THE -.A-rrow 0 F PI BETA PHI VOLUME 71 SUMMER, 1955 NUMBER 4 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PI BETA PHI FRATERNITY J.67 ODic. 0/ Puhliralion.' 410 Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, III. Conten t~ STAFF Fraternity Directory 222 Arrow Edi,or: AohE TAYLOR ALFORD (Mrs. Editorials 231 T. N .), 930 Olive Ave., Coronado, Calif. AlJlmna> Cillb Editor: V,RGINIA SHERMAN News from Lillie Pigeon 232 KOZAK (Mrs. Andrew).) . R.D. I, Kirk ville, N .Y. Holt House May Have a Ghost Chapu, ulter Edilor: MARJORIE BRINK, 4008 N . Pennsylvania, Indianapolis 5, Ind. Chapler Rush Captains 237 New/ from LillIe Pi~eon: LOUlSE WHEELOCK DOBLER (Mrs. Clare R. ), 3523 Federal Ave., Queens ( Pic/oria/) .... 240 Everett, Wash. ExchanXIJ and CoJ/ege Nolel: Runt WILSON Mortar Board ( Pictorial) 248 CoGSHALL (Mrs. W. B.), 2001 Emerson, Louisville, Ky. Chapter Letters . .. .. .. ..... 214 Prom Pi Phi Pens.' MARy ElI2ABETH LASHER BARNBl"I'S (Mrs. Kenneth A.) , 8 Cloister Ct .. Alumn~ Letters 267 Tonawanda, N.Y Arrow File: Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 410 In Memoriam 301 Standard Office Bldg., Deca tur, Ill. Official Calendars In Memoriam NOlirts: Send to Pi Beta Phi 302 ~ntral Office, 410 Standard Office Bldg., Dentur, III. Fraternity Supplies . ... Imide bacR cotler tlTH. AnoY is printed Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer b, Pi Beta Phi Fraternity at the press of Gto r~ Banta Publishina Co" "'0 Ahn.ip St., Menasha, Wis. SubJCription price IS S.. ,O a yUr, '0_ for sinll;le copies, '1),00 for life subscription, tlSend subscriptions, chanle of .ddrtss notice, and correspondence of a business nature to Pi 8c:ta Phi Centnl Office, Decatur 16.
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