ANNUAL REPORT 2019 20 Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. Helen Keller

希望 看到不一樣,體驗未知的旅程,實現無限可能。


ABOUT US 3 Family Life Education 64 關於我們 家庭生活教育 Specialised Co-parenting Support Centre Key Figures of the Year 2019 - 2020 5 64 年度重要數字 共享親職支援中心 Small Group Homes Chairman’s Message 6 65 主席的話 兒童之家 School Social Work Service Executive Director’s Report 8 65 總幹事報告 學校社會工作服務 Counselling Service Business Review 2019 - 2020 11 67 業務回顧 輔導服務 Youth Outreach Service Financial Highlights 19 67 財務摘要 青少年外展服務 Cyber Youth Support Team Corporate Governance Structure 23 69 機構管治架構 網上青年支援隊 Camp Service Organisation Chart 24 70 組織結構 營舍服務 Mainland Service Corporate Governance Members 25 71 機構管治成員 內地服務 Research and Advocacy 71 FEATURE STORIES 29 研究及倡議 專題故事 SPECIAL PROJECTS 72 Capturing the Golden Age for Child Growth; Paving 32 the Way for a Healthy Growth 特別項目 把握成長發展的黃金歲月 Early Childhood Intervention 73 輔助學前兒童健康成長 及早介入 Encouraging Youth Innovation in Pursuit of a 38 Alleviating Child Poverty 74 Common Good of Society 關注貧窮兒童 鼓勵青年創新 營造共善社會 Fostering Child and Youth Mental Health 76 Walking with Emotionally Distressed Teenagers Days 44 and Nights 關注兒童及青少年精神健康 與情緒困擾青少年同行的日與夜 Assisting Children with Special Educational Needs 79 支援特殊學習需要兒童 Finding Opportunities amid Di culties: Social 50 Services Going Digital during Pandemic Encouraging Social Participation 81 疫情影響服務變陣 造就網上服務新契機 鼓勵兒童社會參與 STEMCA 83 SERVICE INITIATIVES 55 六系創技 服務動態 Career & Life Planning 84 Parent Child LINK - Specialised Co-parenting 56 生涯規劃 Support Centre Scholarship Schemes 85 「家兒牽」共享親職支援中心 獎學金計劃 "SMILE" On-site Pre-school Intergrated Services 57 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務 APPENDICES 91 Jockey Club Arts Make SENse Programme 58 附錄 賽馬會藝術有SENse計劃 Service Points 92 Jockey Club SENCO@Community 59 服務點分佈 賽馬會社區星導計劃 Contacts of Service Units 93 CORE SERVICES 60 服務單位聯絡 核心服務 Stationing School Social Work Service 100 駐校社會工作服務學校 Centre Services 61 Acknowledgements 2019 - 2020 102 中心服務 鳴謝 Pre-school Education and Service 63 Outstanding Performance Sta 2019 112 學前教育及服務 2019年優異工作表現員工 Pre-school Rehabilitation Services 63 學前兒童康復服務 I hope I can be a warm-hearted person. 我希望成為一個有溫度的人。

Student CHAN Yee Nam 陳依楠同學

3 About Us 關於我們

Founded in 1936, The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) 香港小童群益會創立於 1936 年,屬本地歷史 is one of the longest serving local non-government organisations dedicated to 最悠久的兒童服務機構之一。本著「培育新一 the welfare of children and youth. 代.攜手創未來」的宗旨,本會一直關注兒 童及青少年的身心均衡發展及推動營造有利 Our mission to achieve a balanced and happy environment for the nurturing 兒童成長的社會環境,讓他們健康快樂成長。 and growth of our young - physically, intellectually and emotionally - has never wavered in our focus of “Nurture the Young, Create the Future”. 因應社會環境的急速發展,本會近年的服務 推動「及早介入」概念,特別針對為學前或 In response to rapid changes of our social milieu in recent years, BGCA has established new services in the context of early childhood intervention offered 有特別成長需要的兒童提供服務,同時亦加 to children at pre-school age, those with special educational needs and their 強家庭及家長支援的工作。 families requiring enhanced parenting support. 透過遍佈全港超過 140 個服務點的廣泛網絡, BGCA currently delivers services in Hong Kong through over 140 service 本年度本會服務人數超過 190,000 名,會員 points and reaches over 190,000 people this year, including over 70,000 人數超過 7 萬,力求發揚本會「群策.群力. members, thus pursuing likewise our coverage of “BGCA All The Way”. 群益」的信念。

4 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Our Vision and Mission 本會訂定的四大服務宗旨 To help children and youth attain a well-balanced moral, intellectual, 關注兒童及青少年身心均衡發展 physical, social and aesthetic development 培育兒童及青少年成為對社會有貢獻的公民 To nurture children and youth to become contributing citizens 加強家庭的功能 To strengthen the functioning of families 促進家長和社會人士對兒童及青少年的關 To raise parental and social awareness of our younger generation’s 注,特別是處於不利環境的組群;與服務對 welfare, particularly of disadvantaged groups, and to strive for the rights to 象及社會人士攜手,為他們爭取應有的權利 which they are entitled, through concerted efforts with service recipients 和福利 and the general public

Our key work foci 本年度本會的服務重點包括 Early childhood intervention 及早介入 Alleviating child poverty 關注貧窮兒童 Fostering child and youth mental health 關注兒童及青少年精神健康 Assisting children with special educational needs 支援特殊學習需要兒童 Encouraging social participation 鼓勵兒童社會參與 STEMCA 六系創技 Career & life planning 生涯規劃

