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Comprehensive Brand study across12 regions in the

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■Survey Overview

●Survey Objectives To survey and measure the brand strength of 60 major global brands in 12 Asian regions (, India, , Japan, , Myanmar, , , Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and ), as well as to assess any regional differences and trends on factors such as favorable impression, usefulness, and quality of these individual brands. To conduct surveys on 40 brands in each of the surveyed regions to serve as benchmarks (focusing on local brands; none in Singapore/some of these local brands have international operations). ●Survey Policies and Composition Brand Asia employed the same assessment and analysis procedures used in Brand Japan, maximum scale brand evaluation survey project in Japan, which was conducted for the 14th time in 2014. The key data survey items used to calculate overall brand strength--and the covariance structure analysis--are consistent between the two surveys, drawing on Nikkei BP Consulting's expertise in evaluating brand strength. Brand Asia's work on this project consisted of surveying consumers in 12 Asian regions on brand value, including the collection of real-time data. ●Regions Surveyed China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam ●Survey Target Group Men and women, 20-50s (China, India, and Vietnam: 20-40s only; Indonesia and Myanmar: instead of "50s," the category was "50s and over") ●Survey Period December 2013 - January 2014 ●Details on survey target brands 1. A total of 100 brands were surveyed in each region and 60 global brands were surveyed in all regions. 2. In 11 regions, excluding Singapore, 40 primarily local brands were selected by each region and surveyed (some of these local brands have international operations). 3. The 60 global brands were limited to the following 10 sector industries: 1) Foods/Drinks, 2) FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods), 3) Clothing/Fashion items, 4) Automakers, 5) IT/Home electronics, 6) Internet-related, 7) Finance, 8) Restaurants, 9) Sporting goods, 10) Diversified management 4. As well as the above-mentioned industries, local brands were classified as "telecommunication", "media/entertainment", "retail", "transportation and distribution" and "other". ●Project Planning and Data analysis Nikkei BP Consulting ●Survey Methodologies & Sample sizes Region Target Cities Methodologies Sample Size China Beijing, Shanghai Internet survey 900 India Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Nagpur Street survey 1,000 Indonesia Jakarta Internet survey 600 Japan Tokyo, Osaka, others Internet survey 1,027 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johore Internet survey 600 Myanmar Yangon, Mandalay Street survey 600 Singapore Singapore Internet survey 357 South Korea Seoul, others Internet survey 600 Taiwan Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung Internet survey 600 Thailand Bangkok, others Telephone survey 600 Turkey Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir Internet survey 575 Vietnam Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh Street survey 1,200

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ●Path Diagram and Tabulation Information The Brand Asia survey utilizes the same covariance structure analysis as the Brand Japan survey. A path diagram used in the survey results analysis is shown below. The items in the white squares are the observable variables. These items, which are related to image, are presented to the respondents on the selected corporate brands. The respondents select the images they feel fit the brand. These results are then compiled into categories by image for each of the brands, from which the items in the rounded gray squares—latent variables (f0 to f4)—are calculated. The white numbers in the black squares (traversed by the black arrows) are the weighted coefficients calculated from the results of the covariance structure analysis. (The values shown underneath in italics are the weighted averages from the previous survey.) To ascertain overall brand competitiveness (f0), a methodology is employed to enable comparison between different regions with vastly different characteristics. Using the 60 brands surveyed across all regions as the base, the observed variable is standardized*1 for each region (average=0, standard deviation=1). Next, the value is standardized again for all regions. Then we find the corresponding weighted coefficients in the boxes traversed by the arrows, and the values are totaled for each arrow group. Finally, the standard score (average=50, standard deviation=10) is calculated to arrive at the latent variable score, which allows for effective comparison between regions. For convenience purposes, this edition also shows rankings by region. ――――――――――― *1 To exclude any impact of extremely minor items on variance, standard deviation values of less than 1 are counted as 1.

Path Diagram 0.92 Like, favorite 0.95

0.86 Feel familiarity 0.96 f1: FRIENDLY 0.86 0.94 0.91 Would feel sad if disappeared 0.84

0.85 Feel empathy 0.91

0.96 Know, interested 0.98

0.80 Have used recently 0.96 f2: 0.80 CONVENIENT 0.97 0.84 Useful 0.82

f0: 0.85 Excellent quality OVERALL 0.83 BRAND STRENGTH 0.83 High status 0.78

0.80 Chic, stylish 0.89 f3: 0.77 OUTSTANDING 0.84 0.88 Has unparalleled charm 0.93

0.87 Has striking individuality 0.97

0.86 Is attracting attention now (timely) 0.90

0.95 f4: INNOVATIVE 0.89 Pioneering 0.95 0.80

0.82 Vigorous 0.84

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ■Summary of Results [OVERALL AREA] The cross-regional Brand Asia 2014 survey analyzed the overall strength of main brands, differences among regions, differences in image trends, and other factors by measuring the image equity of respective brands in Asian countries in terms of their appeal, usefulness, sense of quality, and so on. The survey, consisting of a fixed questionnaire targeting general consumers, was conducted in 12 Asian regions: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey (newly added this time), and Vietnam. The 2013 survey also included the Philippines, but this region was omitted this time in consideration of the huge typhoon damage suffered there in 2013. An aggregate total of 1,160 brands were surveyed: 60 common global brands for each of the 12 regions and 440 local brands (40 local brands selected by each region with the exception of Singapore; some of these local brands have international operations).

