S. EYRES, Sarah Constance vM.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OE SENATE. 673

IF FAIRLEY, James Pairburn . 'M.B.,B.S. FANKHAUSER. Herbert William .. ..' M.B., B.S. PARLOW, George Robert ' B.A., LL.B. FARMER, Paul Ward ' M.B., B.S. FEARNLEY. Warren James .' M.B., B.S. PBATONBY', Herrry Newark ^ M.B., B.S. FEILOHENFELD, Edward • M.B., B.S. FEILCHENFBLD, Otto Albert • M.B., B.S. FELSTEAD, James Gerald Roy •M.B., B.S. FERGUSON, Daniel ' LL.B. FERGUSON, Wiley Drummond • M.B., B.S. FERRIS, Frederick Allan ' M.B., B.S. PFROST, Albert Ernest • M.B., B.S. FIELDER, Laura Gouldsmith ' B.A. FINK, Gordon .. ' LL.B. FIN LA YSON, John Marshall 'LL.B. FINNIS, Horace Percy v B.A. PITOHBTT, William Henry 'B.A. FLANAGAN, Patrick James "M.B., B.S. FLETCHER, Elizabeth Eleanor (nee Weld)'M.B., B.S. FLETCHER, Marian Bliaaheth Diggle . .'M.B., B.S. FLEMING, Charles William Henry .. M.B. FLORANCE, Ellen Elizabeth (nee Henry) •M.B., B.S. FLORANOE, Paul Lewis , M.B., B.S. FLY'NN, John .. (Roy. Univ. Ireland)'M.B. FORBES, Catharine Ellen Mary .. ..'B.A. PORDYOE, William Cleveland 'B.A. FORGE, Herbert Christopher 'LL.B. FORLONG. Robert Roohfort -B.A. PORMBY', Henry Harper •M.B., B.S. POR8HAW', William Joseph • M.B., B.S. F0R3TBR, Arthur Edward Blackett "MB., B.S. FOBSTBR, Karl 'B.A. FORSTER, John ' B.A. FORSYTH, William Alexander , M.B., B.S. FOSTER, Bryan V M.B., B.S. POSTER, George Williams * M.B., B.S. FOWLER, Herbert Thomas 'B.A. FOWLER, Robert • M.B., B.S. FOX, John Raymond • M.B. FOX, Laura, Mary (nee Moerlin) .. ,/M.A.


FOX, Melbourne George Griffin •B.A., LL.B. FOXTON, Harold Vernon •M.B, B.S. FRANCIS, Harry Vivian •B.C.E. FRASER. Alexander Clow "B.A. FRASER, Mary Isabella 'M.A. FRASER. Sarah Jarre •M.A. PRASBR, William 'B.A. FRIEDMAN, Henry •M.B., B.S.

C3- GALBRAITH, Charles Strong 'B.C.E. GARDINER, James Morison 'M.B., B.S. GARDINER. John Pcden 'B.C.E. GARDNER, Mark Clayton 'M.B., B.S. GAUNT, Olive Herbert 'LL.B. GAWNE. Frederick John •M.B. GBACH, Prank Herbert 'LL.B. GERRARD, Norman James " M.B., B.S. GHILOTTI, Angelina. "M.A. GIBBONS, Anna Agnes (Roy. Univ. Ire.)•'B.A. GIBSON, Arthur Horace 'M.B., B.S. GILBERT, Henry •M.B., B.S. GIIJOHRIST, Sarah Elizabeth (nee Topp) 'M.A. GILL, Harry Samuel Bromley - B.A. GILL, Hubert Baldwin •M.B., B.S. GILL. Joseph James Lloyd " M.B., BS. GILLESPIE, Leslie Thomson • M.B., B.S. GLEESON, Edrnond Francis Gerald . •B.C.E. GLEESON, Edmund Joseph 'B.A., M.B., B.S GODDARD. Margaret Mabel ' B.A. GODFREY. Herbert Cecil •B.A., LL.B. GODFREY, Horace Percy "M.B., B.S. GOLLER, Alfred Ernest -B.A. GOOD. Ethel ' M.B., B.S. GOOD. Robert Norman Scott " M.B., B.S. GOODE, Christina love " M.B., B-S. GOUDY, Arthur •B.C.E. GRABHAM, Arthur Edward ' B.A. GRAHAM. Austin Douglas .. ..' B.A. GRAHAM, Charles Sydney "'B.C.E. GRAHAM, Edward Alfred •M.B.. B'-S. GRAHAM, Herbert; levers "LL.B. GRADUATES NOT ME.MBERS OF SENATE. 675

GRANO, Theodore George •LL.B. GRANT, Charles James "B.C.E. GRANT, William .. 'B.C.E. GRAY, Colin .. 'M.B., B.S. GRAY, Fannie Blanche -B.D.S. GRAY, Herbert John •M.B., B.S. GRAY', Joseph Alexander •B.Sc. GRBBN. Arthur William - B.A. GREEN, Frederick William ,, M.B., BS. GREEN, Leila Ada 'B.Sc GREEN, Richard Arthur 'B.A. GREEN, Stanley Dutton •LL.B- GREEN, Thomas Ernest 'M.B., BS. GREENE, George Henry 'B.A. GRBENSHIELDS, Hilda Adella "M.B., B.S. GREER. Olaude ' M.B., B.S. GRBGBRSON, WiUiam Jens 'M.B.,B.S. GREGORY, John Stephen •B.C.E. GREGORY, Robert. Henry •LL.B- GREY, Minola Janet 'M.A. GREIG, Grata, Flos Matilda • •B.A., LL.B. GREIG, Jane Stocks / M.B., B.S. GREIG, Janet Lindsay » M.B., B.S. GRBNTBLL, Sydney •B.A., LL.B. GRIOE, John •B.A., LL.B. GRIFFITHS, Ada Isabella Valentine . ,'M.B., B.S. GRIFFITHS. James (Dublin)'B.A. GRIMWADE, Wilfrid Russell 'B.Sc GRINDROD, William Campbell ' M.B., B.S. GROVE. Frederick Thomas "B.A. GUBBINS, Francis Roche 'LL.B. GULLETT. Philip Alexander "LL.B. GUNSON, William Norman 'B.A. GUTHEIL, Brnil • M.B., B.S.

IET HAOKETT, James Thompson ' B.A. HAGENAUBR, Gustavo Alfred

HALL, Arthur David 'B.A. HALLEY, Ida Gertrude Margaret .. .."M.B..B.S. HAMILTON, Edward James 'LL.B. HAMILTON, Henry Talbot "M.B., B.S. HAMILTON, Robina ' B.A. HAMILTON, Charles .. .. 'LL.B. HAMILTON, William ' B.A. HANSFORD, Alfred Howard 'B.A..LL.B. HARBISON. James Alexander 'B.A. HARBISON, John Wesley 'M.B., B.S. HARCOURT. James Richmond 'B.A. HARCOURT, Clive -M.B., B.S. HARDIE, Andrew Oswald 'B.A. HARDIE, Elsie Denham ' B.A. HARDY, Charles Henry William ., .. - M.B., B.S. HARKER. Alfred Edwini ' M.B., B.S. HARKNES3, Andrew 'B.C.E. HARLIN, Mabel Gertrude 'M.A. HARPBR, George Craig "M.B..B.S. HARPER, Oresley Tatlook " LL.B. HARPER, Harold William 'LL.B. HARRIS, Henry Louis ' M.B., B.S HARRY, Arthur Hartley .. (Adelaide)' B.A. HARVEY, John Thomas .. (Edinburgh)'M.B. HARVEY, Richard Richards ' M.B., B.S. HARVEY", William Wyatt 'B.O.E. HARWOOD, Marion Fleming •M.A. HAWKINS, Ethel May ' M.B., B.S. HAWKINS, Samuel Melville - B.O.E. HAYBALL, Alfred Harry •B.A., LL.B. HAYES, Frederick James Borley .. .. "B.A., LL.B. HAYES, Horace Frederick ' M.B., B.S. HEALY, Robert Gartly ' M.B., B.S. HEARD, Charles de Wolfe .. (McGill)'M.B. HEATH, Herrry John 'LL.B. HEDDERWICK, Bruce Pitcaim .. ..'LL.B. HEDDERWICK, Doretta Mary - B.A. HBDBN, Emest Charles Burgess (8yd.) 'B.M.E. HENDERSON, Arthur Vincent ' M.B., B.S. HENDERSON, John Leslie - M.B., B.S. HENDERSON. Mary Anketell • M.B., B.S. HENDERSON, William -B.A. HEPBURN, Thomas Robert •B.A.,LL.B. HBRLITZ, Hermann 'M.B., B.S- GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. h

HERMAN, Hyman „ B.C.E. HERRING, Millicemt Bell -B.A. HBWITSON, William ^B.A. HEWLETT, Herbert Maunsell "M.B., B.S- HICK, Ernest Henry ,-B.A.,LL.B. HIGGINS, Janet Gertrude „B.A. HILL. Arthur Machen • ^-M.B., B.S. HILL. Charles Herbert 'M.A., M.B., B.S. HILL, Samuel •B.A. HILL, William Henry Freer •B.O.E. IIINBS, Elizabeth Josephine Wirrifred.. •M.A. HOCKING, Joseph „B.A. HOCKING, Richard Eva ^B.A. HOOTOR, William Henry De Burgh ...M.B. HODGES, Edward Noltoan 'LL.B. HODGES. Henry Edward Agincourt . 'B.A. HODGKINSON, Claude Pulton 'M.B., B.S- HODGSON, Robert Percival "M.B., B.S. HODGSON. Thomas 'M.B., B.S. HOGAN, John Edward ^ B.A, LL.B. HOGGART, William Ross ' B.A. HOLOROPT. Edgar .. .. (B.A.. Cam.)' B.A., M.B., B.S. HOLDEN, Albert Thomas 'B.A. HOLDEN, Patrick John ' LL.B. HOLLOW, Victor Sydney ' LL.B. HOLLOW, Joseph Thomas ' M.B., B.S. HOLMES, Arthur Richard 'B.A. HOLMES, Margaret 'B.A. HOLMES, Mervyn John ' M.B., B.S. HOLROY'D, Spencer Edward - B.A, LL.B. HOOPER, Seliua Rutherford ' B.A. HOPE, George Bancroft 'B.M.E. HOPE, William Waugh ' M.B., B.S. HOPKINS, Alfred Nicholas .. (Adelaide)' B.A. HORAN, John Francis ' B.A. HORDERN, Arthur "B.O.E. HORDERN, Harriet May 'B.A. HORGAN, John Patrick "M.B., B.S. HORN. David ' B.A. HORNE, Robert Alexander ' M.B. HORSFALL, Alfred Herbert • M.B., B.S. HOR8FALL, Ernest Richard "B.C.E. HORSPALL, Leonard Arthur • B.A., LL.B. HORSFALL, William Nichols " M.B., B.S. HOSKING, Richard .. .. (Cambridge)"B.A. 678 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. .

HOUSTON, Alexander Sommerville ..'B.A. HOUSTON. Jane Selkirk 'B.A. HOWDEN, Reginald . .' •M.B., B.S. HOWELL. Marguerita (n

ICK, Edwin Theophilus Jesse 'M.B, B.S. INGHAM, James Herbert 'M.B..B.S. INGLIS, Tracy Russell 'M.B..B.S. IRVING, Harold Alfred Cardale .. . .'M.B., B.S. IRWIN, William Henry 'B.A.

JACKSON, Alfred Henrick (Victoria Urr.J'B.Sc. JACKSON, Ernest Sandford "M.B., B:S. JACKSON, Herbert Alfred 'B.C.E. JACKSON. James Kennedy 'M.B. ' JACOBS, Morris •M.B., B.S. JACOBS, Philip Acland •B.A., LL.B. JAKINS. George Frederick 'B.C.E. JAMES, Eric Lisle 'B.O.E. JAMES, William Howard 'M.B. JAMIESON, Douglas Dunbar /M.B.B.S. JAMIESON, Jarre Hood .. v-M.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 679

JAMIESON, Margaret " M.B., B.S. JAMIESON, Stanley Oonmebee .. . ,,M.B.,B.S. JENKINSON. Herbert Gordon -B.C.E. JERMYN, Frederick David "M.B., B.S. JERMYN, Walter Herbert ' M.B., B.S. ' JOBSON, Jeanie 'B.A. 'JOBSON. Nancy 'M.A. JOEL, Benjamin 'M.B., B.S. JOEL, Simon 'M.B, B.S. JOHNSON, Alfred William 'B.C.E. JOHNSON, Arthur Livingstone 'B.C.E. JOHNSON. Edward Angas 'M.B., B.S. JOHNSON, John , M.B. JONES. Isaac 'M.B., B.S. JONES, John Clark 'B.A. JONES. Johrr Samuel 'B.A..LL.B. JONES, Robert Henry 'M.B..B.S. JONES, Samuel Percy 'B.C.E. JOSEPH, Henry Gabriel 'LL.B. JOSKE, Ernest Ouzor •LL.B. JOYCE, Alfred Fleming ' M.B., B.S. JOYCE, Caleb ' M.B., B.S. JOYNT, Oswald 'M.B, B.S. JUTTNER, Frank Julius Edward .. ..'M.B.