Key Figures of the Year 2019 - 20 年度重要數字

Finance 財政 Total Income 總收入 HR 人力資源 History 歷史 $642,082,000 Employees approximately Service Points 員工人數約有 服務點 84 years Total Expenditure 總支出 $566,954,000 1,130 140+

Programmes/ Initiatives 活動 Programme Attendance Serving 服務人數 14,773 活動出席人次 199,271 Programmes Sessions Children, Youth and Parents 活動節數 969,136 兒童、青少年和家長 85,056

Volunteers 義工 Research and Scholarships and Service Partners 9,659 Advocacy papers Awards 合作伙伴 Volunteering Hours 研究及倡議文件出版數目 獎學金和獎項頒發數目 500 義工服務時數 6 (Published) 253 (Given) 84,143

5 Chairman’s Message 主席的話

Dr NG Yin-ming, Chairman of Executive Committee 吳彥明醫生 執行委員會主席

It was 84 years ago when The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) was established, but if one only looked at the passion and fervour of its staff, one would think time has barely passed. Throughout all these years, we have stayed true to our mission of ‘Nurture the Young, Create the Future’, and upheld the spirit of ‘BGCA All the Way’, as we work to create a future that promises joy and happiness for our children and youth.

In times of rapid social developments, it becomes even more critical for a service organisation to exercise foresight and stay many steps ahead. Over the past year, in view of social changes, BGCA focused on the holistic development of our children and youth, with emphasis on developing their resilience, and providing a healthy and happy environment for them to grow. Resilience is akin to our immune system – the earlier it is developed in childhood, the more resilient one would be when tackling various adversities and problems later in life. If the youth of our society learn to face challenges with a positive attitude, they will be much less prone to tendencies such as depression, substance abuse and suicide. 不經不覺,香港小童群益會已經走過 84 個寒 In that regard, in addition to continuously optimising our regular services, the 暑。這些年來,同工服務的熱誠依舊不變, BGCA Board and Management crafted a visionary blueprint to put forward two 秉持「培育新一代.攜手創未來」的宗旨, key strategies in our service development over the next five years: (1) Promote 以「群策、群力、群益」的精神,繼續為兒 holistic development, be a forerunner in the area of child-centred early 童的未來謀幸福。 intervention services and; (2) Ensure the emotional and mental well-being of children and youth, as well as their families, by leveraging evidence-based 當社會瞬息萬變,服務機構更要高瞻遠矚。 approaches that focus on a person’s potential, and mental health services that 過去一年,本會因應社會環境轉變,致力推 focus on holistic rehabilitation, to meet new challenges brought forth by the 動全人發展,提升兒童及青少年的抗逆力, global pandemic and social developments. We hope that our approach will 創造健康快樂的成長環境。抗逆力有如身體 help to create an environment that encourages well-rounded development for 的免疫力,能夠越早在兒童階段建立,長大 the common good of mankind. 後就越能抵抗不同的困難、逆境。青少年學 懂用正面態度迎接挑戰,將來可以減少抑鬱、 Child-Centred Early Interventions Ensure Solid 濫藥、自殺等問題。 Foundation in Childhood 為此,本會董事會及管理層規劃出一個宏觀的 Nobel Prize winning economist James Heckman has pointed out in his 發展藍圖,除持續優化恆常服務外,我們在 writings the importance of quality early childhood development. In Chinese, 未來五年將有兩大服務發展策略:(一)推 we also have the saying “Life at eighty was determined at the age of three.” We believe providing pertinent services to children during their critical period 動全人發展,成為業界「兒童為本及早介入」 of early development not only improves their academic performance, but also 服務的先驅者;(二)促進兒童、青少年及 lays a strong foundation for their physical and mental health. 其家庭的情緒及精神健康,推動實證為本、 潛能導向、重視身心復元的精神健康服務, As one of the earliest advocates of ‘child-centred early interventions’, BGCA 以回應全球疫情及社會變化所帶來的新挑戰, hopes to provide children with a safe and healthy environment that nourishes 共同締造有利全人發展的成長及共善環境。 them physically and enriches them through learning. We hope to do so by incorporating the Nurturing Care Framework in the design and provision of our 兒童為本及早介入 services in our children service, four nursery schools-cum-kindergartens and 鞏固兒童全面培育基礎 parent support service, and practising Responsive Caregiving. In general, we 諾貝爾經濟學得獎者詹姆士.赫克曼(James observe that first-time parents and dual-income couples appear to lack the Heckman)的論述指出兒童早期發展,尤其 skills and knowledge relating to early childhood development, which results in them facing many challenges in the course of raising their children. To support 是幼兒階段的重要性。所謂「三歲定八十」, first-time parents, BGCA is equipping them with the necessary parenting skills 在兒童成長發展的黃金期提供適切服務,不 at the grassroots level in the community, including integrated service centres, 但可以及早改善他們的學習表現,亦為兒童 outreaching social work services, family life education centres, and so on. 的身體機能及精神健康奠定良好的根基。

6 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Providing Resources for Special Needs Children 香港小童群益會是提倡「兒童為本及早介 and Those from Lower-Income Families 入」的先導者,我們將來希望在轄下幼兒服 務、四間幼兒園暨幼稚園及家長支援服務著 According to 2018 figures, the poverty rate among Hong Kong children was 手,以全面培育式照顧框架(Nurturing Care as high as 16.8%; 58,860 children and youth of school age under 18 years Framework)設計及提供機構服務,確保兒 had special educational needs, and this figure is set to rise. This underscores 童在健康、營養、安全、學習及具同理共感 the urgency of providing support to families that lack a conducive environment 的育養(Responsive Caregiving)環境下成 to bring up their young. Equipped with many years of practical experience, research, service development and optimization, we continued to expand 長。另外,香港的雙職家長和新手父母普遍 and improve our services in the past year. Such services included pre-school 缺乏有關兒童早期成長的育養知識及技巧, rehabilitation services, Keysteps@JC, Kindergarten Stationing Social Work 在育兒方面會遇到不少挑戰。因此,本會在 Service, and child-centred counselling and treatment, which helped children 基層社區、外展社工服務、家庭生活教育等 and their families receive the timely support they needed. 單位提供新手父母培育及支援服務,藉以裝 備家長的親職角色。 Supporting Broken Families and Understanding ‘Trauma’ 為基層兒童提供資源