Smartphone-related brands like Apple, Samsung, and Google rate highly in Asia; Japanese brands Sony and Honda continue to do well Table 1 shows the top 10 brands in terms of overall strength by region, and Table 2 shows the average overall strength ranking of the 60 global brands surveyed. The former table reveals that smartphone-related brands, such as Apple, Samsung, and Google, have strong brand power in Asia in general. The latter table shows that in addition to Coca-Cola, Japanese brands Sony and Honda continue from last time to be highly rated on average throughout Asia.

The Brand Asia project calculates brand power in terms of four factors: outstanding, innovative, friendly, and convenient. Compared with the other factors, Apple, Sony, and Honda received especially high marks for “outstanding”, Google and Samsung for “innovative” and Coca-Cola for “friendly.” While possessing a core image, each of these brands scored well on average for the other factors as well; hence their substantial overall strength.

Smartphone-related brands make rapid progress in Thailand Among the 60 global brands, Apple appeared most frequently in the top 10, doing so in 10 of the 12 regions (the exceptions being India and Myanmar). Apple also came top in the average overall score ranking, so it can be called the strongest brand in Asia. As well as newly surveyed Turkey, Apple also newly ranked in the top 10 in Thailand and Vietnam. The next most frequent brand to appear in the top 10 was Samsung, which did so in nine regions. As well as Turkey, Samsung newly moved into the top 10 in China and Thailand. And Google had a top 10 ranking in eight regions, newly appearing in Thailand as well as Turkey. In Thailand, Google came 3rd, Apple 4th, and Samsung 5th this time. In addition, the messenger application LINE, which was newly added as a local brand this time, ranked 9th. In the previous survey in Thailand, no smartphone-related brands made it into the top 10, and five of the top six brands were automobile companies. Once again this time, the top two places were occupied by automobile brands, Honda in 1st place and Toyota 2nd, but from 3rd place down there was a substantial changing of the guard. Until now the use of personal computers in Thailand has been

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. limited to the business domain, and they have not spread among the general public. In response to the entering into the digital era and the rapid development of IT infrastructure, therefore, demand has increased for smartphones and tablet computers as a means of accessing the Internet, regardless of age group. The 2014 survey results are a reflection of this situation.

Apple has good reputation in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam as well; LG rises rapidly in Myanmar The tendency for smartphone-related brands to receive high marks can be seen in other countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) too, including Indonesia, Myanmar, and Vietnam as well as Malaysia.

In Malaysia, Google came 1st, Samsung 2nd, and Apple 4th. In the previous survey, the top four spots were occupied by bank and automobile brands, and Samsung, Google, and Apple ranked 7th, 8th, and 9th, respectively. In Indonesia, Apple, which has been increasing its score year by year, came top this time. Nokia, which came 1st for the second consecutive year in 2013, dropped substantially to 20th place. In Vietnam, Nokia ranked 2nd, so it can still boast a strong presence in that region, while Apple, which had not finished in the top 10 in Vietnam before, received high marks and jumped to 8th. So far Apple had only received high scores in East Asian regions like China, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea, but now its brand power is penetrating the ASEAN countries as well. In Myanmar, LG leapt from 24th place in the previous survey to 2nd this time, and Samsung came 4th (5th last time). LG and Samsung have boosted their presence by establishing Facebook pages for Myanmar people—“LG loves Myanmar” since August 2013 and “Samsung Myanmar” since October 2012. As of May 23, 2014, LG’s site had attracted around 77,300 likes against Samsung’s approximately 76,100, giving the LG site a slight lead despite its later launch. Also three media brands (including television and radio stations) made it into the top 10; only one media brand did so last time. As their living standards change, the people of Myanmar are becoming more interested in communications and entertainment that they can easily enjoy via information equipment (e.g., TV and smartphone).

