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Benefactions BENEFACTIONS. LIST (.iV PKilSTClTAL BENEFACTIONS. MAIM-: T<> TH.K UNIVKKSITY OK MELBOURNE SINOK ITS FOUNDATION IN 1S53. ISM SI.'IISCRIHEUS CSir. <i. W. IIUMIKX) ,tS.r'C Shilki.'spi.-arc Seln'Iai'ship. l,;7i IIENKV Tnl.MAN IrWUiHT fil 101' Rrizns for History and Education. -, l EHWARI1 WILSON" , '' ' "i LAC 11 LAN MACKINNON. ' 10(10 Avails Scholarship in Enu'itiL'iM-iii--. 1ST:; 'SIR CKllltliE l-'EIKilisr r.V HnWEN 1UII I'r-izu for English Essay. 1*7:; JOHN HASTIE .... I,s7:i OODI-'REY IK>\\ ITX Ill, till (IClli'l'lll KlllliiU'llltlllt 1S7:; Sill. WILLIAM l-'OSTKI! STAWELL 'WOO Scholarships hi N'lilnral History, ISS7:". SIK. SAMUEL WlLS'iN ririi'i Scholarship hi lOnirin^i'rin^. !*>:; JOHN IUXSON WYSELASKIE - Hfr.llllir Erection nf Wilson Hull. is.vl WILLIAM THOMAS Mi 1I.I.IS1 IX xnlO Scholarships 1,<S1 StinSCRIIiERS .... rilluli Scholarships in .Modern Luii^iiiiffcs. P-S7 WILLIAM CHARLES EEliXnT - l.Mi I'ri/n for- Mathematics in memory nf I'rof. Wilson, ls>7 l-'liANCIS ORMOMIl -.alilo Scholarships for Physical and Chemical .Re.Keareli. isrni Hi'rHERT lil.XSIlN L'II.OOII I'iorcssorship of Music. 10,s:r7 Scholarships in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics IS'" SLUSCIUDERS .... .•mil (-'.nuiiiL'i-'i'iii^. ,ri-17 Onnnnd Kxhihitions in Musi'-. IS!U JAMES CEIIKCiE HEAXEY :{!li.m Scholarships in Snrjrevy und Pathology. l.V.M I.1AVH1 KAY o7(;l .Caroline Kuy Scholarsnips, 1WI7 SUHSOlill.iERS 7;•'l,-l Research Scholarship in biology in memory of Sir .lames MacHain, I'.mj ROMERT ALEXANDER WHICHT lin'.o Prizes lor Music and ffir Mechanical Kn'.riiicel-inir. HKiVJIFA OT IONS (.Continneily. 11KIJ WILLIAM CHARLES KERNnT- £10(1(1 Metallurgical Lalioratory Equipment. liio:! .IOIIN HENRY MACEARLAND- 100 Metallurgical Lahoratorv Equipment. um:; GRADUATES' EUND • 4fiC General Expenses, P. 11* TEACHING STAKE HaO General Expenses. including PRIIKKSSOU SI'KXCKR .£'2SS Pl{"l'KisriOU OHKOOUY - 1(10 PKOFKSMOU MASSON - - 100 inn:! SLUSCRIHERS Prize in inemorv of Alexander Sutherland. HHKI GEnRGE McARTHUR Lilir.rr.i- of 2.100 Hooks. Mm-: SUBSCRIBERS TO UNIVERSITY KU.NI) President—IANKT LAHV CI.ARKR Tri-asiirrr— HKKIIY liCTi.Klt Si'crefarit—CIIAIU.KS BAOK SI'KCIA I. l-'OUXDA TIOSS MRS. AUBREY HOWEX - - - f.Oll Equipment of Pathological Museum. HENRY HDURNES HIGGINS - - - 10(10 Scholarship for Study of I'oot.ry. DAVID SYME SOrti I'ri/.e for Scientific Resjearcli in Australia. I'RKDERICK SHEI'I'ARI) ORIM WADE 1 1 I'ri/.e for Technical Chemical Rose-arch. MR. AXH MRS. A. E. T. PAYNE AND) . MR AND MRS. .1. W. PAYNE i " Kxhihition in Veterinary Science. SIR HENRY .liillX WRIXON - - (inn Exhihit.ion in Agriculture, MEMBERS (IK UAI! ASSl ICIATION - (147 .lohn Madden Exhihition in Law. SUBSCRIBERS (>',•,'.. R. .1. I.AI1K1NH) - Kir.:". (,'hamrier of Commerce Exhihirion, and I'rize: Commercial Examinations IlltSA'l'lOXS OP i.loo AXH UPtVA I1DS-- AN'DRKW rAHXEGH: - - - - loon liitildines and Equipment. I'RDI'RIETORS (if ••THE ARGUS" Inn NIEL WALTER BLACK ... - Inn MRS. WALTER BRIDGES - - -' Um .IANKT LADY CI.AHKK - . - - 100 SIMDX ERASER Km IIKSHPAC'IIOXd (CKiilinileil). SIR SAMUEL (ilLl.nTT - £lliu lluildinjrs and Equipment. .InllN GRICK - - - - inn WESLEY It. HALL - Km ALICE MANIKOLD - loo EDWARD MAMElll.l) loo WILLIAM T. MANIEOLD - um DAVID ORME MASSUN - 100 MELBOURNE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION •2fi'i MRS. ALBERT MILLER • loo MRS. EDWARD MILLER - 10(1 WALTER BALDWIX SPENCER Km GEORGE ALEXANDER STEPHEN ion JOHN TRAILL ... - 100 WILLIAM WEATHKRLY • lor. MRS. WILLIAM WEATHERLY 1.00 Ifl'IIKI! DOMATIOM • IL'SIl P. 107 MRS. EDITH LANSELL lino r.lcor^c Lansell Scholarship in Minine; Engineering;. 10117 MRS. JESSIE LEGGATT • Klllll Scholarship in Law. urns WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT •200 Research Scholarship in Geology. P.HIS SUBSCRIBERS in; Eqnipinent of Anatomy School. 