With funding support from the Social Welfare Department this year, BGCA 照顧特殊學習需要兒童 has launched services supporting broken families, the Parent Child LINK- 2018 年數據顯示,香港的兒童貧窮率高達 Specialised Co-Parenting Support Centre which aims to assist divorced 16.8%;而十八歲以下有特殊學習需要的學齡 parties in being responsible parents acting in their children’s best interests, 兒童達 58,860 名,數字不斷上升,可見為身 strengthen parent-child relationships, and support the affected children so 處不利成長環境的兒童及家庭提供支援極為 that their mental and physical well-being is ensured. 急切。本會經過多年實踐研發及服務改進, 過去一年持續擴展及優化相關服務,包括學 In recent years, developments such as school and cyber bullying, climbing 前兒童康復服務、賽馬會童亮計劃、幼稚園 divorce rates, and social unrest have caused varying degrees of distress to 駐校社工服務、兒童為本輔導治療工作等, our young, affecting them both emotionally and psychologically. We have 讓有需要的兒童及家長得到及時適切的支援。 launched the Trauma-Informed Care and Practice training for our staff in various positions so that they can better understand and identify ‘trauma’, 支援離異家庭 深化創傷知情 gain deeper insights into their practice in the local context, and contribute to a stronger foundation for service development in the future. 今年度本會獲社會福利署資助,開展了支援 離異家庭服務,設立「家兒牽」共享親職支 Working as One to Achieve Maximum Social 援中心,服務旨在協助離異父母以兒童為本 Impact 的原則履行親職責任,繼續鞏固親子關係, BGCA is grateful for all the support it has received from all quarters. It was 並支援受家庭狀況改變影響的子女,促進他 with your support that we were able to receive resources for the development 們的身心健康發展。 of new services that will serve to meet an increasing demand. Today, we 近年校園及網絡欺凌、家庭離異、社會事件 employ a staff of 1,130, and we continue to raise our management standards, 等,均對兒童帶來不同程度的心理創傷,影 including reconfiguring our organizational structure, improving internal 響情緒及精神健康。為此,我們推動同工 business processes, upgrading systems, and keeping a special focus on 「 創 傷 知 情 」(Trauma-informed Care and talent development, so that we will be able to actualise our development Practice)培訓,讓每個崗位的同工能更好理 blueprint. 解和辨識「創傷」,深化本土服務實踐智慧, As we develop our services, I would like to encourage all our executives and 為未來服務推廣及社區教育建立更穩固的基礎。 front-line staff to continue to enhance their professional competencies, adopt pro-active and targeted strategies, ensure that our development is well- 上下一心 凝聚社會影響力 paced and sustainable, build our service branding, and continue to partner 感謝社會各界過去對本會的支持,讓我們成功 businesses, government departments and various stakeholders, to seek well- 獲得更多資源開展新服務,以滿足更大的服 being for our children and youth, and make a greater social impact for the 務需求。今天,本會的員工已增至 1,130 人, longer term. 機構持續提升管治能力,包括:重組組織架 構、改善內部業務流程、系統更新和特別注 重人才發展等,以配合機構未來發展藍圖。

在服務拓展的同時,本人勉勵管理層及前線 同工繼續緊守崗位,提升專業效能,採取積 極聚焦策略、控制規模,建構服務品牌,並 繼續與商界、政府部門及各界持分者攜手合 作,為兒童及青少年謀求福祉,凝聚更深遠 的社會影響力。 7 Executive Director’s Report 總幹事報告

Charles CHAN Kin-hung, Executive Director 陳健雄 總幹事

It has been a turbulent year for Hong Kong.

In the first half of the year, the lives of the Hong Kong people were disrupted by a disquieting series of social unrest: violent clashes on the streets afflicted every quarter of society with feelings such as anxiety, fear and anger, which pervaded our communities and stood in the way of communication between people. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the people of Hong Kong suddenly found themselves facing a new set of challenges: Schools were suspended, and children and youth had to stay at home for extended periods while some parents had to work from home. The income of many households was also impacted. With entire families cooped up at home over a prolonged period, ‘pandemic fatigue’ began to set in, taking its toll on emotional and mental well-being.

