Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool

February 24, 2017 Shabbat Shekalim Parsha Mispatim 28 Shevat 5777 Light Candles 5:24 pm

Two great events coming up:

Havdalah Night - Come enjoy Havdalah, refreshments and a magician THIS Saturday night from 7:15 - 9 pm!

Soille Shabbaton - Join Soille families March 3rd-4th for a fun Shabbat! Register at —> Parents—> Shabbat Experience Registration

It is official. We have nineteen 8th graders that will be competing in the Greater San Diego Science & Engineering Fair next month. All of their hard work is going to allow them this great experience. Great job 8th grade. #science-rocks! In This Issue:

Calendar 2

Parshat Mishpatim 3

The Soille Scene 4

Staff Spotlight 8

Preschool Pages 9-10

3630 Afton Road · San Diego, CA 92123 · 858-279-3300 Community News 11

Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu February 24, 2017 - 28 Shevat 5777 Calendar of Events February March S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 31

February 24, 2017 March 8, 2017 SPIRIT DAYS ADAR is here! Last day to order Purim baskets 5th Grade Poetry Jam Students can dress up for these special Shabbaton Registration Due March 13, 2017 themed days as we get ready for PURIM: February 25, 2017 9 am Start  Crazy Hair - Color it, cut it, extend it. You Soille Family Havdalah Night 7:15 pm Shushan Purim decide your level of cray cray. Monday, 1 pm Dismissal February 27, 2017 Feb 27th Passover Candy orders due Rosh Chodesh Assembly 2:50 pm  Around the World – Is that a kilt I see? March 14, 2017 No, it is a Samurai! Wed, March 1st February 28, 2017 8th Grade County Science Fair Set Up  Teacher Imitator - Morah Weiser? 3rd Grade Invention Convention @2pm Cohen? So hard to decide Friday, March March 3, 2017 March 16, 2017 3rd 2nd Trimester Ends 8th Grade County Science Fair Awards Ceremony—SDSU  Cartoon Character – A preview to Comic March 3-4, 2017 Con Tuesday, March 7 Soille Hebrew Day Shabbaton March 17, 2017  Back in Time – Now that’s a decade to @ Beth Jacob Congregation K, 2nd & 4th Grade fieldtrip to JCC/Willy remember (or to forget) Wed, March 8 Wonka Play March 6, 2017  Future You – A personal crystal ball No School—Faculty Development June 4, 2017 Friday, March 10 Annual June Gala  Shushan Purim – Costume of your choice New Children’s Museum 5:30 pm Monday, March 13 Our Administrative Team: Board of Directors:

Head of School: Rabbi Simcha Weiser Dean of Students: President: [email protected] Giovanna Reinking Geoffrey Berg

[email protected]

Assistant Head of School: Members at Large: Rabbi Meir Cohen Preschool Director: Rachel Eden Josh Cohen Iliana Glovinsky [email protected] [email protected] Moises Eilemberg Gavin Horn

Director of School Operations: Business Manager: Klara Lapp Allen Gruber Hilary Kleinman Estelle Workman [email protected] Yonina Kaplan Philip Silverman [email protected] Michael Leeman Yvonne Venger Director of Development: Director of Enrollment: Joyce Arovas Marilyn Williams Marcia Wollner Beth Licha [email protected] Missy Wrotslavsky Brian Zimmerman [email protected]


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu February 24, 2017 - 28 Shevat 5777 Parshat Mishpatim OVERVIEW: Parshat Mishpatim (Ex. Ch. 21 – 24) The Jewish People receive a series of laws concerning social justice. Topics include: Proper treatment of Jewish servants; a husband's obligations to his wife; penalties for hitting people and for cursing parents, judges, and leaders; financial responsibilities for damaging people or their property, either by oneself or by one's animate or inanimate property, or by pitfalls that one created; payments for theft; not returning an object that one accepted responsibility to guard; the right to self- defense of a person being robbed.

Other topics include: Prohibitions against seduction; witchcraft, bestiality and sacrifices to idols. The warns us totreat the convert, widow and orphan with dignity, and to avoid lying. Usury is forbidden and the rights over collateral are limited. Payment of obligations to the Temple should not be delayed, and the Jewish People must be Holy, even concerning food. The Torah teaches the proper conduct for judges in court proceedings. The commandments of Shabbat and the Sabbatical year are outlined. Three times a year - Pesach, Shavuot and Succot - we are to come to the Temple. The Torah concludes this listing of laws with a law of kashrut - not to mix milk and meat.

