Annunciations to Maryam in the Qur'ān
ANNUNCIATIONS TO MARYAM IN THE QUR’ĀN: JEWISH-CHRISTIAN SUBTEXTS, MILIEU, AND TYPOLOGY By Kendra Fiddler Presented to the faculty of Dallas International University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts with major in Abrahamic Studies, Islamic Studies Concentration Dallas International University April 27, 2021 © 2021 Kendra Fiddler All rights reserved. ABSTRACT The Annunciations to Maryam in the Qur’ān: Jewish-Christian Subtexts, Milieu, and Typology Kendra Fiddler Master of Arts with major in Abrahamic Studies, Dallas International University, April 2021 Supervising Professor: Mark Harlan The annunciation narratives to Maryam in the Qur’ān about the birth of ‘Isā show profound familiarity with the Jewish and Christian texts, traditions, and debates of Late Antiquity. This paper analyzes the literary artistry, intertextualities, subtexts, and typologies of Q3 (al-‘Imran) and Q19 (Maryam). Jewish-Christian and intra-Christian conflict over Mary’s virtue and status, as well as Jesus’ birth, shed light on several qur’ānic passages about the two. For Judaism and Christianity leading up to the seventh century, Mariology depends on Christology; the Qur’ān’s treatment is likely the same. In light of the Qur’ān’s awareness of Jewish-Christian Christological and Mariological conflicts, traditional Islamic understandings of the nature and work of ‘Isā are challenged: Q5:116 may be refuting a Christian tritheism in popular piety that was not official doctrine; Q5:75 and ‘Isā’s birth narratives may be anti-Docetist; Q4:157 may repudiate Talmudic claims about why and how Jesus died, not that he died. DEDICATION To Mia and Maaike, my fellow poet-souls and sisters, whose gentleness and fierceness strengthen me and who know I would have much preferred to write this whole thing in poetry: Mo sheasamh ort, lá na choise tinne.* *This Irish phrase is an expression of trust, translating as, “You are my standing on the day when my feet are sore.” From Pádraig Ó Tuama, Readings from the Book of Exile.
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