Adapting to Social Changes During the pandemic, BGCA had to make adjustments to many of its services. With the implementation of social distancing measures and remote working, some 過去一年,香港可謂歷盡風雨。 of our services were moved to online platforms such as social networks. Various service units produced online programmes and conducted online group activities 社會事件擾攘半年,市民的生活受到干擾; so that our service users could get some respite from pandemic-related stress 街上的暴力衝突影響社會各階層,焦慮、驚 through our online services and exercises while they stayed at home. Although 恐、憤怒等情緒變得普遍,人際溝通出現隔 the effect of our online efforts was not on a par with in-person services in terms of 閡。及至新冠肺炎疫情來襲,突如其來的轉 depth and interactivity, we were able to leverage the opportunity to train up most 變為市民帶來重大的挑戰。疫情下,學校停 of our staff and provide them with the experience of working online. 課令兒童及青少年長時間留在家中,而部分 家長需要在家工作,不少家庭的經濟收入受 As the pandemic progressed, all schools in Hong Kong had to be suspended and 影響。曠日持久,家人困在同一屋簷下,難 students had to do their learning at home. Now, for many years, BGCA has been 免會感到「抗疫疲勞」,影響情緒精神健康。 supporting primary and secondary school students at the grassroots level through online learning under the Community Digital Competence Hub programme, which 面對社情轉變 服務隨機應變 provides them with the relevant skills and equipment, as well as internet access 疫情期間,香港小童群益會不少服務亦需作 service and technical support. During the pandemic, aided by the donations and 調整。隨著社交距離及遙距工作的實施,部 funding from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and various enterprises, 分服務轉在網上或社交平台進行,各服務單 we distributed up to 50,000 broadband data SIM cards, and 785 tablets and laptops within a span of two months, so that the students’ learning would not be 位製作網上節目及推動網上小組活動,讓服 affected due to the suspension of schools. This service will continue in the future, 務對象居家抗疫之餘,亦能透過網上服務和 in order to narrow the digital divide between different income groups. At the same 運動得到舒緩。雖然未及實體服務的深度及 time, we will continue to work with the authorities to improve relevant policies. 互動效果,但也成功為機構及大部分同工提 供了網上工作體驗和培訓機會。 In addition, to support the city-wide effort to combat the pandemic, BGCA 疫情蔓延,全港學校需要停課並啟動在家學 distributed provisions including 340,000 masks, hand sanitisers and related 習。本會多年來以「數碼能力躍動計劃」支 products to those in need within two months. 援基層中、小學生在家上網學習,培養能力

During such a critical period, it is of utmost importance to remain calm in the face 及提供器材、網絡服務和技術支援,疫情期 of uncertainty. In its work to serve children, youth and their parents, BGCA is like a 間配合香港賽馬會慈善信託基金及各界企業 ship that must steer steadily on and continue to give assurance to its passengers, 捐助,兩個月內分發近五萬張寬頻上網數據 no matter what storms lie ahead. In other words, it must carry on as normal, rain 咭和 785 部平板或筆記簿電腦,支援學生在 or shine. 家「停課不停學」。有關服務未來仍持續推 行,盡力收窄不同階層學生之間的「數碼鴻 溝」,同時向政府爭取改善有關政策。

8 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Providing Appropriate Support and Ensuring 配合全民防疫的工作,本會為有需要人士派 Mental Well-Being 發防疫物資,於兩個月內派發逾34 萬個口罩、 消毒搓手液以及相關用品,與大眾同舟共濟, Apart from promoting holistic development, BGCA’s strategy is also to focus 一同抗疫。 on the mental well-being of children and youth. Over the years, we have been developing programmes such as the stationing of social workers at schools, 在風高浪急的日子,保持處變不驚是很重要 outreaching social work and various counselling services including play therapy, 的。對於服務兒童、青少年及家長的機構, art therapy, and counselling for children with special educational needs, so as 本會猶如一艘平穩航行的大船,力求平靜安 to inculcate positivity in our children and youth. In recent years, BGCA has also 穩、壓得住風浪,令一眾乘客沉著安心,在 stepped up online outreach, treatment of child trauma, and appropriate emotional 逆境、困難中如常生活。 counselling via social networks and other online platforms for children and youth, to help address their emotional concerns and help them find solace in the midst of 關注精神健康 提供適切支援 uncertainty. 機構的策略除促進全人發展,也重視兒童及

青少年的精神健康。多年來,本會拓展駐校 In view of social trends, we will be increasingly focusing more on emotional and mental health next year as we roll out Trauma-informed Care and Practice at 社工、外展社工及各類輔導服務,包括遊戲 more units and in more services. This will help us provide more holistic care and 治療、藝術治療、特殊教育需要兒童輔導等, services, and improve the emotional and mental health of our users, their family 協助兒童及青少年建立正向人生觀。近年本 members and society at large. We also hope that our staff will enhance their skills 會更積極推動網上外展服務、兒童心理創傷 and knowledge through multi-disciplinary training, and deliver more progressive 治療服務,又透過社交媒體及網上平台為兒 and comprehensive support both online and offline. 童及青少年提供適切的情緒輔導服務,協助 他們舒緩情緒,使在風浪當中得以歇息。

Focusing on Holistic Development and 因應社會趨勢,本會來年將更提升「情緒及 Upgrading Staff Training 精神健康」的關注,致力在更多單位及服務 In the coming year, BGCA will stress the holistic development of children and 層 面 實 踐「 創 傷 知 情 」(Trauma-informed youth. This will include physical health, mental, psychological, social and spiritual Care and Practice)全人關懷服務,提升服 aspects. We will also advocate child-focused early intervention, which means we 務對象、家庭及社會的情緒及精神健康。本 will provide training and support during the early stages of a child’s development 會將透過多元範疇的培訓,讓同工增進相關 to ensure the child’s holistic development and strong foundation for further 知識及技能,以更進步的方式提供線上線下 development. 全方位支援服務。

Meanwhile, we will continue to devote resources to the cause of service research 專注全人發展 提升員工培訓 and development, and push back the frontiers of service innovation, so as to meet 未來一年,本會會專注促進兒童及青少年的 the ever-changing needs of society. We will also continue to be an advocate, to 全人發展,包括健康、心智、社交及靈性方 collaborate actively with various partners in helping less affluent children improve 面,同時,我們提倡「兒童為本及早介入」, their digital skills and overcome barriers to e-learning. 於兒童早期成長階段提供訓練和支援,更全

