Maestro Version 7.2

User Guide November 2016 Copyright © 2016 Avid Technology, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, photographing, and recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Avid Technology, Inc. Product features, specifications, system requirements and availability are subject to change without notice. Trademarks Avid, the Avid Logo, Avid Everywhere, Interplay, ISIS, Media Composer, Pro Tools and Sibelius, and all related product names and logos, are registered or unregistered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. The Interplay name is used with the permission of the Interplay Entertainment Corp. which bears no responsibility for Avid products. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For a full list of Avid trademarks, see:

November 24, 2016

...... 50 ...... 10 ...... Contents ...... 26 ...... 17 File ...... 21 Edit Menu ...... 21 Control Menu ...... 22 Customize Menu ...... 23 Triggering Events with Signals with Triggering Events ...... 50 SubPages 32 ...... Page...... a in Arranging Controls 36 Page Properties...... 37 Control Properties...... 39 Linear Timeline ...... 47 Timelinethe Setting Page Behavior in ...... 47 23 ...... eu...... 21 Menus...... The PageEditor Layout ...... 27 PagesCreating 30 ...... Pagein a Placing Exports ...... 33 The Timeline 42 ...... and ContentFiltering Controls ...... 48 PageSaving/Loading a ...... 49 Triggering Events...... Starting Maestro 18 ...... ScreenMaestro Main ...... 20 Workflow 11 ...... in New Features Maestro 7.2 ...... 14 System Requirements...... 15 Document...... this in Conventions Used 16 Related Documents ...... 16 3.Page Creation ... 2.Getting Started . 1.Introduction ......

5.Data Sources..... 5.Data ...... 58 aRundown 4.Building etn paDt ore...... 82 ...... a DataSource Setting up ...... 71 Playback Control 59 ...... Creating/Opening a Rundown rveigadArn tm ...... Previewing and Airing Items 67 ...... Assigning a Channel 66 Editing Rundown Items...... 62 Items...... Adding Rundown ...... 61 Stories ol aprPui ...... Plugin World Mapper 54 Global Parameters...... M aaSuc...... 88 XML Data Source...... 87 ...... News (RSS)DataSource 86 ...... Text DataSource 85 ...... Excel Data Source 84 ...... Database (SQL)DataSource 83 ...... ODBC DataSource 79 ...... The Clip Browser 76 ...... The ImageBrowser 74 Working with Tickers...... 73 the AssetBrowser...... for Assetsin Searching 72 The Asset Browser...... in th Type IndicatorsDisplayed Media 61 ...... Customizing the Rundown View ...... 60 Rundown Area aigRnonIes...... 67 ...... Saving Rundown Items 66 Animating Transitions Between Rundown Items...... 66 Textures ...... 66 Data Fields 64 Video Item Options...... 62 ...... Using theBrowser rtn ai cit ...... 52 ...... Scripts Writing Basic Tri Statusasa Using Clip Eventswith Triggering Interactive Contro Script Editor - Coding Scripts for Pages Coding Scriptsfor Script Editor- 52 Timeline Scripts...... 81 ...... 51 ...... gger ...... 68 ...... asr udw ...... 69 ...... e MaestroRundown s...... 50 ...... ls o otos...... 53 orControls...... 55 ......

...... 100 ...... 94 ...... Setting the LCD Functions...... LCD Button Setting the 129 Configuring an Automation SystemConfiguring an ...... 116 3DPlay Device ...... 116 Avid ControlAir / Sony Protocol ...... 116 CII Protocol...... 117 Orad Control Device ...... 118 VDCP Protocol ...... 119 Defining Channels...... Defining 103 SMH Data SourceSMH ...... 89 RenderServer ...... 133 iNews ...... 134 GPI ...... 120 MOS Protocol ...... 122 External Tools...... 124 External Devices ...... 125 VideoEngine ...... 127 SmartShot...... 128 Play...... 105 Data Location ...... 107 Miscellaneous ...... 108 JStation ...... 111 SceneEdit...... 112 Virtual Slots...... 113 Transitions ...... 114 Automation ...... 115 Shortcuts ...... 101 PGM & PRV ...... 102 Asset Database 95 ...... MAM 97 ...... transitMAM file ...... 98 Log 99 ...... Appearance ...... Using Queries...... 90 Customizing the GUICustomizing the ...... 135 Groups in Creating Windows...... 136 Setting Preferences ...... 95 6.Customizing ......

10.NRCS Integration ...... Plug-in 9.NLE Station 8.Journalist Monitor 7.Maestro eu ...... 165 ...... Setup 164 ...... NRCS Plugins 158 ...... Plug-in Using the 151 ...... Preferences NLE Server 151 Maestro NLE Server...... 143 ...... Setting JStationPreferences 142 ...... Working inJStation 141 ...... The JournalistStationMainScreen 140 ...... JStation Setting Up 138 ...... Using MaestroMonitor sn h L epaeLna ieie...... 162 Using the NLE Template Linear Timeline...... eurmns...... 166 ...... Requirements 165 System Configuration...... 160 ...... Adobe Premier 158 Avid MediaComposer...... 149 Preview...... 148 ...... Shortcuts 147 ...... Miscellaneous 146 Hosts...... Appearance 145 ...... Log 143 ...... Asset Database Maestro Controller ...... 171 ...... Maestro Controller 166 Maestro MOS Gateway...... 164 ...... Constraints 157 NLE...... 156 Shortcuts...... 155 ...... Miscellaneous 154 ...... NLE Renderer 153 ...... Log Login ...... 152 ...... 139 ...... 163 ...... 150 ...... 137 ...... 145 ......

...... 188 te ...... 203 al | UX...... 199 ...... Defining an Animation Defining Sequence...... 194 Frame FieldsKey ...... 195 PropertiesChanging Key Frame ...... 195 Groups...... Creating Multiple Animation 196 Animation RangesEditing ...... 197 NRCS Client ...... 172 NRCS Server ...... 177 Gateway...... NRCS MOS 178 the Database...... from Items Editing 181 a Rundown...... from Items Editing 181 Previewing the Graphic Template in the Media Panein the the Graphic Template Previewing ...... 203 Searching for assets in the Maestro pane...... 204 Maestro Media Browser ...... 201 Editing and Previewing a Templa Graphic Transformation Strip...... 197 Property Editors ...... 197 Scene Editor Menus and Toolbar...... Menus and Scene Editor 190 StripAnimation ...... 194 Previewing Items...... Previewing 182 Direct iNews configuration ...... 183 Working with iNews rundowns...... 184 Opening ItemsOpening ...... 180 ItemsEditing ...... 181 Adding Maestro story...... Assets to an iNews 205 MediaCentral |UXMaestro Settings in ...... 206 Connecting to and Browsing a Maestro Database...... 200 Viewing and working with Maestro Templates ...... 202 Saving Scenes ...... 198 Getting Started with Scene Editor Started with Getting ...... 189 Editing Scenes...... 194 Direct iNews connection...... 183 Using the Maestro Plugin...... the Maestro Using 180 12.Maestro in MediaCentr 11.Scene Editor......

16.M6 ScriptingAPI ...... 15.Access andPermissions 14.IBIS asMediaRepo andInterplay |Productionintegration207 13.Interplay |MAM ieieadMcoAI...... 227 ...... Macro API Timeline and ...... Starting MaestroAdministrator Setting IBIS asMaestroAsset Managem 208 ...... Interplay | MAM Integration etitn ces...... 224 ...... Restricting Access 223 ...... Limiting Functionality 222 User Profiles...... 218 ...... Using Placeholders 213 ...... | ProductionIntegration Interplay raigUe rus...... 225 ...... Creating UserGroups aaore...... 236 Datasource...... o ...... 234 ...... External DeviceCommunication Asynchronous Communication...... 232 ...... API Application level 230 ...... Playlist LevelAPI 227 API...... Item level 211 MAM...... Interplay | for assetsin Searching 211 ...... Adding Metadata 210 ...... MAM in Interplay | and clips Browsing graphics 209 ...... Video Engine configuration in transit configuration file Maestr MAM 208 Interplay | MAM configuration in Maestro...... ipaigMtdt ilsfrAst .. Displaying Metadata FieldsforAssets 224 ...... Fields Adding Metadata 214 Production...... Interplay | for assetsin Searching 214 |Production...... Browsing formediainInterplay 213 in Maestro...... | Productionconfiguration Interplay digUest ru...... 225 Adding Users toa Group...... ieEgn eie...... 235 VideoEngine Device...... 235 GPI Device...... 234 ...... CMD Device ...... sitory...... n oncin...... 217 ...... ent Connection ...... 221 ...... 225 ...... 209 o...... 233 ...... 216 ...... 220 ...... 226

Page Object...... 237 ObjectSubpage ...... 239 Control Object ...... 241 Basic Use ...... 244 Page Level APIPage Level ...... 237 Media Manager API ...... 243 Metadata API...... 244 1. Introduction

The Maestro Controller is intended for managing template-based, on-air 3D graphics. After creating a data entry template (page), you can choose graphics, update data elements in real time, preview graphics and then play them directly to air. You can schedule the playback sequence of animations and monitor them. In this section:

Workflow on page 11 New Features in Maestro 7.2 on page 14 System Requirements on page 15 Conventions Used in this Document on page 16 Related Documents on page 16 Workflow

A typical workflow using Maestro PageEditor and Maestro Controller looks something like this: 1. Scene creation in 4Designer. Complex scenes and animations composed of layers of graphic elements and animation channels are created in 4Designer by the graphic designers. Exports created in 4Designer are used in Maestro for data updates. Exports are parameters of the 4Designer graphic objects that are exported by the graphic designer and can be edited in Maestro. Animations tracks for different graphics in a scene can be set. Interactive objects that can be controlled through Maestro from a touch screen are defined. Key frames can be set to trigger various actions. Graphic sets are saved in 4Designer as a scene. For more on 4Designer, see the 4Designer User Guide. 2. In PageEditor: Create a data entry template (=a page) 1. Introduction

Create a page that will be based on a 4Designer scene. Create as many pages (i.e., data entry templates) as required. Each scene is later loaded to one VSlot.

Workflow | 11 Add controls to a page that are connected to scene exports. Save a snapshot as a background image for easy orientation, and add export controls with content that can be updated at any time.

Create a timeline for the page. Create a timeline for template behavior to implement the playout logic with various tracks: cue track, take track, out track, animation track, ticker track, slot track, clip status track, and external manipulation track. Connect to the required data sources to update your content in real time. Save the page in the database. 1. Introduction Save your template in the Maestro database to make it accessible for all Maestro users connected to the database (depending on their user-permissions).

12 Workflow | 3. In Maestro Controller: Create a rundown from your pages. Create a rundown for your program, and add items. A rundown item is an instance of a page/template (with its own data set) that is added to the rundown. 1. Introduction

Preview the item and then play it on air. While one item is playing on air, you can preview other items on a preview channel and make sure it is ready to be played.

Workflow | 13 New Features in Maestro 7.2

Integration with Interplay | Production

The integration with Interplay | Production allows to browse and search video clips in Interplay | Production from Maestro and Maestro ActiveX plugins and play the media in Video Engine channels. It also allows to use video clips from Interplay | Production in graphics items in Maestro, Maestro ActiveX plugins and Maestro Pane (inside MediaCentral | UX), and then play the graphics items with these clips on the Render Engine channels. During iNews synchronization, Maestro can use specified video clips from Interplay | Production as main clips inside a story. This feature requires to assign the same Video ID for the clip in Interplay | Production and for the story in the iNews rundown. Searching for Video ID is done through the Avid Common Services (ACS). For more information, see Interplay | Production Integration on page 213.

Direct iNews connection

Maestro can now retrieve rundowns from iNews without using MOS. This feature requires iNews Web Services installation. For more information, see Direct iNews connection on page 183.

Maestro Monitor

Maestro Restarter has been renamed to Maestro Monitor and is a new single application, which allows monitoring and control of all Maestro services related to MediaCentral | UX. 1. Introduction Maestro Media Browser in MediaCentral |UX

The Maestro Media Browser allows to bind file system paths to MediaCentral | UX. This mechanism supports an unlimited number of locations, and allows to use file system video assets (clips and images) on graphics assets in Maestro Pane (inside MediaCentral | UX).

New shortcuts to control the VE preview in the Browser

New shortcuts have been added to control the VE preview: • K - (Play / Pause): Toggles Play/Pause and resets playing speed to 100% • L - (Fast forward): Increases playing speed by 100% every time it is pressed. • Shift-J - Previous • Shift-L - Next frame

14 New Features in Maestro 7.2 | System Requirements

The optimum platform for Maestro uses an HDVG for rendering, while authoring on Microsoft Windows®.

Minimum hardware specifications:

• Windows 7 64-bit Edition. • Intel Core i5-3470 3.2G 6M HD 2500 CPU and above. •8GB of physical memory. • 500GB 7200 RPM 3.5 HDD. • NVidia Geforce card GT640 2048MG DDR3. • Two onboard or PCI Intel NIC Ethernet cards 1000mps (It is recommended that only the card connecting the PC and the HDVG should be enabled, the second card is intended for support purposes and should be disabled.) • 24" 1920x1080 resolution capable monitor (24/32 bit color) •USB Keyboard and Mouse 1. Introduction

System Requirements | 15 Conventions Used in this Document

This symbol marks a step-by-step procedure.

NOTE: A note specifies useful or optional information, relevant to the preceding text.

TIP: A tip provides useful information on shortcuts, or how to do things differently.

Bold text marks a part of the GUI, such as a menu item, name, or GUI button. For example, “click OK”. ALL CAPITALS text specifies a keyboard key. For example, “press CTRL and drag the name...”.

Related Documents

The following related documents are available: • 4Designer 1.0 User Guide. • Social Media Hub 2.3 User Guide. • Avid MediaCentral | UX User’s Guide. 1. Introduction

16 Conventions Used in this Document | 2. Getting Started

In this section: Starting Maestro on page 18 Maestro Main Screen on page 20 Starting Maestro

Maestro is opened from the Start menu in Orad > Maestro 7.2. You can also use the shortcuts placed on the desktop during installation, as shown


To start Maestro: 1. Select Start > Orad > Maestro 7.2, -Or-

Use the desktop shortcut .

The Login dialog box is displayed. 2. Getting Started 2. Getting

2. Enter the required parameters, and click Login. The required parameters are:

Login User name.

Password Password.

18 Starting Maestro | Server name Host name or IP address of the computer on which the Server is installed (database location). Server name must be in the following format: \.

Database name Name of the asset database. (Default values are maestro_2 for the native Maestro database, and IBIS for GMAM, and maestro_3 for the native Maestro database 2).

Server type Choose the type of Server on which the asset database is stored.

Authentication Choose the type of authentication method to log in with; Windows or SQL. If you choose Windows authentication, no password is required, and the Windows login name is used. 2. Getting Started

Starting Maestro | 19 Maestro Main Screen

Maestro’s main (default layout) screen looks like this:

Different layouts are provided, available from the tabs in the upper right corner, for convenient access to different tasks. Layouts can be modified by dragging the different windows and tabs, and then saved as described in Customizing the GUI on page 135. The typical workflow (see Workflow on page 11) requires the use of pages. Pages are generally created in the PageEditor layout, described in the Page Creation on page 26. Once you have the required pages, a rundown can be created in the default layout. Playout is better controlled from the Playout layout. 2. Getting Started 2. Getting

20 Maestro Main Screen | Menus

The following sections provide information about the Maestro menus, available in all the layouts.

File Menu

New Create a new rundown. For more information, see Creating/Opening a Rundown on page 59.

Open... Open an existing rundown. For more information, see Creating/Opening a Rundown on page 59.

Save... Save the current rundown.

Save as... Save the current rundown with to a different location/with a different name.

Import Import an MOS rundown (in XML) from a third party system. Playlist 2. Getting Started Close Close the current rundown.

List of recently opened playlists.

Edit Menu

Insert new item Insert a new rundown item. For more information, see Adding Rundown Items on page 62.

Cut Cut the selected rundown item.

Copy Copy the selected rundown item.

Paste Paste the rundown item from the clipboard.

Delete Delete the selected rundown item.

Maestro Main Screen | 21 Control Menu

Connect Connect all defined render and video channels. renderer(s) For more information, see Previewing and Airing Items on page 68.

Load all Load all scenes used by items present in the current rundown.

Unload all Unload all scenes used by items present in the current rundown.

Load clips Load all clips referenced by the selected rundown items. of selected items

Unload Unload all clips referenced by the selected rundown items. clips of selected items

Cue Execute the timeline Cue track. For more information, see Playback Control on page 71.

Take Execute the first timeline Take track. For more information, see Playback Control on page 71.

Out Execute the timeline Out track. For more information, see Playback Control on page 71.

Preview Play animations to the RE window. For more information, see Playback Control on page 71.

Vslot + Set the next Vslot in the list of defined Vslots (see Virtual Slots on page 113). NOTE: 2. Getting Started 2. Getting Virtual Slots are like visual layers (in the preview or on-air). Different scenes can be played to different Vslots. The result would be one scene appearing superimposed upon another, or one scene loaded in the ‘background’ waiting for a scene in the ‘foreground’ to play out. You can define up to 256 Vslots. 0 is the back layer, and 255 is the front layer.

Vslot - Set the previous Vslot in the list of defined Vslots

Move focus to Move the cursor to the Page selector field. For more UniqueID field information, see on page 71.

Take Open the Take output snapshot dialog box and select the output image source, storage location, and format. snapshot In the PageEditor layout, save the current frame as a background for the current page. In the Playout layout, save a snapshot for external use.

22 Maestro Main Screen | Active Toggle this option to switch between Active and Passive modes. Mode In Active mode, Maestro receives commands from automation devices, and sends commands to RenderEngine and channel status updates to the controlling device. In Passive mode, Maestro receives commands from automation devices, but does not send commands to RenderEngine or send channel status updates. To start the system in Passive mode, see Miscellaneous on page 108.

Customize Menu

Settings Open the Settings dialog box. For more information, see Customizing on page 94.

Layout Lock - Lock the current layout to prevent floating, moving, or (Selected closing the displayed panels. Resize is still available. options are Auto save - When this option is selected, changes to the current marked with layout are saved automatically as the current layout. When this ) option is cleared, changes to layout must be saved manually in order to retain them when Maestro is next opened. Save current - Open the Save layout dialog box to save the

current layout using the current name, or create a new layout with 2. Getting Started a new name. Remove - Open the Remove layout dialog box to select a saved layout for removal.

Toolbar Additional controls that don’t appear in the menus are available in the toolbar.

New Create a new rundown.

Open Open an existing rundown.

Save Save the current rundown.

Cut Cut an element (story or item).

Copy Copy an element (story or item).

Paste Paste an element (story or item).

Delete Delete an element (story or item).

Start Log Opens the Log Viewer dialog box to view the contents of any log file.

Connect Connect/disconnect all defined renderers. All

Maestro Main Screen | 23 Load All Load all scenes referred by items in an open rundown.

Unload All Unload all scenes referred by items in an open rundown.

Clear Instantly clears all output being broadcast on all channels, and recalls the mute preset set in the preferences.

Load Clips Loads the video clips used by the selected rundown items to the available caches (set in the HDVG Control Panel), so that they are ready to be played.

Unload Unloads the video clips used by the selected rundown items from clips their cache, to free the cache.

Take Open the Take output snapshot dialog box and select the output image source, storage location, and format. snapshot In the PageEditor layout, save the current frame as a background for the current page. In the Playout layout, save a snapshot for external use.

Connect Connect/disconnect all defined automation systems. Automa- tion Devices

Update Update the current rundown, with all data (applies only to Playlist imported playlists from .lst or .xml files).

Data Refresh data in all database queries used in the open playlists. Query For more information, see Using Queries on page 90. Refresh

Passive Activate Passive Mode. In Passive mode, Maestro receives mode commands from automation devices, but does not send

2. Getting Started 2. Getting commands to RenderEngine or send channel status updates. (See also Enter passive mode on application start on page 109.)

Asset Show/hide the Asset browser. Browser For more information, see The Asset Browser on page 72.

Timeline Show/hide the Timeline. For more information, see The Timeline on page 42.

Browser Show/hide the Browser. For more information, see Using the Browser on page 62.

Data Show/hide the Data Sources . Sources For more information, see Data Sources on page 81.

Control Show/hide the Control panel. Playback Control on page 71.

PageEdi- Show/hide the PageEditor tab. (Available only when using a tor layout other than the PageEditor layout.)

Rundowns Show/hide the Rundown area. For more information, see Rundown Area on page 60.

24 Maestro Main Screen | Global Show/hide the Global parameters tab. parame- For more information, see Global Parameters on page 54. ters

Macros Show/hide the Macros panel for creating controls (using scripts or a wizard) to trigger sets of commands.

RE Show/hide the RE manager tab to show the status of the scenes manager and clips that are loaded on the defined channels.

Metadata Show/hide the Metadata tab. For more information, see Adding Metadata on page 211.

Scene Show/hide the Scene Editor list. Editor For more information, see Scene Editor on page 188.

VE Show/hide the VE manager to show the status of loaded and manager playing clips and images.

VE Decks Show/hide a defined VE Deck window to view the live stream in the selected output. For more information, see PGM & PRV on page 102.

Local RE Show/hide the local RE window. window 2. Getting Started

Maestro Main Screen | 25 3. Page Creation

Maestro uses the 4Designer scenes as a basis for the graphics it broadcasts during a production. Data entry templates (pages), use scene graphics, and allow modification of elements marked as exports in 4Designer. In this section:

The PageEditor Layout on page 27 Creating Pages on page 30 SubPages on page 32 Placing Exports in a Page on page 33 Saving/Loading a Page on page 49 Saving/Loading a Page on page 49 Triggering Events on page 50 Global Parameters on page 54 World Mapper Plugin on page 55 The PageEditor Layout

Maestro has a predefined PageEditor layout, convenient for creating pages. This layout can be changed as required, or new layouts can be created for your convenience. (For more information, see Customizing the GUI on page 135.) NOTE: PageEditor can be opened as a standalone application from the Start menu. 3. Page Creation

To work in the PageEditor layout: ■ Click the PageEditor tab in the upper right corner. The PageEditor layout displays modules that are especially important for setting up a page: • The – where you can set up pages visually, set page properties, and view scene elements. This is where the PageEditor toolbar is located. • The Timeline (tab) – is where you set the animation sequence in a page, when to update data, run a script, and all other graphic actions. For more information, see The Timeline on page 42. • The Data Sources tab – where you can create queries, and assign them to parameters in a page. For more information, see Data Sources on page 81.

The PageEditor Workspace

The PageEditor workspace is where a page template is displayed, together with its properties and the elements used in the scene that it is based on (exports, animations, etc.).

The PageEditor Layout | 27 At the top of the PageEditor workspace is a toolbar dedicated to the PageEditor.

New Select a scene from which to make a new page, from a browser window.

Open Open an existing page, from a browser window or click the arrow to see a list of recently opened pages.

Save Open a browser window to save the current page or click the arrow to save with a different name or save all open pages.

Cue Execute the Cue track in the timeline.

Take Number The amount of ‘takes’ defined for the page, and the current (field) position.

Take Play the current take in the RE window.

Play all Play all takes that appear in the linear timeline in the RE window. For more information, see Linear Timeline on page 47.

Out Execute all events in the Out track, in the RE window.

Undo Undo last action.

Redo Redo last action.

Copy Copy a control. 3. Page Creation 3. Page Paste Paste a control.

Cut Cut a control.

Delete Delete a control.

Spell Check spelling in all text fields in the page, that are not connected check to data sources.

Tab Show tab ordering (the order of filling controls inside the item), ordering so that when you press TAB (or when an automation system fills in items), the next control according to this order, is selected. Press SHIFT+TAB to select the previous control.

Show Show labels for all controls, displaying the name of the control. control names

Show Show controls set as invisible in the page. invisible controls

28 The PageEditor Layout | Snapshot Take snapshot of RE window to use as page background.

Alignment Use to align all selected controls in the page (CTRL+click to select multiple controls);

Align right

Align left

Align top

Align bottom

Align to horizontal center

Align to vertical center

Unify control widths

Unify control heights

Arrange Use to arrange controls in a page as a table. controls

Control order 3. Page Creation Bring to front or Send to back

The PageEditor Layout | 29 Creating Pages

To create a page, you must first select a 4Designer scene containing the graphics and object exports that you want to use. When selecting a scene, you begin to build a page to use for airing graphics. You can take a snapshot of a scene, a single frame from a scene that is used as a background for your page, or use any image as a background, to represent the scene. The main functions performed in the PageEditor are: • Building timeline event sequences for the page. • Specifying the export elements (data entry fields) that you want to include in the page. • Defining links to data sources. Data entered in the PageEditor is the default data shown when the page is loaded in Maestro Controller and other Maestro suite applications and plug-ins.