Dormant potential and changing environment Table 2 also shows that there are brands with a relatively high recognition rate but not so high brand strength. Even though their average recognition rates exceed 80%, 10 brands scored below 50 points for average overall strength. Among them, Suzuki in particular had an average recognition rate of 93.7%, which is slightly higher than Mercedes-Benz’s figure of 93.1%. But while Mercedes-Benz ranked 7th in terms of average overall score (with 59.5 points), Suzuki came 37th with 46.3 points (13.2 points less than Mercedes-Benz). A brand with a relatively high degree of recognition, which is the foundation for increasing brand power, can be said to possess a lot of potential. Such brands are required to review their forms of communication with consumers and advance their image strategy to the next stage.

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Economically Asian countries are drawing closer to one another. In 2015 tariffs are scheduled to be eliminated in the entire ASEAN region. In addition, as shown by the survey results, the rapid diffusion of smartphones and tablet computers in the ASEAN area could greatly shrink the distance between ASEAN and the rest of Asia and the rest of the world. This environmental change may exert a substantial impact on branding in Asia. From now on also, brand evaluation in changing Asia is going to attract a lot of attention.

Respondents want to purchase cars, can confidently recommend smartphones Of the four newly added questions concerning brand loyalty, Table 3 shows the top three brands in each region for “want to purchase” and “want to recommend to others” (totals for respondents in each region who recognized the brands). Automobile and smartphone brands are especially notable here. For “want to purchase,” automobile-related brands came top in 7 out of 10 regions and nine automobile-related brands appeared in the top 3. (Five automobile-related brands ranked in the top 3 for “want to recommend to others” as well.) Regarding smartphone-related brands, including telecom operators and Internet services, 15 brands ranked in the top 3 for “want to recommend to others,” and 8 brands made it into the top 3 for “want to purchase” too. Since respondents only give high marks in this category to products and services that they have actually experienced and can vouch for in terms of practicality and so on, the results give a sense of the wide penetration of smartphones and tablet computers in Asia as a whole.

Economically Asian countries are drawing closer to one another. In 2015 tariffs are scheduled to be eliminated in the entire ASEAN region. In addition, as shown by the survey results, the rapid diffusion of smartphones and tablet computers in the ASEAN area could greatly shrink the distance between ASEAN and the rest of Asia and the rest of the world. This environmental change may exert a substantial impact on branding in Asia. From now on also, brand evaluation in changing Asia is going to attract a lot of attention. Centered on the Brand Asia project, Nikkei BP Consulting intends to continue supplying valuable data to companies plotting their next move in Asia.

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Table 1: Overall Brand Strength Ranking (Regional Top 10 Brands)



1 Alipay Finance 84.7 1 Nokia IT/Home electronics 82.4 1 Apple IT/Home electronics 72.4

2 Apple IT/Home electronics 74.7 2 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 80.4 2 Google Internet-related 66.2

3 BMW Automakers 70.8 3 LG IT/Home electronics 79.4 3 TEH BOTOL SOSRO Foods/Drinks 66.0

4 Mercedes-Benz Automakers 66.6 4 Colgate FMCG 78.4 4 HONDA Automakers 65.8

4 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 66.6 5 Cadbury Foods/Drinks 73.9 5 Indofood Foods/Drinks 65.6

6 Tencent Internet-related 65.4 6 Godrej Diversified 73.6 6 Mercedes-Benz Automakers 65.2

7 China UnionPay Finance 65.0 7 Britannia Foods/Drinks 72.9 7 SHARP IT/Home electronics 64.8

8 Haier IT/Home electronics 64.0 8 Coca-Cola Foods/Drinks 71.6 8 YAHOO! Internet-related 64.7

9 Microsoft IT/Home electronics 62.1 9 SONY ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION Media/Entertainment 70.7 9 TOSHIBA IT/Home electronics 64.0

10 Baidu Internet-related 60.6 10 pepsi Foods/Drinks 69.6 10 Telkomsel Telecommunication 62.9


1 Google Internet-related 77.0 1 Google Internet-related 73.2 1 Family Care FMCG 82.2

2 Apple IT/Home electronics 75.9 2 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 70.0 2 LG IT/Home electronics 82.1

3 Amazon Internet-related 70.3 3 TOYOTA Automakers 67.5 3 MRTV-4 Media/Entertainment 81.9

4 SONY IT/Home electronics 69.1 4 Apple IT/Home electronics 67.1 4 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 78.7

5 UNIQLO Clothing/Fashion items 66.7 5 Maybank Finance 64.0 5 SUNDAY MIX Foods/Drinks 78.1

6 SUNTORY Foods/Drinks 63.9 6 Nikon IT/Home electronics 63.4 6 5 network Media/Entertainment 76.5

7 Rakuten Internet-related 63.3 7 McDonald's Restaurants 63.2 7 Channel 7 Media/Entertainment 76.3

8 Häagen-Dazs Foods/Drinks 62.3 8 adidas Sporting goods 63.0 7 Royal Myanmar Teamix Foods/Drinks 76.3

9 Coca-Cola Foods/Drinks 62.0 9 Mercedes-Benz Automakers 62.8 9 Sein Gay Har Retail 75.1

9 TOYOTA Automakers 62.0 10 HONDA Automakers 62.6 10 Colgate FMCG 74.1


1 Google Internet-related 75.6 1 NAVER Internet-related 77.8 1 Google Internet-related 75.6

2 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 74.8 2 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 76.8 2 SONY IT/Home electronics 72.4

