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26_595407 bindex.qxd 8/29/05 8:56 PM Page 770 Index Alfred’s Tower (Stourhead), 402 Lavenham, 570 Abbey, The, (Bury St. Alfriston, 324–329 London, 210–211 Edmunds), 566 Alhambra Theatre (Bradford), Manchester, 619 Abbey Gardens (Tresco), 688 Norwich, 582 448–449 Alice’s Shop (Oxford), 266 St. Albans, 275 Abbey Theatre (St. Albans), 275 All Saints (London), 212 Stow-on-the-Wold, 485 Abbey Treasure Museum Althorp, 586 Stratford-upon-Avon, 508 (London), 171 Alum Bay (Isle of Wight), 350 Windsor, 242 Abbot Hall Art Gallery (Kendal), The Amateur Dramatic Club Woburn, 278 644 (Cambridge), 559 Apple Market (London), 214 Aberconwy House (Conwy), 764 Ambleside, 651–654 Apsley House, The Wellington Abergavenny, 724–727 American Bar (London), 227–228 Museum (London), 184, 186 Abergavenny Castle, 726 American Express Aquarium of the Lakes Abergavenny Museum, 726 Cardiff, 713 (Lakeside), 649 Aberystwyth Musical Festival, London, 113 Arboretum Sensory Trail, 13 45–46 traveler’s checks, 39 Arbour Antiques (Stratford- Accommodations The American Museum (Bath), upon-Avon), 508 best, 14–17 385 Architecture, 23–30 surfing for, 55–56 The American Museum books about, 85 tips on, 76–80 (Claverton), 8 Arlington Row (Bibury), 475 Acorn Bank Garden & Watermill Amgueddfa Llandudno Armouries (London), 167 (Penrith), 667–668 Museum, 769 Arnolfini Portrait, 176 Adam and Eve (Norwich), 583 Ampleforth Abbey, 695 Aromatherapy, 81 Adam & Eve Tavern (Lincoln), Anchor (Cambridge), 559 Art, 20–23 605 Andrew Lamputt (Hereford), books about, 85 Addison’s Walk (Oxford), 262 531 Art galleries, Lincoln, 607 Admiral Duncan (London), 226 Angel Tavern (Cardiff), 724 The Art Gallery (Scarborough), Afternoon tea, 11 Anglesey, Isle of, 758–761 698 Ain’t Nothing But Blues Bar Anne Hathaway’s Cottage Arthur’s Stone, 737 (London), 222 (Stratford-upon-Avon), 504 Arts and crafts.
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