G-d promises that He will lead the Jewish People to the Land of and help them conquer its inhabitants, and tells them that by fulfilling His commandments they will bring blessings to their nation. The people promise to ‘do and listen’ to everything that G-d says. Moshe writes the Book of the Covenant, and reads it to the people. Moshe ascends the mountain to remain there for 40 days in order to receive the two Tablets of the Covenant. (C) 2017 Ohr Somayach International

DRASHA: The Talmud develops for us the details of the many how to create and maintain a fair, just and productive society. complex laws that are laid out here in this week’s Torah reading. Humankind has yet to come up with the perfect solution to this In fact, a great proportion of the tractates of the Talmud are basic problem. This is not for lack of trying and experimentation. involved in explaining the words, ideas and practical implications Nevertheless the search continues. The Torah reading of this week of the verses that appear in this week’s Torah reading. leaves me with the impression that the perfect society will not appear on this earth in this human cycle. Judaism is a religion of behavior and practicality and not only of soaring spirituality and otherworldly utopian ideas. It presupposes The laws of the Torah, as expressed in this week’s parsha, are that there will be physical altercations between people, that really those of damage control. They do not envision a world of property will be damaged, that human beings will behave in a less voluntary altruism on the part of all. There will be people who than sanguine fashion and that monetary and physical negligently cause damage to others. There will be people who will consequences for such behavior are necessary in order to allow do so willfully. The Torah says very little about preventing such for society to function. occurrences. It speaks only to legal and monetary consequences that these occurrences bring about. Above all else, the Torah is clear eyed about human nature and behavior. It does not believe that human beings left to their own This is not a pessimistic view of life and humans. Rather, it is a resources and ideas will behave in a good, honest and noble realistic assessment of human nature and of the inevitable fashion. The Torah stated at the beginning of its message to consequences that are always present in the interaction of human humanity that the nature of human beings is unhealthy and evil beings. By viewing the consequences of human behavior, only from the onset of life. Unless it is managed, controlled and then can one hope to influence this failure and to prevent strife channeled into positive deeds and thought processes steered and damage to others. towards higher and nobler goals, human beings will be little different than the beasts of prey, which inhabit the animal world. The nineteenth century posited that humanity had turned the corner and the societies in the world would only become better This is the reason why the Torah and Talmud go to such lengths and better. The twentieth century shattered that illusion. and detail to explain to us the laws and consequences of human Therefore, we should remain realistic, drive defensively and work behavior and of the interactions between one human being and on ourselves to become better people who will not allow another. This is what traditional Judaism meant when it said that lawlessness and anarchy to rule our world. Baba Kama – the laws of torts and damages – is the best book of Jewish ethics available. Shabbat Shalom. © 2017 by Rabbi Berel Wein

The problem that has gnawed at human society over the ages is


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu February 24, 2017 - 28 Shevat 5777 Ace Community Service Day

At Your Service On Tuesday all 70+ middle schoolers mobilized for our ACE community service day! Already in its fourth year, we had four locations for Chessed. One group went to the Coastal Root Farm where they learned to give to others by planting the seeds which will yield fresh food for others. A second group visited our seasoned citizens at JFS, receiving wisdom of the aged while offering good cheer. At Hands Up Food Pantry our teenagers idle hands were put into service to fulfill food needs of those who otherwise would be hungry. The final group cooked healthy and tasty dinners which not only satisfied the recipients, but showed families that we are truly a caring community. Our children will carry forward the legacy of kindness and compassion forged by Abraham and Sarah, who not only welcomed the stranger but helped passers by find a secure place in Hashem’s world. Much thanks go to Morah Malka Weiser, who is our inspiring coordinator, and our faculty and volunteers who made this day possible.


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu February 24, 2017 - 28 Shevat 5777 5th Grade Legoland Fieldtrip

Great STEM field trip today at Legoland! The fifth grade learned all about simple machines and then found evidence in the park!


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu February 24, 2017 - 28 Shevat 5777 The Soille Scene

21st Century Classrooms Morah Stephie's First graders have been exploring their family roots. Each student interviewed a grandparent to find out important information about their background. The children who have grandparents in town were able to do their interview in person and film it. Others, whose grandparents live far away, got creative using technology to complete their assignment by using tools such as SmartPhones, tablets or computers. Each student is sharing their unique family historywith the class as they trace their journeys on a World Map using our new SmartBoard. The students have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge about their family roots, and celebrated our diversity, understanding that we all might look a bit different, or enjoy different traditional food and customs, but we are all truly part of one big and caring family!


