, ,

Commencement Program

Eighty-second Commencement Exercises

One-thirty o'clock

Sunday Afternoon, June Sixteenth

'Nineteen hundred and sixty-eight

Memorial 'Field House

Springfield College, Springfield,

"Board of Trustees



BERNARD H. M eM AHON Stcrdary-T rtasurtr

Herbert P. Almgren Melvin I. Holstein Dr. julius H. Appleton Dr. Art Linkletter Wilmot S. Babcock Dr. Wilbert E. Locklin Dr. Paul T. Babson Dr. Edmund T. Manley Dr. T. Erwin Blesh john E. Mann Dr. F. Nelson Bridgham James R. Martin Joseph B. Burns Dr. Roswell D. Merrick Wallace V. Camp William W. Moore Ralph L. Countryman Edwin L. Parker Douglass C. Coupe Dr. Winston Paul Dr. Arthur E. Dome Magnus F. Peterson Dr. Herbert E. Evans joseph A. Shields Dr. Chester O. Fischer Dr. Carl D. Smith Harold O. Frohbach Chauncey A. Steiger Richard C. Garvey Edward L. Stoughton Dr. Herman O. Grimmeisen Richard P. Towne Dr. George H. Grover john M. Turnbull Donald K. Hacker Robert W. Van Camp Edward Harris Dr. Alfred C. Werner Willis H. Hayes Rufus Wesson Richard R. Higgins Dr. Roberts j. Wright Honorary Degree Cmuiidale

Clifford B. Fagan

Cli ffo rd B. Fagan, Executive Director of the National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations, Director of the Athletic Institute and President of the Basketball Fed­ eration of the of America is a bachelor's degree hold er from W isconsin State College ill La Crosse. Master's work was completed at Iowa University and he pursued post gr.lduilte work


Writ!'r, scholar. and aamillis/raiit)t' I,('ad of ti,l' (firgl'M amn/eur sports alia ro-wrriCilfar org{III;­ Ulrio" ill the world, yOIl n'l,rt'sl'II/ /lUll commitml'llt 10 cJ,tlrtlcfer building (lIId itls/Jira/iolla/ leadership

lllal Iypires IIII' elfort of 5pri ll~Jield Col/egt'. TIll' Nlitiolln/ Federntio" of SIll I!' Hig/r Sclroo/ Allrletic Associnliolls, IlIImberillg over 23,000 Iriglr SdlOOis, 11(15 growl! qrumlitalivtiy and qualitatively IlIIder yOllr ililelligeril l!'adersiJip. This growtll l!as bl'e" Iriglrfiglr/ed by yOllr co ntinual co ncerll for Ihe educatioll of IIIr wholt m(lII. l's Presidelll of till' Botml of Trllslus of till' Nflismitlr Mrmoriflf Btlsketball HlIlI of Fame, YOII

I/Rlle SUI! tl,is drram IIt'colllr II relllily. As n /laljolltll (w d ilrlenrlilioll(ll ll'adt,,, jll "eal/h, II/rysiml dlWI/ioll tHld rerrell/ioll , yOllr strollg t'oict Iras bt't'I! Ilfard c1t'arly alld posititlt'fy ill IIsillg yllur orglllllwtilll"s IIIrd;" of mllsic. drama, lIrt alld spo rls 10 brillg abolll ,wril'rstm,riillg (O/IO/lg n/l proll/l's. YOllr olltsl(lIItijrrg (o1I/ riblltioll ill tlris role call rli'I'rr br adeq//alrly mrasllrrd or truly rewllrdrd. RI'Prctillg till' co li/illllillg I'm"lrllsis wlriclr tlris Co/ll'gr' is I'IMing IIp O/l edllcalioll for youtlr lrader-

5/111' tllrOlfg/lOlIi IIII' world, a"d in rt'cog"itio" "lid gm/l'ful tll',lreciatioll for YOll r dy"ami( Iftlders"i" ;11

IIIHlll'rOIlS YO llt/,-servillg orgtllliUlliollS, tire faCIlity {Iud IrIlS/I'I':' of S"ringfit'ld Co/It'gl' recommend you for lilt' dt'grt'!' of DOCTOR OF HLIMANICS, honoris causi.'.


The fa culty and trustees of Springfield College award the Doctor of Humanics Degree to selected individuals whose lives and deeds have exemplified the hum.lnics philosophy of Springfield College. Hum(lnics, within the context of this institution, encompasses the education of the whole man in the servi ce of all men; the integration of the behavioral sc iences to focus on man .1Ild the development of his potentiality; the harmonization of sci­ entific orient.ltion with the Greek ide.ll of freedom and the Judeo-Christi.ln spirit of love of God .l nd fellow man; .lnd the recognition of the responsibilities of the educated man as ., citizen within loca l, nation.l] and internation.ll communities. Honorary Degree Candidale

Robert Staffanson

Robert Staffanson, now in his 13th season as Music Director of the Springfield Or­ chestra Association, is the conductor of the Springfield Symphony Orchestra, the Spring­ field Symphony Chorus and the Western Massachusetts Young People's Symphony. M r. Staffanson has served on the faculties of the University of Montana, University of Massa­ chusetts, University of Delaware, and Mount Holyoke College.


011/ of lire West has come IT /III/s ician of rare talent (wd fI l1Iatl of mallY interesfs to enricll the wlillral life of this area. A pupil of Eugene Ormcmdy and Leoll Barz;'I, student of musicologist Julius Herford, fawlty member slIccessively at stveral leading Iwiversifies, YOII are conversant willi lilt works of Ihe great composers of cmll/rits gOtli by and tile music of our own lime. hi your thirteen years as condu ctor and direc/or of til t' S,lritlgHeld Sym ,IIlOrlY Orclles/ra you lIave developed it i,,/o a sf?lls i/ive and responsive ills/rumetzf, olle of file coll llfry 's fille me/ropolitatz orcll/'sfras.

Utzder your direction, the Young People's Symphony of Western Massachusetts has become an inspi~ ratiotl alld a source of erceptional training for our youth. Director of the Symphony Cho ru s atld the Mozwt Holyoke College Orch/'sfra- condu ctor and clinician for music festivals IhrollgllOlI/ tile Ea s/­ teacher-perfectionist-yoll haue brought gratification /0 performers arid p1easllre to audiences of all ages.