KB A NE. John Thomas "LL.B. KEENAN, Francis Joseph • B.A., LL.B. K.BIL1', John Nicholas Joseph (Queen's Univ. lrel.)'B.A. KELLY', Daniel •M.B., B.S. KELLY, Edmond (Dublin)'M.B. KELLY", Edwin • Clarence Whiteman .. •LL.B. KELLY, Frederick Lome •B.D.S. KELLY, Hubert McCormack •B.A., LL.B. KELLY'. James Patrick 'M.B., B.S. KELLY', Matthew Francis "M.B, B.S. KELLY, Olof Nicholson /B.A. KELLY, William Ryton " M.B, B.S. KELLY, Willianr Trench Clifford .. . .• B.A. KELSALL. Arthur St. John „ B.A. KEM MIS, Arthur • B.A. KEMP, Charles Herbert • B.C.E- 680 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

KEMP, Walter .. ...•LL.B. KENDALL, Elverene Park • B.C.E. KENDALL. Hilda Winifred 'B.A. KENNEDY, James Charles •M.B., B.S. KENNEDY, Johanna Elizabeth "B.A. KENNEDY, Thomas John Moore .. ..'M.B..B.S. KBNNISON, John Alexander' .M.B. KENNY, Augustus Leo 'M.B, B.S. KENNY, Thomas James William .. . .'M.B., B.S. KENT, Charles George M.B, B.S. KER. Thomas Campbell ^-M.B., B.S- KERNOT, Wilfrid Noyce .. ..•B.C.E. KERR, John Beatty "B.A. KIDDLE, John Beachom .LL.B. KILPATRIOK. William 'M.B..B.S. KINCAID, Hilda Estelle "M.Sc KINO, Charles Edgar ' M.B., B.S. KING, John Riddoch -B.A KITCHEN, Ethel Mary (nee McKinlcy)'M.A. KITCHEN. John James -M.B., B.S. KNEE, Arthur Wilton 'B.O.E. KNEEN, Edgar Albert 'B.C.E. KNIGHT, Percy Norwood .. (Adelaide)'B.A. KNOWLES, George Shaw •B.A. KNOX. Robert George 'B.A. KROiNE, Berthold Henry Charles .. ..'B.A. KY'LE, Rose Hartley 'Mus. Bac

LAING, Annie Sutherland 'M.A. LA1NG, John Albert 'B.C.E. LAIOR, Peter Anthony Richard .. ..•M.B., B.S. LAMBLE, Gilbert ,.,M:B.,B.S. LANE, Charles Timon • M.B., B.S. LANE, Roland Maston 'M.B..B.S. LANG, Matthew 'M.B..B-S. LANG, Patrick Herrry 'M.B, BS. LANGFORD, Florence Victoria •M.A. LANGLANDS, Francis Herrry 'M.B., B.S. LANGLEY, Arthur Theodore .M.B, B.S. LANGLEY, Arthur WeUesley Homan ..'M.B..B.S. LANGLEY, Francis Ernest 'M.B., B.S. LANGMORE, Percy Vance (Edinburgh) x M.B, BS. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 681

LANGTON, Berrrret • B.A., LL.B. LATHAM, Eleanor Mary (nee Tobin) .. 'B.A. " LATHAM, Ida Harriett* May (nee Wilson) .M.A. LAURIE. Andrew St. George Wilson ..•LL.B. LAURIE, Minnie Mabel Monica (rr6e Hovingham-Root) •M.A. LAVARACK, Alice Muriel •M.B., B.S. LAVENDER, Bella (mle Guerin) .... 'M.A. LAWRENCE, George Douglas •LL.B. LEADBEATBR, James George - B.A., LL.B. LEE, Herrry Malcolm ' B.A., LL.B. 1JJ1E, Richard (London)"B.A. LEE, Violet Jarre •M.A. LAWTON, John Thomas 'B.A. LB-ITCH, Oliver 'M.B., B.S. LEEPER, Adeline Theodora Allen .. ..'B.A. LBEPEiR. Alexander Wigram Allen .. ' B.A. LEEPER, Reginald Wildig Allen .. . .* B.A. LEGGE. Frank Robert 'M.B., B.S. LEGGE, Herbert Sutherland „ B.A. LBITOH, Emily Bertha (n§e Main) . .•M.B., B.S. LEMON. Ferguson Augustus •M.B., B.S. LEMON, Robert Dillon •M.B., BS. LENNON, Brian William •B.M.E. LEON, John Howard M.B., BS. LP. SOUBF, Sebert Gordon 'B.M.E. LETCHER, Herbert Richard ' M.B., B.S. LEVY. Ernest. Charles 'LL.B. LEWELLIN, Augustus John Richard , -M.B..BS. LEWERS. Beatrice Mary - B.A. LEWERS, Richardson Wakefield .. . .'M.B..BS. LBWBRS, Thomas Ross • M.B., B.S- LEWEBS, William Charles •B.A., LL.B. LEWIS, Alexander Thomas ' LL.B. LEWIS, Edith Louise 'B.A. LEWIS, Eliot Tremoame •B.C.E. LEWIS, James Brook /M.B..B8. LEY", George Joseph 'M.B. LEY, Mark Aloysius ' M.B., B.S. UDDLE, Percy Herbert •M.B., B.S. LILLIES, George Leonard •M.B., B.S. LIMEBOCK, Lilian Mary /M.A. LIND, William Alexander Tear •M.B., BS. 682 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

LINDSAY, Samuel James 'B.C.E. LINEHAN. Michael Joseph 'B.A. LINES, David Henry Edward •M.B., B.S. LINK, Joseph Selby 'B.C.E. LISSIGNOL, Eugene Adolphe (France)'B.A. LISTER. Harold 'M.B. LITTLE, Millicerrt Beatrice 'M.A. LITTLEWOOD, Frank Ernest 'M.B., B.S. LIVINGSTONE, Robert 'B.A. LLOYD, Mary (nee Roberts) -B.A. LOOKHART, Margaret Daphne 'B.A. LONG, William John .MB., B.S. LOONEY', Frank Harold 'M.B., B.S. LOOSLI, Robert James •M.B., B.S. LORMER, Arthur 'B.A. LOTHIAN, Elizabeth Inglis 'M.A. LOUGHNAN, James Robert -M.B., B.S. LOUGHRAN, Herrry Gerald 'M.B., B.S. LOUGHREY. George Ernest 'B.A,, LL.B. LOVE, Archibald Albert 'M.B. LOVE. Joseph 'M.B., B.S. LOWE, Robert Ernest •B.C.E. LOWE, William . -M.B., B.S. LOWRY, Johrr Charles 'B.A. LUKIN, Catherine Alicia (nee Rennick) ' M.A. LUMSDEN. William Joshua 'B.D.S. LYALL, David Murray 'B.A. LY'ELL, Charles "B.C.E- I.YNOH, Maurice Edmund 'M.B., B.S. LYNCH, Percival Blake Ridley ' B.A., LL.B. LYONS, Martin Moylaii •M.B., B.S.

McARTHUR. Arthur Norman 'M.B., B.S. McARTHUR, Willianr Gilbert Stewart.. 'LL.B. MACARTNEY. Edward Hussey Burgh ..-B.A., B.C.E. MACARTNEY. William Donnelly .. .. •LL.B. MacBAIN, Smith ''B.A. McBURNEY, Mona Margaret •Mus. Bac MCCARTHY', Charles Louis •M.B., B.S. McOAY, Walton Heywood •B.CE- McCONACHIE, Edith Madeline /M.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 683

McCORMIOK, John Thomas 'B.Sc McCRINDLE, Hazel Morell -B.A. McCULLY, John -B.A. McDONALD, Annie •• ..'M.A. MACDONALD, Archibald -M.B., B.S. MacDONALD. Ethel Mary Cumniing :.'B.A. MacDONALD, Isobel Janet 'M.A. McDONALD, James Edward Pancourt.. 'M.B., B.S. MACDONALD, James Middleton 'B.A. McDONALD, Leslie John ' B.A. MACDONALD. Middleton Balbirnie ..'B.A. MacDONALD, Olive May (nee Williams) "B.A. McDONALD. Sydney Pancourt .M.B., B.S. MACDONNELL, Adam John Pettigrew ' B.A. McDONNELL, Johni Louis 'B.A. MacDOUGALL, John Patrick 'B.A. McDOUGALL, Percy Raymond 'B.A. McEWBN. Hugh Gordon 'B.CE. MACFARLAN, Ian Robert •LL.B. MAOFARLANE, Archibald Martin .. .. ' M.B., B.S. MACFARLANE. Johrr Horton 'B.A. MAOFARLANE, William Holdsworth .."M.B., B.S. MAOOILLTCUDDY, Daniel Florance .,' M.B., B.S- MAOGI.LLIVRAY. William David Kerr'M.B., B.S. McGOWAN, Arthur Gerald •M.B., B.S. MACGOWAN, Ernest Thorburn 'M.B., B.S. MccGWIRE, William Walter •M.B., B.S. McINTOSH. John Herbert Carlyle .. ..'B.A. MACKAY, Ada Marion ..M.A. MACKAY, Charles Vincent '. .• M.B., B.S. MACKAY, Edward Alan •M.B., B.S. MACKAY. Francis Hugh -LL.B. McKAY. Arthur Adrian " M.B., B.S. McK,.Y. John Gilbert •M.B., B.S. MACKENZIE, Andrew Hardie ..M.B. MACKENZIE. Catharine ..-B.A. MACKENZIE, Donald McRae 'B.CE. McKENZIE, John 'B.A. MACKENZIE, John Forbes Cock .. . ."M.B., B.S. MACKENZIE, Murdoch •M.B., B.S. MACKENZIE, Sara (n6e Dixon) 'M.A. MACKIE, David William Hartneil . .'M.B., B.S. McKIE, Mary Alice Ethel (noe Doyle)..' B.A. McKINLEY, Henry „ B.A. MACKINNON, Kenneth John .. (Oam.)^B.A. 684 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

MAOKNIGHT, Conway Montgomery . "M.B., B.S. McLAREN, Marjory Bruce 'B.Sc- McLAREN, Mary Lily •M.A. McLAREN, Samuel Bruce 'B.A. MoLAY, Robert Galloway 'M.B., B.S. MoLEAN, Donald .. 'M.B., BS. McLEAN, Douglas •B.CE- McLEAN. Ethel Margaret •M.A. . McLEAN, John Barr .M.B., B.S. MACLEAN, Roland 'M.B., BS. McLEAN, Thomas Alexander 'M.B., B.S. McMAHON, Johrr Joseph -M.B. McMEEKIN, Samuel -B.A. MoNAB, Colin -LL.B. McNAB, Duncan Donald ..B.CE- MACNAMABA, Melbourne John .. ..'B.A. McNAUGHTON. Josephine 'M.A. McNEIL, Frederick Douglas 'B.CE- MoOWAN, John ' B.A- McPHEE, Robert George 'M.B., B S. MoQUEEN, Ewen Neil .. ' B.A. MoQUEBN. Malcolm ' B.A. MACRAE, Frederick John Learmonth'B.A. McSHANE, Olctus 'M.B.,B,S. McSWBENEY. Michael Stanislaus .. ..'M.B., B.S. McSWINEY, Paul 'LL.B. McWILLIAMS, George Frederick .. . .•M.B.jB.S. MADDEN. Guy Ross 'LL.B. MAGILL, Martin 'M.B., B.S. MAGUIRE. James Richard - B.A., LL.B MAIDMENT. Prank Embling ...... •B.CE. MAILER, Melrose 'M.B..B.S MAIN, Harry Findlay 'M.B., B.S MAKIN. Frank Humphrey 'M.B., B.S MALONEY, Jeremiah James 'M.B.. B.S MANLY, Richard Augustus Aloysius ..''M.B., B.S MANN, Thomas 'B.A., LL.B. MANNES, Philip 'B.A. MAPLBSTONE, Philip Alan 'M.B., B.S. MARKS. William (London)'B.A. MARSDEN, Charles Edward •M.B., B.S. MARSHALL, Crawford Olelland .. ..•M.B., B.S. MARSHALL, James ..'LL.B. MARSHAL!;, John Horn 'B.A. MARSHALL, William Douglas 'B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 685

MARTELL, Horatio Percy ,M.B„B.S. MARTELL, Margaret (nee Whytc) .. . vM.B, B.S. • MARTIN, Edward Patrick -B.C.E. MARTIN, Frank Beauohamp • M.B., B.S. MARTIN, Fred. Russell Beauchamp ..•LL.B. MARTIN, Herbert Sumner .•'B.A,, LL.B. MASTERS, Francis Hedley "M.B., B.S. MASTERS. William Edward 'B.A, LL.B. MATHEWS, John Thomas 'B.A. MATHEWS, Robert Humphrys 'B.A. MATHISON, Gordon Clunes McKay . rM.B., B.S. MATTHEWS, John Thomas •M.B..B.S. MATTING LEY, Percy Prank Cuthbert. • B.D.S. MAXTED, Spencer Edward 'B.A. MAXWELL. Charles •M.B., B.S. MAXWELL, George Arnot .' B.A., LL.B. MEAD, Gertrude Ella r'M.B., B.S. MEAGHER, John Sheehy •B.A., LL.B. MEARBS. Robert Chancellor 'B.A., LL.B. MBBK, Robert Augustus 'M.B. MENDELSOHN, David .. 'M.B., BS. MENDELSOHN, Lewis (London)-B.A. MERFIELD. Miriam Sarah 'B.A. MERRILLEES, James Frederick .. .. "M.B., B.S. MBTOALPE. George •B.A. MICHIE. John "M.B.,B.S. MILLEU, Albert Guy •M.B., B.S. MILLER. John 'B.A. MILLER, Joseph John • M.B., B.S. MILLER, Lindsay Stevens .-M.B., B.S. MILLER. Norman Albert .LL.B. MILLER, William Francis ' M.B., B.S. MILLIARD. Harriott Ellen "B.A. MILLIE, Alexander 'B.A. MILLIGAN, Edward Thomas Campbell'M.B., B.S. MINOGUB, Johrr Patrick "LL.B. MITCHELL, Henry St. John .. (Oxford)'B.A. MITCHELL. Leonard John Cole 'M.B., B.S. MITCHELL, Percival Harris (Adelaide)" B.A. MOLBSWORTH, Robert Arthur "B.A. MOLINE, Arthur Howard Pritchard .. •B.C.E- MOLLISON, Crawford Henry " M.B., BS. MOLLOY, Arthur Irvine "B.A. MONTGOMERY. John Park ..•M.B., B.S. MONTGOMERY, Christina Smith .. .."M.A. 686 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

MOORE. Alexander Henderson 'B.A. MOORE, Alfred Johrr James .-B.CE. MOORE. Margaret •B.Sc. MORGAN, Arthur William •M.B„B.S. MORLEY, Alban Oyril ..'B.A., LLB. MORRES, Elsie Frances 'M.A. MORRIS, Arthur Edward 'M.B., B.S. MORRIS, Charles Jepson 'B.C.E. MORRIS. Ethel Ida (nee Remfry) .. ,.,'M.Sc MORRIS. John Newman .. •M.B., B.S. MORRIS, Richard Samuel 'B.Sc . MORRIS, William Perry French .. .."B.A. MORRISON, Arthur Robertson 'B.CE. MO.RRISON, Donald Clive •B.A., LL.B. MORTON. James Charles 'M.B.. B-S. MORTON, Reginald Lonsdale ' M.B., B.S. MORTON, William Alexander ' M.B., B-S. MOSS. Matthew Kasner ' M.B., B-S. MOSS, William Joseph Alleine •M.B., B.S. MOULE, William Henry •LL.B. MOYNAN. Joseph (Queen's Univ. Ire.) 'B.CE. MUIR, John Clark 'M.B..B.3. MULLER, Charles Albert ' M.B., B.S. MULLBR, Oscar Rudolph Percy 'M.B..B.S. MUNRO, David Dunlop "B.A. MUNT, George Alfred 'B.A. MUNTZ. Edith -M.Sc MUNTZ, Edward James "B.CE. MURDOCH, David •M.B., B.S. MURDOCH, Thomas 'B.CE. MURPHY, James Katupna ...... •B.A., LL.B. MURPHY, Wiliam Patrick •M.B., BS. MURRAY, Russell Mervyn •BJCE. MYERS, Isidore 'B.A.

