U - June 13, 1991 - Union County Clashed European tour sold CHS athletes receive The flame of Will that be cash or out; second tour Booster Glub Awards now being" booked romance still btirns , ••*•'• See Page B-i USED Ticket contest, details Page A-5 Details, contest Page C-10 '87 MAZDA "323" $3995 '86RX7 $5995 <-Dr Blue, 6-Cyl, S-Spd Man Trmns. SP/PB, Pwr Maids 2-Or Blue. Rotary, 5-Spd Man Trans, PS/ Wlnd/Lck. AIR, T/Olau. Rr Def, Cuwtto, etc.. PB, Pwr Wind/Lck/Trunk, AIR, T/Glass. Rr Del, J Xs. 40,763 ml. WI«HOg1Q5jX. '. : Cassette, Pwr Sun Roof. etc. 72.425 ml. VIN# '87 CAVALIER S/WAGON $3995 G0103199. SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOD and KENILWORTH A Forbes Newspaper Ctwvy 6-P«M Won. 4-Cyl, AUTO. PS/PB, AIB, '88 TEMPO GL $5995 T/Glus. m Daf, AM/FM Sloioo. etc.1 60.281 ml. Ford 4-bf White. 4-Cyl. AUTO, PS/PB, Pwr S.1/ VIN#H7145856. Wind/lck, AIR, T/Glass, Rr Del. Cassette, etc. USPS 136 800 Second Class \ 39.870 ml. VlN#JB168805. '87 SPECTRUM $3995 "84 SUPRA $6495 Vol. 98 No. 25 Published Every Thursday Thursday^ June 20,1991 Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 50 CENTS Chevy 2-Dr Bliue, 4-fcy), AUTO, PS/PD, AIR, Rr Toyota.2DT Black. 6-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PB. AIR, Daf, T/Glaxs, AM/FM, sic. 50,664 ml. VIN# Pwr Wind/lcks, T/Qtass, Rr Del,. Cassette, CB H8441211. Radio, etc. 68.573 jti:\Mi *£D 115537. TOYOTA '88 MEDALLION $3995" '88 VISTA COLT S/WAGON $6495 Renault 4-Or Grey, 4-Cyl. AUTO, PS/PB, AIR, Plymouth Blue 6Pass. 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/ PB. T/Qlau, Hr Del, AM/FM S< On, etc. 47.S4O ml. AIR, T/GlasJ, Rr Del, AM/FM. etc. 36.607 ml, I!",' More property owners WNJS77 VIN#JZ003636. " .' •B8EXCE1(. $3995 •86CAMRYDX $6495 Hyundai 4-Dr Rod, 4-Cyl. S-Spd Man-Tram, Toyota 4-Dr Gray, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/8B, AIR, V MS/PS, Cassette, etc, 28,029 ml; VINWU3- . Glass, Rr Del, Cassette, etc. 65.010 mi, VIN#.. 41570. G0400727. In brief disputing assessments '88 TRACER $3995 '87 SUBARU "GL XT' $6495 MAZDA Mercury 4-Or Red, 4-Cyl, 5-Spd Man Tranl, MS/ 2Dr Gray, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PB. Pwr. Winds. PB, AlR, T/Glau. Rr Del, Cassette, etc. 46.702 AIR, T/Glass, Rr Dal. Cassette Tilt, otc. 43.026 ml;VIN#JR645887. ; ' rtl, V1N#HC3O5762. ' Grafts festival 4-8 years after the fact '87 B2200 P/UP $3995 '87 SUBARU "XT" $6495 Muda Blue Extended Cab, 4-Cyt, 5Spd Man 2-Dr Red, 4-Cyl. 5-Spd Man Trans, PS/PB. AIR, More than 100 exhibitors ( Trant, PS/PB. Cassette, etc. 69,896 ml, WN# T/C5lass. Rr Del. Cassette, otc. 39,623 ml, VIN# H0580357.. • HB310436. • . from six states will show their] By Cheryl Moulton , . attached to their tax bill "years ago"-rbut township administrator !86 CUTLASS CIERA $4995 '88 PRELUDE $6595 wares during Saturday's arts! Property owners , on Denman 1 SUBARU Olds 4-Dr Brown, 6-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PB, AIR, Honda 2-dr Red, 4-CyK 5-Spd Mori Trans, PS/. Ed Murphy explained this was Pwr Sts/Wlndrtjcks, T/Glass, Rr Del, Cassette, PB,Sun Roof, Rr Dof. AM/FM SI Cass, otc. and crafts festival sponsored! Road, Orange and Grant avenues . etc: 61,129 ml."VIN#QQ362816. 