3 Apple IT/Home electronics 72.7 3 NIKE Sporting goods 73.9 3 Apple IT/Home electronics 70.9

4 SONY IT/Home electronics 64.5 4 Apple IT/Home electronics 71.3 4 YAHOO! Internet-related 67.6

5 Microsoft IT/Home electronics 64.3 5 Coca-Cola Foods/Drinks 70.2 5 BMW Automakers 66.1

6 McDonald's Restaurants 64.0 6 adidas Sporting goods 68.0 6 Giant (Bicycle) Sporting goods 64.3

7 STARBUCKS COFFEE Restaurants 63.5 7 LG IT/Home electronics 67.9 7 3M Diversified 62.3

8 BMW Automakers 62.9 8 CJ Foods/Drinks 66.6 8 adidas Sporting goods 61.2

9 adidas Sporting goods 62.3 9 BMW Automakers 65.8 9 NIKE Sporting goods 60.9

10 YAHOO! Internet-related 60.7 10 Microsoft IT/Home electronics 65.1 10 HTC IT/Home electronics 60.6

THAILAND TURKEY VIETNAM 1 HONDA Automakers 71.2 1 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 79.2 1 HONDA Automakers 83.8

2 TOYOTA Automakers 70.9 2 Google Internet-related 76.9 2 Nokia IT/Home electronics 77.8

3 Google Internet-related 69.7 3 Mercedes-Benz Automakers 74.4 3 Google Internet-related 75.7

4 Apple IT/Home electronics 66.7 4 Apple IT/Home electronics 72.8 4 Vinamilk Foods/Drinks 75.5

5 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 65.5 5 adidas Sporting goods 69.1 5 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 74.8

6 Coca-Cola Foods/Drinks 63.0 6 BMW Automakers 68.4 6 SONY IT/Home electronics 72.3

7 Colgate FMCG 62.2 7 Volkswagen Automakers 68.1 7 pepsi Foods/Drinks 68.4

8 KFC Restaurants 61.7 8 Nestlé Foods/Drinks 66.8 8 Apple IT/Home electronics 67.9

9 LINE Internet-related 60.0 9 ÜLKER Foods/Drinks 66.1 9 Microsoft IT/Home electronics 66.9

10 BMW Automakers 59.8 10 sütaş Foods/Drinks 62.2 10 Trung Nguyen Foods/Drinks 66.5

10 TURKISH AIRLINES Transportation/Logistics 62.2

For convenience purposes, the rankings were Global brands common to the regional surveys Other selected brands center on local brands in classified by region on the basis of overall brand (60 brands) each region (40 brands; none in Singapore.) strength.

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Table 2: Ranking of Overall Brand Strength Average in 60 Global Brands (Top 20 Brands) Rank Brand Score Rank Brand Score 1 Apple 68.7 11 TOYOTA 57.2 2 Google 68.4 12 NIKE 57.0 3 SAMSUNG 67.9 13 LG 55.8 4 Coca-Cola 62.5 14 Nokia 55.8 5 SONY 62.1 15 Canon 55.5 6 HONDA 60.4 16 Nestlé 55.5 7 Mercedes-Benz 59.5 17 Colgate 54.5 8 BMW 58.2 18 KFC 54.2 9 adidas 57.7 19 TOSHIBA 52.9 10 Microsoft 57.4 20 McDonald's 52.8

Table 3: Brand Loyalty Ranking (Regional Top 3 Brands)



1 BMW Automakers 48.3 1 BMW Automakers 41.6 2 Apple IT/Home electronics 41.7 2 Mercedes-Benz Automakers 39.5

3 GAP Clothing/Fashion items 41.5 3 Siemens Diversified 36.0



1 HONDA Automakers 46.4 1 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 55.0

2 Apple IT/Home electronics 44.3 2 pepsi Foods/Drinks 54.0

3 Colgate FMCG 40.0 3 Colgate FMCG 53.5



1 TOYOTA Automakers 52.1 1 Mercedes-Benz Automakers 25.2 2 Apple IT/Home electronics 51.3 2 Apple IT/Home electronics 19.7 3 Panasonic IT/Home electronics 48.3 3 HONDA Automakers 19.2

MALAYSIA WANT TO PURCHASE % WANT TO RECOMMEND TO OTHERS % 1 HONDA Automakers 57.5 1 SONY IT/Home electronics 42.9 2 TOYOTA Automakers 55.5 2 Google Internet-related 42.5 3 Apple IT/Home electronics 54.6 3 Maybank Finance 42.5