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu February 24, 2017 - 28 Shevat 5777 The Soille Scene

By the Sweat of their Brows... Making learning real is more important than ever. Our children connect through technology, but to balance the learning of our children and to make it more real, we are fortunate to have Rafa Guerrero, who literally gets our students’ hands dirty adding nutrients to soil, teaching them to plant and to sow, and connecting them to their food and the world in which we live. We can't wait until the harvest comes in!

Order your Pesach Candy! Order Bartons Passover Candy from Hebrew Day Remember on Wednesdays… Deadline: March 13th  Breakfast cart from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Parve & Dairy Selections Available  Soup during lunch: Upcoming soup: Parve (many prices have been reduced! Chicken Noodle Soup for $3 per cup. Order Two Ways to Order: take-out for $6.

Order Form: See a Hebrew Day student with the  Order Challah by noon on Wednesday for catalog and order form delivery to Hebrew Day on Friday. Online: Go to; Online  Order delicious homemade salads for Shabbat Store; Go to Customer-Guest Login and regis- by Wed. @ 5 p.m. Contact Vicki Rosenberg, ter. On the left sidebar go to “Passover” and start [email protected] your order. At checkout, put the Hebrew Day code #: 704640 in the Student ID section. All orders will be shipped in time for Pesach! For further information contact Louisa Liebman, [email protected].


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu February 24, 2017 - 28 Shevat 5777 Hebrew Day Staff Spotlight This week’s Staff Spotlight: Rabbi Dov Moskowitz What is your role at Hebrew Day? Tell us a little bit about your history such as where you grew up, brothers and sisters . . . What/who made the most impact on you during your school years? What are some of your talents, activities or hobbies that occupy your time when not at work? Who is someone you look up to and why? What do you like most about working at Hebrew Day? What does “Jewish Learning for Successful Living” mean to you? Tell us about a moment you had a great impact on students during your time as a teacher.

1. I am the fifth grade Rebbe/Judaics teacher and the Director of Judaic Programming 2. I was born in Brooklyn, NY and then when I was one, my parents moved to Charleston, SC and we lived there for seven years. Then we moved to Syracuse, NY and that’s where I was raised and where my parents still live. I have two brothers - one older and one younger. 3. I had a Rebbe in fifth grade who was so kind, calm, and caring named Rabbi Turk. I still have my Mishna that I learned with him. I also had a Rebbe in eleventh grade named Rabbi Shafier who made Torah learning very exciting and fun. He was always very positive and upbeat about everything and that helped provide encouragement and confidence for all of us. 4. I enjoy spending time with my family and playing sports with my kids. I also enjoy learning Torah and teaching Torah classes to others. 5. My Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Henoch Leibowitz zt”l taught me many life lessons and his lessons continue to guide me on a daily basis. He was a very sincere, caring, honest, and dedicated person who made an amazing Kiddush Hashem throughout his lifetime. 6. It is a very friendly and welcoming environment. I like how everyone works together as a cohesive group. It is a group of very dedicated staff. 7. By learning the Torah and understanding the Middot, that provides a guide for our students throughout their life. There is a big sign up in the front of my classroom that says “The Torah is our GPS for Life”. 8. I always get tremendous Nachas and enjoyment when students really understand a point in the Torah that they didn’t understand before. This huge smile comes on their face. I remember once asking a student after they understood a difficult Rashi in the Chumash- how does this make you feel? He said,” like a million bucks”. I called his mom and told her what had happened. This made both he and his mom feel so amazing!


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu February 24, 2017 - 28 Shevat 5777 Preschool Pages


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu February 24, 2017 - 28 Shevat 5777 Preschool Pages


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu February 24, 2017 - 28 Shevat 5777 Community News Mazel Tov to… ...Eitan Myers celebrating with his classmates this morning and leaving for Israel for his Bar Mitzvah next week, and to proud parents Sean and Sharon Myers!

…Mark (HDS Class of 1981) and Ora Watson on the marriage of their son Aharon to Merav Silverstein in New York, and to proud grandparents Richard and Sandra Watson.

...Yael Levi (HDS Class of ) on her engagement to Philip Illoulian of Los Angeles, and to proud parents Sean and Loretta Levi and family.