1ST NANCE, Winifred Margaret "B.Sc NANKIVELL, Arthur Youl "M.B., B.S. NANKIVELL, Hugh Calvert .." LL.B. NATTRASS, John Hodgson - M.B., B.S. NAYLOR. Iiabel Gertrude Sutton (n«e Crutchfield) 'M.B.. B.S. NEIGHBOUR, Arthur George Lloyd .. 'B.CE. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 687

NELSON, William Horner

O'ROURKE, Frederick William -B.A. ORR, Vivian Bernard • M.B, B.S. ORR. William Francis 'M.B-.B.S. OSBORNE, Ernest Charles .. .. (Cam.) •LL.B. O'SULLIVAN, Richard Francis •M.B, B.S. OVEREND, Ernest Knight •M.B. OVBREND, Harold Aoheson 'B.A.

PARDEY, James Mclmery 'M.B., B.S. PARER, John Ignatius 'M.B, B.S. PARK. Alexander .. (Roy. Uni. Ire.) 'M.B. PARK, Charles Leslie 'M.B., B.S. PARKER, Gordon Nelson ' B.C.E. PARKER, Margaret Alice (n6e Bartrop)--B.A. PARKER, Phillip a Morley 'BC.E. PARRAMORE, George William 'B.A., M.B., B.S. PARRETT, Frederick Stanley ' B.D.S. PARRY. Albert Alexander •M.B-.B.S. PATERSON, John Edward "B.A. PATON, Gordon Andrew 'M.B., B.S. PATTEN, Murray Gladstone 'B.A. PATTERSON, Samuel (Queen's Univ. Ire.) ' B.A PEART, Johrr Joseph " B.A. PENNEPATHEH, Richard William .... -B.A., LLB PERCIVAL, Wilfred Ernest HoltzendorB "B.A PERL, Mathias Michal ..' -"M.B., d.S. PBRRIN, Kate (Tasmania)-M.A. PEBRINS, Reginald Bishop ' M.B., B.S. PERRY, Charles .. • •M.B-.B.S. PERRY, Charles Liudley 'B.A- PERRY'. George Leslie .... •M.B. PETERSON, Franklin Sievewright (Ox.)-Mus. Bac. PHILLIPS, Marion 'B.A- PHILLIPS, Samuel Henry ...... •M.B., B.S. PHILPOTT, Albert John William .. .. •M.B., B.S PHIPPS, Kathleen Elizabeth - B.A- PIOKEN, Samuel (Tasmania.)' B.A. PIGOTT, Louis James FitzGerald .. ..'LL.B, PINNIGER, William Wilkinson Boothroyd 'M.B. GRADUATES NOT ME.MBERS OF SENATE. 689

PINNOOK, Dudley. Denham. •M.B., B.S. PITCHER, Josiah George .. •LL.B. PITT, Ernest Roland 'B.A- PITTS, Grace Elaine .... 'B.Sc PLANTE, Thomas Halkett "B.Sc. PONSFORD, Prank William Augustus..' M.B., B.S. POPE, Mary Eleanor (n6e Edelsten) ..•M.B., B.S. POTTER, William Lockyer' .. 'M.B, B.S. POUND, James Robert .-. .. 'B.Sc. PLUMMER, Violet May .. • M.B.,B.S. PRAAGST, George Daniel „ M.B,B.S. PRAAGST, Lionel Francis' .'. . M.B.,B.S PRATT, Agnes Gertrude Loodye .. ...M.A. PRESTON, Anne Eliza .. ' LL.B. PRICE. Walter Thomas 'B.A. PRINGLE, Lilian Jane Wilson 'B.A. PRITCHARD, George Baxter .. ..'B.Sc. PULLAR, William Murray .."B.O.E. PYNE, Charles Henry LL-B.

Q, QUAYLB, Edwin Thomas •B.A. QUICK, Balcombe ' M.B..B.S. QUILTER, John 'M.B.

RAFF, Janet Watson 'B.Sc. RAIL, John Andrew Angwin ..• M.B..B.8. RAIL, Wilton Henry Francis 'M.B,B.S. RALEIGH, Hubert William (B.A., Cam.)'B.A., LLB. RAMSDEN, Samuel Henry -B.A. RANDELL, Allan Elliott 'M.B., B.S RANNABD, David Alfred ' LL.B. KATTEN, Arthur Y B.A. READ, George Somerset 'B.O.E.: READ, Stanley James Docker ' M.B., B.S. READE, Maud (nee Higinbotham) .. ..-B.A. BEEVES, Anna (nee Higgins) 'M.A. REID, Christina Hamilton ' M.B,B.S. REID, John Cecil ...... 'B.C.E. 690 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

REID. Stanley Spencer 'B.A. REMINGTON. Catherine Jane 'M.A. RENTOUL, Annie Rattray •B.A. RICHARD, Evan 'BC.E. RICHARDS. Edwin Stuart .. 'B.Sc RICHARDS, James 'LL.B. RICHARDSON, Aubrey 'B.A. RIDDEM.L. Jaiires • M.B., B.S. RIDLEY. Sidney Frederick .' . .'M.B., B.S. RIGBY. Ernest Horatio ' M.B., B.S. RIGBY, George Owen •M.B., B.S. RIGBY, Willianr Herrry ' M.B. RILEY, Alfred 'B.A. RITCHIE. Robert Henry • M.B., B.S. RIVETT, Albert Cherbury David .. ...B.Sc RIVBTT. Eleanor Harriett •M.A. EOBB, Alexander Francis Maldon .. , .-B.A. ROBERTS. James Baylee 'B.A., LLB. ROBERTS, Llewellyn William ' M.B., B.S. ROBERTS, Thomas ' M.B., B.S. ROBERTSON, Alexander John •B.Sc. ROBERTSON, Andrew Stuart ' M.B., B.S. ROBERTSON, Annie Susan - M.B., B.S. ROBERTSON. Duncan Struan .. (B.A., Dublin) 'B.A., LLB. ROBERTSON, Ernest •M.B., B.S. ROBERTSON. Home James •B.A. ROBERTSON, Jean Gray 'B.A. ROBERTSON, Robert Affleck .. .. ,. •M.B., B.S. ROBERTSON. William ' M.B., B.S. ROBINS. William Mosette -B.A. ROBINSON, Alice Louise 'B.A. ROBINSON. Frederic Gordon .. ., yB.A. ROBINSON. Geo. Augustine Aloysius (Roy. Un. Ire.) "B.A. ROBINSON, Llewellyn Parrant Samuel •B.A., LL.B. ROBINSON, Matthew Edward • M.B., B..8. ROOHB, Alfred Frederick William .. ..'B.A. ROCHB, James Edward Miles 'B.A. ROOKET'T, Patrick Joseph Aloysius ..•M.B., B.S. ROOKET'T, Richard Napoleon Francis . .•M.B., B-S- RODWAY', Frederick Arthur • M.B., B.S- ROGERS, William Warrington •LL.B. ROHS, Annie •M.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 691

HOLLAND, Robert Mouteith „ LLB. ROLLASON, Geoflrey Mallin , B.Sc. ROSE, Walter John • B.M.E. ROSENF1ELD, Reuben Laman •M.B., BS. ROSENHAJLN, Flora • B.A. ROSENTHAL, Jacob • M.B., B.S. ROSS, Cecil Napier 'B.M.B. ROSS, George Percy •B.C.E. ROSS, Thomas Gordon ' M.B., B.S. ROSS, William Ohisholin ' M.B., B.S. ROSSITER, Arthur Lyle 'B.Sc ROWAN, Christopher Paul ' M.B., B.S. ROWE, George " B.A. ROWE, John Oharles 'B.A. ROWE, Marjorie Williatt 'M.A. ROWED, Augustine Bithray ' B.C.E. RUDALL, Charles Scot ' B.CE. RUDALL, James Ferdinand 'M.B..B.S: RUNDLE, George Arnold •LL.B. BUPP, Herman Montague Rucker .. ..'B.A. RUSSELL, Charles Donald • M.B., B.S. RUSSELL, Frank Arthur "LL.B. RUSSELL, Herbert Henry Ernest ,. ..' M.B., B.S. RUSSELL, Kenneth •B.D.S. RUSSELL, Leslie Frederick " LL.B. ' RUSSELL, May Victoria "B.A. RUSSELL, Robert Frederick -B.A. RUTTER, Hubert •B.C.E. BUTTER, John Henry • M.B., B.S. RYAN, Charles Suodgrass (Edinburgh). M.B- RYAN, Edward /.M.B., B.S. RYAN, Martin Joseph ' M.B., B.S. RYAN, Thomas Francis . M.B.,B.S. RYAN, Thomas Joseph • B.A., LLB. RYAN, Timothy Bernard • M.B., B.S. RYAN, William Bernard •M.B., B.S. Olfi v.'l * ...-.= ... .J i,;i€rr'-.t»:if ri\. ...I... ..j'Mtl

SABELBERG, Oharles Joseph • M.B., B.S. SADLER. James Thomas 'B.A. SALTER, Alexander George M.B., B.S. SALTER, Algernon Claude Herbert ..•M.B., B.S. SALTER, Arthur Edward ' M.B., B.S. 692 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

SALTS, Richard • M.B., B.S. SAMSON, Henry Augustus .. - .^M.B., B.S. SANDERS. William Mouckton 'M.B., B.S. SANDERSON, Francis Howard .'. .. •..•-B.A. SANDIFORD, Norman William West .. •LL.B. SANGSTER, William Clifford 'M.B, B.S. SAUNDERS, John Harry •M.B., B.S. SAWYER, Osbert William 'LL.B. SCHMETZEB', Ellen May .• B.A. SCHOLES, Prank Victor Gordon .. . .•'M.B., B.S. SCHOOLING, Robert Andrew • LL.B. • SCHUTZE, Harrie Leslie Hugo ' M.B., B.S. SCOTT, Andrew 'B.A. SCOTT, Oharles Henry •"M.B„B,8. SCOTT, James .. •B.A. SCOTT, John Daniel King •M.B., B.S. SCOTT, John Melby ' M.B., B.S. SCOTT, Margaret Bmellie B.Sc SHABBY, Claude Henry ' B.A. 8BARLL, Oharles Thomas • LL.B. SBM'JLE, John -"M.B., B.S. SERJEANT, Thomas Wilson 'B.A. SERJEANT, Percy Pyo .. 'LL.B. SERPELL,'Katharine Emily (nee Friend)' B.A. SEWELL, Sidney Valentino - M.B., B.S. SEWBLL, Alice Maude (nrSe Cunning) •M.A'. SEXTON, Hannah Mary Ellen ...... • M.B., B.S. SEYMOUR, Henry James ."B.CE. SEYMOUR, Percy Ambrose ' B.A. SHANN, Edward Owen Giblin ' B.A, SHANN, Prank -B.A. SHAW, Garnet Eric : " B.A. SHAW, Helen 'B.A. SHBEHAN, James Edward ..'. .. . >B.A. 8HELLEW, Oharles Francis Henry .. ' B.A. SHELTON, Henry .. ..•M.B., B.S. SHELTON. John Grantley Vincent . .•M.B., B.S. SHIELDS, John Warburton ...... -M.B, B.S. SHIELDS, Oswald Olive Graeme .. ..•M.B., B.S. SHIELS,-William .. ,-LL.B. SHERWIN, John Arthur Hopkins .. .. •M.B., B.S. SHUGG, Edward Henry McLean - ' B.A. SIDES, Richard ..-• 'MB. SIM, Hedley George ...... 'B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 693

