, , Commencement Program Eighty-second Commencement Exercises One-thirty o'clock Sunday Afternoon, June Sixteenth 'Nineteen hundred and sixty-eight Memorial 'Field House Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts "Board of Trustees DR. NORMAN C. KEITH Chairman CHARLES H. Sc:HAAFF Vi Ct Chainmm BERNARD H. M eM AHON Stcrdary-T rtasurtr Herbert P. Almgren Melvin I. Holstein Dr. julius H. Appleton Dr. Art Linkletter Wilmot S. Babcock Dr. Wilbert E. Locklin Dr. Paul T. Babson Dr. Edmund T. Manley Dr. T. Erwin Blesh john E. Mann Dr. F. Nelson Bridgham James R. Martin Joseph B. Burns Dr. Roswell D. Merrick Wallace V. Camp William W. Moore Ralph L. Countryman Edwin L. Parker Douglass C. Coupe Dr. Winston Paul Dr. Arthur E. Dome Magnus F. Peterson Dr. Herbert E. Evans joseph A. Shields Dr. Chester O. Fischer Dr. Carl D. Smith Harold O. Frohbach Chauncey A. Steiger Richard C. Garvey Edward L. Stoughton Dr. Herman O. Grimmeisen Richard P. Towne Dr. George H. Grover john M. Turnbull Donald K. Hacker Robert W. Van Camp Edward Harris Dr. Alfred C. Werner Willis H. Hayes Rufus Wesson Richard R. Higgins Dr. Roberts j. Wright Honorary Degree Cmuiidale Clifford B. Fagan Cli ffo rd B. Fagan, Executive Director of the National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations, Director of the Athletic Institute and President of the Basketball Fed­ eration of the United States of America is a bachelor's degree hold er from W isconsin State College ill La Crosse. Master's work was completed at Iowa University and he pursued post gr.lduilte work <It the University of Iowa and University of Wisconsin. Citatioll Writ!'r, scholar. and aamillis/raiit)t' I,('ad of ti,l' (firgl'M amn/eur sports alia ro-wrriCilfar org{III;­ Ulrio" ill the world, yOIl n'l,rt'sl'II/ /lUll commitml'llt 10 cJ,tlrtlcfer building (lIId itls/Jira/iolla/ leadership lllal Iypires IIII' elfort of 5pri ll~Jield Col/egt'. TIll' Nlitiolln/ Federntio" of SIll I!' Hig/r Sclroo/ Allrletic Associnliolls, IlIImberillg over 23,000 Iriglr SdlOOis, 11(15 growl! qrumlitalivtiy and qualitatively IlIIder yOllr ililelligeril l!'adersiJip. This growtll l!as bl'e" Iriglrfiglr/ed by yOllr co ntinual co ncerll for Ihe educatioll of IIIr wholt m(lII. l's Presidelll of till' Botml of Trllslus of till' Nflismitlr Mrmoriflf Btlsketball HlIlI of Fame, YOII I/Rlle SUI! tl,is drram IIt'colllr II relllily. As n /laljolltll (w d ilrlenrlilioll(ll ll'adt,,, jll "eal/h, II/rysiml dlWI/ioll tHld rerrell/ioll , yOllr strollg t'oict Iras bt't'I! Ilfard c1t'arly alld posititlt'fy ill IIsillg yllur orglllllwtilll"s IIIrd;" of mllsic. drama, lIrt alld spo rls 10 brillg abolll ,wril'rstm,riillg (O/IO/lg n/l proll/l's. YOllr olltsl(lIItijrrg (o1I/ riblltioll ill tlris role call rli'I'rr br adeq//alrly mrasllrrd or truly rewllrdrd. RI'Prctillg till' co li/illllillg I'm"lrllsis wlriclr tlris Co/ll'gr' is I'IMing IIp O/l edllcalioll for youtlr lrader- 5/111' tllrOlfg/lOlIi IIII' world, a"d in rt'cog"itio" "lid gm/l'ful tll',lreciatioll for YOll r dy"ami( Iftlders"i" ;11 IIIHlll'rOIlS YO llt/,-servillg orgtllliUlliollS, tire faCIlity {Iud IrIlS/I'I':' of S"ringfit'ld Co/It'gl' recommend you for lilt' dt'grt'!' of DOCTOR OF HLIMANICS, honoris causi.'. DOCTOR OF HUMANICS The fa culty and trustees of Springfield College award the Doctor of Humanics Degree to selected individuals whose lives and deeds have exemplified the hum.lnics philosophy of Springfield College. Hum(lnics, within the context of this institution, encompasses the education of the whole man in the servi ce of all men; the integration of the behavioral sc iences to focus on man .1Ild the development of his potentiality; the harmonization of sci­ entific orient.ltion with the Greek ide.ll of freedom and the Judeo-Christi.ln spirit of love of God .l nd fellow man; .lnd the recognition of the responsibilities of the educated man as ., citizen within loca l, nation.l] and internation.ll communities. Honorary Degree Candidale Robert Staffanson Robert Staffanson, now in his 13th season as Music Director of the Springfield Or­ chestra Association, is the conductor of the Springfield Symphony Orchestra, the Spring­ field Symphony Chorus and the Western Massachusetts Young People's Symphony. M r. Staffanson has served on the faculties of the University of Montana, University of Massa­ chusetts, University of Delaware, and Mount Holyoke College. Cilalioll 011/ of lire West has come IT /III/s ician of rare talent (wd fI l1Iatl of mallY interesfs to enricll the wlillral life of this area. A pupil of Eugene Ormcmdy and Leoll Barz;'I, student of musicologist Julius Herford, fawlty member slIccessively at stveral leading Iwiversifies, YOII are conversant willi lilt works of Ihe great composers of cmll/rits gOtli by and tile music of our own lime. hi your thirteen years as condu ctor and direc/or of til t' S,lritlgHeld Sym ,IIlOrlY Orclles/ra you