Spotlight on a Critical Threat: The Abuse and Exploitation of Red Notices, Interpol and the U.S. Judicial Process by Russia and Other Authoritarian States Conference Report Convened by the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center at the Schar School of Policy and Government of George Mason University November 28, 2018 ©2018 Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center. All rights reserved. About TraCCC The Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC) is the first center in the United States devoted to understanding the links among terrorism, transnational crime and corruption, and to teach, research, train and help formulate policy on these critical issues. TraCCC is a research center within the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University. Visit for more information Contact TraCCC at
[email protected] or 703-993-9757 This report on The Abuse and Exploitation of Red Notices, Interpol and the U.S. Judicial Process by Russia and Other Authoritarian States summarizes a conference featuring distinguished scholars, legal professionals, and government officials. The conference looked at a critical threat for the United States and other democratic countries whose judicial systems and legal institutions are often misused by authoritarian regimes. A particular cause for concern is the abuse of Interpol’s Red Notices by Russia, China, Turkey and other authoritarian countries to harass their political and economic opponents worldwide. The report contains a list of recommendations and suggestions to mitigate the problem. The conference report was written by Dr. Yulia Krylova, a research scholar at TraCCC, and edited by Louise Shelley, Director and Judith Deane, Deputy Director of TraCCC at George Mason University.