To create a page: 1. Select New in the PageEditor toolbar. 2. The Select Scene dialog box opens: 3. Page Creation 3. Page

3. Select the scene that you want to create a page for, and click OK.

30 Creating Pages | The scene is loaded to the RE window. In the work area, an empty data page for this scene is created.

4. If you want to set a background for the page from the RE window, in the toolbar, 3. Page Creation click Snapshot . The snapshot appears as the background of your page. NOTE: Snapshots can only be taken when the local RE window is open. Most scenes start with a blank screen, so if you take a snapshot as soon as the scene is loaded, you will have a black background. In most cases you need to play the timeline animations, and then take a snapshot.

Creating Pages | 31 SubPages

You can save a single page with different variations or a group of different pages for greater versatility. The subpage that is saved as the active tab will be the page that is sent to air. Subpages can be based on the same scene, a different scene, or page.

To create a subpage: 1. Click the arrow to open the list next to the page tab. 3. Page Creation 3. Page

2. Select the required option from the list:

Add empty page Add an empty page from the current scene.

Add empty page Open a browser window to add an empty page from any from scene... scene.

Add and copy Add and copy a page from one of the current page tabs. from...

Import from Add and copy a page from any scene. asset...

A new page tab is added, and saved with the page tabs. The selected/active tab is the subpage that will be broadcast when the page is aired.

32 Creating Pages | Placing Exports in a Page

Exports in a scene are made editable by adding their controls to a page so that you can edit their content during a broadcast. Any export created in a 4Designer scene is available as a control in Maestro. The available exports are listed in the workspace in the Scene tab, and control types are listed in the Controls tab. CTRL+click allows you to drag and drop multiple exports. The table tool can be used to create an array of exports according to your specifications (see Arranging Controls in a Page on page 36). Most of the properties in the Properties window can be applied to more than one control (including, for example, Size). For more information, see Control Properties on page 39. Clicking on the background of the page displays page properties. Setting these parameters is important when setting up a page. For more information, see Page Properties on page 37.

To add a linked export control to the page: 1. Find the export in the Scene tab, and drag it to the page in the workspace.

A list of control types is displayed. 3. Page Creation 2. Select the appropriate option.

Label Add a without input options.

Single Line Add a standard text input box. The text in PageEditor is the default Text text that appears in all Maestro-related applications. Link this text input box to a database query, for automatic data retrieval.

Multi Line Add a text input box that allows carriage returns. Can be linked to Text exports that require a carriage return (SHIFT+ENTER).

Decorated Pastes a text input box that allows you to format different parts of text the text. In Play mode, formatting options are available above the , that can be used. These formatting options are available later in the export seen on the Maestro Controller. (The export in 4Designer must have the Use Style Modifier option enabled.)

Placing Exports in a Page | 33 Drop down Add a drop-down list from which to choose items. List items can be list added manually or from a data source. Each list item has a label that the user sees in the list, and a value that is the text that will be aired or a path that calls a file. See also Control clip on page 46. To populate the list manually: 1. Drag and drop an export as a drop-down list. 2. Under Properties click ... to open the Items dialog box. 3. Enter and item label and value. To add items, click . 4. Click OK. To add items from a data source: 1. Open the Data Sources tab, and drag the required query to the export. 2. Under Properties, select a value for the CurrentItemIndex and click OK. The items now appear in the drop-down list.

Image Add a button to open a file browser. Browser buttons allow you to selector change textures that have been assigned to scene elements, such as team logos, correspondent’s photos, etc. For more information, see The Image Browser on page 76.

Clip Open a browser window to select a clip. The clip browser allows selector you to preview, manage, and search for clips in the system bd or a connected MAM system. The folder set in PageEditor is the default folder that is displayed. For more information, see The Clip Browser on page 79.

3. Page Creation 3. Page Boolean Add a check box that acts as an on/off switch. A check box can be value linked to exports from a scene, such as video on/off, tracking on/off, object show/hide, to provide simple controls for scene attributes.

Integer Add a text input box for integers only. value Value constraints can be edited under Properties. The GuiType property allows you to set the control style: spinbox, horizontal , or vertical slider.

Double Add a text input box for decimal numbers only. value Value constraints can be edited under Properties. The GuiType property allows you to set the control style: spinbox, horizontal slider, or vertical slider.

Date Add a text box containing the current date. The default date or selector date format can be edited under Properties.

Time Add a text box containing the current time (time format: selector hh:mm:ss. This control is not updated). The default time or time format can be edited under Properties.

34 Placing Exports in a Page | Timecode Add a text box containing the current time (time format: selector hh:mm:ss:ff. This control is not updated). The default time or time format can be edited under Properties. This control is intended to be connected to the 'Wait time' event in timeline. The value of this control affects the timing between events in the timeline. (Maestro 5.X legacy).

Run Script Add a control to execute a page script that is connected to this control.

Maestro5 Add a control to execute Visual Basic or Java scripts for this page. script (This control is available to support legacy content from Maestro 5.X and earlier. It will be removed in future versions.)

WNM clip Open the World Mapper plugin to use WM templates. This option is selector available when the World Mapper application is installed and working in server-client mode. For more information, see World Mapper Plugin on page 55.

3. Right-click the page background to display a and set the following:

Fit in View Scale the page to fit the browser window.

Channels Define the default output channel(s) of the page. This can be changed. 3. Page Creation

Vslot Define the default Vslot on which a page will be run. This can be changed later.

Placing Exports in a Page | 35 Arranging Controls in a Page

In PageEditor, you can arrange the controls in a page, as required, using the

Arrange controls tool.

To arrange controls as a table: 1. In the page, select the controls that you want to arrange.

2. Click in the PageEditor toolbar. The Arrange parameters are displayed. 3. Page Creation 3. Page

3. Double-click the Value column to set the following:

Table position Set the position of the top left corner of the table from the top and left edges of the page.

Table size Set the table size, regardless of the size of the controls to be included.

Rows, Set the number of rows and columns in the table. columns

36 Placing Exports in a Page | Fill order Set the order in which the controls will be arranged in the table.

Fill order Set the starting point for the order of the controls.

Control size Set the size of each control in the table.

4. Click Apply. The controls are arranged as specified. Page Properties

You can set various properties for a page in the Properties window. Use the Filter field to filter properties by name or type. 3. Page Creation

To set page properties:

■ Select the property in the Properties window, and set its value as required:

Name Page name.

Size Page size.

Project The 4Designer project to which the page belongs.

Scene The 4Designer scene on which to base the page.

Placing Exports in a Page | 37 Unique ID The unique identifier of the page in Maestro.

Background The background color of the page. color

Background The name of the image file used as the page background. image path

Vslot The Vslot on which the page is displayed by default.

Channels The channel(s) to which the page is played by default.

Audio The audio preset number from the audio preset file. preset

Show Show the control names as labels in the page. control names

Item Duration of all takes in the page, as set up in the linear timeline. duration For more information, see Linear Timeline on page 47.

Item The background color of items based on this page when added to default a rundown. color

TakeCount Number of takes in the timeline. When this is set to Auto, the number of takes is equal to the number of take tracks. You can set this manually, to reflect the actual number of takes for instances when takes are conditional.

Transition The default page transition effect that is used in the rundown. For more information on transition effects, see Animating Transitions Between Rundown Items on page 66 and Virtual Slots on page 113.

3. Page Creation 3. Page Scripts Page scripts are triggered when a defined condition occurs in a page. (I.e., the page is saved, or a given tab is selected). On SubpageSelected - script is executed when a specific subtitle that is connected to the script is selected. OnSave - script is executed when an item based on this page is created.

38 Placing Exports in a Page | Control Properties

Different export controls can have different properties. The common properties are described in the first table, and specific properties in subsequent tables.

To set control properties: ■ Select the property in the Properties window (with the relevant control selected), and set its value as required:

Name Control name.

Position Position of the control in the page.

Size Control size.

Visible Show/hide the control.

Read only Lock/unlock the control for editing.

Use in item Use control content in item title. (Enable page parameters in title item’s title must be selected, see page 108.)

Layout Left to right or Right to left settings. direction 3. Page Creation Scripts OnDataChanged - run the selected script when the data of the control is changed (all control types). RunScript - run the selected script when the Run script control is activated (Run script controls).

Specific controls have their own set of properties. All available properties are listed here in alphabetical order:

AllowInsert Allow or prevent adding items to a drop-down list.

Alpha Enable or disable the alpha channel. channel

Aspect Set the aspect ratio of an image. X:Y=displayed value.

Audio Set the audio to play (true) or not to play (false).

Background Set the background color. color

Case Set the case for text entry; mixed, upper-case, lower-case, or title-case.

Convert Set whether or not to convert line breaks (from the data) in the Line text item. Breaks

CropSize Set the size of the cropped image (for an image selector control).

Current Set the currently displayed item (for a drop-down list). item index

Data Set the content of the control.

Placing Exports in a Page | 39 Data Select the type of time selector to use; time, minutes, seconds, format frames, etc.

Date Select the date format; ISO, long, or short. format

Date order Select the order of the elements for displaying a date.

Date Set the character to use as a separator for the date elements. separator

Default Set the default value displayed. value

Font Set the text font (all types except Script controls).

GUI type Set the type of control that you want to display for setting a numeric value; spin box, horizontal slider, or vertical slider.

Input mask Limits the format in which text can be entered in a line text control, as follows (for Single line text controls): • A – ASCII alphabetic character required. A-Z, a-z. • a – ASCII alphabetic character permitted but not required. • N – ASCII alphanumeric character required. A-Z, a-z, 0-9. • n – ASCII alphanumeric character permitted but not required. • X – Any character required. • x – Any character permitted but not required. • 9 – ASCII digit required. 0-9. • 0 – ASCII digit permitted but not required. • D – ASCII digit required. 1-9. • d – ASCII digit permitted but not required (1-9).

3. Page Creation 3. Page • # – ASCII digit or plus/minus sign permitted but not required. • > – All alphabetic characters following > are uppercase.< All alphabetic characters following < are lowercase. • ! – Switches off case conversion. • \ – Use \ to escape the special characters listed above to use them as separators.

Interlaced Enable or disable interlacing.

Items Open a dialog box to display the available items in a drop-down list, and add or delete items, as required.

Loop count Set the number of times a clip is played.

Maximal Set the maximal value allowed. value

Minimal Set the minimal value allowed. value

Parameter Open the Run script dialog box to set a script to run automatically list when the value of a [selected] control is changed.

Precision Set the allowed variation for value controls.

40 Placing Exports in a Page | Reversed Enable or disable reversed polarity. polarity

Script code Open an editor window to enter the script code (for a Maestro5 script controls).

Script file Open a browser window to select a script file to use when the control is activated (for Maestro5 script controls).

Script Set the script language to use; Visual Basic or Java (for Maestro5 language script controls).

Search Set the default folder to search for files. directory

Text Set the check box label text.

Text Set the text alignment. alignment

Text color Set the text color.

Text max Set maximum character length for text field. This setting is length ignored if an input mask is defined.

Time Set the time in the 24-hour time format, regardless of the data 3. Page Creation format.

Time Select the time format. format

Time Set the character to use as a separator for the time elements. separator

Video Set the video to play (true) or not to play (false).

WorldNews Set the WNM project to use. Mapper Path

Placing Exports in a Page | 41 The Timeline

The Timeline tab displays the tracks you define for your page, and the events in each track.

Linear Time Line

Event Property Window

Tracks are executed according to their type, triggered by an action or by defined conditions for execution. Set conditions for track execution by selecting the track and using the wizard or script editor in the Event property window to set the condition. 3. Page Creation 3. Page For more information, see M6 Scripting API on page 226.

To add a track:

1. Click . A Take track is added to the timeline. 2. Click the arrow in the new track to open a list of track types. 3. Change the track type, if required, according to the types described below:

Take All events in this track are executed when you play an item. (Multiple take tracks can be added to the page.) In the Event property window, you can set the take number. (By default, numbers are assigned automatically according to the order of the tracks in the timeline, and the numbers change if a track’s position in the timeline changes.)

Cue All events in this track are executed when you cue an item.

42 The Timeline | Out All events in this track are executed when you play an item’s out sequence.

Callback tracks, executed when a page is on-air and its defining condition is true:

Animation When the animation defined in the Event property started window is started, the events in this track are executed.

Animation When the animation defined in the Event property finished window is finished, the events in this track are executed.

Animation When the animation defined in the Event property paused window is paused, the events in this track are executed.

Animation When the animation defined in the Event property resumed window is resumed (after a pause), the events in this track are executed.

Ticker: When the ticker that is currently running does not have item any more items to display, it informs the controller so it

needed sends new content. This track type is created 3. Page Creation automatically when you use the ticker plug-in to create a ticker or it can be added manually to define an action to perform when ticker data is played out. In the Event property window, define the ticker name. If required, set the data index to send a callback according to the number of cell specified here.

Ticker: When each individual ticker item leaves the ticker, item left events in this track are executed.

Slot: When a signal, defined in the Event property window, signal is received, the events in this track are executed. For received more information, see Triggering Events with Signals on page 50.

Clip status When the status of a clip is changed to the status changed specified in the Event property window (CLIP_CB_TYPE), the events in this track are executed. For more information, see Using Clip Status as a Trigger on page 51.

External When an interactive object is activated as specified in manipula- the Event property window, the events in this track tions are executed. For more information, see Triggering Events with Interactive Controls on page 50.

The Timeline | 43 To add events to a track: ■ To each track, you can drag different Events. Each type has properties that must be defined in the Event property window in the Timeline tab.:

Send Export Update the export data. In the Event property window, select or clear the exports to be updated, as required. (Use the Export name field to find exports quickly.) When an event is selected (under Use), double click any parameter (except the Name) to edit; if the data is taken from a data source, you can set the displayed value, and switch to the next field in the data source by setting the iteration interval.

Wait Time Wait before proceeding to the next item. In the Event property window, define the wait duration or connect this event to a timecode selector control.

Script Event Run a script, written in JScript. Must run the return true command in order for the remaining timeline events to be executed. You can use the Wizard to create a script. For more information, see Triggering Events with Interactive Controls on page 50.

Signal event Signal Maestro to start a signal received-type track. In the Event property window, define the name of the track to be executed. For more information, see Triggering Events with Signals on page 50.

Send global Send a RenderEngine parameter (such as settings)

3. Page Creation 3. Page export dynamically. RenderEngine must be configured to receive data for a given parameter.

Start Play an animation group. In the Event property window, select or clear the animations to be played, as required.

Stop Stop an animation group. In the Event property window, select or clear the animations to be stopped, as required.

Pause Pause an animation group. In the Event property window, select or clear the animations to be paused, as required.

Resume Resume playing a paused animation group. In the Event property window, select or clear the animations to be resumed, as required.

Break loop Stop a looped animation group when the current loop plays out. In the Event property window, select or clear the animations to be stopped, as required.

44 The Timeline | Set Position Go to a defined frame in an animation.

Rewind Rewind an animation group. In the Event property window, select or clear the animations to be reset, as required.

Load Load the specified scene. Scene is specified in the Event property window.

Activate Activate a scene with its default values. An activated scene is visible in the output. Activate is not required for the scene used by the page, but it can be useful for other scenes. In the Event property window, you can set the VSlot and specify a different scene.

Deactivate Clear the scene from the output (scene remains loaded).

Reset Reload a scene with its default values. In the Event property window, you can set the VSlot.

Transition Set the transition type to use for this page when playing 3. Page Creation items to rundown.

Start Start a ticker. In the Event property window, select the ticker, the offset between ticker items, and the ticker speed.

Stop Stop a ticker. In the Event property window, select the ticker.

Pause Pause a ticker. In the Event property window, select the ticker.

Resume Resume a paused ticker. In the Event property window, select the ticker.

Send data Update ticker data. In the Event property window, the ticker data to update.

Load clip Load the clip. Select the clips to load in the Event property window.

Unload clip Unload the clip. Select the clips to unload in the Event property window.

Unload all Unload all loaded clips. clips

The Timeline | 45 Control clip NOTE: This event type is a legacy from previous versions. In this version it is recommended to use the Clip controller control type, instead.

Play a clip as required. Define the required command for a clip in the Event property window. (Options are - Pause, Play, Pause and Cue, Cue and Play, Rewind and Play, Pause and rewind, Rewind.)

Activate Specify an audio preset to activate (as defined in the audio preset audio presets file).

Position Define a keyframe position for an object, to change its timing (available only for key frames defined in the scene).

Value Define a keyframe value for an object to change its properties (available only for key frames defined in the scene).

Command Use a Windows-type command line to run programs from line Maestro. For more information, see External Devices on page 125.

SMH device Send events and parameters to a Social Media Hub server. For more information, see External Devices on page 125.

3DPlay Send parameters to a 3Dplay system previously Device configured in the settings. For more information, see External Devices on page 125.

GPI device Activate a GPI output (in a previously defined GPI device) to send a signal to an external device. The device must be 3. Page Creation 3. Page defined in preferences. For more information, see GPI on page 120 and External Devices on page 125.

Telestrator Draw on a screen interactively. Here you can select the telestrator type.

Transforma- Use this tool to set specific coordinates when an tion interactive object for zoom is created in a scene.

Interaction Set interactive elements in the scene to be activated.

NOTE: Timeline elements can be resized by dragging the corners of the track labels or the linear timeline separator.

46 The Timeline | Linear Timeline

At the bottom of the timeline tab is a linear timeline that, by default, displays all the tracks in the [visual] timeline in chronological order. The linear timeline can be edited to include only certain tracks for previewing or working in NLE or NRCS (where scripts cannot be executed), can be seen in the PVW channel, and can set timing. The linear timeline is used to preview items when defined.

To edit the linear timeline: ■ Right-click and reset.

All Take tracks are added, and you can rearrange the tracks, move the cursor to adjust time, and set the frame to use when Single image preview is enabled (see PGM & PRV on page 102). You can also drag any element from the visual timeline to the linear timeline. Tracks can be added manually by dragging from the main timeline. Setting Page Behavior in the Timeline

Define the sequence in which animations and other actions are played and executed by adding them to the timeline. 3. Page Creation

To set how an animation plays: 1. Choose an animation group or any scene object from the Scene tab. 2. Drag it to the timeline. The event is placed in the timeline. For more information on using the timeline, see The Timeline on page 42. Define the required Event Properties. 3. Select additional events, as required.

4. When your sequence is complete, click Take in the PageEditor toolbar to preview, or save the page, and play the item from the Playout layout. You can also connect to a remote rendering host, and preview the page using Remote Preview.

The Timeline | 47 Filtering Controls and Content

Controls in a page can be filtered to allow selection of controls by type (or free text).

To filter controls or content: 1. In PageEditor, open the Page tab. 3. Page Creation 3. Page

2. Click the arrow next to None to display a list of control types, Or- In the Filter field, type in a text string to search for. The relevant search results are displayed.

48 Filtering Controls and Content | Saving/Loading a Page

After editing a page, you must save the page so that it can be loaded into Maestro Controller for airing and accessible from Maestro modules (NRCS or NLE).

To save a page: ■ Click Save in the PageEditor toolbar. The arrow by the Save opens a context menu allowing you to Save the current page, Save As..., or Save All open pages.

To load an existing page: 1. Click Open in the PageEditor toolbar. The Open Page dialog box opens. 3. Page Creation

2. Choose the folder and page you want to open. 3. Click OK.

Saving/Loading a Page | 49 Triggering Events

Events can be triggered in a number of ways: • Triggering Events with Signals on page 50 • Triggering Events with Interactive Controls on page 50 • Using Clip Status as a Trigger on page 51 Triggering Events with Signals

Signals allow you to use basic internal logic without the need for programming syntax. Using a signal event, you can trigger any track in a page. A signal track is played when a signal of that name has been received, only if the item is on-air. If the signal has the direct option enabled, the signal can be triggered off-air, as well.

To add a signal to be sent: 1. Add a Signal event to an appropriate track in the timeline, as described in The Timeline on page 42. 2. In the Event properties, assign a name to the signal event. The signal is sent when its track is played, and any Slot:signal received track with the same name is executed. You can assign a name and value to the event to allow triggering of other events according to the value and name.

To add a Slot:signal received track: 1. Add a Slot:signal received track in the timeline, as described in The Timeline on page 42.

3. Page Creation 3. Page 2. In the Event properties, fill in the signal name under Name. All events placed in this track are played when the matching signal event is played. Triggering Events with Interactive Controls

Interactive, touch-screen manipulated controls can be used for triggering actions during a production. In order for an object to be interactive, it must be defined as such in the 4Designer scene. In Maestro, you must define the type of manipulation, and the required result in the Timeline.

To set object interactivity: 1. Add an External Manipulation type track to the timeline. (See The Timeline on page 42.) 2. In the Event properties, double-click the TYPE parameter value to open the list, and select an option:

Tap Tap the object (node) to trigger the events in the current track.

Drag begin Begin dragging the object (node) to trigger the events in the current track.

50 Triggering Events | Drag update Drag the object (node) to trigger the events in the current track.

Drag end Release the dragged object (node) to trigger the events in the current track.

Hold begin Begin holding the object (node) to trigger the events in the current track.

Hold update Hold the object (node) to trigger the events in the current track.

Hold end Release the held object (node) to trigger the events in the current track.

Start free Begin any manipulation of the object (node) to trigger the manipulation events in the current track.

End free Release the manipulated object (node) to trigger the events in manipulation the current track.

3. In the Event properties double-click the NODE_NAME parameter value to set the object to use as the trigger.

Using Clip Status as a Trigger 3. Page Creation

Maestro can use clip status to trigger events in a timeline track. This can be used for various purposes when a clip status is changed to: Cuing, Cued, Paused, Playing, Error, Unloaded, Invalid.

To create a clip status track: 1. Add a Clip status changed type track to the timeline. (See The Timeline on page 42.) 2. In the Event properties, double-click the CLIP_PATH parameter value to open the list, and select a clip. 3. In the Event properties, double-click the CLIP_CB_TYPE parameter value to open the list, and select the status that will trigger the events in the track.

Triggering Events | 51 Writing Basic Scripts

Maestro allows you to use Java scripts for more complex operations. Maestro provides both a script assistant and wizard for easier script creation, and a built-in syntax checker. Scripts can be added to a track in the timeline using a script event, or added for a page or a control in the Script Editor from scratch, if you are proficient in Java script. For more information, see M6 Scripting API on page 226.

Timeline Scripts

To add a script to a timeline track for execution: 1. Add a script event to an appropriate track in the timeline, as described in The Timeline on page 42. 2. In the Event property window, use the wizard to compose a script (in the Wizard tab) or enter the script code in the Script tab.

Using the Script Wizard

When you select a script event in the timeline, the relevant tabs are displayed in the Event property window. In the Wizard tab, compose a script as described here.

To write a script using the wizard:

1. Click to add a new line. 2. In the new line, double-click the Action column to allow you to display a list of commands that you can use in the script. 3. Select the required command.

Undefined No action (default). 3. Page Creation 3. Page Take item Play a rundown item defined by a unique ID.

Out item Play the out track of an item defined by a unique ID.

Cue item Cue a rundown item defined by a unique ID.

Load item Load a rundown item defined by a unique ID.

Unload item Unload a rundown item defined by a unique ID.

Send event Add a signal event.

Send event Add a signal event that is executed even for unactivated direct items.

Set playlist Create a rundown variable with a set name and value. variable

Set app variable Create a application variable with a set name and value.

4. Double-click the Parameters column to reference the required item. 5. Click Copy to script. The script is now in the timeline, and is coded in the Script tab.

52 Triggering Events | Script Editor - Coding Scripts for Pages or Controls

Right-click the Page Editor toolbar and select Script editor to show or hide the Script editor window. 3. Page Creation

Script editor Scripts tab

The script editor allows you to write executable scripts for pages or controls in Javascript, with different event types.

To write a script for a control: 1. In the Scripts tab, select Control scripts. An empty script is displayed in the Script editor. To edit an existing script, select one of the nested scripts. 2. Select the Event type:

OnDataChanged The script is executed when the data of the connected control is changed.

RunScript The script is executed when the connected Run Script control is activated.