WANT TO PURCHASE % WANT TO RECOMMEND TO OTHERS % 1 Family Care FMCG 81.7 1 Family Care FMCG 74.2 2 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 66.1 2 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 67.8 3 Royal Myanmar Teamix Foods/Drinks 65.3 3 MRTV-4 Media/Entertainment 62.5

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. SINGAPORE

WANT TO PURCHASE % WANT TO RECOMMEND TO OTHERS % 1 McDonald's Restaurants 39.3 1 Apple IT/Home electronics 40.0 2 Häagen-Dazs Foods/Drinks 37.9 2 Google Internet-related 39.3 3 H&M Clothing/Fashion items 36.5 3 Canon IT/Home electronics 38.1


WANT TO PURCHASE % WANT TO RECOMMEND TO OTHERS % 1 BMW Automakers 50.8 1 Google Internet-related 30.8 2 Apple IT/Home electronics 50.0 2 Wow prime Restaurants 30.8 3 Häagen-Dazs Foods/Drinks 49.6 3 YAHOO! Internet-related 30.3


WANT TO PURCHASE % WANT TO RECOMMEND TO OTHERS % 1 Coca-Cola Foods/Drinks 67.2 1 AIS Telecommunication 64.7 2 Nivea FMCG 61.3 2 BEER CHANG Foods/Drinks 57.1 3 Johnson&Johnson FMCG 54.6 3 dtac Telecommunication 56.3


WANT TO PURCHASE % WANT TO RECOMMEND TO OTHERS % 1 BMW Automakers 57.7 1 Google Internet-related 45.5 2 Mercedes-Benz Automakers 52.9 2 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 43.8 3 SAMSUNG IT/Home electronics 49.1 3 TURKISH AIRLINES Transportation/Logistics 43.5


WANT TO PURCHASE % WANT TO RECOMMEND TO OTHERS % 1 HONDA Automakers 48.3 1 HONDA Automakers 39.7 2 Vinamilk Foods/Drinks 43.3 2 Nokia IT/Home electronics 31.7 3 Nokia IT/Home electronics 42.5 3 SONY IT/Home electronics 31.3

Global brands common to the Other selected brands center on regional surveys local brands in each region (40 (60 brands) brands; none in Singapore.)

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [Appendix] 60 Global Brands Common to Overall Area adidas VISA Siemens Panasonic Apple YAHOO! SUZUKI Häagen-Dazs BMW AJINOMOTO STARBUCKS COFFEE HITACHI Citibank AMERICAN EXPRESS Xerox HYUNDAI DELL EPSON SONY PHILIPS GAP kao DAIHATSU HONDA GE Canon Danone McDonald's Google Kellogg's TOSHIBA MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC hp KFC TOYOTA MUJI HSBC Coca-Cola NIKE Mercedes-Benz H&M Colgate Nikon Yamaha Motor IBM SAMSUNG NISSAN unicharm LG SHISEIDO Nivea UNIQLO Microsoft SHARP Nestlé Unilever P&G Johnson&Johnson Nokia L'ORÉAL

Nominated Local Brand List CHINA Brand Industry Brand Industry 361° Sporting goods lenovo IT/Home electronics Aigo IT/Home electronics Li-Ning Sporting goods Alipay Finance Master Kong Foods/Drinks ANTA Sporting goods MENGNIU Foods/Drinks Baidu Internet-related Meters/bonwe Clothing/Fashion items Bank of China Finance MIDEA IT/Home electronics BOSIDENG Clothing/Fashion items NETEASE Internet-related Bright Food (Group) Foods/Drinks pepsi Foods/Drinks BYD Auto Automakers SAIC Motor Automakers Chery Auto Automakers Septwolves Clothing/Fashion items China Merchants Bank Finance Sina Internet-related China UnionPay Finance Sohu Internet-related Dabao FMCG SUPOR IT/Home electronics GEELY AUTOMOBILE Automakers Tencent Internet-related GM Automakers Uni-President Foods/Drinks GREE Internet-related Volkswagen Automakers Haier IT/Home electronics Volvo Automakers Huawei Technologies IT/Home electronics watsons Retail Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Finance YILI Foods/Drinks IT/Home electronics Jahwa FMCG ZTE