SIMPSON, Eleanor Lilian 'B-A. SIMS, Florence Isabella Emerson .. .. ,,B.A. SIMS, Oharles Frederick 'B.C.E. SINGLETON, Marshall .. .. "B.A., LL.B. SKENE, John McKellar ' B.C.E. 8KEWES, Samuel Grenville ' M.B., B.S. SKINNER, Alan ' LL.B. SLADB, Francis William .. ..•B-A. SI.ADEN, Douglas Brooke Wheelton (Oxford) " B.A., LL.B. SLEBMAN, Benjamin , M.B., B.S. SLEEMAN, George Francis •M.B., B.S. SLEEMAN, James Henry ' M.B., B.S. SLEEMAN, Launcelot Osbert •M.B., B.S. SMART. Charles Pyne. B.CE. SMITH, Fergus Voss .. " B.M.E. SMITH, George Oliver 'B.M.E. SMITH, Robert William " LL:B. SMITH, Sarah Selina -B.A. SMITH, William .. (London) - M.B. SMITH, William Kennedy 'B.A. SMITH, William Purves 'B.C.E. SMYTH. John Thomas "B.A. SMYTHE, Carlyle Greenwood 'B.A. SNOW, Frances 'M.B., B.S. SOILLEUX, Garnet •M.B., B.S. SONNENBBBG, Emilie 'M.A. SOUTH. Arthur Eustace 'MB. SOUTH, Harold •M.B., B.S. SPALDING, John James " B.A. SPEIRS, Norman Lennox .. ..' -M.B..B.S. SPBNOE. Herbert -M.B. SPRING, John Patrick 'M.B, B.S. SPRING, William Ambrose • M.B., B.S. SPROULE, George Moore 'B.A. STANLEY, Henry Riddell „ M.B., B.S. STARLING, Benjamin Alfred •B.C.E. STEEL. John ".. • M.B., B.S. STEEL, WTilliom Hart .. 'B.A. STEELE, Harold George ..'..'B.A. STEELE, James Alexander vMus. Bac. STEPHEN, Kenneth Travers LL.B. STEPHEN, Mary Elizabeth (niee Morris) 'M.A. STEPHENS, Elsie Grace 'M.A. 694 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

STEPHENSON, Dorothy 'B.A. STERLING, John Harold ' B.A. STEWART, Percy Bloomfleld ' MB., B.S. STEWART, John McKellar 'B.A. STEWART, Margaret Grace Stuart (nee Bothroyd) 'B.A. STILLWELL. Effie 'M.B., B.S. STILLWELL, Florence 'M.Sc STOKES, Nellie Henrietta Owen (nie Wilcox)' B.A. STONE, Emily Mary Page 'M.B., B.S. STONE, Grace Clara ,.'.M.B.,B.S. STOREY, Elsdon .. "B.D.S. STOTHERS. Nelly ' B.A. STRAHAN, Edward Alfred .M.B. 8TRAHAN, Septimus George ' ..'M.B, B.S. STRETCH, John Francis •. •B.A., LLB. STRETTLE, William Stratford 'B.C.E. . STRONG, Robert Henry 'M.B., B.S. STUOKBY, Frances Helen (nr5e Camp­ bell) 'M.A. SUMMERS. Joseph (Oxford) 'Mus. Bac. SUMMONS, Viva St. George (nee Spronle)' M.B., B.S. SUTHERLAND, Alexander ' M.B., B.S. SUTHERLAND, Bertram Milne 'M.B..B.S. SUTHERLAND, Brenda ' B.Sc SUTTON, Annie -"B.A. SUTTON, Charles Stanford 'M.B., B.S. SUTTON, Ernest Robinson •M.B.. B.S. SUTTON, George 'M.B. B.S. SUTTON, Theodore Carlton •B.Sc. SWAN, Ernest Ashby 'B.A. SWAN, Helen •M.B., B.S. SWEET, Georgina 'D.Sc SWEET, William Sidney • B.Sc. B.C.E. SWEETNAM, Herbert William •M.B., B.S. SWINDLEY, Alfred Herbert •M.B.. B.S. SYME, Herbert John 'LL.B. SYME, Marion Elizabeth "M.A. • GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 695

T TAIT, Catharine .Munro 'B.A. TAIT, Lithgow B.A. TAIT, Mary Ethel 'B.A. TAYLOR, Arthur Bertram 'B.A. TAY'LOR, Gladys Adeline 'B.A. TAYLOR, Godfrey Unwin •M.B., B.S. TAYLOR, James Boyne "B.A. TAYLOR, John Stewart .B.A. TAYLOR, Marion Grandison "M.A. TEAGUE, Harold Oscar •M.B., B.S. THIELE, Edmund Oswald 'B.Sc. THOM, Leslie Niven "B.Sc. TUOM, Sarah (nee Anderson) ' M.A. THOMAS, Elsie Lillian 'MB., B.S. THOMAS, Frederick Michael •M.B., B.S. THOMAS, John ' B.A. THOMAS, Lewis ' B.A. THOMPSON, Bryoe John •B.D.S. THOMPSON, Charles George •M.B., B.S. THOMPSON, James 'At.B., B.S. THOMSON, Agnes Deborah 'B.A. THOMSON, John William 'B.A. THOMSON, Peter 'B.A. THORN, Frarrces Elizabeth Mary (nee Remington) "B.A. THORNE, Albert Eli 'B.A. THWAITES, Alexander Hopkins .. ..'B.Sc. THWAITES, Johnstone Simon 'M.B. THYNNE, Alexander William ' B.A. THYNNE, Robert ' B.A. TINDALE, Edward ..' 'B.C.E. TIPPING, Frank "M.B., B.S. TIPPING', Martha Bergin •M.A. TISDALL, Alice Constance Muriel .. .. 'M.A. TISDALL, Henry Frederick 'B.C.E. TOPP, Ruth Eleanor ;. 'M.A. TOWERS, Arthur W'ellesley : - B.A. TOWNSEND, Leonard Sizar B.A. TRAILL, John Outhbert 'B.A., B.C.E. TRBGEAR, William George Herbert ..'M.B..BS. TRIADO, Antonio Joseph James .. .. •MB., B.S. 696 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE

TBOOD, Oharles John '.. ..•M.B., B.S. TUOKEB, Cecil Finn 'M.B. TUOKEB, Kate Agnes "B.A. TULLOOH, Sylvester Stephen Gregorie 'B.C.E. TULLOH, Alexander ...... B.A. TULLOH, Colin Alexander '.'•B.C.E. TULLOH, William Edward .! .. •. •. •M.B., B.S. TUOMY, Clare Dorothea "B.A. TURNBULL. Edmund George .. .."..-'B.C.E. TURNER, William Oharles Blanchley.. 'MB., BS. TURNER, Gilbert Ramsay Gumming .'. •B.CE. TYMM8, Herbert George /"'ii.B., BS.

TJ ULRICH, John Oharles Frederick .. ..- B.A. ULRtOH, Hermiene Friederica - B.A. UPJOHN, William George Dismore .... •M.B., B.S. UPTON, Thomas Haynes 'B.Sc

V VALB, Grace '. "M.B., B.S. VANOE, Noel Crawford Atterbury .. . . ' M.B., B.S. VANCE, William Booker /M.B., B.S. VASEY, George Brinsden - •B.A., LL.B. VAUGHAN, Alfred Purdue 'M.B., B.S. VINES, Ernest Harold "B.A. VIRTUE, Florence Emily 'B.A. VOGLER, Henry Hale "M.B..B.S. VON HAAST, Heinrich Ferdinand (N.Z.) 'LL.B.

WADELTON, Harry Greately •M.B., B.S. WALKER, George Harold 'LL.B. WALLACE, Helen Eveline -"B.A. WALLACE, Patrick John 'B.A. WALLBN,- George ...... 'B.A. WALPOLE, George Stanley - •B.Sc. WALSH, Alfred Ernest 'M.B., B.S. •'GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 697

WALSH, Gerald ...... " M.B., B.S. WALSHE, Denis Byrne " M.B., B.S. WARD, Edith Mary 'B.A. WARD, John .'M.B., B.S. WARDEN, Abigail Brown •M.A. WARNE, Edith Melora / B.A. WARREN, Arthur Joseph -' B.A. WAS8ELL, James Lake •B.A., LL.B. WATKINS, M ary Annie " B.A. WATSON-LISTER, Annie (nee Lister).. „ B.A. WAWN, Royle Newton •M.B., B.S. WAY, Inman •M.B., B.S. WEBB, Arthur Bridges M ,B„ B.S. WEBB, Francis Edward "M.B., B.S. WEBB, James Ramsay •M.B.,B.S. WEBB, Jessie Stobo Watson •M.A. WEBB, Thomas Prout ' B.A. WEBSTER, Charles Franklin Garcia .. 'B.Sc, MB., B.S. WEBSTER, Edgar Ernest 'M.B., B.S. WEBSTER, Lilian Alice Harbison '.. .. / M.A. WEDD, Evelyn Mabel • M.A. WBIGALL, Albert " M.B., B.S. WBIGALL, Gerald Carl "M.B., B.S. WBIGALL, Reginald Edward 'M.B. WEIR, Albert Antliff 'M.B..B.S. WEIR, iitura •M.B., B.S. WELOHMAN, John Arthur Cromwell ..•M.B., B.S. WEST, John Dobbyn (Queen's Uni. Ire.). B.A. WEST, William Henry ' B.A. WE8TA0OTT, John Bayley 'B.A. WES'TBY, Edmund Wright .. .. (Oam.) • LL.B. WETTENHALL, Roland Raveuscroft ..'M.B., B.S. WHITE. Douglas Oakley •M.B., B.S. WHITE, Edward Rowden •M.B., B.S. WHITE, George Vincent • M.B., B.S. WHITE, Helen Frances Mary " M.A. WHITE, James Purves "M.B. WHITE, Rose Ethel Janet -D.Sc WHITEHEAD, Louis Murray -BCE- WHITEHEAD, Trixie Geraldine - B.A. WHITTY, Harold Palmer .. .. (Cam.)'B.A. WHYTE, Elizabeth • M.A. WHYTE, Ellen .. 'M.A. WI0KEN8, George Henry "M.B..B.S. 698 GRAIrUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

WIGHT, John Oam ' M.B., B.S. WILKIE, David William Balfour .. .. 'M.B. WILKINSON, Annie Jean (nee Simpson) •B.Sc. WILKINSON, Arthur Mackenzie .. .. "M.B. WILKINSON, Isabella ' M.B., B.S. WILKINSON. Thomas ' B.A., LL.B- WILKS, Joseph ..- 'B.CE. WILLIAMS, Adela •M.B., B.S. WILLIAMS, Amy Roberta -M.A. WILLIAMS, Errrest Thurston 'B.A. WILLIAMS, Hartley Eyre 'B.A..LL.B. WILLIAMS, Maldwyn Leslie •M.B., B.S. WILLIAMS, Susie Jane : -B.A. WILLIAMS, William - B.A. WILLIAMS,'William Ernest fM.B., B.S. WILLIAMSON, William John 'LL.B. WILSMORE, Leonora Jessie (nee Little) . M.Sc. WILSON, Alfred Roscoe - B.A. WILSON, Charles Ernest Cameron ..'M.B., B.S. WILSON, Charles William 'B.A. WILSON, Egbert James •B.C-B.. WILSON, Eustace Edmund - LL.B. WILSON. Louisa Alice "M.A. WILSON, Mabel Aileen 'M.A. WILSON, Mary Dunstan 'M.A- WILSON, Matthew -B.A. WILSON, Mercy Jane •M.B., B.S. WILSON, Norman Leslie Galloway .. , B.A.. M.B.. B.S. WIliSON, Thomas Alexander 'M.B., B.S. WILSON, William .. -B.A. WILSON, William Edgar .M.B., B.S. WINGATE, Hamilton More .. (Glasgow)'B.Sc. WINGROVE, Bessie 'M.A. WING ROVE, Robert Lindsay .. ''B.A., LL.B. WINNEKE; Heury Christian -B.A., LL.B. WINTERBOTHAM, Liudsey Page .. .. • M.B., B.S. WITHERS, Violet Muriel 'B.A. WITHINGTON, Robert Charles .. • M.B.. B.S. WOINABSKI, Gustave Henry Stephen Zichy- M.B., B.S. WOINABSKI, Stanislaus Emil Antony Zichy "M.B., B.S. WOINABSKI, Victor Joseph Emanuel Zichy M.B., B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 699

WOOD, Bertha -B.Sc. WOOD, Oostalie (nee Ooblyn) •B.A. WOOD, Oharles •B.A. WOOD, Francis Aldersley .'. •M.B., B.S. - WOOD, John James O'Hara "B.A. WOODROFFE, Leonard Charles Hale ..'B-CE. WRIGHT, David ' B.A., LL.B. WRIGHT, William • B.A., LL.B.

YELLAND, Alfred Charles William .."M.B., B.S. YOUNG, Andrew Stewart ' M.B., B.S. YOUNG, Gerald William .B.CE. YOUNG, Julia Hannah 'M.A. YOUNG, William Henry 'B.C.E. YULE, John Smythe M.B., B.S.