Triggering Events | 53 3. Type in your code as required. Press F5 to check your syntax. 4. When your script is finished, Name it, and click Save script. The script is listed in the Scripts tab under Control scripts. 5. Select the control to connect to the script. 6. Under Properties, select the script event type, and set the required script. This connects the script to the control.

7. Click Execute script to test the script.

To write a script for a page: 1. In the Scripts tab, select Page scripts. An empty script is displayed in the Script editor. To edit an existing script, select one of the nested scripts. 2. Select the Event type:

OnSave The script is executed when the page is saved.

OnSubPage The script is executed when a subpage of the current page is Selected selected.

3. Type in your code as required. Maestro displays a list of relevant commands for pages when you type page. Press F5 to check your syntax. 4. When your script is finished, Name it, and click Save script. The script is listed in the Scripts tab under Page scripts. 5. Select the page to connect to the script.

3. Page Creation 3. Page 6. Under Properties, select the script event type, and set the required script.

7. Click Execute script to test the script.

Global Parameters

Global parameters are user-defined parameters that can be used for a production, together with other commands. Global parameters are given a value that can be used by a script or set by a script, as required. You can define two types of global parameters; integer and string. (In Java scripts there is no need to define the type.) In the Global Parameters tab, when you click

Add , you are asked to select integer or string.

54 Global Parameters | World Mapper Plugin

The World Mapper plugin is used to create map-based clips for broadcast. The World Mapper tool is based on high quality and resolution maps that come from Microsoft Bing, Blue Marble Maps or Open Street Maps. Clips are used to show a location-based event, for example: a road accident, a hurricane, a parade, etc. The templates created in World Mapper are available in Maestro. The template that you select is the starting frame of your clip, and you can set the target location (end frame) and other options. Add a World Mapper (WNM clip selector) control to a page as described in Placing Exports in a Page on page 33.

To create a World Mapper clip: 1. Double-click the WNM clip selector. The following dialog box is displayed. 3. Page Creation

Template folders


2. Select a template.

World Mapper Plugin | 55 The template is opened in a new window.

3. Use the mouse to drag the view to the required target location. Or- Search for the target location; click Add Location to open the Locations dialog box, type in the required Location, and click Go. 3. Page Creation 3. Page 4. Click Flight record to preview the clip.

5. Add labels and shapes as required; click Shapes or Free Objects to open a dialog box to display a list of all graphic objects available in the clip.

6. Click Flight Target to save the selected target location.

7. Click Done to save the clip to the WNM control.

Plugin Options

Go Home Return to the main template selection window.

Add Open the Locations dialog box to search for a location and set location the fill color of the location (Add Shape) and the style of the location labels (Add Item).

Flight Set the current view as the target location (and last keyframe) target of the clip.

Flight Preview a low resolution version of the clip. record

56 World Mapper Plugin | Done Close the current dialog box, create a high resolution clip, and assign it to the control in Maestro.

Free Select graphic objects (user-defined in the World Mapper) to add objects to the clip.

Object to Send a selected graphic object to the front layer. front

Object to Send a selected graphic object to the back layer. back

Delete Delete the selected graphic item. object

Flight Go to the first frame in the clip. start

Flight end Go to the last frame in the clip.

Refresh Refresh the map. map

Properties Open a dialog box to display the clip properties. 3. Page Creation Shapes Open a dialog box to display a list of all graphic shapes available in the clip.

World Mapper Plugin | 57 4. Building a Rundown

This section explains how pages are used and edited for broadcast. For any production, you create a rundown that contains the items that you want to display. The rundown is subdivided as follows: • Rundown – top element, usually the rundown is a playlist identified with a program (e.g., “News at 10”, “Closing Markets”, etc.). A rundown can contain both stories and play items. Multiple rundowns can be open together. The terms ‘Rundown’ and ‘Playlist’ are used interchangeably in Maestro. For information on creating a rundown, see Creating/Opening a Rundown on page 59. • Story (optional) – divides the rundown into logical sections. This element can be used if a show naturally breaks into subsections. A story can contain only play items. • Item – an instance of a page, an essential element of the rundown, identifies a graphical template containing the data/animation/tickers/etc. to be displayed during production. In this section: Creating/Opening a Rundown on page 59 Stories on page 61 Adding Rundown Items on page 62 Editing Rundown Items on page 66 Assigning a Channel on page 67 Previewing and Airing Items on page 68 Playback Control on page 71 Creating/Opening a Rundown

Before you load items, you must create a rundown. The rundown acts as a container for all the items that you plan to load.

To create a new rundown: ■ Select File > New. A new rundown is created. When you save this rundown, you are asked to name it.

To load a previously saved rundown: 1. Select File > Open. The Open asset dialog box is displayed, with recently opened folders displayed. NOTE: Playlists are stored in the "workspace" folder in the database. Playlists that were stored in "list" mode in previous versions (Maestro 5.0 or earlier), must be converted to "folder" type playlists. 4. Building a Rundown

2. Browse to the required rundown, and click OK. The rundown is opened.

Creating/Opening a Rundown | 59 Rundown Area

The Rundown area is where you create and edit rundowns/playlists. Multiple rundowns can be opened simultaneously, each in its own tab. The column headings displayed in the Rundown area can be shown or hidden, depending on your requirements. For more information, see Customizing the Rundown View on page 61. The Rundown area toolbar contains the following buttons:

View mode Toggle the available display modes: List - display the rundown with all defined details. Thumbnail view - displays the content of the rundown as large thumbnails with a representative item of the graphic, and other information. Dual view - display both detailed list and thumbnails.

Rundown Show/hide special items (with associated timeline) that are item associated with the rundown.

Parameters Show/hide the parameters panel.

Hide empty Show/hide empty stories (that is, stories that don’t contain stories items) in the Rundown area. (Most commonly used with NRCS integration and MOS rundowns.)

Channel Show/hide the items assigned on the selected channel. filter

Playlist Show/hide the playlist status panel. Status

Start Start scheduling to play all items in the rundown according to their start and duration parameters.

Pause Pause the rundown run by the auto-scheduler. 4. Building a Rundown

Play in loop Apply continuous play (loop) to the rundown in the auto-scheduler.

NOTE: Multiple rundowns can be open in the work area simultaneously, as tabs or thumbnails. Toggle View mode in the rundown toolbar to switch between views.

60 Creating/Opening a Rundown | Customizing the Rundown View

Customize the columns in the Rundown area by right-clicking the table header of the rundown view (below the toolbar). You can choose to hide or display columns, and drag displayed columns to the required location. Parameters in the these columns can be edited by double clicking. The following columns can be displayed:

VSlot The VSlot to which the rundown item is assigned

Unique ID The Unique identifier assigned to the rundown item.

Chained Indicates if the start time of each rundown item is dependent on the start time and duration of the previous rundown item, or if start times are absolute.

Start The start time of the rundown item from the start of the production.

Duration The play duration of the rundown item.

Audio The audio preset number from the audio preset file. Preset

Transition The transition type that will be used when transitioning to the next rundown item. 4. Building a Rundown

Played Played status.

PVW Indicates if the item is assigned to the preview channel and if the scene is loaded to the channel.


Stories divide the rundown into logical sections. This element can be used if a show naturally breaks into subsections. A story can contain only play items.

To create a story: 1. Right-click in the rundown area. A menu is displayed. 2. Select New > Story item. The new story now appears in the rundown. 3. Press F2 to rename the story (type the name, then press ENTER).

Stories | 61 Adding Rundown Items

After creating a rundown (see Creating/Opening a Rundown on page 59), you can load any page created in PageEditor to the rundown.

To add an item to the rundown: • From the Browser (see Using the Browser on page 62): Drag a page to the rundown. A rundown item with default data and animation settings is created. • From the Asset Browser: Drag the required item from the Asset Browser to the Rundown. • From a page (that is open in the Browser and has been changed):

Drag the Drag item button from the Browser to the rundown or press the INSERT key. • From the popup menu (see Editing Rundown Items on page 66): Right-click a rundown/story/item element and select New, and then select the required item type. Using the Browser

The Browser provides access to all of the pages created in PageEditor and other sources, such as video items, tickers, Morpho pages, and 4Designer scenes. 4. Building a Rundown

62 Adding Rundown Items | Pages and folders can displayed as Thumbnail images or in detail view in the display options, with or without search tools. Double-click a page to open it, and enter data. Double-click a folder to display its contents. The tools available in the Page Browser toolbar are:

Maestro Display the Maestro asset directory, which contains the pages saved in PageEditor.

VideoEngine Display all available video clips and images.

Tickers Display tickers available to Maestro and the ticker data window to define ticker content.

Morpho Display all available Morpho pages.

4Designer Display all available 4Designer scenes.

Drag Item Drag and drop this icon into the rundown to add a Maestro 4. Building a Rundown page with data changes, a ticker, 4Designer scene, or a Morpho item as a rundown item.

Save as Save the currently selected rundown item as the current template template (page).

Up directory Moves the browser up one level in the directory.

Home Moves the browser to the root directory. directory

Spell check Check spelling for all controls that are not connected to data sources.

Metadata Display the assigned metadata of the selected asset.

Show Config Display a toolbar for defining Vslot, transition, and selected bar channels.

Show alpha Select a different Video engine item to act as the alpha assets channel for the current Video engine item.

Adding Rundown Items | 63 Video Item Options

Maestro 7.2 provides a video engine for control of dedicated video playout channels. In the Browser, select the Video item option to preview the video clips or images stored in the File system (g:) or registered in the video engine database. The video engine database provides greater search capabilities in the asset metadata. Double-click any asset to display its preview and playout options. 4. Building a Rundown Use the controls in the Preview window toolbar to navigate the clip:

Go to the previous frame.

Go to the next frame.

Rewind to the beginning of the clip.

Play the clip in the Preview window.

Pause the clip at the current frame in the Preview window.

Break loop, when part of the clip is looped.

Display the alpha channel of the selected clip/image.

64 Adding Rundown Items | Mute the embedded audio in the Preview window.

Open the current frame as an image in the Image Editor and save as required. For more information, see The Image Browser on page 76.

You can set the clip to play as is, or set various options to play the clip in the rundown, as follows:

In/Out Mark the start and end points for the current clip. Click to mark

the point from which the clip starts to play, and click to mark the point at which the clip ends.

Loop Set Count to the number of times you want to repeat the clip or the defined section. Set the start and end points of the defined section below by clicking .

Alpha Click Use embedded to use the alpha channel embedded in the selected image or clip (as opposed to selecting an alpha channel from

a different asset described in Show alpha assets on page 63). 4. Building a Rundown

Image If using a graphics file sequence, select the first image to be displayed as the current asset. Select Use as sequence to display all images with the same file names and subsequent numbering in a sequence.

Click the icon to set the current frame in the preview as the thumbnail displayed in the rundown.

Duration The current duration of the clip, from the default or set start point to the default or set end point.

Position The current frame in the preview.

Adding Rundown Items | 65 Editing Rundown Items

In the Browser, you can change the page data components used by an item: •The content of Data Fields • Textures and Clips that need to be updated In the Browser, you can update both text and graphic exports in the page, but you cannot move, add, or rearrange the labels themselves. If you want to do so, you must return to PageEditor and edit the page there. Editing a play item will not alter the original page. Each item receives a unique ID that is displayed in the rundown. Data Fields

Depending on the control type added in PageEditor, you can edit the content of the controls in the browser; select the displayed item in a drop-down list, the state of a check box, the text in a field, etc. Textures

To apply a texture to a control in a scene: 1. Click the Select Image control that was added in PageEditor. A Browser window opens. For more information, see The Image Browser on page 76. 2. Select an image file to be used as the texture. You can select an image stored on your computer, or one stored in the GMAM database, if relevant. 3. Click OK. The texture is assigned to the exported object, scaled to fit the object to which it is

4. Building a Rundown mapped. Animating Transitions Between Rundown Items

You can set an animated transition between rundown items, for example fade in/out, to add effects to your graphics. Transitions are created in 3Designer or 4Designer scenes. the scenes to be used must be defined in the Preferences dialog box in the Transitions settings (see Transitions on page 114). Transition scene should be in full frame. There are three ways to set a transition between rundown items;

To set a transition in the Rundown window: 1. In the Rundown window, right-click the heading row. A context menu is displayed. 2. Verify that Transition is selected to display a column showing the transitions set for each item. 3. Double-click the required transition and open the list to select one of the transitions defined previously. (See Transitions on page 114).

66 Editing Rundown Items | To set a transition in the timeline: 1. In a Take track, place a Transition event. 2. In the Event property, select the transition to use for this take.

To set a transition in the page properties: ■ With the page open in PageEditor, double-click the Transition value in the Properties window, and edit as required. NOTE: Each item with a transition effect should be assigned to a different V-slot. Saving Rundown Items

After editing a page to be used as a rundown item, you have various options for saving your changes. If you don’t save the item, its data is the same as other rundown items created from the same page. Click Save to save the items with their new content, without replacing the original page.

NOTE: 4. Building a Rundown If the Automatically save changes for edited items option (in the preferences) is selected, the save option is disabled (See Automatically save changes for edited item on page 108).

If you want to save the original page with the new content, or with timeline modifications, use the Save as template option.

Assigning a Channel

When an item is added to the rundown, an output channel should be assigned. Maestro Controller can control up to sixteen channels. Define channels as described in PGM & PRV on page 102.

To assign a channel to an item: 1. Right-click in the channel column of the item to which you want to assign a channel. A menu opens. 2. Select Add to Channel. 3. Select the playback channel(s) to be used. Each item can have a predefined channel assignment, and can be changed with shortcuts (1,2,3,4...). New items will be added to a rundown assigned to the default channels set in PageEditor.

Assigning a Channel | 67 Previewing and Airing Items

After each item has been added to the rundown, preview the rundown and then make any required changes to the items, before sending to air. Rundowns can be previewed on multiple preview channels and aired to multiple program channels.

To preview the rundown:

1. Click Connect to connect renderer devices. As each host connects, the status lights for each rendering host in the bottom right hand corner changes. Green indicates that the host is connected, and Red indicates that the host is not currently connected. For more information on connecting to

4. Building a Rundown preview devices, see PGM & PRV on page 102. Click the arrow next to each host alias to open a menu that allows you to connect or disconnect from individual hosts.

Items are initially displayed as Not Loaded.

2. Click Load All to load all items in all open playlists (or use CTRL+L.) -Or- Right-click the status indicator to load the specific item in the channel that you chose. (If multiple items are selected, you can right-click and select Load Selected.) Each item in the rundown changes to READY when they are ready for use.

68 Previewing and Airing Items | The status buttons are colored as follows (by default. This can be changed in the Appearance preferences. For more information, see page 100.):

Neither graphics nor clip is loaded.


Item is loading/unloading, or item is partially loaded. For example, graphics are loaded but clips are not. light green

Item is loaded – graphics and clips are ready to play.


Item is loaded, but MAM media is missing.


Item is being aired to assigned channel.

red 4. Building a Rundown

3. Once the items are loaded, play the items as follows: • Press CTRL+SPACE to view playback on local preview.

• Press CTRL+ENTER to view playback on PGM channel only.

NOTE: To configure keyboard shortcuts, see Shortcuts on page 101.

Additional status information is shown in the in the lower left corner of the screen. Gfx shows scene status, and Clip shows if the clips in the item are cached and ready. Color coding is as described above. Media Type Indicators Displayed in the Maestro Rundown

Video item media types in the rundown are marked with different colors.

Red Video.

Pink Image.

Yellow-Green Image sequence.

Green Media with alpha

Yellow Media with configured loop count.

Blue Sub clip (IN OUT points).

Previewing and Airing Items | 69 Media Type Indicators 4. Building a Rundown

70 Previewing and Airing Items | Playback Control

The Playback Control allows you to Preview, Cue, Take and play Out pages from the rundown. Actions initiated with the Playback Control are for the currently active item only.

To display the Playback control:

■ Click in the main toolbar to toggle the Playback Control.

To select a channel for an item: ■ In the rundown list area, right-click in a channel column, select Add to Channel, and then select the required channel. Channels can be assigned automatically to all default channels defined in the settings window. Each page will then be added to

these pre-assigned channels. 4. Building a Rundown

Cue Activate any Cue track in the timeline and its events. (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+O)

Current Display the total number of takes required to play an item Take and the current status of the item, for example, 2/3 means Number that there are three "takes", two that have been already executed.

Take Play the next Take track in the timeline on the assigned program channel(s) until next break event or end of events. (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+ENTER)

Out Run all events in the Out track in the timeline.

Preview Play the selected item on the assigned Preview channel(s). Generally the RE window is the local preview. (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+SPACE)

Input box for unique ID. The unique ID for page can be entered here, to send that page to air at the next ‘Take’. Selected either with keyboard shortcut CTRL+‘ or onscreen Page selector with the cursor. The following color-coding is applied: • Red when: the unique ID is not in the current rundown or the database. • Yellow when: the page is in database, but is not loaded. • Green when: the page is loaded in the current rundown.

Playback Control | 71 The Asset Browser

The Asset Browser is for quick management of all Maestro assets (templates, data sources, , data sets, tickers), and for search capabilities. The data sources folder contains all the defined queries. The templates folder contains all available pages. The workspace folder contains all playlists and items. When working with GMAM, additional folders are available.

To display the Browser:

■ Click Asset Browser, to show/hide the Asset Browser. 4. Building a Rundown

The Asset browser has a toolbar for easy management.

Navigate to the previous or next folder.

Up Navigate one level up in the folder hierarchy.

Search Open a window that allows you to search for an asset.

Folders Open a showing the folder hierarchy.

Details Display the assets according to details or as thumbnail view/ images. Thumbnail view

72 Playback Control | Cut Cut an asset.

Copy Copy an asset.

Paste Paste an asset.

Delete Delete an asset.

New folder Create a new folder.

Metadata (Available when working with GMAM or the native Maestro database 2) Searching for Assets in the Asset Browser

You can use a simple or advanced search to find pages, items, rundowns, and data sources. The search will be conducted in the native Maestro database. 4. Building a Rundown To search for assets:

■ In the Asset browser, click Search. A simple search allows you to search by name, asset type, unique ID, and dates.

Playback Control | 73 The advanced search uses queries of metadata fields, and is not limited by conditions.

To save a search: ■ After filling in the search values, click Save. The search is saved. You can use the search values to run a new search as required.

To load a search:

4. Building a Rundown ■ Click Load/Del and select the saved search to load.

Working with Tickers

Tickers in a scene can be controlled from Maestro; you can control both the ticker content and when and how the ticker is run.

To add a ticker item:

1. To show the available ticker templates, select in the Browser. All saved projects and scenes are displayed. 2. Select a scene from the G: directory.

74 Playback Control | The Browser displays the Ticker settings. 4. Building a Rundown 3. If required, click Ticker to select the ticker exports with the content that you want to update manually or connect to a data source.

4. Click Add under Ticker data to display ticker exports. Use and to add or remove the ticker content rows. 5. Click Build timeline. Tracks are built for the ticker in the timeline. 6. In the Timeline, select the Start Ticker event, and set the ticker properties in the Event property window. Use additional events to modify the ticker timeline events, such as Start animation, Call signal, etc. as required.

To add a ticker to a rundown:

■ With the ticker open in the Browser, drag the button to the rundown or press the INSERT key. Edit the ticker as required.

Tickers can be saved as templates using Save item as template in the Browser window. NOTE:

If Save item as template is not available, show it by changing its visibility in the Miscellaneous settings. For more information, see Show "Save as template" button in Browser on page 109.

See also Setting up a Data Source on page 82.

Playback Control | 75 The Image Browser

For Image selector controls, you can open a browser that allows you to select an image to display from any directory defined in the Data Location preferences (see page 107). You can also edit the image itself.

To open the Image Browser: ■ Double-click the export control in the page (open in the Page Browser). 4. Building a Rundown

76 Playback Control | To edit an image (only from the native Maestro database and the native Maestro database 2): ■ Right-click an image, and select Edit. The Image Editor is displayed. 4. Building a Rundown

Edit graphic parameters as required.

Adjust Adjust the following effects in the image editor, using the sliders, arrows, or by setting the numerical values: •Brightness •Contrast • Gamma •Hue • Saturation • Lightness •Sharpness

Playback Control | 77 Deinterlace Discard one of the fields that compose a frame, by selecting one of the available options: Keep upper Keep lower

Flip Flip the image horizontally or vertically.

Resize Resize your image as required, using the required resampling algorithm from the Method list.

Crop Use the cursor to mark the required area, while pressing CTRL. Click Crop to crop the selected area. When an area is selected, you can resize it using the cursor while pressing CTRL.

NOTE: If the page aspect ratio is set to anything other than 0, a selection rectangle with the correct aspect ratio is marked.

Display For editing purposes, you can choose to fit the image in the Image Editor, or display it at its normal size.

Reset Cancel all settings made in the Image Editor.

Save Save the image using its current name.

Save as Save the image using a different name. 4. Building a Rundown

78 Playback Control | The Clip Browser

For Clip selector controls, you can open a browser that allows you to select a clip from any directory defined in the Data Location preferences (see page 107), to play, preview in the Clip Browser, or set the clip properties that determine how it will be played by RenderEngine.

To open the Clip Browser: ■ Double-click the clip control in a page open in the Browser. 4. Building a Rundown

To preview a clip: 1. Select a clip. 2. Set the required properties:

Loop count The default number of loops for which a new clip added to a page. By default, the value is Infinite.

Video When set to true clips are treated as video clips. When false, video stream is ignored. If clips are marked as video clips, you can set: • Alpha channel - when true, clip is played with an alpha channel. • Interlaced - when true, clip is defined as interlaced, with or without reversed polarity, as required.

Audio When set to true, clips are played with audio. When false, audio is ignored.

Playback Control | 79 3. To preview, click .

NOTE: Certain clips might require installation of extra codecs for preview.

Clips can be previewed with Qt Media Player or with Windows Media Player, Select the required option in the Miscellaneous settings. For more information, see Clip preview on page 110. 4. Building a Rundown

80 Playback Control | 5. Data Sources

This section provides information on retrieving content from external data sources. Using a database is a way of airing content without manual inputs. You can determine the rate at which content is refreshed, if at all, and retrieve that content from various sources, as required. In this section: Setting up a Data Source on page 82 Using Queries on page 90 Setting up a Data Source

When drawing content from a data source, you must define the source and the specific query from which to take the content. Data sources have their own dedicated tab in Maestro, for managing data source setup and queries.

To define a data source: 1. Open the Data Sources tab. 2. Right-click in the Data Sources column and select Add Data Sources. The Data Source dialog box is displayed. 3. Define your data source as required.

Factory name Set the format of the data source; each type requires installation of its own dedicated driver.

Type Set the data source file type.

(All other settings derive from the data source type)

4. Define your data source according to its type. For more information, see: • ODBC Data Source

• Database (SQL) Data Source

• Excel Data Source

• Text Data Source

• News (RSS) Data Source

5. Data Sources 5. Data • XML Data Source

• SMH Data Source

82 Setting up a Data Source | ODBC Data Source

ODBC data sources must be defined in the ODBC Data Source administrator in Windows in order to be used as data sources for Maestro. (Select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) to open the ODBC administrator and add a data source for your system). 5. Data Sources

To define an ODBC data source: 1. In the Data Source dialog box, select ODBC from the Type list. 2. Select a DSN Connection Name from the list (this must be defined in the ODBC data source administrator), -Or- Type the path and filename of a File DSN Connection. 3. Type a User name and Password if necessary (this should be available from the database administrator). 4. Type the Data source name as it will appear in the Data Sources and Queries dialog box. 5. Click Test Connection to verify the connection has been made. 6. Click OK to save the data source information.

Setting up a Data Source | 83 Database (SQL) Data Source

Connection to SQL databases can be defined using the Database Server type. 5. Data Sources 5. Data To define a database data source: 1. In the Data Source dialog box, select DATABASE from the Type list. 2. Under Enter database server location, type the path. 3. Type the database file name under Enter database name (\). 4. Type a User name and Password if necessary (this should be available from the database administrator). 5. Type the Data source name as it will appear in the Data Sources and Queries dialog box. 6. Click Test Connection to verify the connection has been made. 7. Click OK to save the data source information.

84 Setting up a Data Source | Excel Data Source

Microsoft Excel files can be used as data sources. 5. Data Sources

To define an Excel data source: 1. In the Data Source dialog box, select EXCELFILE from the Type list. 2. Specify the path of the Excel file. 3. Type the database file name under Data source name. 4. Type a User name and Password if necessary (this should be available from the database administrator). 5. Type the Data source name as it will appear in the Data Sources and Queries dialog box. 6. Click Test Connection to verify the connection has been made. 7. Click OK to save the data source information.