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. INDIA Brand Industry Brand Industry Adobe IT/Home electronics lenovo IT/Home electronics Arvind Clothing/Fashion items Mahindra & Mahindra Automakers Bajaj Allianz Finance Onida IT/Home electronics Bajaj Auto Automakers Parle Foods/Drinks Bajaj Corp FMCG pepsi Foods/Drinks Birla Sun life Finance Pizza Hut Restaurants Britannia Foods/Drinks Raymond Clothing/Fashion items Cadbury Foods/Drinks SBI (State Bank of India) Finance Dabur FMCG ŠKODA Automakers Domino's Restaurants SONY ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION Media/Entertainment Ford Automakers Star Media/Entertainment Godrej Diversified Tata AIG Finance HCL IT/Home electronics Tata Motors Automakers HDFC BANK Finance TVS Automakers Heinz Foods/Drinks UTV Media/Entertainment ICICI Bank Finance Videocon IT/Home electronics IndusInd Bank Finance Volkswagen Automakers ING Vysya Bank Finance Whirlpool IT/Home electronics ITC Foods/Drinks WIPRO CONSUMER CARE AND LIGHTING FMCG Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Diversified ZEE TV Media/Entertainment

INDONESIA Brand Industry Brand Industry (X)S.M.L Clothing/Fashion items JOHNNY ANDREAN Other (Serv ice industry ) ABC (Foods) Foods/Drinks Kapal Api Foods/Drinks Astra Diversified Kaskus Internet-related AXIOO IT/Home electronics Lion Air Transportation/Logistics Batik Keris Clothing/Fashion items Mandiri Finance BCA Finance MATAHARI DEPARTMENT STORE Retail BLUE BIRD GROUP Transportation/Logistics Mayora Foods/Drinks BNI Finance Polygon Sporting goods Citra FMCG Polytron IT/Home electronics Cosmos IT/Home electronics Sari Ayu FMCG D'COST Restaurants Sari Wangi Foods/Drinks Eagle Sporting goods Sinar Mas Diversified First Media Internet-related Specs Sporting goods FORMULA FMCG Tango Foods/Drinks GARUDAFOOD Foods/Drinks TEH BOTOL SOSRO Foods/Drinks Garuda Indonesia Transportation/Logistics Telkomsel Telecommunication Gudang Garam FMCG tokobagus Internet-related Hoka Hoka Bento Restaurants Ultra Milk Foods/Drinks Indofood Foods/Drinks XL Telecommunication Clothing/Fashion items J.Co Restaurants YONGKI KOMALADI

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. JAPAN Brand Industry Brand Industry Amazon Internet-related KIRIN Brewery Foods/Drinks ANA Transportation/Logistics KOREAN AIR Transportation/Logistics Asahi Breweries Foods/Drinks LION FMCG BRIDGESTONE Other (Tire) MAZDA Automakers CASIO IT/Home electronics meiji Foods/Drinks CATHAY PACIFIC Transportation/Logistics Mister Donut Restaurants CITIZEN Clothing/Fashion items MORINAGA Foods/Drinks DHC FMCG MOS BURGER Restaurants DHL Transportation/Logistics NEC IT/Home electronics dyson IT/Home electronics NISSIN FOODS Foods/Drinks Facebook Internet-related Rakuten Internet-related FANCL FMCG SAPPORO BREWERIES Foods/Drinks FedEx Transportation/Logistics SEIKO Clothing/Fashion items FUJIFILM IT/Home electronics SINGAPORE AIRLINES Transportation/Logistics FUJITSU IT/Home electronics SUNTORY Foods/Drinks INAX Other (Housing equipment) T-fal IT/Home electronics JAL Transportation/Logistics TOTO Other (Housing equipment) JCB Finance Twitter Internet-related KAGOME Foods/Drinks Wacoal Clothing/Fashion items Clothing/Fashion items kikkoman Foods/Drinks ZARA

MALAYSIA Brand Industry Brand Industry AEON (Retail) Retail Maybank Finance AFFIN BANK Finance MEPS Finance Air Asia Transportation/Logistics munchy's Foods/Drinks AmBank Finance MYDIN Retail astro Media/Entertainment OGAWA IT/Home electronics BONIA Clothing/Fashion items OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE Restaurants CARI Internet-related PADINI Clothing/Fashion items celcom Telecommunication PappaRich Restaurants CIMB Finance PENSONIC IT/Home electronics DiGi Telecommunication pepsi Foods/Drinks F&N Foods/Drinks Perodua Automakers FOLLOW ME FMCG PETRONAS Other (Oil&Energy) Gardenia Foods/Drinks Pizza Hut Restaurants giant (Retail) Retail PROTON Automakers GINVERA FMCG RHB Finance HWA TAI Foods/Drinks Setia Other (Construction) KHIND IT/Home electronics Sin Chew Daily Media/Entertainment MAMEE Foods/Drinks SUNWAY Other (Construction) MasterCard Finance TM Telecommunication maxis Telecommunication Yeo's Foods/Drinks