Condolences to...... Audrey Jacobs on the passing of her father, Stan Kessel, and to grandsons Gabriel, Jonas, and Hillel. (HDS Class of 2013, 2015, 2022, respectfully)


This is the theme of this year’s Gala which will be held on Sunday, June 4, 2017. The Committees are already working! This week was our first Gala committee meeting led by new parent, Kimber Wrosch. Come join one of these exciting Gala committees: Ad Journal Chinese Auction Food / Décor Underwriting Alumni Interactive Contact Estelle, [email protected] to become a committee member!

Recycle your ink cartridges Bring in your used ink cartridges to Hebrew Day!


Soille Family Shabbat Experience- Don’t Miss Out! March 3-4, 2017 @ Beth Jacob Congregation Registration Deadline: Friday, Feb. 24th

Please join us March 3-4, 2017 for a Soille Family Shabbat Experience, a fun and unique opportunity to celebrate the beauty of Shabbat together as a school community. We are excited to have our diverse group of families, with different religious and cultural backgrounds, come together with the Beth Jacob community in the College Area to share good food, dynamic programming, fun and friendship. We will be exploring the theme;

“Upside Down, Inside Out; How to Make Every Hour, Happy Hour”

What better way to reinforce the values and traditions our children learn about in school than by sharing the magic of Shabbat with our children and each other. It promises to be an unforgettable experience!

HOW IT WORKS The Shabbat Experience runs from Friday night, at 5:30 p.m., to Saturday night, 6:45 p.m. After attending Friday night services at Beth Jacob, the program will include warm, inviting Friday night dinners at the homes of Beth Jacob host families. On Saturday, there is a full day of activities at Beth Jacob, including a prayer discussion group during services, dynamic lectures and a communal lunch in the Synagogue social hall as well as plenty of time for relaxing and socializing with your Hebrew Day friends. During all events, we will have amazing programming for children as well as adults. The Shabbat experience ends with the Havdalah service at the conclusion of Shabbat.

For those families who would like to stay over in the community Friday night and would like hospitality, Beth Jacob families have graciously offered to host guests. In addition, the Best Western Lamplighter Inn and Suites will have special rates and accommodations for anyone who is interested. While we encourage everyone to enjoy the Shabbat Experience in its entirety, we welcome participation for any part of the program.

An exciting aspect of the Shabbat will be your children, whose singing and words of Torah will uplift us all.

HOW TO SIGN UP: Please go to the school website at; Parents; Shabbat Experience registration page to sign up. Alternatively, go directly to this link.

The cost for the Shabbaton is $25 for attendees 13 and older, $18 for children 5-12, and FREE for children 0-4. If you have any financial concerns, please contact Rabbi Weiser, [email protected] who will help make sure all of our families can participate.

We thank the Soille Parent Association (SPA) for partially sponsoring the Shabbaton. However, we are still in need of additional Sponsors to help ensure that all our teachers and families who would like to participate are able to do so. If you can help, or if you have any other questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Yonina Kaplan at [email protected]. The Camp in the Hat is Back: Back is the learning, davening, sports, Kulanu Cash, 3d projects.

FOR A PURIMSPY’TACULAR Featuring JOIN US AT BETH JACOB Delicious Food Sunday March 12th Costume Contest 4:30pm - 8:00pm Music by Mordy Estersohn Game Truck Adult Member (13 and up) - $18 Child Member (ages 5-12) - $12 Laser Tag Adult Non Member (13 and up) - $25 Child Non Member (ages 5-12) - $18 Beth Jacob Congregation Ages 4 and under - FREE 4855 College Avenue or 619 287-9890 San Diego, CA 92115 PAREVE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP



Hamantashen for Sale: th Help support the 4 grade trip

to Sacramento, and enjoy a classic Purim treat!

Your Support is greatly


Please place your orders by

Friday, March 3rd & pick up

Friday March 10th from the dismissal

line or outside the school’s kitchen. All desserts are baked here by volunteers and are Pareve/ Dairy-free! B ake S ale! Yes! I would love to support 4th grade! Your Name______/ Tel. or Email: ______Choose Your Flavor / Number of Dozen / Total Total # of Boxes:  Chocolate: $10/ 1Dz. ____  Strawberry $10/1Dz.____ Total $: ____Dz./$_____  Poppy-seed $10/1Dz.____ Cash or Check only,  Apricot $10/1Dz.____ please, place your order  Assorted at the front desk or Email: $10/1Dz.____ [email protected] m

over artons Pass B /Candy Chocolates

DEADLINE TO ORDER: MARCH 13TH Pareve and Dairy Selections Help support the 8th grade trip to Israel!