Setting up a Data Source | 85 Text Data Source

Text files can be used as data sources. 5. Data Sources 5. Data

To define a text data source: 1. In the Data Source dialog box, select TEXT_FILE from the Type list. 2. Specify the folder containing the file. 3. Type the User name and Password if necessary (this should be available from the database administrator). 4. Type the Data source name as it will appear in the Data Sources and Queries dialog box. 5. Click Test Connection to verify the connection has been made. 6. Click OK to save the data source information. NOTE: Text formatting is controlled by a file (schema.ini) that must reside in the same location as the text file. The syntax of this file can be found at:

86 Setting up a Data Source | News (RSS) Data Source

RSS news feeds can be set up as a data source. 5. Data Sources

To define a news (RSS) data source: 1. In the Data Source dialog box, select News as the Factory name. 2. Select RSS/ATOM news feed as the source Type. 3. Specify the URL address of the news feed. 4. If you are using a proxy server, select Use proxy server, and set the required parameters. 5. Type the Data source name as it will appear in the Data Sources and Queries dialog box. 6. Click Test Connection to verify the connection has been made. 7. Click OK to save the data source information.

Setting up a Data Source | 87 XML Data Source

XML files can be used as data sources. 5. Data Sources 5. Data

To define an XML data source: 1. In the Data Source dialog box, select XML as the Factory name. 2. Specify the file path or URL of the XML file. 3. Type the Data source name as it will appear in the Data Sources and Queries dialog box. 4. Click Test Connection to verify the connection has been made. 5. Click OK to save the data source information.

88 Setting up a Data Source | SMH Data Source

A Social Media Hub connection can be set up as a data source. 5. Data Sources

To define a Social Media Hub data source: 1. In the Data Source dialog box, select SocialMediaHub as the Factory name. 2. Specify the name of the SMH host. 3. Type the Data source name as it will appear in the Data Sources and Queries dialog box. 4. Click Test Connection to verify the connection has been made. 5. Click OK to save the data source information. For more information, see the Social Media Hub 2.3 User Guide.

Setting up a Data Source | 89 Using Queries

Database queries allow you to draw certain data from a given data source. Once the data source is defined, you must create a query to use in Maestro. You can type an SQL query in the Query Editor tab at any time, or use the query wizard as follows.

To define a query:

1. Under Data Sources, select the required data source. 5. Data Sources 5. Data

90 Using Queries | 2. In the Query Columns subtab, in the Table/Column window, the available tables in the data source are shown with their columns.

Select the columns from which you want to read data, and click to display the column names in the right window. 5. Data Sources

3. Open the Query Order subtab. Under Column, select the table column by which to arrange the data items, from the list.

4. Under Order, select ASC (ascending) or DESC (Descending), as required.

Using Queries | 91 5. Open the Query Editor subtab.

The tab displays the syntax of your query and allows you to set the following options:

Wizard/editor Wizard is selected by default, to write the syntax of the query automatically. If you want to edit the query manually, select the editor option.

Select top Select this check box and set the number of rows to use from the top of the data source, or clear to use all rows in the data 5. Data Sources 5. Data source.

Refresh query Select this check box and set the frequency at which to refresh results every the query results, or clear to use the current results (until data source is refreshed manually or from the timeline).

92 Using Queries | 6. Open the Query Conditions tab. 5. Data Sources Set conditions to filter the query results, as required. 7. Open the Query Result subtab. All defined cells from the selected table(s) are displayed.

8. Define a Query Name, and click Save Query As. NOTE: The Query Parameter tab is intended for advanced users to create parameterized queries that allow connecting the data from one control to the data from another control.

Using Queries | 93 6. Customizing

This section includes information on customizing Maestro for your needs. In this section:

Setting Preferences on page 95 Customizing the GUI on page 135 Creating Groups in Windows on page 136 Setting Preferences

Open the Settings dialog box (Customize > Settings) to configure system preferences for Maestro. Asset Database

The Asset Database settings display the defined storage database for all of your Maestro assets and the login information used during login. NOTE: These settings are defined during Login, and it is recommended not to change them here. 6. Customizing

Login/ Set the username and password used to login to Maestro Asset Password Database. The username is defined during Maestro installation.

Server name Set the name and path of the current database server (\).

Database Set the name of the selected Maestro asset database. Default Name names are "maestro_2" for the native Maestro database, and "maestro_3" for the native Maestro database 2.

Server type Set the type of database/asset management server to which the system is connected. The Native Maestro DB option is for the SQL database. The Native Maestro DB 2 option is SQL based with extended capabilities for user rights, advanced searching, and metadata.

Setting Preferences | 95 Authentication The type of database/asset management server authentication protocol.

Unique ID Set the allowed length of Item and page IDs (default=8, max. of Length 32 characters). ALL applications connected to the same database need to use the same unique ID length. Warning: Changing the ID length might reset all IDs in the database. Do not change the length.

Login process Select this check box to display login window upon next startup, to application clear to connect to same database upon startup without having to login. 6. Customizing

96 Setting Preferences | MAM

You can connect to MAM storage for clips and images as an additional media assets location. 6. Customizing

Identity The MAM system must be configured in Maestro to allow the connection. To configure a new system, click Add . With the connection selected, type in a connection Name, and then set the following fields: System ID - MAM System ID (for Interplay |MAM this value is taken from the MediaCentral |UX settings or the web interface of Interplay |MAM); MAM type - MAM system type (Maestro supports Interplay |MAM, Interplay | Production and IBIS asset management V5 as MAM systems).

Database Set the database server name (for Interplay |Production, enter server the IP address of the ACS bus; for Interplay |MAM, enter the IP address and the port number of the MAM services on the MAM server) and select SQL server or Windows authentication.

Login/ Type in the user name and password for logging in to an Interplay Password |MAM SQL Database Server. Click Test to verify the connection.

Setting Preferences | 97 MAM file transit

In setups where Maestro integrates with MediaCentral |UX, MAM file transit option can be configured to enable media copying to a local (or closer to playout) storage.

MAM file Select Central location if you want to transfer items from all transit channels into a single location. Select Distributed locations if you want to differentiate the target locations based on the channel assigned to the item.

6. Customizing IBIS RabbitMQ RabbitMQ is used for file transfers (ingest and output) from IBIS MAM server. Set the host name, port number, user name, and password of the system where RabbitMQ is running.

ACS gateway Set the IP of the ACS bus (MediaCentral |UX). host

ACS gateway Set the port of the ACS bus (default port numbers: 9500, 9900). port

Zone ID, Token Set the Zone ID and the Token valid time. valid time

User name, Type in the MediaCentral |UX user name and password and set Password, the role of the user. Set the Transcoding system to 1. Role, Transcoding system

98 Setting Preferences | Log

In the Log options, you can define application log storage options. 6. Customizing

Log File Path Specify the location where the log files are saved.

Remove older Logs older than the time defined here will be automatically than deleted.

Remove when Logs larger than the size defined here will be automatically larger than deleted.

To view a log file:

■ Click to open the log viewer.

Setting Preferences | 99 Appearance

The Appearance settings show you the location of the default Maestro style sheet, which defines the appearance of the GUI.

Style sheet Define the style sheet to use to define the user interface. This

6. Customizing file is an HTML cascading style sheet (CSS) file and can be used to customize the Maestro GUI.

Item colors Define the colors used in playlists to color-code item status. Select the check box of an item status to display it using the color defined here. When a check box is selected, you can edit the color. Edit color by clicking the color display. A color pallet dialog box opens to select a new color.

100 Setting Preferences | Shortcuts

You can define keyboard shortcuts for many of the actions in Maestro. You can save personal settings as a file, and load them when required between systems. In the left window shortcuts are sorted by category, and in the right window shortcuts are sorted alphabetically.

To edit/create a shortcut: 1. In the Shortcuts dialog box, select an action in the left window. 6. Customizing

2. Place the cursor in Press shortcut keys, and press the required key combination. 3. Click Assign.

To cancel a shortcut: ■ Select the action and click Remove. When you are finished customizing the settings, click OK.

To save all shortcuts to a file: ■ Click Save. A browser window is displayed, allowing you to select the location to which to save the file (in STC format).

To load a shortcut file: ■ Click Load and select an STC file to load.

Setting Preferences | 101 PGM & PRV

In PGM & PRV, define output settings, DVG channels, and local and remote RenderEngine behavior. Settings can be changed only when renderers and VE decks are not connected (see Connect All on page 23).


6. Customizing While connected to your devices, you cannot change any of the remote program channel definitions.

Frames Select the frame rate (frames per second). This setting affects the time displayed in the duration of the timeline.

RE lock logic When selected, you can edit the Priority level of RE tasks, when cleared, Priority level setting is disabled.

Priority Set the priority given to the current Maestro station by RenderEngine. If RenderEngine is in use by another application with a higher priority, the connection to the current Maestro station is rejected.

Timeout Set the timeout in which Maestro will wait for RenderEngine to respond.

PGM Define program channels. See Defining Channels on page 103.

Connect When this option is selected, all remote program channels are PGM(s) on connected upon application startup, when cleared remote application program channels must be connected manually. (Cleared by start default.)

PRV Define preview channels. See Defining Channels on page 103

102 Setting Preferences | Aspect Select the aspect ratio of the RE window.

Single Image When this check box is selected, only a given frame of the Preview animation is shown. This frame is defined in PageEditor for each page. A yellow triangle is displayed on the required frame on the linear timeline. See Linear Timeline on page 47.

Single Vslot When this check box is selected, only a single scene can be Preview displayed in the preview, regardless of different Vslots defined for each scene. Dynamic blending is disabled.

Defining Channels

Before you begin previewing and airing items, you must define the channels on which they will be played. For example, define a program channel that is played on air, and a backup channel.

To define a channel: 1. Select Customize > Settings. The Preferences dialog box is displayed. 6. Customizing 2. Select PGM & PVW on the left. The PGM & Preview settings are displayed. You can define settings for multiple program and preview channels. Type and Host must be defined for each channel, in order for them to be connected.

3. Under PGM or PRV, click Add . A new empty channel slot is appended. Each of the program channels is assigned a letter (A, B, C, etc., to P). Each of the preview channels is assigned a number. 4. Enter the channel Type and name of the remote Host or IP address to be used, and if required, give an Alias Name that will be used in the status bar and in the rundown as the channel name.

Type Set the type of channel: RE – graphics channel for program output. VE – video channel that shows the program output in real time. For each VE channel that you define, a VEDeck window is available in the main view. VE-R – video recording channel. Records the video input from defined port. This setting must be consistent with the setting in the Video Engine configuration.

Host Set the name of the remote host or IP address to be used.

NOTE Alias names for channels are unique across all Maestro family applications

Setting Preferences | 103 connected to the same database. If you want different channel definitions on each Maestro station, leave the Alias names blank.

For program channels, the default channel(s) can be set here as well; whenever a new item is added to the rundown, it is automatically assigned to the default channels listed here. For preview channels, select the PGMs column and click ... to open a dialog box to define the channels on which to preview items. Under On select the check box to activate a channel. 5. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box. In the status bar you see all of the channels and devices that have been defined, listed at the bottom of the controller. You have the option to disconnect device in the status bar. 6. Customizing

104 Setting Preferences | Play

In the Play options you can set default scene options that are executed when cueing, playing or fading out, as well as audio presets. 6. Customizing

Cue\Explicit When this option is selected, cue functions in the timeline are CUE only executed only you press CUE. When cleared, Maestro cues the as necessary.

Cue\Reset When selected, the scene is reset when cued. When cleared, scene scene remains in its current state when an item is cued.

Cue\Activate When selected, scene is activated upon cue; that is - the scene scene is displayed, if not already visible. When cleared, nothing new is displayed upon cue.

Cue\Load scene When selected, the scene used by the cued item is loaded upon cue. When cleared, the scene is not loaded upon cue, and must be loaded manually.

Cue\Load clip When selected, clips used by the cued item are loaded upon cue. This can be used as an alternative to smart clip management. When cleared, clips are not loaded upon cue.

Cue\ Cache When selected, images used in an item are cached upon cue. images When cleared, images are not cached upon cue.

Take\Advance When selected, advance to next item in rundown after the to next item last take in the item. When cleared, an item remains selected in the rundown after it has been played out.

Setting Preferences | 105 Take\Force CUE When selected, items in timeline are automatically cued before item is before being executed. When cleared, timeline items are activated executed as is.

Out\allow out When selected, if you click Out during playback, the out action for track is played (even if the item is off-air). When cleared, the off-air items out track is played only if the item is on-air.

Out\Reset When selected, the scene is reset upon scene out. When scene cleared, scene is not reset.

Out\Deactivate When selected, scene is deactivated upon scene out. When scene cleared, scene might remain active or even displayed after scene out.

Out\Mute audio When selected, the ‘mute’ audio preset is set upon scene out. When cleared, audio plays.

Out\Stop When selected, stop playing loaded items when scheduling Playing mode was stopped. In this case Allow Out action for 'off air' items should be selected. When cleared, out track is played even if scheduling is stopped.

Preview\Use When selected, all Play tracks in the timeline (or linear PlayAll track for timeline) are played to the preview channel. When cleared, preview first Play track will be played in preview.

Smart Clip When selected, Maestro looks ahead at items in the rundown, Management and preloads any clips to an available cache. If you air items randomly (not according to their order in the rundown), disable this option, and cache clips manually. Select the number of items that should be inspected for clips in advance, when smart clip management is enabled. The

6. Customizing number of caches is set in the HDVG Control Panel. For more information, see the HDVG Control Panel Configuration Guide.

Audio\Audio Select the channel on which to play audio. channel

Audio\Preset Select the XML file that contains the definitions for audio file presets. This file is created in the HDVG audio panel.

Audio\Mute When selected, the preset defined under Mute Audio Preset audio on will be recalled when one channel output is cleared. When channel clear cleared, nothing is changed in audio processing when a channel is cleared.

Audio\Mute Define the audio preset that is used when 'Mute audio on audio preset channel clear' is selected.

Misc\Unload Select this check box to unload all rundown scenes from RE gfx on rundown channels when the rundown is closed. When cleared, scenes closure remain loaded to channels.

Use timecode Connect a timecode source (for frame accuracy). source

106 Setting Preferences | Data Location

Define the default location for assets. Only the locations defined here will be available to users for clip/image selection. Under Transition, define the path for scenes that will be used as transition effects and will be available in the transition settings. (see page 114, in Preferences > Transitions). These settings affect all devices connected to the db: JStation, NRCS plugins, etc. 6. Customizing

Setting Preferences | 107 Miscellaneous

In the miscellaneous options you can define various system parameters. 6. Customizing

Enable page When selected, item name/content is displayed in the parameters in rundown page title for easier identification. If required, you item’s title can display only certain items, by setting the UseInItemTitle property (for an object/control) in PageEditor. (True (default)=display, False=hide). When this option is selected, you can modify the contents of the item by pressing F2 and TAB to move between fields in the title itself. When cleared, only the item name is displayed in the rundown.

Automatically When this option is selected, changes made to the current save changes item in the rundown are saved automatically when a different for edited item item is selected. When this option is cleared, changes made to an item are discarded when a different item is selected, unless the item is saved manually in the Browser.

108 Setting Preferences | Check user When selected, access to various functions is applied profile according to permissions given to logged in user. When cleared, user profile is not checked and users have access to all functions. Once you activate this option, you cannot access preferences unless you belong to the right group. (In order to allow different permission levels, users must belong to one of four Windows administrative groups, defined by the system administrator.)

Silent mode When selected, user confirmations are not requested, default response is sent automatically. Messages and alerts are not displayed.

Turn off When selected, rundown item are displayed without thumbnails for thumbnail images; when cleared, a thumbnail is displayed for rundowns each rundown item.

Open rundown When selected, each rundown is opened in a separate tabbed in separate tab window, displayed alongside previous rundowns. when cleared, rundowns are opened as tabs, one in front of the other.

Load static When selected, scenes marked as static in RE manager are scenes when automatically loaded when the respective channel is 6. Customizing channel is connected. connected

Enter passive When selected, system is started in passive mode; in passive mode on mode Maestro does not send RenderEngine commands or application channel status updates. start

Show When using GMAM database, when selected, you can choose filesystem files assets from GMAM database and data locations. When in Image and cleared, you can take assets from GMAM only. This setting is Clip browsers disregarded when no GMAM database is available, assets are taken from data locations only (see Data Location on page 107).

Reset item’s When selected, the Take count is reset to 0 after a scene is TAKE COUNT unloaded. When cleared, the Take count increases when scene is incrementally after each take, regardless of the scene status. unloaded

Start time is (Relevant when scheduling is used.) When this option is chained selected, rundown items are played only if the previous item in the rundown is finished (the time displayed in the Duration column). When cleared, rundown items are played as scheduled (and might be played simultaneously).

Show "Save as template" When selected, the Save as template button is button in displayed in the Playout browser. When cleared, the button is Browser not available.

Spell check Define the dictionary language and path to use when running the spell-checker.

Setting Preferences | 109 Language Define the language displayed in the Maestro GUI. Select Get from System to use the default language of the operating system.

Data path Map the locations to be used for asset storage (usually the mapper virtual G: drive).

Graphics event Define the prefix for items that Maestro should use in a .lst prefix format file. (Default=G)

Dummy item Define the template to use as a dummy item when using template third level rundown items in imported .lst rundowns.

Gfx device Define the device that should be imported from the rundown name file.

.tbl file path Define the path of the file used to format of the rundown file.

Clip preview Select the player to use for previewing clips. 6. Customizing

110 Setting Preferences | JStation

The Journalist Server (known as JServer) is enabled here. By activating the JServer, multiple journalists, working remotely, can view, edit, and add items to playlists. It is used to receive items entered by remote users using JStation. These items are added to a rundown, that is updated automatically when new items are added. NOTE: JStation uses existing playlists only. New playlists cannot be created in JStation.

To enable the Journalist Station: ■ Select the Accept incoming connections from JStation on port check box, and set the port number. 6. Customizing

NOTE: Journalist station requires additional software. JStation should not be enabled unless required.

Setting Preferences | 111 SceneEdit

SceneEdit is a graphics editor, integrated into Maestro, used for creating and editing 4Designer graphic scenes in a playout environment.

Start SceneEdit on Select this check box to start the application with Scene Maestro Start Editor open. 6. Customizing

NOTE: This option requires Scene Editor to be installed and licensed separately.

Host / Port Set the host and port name for the Scene Editor system.

Remote port Set the port for Maestro to connect to the Scene Editor system.

112 Setting Preferences | Virtual Slots

Virtual Slots (Vslots) are visual layers in a channel (preview or on-air). Different scenes can be played simultaneously to different VSlots. The result would be one scene appearing to be superimposed upon another. You can define up to 256 Vslots. 0 is the back layer, and 255 is the front layer. In the VSlots settings, you can define slots 0-255. 6. Customizing

To define a slot:

1. Click Add and add a layer. 2. Set a VSlot number. 3. Double-click the Alias column and type a name for the slot. 4. Press ENTER. NOTE: The Virtual Slots definition is applied to the resource database. You can modify the Vslot; changes made here affect all hosts connected to the current database.

To delete a VSlot from the list: ■ Select the VSlot from the list, and click Delete.

Setting Preferences | 113 Transitions

Set the graphic scenes that will be available as transitions in Maestro as animated transitions between rundown items and the transition applied to clips (animated transitions are only applied when transitioning between items on different Vslots) or set the transition effect to be used between clips. 6. Customizing

To set a graphics scene as a transition:

1. In Settings > Transitions, click Add . The Transition scenes dialog box opens, displaying all the scenes in the Transitions directory in the G:/ drive or any folder that is defined in the Data Location settings (see page 107). 2. Select a scene to use as a transition and click OK. The scene is added to the Transitions list. 3. Click OK to close the Settings dialog box.

To set the VideoEngine transition: ■ Under VideoEngine transitions, select the transition effect to apply when transitioning between clips. If no effect is selected, a standard cut is used.

114 Setting Preferences | Automation

In the Automation settings, define Maestro behavior when controlled by one or more external automation systems. 6. Customizing

Root folder Define the location in which to save external automation-related items. This definition is important especially for systems using a VDCP protocol, because only items within this folder or in the current rundown can be played.

Use Prefix Define the prefix to use when saving external items (only used when check box is selected).

Use Current Date Select this check box to add the date to the name of an in Prefix external item. Valid only when “use prefix” is selected.

Connect to When selected, automation system is connected whenever a automation PGM channel (RenderEngine) is connected. systems When cleared, you must connect the Automation system whenever PGM manually by left-clicking its device indicator. channels are connected

Remove item When selected, if the automation systems sends a 'STOP item' from playlist on command, the item is removed from the rundown. STOP event When cleared, the items are not removed, and the rundown becomes longer over time.

Setting Preferences | 115 Force item Select this check box to reload items whenever a cue reload on CUE command is received from the automation system to ensure event that the latest data is always aired.

Force item focus Select this check box to highlight the relevant item in the on CUE event rundown when a Cue command is received from the automation system.

Force item focus Select this check box to highlight the relevant item in the on PLAY event rundown when a Play command is received from the automation system.

Move item to Select this check box to move the relevant item to the end of playlist end on the rundown when a cue command is received. CUE event

Automation Define the automation systems that Maestro can receive devices commands from. For more information, see Configuring an Automation System on page 116.

Configuring an Automation System

Maestro can be controlled by an Automation system using multiple 3DPlay, Avid ControlAir, CII, Orad control, Sony protocol, and VDCP devices. In order to work with an automation system, the appropriate driver must be installed, and you must configure Maestro, as described here.

To configure an automation system: 1. Select Customize > Settings.

6. Customizing The Preferences window opens.

2. In the Automation options, under Automation devices, click Add to add a device to the list. 3. Double-click the device name to rename it, as required. 4. Select the device type from the list. 5. Click Configure to open the device configuration dialog box. Continue as required.

3DPlay Device

To configure a 3DPlay device: ■ Type in the host name and port number.

Avid ControlAir / Sony Protocol

NOTE: ControlAir and Sony Protocol are legacy systems, no longer sold, and only work when the iNews system is used.

116 Setting Preferences | To configure an Avid ControlAir system: ■ Load a Profile and specify the MOS page number, then click OK. A default profile is provided with Maestro in the file called: C:\Orad\Maestro\DM\oradDM.dmp. The following settings must be modified in this file according to the settings in ControlAir. • SvrHostName=serveName (ControlAir Server host name) • DeviceName=oradCG (Avid device name in NRCS)

CII Protocol

To configure the CII protocol: 1. In the Driver tab, select the required options:

Port Select Serial or TCP/IP according to the automation system requirements.

Charset Set the character set to use for communications between the automation system and Maestro.

Logger Select the Logger check box to create a log for Maestro’s interaction with the automation system. 6. Customizing

2. In the Settings tab, set the following:

ID length Set the required length of the item IDs that the automation system can send to Maestro.

Play item with Select this check box to automatically play an item when an READ/UPDATE update command is received from the automation system. command Clear to update the item without playing.

Signal item take When selected, Maestro notifies the automation device when finished the execution of a PLAY event is complete (useful for multi-take items, so the automation device does not play the next take before the previous take is completed). When cleared, no notification is sent.

Execute OUT Select this check box to ignore OUT commands that arrive for command only items that have not been played. When cleared, OUT for played IDs commands are executed regardless of item status.

Cue Timeout - the maximum time that an automation device waits for a response to a command. Return status - When an automation channel is mapped to more than one program channel with different statuses, set which status should be sent to the automation system; Minimal - the highest status is sent. (For example, if one channel is ready, and another is not ready, a READY status is sent.) Complete - The lowest status is sent. (For example, if one channel is ready and another channel is not ready, a NOT READY status is sent.)

PGM channel Assign a Maestro channel and Vslot to each automation assignment system output.

Setting Preferences | 117 Heartbeat The heartbeat is the verification of communication between the automation system and Maestro. Set when Maestro stops responding to the automation system; when one (any) of the defined program channels is down OR when one (any) of the defined ACTIVE (assigned) channels is down.

Use timecode Set a timecode device (Host) to set playout to a future time, Offset by a few frames, to correct asynchronous operation.

3. In the Macros tab, you can set a name for any macro command not defined in the protocol (double-click to select), to be triggered by the CII protocol. This searches for a name in the CII macros list, and if not found, tries to execute a normal macro in Maestro with the same name (if this macro exists).