List of Civil Engineers. ASKEW, David. Christopher 1882 BARKER, Willianr 1873 BENNIE, John 1874 BROWN, William IfabO OHASB, Lloyd Heber 1882 CORNISH, Alfred 1877 PITZHERBERT, Edward 1882 FRASER, James Hamilton leu HADLEY, Arthur Oapel 1881 HUTCHINSON, Jeremiah .-. ,. 1873 JOHNSTONE. James 1873 KING, Herbert Alexander 1881 LYNCH, Arthur Alfred . l88o McKENZlE, George 1883 MURRAY, Thomas ' 1883 PARRY, Edward William 1884 PAUL. Arthur William Leake 18V9 RENNICK, William Robert 1884 SHAW, Ebeuczer 1887 SIMS. William 1889 SMITH, Frederick Dudley 1885 TYERS, Arthur McKenzie . 1885 WALKER, William 1883 WILSON, David Moffat 1881 700 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Musicar Associate. BELL, Christina .. .'....'....'. 1907 BLAUBAUM, Meta - 1898 BOEHMB, Emily Amanda .: .. .. 1899 BOW LEY, Mary .-. .; ..". 1894 BROCK, Grace Hope 1906 BROWNE, Constance May 1897 BRUCIIE, Minnie Dorothea 1900 BYRNE, Catherine Creily Alice .. 1905 CAPLBS, Agnes 1910 CARTON, Alice Maurice 1899 OUAPPEL, Josephine'.. .. 1907 OLUTSAM, Fred"..' .. 1896 COCKS, Annie Edith .. 3898 COLLINS, Florence Ellen (nee Towl) 1897 CONNELL, Jeanuio 1898 DONOVAN, Adelaide ...... 1900 ELVINS, Harold Stanley 1899 FORTUNE, Agues Isabella 1910 FRANCIS, Winifred isub GILCHRIST, Elizabeth Mary 1896 GAB-LICK. Marion Isobel (nee Skinner) 1908 GRAY, Ruby Constance 1899. HANSON, Elsie Muriel 1906 UARLIN, Enid Margaret 1899 IIARTRIOK. Laura Elizabeth 1906 HELEY, Beryl 1909 HENRY, Eleanor Mary 1907 ILL1NGWORTH, Alice Rose Elizabeth . 1899 KASPAR, Katharine Janet Allen (nee Leeper) . 1904 KENNEDY, Annie 1906 KNOX, Isabel 1908 KYLE. Rose Hartley 1906 LANGFORD, Rose 1910 LILLBY, Constance Louise 1906 LONG, Mabel Linda .. .. 1899 LOUGHRAN. Laura Rose 19U9 LYIIANE, Lily 1905 MACDONALD. Margaret (nee Sugden) 1900 MAONEIL, Ella Waverley 1908 MAPLESTONE, Doris Ethel 1906 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. , 701

McKINLEY", Elizabeth Jennie 1906 NIGHTINGALE, Amy Lirum 1906 NOTT, Jessie Watson (nee Elliott) 1898 PEARD, Edith Fleetwood 1905 PROUT, Ettie 1/ouisa .'....' 1906 RAFF, Edith 1910 RITOHIE. Jean Isabel .'. 1907 ROSS, Ethel Isabel ...... 1908 ROWAN, May Cicely .. 1907 SMITH, Amy Matilda . 1900 SMITH, Harold Oinclair 1900 STERLING, Ida Gray .. .. 1910 WHITLEY', Elizabeth Viney 1900 WILCOX. Emma Nodin 1908 WINGPIBLD, Emmie 1904 YOUNG. Jessie Stewart 1899

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Education. ADAMS, Alfred Ernest 1906 AKEROYD, Joseph 1907 ALMOND, William Thomas .. .. 1910 BAKER, Mary 1909 BAYFORD, John Airy 1908 BENDELAOK, Gertrude Leonard 1909 BENNETT, Herbert Percival 1907 BIBNVENU, Reginald Gueriu 1907 BRADLY, Charles Martin .. 1906 BRIGGS, Arnold Archibald Pitzroy 1910 BYRNE, Henry William 1907 OALLANAN, Eileen Elizabeth 1908 CAMPBELL, Agnes Marion 1910 DAVIES, Margaret Sandeman 1910 DEAKIN, Stella. 1908 F.LYNN, Kate Elizabeth 1907 PORBFS, Catherine Ellen Mary 1908 PORDYCE, William Cleveland 1907 GILL, Harry Samuel Bramley 1908 GWILLIM, Arthur Edward 1909 HOLMES. Arthur Richard 1907 IRVINE. Arthur John .. 1907 702 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

IRWIN, William Henry 1910 JAMBS, Albert Victor George .. 1909 McLAOHLAN, Dugald 1906 McRAE, James 1906 PARKER, George Edward 1907 RUSSELL, Aubrey William 1908 RYAN, William Owen 1907 THOMAS, Frederick William 1907 TREYVAUD, Prank Alfred 1907 VIAL, Stanley Browning 1908. WALLACE, George Gilbert .. 1907 WATERS, Olive Guilfoyle .. 1907 WILOOOK, Arthur 1909 WILSON, Mary Dunstan 1908 WINGROVE, Bessie 1907

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Public Health. GREIG, Jane Stocks 1910 JOHNSTON. John 1909 SUMMONS. Walter Ernest 1908 THOMSON, John Bae Menzies 1909

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Analytical Chemistry. McOORMIOK, John Thomas 1910

List of Persons who have obtained the License in Veterinary Science. JOHNSTONE, Robert Nairn 1909 LEWIS, Jock Oharles 1909 MATSON, Thomas Rhodes 1909 McLENNAN, George Cameron 1909 MEYERS, Oharles Norman 1909 SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES. 703


1909 TO 1910.





CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. l-jwen Neil McQueen (Ormond)

HISTORY. (The Dwight Final Honour Prize) Harriet May Hordern

LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY. George Moore Sproule (Trinity)

MODEKN LANGUAGES AND LITEKATUBE. Margaret Daphne Lockhart (Ormond)

MATHEMATICS. (The Dixson Final-Honour Scholarship) Glenny Smeal (Ormond)

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. (The Dixson Final Honour Scholarship) Thomas Haynes Upton (Ormond) .46 704 EXAMINATION RESULTS, ltlOO-1910.


PHYSIOLOGY. Alexander Hopkins Thwaites (Ormond)


Thomas Stuart Clyne (Queen's) 'i uv u.,i Henry Maurice Davies \ " '


MEDICINE AND OBSTETRICS. Tlrornas Ernest Victor Hurley (Queen's).




FOURTH YEAR ENGINEERING. Civil Engineering (The Argus Scholarship). Alan Love Galbraith (Ormond)

Mining Engineering (The Dixson Scholarship). Trevor Wilson Ross (Trinity)




MATHEMATICS. Glenny Smcal (Ormond)

NATURAL SCIENCE (BIOLOGY). Albert Oscar Vincent Tymnis

MODERN LANGUAGES. Edwin Tyler Brown (Ormond) ^ T,-, , Hermiene Friederica Ulrich (Ormond) ) Ci-




UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP IN PHYSIOLOGY. Alexander Hopkins Thwaites (Ormond).



.40A 06 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1(109-1910.



THE DAVID SYMK RESEARCH PRIZE. MnroM Tngernann Jensen (1909) Henry George Chapman (191")

THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIP, 1909. Frank Longstaff Apperly (Queen's). CLASS LISTS. 707




MEDICINE (inclrrding Clinical Medicine) AND OBSTETICS. First Class. 36 Thomas Ernest Victor Hurley (Queen's). 52 Hibbcrt Alan Stephen Newton. 24 James Fairburu Fairley. 64' William George Dismore Upjohn (Queen's). Second Class. 39 Isaac Jones. 65 George Henry Wickerrs. 41 Arthur Theodore Langley. 48 Albert Guy Miller (Trinity). 43 Frank Bcauclramp Martin. Third Class. 20 Henry Cordner (Trinity). 28 Robert Fowler (Trinity). 22 Stuart Patrick Croom (Queen's). 25 James Gerald Roy Felstead (Queen's). 55 Robert Affleck Robertson (Ormond). 45 Sydney Pancourt McDonald (Trinity). 13 Stanley Jacob Cantor. 1 John Kellcrmann Adey. 49 Edward Thomas Campbell Milligan (Ormond). 30 Hilda Adella Greenshields. 34 Robert Percival Hodgson (Queen's), 56 Matthew Edward Robinson (Ormond). 708 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1909.

SURGERY (including Clinical Surgery) AND GYNAECOLOGY. First Class. 52 Hibbert Alan Stephen Newton. 64 William George Dismore Upjohn (Queen's) 25 James Gerald Roy Felstead (Queen's) 'i Equal 36 Thomas Ernest Victor Hurley (Queen's) ) * 24 James Fairburn.Fairley. Second Class. 49 Edward Thomas Campbell Milligan (Ormond). 41 Arthur Theodore Langlev / x, , 39 Isaac Jones " l Efllm1' 28 Robert Fowler (Trinity) . 40 Peter Anthony Richard Lalor > Equal. 34 Robert Percival Hodgson (Queen's)) 13 Stanley Jacob Cantor • i v . 43 Frank Beauchamp Martin j JllClxlal' 48 Albert Guy Miller (Trinity) i „ . 55 Robert Affleck Robertson (Ormond) ') t<:llia1'

Third Class.

1 John Kellermann Adey •) r , 22 Stuart Patrick Cioorn (Queen's) ) JJ-fllw1'

GENERAL AND SPECIAL PATHOLOGY, INCLUDING BACTERIOLOGY. First Class. 36 Thomas Ernest Victor Hurley (Queen's).

Secoird Class. 64 William George Dismore Upjohn (Queen's). 25 James Gerald Roy Felstead (Queen's) ~\ 39 Isaac Jones > Equal. 45 Sydney Fancourt McDonald (Trinity) ,' 52" Hibbert Alan-Stephen Newton. 28 Robert Fowler (Trinity) > S 49 Edward Thomas Camp'bcll Milligan (Ormond) > £ CLASS LISTS. 709

Tliird Class. 1 John Kellermann Adey - } v, i 34 Robert Percival Hodgson (Queen's) ) r'tlua'1' 24 James Fairburn Fairley } ^ „i 43 Frank Beauchainp Martin ) '" '

THERAPEUTICS, DIETETICS AND HYGIENE. First Class. 39 Isaac Jones. 13 Stanley Jacob Cantor 1 ,-, , 65 George Henry Wick.^ns ) e'1ual- 710 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1910.



CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. First Class. Ewen Neil McQueen (Ormond) Second Class. Amy Elizabeth Beard (Orrnond) Patrick Arundell (Ormond) Third Class. Gwendoline Jane Kellaway (Trinity) Agnes Alice Adams HISTORY. First Class. Harriet May Hordern Norman John Shankly (Queen's) Second Class. None Third Class. Reginald Edric Hain (Ormond) Alice Margaret Swindley Andrew Augustine Tipping Henry John Ham (Queen's)

LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY. First Class. George Moore Spicule (Trinity) Second Class. William Wilson William Henry Irwin Sydney Leonard Buckley (Trinity) Garnet Eric Shaw (Trinity) Reginald Guerin Bienvenu CLASS LISTS. 711

Third Class. John Ernest Nicholls (Ormond) Clive Guilfoyle Waters Robert Tait Smith

MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATUBE. First Class. None Second Class. Margaret Daphne Lockhart (Ormond)

MATHEMATICS. First Class. Glenny Snieal (Ormond)

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. First Class. Thomas Haynes Upton (Ormond) Second Class. Arthur Lyle Rossiter

GEOLOGY, PALAEONTOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. First Class. None Second Class. Frank Leslie Stillwell (Ormond)

PHYSIOLOGY. First Class. Noue Second Class. Alexander Hopkins Thwaites (Ormond)

LAWS. First Class. Thomas Stuart Clyne (Queen's) "( y. , Henry Maurice Davies ) J<* ' 71^ EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1910.

Second Class. Edwin Clarence Whitoman Kelly (Ormond)" Clifden Henry Andrews Eager Third Class. Solomon Bloom

FOURTH YEAR CIVIL ENGINEERING. First Class. Alan Love Galbraith (Ormond) Second Class. James Mansfield Reid James Hemery Lindon (Trinity)

FOURTH YEAR MINING ENGINEERING. First Class. Trevor Wilson Ross (Trinity) Second ('lass. Malcolm Stewart Moore Tliird Class. Alexander John Robertson (Orrnond) |„ , Aubrey Fowler Sharp ) ^ CLASS LISTS. 713


GREEK. PART I. First Class. 9 Wilfred Kelsham Fiillagar (Ormond) \ ^ j 24 Percy James Wilson (Ormond) ) -

LATIN, PART I. First Class. 9 Wilfred Kelsham Fiillagar (Ormond). 24 Percy James Wilson (Ormond). Second Class. 235 Donald Mackinnon (Ormond). Third Class 22 Alice Rebecca Vinos.

PURE MATHEMATICS. PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. 417 George Alfred Cook (Orrnond) i ., , 423 Llewelyn John Howclls (Queen's) ) r-"lnal- Third Class. 425 Francis Crawford Martin (Trinity). 421 Arthur Alexander Hickman (Trinity),


Second Class. 425 Francis Crawford Martin (Trinity). 422 Llewelyn John Howclls (Queen's). 417 George Alfred Cook (Ormond). Third Class. 415 Thomas Faulkner Borwick (Ormond).

DEDUCTIVE LOGIC AND ELEMENTARY PSYCHOLOGY. First Class. 2 Louisa-Barry. | pi 9 Wilfred Kelsham Fiillagar (Ormond) > rj,l"'"- Second Class. 221 Morton Dunlop (Ormond). 81 Ruth Baird (Ormond). 18 Kathleen Kellaway (Trinity) ) _ , 23 Grace Elizabeth Foster Waitt (Queen's) > *-cl"al- Third Class. 10 Marjorie Gault (Queen's). 16 Alma Hansen (Trinity). 20 Percival William Stephenson.

ENGLISH, PART I. First Class. 16 Alma Hansen (Trinity) 1 v . 219 Henry Headen Cuthbert j J,J

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART I. First Class. 417 George Alfred Cook (Ormond). Second Class. 422 Llewelyn John Howells (Queen's) } Eaatd •125 Francis Crawford Martin (Trinity) > l 535 Albert Wilber Bretherton (Ormond). Third Class. 428 William Major Olive (Ormond). 421 Arthur Alexander Hickman (Trinity). 520 Alexander Kenneth Bain (Queen's).

BIOLOGY, PART I. MEDICAL COURSE. First Class. 589 Kenneth Arthur McLean (Ormond). Second Class. 535 Albert Wilber Bretherton (Ormond). 546 Keith McKeddie Doig (Ormond). 556 Harry Halloran. \ ,-, , 566 Johnston Hughston (Ormond) ) ^l11'11- 563 William Alfred Leslie Harrison Henderson (Ormond) 616 Gweneth Wiscwould. Third Class. 548 Geoffrey Fenton. 572 Eric John' Kerr (Queen's) ) ., , 585 Cecil Gordon McAdam > M"'"- 520 Kenneth Bain Alexander (Queen's). 597 Ray Vernor Norton (Trinity). 546 Gerald Vincent Francis Doyle. 567 Edgar Montgomery Herbert Inglis.

BIOLOGY, PART I. (ZOOLOGY AND BOTANY). First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. 133 Edwin James Semniens. 71G EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1010.

EDUCATION, SECTION A. First Class. None. Second Class. 134 Percy John Sliariiran. Third Class. 144 Anton William Rutherford Vroland. 121 Charles Moscrop.