Allthority Otl Western Americana, yOllr pa rticipation itl wildlife studies and your lec/ures 011 many aspects of Westenl life-Indian wI/lire, ranching, fish and game-have beetl a delightful variation Otl the cetltral theme of your tllllsic.

For your service /0 youlh atld the commu nity ill Ihe universal latlglwge of music, with pride and admiratiorl, fhe faculty and tru stees of Springfield College recommerld YOII for the degree of DOCTOR OF HUMANICS, honoris causa.


The facul ty and trustees of Springfield College award the Doctor of Humanics Degree to selected individuals whose lives and deeds have exemplified the humanics philosophy of Springfield College. Humanics, within the context of this institution, encompasses the education of the whole man in the service of all men; the integration of the behavioral sciences to focus on man and the development of his potentiality; the harmonization of sci­ entific orientation with the Greek ideal of ft;eedom and the Judeo-Christian spirit of love of God and fellow man; and th e recognition of the responsibilities of the educated man as a citizen within local, national and international communities. Commencement E.xercises

Sunday, June Sixteenth

One-thirty o'clock


PRELUDE Ca nzona Hasse

Three Chorale Preludes Latham

PROCESSI ONAL The Pilgrim, Grand March M . L. Lake

INVOCATION REVEREND D O NALD L. KENT Beth esda Luthe,.-an (nu,.-,h

Audience will stand for Invocation and Hym n

HYMN God of OUf Fathers Wa,..,..en



ALMA MATER A Song for Springfield Hyde- Vickers


Chaplain, Springfield College

RECESSIONAL Sine Nomine Ralph Vaughan Williams

The President' s Reception for members of the Graduating Class, Honorary Degree recipients and those attending the Exercises will follow immediately at Doggett Memorial, Presi- dent's Residence.

Grand Marshal


Fa culty Marshals


Class Marshals





God of our fa thers, whose almighty hand Leads forth in beauty all the starry band Of shining worlds in splendor through the skies, OUf grateful songs before Thy throne arise.

Refresh Thy People on their toilsome way; Lead us from night to never ending day; Fill all our lives with love and grace divine, And glory, laud, and praise be ever Thine.

George Warrell


Now raise a song for Springfield, let hearts and voices blend, To celebrate her praises whose fame shall have no end; While fellowship makes holy, while eager hope elates, And visioned men come thronging her spacious gates.

Earth-wide may happy boyhood lift high his wond'ring eyes, Strong youth bring back the vision of earthly paradise; To follow truth to wisdom, nor faint through fa it' ring fears, Be this thy task, a Springfield, through all the years. Wriftfll alld composed by F. S. Hyde Professor of English alld Mllsic 1907-1936 Nineteen sixty-eight graduating Class

DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Leroy Philip Chipman . . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., University of Maine, 1961 M.5., Springfield College, 1966 Vassilis Klissouras Athens, Greece B.5., Springfield College, 1964 M.5., Springfield College, 1965 Franklin Royal Langsner Cortland, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1950 M.A., Western Reserve, 1953 C. Elizabeth McCauliff Indiana, Pennsylvania B.A., State University of Iowa, 1955 M.Ed., Springfield College, 1965 Anthony Scolnick . . Bayonne, New Jersey B.A., Amherst College, 1962 M.S., Springfield College, 1962 Ruth M. Sparhawk Sioux Falls, South Dakota B.5., Kent State University, 1945 M.A., Kent State University, 1950

CERTIFI CATE OF ADVANCED STUDY Gene F. Basili . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Westfield State, 1960 M.Ed., Westfield, 1964 James T. Bradley Holyoke, Massachusetts B.5., University of Omaha, 1966 M.5., Springfield College, 1968 Ann Mary Dryden .. Springfield, Massachusetts A.B., College of Our Lady of the Elms, 1957 M.A., American International CoHege, 1962 Mary A. Dryden . Springfield, Massachusetts A.B., College of Our Lady of the Elms, 1954 M.A., American International College, 1960 Earl Thurston Erickson Longmeadow, Massachusetts B.5., State College at Worcester, 1963 M.Ed., Westfield State College, 1965 Robert Haynes Gilman Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1965 M.5., Springfield College, 1968 Robert Thomas Hendry Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts B.5., Westfield State College, 1960 M.Ed., College of Our Lady of the Elms, 1964 Ali R. Kavlak. Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Madison College, 1954 M.A., George Peabody Teachers Coll ege, 1957 Bessie Hayes McKinney Grambling, Louisiana B.5., Tuskeegee Institute, 1949 M.s., University of Michigan, 1956 Robert W. Myco . . . . Westfield, Massachusetts B.A., American International College, 1960 M.Ed., Springfield College, 1963 James Edward Pegg . . Murray Hill, New Jersey A.B., Gettysburg College, 1966 M.Ed., Springfield College, 1967 Nancy Pike Phillips . Charlottesville, Vi rginia B.A., American International College, 1961 M.Ed., Springfield College, 1967 Charlotte Elsie Prochnow . . . . Wilbraham, Massachusetts B.5., State College at Bridgewater, 1942 M.Ed., Springfield College, 1962 Myron Ainsworth Smith . . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5 ., Springfield College, 1965 M.5., Springfield College, 1968 Scott Taylor . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1966 M.Ed., Springfield College, 1967 Donald Bruce Weinstein . Westchester, Pennsylvania B.S., Tufts University, 1965 M.5., Springfield College, 1968 Richard Alva Whiting . . Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., Springfield College, 1966 M.5., Springfield College, 1968

James 1. Wick is Bricktown, New Jersey B.A ., La Salle College, 1965 M.5., Springfield College, 1968

