WHAT IS ? . To keep two or more objects in the air at one time by alternating tossing and catching them. (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/juggling) . To manipulate objects, such as balls, clubs, beanbags, rings, etc. in an artful or artistic manner. (http://www.allwords.com/) . To keep (several objects, as balls, plates, tenpins, or knives) in continuous motion in the air simultaneously by tossing and catching. (www.dictionary.com)

WHY AM I LEARNING TO JUGGLE IN PE? . Juggling helps to develop hand/eye skills. . Juggling practices throwing, catching, and accuracy- three important manipulative skills. . Being able to juggle is a cool, entertaining life skill. . Juggling teaches concentration, focus and determination. . Juggling is fun.

WHAT ARE IMPORTANT JUGGLING TERMS? . (“X”) PATTERN: basic in which objects thrown from your right hand peak left of center line and objects thrown from your left hand peak right of your center line. . DOMINANT HAND: the hand you typically use the most to do daily tasks (eat, write, etc.) . NON-DOMINANT HAND: the hand that you do not use very often, usually harder to do skills with . PEAK: the highest point an object reaches when it is thrown . GENTLE (RAINBOW) ARC: the path that the ball travels when it is thrown from one hand to the other (capital U pattern)

WHAT WILL I LEARN IN THE JUGGLING UNIT? . You will learn basic tricks. . You will learn how to group juggle in small teams. . You will learn the proper cues that are needed to juggle correctly. . You will learn and practice the 3 juggling steps using 1 ball, then 2 balls and finally 3 balls. . You will learn to manipulate both balls and scarves to juggle successfully.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED IN JUGGLING? . You will use Peer assessments to assess a partner in class. . You will be observed and graded on effort and determination (daily participation). . You will be given a homework assignment. . At the end of the unit, you will be graded on which step you can accomplish according to a rubric from 5-10 (rubric is provided for you) using juggling balls.

Sources: http://www.scoutbase.org.uk/library/clipart/mascots/sn-cl-juggling.gif http://www.clipartguide.com/_pages/0511-0703-1212-5850.html


Your Name(Evaluator)______Per___Roll_____ Who are you evaluating?______Roll_____

Evaluator: Review the critical cues with your partner during each step. Observe your partner while they practice for a MINIMUM of 2 minutes in each Step. Then check the for Yes (most of the time) or No (not really). Answer all questions using complete sentences. Steps and Important Cues……. STEP 1 (ONE BALL) Y N STEP 3 (3 BALLS JUGGLING) Y N Hands out to side of body, waist level, 45 angle Staying in Place

Palms up Keeping eye on balls Hands staying in same position while throwing and catching Gentle Arc slightly above head for all 3 balls Staying in Place Cascade (X) Pattern

nd st Keeping eye on ball 2 ball released when 1 at peak rd nd Gentle Arc slightly above head 3 ball released when 2 ball at peak Throw/Catch motion (not patting the ball) 8-10 successful catches while 3 ball juggling continuously STEP 2 (TWO BALLS) Y N Staying in Place Keeping eye on balls

Gentle Arc slightly above head for both balls

nd 2 ball released when first ball at peak

Cascade (X) Pattern

Throw/Throw/Catch/Catch Pattern Did balls exchange hands REFLECTION QUESTIONS: 1. Did your partner concentrate well while practicing the different steps? Why/Why not?

2. Did your partner seem more frustrated or focused while practicing juggling? What makes you think so?

3. Did your partner appear determined to learn how to juggle? What makes you think so?

4. Did your partner ask you any questions for help/advice while they practiced?

5. What is your partner’s biggest obstacle in being able to juggle successfully?

6. Did you give your partner any advice to help them out? Why/Why not? If so, what advice did you give?

Juggling Packet Page 2


JUGGLING STEPS Each student will be tested for individual skills. Juggling is divided into 3 steps. Each step consists of several sub-steps. Each sub-step gets you closer to a successful juggle. The sub-steps are the following: Step 1; Step 2a, 2b and 2c; 3a, 3b and 3c and then full JUGGLING.

1 BALL STEP 1: “R-L-Catch-L-R-Catch”. Start with one ball in your hand. Throw one ball from one hand to the other hand.

2 BALLS STEP 2a: “Throw/Catch” One ball in each hand. Throw from one hand to the other. Example, R to left and catch the ball in L hand (2 balls in L hand). Switch ball back to R and continue. STEP 2b: “Right – Left- Catch- Catch” (x3) Start by throwing with R then, as ball reaches it peak and drops, throw left in an X pattern. Catch with Right first, then left. Continue the RLCatchCatch pattern. STEP 2c: “R- L- Catch- Catch- pause –L – R- Catch- Catch (x3) Exact as Step 2a, but add on the left side (or non-dominant side). 3 BALLS STEP 3a: 2 balls in Right hand and 1 in left. Repeat step 2b. Objective is to catch a ball with a 2nd ball in hand. STEP 3b: “Right- Left- Right- Stop” Start with 2 balls in your right hand and one in your left. Throw one of the balls in the right hand, then the ball in the left. Catch the ball in your left hand. Throw the ball in the STEP 3c: R- L- R –Stop- L- R- L- Stop FINAL STEP- NON STOP JUGGLING Perform 3 Ball Juggling w/ 10 consecutive catches

JUGGLING RUBRIC At the end of the Juggling Unit, you will be tested on how far along you were able to progress in juggling. Since Juggling is broken down by so many steps, each step accomplished will move you closer to Full Juggling which is worth 10 points. At any point in the quarter, after practicing on your own, you can accomplish full juggling, or move to another step, you can test and will get the new grade. GOOD LUCK!!!!

STEP PTS. KEY INFORMATION 2a 5 All these steps need to be performed 3 consecutive 2b 6 times without a mistake, using the correct cues 2c 7 3a 8 and form 3b 8.5 3c 9 Juggle 10 10 consecutive balls juggled Juggle > 10 12 More than 10 consecutive

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