Pour que vivent nos langues So that our languages may live No. No. 147 152 Dec. 2019 1 Bro Nevez 152 Editorial Nedeleg laouen – Merry Christmas December 2019 Bloavezh mat 2020 – Happy New Year 2020 May the new year bring renewed hope and action for ISSN 0895 3074 the future of the Breton language. Lois Kuter EDITOR’S ADRESS & E-MAIL Lois Kuter, Editor Bro Nevez 605 Montgomery Road Ambler, PA 19002 U.S.A. 215 886-6361 Regional Languages of France and the
[email protected] French Education System U.S. ICDBL website: www.icdbl.org Some 600 to 800 people gathered in Paris on November 30 to protest educational reforms that are viewed to be detrimental to the presence and expansion of regional languages in schools. They The U.S. Branch of the International Committee for the came from Brittany, Corsica, Occitania, Alsace, the Defense of the Breton Language (U.S. ICDBL) was Basque country and the part of Catalonia that is within incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation on October 20, France at the call of “Pour que vivent nos langues” 1981. Bro Nevez (“new country” in the Breton language) is (www.viventnoslangues.free.fr). They were protesting the newsletter produced by the U.S. ICDBL. It is published reforms at the high school and college levels where quarterly. Contributions, letters to the editor, corrections, learning a regional language has a lesser value and ideas are welcome from all readers and will be printed toward graduation that the study of French, foreign at the discretion of the Editor.