MASTER OF EDUCATION Les lie Abbott . Flushing, New York B.A ., Syracuse Un iversity, 1967 Lois K. Aitchison . . . Thompsonville, Connecticut B.Ed., Teachers College of Connecticut, 1940 Theodore Lindsey Arvidson, Jr. Warwick, B.5., Springfield College, 1966 William Davis Baber Mount Airy, North Carolina B.A., Mars Hill College, 1964 Lloyd W. Barnhart. Castl eton, New York 8.5., State University at Rockport, 1966 Abraham Franklin Bartsch Agawam, Massachusetts A.B., Fresno State College, 1957 John Martin Bellinger Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Richard Michael Bettencourt . Warren, Rhode Island B.5., University of Rhode Island, 1966 Bonnie Jean Bordwell . Dolgeville, New York B.5., Springfield Coll ege, 1966 Judith Fitts Borsari Southbridge, Massachusetts B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1964 John Ford Bower Middlebury, Vermont A.B., Middlebury College, 1963 Randolph F. Brogan . . . Hyde Pa rk, New York B.A., Heidelberg College, 1967 Mary Lord Brown . Springfield, New Jersey B.5., Cornell University, 1954 Judith F. Bunce Pavilion, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Richard Warren Burrell . Quincy, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1967 Melvyn Lewis Burroughs Spring fi eld, Massachusetts B.S., Knoxville College, 1966 Peter A. Callihan . . . Haverford, Pennsylvania B.A., Parsons Coll ege, 1967 Gasper C. Celauro Patchogue, New York B.A., Springfield College, 1967 Douglas G. Christgau Flushing, New York A.B., Hunter College, 1966 Laurence E. Clark, III . . West Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield Coll ege, 1964 Ja mes Brewer Clarke, Jr. Washington, D.C. B.5., Springfield Coll ege, 1957 Brian Michael Coffey New Haven, Connecticut B.A., Central Connecticut State College, 1967 Judith Collings . Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., Springfield College, 1967 Ri chard James Coombs Cleveland, O hio B.A., Muskingum College, 1963 Ronald Cooper Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., University of Hartford, 1967 Alton J. Couturier. Goshen, New York B.5., Un iversity of South Florid a, 1964 Thomas Michael Coxon Windsor, Vermont B.5., Springfield Coll ege, 1964 John David Crawford Springfield, Massachuse tts B.5., Springfield College, 1967 Michael Alan Cummings Kensington, Connecticut B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Marie V. D' Amato Palisades Park, New Jersey B.A., Rutgers University, 1966 Peter Millen Darracott Wellington, New Zealand B.A., Victoria University, 1967 Peter V. deMoya . . Pittsfield, Massachusetts A.B., Hope College, 1957 Preston Allan Denby . Yonkers, New York B.A., Lafayette College, 1965 Richard Edward deFay . Bellerose, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Grace Middleton Dixon . East Longmeadow, Massachusetts B.5 ., University of Connecticut, 1955 Hershel Lee Dorney .. Allentown, Pennsylvania A.B., Muhlenberg College, 1967 Clifford Lawrence Dufault . . Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., American International College, 1967 Stanley Erwin Dutton . . . Antrim, New Hampshire B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Clarkson S. Edwards . Henniker, New Hampshire B.5., Springfield College, 1964 Robert John Egbert ... Staten Island, New York B.5., Johnson State College, 1967 Ted Raymond Fansher. .. .. Moncks Corner, South Carolina B.A ., College of William and Mary, 1965 James Earl Fenlason .. .. Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., American International College, 1962 Frank Joseph Fersch, Jr. . Somers, Connecticut B.A., Barrington College, 1954 Ronald McNeish Fletcher Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts B.A., University of Vermont Robert Louis Forgues . Lewiston, Maine B.S., Husson College, 1967 Garry L. Foster Wilton, New Hampshire B.5., Springfield College, 1967 Robert Anthony Francolini . Thompsonville, Connecticut B.A., University of Hartford, 1964 Lois Ann Frederiksen . . . Elmhurst, Illinois B.S., George Williams College, 1958 Deborah L. Frisbie . Longmeadow, Massachusetts B.A., Gettysburg College, 1967 Frank Richard Froman Knoxville, Tennessee B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Michael V. Ga mari North Adams, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1967 Richard P. Gibney Sa ratoga Springs, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Howard Robert Graham Easthampton, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1967 Sally Marie Greene . . Cazenovia, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Judith Fisher Groff ... Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania B.S., Westchester State College, 1963 Carolyn Heald .. Worcester, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1965 John Francis Healey . Hartford, Connecticut B.5., Springfield College, 1965 Ric hard P. Hogan . Troy, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Dorothy Jean Holmes . West Pa lm Beach, Florida B.5., Westfield State College, 1952 Diantha White Horton Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., College of Wooster, 1952 William Glover Horton Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., Columbia University, 1950 Sally Harrigan Howes . Holyoke, Massachusetts A.B., Radcliffe College, 1952 Frederick George Hyder Methuen, Massachusetts A.B., Boston University, 1966 Stephen M. lkpeoha Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1967 Nwabuisi Iroaga . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Douglas Ralph Johnson . . . . . Framingham, Massachusetts B.A., American International Coll ege, 1965 Alice Rose Jones . . Baltimore, Maryland B.A., Maryland Institute of Art, 1966 Fred Stuart Kaminsky .. New York, New York A.B., Farleigh Dickinson University, 1967 Rahel Kanna AddiS-Ababa, Ethiopia B.A., Barrington College, 1961 Burton Katz Brooklyn, New York B.A., Brooklyn College, 1967 Alice Hubbard Kelsey West Hartford, Connecticut B.5., Russell Sage College, 1956 Richard E. Kennedy Wallingford, Vermont B.5., Castleton State College, 1963 William A. Klawans lincolnwood, Illinois B.A., Parsons College, 1966 Stephen Barry Klein Trumbull, Connecticut B.S., Johnston State College, 1967 John Adam Kozlowski . Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., American International College, 1967 John David Kraus Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., Fairfield University, 1967 Helen Christine Krott Wernersville, Pennsylvania B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Daniel F. laRose . Northampton, Massachusetts B.A., American International College, 1967 Carl Edward Larson Wethersfield, Connecticut B.5., Danbury State College, 1960 Alan Jeffrey Lazarus . Far Rockaway, New York B.A, Queens Coll ege, 1967 Paul C. Leger. ... Worcester, Massachusetts AB., Brown University, 1949 Daniel Michael Linehan Leicester, Massachusetts B.A., Boston College, 1966 Pamela Rogers Longhi . . Bethesda, Maryland B.A, Hamline University, 1965 Kenneth David Maginniss . . West Haven, Connecticut B.5., Springfield College, 1967 Jack J. Maslin .. Brooklyn, New York B.A., Brooklyn College, 1967 David Marshall McConnell . Harwinton, Connecticut B.5., Springfield College, 1961 Kathleen Anne McGovern . New York, N.Y. A.B., Hunter College, 1966 Pelham Kenneth Mead, III . Spring Valley, New York B.S., Springfield College, 1966 Eleanor Ritchie Miller . . . Wilbraham, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1965 Alan Martin Molmod . . Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., Springfield College, 1967 Alice Lee West Moreland . . Clovis, California B.A, University of New Mexico, 1958 Paul Edward Morosco . . Worcester, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1967 David Michael Morris . . . Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., Southampton College, 1967 Robert Marsh Murphy Glen Ridge, New Jersey B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Thomas Will iam Nerney Hartford, Connecticut B.A., Queens College, 1964 Phillip Stratton Newbert Spring Lake, New Jersey AB., Uni on College, 1966 Rita M. O'Connell . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., College of Our Lady of The Elms, 1950 Roger Paul O rmiston Sca rsdale, New York B.A., The St. Law rence UniverSity, 1962 Elsa Varsenig Parsegian Troy, New York B.A., Russell Sage College, 1965 Frank P. Peraino Rome, New York B.A., Springfield College, 1967 George Washington Pickering, IV Middletown, Pennsylvania B.A., American International College, 1966 Paul Arthur Byron Pierce Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., Hartwick College, 1963 Mitchell Pietras, Jr. Somersville. Connecticut B.5., Willimantic State College, 1967 Harold R. Reinhart, Jr .. Milford, Connecticut B.5., Springfield College, 1967 Harry E. Reynolds . Longmeadow, Massachusetts B.5., Cortland State Teachers College, 1957 John W. Robinson . . . Williamstown, Massachusetts B.5., Castleton Teachers College, 1960 Raymond Maurice Roland . Pensacola, Florida B.A., Fisk University, 1966 Joel Irwin Rome Kingston, Pennsylvania A.B., Dickinson College, 1966 George Thomas Roney Vestal, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1954 Walter Henry Roscello Sid ney, New York B.5., Indiana University, 1966 Robert Lewis Rosenthal Brooklyn, New York B.5., Brooklyn College, 1967 Charles F. Rososky, Jr.. . Palmer, Massachusetts B.5., State College of Worcester, 1962 Eve Solloway Rubinstein Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1962 Joseph M. Ruggieri . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Brooklyn College, 1967 Judith A. Ryder . Marion, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Paul W. Sadlier Hartsdale, New York B.A., Bates College, 1964 Ralph Andrew Santopietro, Jr. Worcester, Massachusetts B.A., Boston College, 1966 Lauren K. Schwartz . . Mt. Vernon, New York B.A., Davis and Elkins College, 1965 Marie Gould Seaton . . . Longmeadow, Massachusetts B.5., Mercyhurst College, 1946 Margaret Elaine Sensue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania B.5., West Virginia Wesleyan, 1966 Judith Lawrence Shaw . Worcester, Massachusetts B.A., Dalhousie University, 1966 Cathleen Eve Sigona . Auburn, New York B.A., State University College at Fredonia, New York, 1967 Tutsie Silapalikitporn . Harding, Massachusetts B.5., Gordon College, 1965 Alan Gilbert Simpson, Jr. . Jamaica, New York B.A., Coe College, 1965 Robert Perry Sisson Westerly, Rhode Island B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Vincent Edward Siomin, Jr. . Seekonk, Massachusetts B.5., University of Miami, 1967 Judith Ann Smith . .. . Pittsfield, Massachusetts A.B., Berkshire Christian College, 1967 Pamela Smith Worcester, Massachusetts B.A ., Lawrence University, 1965 Patricia Ann Sowa . . Chicopee, Massachusetts B.A., American International College, 1967 Richard Paul Stancs . . . Yonkers, New Yo rk B.A., Nathaniel Hawthorne College, 1967 Richard Gaines Steer . . . Springfi eld, Massachusetts B.5., Florida State University, 1964 Robert Wood Sterling . .. West Springfield, Mass. B.A., University of Bridgeport, 1966 David Kenneth Steurer Buckhannon, West Virginia B.A., West Virginia Wesleyan, 1967 Reynold Brian Strunk . . West Springfield, Mass. B.5., Springfield College, 1963 Charles D. Sullivan .. Passa ic, New Jersey B.A., Seton Hall University, 1967 Alice Ai-Ii Sun New York, New York B.A., 1965, Na ti onal Taiwan Uni ve rsity Barry Norman Sutherland . . Reading, Massachusetts B.5., University of Massachusetts, 1961 Alan G. Symons . . Bennington, Vermont B.5., Lyndon College, 1959 Carol Ann Taylor . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield Coll ege, 1966 Richard M. Taylor . Old Greenwich, Connecticut B.A., Colgate University, 1967 Trenor George Tilley . Springfield , Massachusetts B.5 ., University of Massachusetts, 1966 Judith Theresa Tremble Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1965 Frank Charles Trybul ski Ludlow, Massachusetts B.A., Springfield College, 1967 Thomas Edgar Turner . Wareham, Massachusetts B.5., Fitchburg State College, 1967 Dennis Roland Varney . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Western New England College, 1967 Judith V. Ve nnell . Niantic, Connecticut B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Ronald Alan Victor Bronx, New York B.A ., American International College, 1966 Joel Weiner Bronx, New York B.A., Queens College, 1966 Will iam Allan Welsh . S. Hadley Fa ll s, Massachusetts B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1967 Carlos M. Whitlock, Jr. Wilbr

