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The con1111unity surrounds a soaring 6.500 square foor shul. and a separate srate·of·the-an firness ccmer with year ·round lap pool and M1kveh. !'riced from $399.000 - $ ~i\c Pine River Village offers outstanding Co I niik· to l1gh . 11ukc lclt onto Nc11 I l:1mp~hire A1·enuc value. superb construction. and proximity ro everything that Co I 3 miles. 1rnlke r1ghl onto Ube1lin 1\ve / ~ makes Lakewood the perfect choice for your family. f'me Sti"l'L't. Cu 1/2 mile ro 0mr;i11l.:L' on lch SOMERSET t:i)" l'iiw Rin·< V;llagc· ;, .rn c«Ju.11 t>pprntuni<y h"u;inr;dcvdopmcm. All infomi,\li(ln is subjcu 10 dMn;;<: wirhout notic<·. Rrncklillf:I "''foe illm[Jatiw l""I'""" only. ...........,,.,..... you'knowhow many riiir" are included in the I 0 C!ftlttMl o a) 10 0 b) 12 O c) 14 0 d) 16 (answer below) <@his Shavuos. discover the Ten Commandments as you've never seen them before with the best-selling "ASERETH HADIBROTH: THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" of the Encyclopedia of the Taryag Mitzvos. It will keep you engaged and inspired all through the night- even without the coffee .. The Taryag Legacy Foundation ruLLU PI u1e1uo.) THE RENNERT TARYAG wishes to thank <llUJWpUl'WWO:) Udl d4l (.) MITZVAH PROJECT MOTTY & MALKA KLEIN THE TEN COMMANOMEIHS- EN GUSH EDITION MORDECHAI & MIRREL EISSENBERG nro'r.ln"\WY- HCSREW EDITION whose generosity and vision made the publication of these volumes possible. Depression shouldn't. RELIEF has the lder adults have specific physical, emotional, and social haska1na e!r guidance needs that require specialized care. Through our extensive oj'leading Rabbonhn Oresearch, RELIEF has developed a comprehensive database ~EW YORK of geriatric mental health professionals specially trained to treat the 5904 l 3'" Avenue elderly. 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THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 IS PUBLISHED IN THIS ISSUE MONTHLY, EXCEPT JV!.Y & AUGUST ANO A COMBINED ISSUE FOR JANUARY/f'EBRUARY, BY THE "VESHINANTAM LEVANECHA, TEACH NOTED IN SORROW AGl.IDATH IS RAEL OF AMERICA. 42 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, NY 10004. YOUR CHILDREN" - THESE ARE PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID IN NEW We note with sorrow the petira (passing) of Rabbi YORK, NY. SUBSCRIPTION S25.00/YEAR; YOUR DISCIPLES i YEARS, 548.00; 3 YEARS, $69.00. Yehuda Meir Abramovitz 7"'1l at age 93 in Yerushalayim OUTSIDE OF THE LINITEO STATES {US on 2 Iyar/April 20. He was a long-time leader of HINDS DRAWN ON A US BANK ONLY) 6 ... AND TEACHERS ARE PARENTS, $15.00 SURCHARGE PER YEAR. SINGLE AS SEEN BY RASHi'S MESSAGE, Agudath Israel, serving as chairman of the Agudath COPY 53.50; OUTSIDE NY AREA $3,95; FOREIGN $4,50, Rabbi Nissan Wolpin Israel World Organization since 1980 (together with the late Rabbi Moshe Sherer.,..,,,). P0STMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: 12 PREPARING FOR MATTAN TORAH, Born on Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av 5674/1914 THE JEWISH OBSERVER 42 BROADWAY, NY, NY 10004 To DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE (?) in Constantin, Poland, he was one of the last surviv­ TEL 212•797•9000, fAX 646·254·1600 ing talmidim of Rabbi Meir Shapiro '7'"0/t at Yeshivas PRINTED IN THE USA DREAM, Rabbi Avrohom Ehrman Chachmei Lublin. In fact, he led a popular Daf Yo mi RABBI NlSSON WOLPJN, Editor 18 COMPETITION: INSPIRING OR shiur in Lublin as a teenager soon after its introduc­ Editoriol &Jard tion. In recent years, he served as president of the RABBI JosEPH E1.1As. Choirman DESTRUCTIVE?, RABBI ABBA BRUONY Rabbi Mordechai Nisse! International Committee for Spreading DafYomi. JOSEPH fRIEDENSON RABBI YISROEL MEIR KlRZNER Soon after his marriage to a talmida of Sarah RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN Schenirer, they left Poland for Eretz Yisroe4 where he PROF. AARON TWERSKI 29 REMEMBERING REB MENDEL KAPLAN 7··y1, led a highly productive life, first as a Gemara teacher Founders OR. ERNST L. BODENHEIMER Z"L Rabbi Yisroel Greenwald in Tel Aviv, while writing columns on current issues RABBI MOSHE SHERER Z"L for