Orad Control Device

To configure an Orad control device: ■ Type in the port number. 6. Customizing

118 Setting Preferences | VDCP Protocol

To configure the VDCP protocol: 1. In the Driver tab, select the required options:

Communication Select Serial or TCP/IP according to the automation system protocol requirements.

Logger Select the Logger check box to create a log for Maestro’s interaction with the automation system.

File path Set the path and file name of the log file.

Trace levels Select the trace level check boxes to set which types of messages are written to the log file.

2. In the Settings tab, set the following:

ID length Set the required length of the item IDs that the automation system can send to Maestro.

Cue Timeout - the maximum time that an automation device waits for a response to a command. Return status - When an automation channel is mapped to more than one program channel with different statuses, set 6. Customizing which status should be sent to the automation system; Minimal - the highest status is sent. (For example, if one channel is ready, and another is not ready, a READY status is sent.) Complete - The lowest status is sent. (For example, if one channel is ready and another channel is not ready, a NOT READY status is sent.)

Port to channel Assign a Maestro channel (mandatory) and Vslot (optional) mapping to each automation system port. Click Add to add new ports, double click the port/channel/Vslot name to edit.

Heartbeat The heartbeat is the verification of communication between the automation system and Maestro. Set when Maestro stops responding to the automation system; when one (any) of the defined program channels is down OR when one (any) of the defined ACTIVE (assigned) channels is down.

IDReqest: Select this check box to cue items once they are validated by Cue ID on the automation system. When cleared, validated items must validation be cued independently.

IDList Set which item IDs to send when the automation system requests a list of items; Return automation root folder content - list the item IDs that are in the folder specified in Root folder on page page 115. Return playlist content - list the item IDs in the currently active rundown.

3. Click OK.

Setting Preferences | 119 GPI

NOTE: The GPI option is a licensed option and is available only if the appropriate card is connected.

Set up a GPI device to send and receive commands. 6. Customizing

Connect devices When selected, the device is connected whenever a PGM when PGM channel (RenderEngine) is connected. channels are When cleared, you must connect the device manually by connected left-clicking its device indicator.

Device Select the installed GPIO device from the list. Devices compatible with Maestro: Adlink PCI-7256, Adlink PCIe-7230, and Sealevel (Sea IO). Once the card is physically connected to the system, and the device is added to this list, the connection indicator appears at the bottom of the Main screen with the channel indicators.

120 Setting Preferences | GPI Define what action to execute when the GPIO device status configuration changes; double click the Action name to open a list of possible actions, or Data to enter an item’s unique ID. • Cue selected - cue the item selected in the rundown. • Cue ID - cue an item with the specified ID. • Take selected - play the item selected in the rundown. • Take ID - play an item with the specified ID. • Preview selected - cue the item selected in the rundown. • Clear output - clear output from all Vslots. • Clear output on Vslot - clear output from specified Vslots. • Out selected - play the out sequence of the item selected in the rundown. • Out ID - play the out sequence of the item with the specified ID. 6. Customizing

Setting Preferences | 121 MOS Protocol

In the MOS settings, you can set preferences for using the MOS protocol for communication with newsroom clients. 6. Customizing

Use MOS When this check box is selected, MOS communication with connection newsroom systems is enabled.

Listen Port It is recommended to leave the default. This parameter defines the communication port between the Avid MOS Server and Maestro. (Default = 6001)

roChannel(s) This parameter defines channel names, as defined in the newsroom system, that Maestro should listen to. If left empty, Maestro receives all active playlists in the newsroom system.

Host Used for accessing the MOS database. Host should be the location of MOS database.

Database Name of the MOS database (‘CyberGraphics’ by default).

122 Setting Preferences | User/ Set the user name and password for connecting to the MOS Password database (by default the user name is ‘sa’, and the password is ‘Maestro’).

Initialize MOS When this option is selected, MOS is started when you open on application start Maestro. When this option is cleared, you must use Start MOS in the toolbar to start MOS.

Allow syn- chronization When this option is selected, the Sync MOS List button is command available in the toolbar. When this button is clicked, all active playlists are resent from the newsroom system.

Manual rundown When this option is selected, the Select playlist button is selection available in the toolbar. This button opens a window that displays a list of active playlists in the newsroom system, and allows you to select playlists to open.

Manual rundown When this option is selected, the Update playlist List button is update available in the toolbar. This button is inactive when no updates are available to the active playlists in the newsroom system; the button blinks several times before becoming active when any

modification to an active rundown in the newsroom system 6. Customizing becomes available.

Automatically When this option is selected, active rundowns in the NRCS are load active loaded when Maestro is connected to MOS. rundowns

Send ‘media When this option is selected, if a rundown item is missing an asset, missing’ item the controller is alerted. When cleared, the rundown item is status reported as ready.

Don’t update When this option is selected, on-air items are not updated with status for NRCS updates. When this option is cleared, items are updated ‘on-air’ items while on-air.

Show story Select this option to display the story number with the story name. number Choose an option to determine the numbering used for each story; Automatic numbering - Maestro numbers NRCS stories incrementally. Use storyNum - Maestro uses the original story name from the NRCS.

Ignore The roDelete command is sent from the NRCS to Maestro when a roDelete rundown is unloaded in the NRCS. command Select this option to ignore the roDelete command in Maestro when a rundown is deleted in the MOS database, and not delete the rundown in Maestro. When cleared, the rundown is deleted in Maestro is unloaded in the NRCS.

Copy item When this option is selected, when receiving a MOS rundown, data Maestro copies the images from their original location to a location accessible to the playout engine. Type in the path of the destination location.

Setting Preferences | 123 External Tools

Maestro allows you to start external applications or scripts and to add them to the Toolbar. 6. Customizing

To add a command to the Toolbar:

1. Click Add . A browser window opens. 2. Browse to the required executable, and click Open. The application icon is added to the toolbar. Icon and application parameters can be defined as required.

124 Setting Preferences | External Devices

Maestro can send commands to external devices; 3DPlay (to update exports, for example), Social Media Hub (to define the SMH server and publish content, for example), GPI devices (to control other GPI devices from Maestro, for example), and generic CMD lines. External devices defined here can be used by events in the list of events in the timeline (see Command line, SMH device, 3DPlay Device, and GPI device on page 46). 6. Customizing

To add an external device:

1. Click Add . A device is added to the list. 2. Click the device name and give it a descriptive name. 3. Click under Type to set the device type. 4. Click Configure to display a dialog box appropriate for the selected device type, and set your preferences; For a GPI device, enter the device name. For 3DPlay and SMH devices, enter the host name and port number. For a command line device, set the following:

Working Set the path of the directory where the process should be directory started.

Setting Preferences | 125 Environment Set the environment variables required by the target application, if different than the default variables.

Program Click ... to browse to the executable application file.

(select one) If the program is not running then start (only when not already running), If the program is already running, close it before start (to restart), or If the program is program is already running, start another instance of the program (every time). 6. Customizing

126 Setting Preferences | VideoEngine

Maestro 7.0 provides a Video Engine for previewing clips and playing them to air. It can control multiple video server channels. Here, specify the connection details to the video engine database where the media catalogue is stored. 6. Customizing

Configuration Specify your working configuration; Local - when working with a single Maestro system. Global - when working with more than one Maestro system. This configuration is saved in the Maestro database and is available for all Maestro stations.

Ingest folder Set the default folder for clips ingest.

Host Set the IP address or host name of the clip database video server.

Port Set the clip database communication port.

Database Set the clip database name.

User/ Set the user name and password for connection to the video Password server.

Communication Set the clip player communication port. port

Setting Preferences | 127 SmartShot

The SmartShot Controller boxes (SmartShot or SmartShot II) provide an easy button interface with Maestro. You can assign commands and graphic templates to SmartShot’s LCD keys for quick access. SmartShot must be licensed separately. 6. Customizing

To add a SmartShot controller:

1. Click Add to add a controller. Use the arrow to select the controller type;

SmartShot 28-key controller box, with a 21:9 ratio screen.

SmartShot II 24-key controller box, with a 16:9 ratio screen.

2. Select the Name check box and under Host, type in the IP address of the SmartShot controller box. (See Network Configuration on the SmartShot console.) 3. Set the incoming Port and Configuration file path as required. (See Ports Configuration on the SmartShot console.) NOTE: Each model has its own configuration file; do not use the wrong file with the wrong Shotbox.

128 Setting Preferences | Setting the LCD Button Functions

Touch Screen Bank Buttons 6. Customizing

LCD Keys

You can define the commands to be executed by each LCD key on the controller box to streamline the workflow. The Bank buttons beneath the Touch screen allow you to switch between ten sets (“banks”) of LCD key definitions. Each bank corresponds to a bank button on the controller box. (The above image is of the SmartShot I unit.)

Setting Preferences | 129 To customize the SmartShot LCD keys:

1. In Customize > Settings > SmartShot, click to open the specified configuration file for editing.

Each Bank tab represents a Bank button on the controller box. 2. Double-click any LCD key to open the Key Editor. 6. Customizing

3. Open the Action list, and select the command that you want to associate with the key from the following list. You can use any 32*32 pixel image PNG file, smaller than 32 KB.

Cue Cue the selected item.

Preview Play the selected item to the PVW channel.

Play Play the selected item to the PGM channel.

Stop Play the Out track for the selected item.

130 Setting Preferences | Select previous item Select the previous item in the rundown. in playlist

Select next item in Select the next item in the rundown. playlist

Select first item in Select the first item in the current rundown. playlist

Select next playlist Move to the next rundown (in the Rundown tab).

MOS manual refresh Manually refresh the NRCS playlist.

Data source refresh Refresh all data sources referred to by an item in the rundown.

Load all Load (to RE) all scenes used by the items open in Maestro.

Unload all Unload (from RE) all scenes used by the items open in Maestro.

Load selected Load (to RE) all scenes used by the selected items.

Unload selected Unload (from RE) all scenes used by the selected items.

Load clips of Load (cache) clips of selected items. 6. Customizing selected items

Unload clips of Unload (cache) clips of selected items. selected items

Clear output on all Clear output from all connected channels. channels

Connect/ Connect or disconnect all defined channels. disconnect RE

Channel A-P Show and toggle channel status (loaded/not loaded/on-air).

Cue item ID Cue an item by its unique ID. (The unique ID is displayed in the rundown.)

Play item ID Play an item by its unique ID. (The unique ID is displayed in the rundown.)

Stop item ID Stop an item by its unique ID. (The unique ID is displayed in the rundown.)

Toggle Channel Turn channel filter in rundown on/off. Filter

Start/Stop Start/stop current rundown according to schedule. scheduling

Pause/ Resume Pause/resume schedule of current rundown. scheduling

Load Layout Load the defined GUI layout.

Play macro Execute the defined macro.

Setting Preferences | 131 Cue and Play Item Cue, then play a rundown item with an assigned ID shortcut with each press (the shortcut must be assigned in the shortcut settings as a SmartShot shortcut.)

Cue/Play/Stop Item Cue, then play, then stop a rundown item with an ID assigned shortcut with each press (the shortcut must be assigned in the shortcut settings as a SmartShot shortcut.)

4. If required fill in the necessary parameter values. 5. Click OK to close the Key Editor. 6. Click Save to save the key and close the Configuration dialog box. The SmartShot box is now configured to work with the Maestro station. A page thumbnail is displayed when the page is loaded or played to indicate the connection status to Maestro. 6. Customizing

132 Setting Preferences | RenderServer

The RenderServer automates the rendering of existing graphic items, and automates the creation of clips in a variety of formats to be used in a post-production environment, web or second screen applications. 6. Customizing

Configuration Specify your working configuration; Local - when working with a single Maestro system. Global - when working with more than one Maestro system. This configuration is saved in the Maestro database and is available for all Maestro stations.

Enable “Render Set the connection settings for the RenderServer database. to file”

Default render Set the default options for clips that are created by the options RenderServer. (Enabled when the RenderServer database is connected.)

Setting Preferences | 133 iNews

In the iNews section you can configure MOS-less configuration with iNews through the MediaCentral |UX web services.

6. Customizing Webservice Set the iNews Webservice URL, the IP address of the iNews connection server host, and the username and password to login to iNews.

Load rundowns When this option is selected, active rundowns from iNews are on application loaded when Maestro is started. start

Manual rundown When this option is selected, the Update playlist button is update available in the toolbar. This button is inactive when no updates are present; the button blinks several times when an iNews rundown can be updated.

Interplay PAM Set the Webservices URL of Interplay |Production, and the clip search username and password to login to Interplay | Production. Set the Search folder URL location on Interplay | Production, which will be used to conduct the Video-ID search and the System ID of Interplay | Production (usually it is global). Enter the Video-ids of the items to be ignored by Interplay | Production.

134 Setting Preferences | Customizing the GUI

By default, Maestro has three pre-configured layouts for convenience when working in PageEditor, playout, or a third, default layout, optimized for rundown creation in high resolution screens, with access to all available tools. You can save a layout with a new name, for a tabbed option that will be available whenever you start Maestro, or lock the current layout so that windows cannot be moved or closed (but can still be resized).

To create your own layout: 1. Arrange the GUI as required; open or hide windows and panels, and resize them as required. 2. Select Customize > Layout > Save Current. The Save layout dialog box is displayed. 3. Type in a new name, or select an existing name from the list. 4. Click OK. The layout is saved, and its tab appears alongside the default tabs.

To automatically save changes to the current layout: 6. Customizing ■ In the Customize menu, select Layout > Auto save.

To lock the current layout: ■ In the Customize menu, select Layout > Lock. The layout is locked against moving, opening, and closing windows.

Customizing the GUI | 135 Creating Groups in Windows

In order to allow different permission levels, users must be part of one of four Windows administrative groups, defined by the system administrator. The Check user profile option (on page 109) must be selected during setup (if the option is cleared, all users have full control). Each group has the permissions specified below:

Avid Administrator • Locked features: None • Allowed features: a. All features currently available b. Full Assets administration

Avid Super User •Locked features: a. Change in Default Pages b. Add/remove renderer c. Change rendering format • Allowed features: everything else

Avid Standard User •Locked features: a. Changes in Configuration menu b. Change layout c. Query assignment to items 6. Customizing d. Changes in VSlot assigned to items • Allowed features: everything else

Avid Restricted user •Locked features a. Changes in Configuration menu b. Change layout c. Access to Timeline editor d. Add items to rundown e. Add items to Quick Pages f. Changes in VSlot assigned to items g. Changes in item’s duration or start time h. Query assignment / modification i. Change Clip / Texture browsing filter j. New ticker creation k. Access to DB “folders” without proper user permissions l. Scene edit.

136 Creating Groups in Windows | 7. Maestro Monitor

In this section: Using Maestro Monitor on page 138 Using Maestro Monitor

Maestro Monitor is a monitoring and control tool for all Maestro applications and MediaCentral |UX integration related services. It provides a common way to configure startup and recovery modes for all Maestro software components, irrespective of how the component runs: as a Windows Service or as a Windows application. For a Windows application that doesn't run under the control of the Service Control Manager, Maestro Monitor can restart the application if it stops responding or is accidentally closed by a user. It is also possible to change the startup mode of the services to manual, automatic or disable. Maestro Monitor is a part of the Maestro installation.

To access Maestro Monitor: ■ Go to Start > Programs > Orad > Maestro Monitor.

Main Maestro Monitor Window 7. Maestro Monitor 7. Maestro

Asset Access Configure and control the Asset Access Service, which Service enables the Maestro pane in MediaCentral |UX to use the Maestro assets database.

Data Link Control the Data Link Service, which enables DB-linked Service controls within graphic pages to access data from external databases.

MaestroCtrl60. Start or Stop the Maestro Controller. exe

Media Browser Administer the Media Browser Service, which enables the Service Maestro Media Browser in MediaCentral |UX. For more information, see Maestro Media Browser on page 201.

138 Using Maestro Monitor | 8. Journalist Station

This section covers the setup and use of Journalist Station (JStation). The JStation provides access to the Maestro Assets for operators outside of a newsroom environment. Users can open Maestro Workspaces and add pages with new data. The JStation workflow is straightforward: choose pages, edit data as required, and save the item in an existing rundown. If the rundown is open in Maestro and the JStation is connected, the new item will appear at the end of the rundown, and it can be sorted, previewed, modified, and played in Maestro. JStation is recommended when distributed data entry is required, and newsroom systems are not in use. In this section:

Setting Up JStation on page 140 The Journalist Station Main Screen on page 141 Working in JStation on page 142 Setting JStation Preferences on page 143 Setting Up JStation

The JStation provides access to Maestro assets for operators during a broadcast. Users can open Maestro workspaces and add items with new data. Pages sent from JStations are added to the rundown while Maestro is running. You can specify ‘custom columns’ that are used to display additional information about an item; for example, journalist name, location, etc. Each title that is added is displayed as an additional column in the rundown. JStation operators can use the same column settings, and send data with each item in Maestro’s rundown. Once JStation is enabled, a connection light is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. (Working, and adding items to playlists does not require a connection, however to send new items to an active rundown, you must be connected.) When JStation connects, the indicator switches to green. The displayed number indicates the number of connected JStations. For more information on enabling JStation for Maestro, see JStation on page 73. 8. Journalist Station 8. Journalist

140 Setting Up JStation | The Journalist Station Main Screen

JStation software provides a simple interface for newsroom operators to add their items to rundowns on the main controller. After installation, you can launch JStation from the desktop shortcut, or from Start > Programs > Orad > Journalist Station.

Main JStation Window 8. Journalist Station

Each area in the GUI is used as follows: • The Asset browser showing the workspaces available to the JStation operator, where you can add items (this list is updated when new playlists are created) and the selected folder content display. Pages added to the rundown will be listed in this window. Their order is unrelated to the place of items in the rundown. • Display of all pages stored in the Maestro database (Browser). You can select pages from here, and provide new data prior to adding to the rundown. • Custom data (metadata) for use and identification in Maestro. • RE window for previewing pages.

The Journalist Station Main Screen | 141 Working in JStation

After starting JStation, the status light in the bottom right hand corner is green when connected to the JServer. The folders listed in the browser can be selected; the contents of the folder will be displayed.

Operators can select pages from the right browser window, which can be modified and added to the currently selected rundown.

To create a new item in a rundown: 1. Select the rundown that you want to use in the Asset browser.

8. Journalist Station 8. Journalist 2. Select the page or template in the Browser. 3. Enter data to the input boxes. 4. Click Save to add the page to the rundown. You can also preview a page using the Play button in the local or remote preview, to check playback. The Custom data is also displayed in the custom data columns in Maestro. When the page is saved, it is appended to the end of rundown. Existing items are not affected. The item is also added to the currently selected rundown in the JStation. If the Maestro Controller operator has the same rundown open, they will see the item added to the end of the rundown.

142 Working in JStation | Setting JStation Preferences

The Customize > Settings menu allows access to various preferences that can be personalized as required. Asset Database 8. Journalist Station

Login Set the username used to login to Maestro Asset Database. The username is defined during installation.

Password Set the password used to login to Maestro Asset Database. The password is defined during installation.

Server Set the name and path of the current database server name (IP/IP+instance).

Database Set the name of the current Maestro Asset database. Name

Setting JStation Preferences | 143 Server Set the type of database/asset management server to which the type system is connected. The Native Maestro DB option is for the SQL database. IBIS asset management- enables additional options, the most notable being conditional access to assets according to the user logged in. This option uses third party software. The Native Maestro DB 2 option is SQL based with extended capabilities for user rights, advanced searching, and metadata.

Authenti- The type of database/asset management server authentication cation protocol.

Unique ID Set the allowed length of Item and page IDs (default=8, max. of 32 Length characters). ALL applications connected to the same database need to use the same unique ID length. Warning: Changing the ID length might reset all IDs in the database. Do not change the length.

Login Select this check box to display login window upon next startup, clear process to to connect to same database upon startup without having to login. application 8. Journalist Station 8. Journalist

144 Setting JStation Preferences | Log 8. Journalist Station

Log file path Set the location of the log file.

Remove older Send log files older than the limit defined here to the recycle bin. than

Remove when Send log files larger than the limit defined here to the recycle bin. larger than


In the Appearance settings, select a style sheet to set the of the user interface.

Setting JStation Preferences | 145 Hosts

In the Hosts settings, set the name of the Maestro station to which JStation connects. You can add additional hosts by clicking Add, and setting the host name and port. 8. Journalist Station 8. Journalist

146 Setting JStation Preferences | Miscellaneous 8. Journalist Station

Custom data Set metadata fields here, to be used in Maestro for asset sorting and searching. You can add as many fields as required.

Check user When selected, the system verifies that you have user rights for profile changing the JStation preferences against your user name. This only applicable for users working via an asset management system. IMPORTANT If you select this check box and do not have a user name and password, you will not be able to access these settings again.

Spell check Define the dictionary language and path to use when running the spell-checker.

Setting JStation Preferences | 147 Shortcuts

You can define keyboard shortcuts for the available actions and save personal settings as a file, to load when required between systems. Shortcuts in the left window are sorted by category, and shortcuts in the right window are sorted alphabetically. 8. Journalist Station 8. Journalist

Set shortcuts as described in Shortcuts on page 101.

148 Setting JStation Preferences | Preview 8. Journalist Station

Local Select this to display a local RE window in the JStation Main window.

Aspect Select the aspect ratio of the RE window.

Single Vslot When this check box is selected, only a single scene can be Preview displayed in the preview, regardless of different Vslots defined for each scene. Dynamic blending is disabled.

Single When this check box is selected, only a given frame of the Image animation is shown. This frame is defined in PageEditor for each Preview page, by placing taking a snapshot or by setting the Background image path property (see page page 38).

Setting JStation Preferences | 149 9. NLE Plug-in

The Maestro plug-in for non-linear editing requires a separate license. The plug-in works with Avid Media Composer, Avid Newscutter, Avid XpressPro, Adobe Premier, Quantel qEdit, Sobey, GV Aurora, EVS Xedio, and Sony XPRINS (SONAPS), and S4M VPMS to allow adding Maestro graphics to video. Integration in with each system is slightly different due to the different capabilities each system provides. In this section: Maestro NLE Server NLE Server Preferences Using the Plug-in Using the NLE Template Linear Timeline Maestro NLE Server

In order to run the plug-ins, the NLE server must be running.

To start the NLE Server: ■ Double click the Maestro NLE shortcut on the desktop. The server functions as a browser only, for viewing the pages available from Maestro. In order to set the proper connection to allow you to connect to the server from external applications, you must set the connections in the external application’s Server.

To set connection preferences: ■ Right-click one of the empty spaces in the , and click Preferences. The Preferences dialog box opens.

NLE Server Preferences 9. NLE Plug-in Set the system preferences for the NLE Server, as described in the following sections.

Maestro NLE Server | 151 Login 9. NLE Plug-in

Login & The user name and password for logging in to the required Password Maestro database.

Server name The name of the computer where the Maestro database is stored.

Database name The name of the Maestro database.

Use DSN Select to use a DSN Connection, and specify the connection connection name (this must be defined in the ODBC data source administrator).

Server type Choose the type of Server on which the asset database is stored.

Authentication Choose the type of authentication method to log in with; Windows or SQL. If you choose Windows authentication, no password is required, and the Windows login name is used.

152 NLE Server Preferences | Log 9. NLE Plug-in

Log file path Set the location of the log file.

Remove older Send log files older than the limit defined here to the recycle than bin.

Remove when Send log files larger than the limit defined here to the recycle larger than bin.

NLE Server Preferences | 153 NLE Renderer 9. NLE Plug-in

Local Select this check box to display a local Preview window. If RenderEngine this is selected, you must specify the path of the Render engine application and the work directory. When cleared, no local Preview window is displayed.

Remote Select this check box to use a remote HDVG as a PVW device, RenderEngine and specify the host name.

ClipPlayer Set the communication port for the ClipPlayer.

154 NLE Server Preferences | Miscellaneous 9. NLE Plug-in

Spell check Define the dictionary language and path to use when running the spell-checker.

Remember Select to remember the last folder opened in the browser, or clear last folder to return to the root folder each time the browser is opened.

Show buttons Select to display or clear to hide the buttons shown in the NLE plugin user interface.

Data path Set the path where the required graphics are stored. mapper

NLE Server Preferences | 155 Shortcuts

You can define shortcuts for of the actions and save personal settings as a file, and load them when required between systems. In the left window shortcuts are sorted by category, and in the right window shortcuts are sorted alphabetically.

To edit/create a shortcut: 1. In the Shortcuts dialog box, select an action in the left window. 9. NLE Plug-in

2. Place the cursor in Press shortcut keys, and press the required key combination. 3. Click Assign.

To cancel a shortcut: ■ Select the action and click Remove. When you are finished customizing the settings, click OK.