MASTER OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION John Norman Anderson . . Waterford, New York B.5., Wake Forest College, 1965 Patricia Babcock . . . . . Rockville, Connecticut B.5., Bouve Boston School, 1962 David F. Dewey . . Daytona Beach, Florida B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1960 Yvonne Tynes Foster . . Deer Park, New York B.5., Hampton Institute, 1961 James Edward Girouard . . Dennisport, Massachusetts B.5., Boston University, 1959 Joan Carol Henningsen . Seaford, New York B.5., State Teachers College at Cortland, 1961 Geoffrey Glover Mann. Marshfield Hills, Massachusetts B.S., Springfield College, 1967 Richard H. Revelen . Lindenhurst, New York B.S ., State University College at Brockport. 1967 David Norman Smith . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1965 Kenneth B. Whitman . Providence, Rhode Island A.B., Brown University, 1945 M.5., Simmons College, 1958

MASTER OF SCIENCE James A. Baker Poughkeepsie, New York B.A ., University of Massachusetts, 1964 leonard Ralph Borsari Southbridge, Massachusetts B.A., Clark University, 1961 Paul H. Brynteson . Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., Concordia College, 1965 Wilburn Arthur Campbell, Jr. Tallahassee, Florida B.A., Morehouse College, 1966 David Francis Carrington Hamilton, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1960 Julius John Cinque . Lynbrook, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Robert Rand Davidson . Medfield, Massachusetts B.5., Boston Bouve College, 1966 William Michael DiTullio . Cranford, New Jersey B.5., Tulane University, 1965 Robert Stuart Emmer . ... South Orange, New Jersey B.A., David and Elkins College, 1963 Frank L Gennarini, Jr .. Bridgeport, Connecticut B.5., Quinnipac College, 1962 Robert Haynes Gilman . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1965 John Michael Grocki Bristol, Connecticut B.5., Springfield Coll ege, 1966 Kenneth Abbeal Hoagland . . Winchester, Connecticut B.5., Springfield College, 1964 David Ward Huntley . . Rockville, Connecticut B.5., Springfield College, 1964 David Allen Jacobs Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1964 David Michael Johnson .. Adams, Massachusetts B.A., University of Massachusetts, 1967 Ulrry Kiel . . . Briarcliff Manor, New York B.5., University of Pittsburgh, 1967 Louis F. Krodel, Jr. .. Waterbury, Connecticut B.A., Fairfield University, 1964 John A. !.amabe . .. Farmingdale, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1965 Edward Francis Lynch, Jr. . .. West Springfield, Mass. B.A., American International College, 1967 Douglas Murray MacAulay .. Virginia town, Ontario, Canada B.P.E., University of New Brunswick, 1965 Robert Manzi . . . . Spring Valley, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Ranvir Moudgil Panjab, India M.A., Pan jab University, 1961 Douglas G. Myers Quebec, Canada B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Roger A. Nekton . . Exeter, New Hampshire B.5 ., Springfield College, 1962 Nichola s Pannes Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., Brown University, 1960 Ruth Lois Patton Shrewsbury, Massachusetts B.5 ., University of North Carolina, 1964 Ronald William Peek . . Springfield, Massachusetts B.A., Springfield College, 1966 James R. Polidoro Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1962 P. Vincent Riera Plainville, Connecticut B.5., Arnold College, 1950 Bruce Robbins . . Augusta, Maine B.5., Springfield Coliege, 1964 Steven Matthew Ross . . . . . Ansonia, Connecticut B.A., University of Connecticut, 1964 Charles Nathan Roys . . Leverett. Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1961 Donald Martin Slingerland Port Jefferson, New York B.5., Springfield Coliege, 1960 Myron Ainsworth Smith Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield Coliege, 1965 Craig A. Warren . . . Newport, Vermont B.5., Springfield College, 1966 Donald Bruce Weinstein Westchester, Pennsylvania B.5., Tufts University, 1965 Richard Alva Whiting Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Springfield College, 1966

BACHELOR OF ARTS Richard W. Asselin Chicopee, Massachusetts Dawn Sarah Baker, Cum laude Springfield, Massachusetts Richard Allen Baugher, Cum laude Allentown, Pennsylvania Cheryl L. Bethune. Chatham, New Jersey Carol A. Boria Hempstead, New York Linda Marie Boynton, Magna cum laude Stamford, Connecticut Leroy Stanley Douchkoff . Brewster, New York Norman Charles Dupont, Magna cum laud .. Springfield, Massachusetts Lieselotte ]. Dumais, Summa Cllm laude Springfield, Massachusetts Ricardo leon Echeandia Brooklyn, New York Phyllis Louise Gould, Cum laude Wadsworth, Ohio Nancy lee Hayes . East Granby, Connecticut Carole lynn Hecht, Magna cum laude Union, New Jersey John Robert Herrling Bedford, Massachusetts Carole louise Hinckley, Cum laude Springfield, Massachusetts Janice G. Howard, Cum lalld .. Springfield, Massachusetts Jill Elaine Ingham . Orange, Massachusetts Susan Lizbeth Koller , Bethesda, Maryland Stephen John Ludwig, Maglla cum laude Darien, Connecticut Ronald Edward Markiewicz W. Boylston, Massachusetts Richard Anthony Natale Wollaston, Massachusetts John Elliott Newlin, 111, Cum laude Wyomissing, Pennsylvania John Edward Pacek Worcester, Massachusetts David W. Palk Wantagh, New York Cornelius Stuart Putnam East Northfield, Massachusetts Andrea Beth Ricker, Cum faude Boonton, New Jersey Timothy Alfred Rogers Bethesda, Maryland Mariann Berg Roper, Summa cum laude Longmeadow, Massachusetts Raymond L Rosa Fall River, Massachusetts Alan Stewart Ross Lynnfield, Massachusetts Robert Gordon Salmonsen Agawam, Massachusetts II Rosemary Elizabeth Shelly, Summa CU1I/ laude Waldwick, New Jersey Barbara Linda Stern Marblehead, Massachusetts Robert Fred Tousignant Gardner, Massachusetts John Davis Vibberts Kensington, Connecticut Alan R. Wood, Magna Cllm laude Fall River, Massachusetts

BACHELOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Nancy J. Anderson Westbury, New York Jean Marie Garriepy Huntington, Massachusetts Richard John Manson North Adams, Massachusetts