1 ill IS HERMAN HENRY SCIILAPP 400 Onvtreatinent Plant. SUBSCRIBERS 171. P.KIil JAMES STEWART .... 25,«2-l Scholarships in and Advancement of Anatomy, Medicine and Surgery. llll II) JA41ES CUM 1 NO - 1,000 I'ri/.e for Agricultural Chemistry. P. HI1.1 JAMES CUMING - l.Ouu Eor \'eterihary Operating Theatre. i;ir.i!i SUBSCRIBERS 2(ill Dulilin Prize. lino SUBSCRIBERS liji Jamieson Prize. P.ilo GEORGE SWINBURNE ISO Eor purchase of Apparatus. li) 111 T. EDWARDS - Machinery valued at X'2f)o. 1010 X. GUTH RIDGE LTD. Machinery valued at .t!40. ORIENT LINE OE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Three Eirst-Class Return Passages ammallv since 1900. Cf: ^nivcvsity of pdbounu. ANNUAL REPORT, 1909-10. KKFOKT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ' UNIVKRSITV FROM HIST JULY, li)0H, TO HI ST JULY, 101.0. To Ills EXCELLENCY, SIR THOMAS GIBSON OARMICHAFI,, MART., K.C.M.G., GOVKBNOR or VICTORIA. MAY IT I-I.KASF YOTJB EXCELLENCY, f have the honour, in accordance with Section 27 of tin.' University Act 18!t0, to submit lo your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the University during the past year :— 1.—DEATH OF HIS LATE MAJESTY. The Council remembering, with all other subjects ot the British Empire, the admirable qualities of liis'late Majesty King Edward VII. arrd his conspicuous and persistent efforts to maintain the good government and the liberties of all his people ; to preserve pence to the world; and to promote in the interests of humanity sound learning and the advancement of science and scientific research : and to accord praise and encourage­ ment to nil who devoted themselves tu the furthering of these things ; recorded its unaffected and profound sorrow for His Majesty's, death and for the loss which it means to mankind. 2.— INCREASE OF NUMBERS. The increase in the number of students in the last six years is shown in the following Table, in which students of the Conservatorium of Mrrsic are not included. The figures include Research Students, who were taken into account in these tables for the first time in 100S .— 590 ANNUAL REPORT, lono.loin. T.ikiu.u- full Taking Year. Course for ^. Total B1 le Snli ects. Decree. "" 1904 459 84 543 1905 531 21(1 747 1900 5S3 202 785 1907 028 258 sst; 1908 tiril'i 275 941 19U9 743 270 1,013 3.—STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES. The following table shows the number of students attending lectures at the University during the year 1909 (including Evening Lectrrres) :— School*. ^ -j s:> Arts - :« Kducation • IS Science 10 Law 4:i 11 Medicine S2 02 fill 10 3ii(i Dentistry 15 1 - ;« 02 Kn^inemnK 20 111 - " 07 Agriculture 14 - - •211 Public Health - '- i 1 Veterinary - (1 - - 2S Koscarch - - ir. 1.1 Total - 271 till 270 lOKi The nurrrber attending Evening Lectures was 107; the number of women students was .101 j the number of Free Students nominated by the Education Department was— For Education, 37; for Agriculture, 13; for Mining, 2; for Veterinary Science, 3, ANSUAI, REPORT, 1909-1910. 591 4—CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC. The corresponding figures for the Conservatorium of Music are as follows:— »" •H _ rt Corrrse. c b- "o H Decree of Mrrs. Bac. S 6 Diploma iir Music - 21 G 12 39 Other Students 70 Total 21 j S 15 123 Ot these 8 were men and 115 women students. 5.—ANNUA L EXAMINAT10N S. The number of candidates for1 degrees of Haehelor and for Diplomas who presented themselves and who passed their respective Annual Examinations in the past Academic Year is shown irr the following table :— First Second TI lird Fourth Y'ear. Year. Year. Year. •u _• ^ Schools. t; -d "S •^ •£ >~ — a. a.