面培育兒童的身心發展,鞏固成長基礎。 Rising to the Occasion and Providing What Society Needs 另一方面,本會將繼續投放資源於服務研究 Wen Tianxiang of the Song Dynasty once said, “When times are bad, a person’s 及開發,推動服務創新以迎合不斷轉變的社 character will show.” This means that man’s convictions and righteousness will 會需求。我們並將繼續擔任倡導者的角色, become apparent in times of crisis. In the past year, the people of Hong Kong 以推動社會各界攜手合作,協助基層家庭兒 experienced an unprecedented storm, which now requires all quarters to work 童提升數碼能力,跨越電子學習障礙。 together as a team to identify problems and social needs, in order to solve the pressing issues at hand. Over at BGCA, I have full confidence that every member 時窮節現 貼近社會需要 of our organisation will remain committed to their work and mission; I know that 宋代文天祥說過「時窮節乃見」,意指到危 every one of them will brave the tumultuous storm with the children and youth of 難的時候,人的情操和正義感更能彰顯。過 Hong Kong. That is why I will always be very proud of our outstanding team at 去一年,香港人經歷過前所未見的風浪,更 BGCA. 加需要各界齊心協力,團結力量認清問題和 社會需要,一同解決社會的難題。我確信本 會仝人會堅守崗位與使命,在風浪中守護香 港的兒童及青少年,我衷心為這個優秀團隊 感到自豪。

9 I would like to thank the Board of Directors, Management and frontline colleagues 感謝董事會、管理層和前線同工的信任,加 for their trust, and our partners and service users for their support, without which 上社會各界和服務對象的支持,讓本會的服 the steady development of our services would not have been possible. Indeed, 務得以穩健地拓展。機構的持續成功,實在 the continued success of an organisation is dependent on the trust and support of 需要鞏固內外的信任和支持,強化管治。未 people, both internally and externally, as well as strong governance. In the coming 來一年,本會將致力提升機構管治、資源運 year, BGCA will prioritise organisational governance, resource deployment and 用及運作效率、提升效率,使機構更有效服 efficiency gains, so that we can serve the public even more effectively. 務大眾。

I also want to thank many businesses, charitable organisations and government 我亦要感激各個政府部門、眾多商業機構及 departments for helping and supporting our service users in such times of 慈善團體,在風雨飄搖的路上守望相助、支 difficulty. Let us work together for a better tomorrow; let us steer the BGCA ship 持我們的服務對象,為更好的明天出力,讓 out of the storm, and into a brighter future. 我們香港小童群益會這一艘大船,能夠乘風 啟航。

10 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Business Review 2019 - 2020 業務回顧

Preface 前言 The year 2019 - 2020 has been an extraordinarily challenging year for people 2019 至 2020 年對香港人而言是極具挑戰的 in Hong Kong. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic that emerged since the 一年。在 2020 年初新型冠狀病毒疫情肆虐之 beginning of 2020, people in Hong Kong had been going through months of 前,香港早於 2019 年 6 月已開始經歷連月社 social unrest since June 2019. Not only were there disturbances to daily lives 會局勢不穩。在此期間,不論任何年齡群組 of all age groups during the period, but particularly also huge and long-term 的市民的日常生活均受影響,本會服務對象、 impact on the society and the well-being of our service targets. As one of the 以至全社會亦蒙受深遠的影響。香港小童群 core organisations in providing social services to children, youth and families 益會作為本港其中一個為兒童、青少年及家 in Hong Kong, BGCA acted swiftly in response to the new and increasing 庭提供社會服務的核心機構,秉持專業精神, needs and significant psychological stresses faced by our service users, by 以靈活、具彈性的方式工作及提供服務,迅速 upholding our professionalism and demonstrating flexibility and agility in the 回應本會服務使用者不斷轉變和新增的需要, ways we worked and delivered services. 以及他們所承受的心理壓力。