SURVEYING, PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. 417 George Alfred Cook (Ormond) "( „ ,, 425 Francis Crawford Martin (Trinity) ) J ' ' ' 415 Thomas Faulkner Berwick (Ormond). 428 William Major Olive (Ormond). 421 Arthur Alexander Hickman (Trinity). Tliird Class. 423 Ralph Alec Hunt. CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. First Glass. None. Second Class. 265 Arthur Deans (Ormond). 35 Enid Joske (Trinity). Third Class. 45 Beatrice Laura Short (Ormond). 46 Amy Rboda Slade (Trinity). HISTORY;. First Class. 42 Ethel Lucy Rohbins (Queen's). 30 Winifred Annie Fisher (Queen's). Second Class. 221 Morton Dunlop (Ormond). 249 Edward Russell Thomas Reynolds (Trinity). 34 Kenneth Thome Henderson (Trinity) ") ^ , 171 Irene Theresa McFarlaue ) L.quar. on3=5 Donald Mackinnon (Ormond). CLASS LISTS. 717

PHILOSOPHY. First Class.

34 Kenneth Thome Henderson (Trinity) ) rinll"i 48 Alan Taylor Tait (Ormond) 3 J ' ' ' 36 Katie Anna Lush (Ormond). Second Class. 32 John Francis Yeldham Hanlin (Ormond) '( ., . 38 Ronald Dingwall Mcintosh (Ormond) ) -&qual. Third Class. 49 Cyril John Walklate (Queen's).

MATHEMATICS. First Class. None. Second Class. 26 Victor Charles Bennie (Ormond). 437 Clarence William Newsome Seaton (Ormond).

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART II., WITH LABORATORY WORK. First Class. None. Second Class. 445 Herbert Reginald Lynch. 435 Alan Pearce Flockart (Ormond). 437 Charles William Newsome Sexton (Ormond) ^ 442 Harold Rabling (Queen's) ) Equal 26 Victor Charles Bennie (Ormond).

MODERN LANGUAGES. First Class. None. Second Class. 47 Olive Henrietta Stillwell (Ormond). 781 Marie Naomi Franklin (Ormond). 718 DETAILS OF SUD.JECTS, 11)10.

CHEMISTRY, PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. 442 Harold Rabling (Qrrcen's). 440 Norman Ross Junner. 200 Reginald Ezra Parry. 441 John Mortimer Mathew (Ormond). GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY, PABT I. First Class. None. Second Class. 440 Norman Ross Junner. 442 Harold Rabling (Queen's) } ^ j 450 Alexander Peter Taylor ,'"'''' Third Class. 200 Reginald Ezra Parry 441 John Mortimer Mathew (Ormond). SURVEYING, PABT II. First Class. 440 Norman Ross Junner \ , 437 Clarence William Newsome Sexton (Ormond) ) Equal Second Class. 441 John Mortimer Mathew (Ormond). Third Class. 435 Alan Pearce Flockart (Ormond).

THIRD YEAR LAWS. JURISPRUDENCE, INCLUDING ROMAN LAW AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY AND LAW, PART II. First Class. 297 Frank Keith Officer (Ormond). 301 Norman John Shankly (Queen's). Second Class. 287 Cyril Walter Davies. 290 Desmond McMahon Gavan Duffy (Trinity). Third Class. 299 Brian Francis Pidgeon (Ormond). CLASS LISTS. 7 1 0 THB LAW OP PROPERTY IN LAND AND CON­ VEYANCING, AND THE LAW OF CONTRACT AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. First Class None. Second Class. 297 Prank Keith Officer (Ormond). Third Class. 299 Brian Francis Pidgeon (Ormond). 287 Cyril Walter Davies. ) 290 Desmond McMahon Gavan Duffy (Trinity) > Equal. 301 Norman John Shankly (Queen's)i. J THIRD YEAR CIVIL ENGINEERING.. First Class. None. Second Class. 447 Edward Andrew Hepburn \'v ., 451 Thomas Haynes Upton (Ormond) ) r'1ua"'- Third Class. 450 Alexander Peter Taylor. THIRD YEAR MINING ENGINEERING. First Class. None. Second Class. 454 Alexander Dudley Mackay (Trinity). SECOND YEAR BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE. First Class. 484 Leslie Algernon Ivan Maxwell. Second Class. 480 Clement Blazey } 482 Robert Maogr-egor Gillespie > Equal. 485 Hubert Arthur Mullett ) THIRD YEAR BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE. First Class. 48G Leslie Murdoch McNab. Second Class. 487 John Melville West. .47 720 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1010.


FIRST YEAB. Greek, Part I.— 9 Wilfred Kelsham Fullagar (Ormond) ) 24 Percy James Wilson (Ormond) ) fcqiiai.

Latin, Part I 9 Wilfred Kelsham Fullagar (Ormond). Pure Mathematics, Part I.— 417 George Alfred Cook (Ormond) ") -^... j 422 Llewelyn John Howclls (Queen's) ) '' Mixed Mathematics, Part I. 425 Francis Crawford Martin (Trinity).

Deductive Logic aud Elementary Psychology.— 2 Louisa Barry | 9 Wilfred Kelsham Fullagar (Ormond) ) ™l":l1- English, Part I.— 219 Hcnrv Hcaden Cnthbert ) .-, , 16 Alma'Hansen (Trinity) j Jill"al- Natural Philosophy, Part 1.— 417 George Alfred Cook (Ormond). Biology, Part I.— Science Course—Not awarded. Medical Course—589 Kenneth Arthur McLean (Ormond) Education (Dwight's Prize).— 134 Percy John Sharman. Surveying, Part I 417 George iAlfre d Cook (Ormond) "i -,-, , A42K5 t^„„„„;Franci„s nCrawfor Tv.T„_i..-Martin_ (Trinity/m..:_;i_)\ ]; Equal. CLASS LISTS. 721


Classical Philology— 265 Arthur Deans (Ormond).

History (Dwight's Prize)— 42 Ethel Lucy Bobbins (Queen's).

Philosophy— 34 Kenneth Thome Henderson (Trinity) ") ,, , 48 Alan Taylor Tait (Ormond) ) ifiuaL Proximo accessit— Katie Anna Lush (Ormond).

Mathematics—: 26 Victor Charles Bennie (Ormond).

Natural Philosophy, Part II 445 Herbert Reginald Lynch.

Modern Languages— 47 Olive Henrietta Stillwell (Ormond).

Chemistry, Part II.— 442 Harold Rabling (Queeu's).

Geology and Mineralogy, Part I. 440 Norman Ross Junner.

Surveying, Part II.— 440 Norman Ross Junner • 437 Charles William Newsome Sexton > Equal. (Ormond) )

Second Year Bachelor of Agricultural Science— 484 Leslie Algernon Ivan Maxwell. .47A 722 EXAMINATION RESULTS, lirld.

THIRD YEAR. Jurisprudence (including Roman Law), and Constitutional History and Law, Part II. (The John Madden Exhibition)— 297 Prank Keith Officer (Ormond).

The Law of Property in Land and Conveyancing, and the Law of Contract and Personal Property — 297 Frank Keith Officer (Ormond).

Civil Engineering— 451 Thomas Haynes Upton (Ormond) } ,-, . 447 Edward Andrew Hepburn ) £'

Mining Engineering (The George Lansell Scholarship)— 454 Alexander Dudley Mackay (Trinity).


THE WKIXON PRIZE. 480 Leslie Murdoch McNab.

THE CUMING PRIZE. 486 Leslie Murdoch McNab ) „ , 487 John Melville West ) M""-1-

PRIZES. The Alexander Sutherland Prize for English is awarded to— 47 Olive Henrietta Stillwell (Ormond). The Professor Wilson Prize for Mathematics and Natural Philosophy is awarded to— 26 Victor Charles Bennie (Ormond). CLASS LISTS. 723


FIRST YEAR DIPLOMA IN- MUSIC. First Class. 387 William Hamilton Webber Second Class. 368 Alice Brady ~\ 370 Imelda Marie Clancy f ,-, , 371 Brigid Ellen English C J 372 Violet Louise Ewart J Third Class. 374 Mary Mansfield Howell

FIRST YEAR ORMOND EXHIBITIONS. 368 Alice Brady \ 370 Imelda Marie Clancv ' y , 371 Brigid Ellen English ( Eqljqu"" 1 372 Violet Louise Ewart ) [N.B.—Mr. W. H. Webber, holder of the Examination Board 'j'hree Year Exhibition, is ineligible to compete.]

SECOND YEAR. DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. 395 Mabel Josephine Muntz 396 Frederick John Nott Second Class. 394 William Garnet James Third Class. 388 Eileen Broughton

SECOND YEAR ORMOND EXHIBITIONS. 395 Mabel Josephine Muntz 396 Frederick John Nott 388 Eileen Broughton [N.B.—Mr. W. G. James, holder of the Exainination Board Three Year Exhibition, is ineligible to compete.] 724 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1010.

THIRD YEAR DIPLOMA AND SECOND YEAR BACHELOR OF MUSIC. First Class. None _Second Class. -105 Irene Hetty Osborne The Ormond Exhibition is awarded to :— 405 Irene Hetty Osborne

THE WRIGHT' PRIZE. The Wright Prizu for Instrumental Music, open to Matri­ culated Students of the Second Year is awarded to :-r- 399 Hazel Ruth Vale

THE MAUD HARRINGTON PRIZE. ' The Harrington Prize for Accompaniment playing is awarded to I— 370 Agnes O'Keefe SENIOR PUBLIC.




EN<:JLIS H LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE AND. BRITISH HISTORY. hirst Glass. (In Order uf Merit). 2100 Henry 1 leaden Ciithbert 2146 Alice Hoy 2092 Margaret Clutterbnck ) Eqrral. 1354 Gwendolen Hamer Swinburne ) 22S7 Neil Leslie Campbell / y , 2245 Edith Jane Sterling ) ^l"'11' 2294 Joseph Alfred Donald 2061 Sarah Ankersorr ^ y , 230 Florence Rose Chcllew ) 1 ' • Second Class. (In Order ot Merit). 303 Morton Dunlop ~) 2130 Doris Jean Mack in llarrrilton ;• Equal. 2272 John Raymond Wilson j 1621 Cyril Percy Callister ^ 2114 Janet Fliun 2150 Grace Hunter 2161 Eric John Kerr 763 Emma Kirby Equal. 2247 James Ford Straulran 922 Cyril Thomas McKenna 2259 Athelstan Neville Ussher 2062 Iva Agnes Arnrstr-ong 56 Ruth Baird 2285 Margaret Josephine Burns - Equal. 2286 Robert Ewen Cameron 2119 Wilfred Kelsham Fiillagar 726 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1000.

2206 Mario Claire Oliphant ") 2216 Leonard Ignatius Power f p , 2262 Grace Elizabeth Foster- Waitt ( r'1UM- 2273 Percy James AVilson J 2297 Charles Gordon G minnow ") 884 Frank McCallum -TV ml 1836 Alex Joseph McKean ( l 2196 Noel Sumner Nash ; 2210 Robert Joseph Peterson 1 ,, , 2258 Hugh Campbell Urquhart \ q 1275 Agnes Alma Slattery 2082 David Dorey Browne ) 2222 Horace Lisle Rintel > Equal 2231 Arthur Laurence Russell Sage)

Third Class. (Irr Alphabetical Order). 1572 Christian Cameron Anderson 2071 Bedlington Jjeslie Bodycomb 2075 William McCarthy Braithwaite 150' Marion Margaret Brock 2090 George Herbert Capes 2112 John Wentworth Fentun 1711 Elsa Mary Marshall Hall 1846 Allan Neil McLennon 1069 Roy Lindsay Park 1088 Franklin George Reginald Peterson 2212 Douglas Clelland Pigdon 1150 Frederick Carter Read 2223 Gwen Dickson Roberts 2326 Rotha Mary Stephens


First Class. (In Order ot Merit). 2139 Edmund Francis Herring 2273 Percy James Wilson SENIOR PUBLIC. I

Second Class. (In Order of Merit). 2060 William Hopton Anderson 2103 Clayton Edginton Davis ) y -, 2308 Donald MacKinnon i '-"H""- 2132 Gilbert Eric Hansford 2276 Pat. 0 Hara Wood Tliird Class. (In Alphabetical Order). 2108 Dorothy Cecilia Downing 1458 John Bromby Waltham

FRENCH AND GERMAN. First Class. (In Order of Merit). 2120 Marjorie Gault / „ . 1093 Isabella Ada Phillips J M"»'- 1194 William James Rodan 2271 Olive Leete Williams 2316 Winifred Edith Paccy 1743 Ella Caroline Hoff Second Class. (In Order of Merit). 1711 Elsa Mary Marshall Hall 583 Frieda Marie Hartkopf ' Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). 2101 Rita Daly 2146 Alice Hoy

ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY. First Class. (In Order of Merit). 2097 George Alfred Cook 2167 Walter Gilbert Langford 728 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1000.