To save all shortcuts to a file: ■ Click Save. A browser window is displayed, allowing you to select the location to which to save the file (in STC format).

To load a shortcut file: ■ Click Load and select an STC file to load.

156 NLE Server Preferences | NLE 9. NLE Plug-in

Communication It is recommended to leave the default. This parameter Port defines the communication port between plugins to NLE and the Maestro NLE server. (Default = 2310)

Response timeout Set the duration before the system time out.

Renderer Set the maximal number of scenes that can be loaded to RenderEngine simultaneously.

Use Prefetch Select this option to set RenderEngine to generate frames before the editing system requests them for faster rendering time. This should only be disabled if using a remote RE that is not dedicated to a single NLE station.

NLE Server Preferences | 157 Using the Plug-in

Avid Media Composer

To use the NLE plugin in Media Composer: 1. In Media Composer, right-click in the timeline and select New Video Track. A new video track is added to the timeline. 2. Select Tools > Effect Palette to open the Effect Palette. 9. NLE Plug-in

3. In the Effect Palette, select Maestro in the left pane. The Maestro effect is displayed in the right pane. 4. Drag the Maestro effect to the new video track in the timeline.

5. In the timeline toolbar, click Effect mode .

158 Using the Plug-in | The Effect editor is displayed. 9. NLE Plug-in

6. Set the following effects, as required:

Page Select this check box to open the NLE plugin. The plugin is selector connected to the Maestro database. From here, select a template and an item to add to your clip. You can see the graphics rendered in the local Preview window.

Flicker Select this check box to apply a filter to prevent flickering. filter

Overlay Select this check box to ignore the alpha channel overlay graphics on video.

Autoscale Select this check box to adjust positions of events on the linear timeline timeline, to adapt for effect length.

Fast Select this option for faster rendering. Only one effect at a given rendering point of the timeline is allowed. (When using Fast rendering overlapping effects are not rendered.)

Disable Select to enable using graphic elements in production without rendering burning graphics to video. (Requires configuration with Maestro IPM, Interplay |Production or Command, etc.)

Using the Plug-in | 159 Adobe Premier

To use the NLE plugin in Premier:

1. In the Effects directory, select Video Effects > Generate. 9. NLE Plug-in 2. Drag the Maestro effect to the timeline, to a video track.

160 Using the Plug-in | The effect is displayed in the Effect controls.

3. Set the following effects, as required: 9. NLE Plug-in

Browse Open the NLE plugin. The plugin is connected to the Maestro database. From here, select a template and an item to add to your clip. You can see the graphics rendered in the local Preview window.

Aspect Set the aspect ratio to use for the effect.

Autoscale Select this option to adjust positions of events on the linear timeline timeline, to adapt for effect length.

Using the Plug-in | 161 Using the NLE Template Linear Timeline

In the NLE template linear timeline you can change event timing. Move tracks in the timeline as required. For more information, see Linear Timeline on page 47. 9. NLE Plug-in

162 Using the NLE Template Linear Timeline | 10. NRCS Integration

In this section: NRCS Plugins on page 164 Setup on page 165 Using the Maestro Plugin on page 180 Direct iNews connection on page 183 NRCS Plugins

Maestro can be integrated into newsroom systems. The Maestro plugin for NRCS enables access to graphic templates that can be inserted into Newsroom rundowns. When linked to a newsroom system, published templates are accessed from the newsroom system itself. Journalists can browse or search templates, enter relevant data (either manually or retrieved from an external data source), preview it on their workstation, and add it to the newsroom system rundown. Once updated, a mirrored rundown within Maestro Controller is automatically updated, as well. Avid iNews, AP ENPS, Octopus, Dalet+, Annova Open Media, Snews, LifeNews, NorCom NC Power, Sobey and Dayang are some of the supported newsroom systems.


Graphic templates must be created in the 4Designer authoring tool. Data templates (called pages) are created using Page Editor (part of the Maestro Graphics Suite). Both graphics and data templates are saved to a database and are accessible to network clients. They can be accessed from Maestro, Journalist Station, and the Maestro plugin for NRCS. For more information on creating graphics, see the 4Designer User Guide. For more information on creating data templates and rundowns, see the Maestro User Guide. This manual assumes that graphics and pages already exist in the database. 10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS

164 NRCS Plugins | Setup

This section describes the one-time setup process required, when you first install the Maestro plugin on the NRCS client. System Configuration

The following diagram describes the communication (via IP) that takes place between all the modules, and the port used in each case. 10. NRCS Integration

Each part of the system must be configured, as described in the following sections: Maestro MOS Gateway on page 166 Maestro Controller on page 171 Maestro Controller on page 171 NRCS Client on page 172 NRCS Server on page 177 NRCS MOS Gateway on page 178

Setup | 165 Requirements

• All elements must be part of the same network (able to reach each other at IP level). • NRCS server and client are installed and properly configured for normal operation (without plugin). • All ports of communication between the various system components must be open. • Maestro is installed and properly configured (without NRCS integration). • NRCS MOS Gateway is already installed. • NRCS MOS gateway and Maestro MOS gateway are not installed on the same station. • Maestro MOS gateway can be installed on the same station that acts as file server and database server.

Maestro MOS Gateway

The Maestro MOS Gateway is configured in the Settings dialog box.

To configure the Maestro MOS Gateway: 1. Open the Maestro MOS Gateway on the desktop (double click the MOS Gateway icon). 2. From the menu, select File > Settings. 10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS

166 Setup | The Settings dialog box opens. 10. NRCS Integration

3. Set the parameters in the MOS tab as described below:

NCS - Host The IP address of the server where the NRCS MOS communication service is running.

NCS ID The name of the NRCS Server.

Upper Port Communication port from the NRCS server to the Maestro MOS gateway.

Lower Port Communication port from the Maestro MOS Gateway, to the NRCS server.

MOSID The ID of the device inside the NRCS.

MOS Upper Set the upper MOS communication port. Port

Setup | 167 MOS Lower Set the lower MOS communication port. Port

Send Item When this check box is selected, Maestro keeps NRCS clients Status updated about the working status of and item (not loaded/ loaded/on-air).

Send mosObj Select this option when the NRCS requires every newly created item by the plugin to be sent to the NRCS server in MOS format. (For Dalet systems, e.g.)

Sync with NCS When this check box is selected, Maestro keeps NRCS clients updated about changes made in items from within Maestro.

Send When selected, rundowns are sent to Maestro as soon as the Rundowns to synchronization process is finished. Cyg after Sync 10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS

168 Setup | 4. Open the Database/GAM tab. 10. NRCS Integration

NOTE: Configuring the Maestro Database/GAM tab is only required when NRCS systems are used to perform maintenance operations (like deleting items) in the Maestro DB. For these options to work, GAM Accessor must be installed.

5. Set the parameters as described below:

Lower Port Set the communication port between the Maestro MOS gateway and the Maestro plugin for NRCS. This port number must be the same as the number used for the NRCS client communication with the Maestro database.

Setup | 169 Host/ Login information to the MOS database, for security purposes. Database The default username is: sa, password: maestro. An account name/ with administrative privileges must be set up. UserName/ Password

Maestro Login information to the Maestro database. Maestro systems that Database/ are defined in the CyG Clients tab, will be connected to this GAM database.

6. Open the CyG Clients tab. 10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS

7. Define the IP address and the Port number of the Maestro Controller. At least one controller should be enabled. For each MOS Gateway, you can define up to 16 controllers to receive updates.

170 Setup | Maestro Controller

Maestro requires an additional license for MOS in order to receive MOS commands. When this option is licensed, you can configure the MOS settings, as follows. The Maestro Controller is configured in the Preferences dialog box. 10. NRCS Integration

For more information on configuring Maestro to receive MOS commands, see MOS Protocol on page 122.

Setup | 171 NRCS Client

The NRCS client is configured in the Preferences dialog box. NOTE: The NRCS client station must have a license enabled and/or a dongle installed in order to perform the following configuration.

To configure the NRCS Client: 1. In the NRCS client, select Tools > Plugins > Maestro Editor Class. The MaestroBrowser window opens.

2. Right-click anywhere within the toolbar area of the MaestroBrowser window, and

10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS select Preferences. NOTE: By default, access to preferences is blocked, contact Avid support to unblock this, if required.

The Preferences dialog box opens.

172 Setup | 10. NRCS Integration

3. In the Login settings, set the parameters as described below:

Login and The username and password that you use to log in to Password Maestro.

Server name The name and path of the current database server.

Database name Enter the database name.

Use DSN Select to use a DSN Connection, and specify the connection Connection name (this must be defined in the ODBC data source administrator).

Type Select one of the following databases to use: The Native Maestro DB option is for the SQL database. IBIS asset management enables additional options, the most notable being conditional access to assets according to the user logged in. This option uses third party software. The Native Maestro DB 2 option is SQL based with extended capabilities for user rights, advanced searching, and metadata.

Authentication Windows authentication – The Windows username and password is used, and the username and password entered here are ignored. SQL authentication – use the default username and password.

Setup | 173 4. In the MOS item settings, set the following parameters.

5. Set the parameters as described below:

10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS MOSID The ID of the device inside the NRCS.

NCS Type The type of the NRCS System.

MOS Server When this check box is selected, the MOS server is notified of new item creation. When cleared, new items are created in the Maestro DB without notifying the MOS server. Set the Host IP address and the Port number of the Maestro MOS gateway.

Enable asset drag When this check box is selected, the puzzle piece icon for to NCS dragging newly created MOS items to the NRCS rundown is enabled. When cleared, item insertion must be done automatically upon save.

Timebase Select the required video format time base.

Use aliases as Use aliases defined in the Maestro DB instead of the channel names channel code (A, B,C) in the channel selection bar.

Insert Use tags to define the duration and the start time itemEdStart and (measured from the beginning of the story). itemEdDur tags

174 Setup | 6. In the Preview application settings, set the following parameters. 10. NRCS Integration

NOTE: The preview application is used to view items in the NRCS client, and requires a separate license. See Previewing Items on page 182.

Aspect Set the video format to use.

Mode Set RenderEngine behavior when the aspect ratio of the scene used is different than the aspect ratio with which the RE is configured.

Setup | 175 Local Initialize on application start - When this check box is selected, RenderEngine the local Preview window is started when iNews is started. When cleared, the local Preview will either start when you open the plugin, or when you request the preview. Shut down RenderEngine on exit - When this check box is selected, RenderEngine is shut down when iNews is closed. When cleared, RE is left running, so the next time that the plugin is open, the local Preview will be available immediately. (if a floating license is used, the RE will use a license even if not in use). Limit scenes loaded by RenderEngine - limit the number of scenes loaded to RenderEngine to the specified number. Single image preview - When this check box is selected, only a given frame of the animation is shown. Single Vslot preview - When this check box is selected, only a single scene can be displayed in the preview, regardless of different Vslots defined for each scene. Dynamic blending is disabled. Clear output before preview - clear any remaining graphic in the preview before playing the next graphic.

Remote Select this option to define a renderer to be used from a Preview remote system. Renderer

Studio Preview Select this option to define an application to launch to preview Launcher graphics as they will be displayed in a video wall.

Start in Select this option to start the preview side-by-side with the split-view page view (rather than above it).

Clip Player Define the port used to communicate with Video Engine when Video Engine is used for preview. 10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS 7. Click OK.

176 Setup | NRCS Server

Configuration of the NRCS Server is done from the NRCS client. Two system files must be configured, in order for the plugin to run smoothly. The following is an example of how to configure iNews via MOS. To learn about the direct connection between Maestro and iNews, see Direct iNews connection on page 183.

To configure the NRCS Server: 1. In the tree, select the MAP file from the SYSTEM folder. The file’s code is displayed. This file contains a list of rundowns that can be sent to the Maestro controller. 2. For each rundown that needs to be sent to the Maestro controller, verify that the MOS configuration line is correct, as explained in the following example: The line ‘mos orad’ specifies that a MOS device named ‘orad’ is connected to the NRCS MOS Gateway that is running on ‘kajko’. 10. NRCS Integration

3. In the tree, select the MOS-MAP file from the SYSTEM folder.

Setup | 177 The file’s code is displayed. This file specifies mapping between the MOSID and the computer name (used by MOS).

4. Verify that the mapping is correct, as explained in the following example: In the line ; • The parameter is the name of the Avid device in NRCS (it must match the ID given in the Maestro MOS gateway and in the NRCS client).

• The parameter must match the internal iNews name specified in the MAP file. NRCS MOS Gateway

Configuration of the Avid iNews MOS Gateway is done from the Avid iNews client. The 10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS mosconfig.xml file must be configured.

To configure the NRCS MOS gateway: 1. Open the file: c:/program files/Avid/MOSgateway/mosconfig.xml. 2. Under the MOS device definition, set the following: • IP or Host name of the ORADMOS PC ( in this example), as required.

• Set the object to match the name of the MOS ID.

• Set the internal iNews name to match the object.

178 Setup | 10. NRCS Integration

Setup | 179 Using the Maestro Plugin

This section describes the process of editing rundown items in the Avid iNews client, and inserting them in a rundown. Opening Items

In order to edit a rundown item in an iNews client, you must open the MaestroBrowser.

To open an item: 1. Select Tools > Plugins > Maestro Browsing Class. The MaestroBrowser window opens. 10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS

2. Browse to the required item, and double click to open it. The item opens as shown in the following example.

180 Using the Maestro Plugin | Editing Items

You can edit new items just opened from the Maestro database, or items that were opened previously, and added to a rundown.

Editing Items from the Database

Edit the data within an item by selecting the required data field with the cursor, and editing it as necessary. Once you’re done editing, click Save to save the changes. This saves the item in the Maestro database. (See also Previewing Items on page 182.) To insert the item to a rundown, with the rundown selected in the tree, click the Item button, and drag it to the lower right window in the NRCS client, then save the rundown.

Editing Items from a Rundown

In order to edit items from a rundown, you must select the item in the Avid iNews application (double click). A plugin opens (MaestroEditor), allowing you to modify the item, preview it, and re-save it in the Maestro database. The plugin switches to edit 10. NRCS Integration mode, and when using iNews, must be restarted after being used for editing.

You can use the toolbar options to find assets available in the following locations:

Maestro Display the Maestro asset directory, which contains the pages saved in PageEditor.

VideoEngine Display all available video clips and images.

Tickers Display tickers available to Maestro and the ticker data window to define ticker content.

Morpho Display all available Morpho pages.

4Designer Display all available 4Designer scenes.

Assign channels, vslots, and transitions to the rundown item at the bottom of the plugin window.

Using the Maestro Plugin | 181 Previewing Items

NOTE: This feature requires a separate license. For more information, contact the Avid support team. In order to use preview capabilities, the templates folder in the central server should be available as a local unit, named g:/ in the NRCS client.

You can preview the changes made in the Avid iNews client, before sending them to the controller.

To preview an item: ■ Click Play in the NRCS client. The scene associated with the active page is displayed in a RenderEngine window. (preview will behave differently, depending on settings). Press Play again to replay the animation. 10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS

182 Using the Maestro Plugin | Direct iNews connection

Maestro 7.2 provides a MOS-less iNews communication through the MediaCentral |UX web services. Direct iNews configuration

To use the direct iNews connection, you need to configure it in the iNews tab of the Settings dialog box.

To configure direct iNews connection: 1. Select Customize > Settings. The Preferences dialog box is displayed. 2. Select iNews on the left. The iNews settings are displayed. 10. NRCS Integration

3. Set the preferences in the Webservice connection section as described in iNews on page 134. 4. To retrieve items from Interplay | Production, which are nested inside an iNews rundown, you need to enable the Interplay PAM clip search. For more information, see Interplay PAM clip search on page 134. 5. Click OK and close the Preferences dialog box.

Direct iNews connection | 183 Working with iNews rundowns

Now that the connection to iNews is fully setup, you can easily retrieve iNews rundowns. Once the rundown is loaded, you can preview and air the video items.

To select an iNews rundown:

1. Click on the Select iNews rundown button. The Select iNews queues window appears. 10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS

2. Double-click on the chosen queue and click OK.

184 Direct iNews connection | The selected queues appear in the Rundown area. The items in the rundowns can be organized and the video items can be previewed. For more information, see Building a Rundown on page 58. 10. NRCS Integration

The elements of the imported rundown are described in the below table:

1 iNews story An iNews story becomes a Maestro story.

2 Video item Video item recognized by Interplay | Production through a with a valid valid Video-id property. A video, which is found in Interplay | Video-id Production, has a valid Duration and the Video Id is inserted in brackets before the clip name.

3 Graphic item Graphic item set with a timing information in iNews. It is with timing nested inside the video item. information

4 Video item Video item missing a valid Video-id. This video item has without a duration set to 00:00:00:00. Video-id

5 Media type Video item media type indicator. For more information, see indicator Media Type Indicators Displayed in the Maestro Rundown on page 69.

6 Graphic item Graphic item which does not have a timecode information. It without timing is displayed as an independent, manually playable item. information

Direct iNews connection | 185 In the iNews system, a video production cue is usually entered into the story form, using the field labeled Video Id. The Video Id property is assigned to the file in Interplay | Production.

When an iNews rundown is imported into Maestro via a direct connection, the Video Id of the video items is retrieved amongst other information. Interplay | Production retrieves the video item by looking for the Video Id property. When no valid Video Id is found, the video item appears with the Video Id inserted as the title and the duration is set to 00:00:00:00. When the Video Id is recognized by Interplay | Production, the video item is inserted with the correct duration and the information about the video id is shown in brackets before the clip’s title. Some graphic items are nested within the video items and will be automatically cued according to their timing information. This option can be enabled in the iNews system.

To enable the “Use TC” option in iNews: 1. Right-click anywhere within the toolbar area of the MaestroBrowser window, and select Preferences. The Preferences dialog box opens. 2. In the MOS item section, enable the Insert itemEdStart and itemEdDur tags option. 10. NRCS Integration 10. NRCS

3. Click OK and close the Preferences dialog box.

186 Direct iNews connection | 4. Select the graphic asset to be inserted into a story, and click on the Show time code icon.

5. Set the required timecode values to allow for automatic cuing of the graphic in the queue.

6. Save the changes and drag the graphic into the iNews story. 10. NRCS Integration

Direct iNews connection | 187 11. Scene Editor

Scene Editor is an optional Maestro tool that allows you to create or make simple changes to page/scene content prior to airing. Scene Editor is a basic version of 4Designer that allows making limited changes to scenes. For more detailed information on any of the Scene Editor functions, see the 4Designer User Guide. NOTE: Scene Editor requires a separate license. For more information, contact Avid support. Getting Started with Scene Editor

Scene Editor can be opened independently (C:\Orad\4Designer_1_0\sceneEdit.exe) or from within Maestro. To make the Scene Editor options available in Maestro, Scene Editor must be enabled in the Maestro preferences. For more information, see SceneEdit on page 112.

To open Scene Editor from Maestro: 1. In the lower right corner, verify that Scene Edit indicator is connected (green), and click Scene Edit.

2. Click Scene Editor to open the Scene Editor tab.

3. Click New Scene to create a new scene or to open an available scene, Or- drag a page to the Scene Editor tab to open the scene to which it refers in Scene Editor.

In Scene Editor, you can add new graphics (based on assets created in 4Designer), or edit objects in the current scene. Construct scenes quickly and easily, without

interrupting the on-air production. 11. Scene Editor

Getting Started with Scene Editor | 189 Scene Editor Menus and Toolbar

File Menu

New Scene Open the Create Scene dialog box to create a new scene from a 4Designer template.

Open Open the Load Scene dialog box to open an existing 4Designer scene. Scene

Save Open a dialog box to save the scene. It is recommended to always Scene/ save the scene under a different name. Save Scene As

Close Close the current scene.

Recent Display a list of recently edited scenes. scenes

Edit Menu

Undo Undo the last action.

Redo Redo the last action.

Cut Cut the currently selected object.

Copy Copy the currently selected object.

Paste Paste the currently cut or copied object.

Delete Delete the currently selected object. 11. Scene Editor Animation Menu

Go to start Go to the beginning of the current animation group.

Go to previous Go to the previous keyframe.

Play Play the animation.

Continue Continue the animation from the current keyframe.

Stop Stop the animation.

Finish loop Finish loop and continue the animation. and continue

Go to next Go to the next keyframe.

Go to end Go to the end of the animation.

New Create a new animation group. animation group

190 Getting Started with Scene Editor | Remove Remove current animation group. animation group

Mirror Mirror current animation group. animation group

Edit key Edit keyframe.

Record Start / Stop record.

Set start Set the start frame of the animation range (to the left of the range Timeline in the Animation strip).

Set current Select the current keyframe to display. frame NOTE: This field is not displayed if the timeline is set to use a timecode.

Set end range Set the end frame of the animation range (to the right of the Timeline in the Animation strip).

Jump Use the SPACE bar to jump forward 10 frames on the timeline.

Set snap to Select to set the animation timeline to Snap to Frames or clear 11. Scene Editor frames to Snap to Fields (0, 0+, 1, 1+, etc.).

Clone Clone current animation group. animation group

Getting Started with Scene Editor | 191 Renderer Menu

Show Translation Activate the translation (positioning) manipulators for the Manipulator selected object.

Show Object Activate the scaling manipulators for the selected object. Scale Manipulator

Show Rotation Activate the rotation manipulators for the selected object. Manipulator

Show Text Activate the text manipulators for the selected text object. Manipulator

Show Selection Activate the select manipulators. Manipulator

Show Active Activate the current camera (layer) manipulator. Camera Manipulator

Show All Cameras Activate the manipulator for all cameras. Manipulator

Save Camera Save the current camera position before using the camera Position manipulators

Restore Camera Restore the camera position to the last saved camera position position.

RE Connection Open the RE connection dialog box.

Dock RE Window Dock the local RE window in place or undock as a free window.

Show alpha Display the alpha channel output. 11. Scene Editor RE settings Open the RenderEngine settings.

View Menu

Windows Show or hide the various Scene Editor windows.

Layout Load Layout - Load a saved GUI Layout (from a browser window). Save layout - Save the current GUI layout with an assigned name. Restore layout - Restore default menu layout to Scene Editor.

Settings Customize Scene Editor with various system settings.

The Scene Editor toolbar contains additional tools:

New Open a dialog box to create a new scene/project. Scene

Open Open a dialog box to open an existing scene. Scene

Save Save the current scene. Scene

192 Getting Started with Scene Editor | Undo Undo the last editing action. (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+Z).

Redo Redo the last editing action. (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+Y).

Cut Cut an object from the scene to the clipboard. Can be pasted if required. (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+X).

Copy Copy an object. The selected object, together with all stored information, is copied to the clipboard. (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+C).

Paste Insert the contents of the clipboard into the scene. (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+V).

Delete Delete an object from the scene without copying it to the clipboard. (Keyboard shortcut: DEL).

Lock Lock all selected objects to prevent editing. Object

Unlock Unlock all selected objects to allow editing.

Object 11. Scene Editor

Show Make all selected objects visible in scene. selected object

Hide Hide all selected objects. selected object

If an item was loaded in the RE window of Maestro Controller, it is displayed in the Scene Editor RE window. However, in order to change a scene, it must be opened from the File menu. You can also create a new scene in SceneEditor. If there are any default templates that have been created in 4Designer, they will be listed when you select File>New. Build a scene using the assets available from the Asset Strip. This can be saved as a scene for airing or as a template for reuse in other scenes. When a scene object is selected, the editors and manipulators are enabled. Using the animation, position, and object properties, you can create new animations, adjust object properties, assign materials and geometry, and export variables for updating via a page.

Getting Started with Scene Editor | 193 Editing Scenes

Scene Editor enables you to open scenes for minor editing while working in Maestro, or to create new scenes with basic capabilities. This section describes what is available in Scene Editor.

To open a scene in Scene Editor: ■ Drag a scene from the browser to the Scene Editor tab. Or- Click New scene to open a new scene in Scene Editor. (New scenes are based on templates that exist in the 4Designer database.) Animation Strip

In the Animation strip, the timeline displays key frame markers for animation sequences, to indicate the points of change on the timeline.

Defining an Animation Sequence

For each animated sequence, you need to define the parameters that determine the starting status of the object before the animated action, and to define start and end key frames for the animation, which constitute the range.

To record an animation sequence:

1. Click Record in the Animation strip. 11. Scene Editor The background turns red. 2. Select the object you want to animate, and set the animated parameters to their start point. NOTE: When using the record function the starting properties of an object are not recorded. If you want any property to be animated, you must record its values

(by making a change) after you click Record.