In these difficult times with changing external environment and uncertainties, 置身艱難時刻,面對變幻無常的外在環境與 it became more important than ever to have a clear vision of where and how 不明朗因素,香港小童群益會更需要有清晰 BGCA should position and maximise its impact, and to achieve its purposes 的定位,確保能發揮最大的影響力,並透過 through vigilant and practical measures. For a clearer objective, the Board 嚴謹而有效的措施實踐使命。為更明確釐定 and the management of BGCA have specifically joined together in a retreat session in January 2020, to review the current landscape and emerging 目標,本會董事會及管理層特意於 2020 年 1 service needs and gap, and set out its strategic foci for the next five years. 月舉辦了退修會,共同審視目前社會形勢、 新興服務的需求及現有服務的空隙,制訂出 Our Service 未來五年的策略重點。 Extraordinary services at extraordinary time BGCA is a long-standing charitable organisation dedicated to the welfare of 我們的服務 children and youth in Hong Kong. The physical and psychological well-being 非常時期 特別服務 of the young people has always been our prime concern. During the time of 香港小童群益會是歷史悠久的慈善機構,致 social unrest, BGCA had proactively offered psychological relief, support and 力關注本港兒童及青少年的福祉。青少年的 counselling to students, young people, their families and other community 身心健康一直是我們關心的重點。社會局勢 stakeholders. As a social service organisation, we respected views of 不穩之際,本會積極為學生、青少年、他們 different individuals and provided counselling and services in the interests of 的家人,以至其他社區人士提供心理支援及 our children, youth and families, and firmly disapproved any unlawful acts. 輔導服務。作為一間社會服務機構,我們尊 重不同人的觀點,提供以使用者利益為依歸 At the current difficult times of COVID-19 pandemic, we have: 的服務,並堅決反對任何違法行為。 - maintained the most-needed services - purchased and solicited anti-epidemic materials for our service users, 面對目前新冠病毒疫情肆虐的困難時期,我 people in need and staff 們採取了以下措施: - supported students’ e-learning at home during the season of social - 維持必要及需求最大的服務 distancing by providing IT equipment and support to those affected by the - 為本會服務使用者、有需要人士及員工採購 digital divide 和搜羅抗疫物資 - produced and distributed over 1,800 online videos and interactive programmes via the internet and social media, which have also turned a - 在社交距離措施實行期間,同時為受數碼 new page both in the mode of service delivery and digital capacity building 隔膜影響的學生提供資訊科技設備和支援, for our staff and the Association 協助他們在家進行網上學習 - 透過互聯網及社交媒體製作及發放逾 1,800 Stretching our goals and service impact 段網上影片及互動項目,為本會提供服務 的模式及建立員工數碼技能方面展開了新 It was amidst all the unprecedented challenges that BGCA’s subvented 的一頁 services and special projects expanded in the past year. Last year, our expenditures on both recurrent services under the Social Welfare Department (SWD) and designated projects got sizable increase. We have also received 拓展目標 深化影響 various awards during the year which recognised our hard work in striving for 儘管面對各種前所未見的挑戰,本會的政府 professionalism and excellence in the journey of actualising our vision and 資助服務項目及特別服務計劃於去年仍有所 mission. Major highlights included: 11 Services under government subvention 擴展,當中社會福利署資助的恆常服務及指 - setting up two new service teams under the Sunshine Campus - 定項目的開支均見大幅度增長。年內,我們 Kindergarten Stationing Social Work Service Project to implement the Pilot 獲得多個獎項,乃是對我們努力追求專業與 Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions (Phases 1 and 卓越、實現本會願景和使命的認同。新增設 2) under the support of the Lotteries Fund 項目及獲頒獎項包括: - receiving resources to recruit an additional of 38 secondary school social workers since the 2019/20 school year 獲政府資助拓展的服務 - extending the Family Service supported by the Lump Sum Grant with the - 在獎券基金資助下,「陽光校園—幼稚園 Parent Child LINK - Specialised Co-parenting Support Centre, to serve 駐校社工服務計劃」增設兩個新服務隊伍, separated and divorced families in the New Territories East Cluster 推行「在學前單位提供社工服務先導計劃 - setting up the 3rd and 4th teams for our new “SMILE” On-site Pre- (第一及第二階段)」 school Integrated Services in Lai Chi Kok to provide On-site Pre-school - 自 2019/20 學年起,獲資助額外增聘 38 名 Rehabilitation Services (OPRS) for children with special needs in October 中學社工 2019 - 獲整筆撥款津助擴展家庭服務,設立「家兒 - establishing our first “SAIL” Special Child Care Centre (SCCC) cum Early 牽」共享親職支援中心,為新界東區域內 Education & Training Centre (EETC) in Tung Chung, signifying our first 父母分居或離婚的家庭提供服務 attempt into the area of subvented SCCC & EETC and marking the reach of our services to all 18 districts across Hong Kong - 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務於 2019 年 10 月在荔枝角增設第三及第四個服務團隊,為 New initiatives under external funding 有特殊需要的兒童提供到校學前康復服務 - operating the Jockey Club Arts Make SENse Programme and Jockey Club - 在東涌成立本會首個「樂航」特殊幼兒中心 SENCO@Community, both aimed to bring into our services some valuable 暨早期教育及訓練中心,見證本會的服務 knowledge and approaches from other disciplines, to better support 擴展至此領域,亦標誌着本會的服務正式 students with special education needs and their families in an inclusive way, 覆蓋全港 18 區 with funding supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust - co-presenting the Youth ImpACT Award 2.0 with the D.H. Chen Foundation 獲其他外界資助的新計劃項目 targeted to build up the empathy of young students, who would be - 在香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助下,推行 encouraged to react to different social issues and problems through design- 「賽馬會藝術有 SENse 計劃」及「賽馬會 thinking 社區星導計劃」,兩者均旨在引入不同範 - co-creating a new project - LevelMind@JC, initiated and funded by The 疇的寶貴知識與手法,以共融方式更有效 Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, a hub to demonstrate a new model 地支援有特殊學習需要的學生及其家庭 to boost youth mental wellness in the community through cross-disciplinary - 與陳廷驊基金會攜手策動「感創敢為—青年 efforts and collaboration with six NGOs and The University of Hong Kong 社會創新服務獎 2.0」,教育青少年建立同 - piloting the Parent Education for Primary Schools project in six primary 理心,鼓勵他們以設計思維回應不同的社 schools, with the aim to developing age-appropriate parenting curriculum 會議題並解決問題 in line with the government’s policy move to promoting parent education, - 與六間非政府機構及香港大學聯合策劃,由 in collaboration with experts in the field and some other local NGOs, with 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金策劃及捐助的「賽 funding support from the Lee Hysan Foundation and Wu Jieh Yee Charitable 馬會平行心間計劃」新項目,透過跨專業 Foundation 範疇合作,展示在社區推廣青少年精神健 康的嶄新模式 Awards received - Gold Award for Volunteer Service (Organisation), by Volunteer Movement, - 在利希慎基金及伍絜宜慈善基金贊助下,與 Social Welfare Department 有關專家及本地非政府機構攜手合作,在 - Award of 10,000 Hours for Volunteer Service, by Steering Committee on 六間小學試行「小學親職教育」計劃,配 Promotion of Volunteer Service 2019, Social Welfare Department 合政府促進親職教育的政策方針,針對不 - The “Mediate First” Pledge Star Logo Award, presented by the Department 同年齡的兒童制定及發展適切的親職育兒 of Justice, in recognition of our achievements in promoting and adopting 課程 mediation in our practice. - The Financial Education Champion 2020, by The Investor and Financial 獲頒獎項 Education Council, for our HSBC Young Financial Planners Programme. - 社會福利署「義工運動」頒發之「義務工作 - Financial Education Champion - Quality Award, by The Investor and 嘉許狀(團體)—金獎」 Financial Education Council, for our HSBC Young Financial Planners - 社會福利署推廣義工服務督導委員會頒發之 Programme. 2019 年「10,000 小時義工服務獎」 - Our Small Group Home social worker Ms Candy LAM Hoi-yin was - 律政司頒發之「調解為先」承諾書星徽獎 shortlisted by InnoPower@JC: Fellowship for Social Workers and received a 狀,表揚機構在服務工作中推廣及採用以 10-week reflective learning and overseas exchange opportunity. 調解解決爭議的方式