64,081 rril. WN#JCO34626. by Cranford Chamber of) have joined Dorchester Avenue, impossible since special assess- '86 COROLLA $4995 '87T-BIRD •<^~ $6595 Commerce from ndon to 6 p.mJ residents objecting to being slap- ments may not be deducted in Toyota • . ,. Foni8*cSllbeir6^yl,AUTOrP6/PBrPwfSV Wlnd/Uk/Trunk7Ant, AIR, T/Glass. Rr Dol. Cas-. "along S, Dnion Avenue and I -taxes—Rankled-by^a-9-pereent-in-— AVAILABLE PB, T/Qlass. Rr Def, AM/FM, etc. 61.680 ml, ped^with special assessmerits four~ V1N#G3348465. •'• '. ' aotto, etc. 45,130.mi; VIN#HH166332. terest charge, property oCvners : Eastman Street to eight years after the fact '86 224 CAVALIER $4995 "86 FIFTH AVE ~"$6595 The universal cry of involved contend, "Weshpnld not haVe.to Chbvy 2-Dr Rod. 6-Cyl, AUTO. PS/PB, AIR, 17 .' Chrysler 4-Dr Sllyor. V/B. AUTO, PS/PB, Pwr pay for the township's laziness in QIIM, Rr Del,'Cassette, etc 37,111 ml, VIN# Wind/Uk/rnJnk/Ant, AIR, T/Glass. Rr Dof, Cas- .property owners centers on the : sette, etc. 64,849 ml. yiN#GX501CM2. •:• assessing this project" . > WITH , Q720165O. •• .• . Gonsblidatioii? eight-year delay in billing and the 'B7B2200P/0 $5195 "86 DELTA''8ti" '$6595' consistency surrounding who will Murphy claims sfi^ years ago the . :.M«Kl«;Plel<-Up.T»n, .4#yt,,S^pd.Mon.-frans,.. PB, Man Strg,. AIR, T/G|sss,< Cassettg, etc. \Wr&ii/raAiOTrunK-AIR7T)Bia>s7P.rpalrCk!!^ -be;assess6d-ahd why, Addingr-fU 34,718 ml. WN#H0554B56, . ' '; Sette. etc. 63.369 ml, MN#GW373758. '. .': •'•• will hold a. public hearing,] tiier confusion to the picture is cent but law now mandates in- . '88 RANGER PICK-UP $5595 "87CIVIC. $6695 Honda 4-Dr Blue, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PBi-AlR,' final reading "and official vote j the township's inability to pro- terest charges cannot exceed the Ford Blue, 6-Cyl, S-Spd man Trans, PS/PB. Pwr Wind/Lcks, Cassette, otc. 62.812 ml. V1N# rate of the bond, . ' Cassette, eto'.'48,154 ml, yiN#JUC78988. HA034293; • - , on the creation of a public] duce documentation to support its '88 ESCORT $5795 "87CAMRY $6995 safety department at tues- claims. Residents grew dissatisfied with Ford 2-Dr White. 4-Cyl, 5-Spd Man Trans. PS/ 'Toyota 4-Dr Grey. 4-Cyl. AUTO, ES/PB, AIR, T/ day's meeting at 8 p.m. at the j Denman Road residents voiced answers,they received from Murr PB.'AIR, Rr Del, T/QIaEB^AMTM ate. 55,712* iQlass. Rr Dol, Cassette, etc. 64,321 ml. WIN*' phy, saying the township had "'not mCVlN#JT183346. "— ' IH3151392. ' ••— . -. Municipal Buildings The' or- i their objections at last week's dinance would consolidate' Township Committee meeting, properly informed" residents six . police and. fire departments { asking why the Lenhortie area years before. Also disputed was under one administrative j developer did , not pay for road the township's claim the original head. This is the final reading] arid sewer improvements. A total numbers were "preliminary fig- NEARLY NEW 90s & 91 's! and only public hearing to be I of 53 property owners share the uresl" Disputing this factor, resi- held prior to official vote pas- j $40,627 bill for improvements