3. Enter the next keyframe number in the Current Keyframe field (or use the yellow slider). 4. Change the object as required.

5. Enter a new keyframe number in the Current Keyframe field (or use the yellow slider). A keyframe is added at the current frame. 6. Add as many keyframes as required, by changing parameters, and setting the current frame. 7. Click Record again to stop the recording.

194 Editing Scenes | The background turns gray. A small pink indicator appears in the Scene tree near the property that was animated (in the Transformation column); clicking the square displays the Animation window.

Key Frame Fields

The animation timeline displays the current keyframe number when you move the yellow slider . If you enter a value in the current keyframe field, the slider jumps to that position. The timeline also displays the start and end frame numbers of the section of the timeline that is currently in view. By entering new values in these fields, you can rescale and move the timeline. You can also drag the slider, to view the hidden sections. The values in the first and last keyframe in view are automatically updated to reflect the visible section.

To create a key frame: There a number of ways to create a key frame: • After you change an object’s parameters for animating, click the Extension button

next to the parameter, and select Set Key. This can be done to change all 11. Scene Editor parameters: transformation, geometry, color, etc. A key frame is recorded for the parameter at the current point on the animation timeline.

Changing Key Frame Properties

Change key frame properties in the Key Edit dialog box.

To change key frame properties: 1. On the timeline, right-click the key frame you want to change. A menu is displayed. 2. Select Edit Key. A list of the recorded channels is displayed for the selected key frame. 3. Select the required channel.

Editing Scenes | 195 The Key Editor dialog box opens for the selected keyframe.

4. Change the parameters as required, then click Close. 11. Scene Editor

Creating Multiple Animation Groups

To create multiple animation groups 1. In the Animation strip, click the New Animation Group button. The default name for a new group, Animation, appears in the drop-down list as the current animation group. 2. Change the name as required. The animation group is automatically saved and added to the list. 3. Define the animation, as described in Defining an Animation Sequence on page 194. NOTE: The displayed animation group and the playback controls are applicable only to the currently selected animation group in the list of animation groups.

196 Editing Scenes | Editing Animation Ranges

Each animation channel range can be manipulated to allow the operator to retime the key frames. In the Animation strip, the frame range of the timeline is displayed. On the timeline, the duration of the current animation channel is displayed. Using the control handle at the end of the animation (highlighted in the following image), you can change the duration of the timeline; all the key frames are re-timed accordingly.

Current Timeline Range Keyframe

Transformation Strip

The position of objects can be changed in two ways: • In the RE window, you can use the manipulators to reposition objects (right-click to select a manipulator). For finer control, there is the transformation strip: 11. Scene Editor

From here, you can control the position, rotation, and scale of any object in the scene precisely. Click the extension button, next to each value to open a menu. Using this menu, you can export variables from the scene; these variables will then be available in PageEditor. You can also set key frames, or edit any existing key frame.

Property Editors

Property Editor tabs are available in Scene Editor. When each object is selected, the appropriate parameters become active. For comprehensive information on editing scenes, see the 4Designer User Guide.

Editing Scenes | 197 Saving Scenes

Once you are finished editing a scene, you must save it. The saving options vary, depending on how the scene was opened. If you opened a scene by dragging an item (that refers the scene) to the Scene Editor tab, and then save it with a new name, Maestro changes the reference of the item to the new scene. Scenes made in 4Designer and opened for editing in Maestro Scene Editor using

New Scene can be saved with their current name or with a new name. Changes to existing scenes apply to all pages referencing the scene. Discard changes made in Scene Editor by selecting File>Close, without saving. New scenes created in Scene Editor must be named.

To save a scene: 1. Select File>Save Scene As. The Save Scene dialog box is displayed, prompting you to enter a name for the new scene. You can save it with the original name. 2. Save the scene as required. Scene Editor is closed. 11. Scene Editor

198 Saving Scenes | 12. Maestro in MediaCentral | UX

Starting with MediaCentral |UX v2.7.1, a plug-in named Maestro is available. This plug-in lets you connect to an Maestro asset database and work with Maestro graphics directly within MediaCentral |UX. Within MediaCentral |UX, you can add graphics to an iNews story. In this section:

Connecting to and Browsing a Maestro Database on page 200 Viewing and working with Maestro Templates on page 202 Adding Maestro Assets to an iNews story on page 205 Maestro Settings in MediaCentral |UX on page 206 Connecting to and Browsing a Maestro Database

When the Maestro MediaCentral |UX plugin is correctly installed and configured, the Maestro pane and Maestro Media Browser icons are available in the Launch pane.

To open the Maestro pane: ■ Double-click the Maestro pane icon. ■ Right-click the highlighted Maestro icon and select “Open in New Assets Tab.”

The Maestro pane is opened showing the catalogue of templates in the Maestro database. 12. Maestro in MediaCentral | UX in MediaCentral 12. Maestro

200 Connecting to and Browsing a Maestro Database | Maestro Media Browser

The Maestro Media Browser allows to bind file system paths to MediaCentral |UX. This mechanism supports an unlimited number of locations. The default location is the virtual G: drive. Each one of the configured locations is visible in the Launch pane as a separate tab. 12. Maestro in MediaCentral | UX

There is a dedicated icon for graphic items and for video items . Clicking on one of these icons opens the video clips or images stored in the file system. NOTE: New locations can be added in the MaestroMediaBrowser service’s configuration file. Maestro Media Browser shows thumbnails for media (images and clips) in the binded file system locations.Both Maestro Media Browser and MAM asset types are supported, as illustrated below:

Connecting to and Browsing a Maestro Database | 201 Viewing and working with Maestro Templates

You can view and work with Maestro graphic templates in the Maestro Browser pane.

To open the catalogue of Maestro templates ■ Select Panes - Maestro Browser.

To view a graphic template: ■ In the Assets pane, double-click the graphic template you want to view.

The graphic template opens in Maestro Browser pane. The following illustration shows an example of a graphic template. This template includes exports that allow drag and drop of media (as indicated by “Drag image here”) and editing of text (as indicated by outline boxes). Buttons and controls are described in the accompanying table.

12. Maestro in MediaCentral | UX in MediaCentral 12. Maestro 1. Pane menu Open the MediaCentral |UX Help menu.

2. Viewer Area inside the Maestro Browser pane.

3. Puzzle Click this button and drag it to the iNews story to create a button production cue.

4. Refresh all Click this button to refresh data sources. data source

5. Play button Click this button to generate a preview for the selected template and display it in the Media pane. As the item loads, the button shows the percentage loaded.

6. VSlot button The VSlot button allows to assign specific vSlot or Channel to the selected template.

7. Timecode Allow automatic cuing of a Maestro graphic at a specified time in button a rundown queue. You can set it as a MOS object that is set as a production cue.

202 Viewing and working with Maestro Templates | Editing and Previewing a Graphic Template

The Maestro pane within MediaCentral |UX allows access to the catalogue of Maestro templates in the Maestro database. From the Maestro Browser pane, it is possible to fill the graphic template and add it to an iNews story. A Video ID can be assigned to the story using Interplay |Production. The created rundown containing graphic and video items can be played on the Maestro Media Engine.

To add media to a graphic template: 1. In MediaCentral |UX, use the Launch pane to open the Interplay |MAM or Interplay |Production catalogue of media assets. 2. Use the Assets pane to browse through the Interplay |MAM or |Production database or use the Search pane to perform a search for the desired media to be used to fill in the graphic template. You can also use the Maestro Media Browser to locate the desired media from the File system.

3. Drag the media asset to the template in Maestro Browser pane and drop it in the 12. Maestro in MediaCentral | UX image control area.

To edit text in a graphic template: ■ In the Maestro Browser pane, double-click an outlined box and enter the text. Previewing the Graphic Template in the Media Pane

You can preview the complete graphic template in the MediaCentral |UX Media viewer.

To load a graphic in the Media viewer: ■ In the Maestro Browser windows, click the Play button.

The graphic begins to render. The Maestro Render Server generates preview frames when requested by MediaCentral |UX and provides these frames to the MediaCentral |UX server to be displayed in the Media pane. After the graphic is loaded, you can click on the Play button in the Media viewer to view the graphic or drag the position indicator to scroll through the timeline.

Viewing and working with Maestro Templates | 203 Searching for assets in the Maestro pane

MediaCentral |UX allows to browse and search for assets, preview them and use them to fill graphic templates.

To search for Maestro assets: ■ The Search bar in the top right corner of the application window has a menu that you use to select the type of the asset, a text field to enter the search criteria, and a Search button to conduct a simple search.

The results of the search appear below as a list. You can adjust the size of the Search bar by clicking and dragging the edges or corners.

You can display the search results in a pane, and then an advanced search can be performed, using complex Interplay media parameters.

To display the search results in a pane: • Click the Detach Search icon and drag the bar into any area in the MediaCentral |UX window. • Click the Pane Menu button and select Detach Search. The Search Pane provides advanced search criteria for federated and indexed

12. Maestro in MediaCentral | UX in MediaCentral 12. Maestro search that let you conduct a more precise and faster search.

You can use search criteria to reduce the number of results from the main search results list. You can also save the created search. For more information on the search criteria, see the Avid MediaCentral |UX User’s Guide.

204 Viewing and working with Maestro Templates | Adding Maestro Assets to an iNews story

Journalists can create iNews rundowns within MediaCentral |UX with the option to assign Video Id's and create graphic items in iNews stories. Maestro Controller receives the iNews rundowns, containing both video and graphic items, and displays them in the rundown. If Maestro Controller is connected to a Video Engine channel, it will also show the status of each Video Engine item on playout.

To add a Maestro item to an iNews rundown: 1. Click the puzzle button in the bottom left of the Maestro Browser window, drag the icon to the Queue/Story pane, and drop it on a segment of an iNews story. 12. Maestro in MediaCentral | UX

A production queue is created in the cue list. An asterisk indicates that the cue is a machine control instruction. 2. Save the story. 3. You can double-click the production cue to modify the graphic template in the Maestro Browser pane. In this case, a Save button is displayed in the bottom row of the Maestro Browser pane.

Adding Maestro Assets to an iNews story | 205 Maestro Settings in MediaCentral |UX

Users with Administrator permissions can access and modify the Maestro pane settings from the System Settings layout.

To configure Maestro pane settings: 1. Sign in to MediaCentral |UX as an administrator. 2. Select the System Settings from the Layout selector. The System Settings layout opens. 3. In the Settings pane select Maestro. The Maestro pane settings are displayed in the Details pane.

MOS Object Select either NTSC or PAL. Timebase

MOS ID Enter the ID of the Maestro MOS Gateway.

Enable page When selected, the Maestro page control's values are added

12. Maestro in MediaCentral | UX in MediaCentral 12. Maestro parameters in the to MOS item title. item’s title

Output folder Configure the path to shared location where Maestro Render Server is storing rendered images for preview in Media Pane.

Render server Enter the name of the of the render profile. For more profile information, see the Avid MediaCentral Platform Services Installation and Configuration Guide.

206 Maestro Settings in MediaCentral |UX | 13. Interplay |MAM and Interplay |Production integration

In this section:

Interplay | MAM Integration on page 208 Interplay | Production Integration on page 213 Interplay | MAM Integration

Interplay |MAM is a powerful media asset manager that can track a large number of digital assets throughout their life-cycles, enabling you to browse, find, and retrieve content quickly. You can access and use images from the Interplay |MAM as textures in graphic items or use clips as video items in Maestro. Interplay | MAM configuration in Maestro

Maestro allows unlimited number of Interplay | MAM connections.

To add an Interplay | MAM connection: 1. Select Customize > Settings. The Preferences dialog box is displayed. 2. Select MAM on the left. The MAM settings are displayed.

3. Click Add to add an Interplay | MAM connection. 13. Interplay |MAM and Interplay |Production integration |Production |MAM and Interplay 13. Interplay 4. Under Identity, type in the Name of the connection, the System ID and select Interplay MAM as the MAM type. 5. In the Database server section, set the database server name; the host name or IP address of the computer on which the server is installed. Select the SQL server or Windows authentication. 6. In the Login section, type in the user name and password for logging into the MAM SQL database server.

208 Interplay | MAM Integration | 7. Once the new connection has been configured, press the Test button to verify it. After clicking Apply, the status of the connection changes from “Test OK” to “Connected”. NOTE: Starting with Maestro 7.1, IBIS asset management is only supported as media provider and not as a Maestro database. For more information, see MAM on page 97. MAM file transit configuration in Maestro

In setups where Maestro is integrated with MediaCentral |UX, the MAM file transit 13. Interplay |MAM and Interplay |Production integration option can be configured. With this option enabled, you can avoid playing large files over the network, as the files will be transfered directly to the configured location.

To configure the MAM file transit: 1. Select Customize > Settings. The Preferences dialog box is displayed. 2. Select MAM file transit on the left. The MAM file transit settings are displayed. For more information on the MAM file transit options, see MAM file transit on page 98.

With the MAM file transit setup, when a file in Maestro is dragged into the rundown, it is automatically transfered to the specified location. Video Engine configuration

To preview video from Interplay | MAM, you need to enable Video Engine.

To authenticate Interplay | MAM on a Windows Video Engine: ■ Map the Interplay | MAM as a local drive from the File Explorer on the Control PC.

Interplay | MAM Integration | 209 NOTE: Windows Video Engine accesses the Interplay | MAM via an UNC path and you need to provide login credentials in advance.

or ■ Using the net use method, map Interplay | MAM in the Windows command line. NOTE: With this method, manual mapping will be required after each system restart.

To authenticate Interplay | MAM on a Linux Video Engine: ■ Create a mount point corresponding to Interplay |MAM on the Media Engine server itself, provide the required permissions and update the fstab file. Browsing graphics and clips in Interplay | MAM

You can use image and video assets from Interplay | MAM to fill Maestro graphic templates from Maestro Controller, its plugins or MediaCentral |UX.

To use images from Interplay | MAM: 1. Open a graphic template containing an image selector control and double click the export control. The Image Browser opens. 13. Interplay |MAM and Interplay |Production integration |Production |MAM and Interplay 13. Interplay

2. Select the Interplay | MAM tab on the left and browse for the image you want to insert into your page. 3. Click Open.

To use clips from Interplay | MAM: ■ To fill in a graphics template with a video item, open a graphic template containing a clip selector control and double click the export control.

210 Interplay | MAM Integration | ■ Select the Interplay | MAM tab on the left and browse for the desired clip. Double-click on the video asset to use it in the graphic template. or

■ Select the Video item icon to display all available video clips. The Clip Browser opens. ■ Select the Interplay | MAM tab on the left and browse for the desired clip. ■ Double-click on the video item to display its preview and playout options. For more information on video items, see Video Item Options on page 64. 13. Interplay |MAM and Interplay |Production integration Adding Metadata

Different metadata can be configured for templates and items. Each type of asset has its own metadata.

To fill in metadata for a page, item, or asset: 1. Select the required asset.

2. If necessary, click Metadata to display the Metadata tab. 3. Fill in the available fields as required.

Searching for assets in Interplay | MAM

You can use a simple or an advanced search (based on asset metadata), to find assets in Interplay | MAM.

To search for assets in Interplay | MAM:

■ In the Browser, select an Interplay | MAM instance and click Search.

Interplay | MAM Integration | 211 A simple search allows you to search by name, asset type, unique ID, and dates

The advanced search uses queries of metadata fields, and is not limited by conditions. 13. Interplay |MAM and Interplay |Production integration |Production |MAM and Interplay 13. Interplay

212 Interplay | MAM Integration | Interplay | Production Integration

Interplay |Production is an asset management system, which lets you easily manage content creation. You can browse Interplay |Production video sequences and media and add them directly to the rundown. Interplay | Production configuration in Maestro 13. Interplay |MAM and Interplay |Production integration Maestro allows multiple Interplay | Production connections.

To add an Interplay | Production connection: 1. Select Customize > Settings. The Preferences dialog box is displayed. 2. Select MAM on the left. The MAM settings are displayed.

3. Click Add to add an Interplay | Production connection. 4. Under Identity, type in the Name of the connection, the System ID and select Interplay Production as the MAM type. 5. In the Database server section, set the database server name; the host name or IP address of the computer on which the server is installed. Select the SQL server or Windows authentication. 6. In the Login section, type in the user name and password for logging into the SQL database server.

Interplay | Production Integration | 213 Once the new connection has been configured, press the Test button to verify whether it has been setup correctly. After clicking Apply, the status of the connection changes from “Test OK” to “Connected”. Browsing for media in Interplay |Production

You can use video assets from Interplay | Production to create new Rundown items.

To use media or assets from Interplay | Production:

1. Open the Browser , navigate to the Video tab and select the Interplay | Production tab on the left. The list of available folders and clips opens.

2. Browse for the desired clip. Double-click on the chosen click to preview it in the Browser. For more information on video items, see Video Item Options on page 64.

3. Using the Drag item from here button, you can drag the clip directly into the rundown and assign a channel. For more information, see Editing Rundown Items on page 66. Searching for assets in Interplay | Production

You can use a simple search to find assets in Interplay | Production. 13. Interplay |MAM and Interplay |Production integration |Production |MAM and Interplay 13. Interplay Before you can use the search option, you need to enable it in the Preferences.

To enable the Interplay PAM clip search: 1. Open the Settings dialog box (Customize > Settings) and select iNews on the left. 2. Under Interplay PAM clip search, enter the required connection details. For more information, see iNews on page 134. 3. Click OK and close the Preferences dialog box.

214 Interplay | Production Integration | To search for assets in Interplay | Production:

■ In the Browser, select an Interplay | Production instance tab and click Search. You can only search by the name of the asset. 13. Interplay |MAM and Interplay |Production integration

Once the item is found, you can view or change the clip’s metadata by clicking on the Metadata button , or preview the clip in the Browser by double-clicking on the asset. You can also drag it directly into the rundown to preview the video on multiple channels, before sending it on air. For more information, see Previewing and Airing Items on page 68.

Interplay | Production Integration | 215 14. IBIS as Media Repository

Starting with Maestro 7.1, IBIS asset management is only supported as media repository, and not as a Maestro database, to which Maestro assets can be saved. In this section:

Setting IBIS as Maestro Asset Management Connection on page 217 Using Placeholders on page 218 Setting IBIS as Maestro Asset Management Connection

To take advantage of the IBIS asset management, it needs to be set as a MAM connection in the Preferences dialog box.

To add an IBIS asset management V5 connection: 1. Select Customize > Settings. The Preferences dialog box is displayed. 2. Select MAM on the left. The MAM settings are displayed.

3. Click Add to add an IBIS asset management connection. 4. Under Identity, type in the Name of the connection, the System ID and select IBIS asset management V5 as the MAM type. 5. In the Database server section, set the database server name; the host name or IP address of the computer on which the server is installed. Select the SQL server or 14. IBIS as Media Repository Windows authentication. 6. In the Login section, type in the user name and password for logging into the SQL database server. Once the new connection has been configured, press the Test button to verify whether it has been setup correctly. After clicking Apply, the status of the connection changes from “Test OK” to “Connected”.

Setting IBIS as Maestro Asset Management Connection | 217 Using Placeholders

Placeholder controls allow you to add a control to a production without referring it to a specific clip or image asset. The asset can be referred to a clip or image later without opening Maestro, using iFind or Reunion.

To create a placeholder: 1. Add an Image selector or Clip selector control to a page (see Placing Exports in a Page on page 33). 2. Double-click the control. A browser window is displayed (the following example is for an image placeholder).

3. Click Placeholder; for images or for clips. A dialog box is displayed. 14. IBIS as Media Repository

4. Type in the Asset name. It is recommended to use a descriptive name. 5. Click OK to save the placeholder and close the dialog box. 6. Select the placeholder from the list of available assets. 7. Click Open. The dialog box is closed and the control is marked as a placeholder. 8. In the Metadata tab, set the placeholder value to “True”.

218 Using Placeholders | To refer a placeholder to an asset in Reunion: 1. Open Reunion from your Maestro directory (C:\Orad\Maestro\ReunionIbis.exe). 14. IBIS as Media Repository

2. Use Search to find the required placeholders.

3. From the results, select the placeholder to use. 4. In the directory on the left, select the image that you want to refer to the placeholder.

5. Click to refer the image and begin the ingest process. The connection is displayed at the bottom, in the Task list, until completed or failed.

Using Placeholders | 219 15. Access and Permissions

MaestroAdministrator is a tool designed for an administrator to allow setting user and group permissions for functions in Maestro and access to assets in the Native Maestro Database 2. In this section: Starting Maestro Administrator on page 221 User Profiles on page 222 Limiting Functionality on page 223 Restricting Access on page 224 Creating User Groups on page 225 Starting Maestro Administrator

To start the Administrator tool: ■ Run the MaestroAdmin.exe file in C:\Orad\Maestro64_7_0. The Access Control Administration window is displayed. 15. Access and Permissions

Starting Maestro Administrator | 221 User Profiles

In order to log in to Maestro and access native Maestro database 2, users must have a user name and password registered. By default, new users are created with unlimited functionality.

To create a new user profile: 1. In the Users tab, click New User. The New User dialog box is displayed. 2. Type in the following:

Login The user name (must contain at least one letter).

Password The user password.

Confirm Retype the password for verification. password

3. Click OK. The user name is created. All existing names appear in the User list. 15. Access and Permissions

222 User Profiles | Limiting Functionality

Functionality within the Maestro application is limited for each user according to the role assigned to a user. By default, new users are assigned a System operator role. System operators have full functionality for working in Maestro. To limit user functionality’ you must create a new role and assign it to the required user.

To create a role: 1. In the Roles tab, click New Role. The New Role dialog box is displayed. 2. Type in a Name and Description for the role. 3. Click OK. The role is created. All existing groups appear in the Role list. 4. With the role selected, select the functions that the user has or doesn’t have permission to use.

Permissions for this role - move allowed functions to this column using the 15. Access and Permissions and arrows. Operations - move restricted functions to this column.

To assign a role to a user: 1. In the Users tab, select the user from the User list. 2. From the User’s Role list, select a a role. The role is assigned to the current user.

Limiting Functionality | 223 Restricting Access

Access to the assets and their metadata stored in the Native Maestro Database 2 is restricted by Access mode; Private - when you want assets to be available to the creator and to administrators. Public - when you want assets to be available to all. Group - when you want assets to be available to members of a group.

To restrict access to assets or metadata in the database: 1. In the Folders or the Meta Fields tabs, select the folder or field to which to restrict access. For more information, see on metadata fields, see Adding Metadata Fields on page 224. 2. Select the Access Mode from the list. If you selected group access, set the access type (View or Modify) for each group. Adding Metadata Fields

Add metadata fields in the MaestroAdministrator and set the access permissions as required. Metadata fields are displayed in the Maestro interface in one of the following property sets: • Page properties • Rundown properties • DataSource properties • DataQuery properties • Item properties

To add metadata fields: 15. Access and Permissions 1. In the Meta Fields tab, click Create. The Create New Meta Field dialog box is displayed. 2. Type in the required Field Name and select the Data Type from the list. 3. Click OK. The field is added to the list of fields. NOTE: When you set the Selection data type, you must add selection items in the list that is displayed on the right.

Access permission to the metadata fields is described in Restricting Access on page 224.

Deleting Metadata Fields

If you delete a metadata field, it is deleted from the database together with all metadata that was added to the field, and cannot be restored.

224 Restricting Access | Displaying Metadata Fields for Assets

Once you define metadata fields, you can set what fields are available for your database assets in Maestro.

To set metadata fields per asset: 1. In the Meta Data tab, select the Asset Type.

2. Using the and arrows, move fields to be displayed in the asset properties to the Meta Data list, or fields to hide to the Meta Fields list.

Creating User Groups

Groups allow you to set access to assets for all users in the group.

To create a group: 15. Access and Permissions 1. In the Groups tab, click New group. The New group dialog box is displayed. 2. Type in a Name and Description for the group. 3. Click OK. The user name is created. All existing groups appear in the Group list. Adding Users to a Group

To add a user to a group or groups: 1. In the Groups tab, select a group from the Group list. 2. With the group selected, select the users to be included in this group;

Move the users to the left column using the and arrows to include in the group or to the right column to exclude.