- a. — — — — Arts - 37 31 30 25 29 24 — 90 SO Education - 66 39 22 18 - - - - 77 57 Science 10 S 10 10 10 9 - - 30 27 Law 41 20 13' 13 19 13 13 12 SO 04 Dentistry - 19 15 S 0 4 4 1 1 32 20 Errgineering 19 16 14 10 7 7 14 13 64 45 Agriculture 14 13 4 3 2 2 - - 20 18 Music • 21 17 8 8 16 12 - - 44 37 Veterinary - 5 4 7 7 0 9 6 5 26 25 592 ANNUAL KKPOItT, 1909-1910. The following are the corresponding figures of the Divi­ sional Examinations iu the Medical Course on account of the year 1909, and the first, following supplementary ex­ amination :— MKDIOAL EXAMINATIONS. DIVISION Invisios' 11 2011 j 102 6.—DEGREES CONFERRED. The number of degrees conferred and diplorrras and licenses granted during the year' 1909-10, iucludirrg admis­ sions ad eundem gradum, is given below :— Bachelor of A its - - - - 27 Bachelor of Scierrce - - - 10- , Haehelor of Laws - - - - 12 Haehelor of Medicirre - 44- Hachelor of Surgery - - - 43 Haehelor of Civil Errgineering - 4 Haehelor of Mining Engineering; - 3 Bachelor of Dental Surgery - - 3 Bachelor of Veterinary Science - 4 .. Master of Arts - - - - .1.7 Master of Science - 0 Master of Laws ... .4 Doctor of Science - - - - 1 ANNUAL R.EPOKT, 1909-1910. 593 Doctor of Medicine - - - - 11 Doctor of Laws - - - - 1 Doctor of Veterinary Science - 4 Diploma of Public Health - - ] Diploma in Music - - - - 5 Diplomaof Education - - - 13 Diploma of Analytical Chemistry - 1 License in Veterinarv Science - 5 7.— PU HLIC EN AM IN A TI ON S. The following table shows the number of candidates who presented themselves for and who passed the Primary, Matriculation, Junior and Senior Public and Commercial Examinations during 19(19 and the Junior and Senior Public and Junior Commercial of February, 1910, and the percentage of passes in each case : I » Kxaminations. U11 Primary 312 304 104 | 34.2 Matriculation and Junior Public 1617 005 1 39. S \\ 2068 Junior Cominercial 49 IS 30.7 Senior Public (12!) 230 126 1 54.3 Senior Cominercial 11 1 1 100.0 Junior Public (February) 11 ISI 196 40.3 Junior Commercial (February) ., 18 10 66.5 Senior Public (February) 4S 31 1 64.6 594 AKNUAL REPORT, 1909-1910.
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    196 Notes Abbreviations 9 See Military and Naval Defence of the Empire, ADB = Australian Dictionary of Biography Wellington: Govt. Printer, 1909, p. 32. (available on-line at 10 See ‘Part I – Recommendations. Strategical AWM = Australian War Memorial considerations’, Points 4 and 5, Kitchener, Bean: Charles Bean (ed.), Official History of ‘Memorandum on the defence of Australia’, Australia in the War of 1914–1918, 12 vols. A463, 1957/1059, NAA. CUP = Cambridge University Press 11 Committee of Imperial Defence, Minutes of the MUP = Melbourne University Press 112th Meeting, 29 May 1911, 12, 16–17, 25, 27, NAA = National Archives of Australia CAB 38/18/41, The National Archives, London NLA = National Library of Australia (TNA). OUP = Oxford University Press 12 Mordike was the first historian to stress the SLNSW = State Library of New South Wales significance of this in Australian military SLV = State Library of Victoria historiography. See ‘Operations of defence UMA = University of Melbourne Archives (military) – 2nd day, 17 June 1911’, WO 106/43, UQP = University of Queensland Press TNA, quoted in John Mordike, ‘We Should Do This Thing Quietly’: Japan and the Great Newton: ‘We have sprung at a bound’ Deception in Australian Defence Policy, 1911– 1 Joseph Cook, Pocket Diary for 1915, entry on 1914, Fairburn, ACT: Aerospace Centre, 2002, memoranda pages, Cook Papers, M3580, 7, pp. 53–79. See also ‘Report of a committee of NAA. the imperial conference convened to discuss 2 Charles Bean contrasted Australia’s desire defence (military) at the War Office, 14th and 17th June, 1911’, in Papers Laid Before the to be ‘straight’ with Britain’s wavering (The Imperial Conference, 1911, Dealing with Naval Story of Anzac from the Outbreak of War to the and Military Defence, Wellington: Govt Printer, End of the First Phase of the Gallipoli Campaign, 1912, pp.
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