lIave developed it i,,/o a sf?lls i/ive and responsive ills/rumetzf, olle of file coll llfry 's fille me/ropolitatz orcll/'sfras. Utzder your direction, the Young People's Symphony of Western Massachusetts has become an inspi~ ratiotl alld a source of erceptional training for our youth. Director of the Symphony Cho ru s atld the Mozwt Holyoke College Orch/'sfra- condu ctor and clinician for music festivals IhrollgllOlI/ tile Ea s/­ teacher-perfectionist-yoll haue brought gratification /0 performers arid p1easllre to audiences of all ages. Allthority Otl Western Americana, yOllr pa rticipation itl wildlife studies and your lec/ures 011 many aspects of Westenl life-Indian wI/lire, ranching, fish and game-have beetl a delightful variation Otl the cetltral theme of your tllllsic. For your service /0 youlh atld the commu nity ill Ihe universal latlglwge of music, with pride and admiratiorl, fhe faculty and tru stees of Springfield College recommerld YOII for the degree of DOCTOR OF HUMANICS, honoris causa. DOCTOR OF HUMANICS The facul ty and trustees of Springfield College award the Doctor of Humanics Degree to selected individuals whose lives and deeds have exemplified the humanics philosophy of Springfield College. Humanics, within the context of this institution, encompasses the education of the whole man in the service of all men; the integration of the behavioral sciences to focus on man and the development of his potentiality; the harmonization of sci­ entific orientation with the Greek ideal of ft;eedom and the Judeo-Christian spirit of love of God and fellow man; and th e recognition of the responsibilities of the educated man as a citizen within local, national and international communities. Commencement E.xercises Sunday, June Sixteenth One-thirty o'clock DEAN PAUL U. CONGDON, P,.-esiding PRELUDE Ca nzona Hasse Three Chorale Preludes Latham PROCESSI ONAL The Pilgrim, Grand March M . L. Lake INVOCATION REVEREND D O NALD L. KENT Beth esda Luthe,.-an (nu,.-,h Audience will stand for Invocation and Hym n HYMN God of OUf Fathers Wa,..,..en COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS DR. ROBERTS J. WRIGHT CONFERRI NG OF DEGREES PRESIDENT WILBERT E. LOCKLIN Commencement Exercises ALMA MATER A Song for Springfield Hyde- Vickers BENEDICTION REVEREND THEODORE L RICH Chaplain, Springfield College RECESSIONAL Sine Nomine Ralph Vaughan Williams The President' s Reception for members of the Graduating Class, Honorary Degree recipients and those attending the Exercises will follow immediately at Doggett Memorial, Presi- dent's Residence. Grand Marshal PROFESSOR CHARLES F. WECKWERTH Fa culty Marshals PROFESSOR DONALD F. BRIDGEMAN PROFESSOR EMERY W. SEYMOUR Class Marshals DOUGLAS D. BESSONE, 1968 DAVID A. JACOBS, Graduate DANIEL R. STORRS, 1968 JUDITH COLLINGS, Graduate Music by: THE SPRINGFIELD SYMPHONIC WIND ENSEMBLE GILBERT T. VICKERS, Conductor GOD OF OUR FATHERS God of our fa thers, whose almighty hand Leads forth in beauty all the starry band Of shining worlds in splendor through the skies, OUf grateful songs before Thy throne arise. Refresh Thy People on their toilsome way; Lead us from night to never ending day; Fill all our lives with love and grace divine, And glory, laud, and praise be ever Thine. George Warrell A SONG FOR SPRI NGFIELD ALMA MATER Now raise a song for Springfield, let hearts and voices blend, To celebrate her praises whose fame shall have no end; While fellowship makes holy, while eager hope elates, And visioned men come thronging her spacious gates. Earth-wide may happy boyhood lift high his wond'ring eyes, Strong youth bring back the vision of earthly paradise; To follow truth to wisdom, nor faint through fa it' ring fears, Be this thy task, a Springfield, through all the years. Wriftfll alld composed by F. S. Hyde Professor of English alld Mllsic 1907-1936 Nineteen sixty-eight graduating Class DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Leroy Philip Chipman . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., University of Maine, 1961 M.5., Springfield College, 1966 Vassilis Klissouras Athens, Greece B.5., Springfield College, 1964 M.5., Springfield College, 1965 Franklin Royal Langsner Cortland, New York B.5., Springfield College, 1950 M.A., Western Reserve, 1953 C. Elizabeth McCauliff Indiana, Pennsylvania B.A., State University of Iowa, 1955 M.Ed., Springfield College, 1965 Anthony Scolnick . Bayonne, New Jersey B.A., Amherst College, 1962 M.S., Springfield College, 1962 Ruth M. Sparhawk Sioux Falls, South Dakota B.5., Kent State University, 1945 M.A., Kent State University, 1950 CERTIFI CATE OF ADVANCED STUDY Gene F. Basili . Springfield, Massachusetts B.5., Westfield State, 1960 M.Ed., Westfield, 1964 James T. Bradley Holyoke, Massachusetts B.5., University of Omaha, 1966 M.5., Springfield College, 1968 Ann Mary Dryden .
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