Creating User Groups | 225 16. M6 Scripting API

In this section Timeline and Macro API on page 227 Page Level API on page 237 Media Manager API on page 243 Metadata API on page 244 Timeline and Macro API

All level APIs in this section can be used in timeline script events. Item level API

Item Level Properties

Several items properties are accessible directly from a script through the item object. You can read and set values of the following item properties: • item.Title – item title, displayed in rundown view • item.Project – name of project of graphic scene • item.Scene – name of scene • item.TakeCount – number of OnTake events • item.CurrentTake – current take number (takes are numbered from 0) • item.UniqueID – item unique id (read-only)

• item.VSlot – vslot for item returns integer value (not alias name) 16. M6 Scripting API • item.Channels – channel list Example: var arrayChannel = item.Channels; for( var i = 0 ; i < arrayChannel.length ; ++i ) { app.addParameter( arrayChannel[ i ] ); }

Item Level Parameters.

Script parameters are accessible by their names. To set the value of a parameter it is enough to type: item.parameter_name = some_value; To read a value from a parameter, use the same semantics with reversed order of script parameters: var script_value = item.parameter_name; NOTE: Because of scripting, parameter names are limited to alpha-numeric strings with '_' character. Other characters are forbidden.

In Maestro parameter can be a single value, or an array value. In order to operate on array parameter, in scripts you can use parameter's properties: • "item.parameter_name.Data – Returns data as array of strings • "item.parameter_name.Size – Returns size of array (read-only) • "item.parameter_name.Index – Returns current index of array

Timeline and Macro API | 227 • "item.parameter_name.Value – Returns value of current index from array (value of this property is updated automatically when Index or Data is modified) • item.parameter_name.QueryValid – Turn off/on query for parameters, returns true if query is on, else return false • item.parameter_name.Visibility – Turn off/on visibility for parameters • item.parameter_name.ReadOnly – Turn off/on modifiable for parameters

Item Level Functions

• bool addParameter (string name); Set value of parameter to parameter_value, if parameter "name" does not exist, create a new one. Return true on success. If parameter with name exists, return false. • bool deleteParameter (string name); Delete parameter "name". Return true on success. • bool hasParameter(string name); Return true if parameter name is defined. • Object findItem( string uniqueID ) Tries to find an item in rundown. On failure returns null. Example: var uniqueID = "JKP"; var item1 = app.findItem( uniqueID ); var item2 = app.findItem( '1LINE' ); • void loadItem( Object obj ) Function will try to load graphics to RE. Example: 16. M6 Scripting API 16. M6 Scripting var item1 = app.findItem( '1LINE' ); if ( item1 != null ) { app.loadItem( item1 ); } void unloadItem( Object obj ) (On-Air mode only) function will try to unload graphics to RE • bool isItemLoaded( Object obj ) Returns true if item is loaded • void cueItem( Object obj ) Execute 'CUE' • void takeItem( Object obj ) Execute 'TAKE' • void outItem( Object obj ) Execute 'OUT'

228 Timeline and Macro API | Examples

Changing item's title during play operation: This example uses a simple scene with one text export, and two 'IN' and 'OUT' animations; the first take sends a text export, and plays the 'IN' animation and the second 'take' plays the 'OUT' animation. Script for first 'Take': if(TAKE_NO === "0") { item.Title = "First take: info bar IN"; return true; } return false;

Script for second 'Take': if(TAKE_NO === "1") 16. M6 Scripting API { item.Title = "Second take: info bar OUT"; return true; } return false;

Using one item to display different data for each take: This example uses a simple scene with one text export, and two 'IN' and 'OUT' animations, but the scripts for the Take events are different. In this scene there is a newsText parameter, which holds an array of text data (e.g. from data query). if((TAKE_NO % 2) === 0) { item.Title = 'Data to display: "' + item.newsText.Value + '"'; return true; } return false; Line 1 checks if the take number is an even number. Line 3 changes the title of the item.

Second script: if((TAKE_NO % 2) === 1) { item.newsText.Index += 1; if (item.newsText.Index === item.newsText.Size)

Timeline and Macro API | 229 { item.Title = 'End of data'; item.newsText.Index = 0; } return true; } return false; Line 1 checks if the script call parameter is an odd number. In line 3 the current index of item.newsText.Index is increased by 1; we want to display next data. Line 4 verifies that the current index does not exceed the size of data (the first index is 0). After the last index, the item's title is changed to 'End of data'. Playlist Level API

The Playlist can be accessed in scripts through 'playlist' object. Item can only access it's 'parental' playlist.

Playlist Level Properties.

No properties for playlist object has been defined. It is probable that this will be changed in new versions. Sample properties (not available in first version): • playlist.Name – Name of playlist, without location prefix (read-only) • playlist.Type – {MOS, MANUAL, ....}

Playlist Level Parameters

Playlists like items can have parameters. Playlists parameters are identical to item's 16. M6 Scripting API 16. M6 Scripting parameters. We can access parameter object by its name. • playlist.parameter_name

Playlist Level Functions

Similar to item object, playlist will have functions to manipulate its parameters. • bool addParameter(string name); Set value of parameter to parameter_value, if parameter "name" does not exist, create a new one. Return true on success. • bool deleteParameter(string name); Delete parameter "name". Return true on success. • bool hasParameter(string name); Return true if parameter name is defined. • bool deleteAllParameters(); Delete all parameters. Return true on success.

230 Timeline and Macro API | Item enumeration functions, is a set of functions for easy navigation between items (for accessing individual playlist items). • int getItemCount(); Returns number of items in playlist. • Object getItem(int anIndex); Returns reference to item. • Object getFirstObject(); Returns first item in playlist • Object getNextObject(Object aPreviousObject); Returns next object or null; • Object findItemByID(string uniqueID); Returns item with uniqueID or null; • Object findItem(string uniqueID) • Find an item in the playlist. On failure returns null. For example; var uniqueID = "JKP";

var item1 = app.findItem( uniqueID ); 16. M6 Scripting API var item2 = app.findItem( '1LINE' );


1. Change the project name in each item in playlist. With this simple script we can quickly replace graphics in each item in playlist. function changeGraphics() { var oldProject = playlist.old_project; // get old project name from playlist parameter 'old_project' var newProject = playlist.new_project; var nextItem = playlist.getFirstObject(); // take the first item from playlist while (nextItem != null) { if (nextItem.Project == oldProject) { nextItem.Project = newProject; } /*nextItem = playlist.getNextObject();*/ nextItem = playlist.getNextObject(nextItem); } }

Timeline and Macro API | 231 Application level API

Application object in script will be named 'app'. There will be only one application object, it can be accessed from any script. (Item cannot access other playlist than its own).

Application Level Properties

• app.Name – Name of application (in case of Maestro it will be 'Maestro', MOS plugins might have different names); • app.Version – Version number • app.User – Name of current user (user name is set during application start);

Application Level Parameters

Like item and rundown objects, application will have parameters. Parameters can be accessed by their names: • app.parameter_name

Application Level Functions

Like item and rundown objects, application will have functions to manipulate parameters. • bool addParameter( string name ); Set value of parameter to parameter_value, if parameter "name" does not exist, create a new one. Returns true on success. If parameter with name exists, Returns false. • bool deleteParameter( string name );

16. M6 Scripting API 16. M6 Scripting Delete parameter "name". Returns true on success. • bool hasParameter( string name ); Returns true if parameter name is defined. • bool deleteAllParameters(); Delete all parameters. Returns true on success.

Playlist enumeration functions is a set of functions for easy navigation between playlists (accessing open playlists). • int getPlaylistCount(); Returns number of opened playlists. • Object getPlaylist(int anIndex); Returns reference to playlist.

Another proposition for enumeration functions: • Object getFirstPlaylist(); Returns first playlist

232 Timeline and Macro API | • Object getNextPlaylist(); Returns next object or null • Object getActivePlaylist(); Returns playlist marked as active • void closeAllPlaylists(); Closes all playlists ex: app.closeAllPlaylists() • void loadScene(string aChannel, string aProject, string aScene); Loads scene to specified channel, for example: app.loadScene("A", "Demo", "CNBC") • void clearChannel(string aChannel); Clears specified channel, for example: app.clearChannel("A") • void clearAllChannels(); Clears all channels, for example: app.clearAllChannels() Asynchronous Communication

General information on the SIGNAL / SLOT communication mechanism 16. M6 Scripting API

SIGNAL/SLOT is an abstract name for asynchronous event which can be sent from and item and received and handled by another item, playlist (only item's playlist can receive its SIGNALS), or application. SIGNAL has two parameters: signal name (string) and signal value (variant). Signals can be sent from the timeline or using script code. In the timeline using Signal event. (Signals are posted immediately; the Wait command does not apply for scripts or signal events.) In the script code use the postSignal(name, parameter) function. Signals can be received by items, playlists, or applications. Only items with on-air status receive signals (performance constraint). Playlists will receive signals from their children only. Applications use a global handler.

Sending signals from a script:

Two global functions are provided in the script API: • postSignal(signal_name, parameter); Send signal to all slots (items, playlist, application). Parameters: • 'signal_name' – first parameter will allow receiver to recognize type of signal

• 'parameter' – each signal can 'carry' some value with itself.

• postSignalDirect(signal_name, parameter, recipient); Send signal only to recipient object. This function guarantees that only one object will receive this signal. Parameters: • 'signal_name' – first parameter will allow receiver to recognize type of signal

Timeline and Macro API | 233 • 'parameter' – each signal can 'carry' some value with itself.

• 'recipient' – signal destination, it can be item, parent playlist, or application.

Receiving signals in items

A new type of callback can be added to the timeline. The callback will have following interface: • bool function OnSignalEvent(var SIGNAL_NAME, var SIGNAL_VALUE) { return true; } External Device Communication

General access to external device properties and function: • device_name.device_property • device_name.device_function();

CMD Device

CMD object in script will be named 'cmd'. It can be accessed from any script.

CMD Device Properties

• cmd.WorkingDirectory – The path to the directory in this directory will run the program • cmd.Arguments – Argument list (array type is required) • cmd.ProgramPath – Path to .EXE file 16. M6 Scripting API 16. M6 Scripting CMD Device Functions

•void Run() start program


Start notepad.exe from Maestro script:

Script: cmd.ProgramPath = 'c:/start.bat'; cmd.WorkingDirectory = 'c:/'; cmd.Run();

In start.bat: start c:\windows\notepad.exe

234 Timeline and Macro API | GPI Device

GPI object in script will be named 'gpi'. It can be accessed from any script.

GPI Device Properties

• gpi.DeviceName – Device name

GPI Device Functions

• void setPortStatus(int aPortNumb, bool aPortStat) Set port

VideoEngine Device

The Blend VideoEngine is an Avid product.

VideoEngine Properties

• videoengine.DeviceName – Select device, use names set in 'External devices' preferences 16. M6 Scripting API • videoengine.ClipId – Select clip name (or ID) • videoengine.Channel – VideoEngine channel ID • videoengine.IsConnected – VideoEngine device connection status (true when connected)

VideoEngine Functions

•videoengine.Cue() •videoengine.Play() • videoengine.Stop()


videoengine.DeviceName = 'a'; videoengine.ClipId = 'MOV00000075_ducati_1080i_48';;

Timeline and Macro API | 235 Datasource

Update Specific Query • datasource.updateQuery (,) where , is name existing query

Update Query For Parameters • datasource.updateData( Object object ) where object is (e.g.)

• app.parameter_name

• playlist.parameter_name

• item.parameter_name

• item

• playlist

• app 16. M6 Scripting API 16. M6 Scripting

236 Timeline and Macro API | Page Level API

The scripting APIs in this section are used exclusively to create page scripts in PageEditor. Page Object

Page Level Properties

• page.SubpageCount – Count of subpages, integer, (read-only) • page.UniqueID – Unique id, string, (read-only) • page.AppName – Application name, string, (read-only)

Subpages • page._1 – First subpage, object, (read-only) • page._2 – Second subpage, object, (read-only) • page._3 – Third subpage, object, (read-only)

• page._current – Current subpage, object, (read-only) 16. M6 Scripting API

Page Level Functions

• bool hasSubpage( int aSubpageIndex ); • bool hasSubpage( string aSubpageName ); Returns true if subpage with specified index/name exists, otherwise false. • aSubpageIndex – index of subpage where first subpage has index = 1. • Array getSubpagesNames(); Returns array containing of names of all subpages Example: var subpageNames = page.getSubpagesNames(); for (var i = 0; i < subpageNames.length; i++) { var subpageName = subpagesNames[i]; ... } • Array getSubpages(); Returns array containing of all subpages objects Example: var subpageObjects = page.getSubpages(); for (var i = 0; i < subpageObjects .length; i++) { var subpageObj = subpageObjects[i]; subpageObj.Width = 520;

Page Level API | 237 ... } • Object getSubpage( int aSubpageIndex ); • Object getSubpage( string aSubpageName ); Returns subpage object with specified index/name. • aSubpageIndex – index of subpage where first subpage has index = 1. Example: var subpage = page.getSubpage(1); subpage.Width = 520; • void selectSubpage( int aSubpageIndex ); • void selectSubpage( string aSubpageName ); Selects subpage specified index/name. • aSubpageIndex – index of subpage where first subpage has index = 1. Example: page.selectSubpage(1); 16. M6 Scripting API 16. M6 Scripting

238 Page Level API | Subpage Object

Subpage Level Properties

• page._current.Index – Index of subpage, integer, (read-only) • page._2.ControlCount – Count of subpage controls, integer, (read-only) • page._current.Name – Name of subpage, string, (read/write) • page._current.Width – Width of subpage, integer, (read/write) • page._current.Height – Height of subpage, integer, (read/write) • page._current.Project – Project of subpage, string, (read/write) • page._current.Scene – Scene of subpage, string, (read/write) • page._current.Visible – Visibility of subpage, boolean, (read/write) • page._current.BackgroundColor – Background color of subpage, string, (read/write), format: "#RRGGBBAA" Example: page._current.BackgroundColor = "#FF0000FF"; • page._current.BackgroundImagePath – Path to image background of subpage, 16. M6 Scripting API string, (read/write) • page._current.VSlot – VSlot of subpage, integer, (read/write) • page._current.Channels – Channels of subpage, array, (read/write) Example: page._current.Channels = new Array("A", "B", "C"); • page._current.AudioPreset – Audio preset of subpage, integer, (read/write) • page._current.ShowControlNames – Show/hide of controls' names, boolean, (read/write) • page._current.ItemDuration – Duration of subpage in fields, integer, (read/write) • page._current.ItemDefaultColor – Default color of item, string, (read/write), format: "#RRGGBBAA" Example: page._current.ItemDefaultColor = "#FF0000FF"; • page._current.TakeCount – Number of takes of subpage, integer, (read/write) • page._current.Transition – Transition of subpage, array, (read/write) first array element is transition scene name, second is transition duration in fields Example: page._current.Transtion = new Array("transition", "50"); • page._current.AppName – Application name, string, (read-only)

Subpage Level Functions

• bool hasControl int aControlndex ); • bool hasControl( string aControlName ); Returns true if control with specified index/name exists, otherwise false.

Page Level API | 239 aControlIndex – index of control where first control index = 0 • Array getControlsNames(); Returns array containing of names of all controls Example: var controlNames = page._current.getControlNames(); for (var i = 0; i < controlNames.length; i++) { var controlName = controlNames[i]; ... } • Array getControls(); Returns array containing of all controls objects Example: var controlObjects = page._current.getControls(); for (var i = 0; i < controlObjects .length; i++) { var controlObj = controlObjects[i]; controlObj.Width = 120; ... } • Object getControl( int aControlIndex ); • Object getControl( string aControlName ); Returns control object with specified index/name. aControlIndex – index of subpage where first control index = 0.

16. M6 Scripting API 16. M6 Scripting Example: var control = page._current.getControl(1); control.Width = 120;

240 Page Level API | Control Object

Control Properties

• page._current.SingleLineText.X – x position of control, integer, (read/write) • page._1.SingleLineText.Y – y position of control, integer, (read/write) • page._current.SingleLineText.Width – Width of control, integer, (read/write) • page._current.SingleLineText.Height – Height of control, integer, (read/write) • page._current.SingleLineText.Visible – Visibility of control, boolean, (read/write) • page._current.SingleLineText.ReadOnly – Set/unset control to read-only state, boolean, (read/write) • page._current.SingleLineText.QueryActive – Enable/disable of control's query, boolean, (read/write) • page._current.SingleLineText.UseInIemTitle – Set/unset control to used in item's title, boolean, (read/write) • page._current.SingleLineText.LayoutDirection – Layout direction of control, integer, (read/write) 16. M6 Scripting API Possible values: 0 – LeftToRight 1 – RightToLeft 2 – Auto • page._current.SingleLineText.TextColor – Text color of control, string, (read/write), format: "#RRGGBBAA" Example: page._current.SingleLineText.TextColor = "#FF0000FF"; • page._current.SingleLineText.BackgroundColor – Background color of control, string, (read/write), format: "#RRGGBBAA" Example: page._current.SingleLineText.BackgroundColor = "#FF0000FF"; • page._current.SingleLineText.Data – Data of control type depends on control type, (read/write) example: page._current.SingleLineText.Data = "Some text"; page._current.IntegerValue.Data = 10; • page._current.SingleLineText.AppName – Application name, string, (read-only)

Page Level API | 241 Control Functions

• bool hasProperty( string aPropertyName ); Returns true if control has property specified by name, otherwise false. • Array getPropertiesNames(); Returns array containing names of control specific properties Example: var propertyNames = page._current.SingleLineText.getPropertiesNames(); for (var i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) { var propertyName = propertyNames[i]; ... } • Variant getProperty( string aPropertyName ); Returns value of property specified by property name. Returned value type depends of control type. Example: var isVideo = page._current.ClipControl.getProperty("Video"); var imgAspect = page._current.ImageControl.getProperty("Aspect"); • void setProperty( string aPropertyName, Variant aValue ); Sets of properties specified by property name Example: page._current.ClipControl.setProperty("Audio", true); page._current.ImageControl.setProperty("Aspect", 0.5); • void updateQuery(); 16. M6 Scripting API 16. M6 Scripting Updates of query assigned to control Example: page._current.SingleLineText.updateQuery();

242 Page Level API | Media Manager API


• mediaMgr.CLIP_CUING - clip status: cuing, read only • mediaMgr.CLIP_CUED - clip status: cued, read only • mediaMgr.CLIP_PAUSED - clip status: paused, read only • mediaMgr.CLIP_PLAYING - clip status: playing, read only • mediaMgr.CLIP_ERROR - clip status: error, read only • mediaMgr.CLIP_UNLOADED - clip status: unloaded, read only • mediaMgr.CLIP_INVALID - clip status: invalid, read only


• int getClipStatus( string aChannel, string aClipPath ); Returns status of specified clip (aClipPath) on specified channel (aChannel) Example: 16. M6 Scripting API var status = mediaManager.getClipStatus("A", "g:\clips\clip.avi"); if (status == mediaManager.CLIP_CUED) { ... } • Array getClips( string aChannel ); Returns array containing of paths of clips on specified channel (aChannel) Example: var clips = mediaManager.getClips(); for (var i = 0; i < clips.length; i++) { var clip = clips[i]; ... }

Media Manager API | 243 Metadata API

This API extension provides direct access only for reading asset metadata from the database in scripts using 'metadata' objects and the MetaDataContainer. Changing metadata using this API does not affect the database, only Maestro memory.


• MetaDataContainer get( string asset_GUID ); Returns MetaDataContainer containing asset metadata. Takes asset GUID to query. • MetaDataContainer get( item ); Returns MetaDataContainer containing item metadata. Takes item to query. • MetaDataContainer get( page ); Returns MetaDataContainer containing page metadata. Takes page to query.


This is a JavaScript Object with metadata fields as its properties. If you are not familiar with JavaScript, think of the MetaDataContainer as a container that maps metadata names to their values. You can access metadata by name from MetaDataContainer. NOTE: MetaDataContainer is an idea, not a real JavaScript Object. Everything that applies to a JavaScript Object, applies to the MetaDataContainer, since MetaDataContainer is a JavaScript Object. Knowledge of JavaScript Objects is not necessary to use MetaDataContainer, but will be helpful (especially regarding properties).

You can comment scripts with text, for example: // Two slashes begin comment - this line is ignored in a script var item_metadata = 16. M6 Scripting API 16. M6 Scripting metadata.get( item ); Basic Use

Accessing item metadata

To access item metadata in TimeLine Script Event, simply call: var item_metadata = metadata.get( item ); Predefined metadata object returns item metadata via its 'get()' method. Variable item_metadata is MetaDataContainer that contains all accessible item metadata. Let's assume, that item has metadata field with name 'AssetName'. It is possible to access this metadata using two methods: Method 1 meta_data.AssetName; //read meta_data.AssetName = 'NewName'; //write Method 2 (recommended)

244 Metadata API | meta_data['AssetName'] //read meta_data['AssetName']= 'NewName'; //write NOTE: Changing MetaDataContainer will not change metadata in the database, only in Maestro memory. The second method is recommended because some metadata names may contain spaces. For example 'File Type' metadata field, can not be accessed with first method, only with second: meta_data['File Type'] //read meta_data['File Type']= 'JPG'; //write

Accessing page metadata in PageEditor Scripts (Page Level API)

Access for page metadata is same as access for item metadata, but instead of using item object page object to metadata 'get()' method: • var page_metadata = metadata.get( page );

Accessing asset metadata 16. M6 Scripting API

Access for asset metadata is the same as access for item metadata, but instead of using item object pass asset GUID to metadata 'get()' method: • var asset_GUID = 'c9431f15-d167-458f-92a8-1409c6476df5'; var asset_metadata = metadata.get( asset_GUID );

Checking if MetaDataContainer contains a specific metadata field

To check if MetaDataContainer contains 'AssetCreationDate' metadata field, use JavaScript hasOwnProperty() method: • if ( item_metadata.hasOwnProperty( 'AssetCreationDate' ) ) doSomething(); NOTE: Since the MetaDataContainer is just a JavaScript Object, and it contains metadata as its properties, above code snippet ask object item_metadata if it has property called 'AssetCreationDate' using built-in JavaScript hasOwnProperty() function.

List all contained metadata from MetaDataContainer

To see what metadata fields are in MetaDataContainer use a JavaScript statement: • for ( field in item_metadata ) doSomething( item_metadata[ field ] ); Assume that item_metadata contains following metadata fields: 'AssetName', 'AssetCreationDate', 'AssetType'. The above code will iterate through all them; In the first iteration the field variable will be equal to 'AssetName',

Metadata API | 245 In the second iteration the field will be equal to 'AssetCreationDate', In the third iteration the field will be equal to 'AssetType'. Using a statement, you can to iterate all contained metadata. 16. M6 Scripting API 16. M6 Scripting

246 Metadata API |

Index 33


85 156 111


125 141 ,




101 59 111

40 135

23 30


144 23

, 20 23


enabling scene user interface page shortcuts main window rundown

GUI layout error log export, adding to page to adding export, interactive controls interactive log linear time line Excel data source data Excel input mask M window main ID J JStation L layout G GUI H HDVG channels I loading external devices enabling JStation enabling 103

44 62 42 67


194 71


39 62


29 62

72 53 32

82 59 47




63 61


rundown export to page to item channel images event to time line time event to story vslots defining rundown items scenes track to time line time track to animations control properties creating coding scripts coding dummy playlist item dummy playlist defining animation defining defining HDVG channels HDVG defining asset browser E editing D data entry form C CII system macro B browser adding A aligning controls aligning animation application window application assigning a channel clips cloning pages cloning data source data

NLE server NRCS client RSS data source playback control preview playlistrundown vs. playing animations opening play rundown retaining GUI layout R queries Q page P data ODBC O 208 new page N passive mode play out track newsroom systems newsroom numbering tabs out NRCS server pluginNRCS for NLE previewing NRCS items properties loading opening items saving page tabs variation new creating playlist clips




28 209 30


32 79 90

28 28 62


28 28



210 138


59 83 32 172




49 24

28 , , 182

213 28 151 180 , 71 87 109

47 164

, , 58 135 200 214 , , 202 217 , 203 , 205 , setting silent mode texture story rundown vs.playlist rundown starting Maestro SQL data source spell checker saving S virtual slots V user interface U tab order T scenes using NLE using signals snapshot vslot ticker scripts time line time text data source data text search browser search loading new track new page properties control properties editor new event playlist item page speedoffset & thumbnails tabs layout shortcuts wizard default pagedirectory vslots coding linear


61 74


50 109 66



113 53 virtual slots 135 29

28 52 53 159 59 ,

109 113

49 101



44 20 109

67 63

, , 86 18 84 75 156

100 37

58 39

95 , 97

89 , 88

XML data sourceXML data X