various Chareidi publications. He emerged as a Morwgement Boord 36 How TO GET THE ENTIRE JEWISH dedicated askan and then as an effective leader in NAFTOU HIRSCH, ISAAC KHV:NER, RABBI SHI.OMO LESIN, Music WORLD ANGRY AT ME, maintaining the Torah nature of the Yishuv in Eretz DAVID SINGER, NACHUM STEIN Rabbi Yosef C Golding Yisroel - first as General Secretary of the Agudah in MRS, LEAH ZAGELBAUM, 5708/1948, and subsequently asswning an active role Advertising Mo11ager in founding Chinuch Atzmai. A respected Gerrer Pt1BUSHED BY 38 TORAH AND POLITICS, Chassid, he worked together with Rabbi Yitzchok Meir AGUOATH JSRAEL OF AMERICA Yonoson Rosenblum Levin and Rabbi Moshe Blau, using his wisdom and U.S. ThADE DISTRIBUTOR f"ELOHEIM PUBLISHEl~S understanding of human nature to achieve his goals 208 Airport Etecutive lt:lrh on behalf of the frum population, especially in Tel Nonurt. NY 10954 STATEMENT OF POLICY THE JEWISH OBSERVER HAS DEVOTED A GREAT Aviv, until his later involvement on the national and BRITISH REPRESENTATIVE DEAL OF SPACE TO THE PERILS OF THE INTERNET M.·r. Bl BELMAN international scene. Growenor Worhs AND TO THE NEEO FOR EVERYONE TO BE EXTREMELY At the age of 36, he was appointed as Agudas Yisroel Mount f>/rosont Hill VIGILANT IN ITS USE, WE HAVE ECHOED THE PLEAS London Es .9NE. tNGlAND OF OUR GEDOl.IM THAT IT SHOULD NOT BE IN USE, member of the Tel Aviv city council - a position in Ff~ENCH REPRESENTATIVE UNLESS IT IS AN UNAVOIDABLE NECESSITY. AND THEN which he served for 24 years, for twenty of which he RABBI BAMBERGER ONLY WITH ALL SUITABLE SAFEGUARDS. WHll.E ITS was also deputy mayor of the city. During his term of 21 Boufetunl lbixhom 57000 Metz. fR4NCE DANGERS MUST BE RECOGNIZED AND CONTROU.EO office, he helped to establish religious schools for boys TO EVERY POSSIBLE DEGREE, OUR GEDOLIM RECOG· lSRAEU REPRESENTATIVE and girls, and played a major role in the establishment !NTN!.. MEDIA Pi.ACEMENT NIZE THAT MANY PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES REQUIRE of the Chidushei Harim Yeshiva and the religious Kiryat POB 1195 I .97 Jo_ffG Road ITS USE, ANDTHEREFOl~E IT HAS NOT BEEN BANNED. Jerusalem .94340. ISRAEL. THIS IS WHY WE ACCEPT ADVERTISEMENTS LISTING Harim Levin locality in Tel Aviv. BELGIAN REPRESENTATIVE WEBSITE ADDRESSES, BUT IN NO WAY DOES THIS As leader of Agudas Yisroel in the Knesset in 1976, MR. E. APTER IMPLY THAT THE GEDOLIM OR THE JEWISH OBSERVER Longe Kievitstr. 29 he was instrumental in passing laws that protected 2018 Antwerp. BEJ,GIUM CONDONE CASUAL USE OF THE INTERNET. Torah interests, while he successfully thwarted a num­ SOUTH AFRICA!'.! REPRESENTATIVE ber of laws that would have undermined Torah and MR. V. TABACK TUE JEWISH OBSERVER DOES NOT ASSUME PO Box 51552, RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE KASHRUS OF ANY PRODUCT, halacha. Roedene, Johannesburg PUBLICATION, OR SERVICE ADVERTISED IN ITS PAGES His notable achievements will continue to bear fruit 2124 SO/Ifli AFRIC4 © COPYRIGHT 2007 until the coming of Moshiach He leaves a distinguished AUSTRALIAN REPRESENTATIVE DR. A. DINNEN family of children, grandchildren and great grandchil­ 77 Birriga Road MAY 2007 / VOLUME XL dren who follow in his footsteps. Bellevue Hill. NSW 202:;. AUSTRAL.l4 NO. 4 THE MESSAGE THAT RASHI DERIVES FROM THE PASSUK IN SHEMA - "VESHINANTAM LEVANECHA - AND YOU SHALL TEACH TORAH TO YOUR CHILDREN" Before Hashem gave the Torah to the Law on behalf of the Jewish People ... Umesorah - the National Association of Jewish People, He asked them, "Will you today and for all the generations ahead. Hebrew Day Schools. accept the Torah?" Reb Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, who Reb Shraga Feivel made no secret of They told Him, "Yes." was menaheil and, in n1any respects, his investment of time, hope and energy He then said to them, "Give me a guar­ builder of Mesivta Torah Vodaath, took in this enterprise, referring to it as "Mein antee that you will fulfill its demands." stock of the sparse number of day schools liebling - My precious treasure:' Here, They responded, "LetAvraham, Yitzchak, on the American scene.
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