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE William Frederick Adams Canaan, Connecticut Peter Welles Addicott Bethesda, Maryland Robert Michael Aijala Worcester, Massachusetts Breckinridge Alexander, SlImma cllm lallde New York, New York Linda Ann Andrews, Cum laude Weissport, Pennsylvania Jeffrey Morrison Armstrong Cape Elizabeth, Maine Robert Nye Atwood Auburndale, Massachusetts Jere c. Austin II Springfield, Massachusetts Nancy Lee Bacon, MagIJa (11m laude New Britain, Connecticut Kendall R. Baker Springfield, Vermont Kenneth Robert Balvin West Islip, New York Bruce Andrew Barberi Staten Island, New York Janice Louise Barnes Schenectady, New York Richard Owen Barry, Jr. S. Dartmouth, Massachusetts Eleanor K. Barton Longmeadow, Massachusetts Forrest Melvin Bateman, Cum laude Haverhill, Massachusetts Katherine Beal, Summa (11m laudl' Bridgton, Maine Lawrence Philip Beck Rochester, New York Barbara Lee Beckwith, M agna cllm laude Hamden, Connecticut Richard Peter Bednarz Hartford, Connecticut Marjorie Lynn Belgrade, Magna (11m lallde Longmeadow, Massachusetts Craig Robert Bennett New City, New York Jane Gloria Beserosky New Bedford, Massachusetts David ]. Bessette Gardner, Massachusetts Douglas Dennis Bessone, Cllm laude W. Springfield, Massachusetts Edgar Willie Bisson Exeter, New Hampshire Owen V. Blaisdell, Jr. Portland, Maine Kenneth Dale Bliss Wilbraham, Massachusetts William Easton Bliss Springfield, Massachusetts Sharon lee Bowles Rochester, New York Francis Norman Bossio Braintree, Massachusetts Sandra Lee Boynton Wakefield, Massachusetts Cheryl Ann Brangenberg Trenton, New Jersey Raymond William Brecht, ( ,4111 falldr Elmont, New York Sue Allison Brewer, ( I/m laude Basking Ridge, New Jersey Barrett Moon Bross Springfield, Massachusetts Carol-Ann Brown Cambria Heights, New York Carol Eleanor Brush Brunswick, Maine Robert Sterling Burford West Hartford, Connecticut Gary Andrew Burton Springfield, Massachusetts James Francis Burke, Jr. litchfield, Connecticut William Joseph Surretto Middletown, New York Paul Andrew Cady Farmington, Connecticut Edward Phillip Caffarella, Jr. Saugus, Massachusetts Linda Grace Calkins, ( um laude Meriden, Connecticut Albert Eugene Campbell New Hartford, New York Richard Charles Campbell Springfield, Massachusetts Jeffrey Gene Cange Shandaken, New York Lee Douglas Carmichael, Mag"a (Urn laudt N. Abington, Massachusetts Paul Henry Carrington Waterbury, Connecticut Rodney Francis Cartocci, e um laude Harwinton, Connecticut Sebastian Cataudella Whitesboro, New York Susan Ellen Cathcart, Cum laude Attleboro, Massachusetts Robert Michael Chrusz Belmont, Massachusetts Virginia Lee Cishek, Silmma Will laude Dover, New Jersey Justine Alice Cobb, Summa (11m lallde. Syracuse, New York Joan Cogswell Westport, Connecticut Kenneth Lowell Collins Brooklyn, New York Roy A. Colsey Pleasantville, New York Mark Lawrence Conners Bethesda, Maryland louise Marie Connolly Danvers, Massachusetts Mary Helen Connolly Teaneck, New Jersey May L. Corea Cambridge, Massachusetts Robert Anthony Corso Hartford, Connecticut Pamela Jean Cote Falmouth, Maine Janet Budin Coulthart Franklin Lakes, New Jersey Rodrique Paul Cousino Bristol, Vermont Roy T. Cowing, Jr. Centerville, Massachusetts Foster Matthew Crawford North Adams, Massachusetts Peter John Crego Utica, New York Maureen T. Czekanski Pawtucket, Rhode Island Jennifer W. Daly Crawfordsville, Indiana Charles Robert Dannenberg Westchester, Pennsylvania Geraint Davies Montreal, Canada John Joseph Deak Highland Park, New Jersey James Thomas DeCarlo, Jr., Cum laude Stamford, Connecticut Michael Robert DeHaan, Cum laude . Aurora, Illinois David John Disque Bennington, Vermont Jacqueline Shaw Dittrich Simsbury, Connecticut William Talberth Dod . Kingston, New Hampshire David S. Donaldson Springfield, Massachusetts John Donarummo, Cum laude E. Northport, New York Sharon Mary Dorn, Magna cum laude Webster, New York Michael Duffelmeyer . Valhalla, New York Alan Vannington Duncan . New York, N.Y. Dorothy Ann Durnan, Magna cum laude Baldwin, New York Edmond Rentzhoog East, Jr. Manchester, New Hampshire Robert Stanley Eaton Wilton, Connecticut Stephen Curt Eisold Wilbraham, Massachusetts Bruce Cameron Elliot North Andover, Massachusetts Donald Eugene Elliott, Magna cum laude Ridgewood, New Jersey Emily Christina Erickson Ramsey, New Jersey Elizabeth Ashton Ernst Springfield, Massachusetts Robert E. Fancher, Jr . . Columbia, South Carolina Bonnie Feinstein . Amherst, Massachusetts Silvia Maria Ferraretto, Cum laude Easton, Pennsylvania Jon Carlton Ferris . Buchanan, New York Sandra Jean Field, Cum laude Belchertown, Massachusetts Barbara Dana Fisher, Cum laude . North Andover, Massachusetts Kathryn Clarke Fisher, Cum laude Kalispell, Montana Nancy Louise Fisher, Cum l"ude St. Paul, Minnesota Rod A. Fisher, Cum laude . Oceanside, New York Philip Harrington Fitzgerald Smoke Rise, New Jersey Robert D. Flaherty Shelton, Connecticut Alan William Fletcher Portland, Maine Nancy Jane Fletcher, Cllm laude Livingston, New Jersey Richard Allen Foot, Cum lallde . Essex Junction, Vermont Donald Alan Fredericks, Cum lallde Pearl River, New York Richard Edward Friedman Bridgton, New Jersey Raymond Douglas Fox Southwick, Massachusetts Vivian Fox Springfield, Massachusetts Joanne Elizabeth Furtek, Sum ma cllm laude Easthampton, Massachusetts James Bruce Gardiner, Cum lallde Portchester, New York Savitri Gautamadasa, Cum laude . Springfield, Massachusetts Nicholas Louis Giancola Stamford, Connecticut Paul Giannakoulis, Cum lalld/' Stoughton, Massachusetts Judith P. Gibney, Cum laude Saratoga Springs, New York Peter Alan Gigone, Cum laud/' Attleboro, Massachusetts Stephen Albertus Glass West Hartford, Connecticut Warren L. Gleckel Poughkeepsie, New York Mary Elizabeth Goerlich, Magn" ellm laude East Cleveland, Ohio Francis Michael Grant, Cum laude Framingham, Massachusetts Herbert A. Grant Chicago, Illinois Richard Hastings Gray, Cum laude Springfield, Massachusetts Robert J. Gray, Jr. . Housatonic, Massachusetts Pamela Lynn Green Wilbraham, Massachusetts Donald H. Gregory, Jr. Annandale, Virginia Frederick Michael Gressier, Cum laude White Plains, New York Daniel Bernard Griffin . Brewster, New York Allison GrimpeJ . Freeport, New York II Beverly Ann Gross, Cum laude Rutherford, New jersey Carol Ann Grove, Cum laude Madison, Connecticut Patricia Ann Guthrie . Buffalo, New York Richard John Gydus, ( 14m laude . Shelton, Connecticut Paula Louise Hamada . PerkaSie, Pennsylvania Brian Keith Hamernick Burlington, Connecticut Joanne Mary Hamolko Dumont, New jersey David L Hanson North Scituate, Rhode Island Robert C. Harben. Baldwin, New York William Michael Hardy Natick, Massachusetts Arthur W. Harmon, Jr. Roselle, New jersey Richard Davis Hart, Jr. Mountain Lakes, New jersey Phyllis Carlotta Hay, Cum laude . Needham, Massachusetts John Hale Hedbavny . Fresh Meadows, New York Stephen Edward Hickman, Mag"" cum laude Portsmouth, Ohio Gary Morgan Higgins Middletown, New York Geoffrey Harrison Hill . Milltown, New jersey Thomas Painter Hill Harvard, Massachusetts Henry Franklin Hiller, III West Boylston, Massachusetts Peter Charles Hoffman Ipswich, Massachusetts James Ferro Hotaling Gallupville, New York Harry Paul Howitt West Henrietta, New York John William Hughes, III Burlington, Massachusetts David Michael Hughes Hopkinton, Massachusetts Robert A. Hynes Smithtown, Long Island, N.V. H Cornelia Y. Ingersoll, Cum laude Orchard Park, New York Bonnie Rose Izmarian New Bedford, Massachusetts Linda Marie Jablonski Ware, Massachusetts Robert Edward jackson Newton, Massachusetts