This document is from the Cornell University Library's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections located in the Carl A. Kroch Library. If you have questions regarding this document or the information it contains, contact us at the phone number or e-mail listed below. Our website also contains research information and answers to frequently asked questions. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Phone: (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524 E-mail:
[email protected] 1 ! NYCV90-A30 Cornellr Alonzo B+, 1832-1904. Z Papers, 1830-1904. +3 6~,&, o Guve!,:lor of New York., rrl Summary: Corresrondencer journal, accountsr clirpinss? notes, leaflets, hlotters~and scrarhooks relatins largely to Cornell's political activities a:-:=5 reflectins his interest in sovernmental rrohlemsr his attachment for Roscoe 5 Conklinzi~and his hatred for Thomas Collier Platt. There is genealodrr o currespondencer various obituaries includins Ezra and Alonzo Cornellr items v about Cornell Universitrr and items pertaining to Cornell's uork uith the Neu * York, Alhanr and Buffalo Telegraph Co. including a journal with coarerlts on t!,p telegrarh line and an account hook recordins personal expenses and stork m purchased of the Erie 8 Hichisan Telesrarh Co. Also includes corres~ondence C 2 relatins to the Neu York State Committee and State Convention of the Reruhlica~ Partr (1871) and letters (1880-1882) written durins Cornell's administration a$ Governor, concerned uith avvointments, the vetor various reform or political measurea7 rolitical treachery, elevated comvaniesr railroad commissionsr and cther matters.