they dents asked, "Now six years later '91 COROLLA DX '90CAMRYPX sing or rejecting the or-, claim is the obligation of the the price te higher?" Toyota 4-Dr Rod, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/ Toyota 4-Dr whlta, -4-C'-', 4UT0, PS/. PB, AIR, Pwr Wlnd/Lcks/Trunk, T/ PB, AIR, Pwr Win wLcks/Truhnk, T/ dinance. township or the developer. Murphy maintained original Gloiss; Rr Def, AM/FM St Cass, etc, Glass, Rr Dol, eic. 25,353 Hoot ml. Meanwhile, Orange Avenue contractual bids are "never the .7214llodtml. VlN#MZ165487. ' VIN#LU12681Z, • . • • $ $ property owners. will share same as final costs," informing 9995 1i,295 $21,451 in special assessments residents; "preliminary costs are '91 COROLLA DX Party leaders thfey claim benefited another not binding." Toyota 4-Dr Champ, 4-Cyl, AUTO, '90CAMRYDX PS/PB, AIB, Pwr Wlnd/Lcks/Trunk, street experiencing flooding In the interim, Dorchester Ave- Toyota 4-Dr Burg, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/ Republican and Democratic, Photo by Diane Matflerd' T/Glass, Rr Dof, AM/FM St'Coss, .PB, AIR, Pwr WlhrJ/Lcks/Trunk, T/ nue residents opened up a Pan- otc. 6283 Hoot ml. VIN#MZ1B042B. party; reorganization after the problems prior to the improve- $ Glass, Rr Def, etc. 14,113 Hoot ml. TOP OF THE CLASS: CHS Class of '91 salutatorian Catherine Finnegah and Franco Montaltb, dora's box when delving' into „ 9995 VIN#LU1S7B23.: primary election took different I ments. • paths last week; Page A-7r -thlrdjn^the.^ Amy. Mprneweck. rjnissed Many Orange Avenue residents township public! records last 'm COROLLA DX . ^11,295 : Toyota 4-Dr Whllo, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/ the picture since she yvas away accepting anoth^ " assumed «ie assessment had been PB, AIR, Pwr Wlnd/Lcks/Trunk, T/ '90CAMRYDX Glass, Rr Del, AM/FM St Cass, etc. Toyota 4-Dr Burg, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/ 7606 Hoot mf.VIN#MZ100003. ' IPB, AIR, Pwr Wlnd/UkafTrunk, V Glass,-Rr Del, olc. 21,468 Hoot ml. *9995 VIN#LU197748$ . FINANCING! 11,295 Eighth graders l>aid tribute to the bOrougWs war: d6»d during-their recent1; trip; to Two hundred eight seniors at Cranford High ' Rev. Susan Moriarfy, associate pastor at First 1 Presbiyterian Church, will deliver the invocation. •87GALANT $6995 '87 CELICA GtS $8495 -Washington, D.C.Residente School will receive diplomas at graduation cere- Toyota 2-Dr Black, 4-Cyl, S-Spd Man Trans, PS/ The school choir, under the direction of Tom Mitsubishi 4-Dr Black. 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PB. PB, AIR, Pwr Wind/Lcks, T/Glass, Rr Dol, Cas-' hit the school board with a monies at 6:30 this evening at Memorial Field. AIR, Pwr WlndVLcks, T/Glass, Rr Def, Cassette ooHo.elcx. 46,372 ml. WN#H71O9545, ', Pedas, will sing three numbers. ' W/RrSpktt, etc. 47,197 ml, VIN* H4006821. barrage of complaints at this •The program will feature addresses by class val- 1 edictorian Amy Morriewecfc and president and The third annual Project Graduation alcohol- CRYSTAL'S LOW RATES SAVE YOU BIG MONEY! •89 MAZDA "323" $6995 "89 CIVIC $8595 [week's .
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