Stephen A. jackson, Cum hmde Wrentham, Massachusetts Penney johnson Chatham, New jersey Ernest C. jones Cora polis, Pennsylvania Stanley Albert Kaslusky, Cum laude Brooklyn, New York Robert Guion Kasten Boston, Massachusetts Robert Garr King . Scarsdale, New York Gregory M. Kline . Ellicott City, Maryland Doris M. Knapp, Cum laude Woodbury Heights, New Jersey Henry Edward Knight . Midland Park, New Jersey Richard Eugene Knight Windsor, Vermont Nancy Louise Koch, Cum laude Lansdowne, Pennsylvania 11 Bonnie Joyce Kostin, Mag'la Will laude Syosset, New York fI Paul John Kovachick, SIWlltla cum laude Akron, Ohio Gary W . Kraft New Milford, Connecticut Robert Edwin Kyle Westport, Connecticut John Thomas laForte Flushing. New York Douglas John Laggren Union, New Jersey Fred William LaGrant Lee, Massachusetts Philip Bruce laPalme, Cu m laude Greenfield, Massachusetts Stanley Lawrence Lapidow Burlington, Vermont Eugene Raymond Lepesqueur . Williamstown, Massachusetts Gene Marsha Lerman York, Pennsylvania Raymond Charles Levesque, Cum laude Columbia, Connecticut Christopher J. Libbey Springfield, Massachusetts Lois A. lindsay Philadelphia, Pennsylvania August Michael Link Goffstown, New Hampshire Grant Fairbanks Longley, Jr. Springfield, Massachusetts Elaine Dorothy Longo, Cllm laude Clark, New Jersey Janice Louise MacGregor, CU'" laude Baltimore, Maryland J. David Magistrelli Cambridge, Massachusetts Susan Helen Malkonian, Cum laude Troy, New York Frederick Allen Mandl. Newington, Connecticut David E. Marcus Littleton, Massachusetts Kaaren Ann Marsh, Magna cum laude Billings, Montana Wallace Peter Marshall, Jr. Southboro, Massachusetts Anstis H. Marting. Schenectady, New York Diane Elaine Mason South Londonderry, Vermont Earl Jerome Mathewson, III Lincoln, Rhode Island John Perry Matthews . Mattapoisett, Massachusetts Marsha Marie Maxwell, Cllm laude Saddle River, New Jersey William M. McCabe Springfield, Mass. Susan Lee Meconi, Cum laude Au Sable Forks, New York 11 Michael Wayne Mello, Cum faltde Teatickit, Massachusetts linda Joyce Miles, Cum laude Park Ridge, New Jersey William Albert Montick Glen Rock, New Jersey Bruce Harold Morgan North Wilbraham, Massachusetts Robert Rockwell Morrill, Jr. Yarmouth, Maine David Edward Morse Amesbury, Massachusetts Therese M. Mullen, Magna (um laude Palmer, Massachusetts Margaret Parker Naylor Summit, New Jersey Norma Mclaughlin Neumann, Cum laltde Springfield, Massachusetts Ross Mearl Nichol Montreal, Quebec " Robert Crie Nickerson, Mllglla (um laude . Belfast, Maine Meredith Ann Nickles, Cum laude Denville, New Jersey Richard Olsen Quincy, Massachusetts Steven Thomas Olsen Springfield, Massachusetts Warren Hale Parker Ashland, New Hampshire Thomas Edward Parmelee O range, Connecticut II Russell Robert Pate, Mag"a cum laude Glastonbury, Connecticut Priscilla Jane Patterson Holden, Massachusetts Gerald Redman Peek Wellesley, Massachusetts II Cynthia Jane Peterson, Summa cum laude Wilbraham, Massachusetts Frederic Dennis Philley Windsor, New York Diane Mary Phillips, Cum laude Needham, Massachusetts Thomas Joseph Pillion, Jr. Newington, Connecticut Anthony David Pizzuti Provid ence, Rhode Island John Joseph Porrell Wayland, Massachusetts John Gregory Prout White Plains, N.Y. 1\ Judith Ann Pyle, Cum laude Boonton, New Jersey Aldena Judith Ramsdell, Cum la ude Douglassville, Pennsylvania Charles James Redmond Southboro, Massachusetts Joseph Armand Regan Cheshire, Connecticut linda J. Renshaw Clifton Springs, New York Carl Denny Roberts Port Deposit, Maryland Laurel Proctor Rohlfs Levittown, New York Audrey-Ann Rosa Fall River, Massachusetts Alan Dale Rossi Barre, Vermont James Rundle. Kingston, New York Sharon Lynn Rupp Milwaukee, Oregon Ruth Martha Saks Roselle, New Jersey Diane Salvetti, (um laudt Fairlawn, New Jersey Martin E. Savage, Jr., Summa CIIm laude Farmington, Connecticut C. Thomas Sawyer E. Longmeadow, Massachusetts Lois Sawyer, (UIII laude Jaffrey, New Hampshire Thomas H. Sawyer Norwich, New York William Henry Schenck Springfield, Massachusetts Glenn Richard Schermerhorn Philmont, New York Carol Schink . Quaker Hill, Connecticut Francis Xavier Schuler, IV Great Neck, New York Martin Arnold Seefer Hartford, Connecticut Nancy Jean Seiple Phillipsburg, New Jersey Robert Howard Shay West Springfield, Mass. John Baldwin Shea, ( um laude Carbondale, Illinois Richard Carr Sheidow Cranston, Rhode Island Emily May Sisson Avondale Estates, Georgia Beverly Ann Smith, Magna cum lallde Glen Rock, New Jersey Jonathan Porter Smith Springfield, Massachusetts Patricia Convery Smith, Cum laude Springfield, Massachusetts Geoffrey Turner Snyder Scarsdale, New York Bruce Carleton Soderholm Trumbull, Connecticut Irene Janice Sokolowski, Cum laude Fords, New Jersey Sandra Jean Stafford Darien, Connecticut Stephen Kenneth Stein Great Neck, New York Laura Jane Stevens, ( 11m laude Great Barrington, Massachusetts Burton Dean Stickles, Jr. Pleasant Valley, New York David Arthur Stickney Rochester, New York Robert 1. Stiehler Rochester, New York Daniel R. Storrs, (um laude Coventry, Connecticut Deborah L. Stout, Mag'ln cum laude Bangor, New York Brian Anthony Strazza Huntington, New York Anthony Summit N. Massapequa, New York Robert Swadel No. Reading, Massachusetts Brian Michael Szoc, ( um laude Gardner, Massachusetts Robert Thayer, Cum laude Quebec, Canada Charles B. Thompson, jr., Cum laude . Springfield, Massachusetts William E. Thompson . Pittsfield, Massachusetts Paul A. Tierney, Cum laude . Arlington, Massachusetts George Holcombe Tomson . Kingston, New York Robert Lee Tracy, jr. Oakland, New Jersey David Albert Trombley, Cum laude West Rutland, Vermont Nancy Louise Tucker Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts Margaret Ann Tuttle, Magna wm laude Middletown, New York Angelo F. Valentino Harrison, New York David William Veno . Springfield, Massachusetts janice E. Vitell, Cum laude Scottsdale, Arizona Paul Harry Wagner Springfield, Massachusetts Leonard j. Walencikowski Seaside Heights, New Jersey Charles Edward Walker, Jr. Chevy Chase, Maryland Raymond Walter Walsh Selden, New York Timothy J. Walsh . Rye, New York Glenn Ca rl Ward . Lunenburg, Massachusetts Richard Bradley Warner Palisade, New Jersey Richard Paul Webster . Bangor, Maine Dorothy Adele Weininger Glendale, New York David William Whalen Cleveland, Ohio James Stuart Whyte Long Beach, California Martin Wiadro Fitchburg, Massachusetts Richard Joseph Wiedl . Hartford, Connecticut Sall y Ann Wilkes, Cum laude Wallingford, Connecticut Jeffrey M. Williamson . Wilmington, Massachusetts Sherilyn Willis Windsor, Connecticut Ra ymond J. Willock Stoughton, Massachusetts Daniel Lapham Wills Bedford, Ohio Frank J. Winoski, Jr. Fairview, Massachusetts Derek George Wisdom Renforth, New Brunswick, Canada Richard Joseph Wojtukiewicz Gardner, Massachusetts Lynn Dee Wolfinger, Cum laude . Belvedere, New jersey George McCaughan Wolfort Babylon, New York Bruce Michael Worley . Plainville, Connecticut john Lewis Worthley . Warehouse Point, Connecticut Richard Bingham Ziegler Bernardsville, New jersey /I Member Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society ACADEMIC HONORS Upon fulfillment of requirements for graduation, a candidate for the bachelor's degree may be granted academic honors. Honor designations, based on a possible 4.00 academic index, are inscribed on the student's diploma as Cum laude, (with honor) for an index of 2.90 to 3.19, Magna cum laude, (with great praise) for an index of 3.20 to 3.49, and Summa cum lau de, (with the highest honor) for an index of 3.50 or higher. Academic Attire