Second Class. (In Order of Merit). 47 Harold Carsten John Asche 251 Thomas Edward Stanley Collins 2154 Thomas Ross Jagger Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). 2055 Kenneth, Bain Alexander 61 Ellen Maud Balaam 2141 Arthur' Alexander Hickman 01S Llewelyn, John Howells 2147 Johnston Hughston 2160 Mary Hazel Kekwick 2172 Walter Alan Lcckic 2182 Francis Crawford Martin 2207 William Major Olive 2243 Douglas Simpson Stevenson 2276 Pat. O'Hara Wood PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. First Class. (In Order of Merit). 2137 William Alfred Leslie Harrison Henderson 2189 Kenneth Arthur McLean Second Class. (In Order of Merit) 2072 Thomas Faulkner Berwick > ,, , 2097 George Alfred Cook ) aquni. 2293 Keith McKeddie Doig ) _ , 2141 Arthur Alexander Hickman ) Jill11111- 2094 George Collie ^ 430 GoofErev Fenton " Equal. 660 Melville Rule Hughes ) 648 Llewelyn John Howells "i ., . 2207 William Major Olive' * r',l»«-1- 742 William Duncan Kennedy 2182 Francis Crawford Martin 2317 John Rees Porter 251 Thomas Edward Stanley Collins | ., , 149 Albert Wilber Bretherton I *'iua1' SENIOR PUIILIC. 729

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). 79 Keith Barrett 2098 Frederick Crichton 435 Cuthbert Foster Fotlierstonhaugh. 1691 Samuel Charles Fitzpatrick 545 Alan Gordon Gutteridge 2147 Johnston Hughston 667 Ralph Alec Hunt 2154 Thomas Ross Jagger 2157 Esmond Shirley Joskc 2186 Alan Alexander McCleery 2225 Geoffrey Ansell Robin 1313 Reginald Alfred Browning Stanhope 1483 Percival Robert Weldon 1501 John Edwin MacKonochie Wigley • 1552 Harry Wyatt Wunderley

ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND BOTANY. First Class. None. Second Class. 964 Essie Lindsay Mollison Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). 785 Mary Lane 2214 Dorothy May Pound

GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. First Class. 2272 John Raymond Wilson Second Class. (In Order ot Merit). 2294 Joseph Alfred Donald 2096 Frank Gilbert Conk 1314 Charles Stanlcv 730 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1900.

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). 152 Claude Edward Brook 925 Roderick George McKenzie DRAWING. First Class. None. Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) 1691 Samuel Charles Fitzpatrick 2315 Ellen Bertha Morris Third Class. « (In Alphabetical Order). 2095 Marion Sandeman Connor 2312 Elizabeth Marion McPherson ELEMENTARY MECHANICS. First Class. (In Order of Merit). 2167 Walter Gilbert Langford 2097 George Alfred Cook 2172 Walter Alan Leckie Second Class. (In Order of Merit). 2243 Douglas Simpson Stevenson 2182 Francis Crawford Martin 47 Harold Carsten John Asche 648 Llewelyn John Howells Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). 2055 Kenneth Bain Alexander 2072 Thomas Faulkner Berwick 2141 Arthur Alexander Hickman 2147 Johnston Hughston 2154 Thomas Ross Jagger 2207 William Major Olive SENIOR PUBLIC. 731

EXHIBITIONS AND PRIZES. English and History. 2100 Henry Headen Cuthber-t Greek and Latin. 2139 Edmund Francis Herring French and German. 1093 Isabella Ada Phillips 2120 Marjorie Gault Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Elementary Mechanics. 2097 George Alfred Cook 2167 W7alter Gilbert Langford Physics and Chemistry. 2137 William Alfred Leslie Harrison Henderson Anatomy, Physiology and Botany. 964 Essie Lindsay Mollison Geography and Geology. 2272 John Raymond Wilson The University French Club's Prize for French. 1711 Elsa Mary Marshall Hall 732 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1000


23RD DECEMBER, 1909.

BACHELOR OF ARTS. Joseph Akcroyd. Joseph Hollins Allen. Harry Samuel Bramley Gill. Aubrey Richardson. In iihsentid- William Ross Hoggart. Ad >'Atiiili:ni gradum,. Richard Hosking (Cambridge).

BACHELOR OF LAWS. Anna Teresa Brennan. Clitden Henry Andrews Eager. Fred Russell Beauchamp Martin. Vincent Patrick Nolan. Thomas Alexander Ogilvie. Kenneth Travcrs Stephen.

BACHELOR OF MEDICINE. John Kcllermanu Adcy. Arthur Francis Bell. Vernon Leopold Bowman. John Charles Campbell. Stanley Jacob Cantor. Keith Geinniell Colquliourr. Henry Cordrrer. Stuart Patrick Croom. James Fairburn Fairley. James Gerald Roy Felstead. Robert Fowler. Hilda Adella Grcenshiclds. Robert Percival Hodgson. IlEUliEES CONFERREIJ, liluO. 733

John Patrick Horgan. Thonias Ernest Victor Hurley. Morris Jacobs. Isaac Jones. Peter Anthony Richards Lalor. Arthur Theodore Langley. Frank Beauchaiiip Martin. Arthur Adrian McKay. Cletus McShane. Edward Thomas Campbell Milligau. Hibbert Alan Stephen Newton. Richard l-Vancis 0'Sullivan. Robert Affleck Robertson. Matthew Edward Robinson. Arthur Eustace 'South. William George Dismore Upjohn. George Henry Wickens. • John Smythe Yule. 7/1 absentia. Svdncy Fancourt McDonald. Albert Guy Miller.

BACHELOR OF SURGERY. Arthur Francis Bell. John Charles Campbell. Stanley Jacob Cantor. Keith Gernmell Colquhouii. Henry Cordncr. Stuart Patrick doom. James Gerald Roy Felstead. Robert Fowler. Hilda Adella Greenshields. Robert Percival Hodgson. John Patrick Horgan. Morris Jacobs; Peter Anthony Richard Lalor. Frank Beauchamp Martin. Arthur Adrian McKay. George Henry Wickens. John Smythe Yule. In absentid. Albert Guy Miller. 734 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1000.

BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Alfred William Charles Burston.

BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERING. Edward Clarence Evelyn Dyason. In absentia- Cecil Napier Ross.

BACHELOR OF VETERINARY SCIENCE. Samuel Sherwen Cameron. John Anderson Gilruth. In absentid. William Tyson Kendall.

MASTER OF ARTS. Charles Wratsou Atkinson. Arthur Septimus Burgess. James McRae. In absentia. Arthur Aubrey Chomley. Frederick William Thomas.

MASTER OF SCIENCE. Henry Caselli Richards. In absentia- Ernest James Lewis. MASTER OF LAWS. James Caldwell Anderson.

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE.. Allen William David Robertson.

DOCTOR OF- VETERINARY SCIENCE. Samuel Sherwin Cameron. John Anderson Gilruth. In absentia. William Tvson Kendall. DEGREES CONFERRED, IflUll-lll. 7-35

LICENSE IN VETERINARY SCIENCE. Robert Nairn Johnstone. Jack Charles Lewis. Thomas Rhodes Matson. George Cameron McLennan. Charles Norman Movers.

DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. John Oscar Anchen. Frances Baikiuair. William Ucnry BnllietL Hcrrrv Francis Dunn. Mary" Hilda McKay. George Alfred Osborne. Thomas Fanar Scott. Edward Henry Townseud.

DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. Ella Waverley MacNeil.

7TH- FEBRUARY, 1910.

BACHELOR OF ARTS. J11 absi'.ntii'i. Bert-hold Charles Krone.

16TH APRIL, 1910.

BACHELOR OF ARTS. William Thomas Almond. . Patrick Arundell. Roy Douglas Bartram. Amy Elizabeth Heard. Sydney Leonard Buckley. Francis Ernest Dossetor. Desmond McMahon Gavan Dully. Harriet May Hordern.


Olof Nicholson Kelly. George Shaw Knowlos. Hazel Mor-oll McCrindle. Ewen Neil McQueen. David Dunlop Miniro. Ernest Roland Pitt. George Moore Spronle. Jn absentia. John Clark J'oncs. Jd eundem gradum. William John Smyth Carroll (Sydney). BACHELOR. OF SCIENCE. Hilda Norma Pickering Ball. Olive Blanche Davies. John Herbert- Dunn, Mn i-ga rot Moo 10. Grace Elaine Pitts. Geoffrey Mall irr Rollason. Leslie Niven Thorn. Alexander Hopkins Thwaites. Thomas Haynos Upton. Bertha Wood. BACHELOR OF LAWS. Solomon Bloom. Thomas Stuart Clyne. Henry Maurice Davies. Frederick James Borley Hayes. Edwin Clarence Whitoman Kelly. Robert Monteith Rolland.

BACHELOR OF SURGERY. John Kellcrmanii Alley. James Fuirburn Fairley. Thomas Ernest Victor Hurley. Isaac Jones. Sydney Fancorrrt McDonald. Edward Thomas Campbell Milligan. Hibbert Alan Stephen Newton. Richard Francis O'Sullivan. Robert Affleck Robertson. William George Dismore Upjohn. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1009-10. 737

In- absentia- Vernon Leopold Bowman. Arthur Theodore Langley. Cletus McShane. Matthew Edward Robinson.

BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. James Arthur Edgerton. Elvereue Park Kendall. In absentia- Edward Frederic. Robert Bage. BACHELOR OF DENTAL SUBGEBY. William Joshua Liiinsden. Frederick Stanley Parrett. Elsdon Storey. MASTER OF ART?. Homy Corder. Margaret Sandeman Davies. Charles Clifford Dugan. Herbert Russell llamley. Florence Victoria Langford. John Buchanan Sawers. Birth Elinor Topp. In absentia. - James Ferguson Colqiihoun. Hugh Gilbert Stuart Morton. Ad eundem gradum. David Stow Adam (Glasgow).

MASTER OP SCIENCE. Gwynneth Vaughan Buchanan. Joseph Horace Downing. Hilda Estelle Kincaid. James Irvine Orme Masson.

MASTER OF LAWS. Stewart Watson Irwin. Francis Alexander Dingwall McNab. Richard Charles Mills. 738.. DEGREES CONFERRED, 100010.

DOCTOR OF LAWS. Ail eundem- gradum. Edward Sheldon Cunningham (Glasgow).

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Francis Armand Nyulasy. Robert Edgecumbe Short. in absentia. Leslie Stuart Kidd.

BACHELOR AND DOCTOR OF VETERINARY SCIENCE. In absentia.. Sydney Dodd. DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. Agnes Caples. Agues Isabella Fortune. Rose Langford. Edith Raff. Ida Gray Sterling.

DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. William Thomas Almond. Agnes Marion Campbell. Margaret Sandeman Davies.



13TH JUNE, 1910. BACHELOR OF ARTS. William Henry Irwin. Garnet Eric Shaw. Ad eundem- gradum. Dorothy Stephenson (Tasmania). BACHELOR OF MEDICINE. James Jamison Black. Duncan Buchanan. Samuel Roy Burst-on. Basil Walter Cohen. James Chambers Craig. Valentine Francis Crowe. Robert Dillon Lemon. Thomas Roberts. Elsie Lillian Thomas. In absent id. Harry Nairn Butler. Thomas Oswald Chenowetli. BACHELOR OP SURGERY. James Jamison Black. Duncan Buchanan. Samuel Roy Burston. Basil Walter Cohen. James Chambers Craig. Valentine Francis Crowe. Robert Dillon Lemon. Thomas Roberts. Elsie Lillian Thomas. In absentid. Harry Nairn Butler. Thomas Oswald Cherroweth. BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERING. /rr absentia- John Leslie Connor. DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. Arnold Archibald Frtzroy Briggs. William Henry Irwin. .740 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1900-10.

MASTER OF ARTS. In absent n't- William Alexander Morrow A'l eundem gradum. Kate Perrin (Tasmania).

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. John Kennedy. Charles Gavan Shaw. Carl Vivian Stephens. Alfred John Trinca. In absentia- Alfred Fay Maclure. Charles Inglis McLaren. Edward Percv Oldham. STANDING ORDERS OF THE- SENATE.

SITTING AND ADJOURNMENT OF THE SENATE. 1. The Senate sliall meet at the University or at some central place in the city. 2. The Senate shall meet for two Sessions in each year in the months of June and October commencing on the third Tuesday in each of these months or if any such Tuesday be a public holiday upon the day following. 3. The hour of meeting of the Seuate shall be half-past forrr o'clock but the after-noon sitting shall terminate at half-past six and an evening silting shall begin at half- past seven. No fresh business shall be called on after ten o'clock. •t. "Until tho Session bo closed the Senate! shall meet from day to day but on the close of Friday's sitting the Senate shall stand adjourned until the following Tuesday afternoon. 5. Tlie Warden may at auy time convene a spoeial meet ing of the Senate. ' (i. Upon the requisition of twenty members of the Senate' setting forth the olijects for which they desire the meeting to bo convened the Wan Ion shall convene a special meeting ot the Senate within fourteen days and not less than seven days from the date of the receipt by him of srrch requisition. 7. The Senate may adjourn any meeting or debate to a future sitting. - )S. A Register of the addresses of Members of the Senate as supplied from time to time by Memliers shall bo kept by the Registrar. 9. Notice of the opening of every Session and of the business to be brought on at its opening shall be given by circular posted or- delivered fourteen clear- days before each Session and notice of every special meeting and of the business to be brought on thereat shall bo given by circular posted or delivered seven clear days before such meeting to I he address of every Member which is on the Register 10. The Warden shall take the chair as soon after the hour of meeting as twenty Members are present. T.i'2 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

11. If, after the expiration of half-an-hour there be not twenty Members present the sitting shall lapse and thc business of the Session or of the Special Meeting as the case may be shall bo postponed till the following day at half-past four or if the following day be Satur­ day till thc following Tuesday at half-past four 12. If the Warden arrive after the chair is taken the Chairman shall vacate the chair. 13. If it shall appear on the report of a division by the tellers or on the attention ot the Warden being called to tho fact that twenty Members be not present the Warden shall declare tho sitting at an end and tho debate shall stand adjourned. Provided that if half-an-hour have not elapsed from tho time prescribed for the beginning of tho sitting and twenty members are again present before the expiration of the half-hour the sitting shall be resumed. 1't. When a sitting is ended from want of a quorum the business under discussion and any other business not disposed of shall be called on at the next sitting and shall take precedence of all. other business. 15. The Registrar shall under the direction of tho Warden record in a book tire Votes and Proceedings of the Senate on the model of the Votes rind Proceedings of 'Parliament. 16. The Session or special meeting shall close when all the business is disposed of or when two or more con secutive sittings having lapsed tor want of a quorum the Warden declares the Session or Special Meeting ended. NOTICES, MOTIONS AND QUESTIONS. 17. The Registrar shall prepare a Notice 1'aper of the business of every day of the Session and of every special meeting. 18. Thc Registrar shall place on tlie Sessional Notice Paper all Notices of Motion received not loss than twenty- one days before the first day of Session. 19. The order of business on each day of the Session shall bo—1. Reading tor confirmation of the votes and proceedings of the previous day. 2. Notices of Motion. 3. Business on the Notice Paper wliich shall be called on in the order in wliich it stands thereon unless the Senate direct otherwise. 20. Every Notice of Motion shall be in writing and shall bo signed by two members and no mot-ion shall be spoken to or debated on the day on which notice of it is given. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 743