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. MYANMAR Brand Industry Brand Industry 5 network Media/Entertainment Grand Royal whisky Foods/Drinks 7 DAYS Media/Entertainment AIR KBZ Transportation/Logistics ABC (Retail) Retail KBZ BANK Finance AGD BANK Finance Max+ Foods/Drinks Air Bagan Transportation/Logistics MAX2O Foods/Drinks Air Mandalay Transportation/Logistics MRTV Media/Entertainment Alpine Foods/Drinks MRTV-4 Media/Entertainment AYEYARWADY BANK Finance MWD Media/Entertainment Blazon and Orange Supermarket Retail Myanmar Beer Foods/Drinks Blue Mountain Foods/Drinks Nibban IT/Home electronics CB BANK Finance Premier coffeemix Foods/Drinks Channel 7 Media/Entertainment Royal Myanmar Teamix Foods/Drinks City Express Retail Sein Gay Har Retail City Mart Retail Sky Net Media/Entertainment Family Care FMCG SUNDAY COFFEE MIX Foods/Drinks FEEL Restaurants super coffeemix Foods/Drinks G&G Retail Super One Retail Gamone Pwint Retail UNITED AMARA BANK Finance Gold Roast COFFEE MIX Foods/Drinks Weekly ELEVEN Media/Entertainment Transportation/Logistics Golden Myanmar Airlines YKKO Restaurants

SOUTH KOREA Brand Industry Brand Industry AEKYUNG FMCG Lock&Lock FMCG Angelinus Coffee Restaurants Maket O Foods/Drinks BEAN POLE Clothing/Fashion items Melon Internet-related Binggrae Foods/Drinks NAVER Internet-related BlackYak Sporting goods NH bank Finance CJ Foods/Drinks NII Clothing/Fashion items CUCHEN IT/Home electronics POSCO Diversified Daum Internet-related Renault Samsung Automakers EXR Sporting goods S&T Motors Automakers FUBU Clothing/Fashion items Samchuly Sporting goods HAAN (Han gyong heu) IT/Home electronics Shinhan card Finance i-navi IT/Home electronics SK C&C Diversified ipTIME IT/Home electronics SSANGYONG MOTOR Automakers iriver IT/Home electronics THEFACESHOP FMCG Jeonggwanjang Foods/Drinks TNGT Clothing/Fashion items KAKAO Internet-related Vegemil Foods/Drinks KB kookmin bank Finance VIPS Restaurants KrazeBurgers Restaurants woongjin coway IT/Home electronics Kumkang Clothing/Fashion items Woori Bank Finance Clothing/Fashion items Lafuma Sporting goods ZIOZIA

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TAIWAN Brand Industry Brand Industry 104 Internet-related i-Mei Foods/Drinks 3M Diversified JihsunBank Finance 85℃ Restaurants Kiss Me FMCG Acer IT/Home electronics Luxgen Automakers AEON (Automaker) Automakers Master Kong Foods/Drinks Amway FMCG MasterCard Finance Asus IT/Home electronics Merida Sporting goods AVON FMCG Mister Donut Restaurants Bank of Taiwan Finance MOS BURGER Restaurants Bank SinoPac Bank Finance Pizza Hut Restaurants BenQ IT/Home electronics SANYO IT/Home electronics BRAND'S Foods/Drinks SUNTORY Foods/Drinks CHIMEI IT/Home electronics Ta Tung IT/Home electronics China Trust Finance Tai-sun Foods/Drinks Domino's Restaurants Uni-President Foods/Drinks Fubon Bank Finance Vedan Foods/Drinks Giant (Bicycle) Sporting goods Wei Chuan Foods/Drinks giordano Clothing/Fashion items Wei Lih Foods/Drinks Heran IT/Home electronics Wow prime Restaurants Clothing/Fashion items HTC IT/Home electronics ZARA

THAILAND Brand Industry Brand Industry Air Asia Transportation/Logistics OISHI Foods/Drinks AIS Telecommunication Mandarin Oriental Other (Hotel) BANG CHAK Other (Petrochemical) pepsi Foods/Drinks Bangkok Bank Finance Phyathai Hospital Other (Hospital) Bank of Ayudhya Finance Pruksa Real Estate Other (Real estate) BEER CHANG Foods/Drinks PTT Other (Petrochemical) BIG C Retail ROBINSON Retail Bumrungrad Hospital Other (Hospital) S&P Restaurants CENTRAL Retail SANSIRI Other (Real estate) DISNEY Clothing/Fashion items SB FURNITURE Other (Furniture) dtac Telecommunication SCG Other (Construction) Dusit Thani Bangkok Other (Hotel) Siam Commercial Bank Finance FUTURE PARK RUNGSIT Retail SIAM PARAGON Retail Index livingmall Retail SINGHA BEER Foods/Drinks ISUZU Automakers Thai Airways Transportation/Logistics KRUNGTHAI BANK Finance THAI BEVERAGE Foods/Drinks LAND & HOUSE Other (Real estate) Thanachart Finance LINE Internet-related THE MALL Retail MBK Retail TMB Finance Transportation/Logistics Nok Air TRUE Telecommunication