At toda!f 's Commencemel1t, nearly 500 persons will be (j/fired in academic regalia consisting of gowns, hoods and mortarboard caps.

The history of this di s/inc/i vt costuming goes back to the medie va l universities of Europe, where gowns were wonl every day, providing both identification of the academic discipiillt, and added warmth in poorly heated buildings.

The formal attire for American campuses was established ill 1895 wJwz a'i Academic Costume Co de was adopted. If enables ont /0 idel!lify the degree which the wearer holds. fhe cou rse of st udy ', e followed, CHId in mosl cases, the college or university thai awarded the degree.

Bachelor's and masler's gowns 115ually are made of black COltOIl witlroul trimming. Doctoral gowns are faced down lhe fronl and back in velvel, and have three bars of the same material across the sleeves. The bachelor's gown has open sleeves, the master's longer closed sleeves wilh arm slits at the elbow, alld the doctor's bell-shaped sleeves which extend to the wrist.

Hoods differ ill length and color. The bachelor's hood is three feel ;11 length, the masler's three and one half, and the doctor's four. Each has a velvet edg;lIg, which grows wider with each higher degree. The colored edging in dicates the academic di scipline, and Ihl' lining tlze official color or colors of the instituti01L

The black mortarboard cap with tassel is worn with each type of gown. Bachelor's and masler's degree holders wear a black tassel, and doctors wear a gold fassel. III recent years, there has been a growing tenden cy

to wear a colored tassel symbolizing, as the hood, fhe subject area in which the wearer has fa ken his degree.

In most academic processiotls, ullique costumes may be See/I which do 110/ conform to standard patterns.

This is especially true of persolls who hold degrees from fo reign ulliversities, where colo rful attire often is

prescribed. A IIumber of such costumes may be seen today, during the Proces sional and Recess ional.