12 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Strategies - 「滙豐青年理財師計劃」獲投資者及理財教 During the second half of 2019/20, BGCA staff came together at some 育委員會頒發「理財教育獎 2020」 management retreats, meetings and 19 mass engagement sessions to share - 「滙豐青年理財師計劃」獲投資者及理財教 views and expectations on BGCA’s future strategies and directions. Having 育委員會頒發「理財教育獎─質量」 heavy regard to the latest challenges and distresses faced by our youths and - 「兒童之家」社工林凱燕同工入圍「賽馬會 families, as confirmed at the board retreat held in January 2020, BGCA would 社工創新力量」,並接受為期 10 星期的退 be moving towards its next strategic plan with the slogan ‘Promoting Holistic 修學習及海外交流計劃 Development, Uplifting Mental Wellness’ spelling out two strategic foci for the coming five years. 策略 2019/20 年度下半年,本會同工透過管理層 Promoting Holistic Development 退修會及會議、以及 19 個諮詢大會,就本會 BGCA had a clear vision of all-round development of children and youths 未來的發展方向分享意見和期望。我們深切 at different ages and stages. No matter what socio-economic status they 關注青少年及家庭在目前社會狀況下所面臨 live, children and young people should have equal opportunities of growth 的挑戰和壓力,續於 2020 年 1 月董事退修會 and development. Referencing the “Nurturing Care Framework” of the 上確立了下一個策略方向,以「促進全人發 World Health Organization (2018), BGCA would continue to advocate for 展,推動精神健康」作為我們未來五年的兩 and support the development of children of 0 to 8 years in a holistic manner, 大策略重點。 with key focus on resource mobilisation and capacity building of teachers and workers, parents and community collaborators for positive and lasting 促進全人發展 impacts. 香港小童群益會抱有清晰願景,致力推廣不 同年齡及階段的兒童和青少年全面發展。無 For our work on adolescents and youths, with collaborations of our social 論他們的社會經濟地位如何,都應享有平等 workers and other professionals, BGCA aimed to facilitate young people to 的成長與發展機會。本會參考世界衛生組織 explore their talents, interests and potentials and to become their own life 的《兒童早期發展養育照顧框架》(2018), designers. We would assist them in accessing resources and networks in the 持續倡導及支持零至八歲兒童的全人發展, community and grasping opportunities for their personal growth, health and wellness of body and mind through sports, arts and culture, social service 重點促進社區資源的調配與培訓老師、社工、 and social innovation. 家長及社區伙伴的能力,以達至正面、持久 的影響。 In addition, BGCA would continue to provide inclusive caring environment for young people in underprivileged background, as well as special care services 在青少年服務工作方面,本會社工與其他專 for children with special needs, development hazards and trauma influence. 業人士合作,鼓勵青少年探索一己才能、興 趣和潛力,成為主導自己生命的策劃師。我 Uplifting Mental Wellness 們協助他們獲取社區資源及人際網絡,藉以把 For many years, BGCA has walked with children and youths to help them 握機會,透過體育、藝術及文化、社會服務 develop positivity towards themselves and enhance their resilience and 和社會創新,促進個人成長,發展身心健康。 problem-solving abilities. We have provided counselling at centres, community and schools. We have also delivered emotional and psychological support 此外,本會將繼續為處於不利環境的青少年 projects developed for specific target groups, including those with substance 營造關愛共融的成長環境,並為有特殊需要、 abuse, trauma arrested and offending experiences. Our cyber outreaching 發育障礙及受創傷影響的兒童提供特殊照顧 and suicide prevention online service has expanded in recent years. BGCA 服務。 would put more emphasis on the mental wellness of young people and would also be ready to serve the i-Generation, who were spending longer screen 推動精神健康 time and were more vulnerable to psycho-social hazards. 多年以來,本會一直與兒童和青少年同行, 幫助他們建立正面的自我形象,增強他們的 There would continue to be mounting needs to uplift mental wellness of young 抗逆和解難能力。我們在服務中心、社區及 people faced with emotional distress, helplessness and insecurity arising 學校提供輔導服務,並針對包括濫用藥物、 from various family, interpersonal and rapidly changing societal matters. 受精神創傷、被捕和有犯罪紀錄人士等特定 BGCA aspired to play a leading role in Trauma-informed Care and Practice in 目標組群,制訂及提供情緒與心理支援。我 the community to help them cope with the distresses. We aimed at equipping 們的數碼外展計劃及防止自殺網上服務近年 workers with and building localised service model of Trauma-informed 亦逐步擴展。本會將加強關注青少年的精神 practices within the children and youth service industry. 健康,尤其現今數碼世代長時間瀏覽網絡世 界,較易受社會心理危害影響,我們已準備 好為他們提供適切的服務。