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TURKEY Brand Industry Brand Industry Acun Medya Media/Entertainment Marmaris Büfe Restaurants AKBANK Finance MiGROS Retail arçelik IT/Home electronics Ontex FMCG avea Telecommunication Panda Foods/Drinks BIM Retail PEGASUS AIRLINES Transportation/Logistics Caffè Nero Restaurants RENAULT Automakers Carrefour Retail SHOW TV Media/Entertainment Casper IT/Home electronics sütaş Foods/Drinks Doğan Media/Entertainment TTNET Telecommunication Doğuş Media/Entertainment TURKCELL Telecommunication Domino's Restaurants TURKISH AIRLINES Transportation/Logistics Erikli Foods/Drinks ÜLKER Foods/Drinks FIAT Automakers ULUSOY Transportation/Logistics filiz Foods/Drinks varan Transportation/Logistics FINANSBANK Finance VESTEL IT/Home electronics Ford Automakers Vodafone Telecommunication Garanti Bankası Finance Volkswagen Automakers Henkel FMCG Wienerwald Restaurants IPEKYOL Clothing/Fashion items Yapı Kredi Finance Clothing/Fashion items Lescon Sporting goods ZARA

VIETNAM Brand Industry Brand Industry Acecook Foods/Drinks Pho 24 Restaurants Agribank Finance SAIGON CO.OP Retail AN PHUOC Clothing/Fashion items Tan Hiep Phat Foods/Drinks Bao Viet Finance TH true MILK Foods/Drinks Bia Ha Noi Foods/Drinks Thai Duong FMCG Bia Sai Gon Foods/Drinks Thuong Dinh Clothing/Fashion items Duc Viet FMCG Trung Nguyen Foods/Drinks FPT IT/Home electronics Vat Gia Internet-related HANEL IT/Home electronics Viet Tien Clothing/Fashion items Highlands coffee Foods/Drinks Vietcombank Finance Hoa Phat Other (Construction) Vietnam Airlines Transportation/Logistics Hoang Anh Gia Lai Diversified Viettel IT/Home electronics Huu Nghi Foods/Drinks VIFON Foods/Drinks Kinh Do Foods/Drinks Vinaconex Other (Construction) May 10 Clothing/Fashion items Vinamilk Foods/Drinks MASAN Diversified Vinaphone IT/Home electronics Mobifone IT/Home electronics VinGroup Other (Real estate) Nha Be Clothing/Fashion items Vissan Foods/Drinks pepsi Foods/Drinks VNG Internet-related Petrolimex Other (Oil&Energy) VNPT IT/Home electronics

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Use of the Brand Asia 2014 report and the enclosed CD-ROM (referred to as the ""Report"") is conditioned on compliance with the following matters.

1. Copyrights (i) Copyrights to the Report and (ii) intellectual property rights to individual information (data) and aggregated information (data) belong to the Company.

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Brand Communication Department

NBF Platinum Tower, 1-17-3 Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8646

Copyright © 2014 Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Brand Asia 2014 Issued on May 30th, 2014 Please read the terms of use before purchase. Price List “Brand Asia 2014” only JPY (Excl. VAT) “Brand Japan 2014” purchaser JPY (Excl. VAT) “Brand Asia 2013” purchaser JPY (Excl. VAT) Deliverables Databook (JP / EN) - Overview report for each surveyed regions - Result Ranking (incl. factors scores) Comprehensive Brand study - Attributes of respondents - Questionnaire across12 regions in the Asia Data CD-ROM (JP / EN) - All Result Ranking in Excel (.xlsx / .xlsm) format - Macro (cross tabulations re-creatable) - Macro (charts re-creatable & modifiable) To Use Macros, Excel 2007 or later is required.

Our brand study projects

Project “Brand Japan” (2014): No.1 Brand Study in Japan Issued on March 2014 Gold Edition (for detailed analysis) JPY (Excl. VAT) 1. For the past 14 years, “Brand Japan” has gained itself an acclaim of a No.1 Brand study.

2. Around 57,000 respondents evaluated almost major brands in Japan.

3. Scorering algorithm invented by leading spe- cialists of branding strategy ensures objective evaluation of each brand.

4. Common algorithm as Brand Asia, that enables Analysis inter-countries comparison. report Databook Data CD-ROM

Other brand studies (2014) (Available only in Japanese)

Analysis Reports Book Consulting services

Brand Japan Ad-hoc survey Corporate Inner Branding consulting Message study What is “real brand”? PR / CRM consulting written by Web Brand Ken’ ichi Yoshida Study

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