21. The order of procedure on a proposed new Statute or Regulation shall be—1. Reception of the Statute or Regula­ tion by tho Senate. 2. Committal to a Committee of the whole Senate or to a Select Committee. 3. Adoption ot tho Statute or Regulation by the Senate as amended by the Committee. 22. But if it is not desired to make amendments in the Statute or Regulation it may be adopted without reference to a Committee and any proposed Statute or Regulation may be recommitted. The question that a proposed Statute or Regulation be now received may not be amended. The question that a proposed Statute or Regulation be com­ mitted to a Committee ot the whole Senate or to a Select Committee may be amended by the substitution of Select Committee for Committee ot the whole Senate and vice versd but not otherwise. The question that a proposed Statute or Regulation be now adopted by thc Senate nray be amended irr order that it may be committed or recommitted but not otherwise. All amendments in a proposed Statute or Regulation shall be relevant to thc subject matter thereof. 23. No Member shall - make any motion initiating a subject for discussion except in pursuance of notice duly inserted on the Notice Paper for that day. 24. A motion irray be amended by the mover with leave of the Senate. 2">. When a motion has been made aud seconded the question shall then be proposed to the Senate by the Wai'den. ' • 20. Any motion rrot seconded shall not be further discussed and no entry thereof shall be made on the Votes and Proceedings. 27. A Member who has made a motion may withdraw tho same by leave ot the Senate such leave being granted •without any negative voice.. 25. A question rrray be superseded— (1) By the motion "That the Senate do now adjourn." (2) By a motion " That the Senate proceed to the next business." (3) By the previous question viz. "That the question be now put" being proposed and negatived. 744 -STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

29. If the previous quest-ion be resolved in the affirmative •the original question shall be put forthwith without further amendment or- debate. 30. A mot-ion for " proceeding to the next business" and •also for " the previous question" may be superseded by the adjournment of the Senate. 31. The debate upon a question may be interrupted— (1) Hy words'of bent between members. (2) By rr quest-ion of order. (3) By a motion for reading any official document relevant to the question. 32. The Senate n:av order a complicated question to be divided. 33. So soon as a-debate upon a question shall be concluded the Warden shall put the question to the Senate and if the same should not be heard shall again state it to the Senate. 31. A question being prrt shall be resolved in the alh'rrrra- • tive or the negative by the nrnjnrit v of voices "Ave" or "No." 35. Tho Warden shn.ll stale whether in his opinion the "Ayes" or the "Noes" have it and rrnless his opinion be acquiesced in by the minority the question shall be deter­ mined by a division. 30. No motion shall be placed on the notice paper or questiorr be proposed which the Warden shall rule to be the same in substance as any which during the same meeting 'has boon resolved in the aflU'iniitive or tire negative.

AMENDMENTS. 37. Any member proposing an amendment shall deliver the same in writing to the Warden. 3,s. A "question having been proposed may be amended by leaving out certain won Is in order to insert or add other words or by inserting dr adding words. 39. An amendment proposed but not seconded shall not be entertained by the Senate or-entered on the Votes. 40. Whim a proposed amendment is to leave out certain words the Warden sliall put a, question "That the words proposed to be left orrt stand part of the question" which shall be resolved by the Senate in the affirmative or the negative as the case mav be. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 745

41. When the proposed amendment is to leave out curtain words in order to insert or add other words the Warden sliall put a question "That tho words proposed to be left out stand part of the question" which if resolved in theaflirma- tive.will dispose of the amendment but if in thc negative and there is no motion before the Senate for amending the proposed amendment another question shall be put "That 'Hhc words of the ainendinent be inserted or added instead thereof '' which shall be resolved in the affirmative or the negative as the ease may be. 42. When the proposed amendment is to insert or add certain words the Warden shall put rr question " That srrch words be inserted or added" which shall be resolved in the affirmative or the negative as the case may be. 43. No amendment shall be proposed in any part of a question after a later part has boon amended or after an amendment on a later- part has been proposed unless the proposed amendment- has by leave of the Senate been with­ drawn. •14. No ainendinent shall bo proposed rn any words which the Senate has resolved shall stand part of a question or shall be inserted in or added to a question except the addition of other words thereto. 45. A proposed amendment may by leave of the Senate be amended or- withdrawn by the mover. 4

52. When two or more'Members rise to speak the Warden shall call upon the Member who first rose in his place. 53. A motion may be made that any Member who has risen " be now heard " or " do now speak." 54. By the indulgence ot the Seuat e a Member may-explain matters of a personal nature although there be no question before the Semite but such matters may not be debated. 55. No member may speak twice to the same question before the Senate exeept in explanation or' reply. 50. A Member who has spoken to a (mostion 111113'again be heard to explain himself in regard lo some material part •of his speee,h but shall not iul i-oduee any new matter. 57. A. reply shall bu allowed to a Member who has made a substantive motion to the Senate but', not to firry Member who has moved an amendment. 5

• 05. If the Warden desires to take part in a debate he shall vacate the chair for the time and another Chairman shall be appointed. DIVISIONS. 60. No Member- shall bo entitled to vote in any division unless he be present when the question is put. 67. Every Member present when a division is taken must vote. 68. When a division is called for the Warden shall direct thc " Ayes " to the right and the " Noes " to the left and shall appoint two tellers for each party. 69. The vote of the Warden shall bo taken before the other votes without his being required to leave the chair. 70. In case' there should not be two teller's for one of the parties the Warden shall forthwith declare the resolution of the Senate. 71. An entry of the lists of divisions in thc Senate shall be made by thc Registrar in the Votes aud Proceedings. 72. In case ot confusion or error concerning the numbers reported unless the same can be otherwise corrected the Senate will proceed to another division. 73. If the numbers have been inaccurately reported' to the Senate the Senate on being afterwards informed thereof will order the Votes aud Proceedings to be corrected. 74. Irr case of an equality of votes the Warden shall give a casting vote and any reasons stated by him shall be entered in tho Votes and Proceedings. 75. No member shall be entitled to vote upon any ques­ tion in which he has a direct pecrririary interest and the vote ot any Member so interested shall be disallowed.

COMMITTEES. 76. In committee of tho whole the Warden shall preside and subject to the provisions hereinafter contain -d the same quorum mode ot deciding questions and order in debate sliall be observed as in the Senate itself. 77. In committee Members may speak more than once to the same question. 748 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

78. A Committee of the whole Senate will be appointed by resolution " That tho Senate do now resolve itself into a Committee" or " That a proposed Statute or Regulation be now committed to a committee of the whole Senate." 79. A motion made in committee need not be seconded and no motion for the previous question can be made iu committee. SO. A Committee of the whole may at any time report progress and upon such report tho Senate shall be declared resinned. 81. When tho business called on is a proposal which has been partly considered in committee of the whole the Warden shall declare the Senate iu committee without question put. 82. When all matters referred to a Committee ot the whole have been considered thc Warden on motion made and carried " That the Senate do now resume " shall declare the Senate resumed. 83. The quorum and convener of every select committee shall be named in the motion appointing tho committee and its report shall be signed by the chairman and may be delivered to the War-den whether or not the Senate be then sitting and may be printed and placed on a Notice Paper' without an order- of the Senate. 84. Subject to the direction of the Senate the procedure in Select Committees shall conform to the procedure in Committee of the whole Senate or as near thereto as may be possible.

ELECTIONS. 85. The office of Warden shall become vacant annually on the first day of June. 86. The Warden shall hold office until his successor is elected. 87. In all Elections by the Senate the Registrar shall act as Returning Officer. 88. Not more than nine weeks before the occurrence through ellluxion of lime or upon the occurrence through any other cause of any vacancy in the office of Warden or in the Council of the University the Returning Officer STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 749 shall forthwith issue a circular to thc Members of the Senate whose addresses are on the Register stating tho occurrence of such vacancy and that he will receive nominations of Candidates which may be duly sent' to him on or before a day not less than fourteen days from the date of such circular. 89. Nominations of qualified persons shall be made by two members of the Senate and shall contain the written consent ot the Candidate to his nomination. 90. The Returning Officer shall hold an Election within forty-nine days and not less than forty-two days from the latest day for receiving Nominations. . 91. If one Candidate only be nominated the Returning Officer shall publish his name on thc Board at the Uni­ versity and shall extend the time allowed for receiving nominations seven days beyond the date first fixed. If no further nominations are received the Returning Officer shall declare the Candidate duly elected. 92. If more than one Candidate be nominated votes shall be given by Voting Papers only. 93. Within seven days after the latest day of Nomina­ tion the Returning Officer shall post to each member of the Senate whose address is on the Register a Aroting Paper a Form of Declaration and three envelopes one envelope to be marked " Voting Paper" a secoird to be marked " Declaration " aud the third to be ad­ dressed " The Returning Officer, University, Melbourne." 94. Every Voting Paper shall contain thc names of the Candidates for Election and shall be marked by the Returning Officer aud no Voting Paper or Declaration other than that officially issued as aforesaid shall be accepted provided that in any case any Voting Paper or Declaration has been lost or destroyed a Duplicate shall be supplied on written application to thc Registrar. 95. Every Voting Paper shall be in the form following or to the like effect that is to say: —

DIEECTIOKS. The Voter shall write the figure 1 opposite the name of the Candidate who stands First in his order of pre­ ference the figure 2 opposite tho name of the Candidate who stands Second in his order ot preference and so on. 750 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.


Numerical Orfli-r of Voter's {Names to bo inserter! in the Alphabetical Order Preference. of Surnames).

ATo signature is to be written on this Voting Paper. 96. Every Declaration shall be in the form following or to the like effect that is to say :

To the Ui'turning Officer of the Senate of tlie Uniccrsity uf Melhourne- I the undersigned declare that I am a member ot the Senate of the and at the election of Warden (or of a Mem­ ber or Members of the Council to fill the vacancy or vacancies caused or to be carrsed by [here insert thc cause] as the case may be) which is to take place at o'clock on the day of 1.9 do hereby vote in the manner shown in the accompanying Voting Paper.

Hit/nature of Member. Date. 97. Each member of the Senate shall post to or deliver at the office of the Registrar his Voting Paper aud his Declaration each enclosed in u separate and distinctice e.nrelope. These envelopes shall luitli be enclosed in a third or outer envelope which shall bo addressed to the Returning Officer. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 751

93. All srrch envelopes addressed to the Returning Officer sliall remain unopened until the close of the Poll. The Returning Officer shall then in each case open the outer envelope and also thc envelope containing the Declaration of each voter. If thc Declaration be duly signed the Returning Officer shall place in a Ballot Box provided for thc purpose thc accompanying envelope containing the Voting Paper. When all the Declara­ tions have been examined the Returning Officer sliall mix the envelopes containing the Acting Papers open the same and ascertain the result of the Election. 99. F.ach Candidate shall be entitled to nominate a Scrutineer to assist the Returning Officer. 100. Neither the Returning Officer nor any Scrutineer shall in any way whatever directly or indirectly divulge or disclose or aid in divulging or disclosing for what candidate or in what manner any Member of the Senate voted at'any election. 101. Except as aforesaid no Member shall before or after voting transfer or part with his Voting Paper or Declaration to or permit it to be used by any other person. 102. No Voting Paper sliall be used at any election unless it be received by the Returning Officer not later than the hour fixed for the Election which shall be staled on the Declaration. 103. The Voter shall indicate the order of his pre­ ference by numbering the names of the Candidates con­ secutively commencing with the number 1 and any Voting Paper on which more than one name is left un­ numbered shall not be used in thc election. When one name only is left unnumbered the Returning Officer shall insert the number omitted. 104. If on the report of the Registrar or of a Scruti­ neer the Warden be of opinion that any Voting Paper is substantially defective such Voting Paper shall not be used in the election. 105. If there be more tharr one vacancy to be filled at any Election the vacancies shall be filled separately iu the order of their occurrence and as each vacancy is filled the name of the successful Candidate shall be deemed to have been erased from each Voting Paper 702 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. and the names whicli remain to have been re-mi inhered .with the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., according to thc order in wliich they stand in the voter's order of preference.

106. One or more scrutinies shall be made by the .Registrar and Scrutineers each of the latter being the representative of one Candidate according to the follow­ ing rules:— I. The first scrutiny sliall be made in the follow­ ing manner: (a) The figure written opposite the name of any Carrdidate on any Voting Paper shall be deemed to represent so many votes against the said Candidate. (b) The number obtained by dividing the total 'number of votes by the number of Candi­ dates sliall be the average for the scrutiny. (e) Every Candidate whose sum total is not less than the average shall be rejected. II. Any subsequent scrutiny shall be made in the same manner as the first scrutiny provided that the names of all Candidates rejected at any preceding scrutiny shall be deemed to have been, erased from each Voting Paper and the names which remain to have been re­ numbered with the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., ac­ cording, to the order in which they stand in the voter's order of preference. III. When upon any scrutiny all the Candidates but one have been rejected that one shall be declared elected. IV. If upon any scrutiny all the Candidates have the same number of votes recorded against them the Warden shall by a casting vote reject one of thern. V. If rrpon the first scrutiny it is found that any Candidate has an absolute majority ot the total number of first votes polled he shall be declared elected. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 753

107. The Warden shall subject to the provisions herein contained determine conclusively all questions of detail concerning the Election. 108. In all cases not herein provided for the rules and usages of Parliament shall be followed so far as they may be applicable.

INTERPRETATION. 109. Wherever the word " Warden" is used in these Standing Orders it shall mean " The Warden or in his absence the Chairman :; unless the contrary is obvious from the context.

Library Digitised Collections

Author/s: University of Melbourne

Title: University of Melbourne Calendar 1911

Date: 1911

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File Description: 07_Annual report

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