13 Numbers and figures at a glance 青少年因各種家庭、人際關係問題和急速轉 Services 變的社會事件承受着情緒困擾、無助感與不 安,因此促進青少年心理健康更顯逼切。本 In 2019/20, BGCA served over 199,271 children, youths and parents, with a total programme attendance of 969,136, through 14,773 programmes/ 會冀能於「創傷知情全人關懷」方面扮演領 initiatives and 85,056 programme sessions, together with the contributions 導角色,協助青少年面對困境,並建構及裝 from 9,659 volunteers. 備本會社工適切於本地應用的創傷知情服務 實踐模式。

Current Service/ Programmes Offered 我們的服務

“Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions” 1 「在學前單位提供社工服務先導計劃」 Pre-school Rehabilitation Services 5.75 學前兒童康復服務 Small Group Homes 7 兒童之家 Special Projects Family Life Education 特別服務計劃 SWD Subvented 5 家庭生活教育服務 (Units 單位) Services 32 社會福利署 Co-parenting Support Centre 資助服務 1 共享親職支援中心 88.75 Children Centre & Library Service 3 兒童中心及圖書館 Integrated Children and Youth Service Centre Self-funded service with 20 綜合青少年服務中心 independent office* Growing Partner II – CDF 擁有獨立辦公室的自資服務 * 2 結伴再成長 2 – 兒童發展基金 (Units 單位) 3 School Social Work Service 38 學校社會工作服務 Leisure & Recreational Youth Outreaching Teams 休閒及康樂 2 青少年外展社會工作隊 (Camp 營舍) 1 Young Night Drifters Service 2 青少年深宵外展服務 Cyber Youth Support Team Education 教育 1 網上青年支援隊 幼稚園) 4 (Kindergartens Community Support Services Scheme (Stationing school social work services 1 社區支援服務計劃 12 for primary schools 小學駐校社工服務)

* 3 Units: Community Creativity Learning Centre, Counselling Centre and HSBC TSW Children Learning & Support Centre 3 個單位:社區創意學習中心、輔導中心及滙豐天水圍兒童學習及發展支援中心

Key Work Themes of 32 Projects 32 個特別服務計劃的重點主題

Early Childhood Intervention 及早介入 3

Encouraging social participation 鼓勵兒童社會參與 3

Assisting children with special educational needs STEMCA 六系創技 2 支援特殊學習需要的兒童 4

Career & life planning 職業生涯規劃 1 Fostering child and Youth mental health Alleviating child poverty 關注貧窮兒童 5 關注兒童及青少年精神健康 14

14 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Funding and Donations 數據一覽 Our total income and expenditure amounted to $642,082,390 and 服務 $566,953,998 in 2019/20, rose by 15% and 14% respectively, as compared 2019/20 年度,香港小童群益會藉 14,773 項 to the previous year. The growth in income was significant in government 活動、85,056 個活動節數,以及 9,659 位義 subvention on our recurrent social services, which increased by 23%. 66% 工服務超過 199,271 名兒童、青少年及家長, of the annual income were contributed by government subvention which 出席活動總人次達 969,136。 supported our recurrent social services, Bradbury Camp, special projects and programmes. Some grants supported renovation for our service premises. 資助及捐款 Donations for designated services received mainly from corporates and 2019/20 年度,本會總收入及總開支分別為 charitable trusts and foundations accounted for 11% of the overall income. $642,082,390 及 $566,953,998,與去年相比 Other sources of income included public donations, income from fundraising 分別增加 15% 及 14%。其中,政府對本會恆 events and income from the Headquarters Building (HQs). We were thankful 常服務的資助顯著增加,增幅為 23%。年內 for funding from the HKSAR Government and all generous and inspiring 總收入之 66% 來自政府資助,用於支持本會 donors who trusted and supported BGCA. (Please refer to P.19-22 of the 恆常社會服務項目、白普理營、特別服務計 Annual Report for the financial highlights, and P.103-104 of the Annual Report 劃及項目,部分資助用於服務場所翻新工程。 for the list of our donors and supporters.) 指定服務項目的捐款則主要來自企業、慈善信 託及基金,佔整體收入之 11%。其他收入來 Our People and Workplace 源包括公眾捐款、籌款活動及總部大樓租賃 Staff has always been BGCA’s most valuable asset. As at 31st March 2020, 收入。本會衷心感謝香港特區政府、所有熱 there were approximately 1,130 BGCA staff from diverse background, an 心公益的善心人士所給予的信任和支持。(請 increase of 18% as compared to the previous year. As BGCA underwent 參閱年報第 19 至 22 頁之財政摘要,以及第 sizable service expansion during the year, planning of comprehensive 103 至 104 頁之贊助人及支持者鳴謝名單)。 human resource strategies and succession became vital. We were glad to announce the promotion of Mr CHAN Pik-fai to the Assistant Director’s position in February 2020, joining the directorate to lead BGCA’s growth and 我們的團隊與工作環境 development. 員工一直是香港小童群益會最寶貴的資產。截 至 2020 年 3 月 31 日,本會約有 1,130 名來 In face of the intense labour market competition, we have implemented 自多元背景的員工,人數比去年增加 18%。 various measures with an aim to maintaining a sustainable competitive 鑑於年內本會服務大規模擴展,全面的人力 advantage through our people. 資源策略規劃及承傳更顯重要。我們欣然恭 賀陳碧輝先生於 2020 年 2 月正式晉升為助理 We put emphasis on retaining and grooming our talents and put in place: 總幹事,加入總幹事層領導本會繼續發展。 - on-the-job training and mentorship with experienced social workers for new joiners 面對勞動市場激烈競爭,我們積極採取多項 - job enrichment and career advancement opportunities to 9% of staff

Staff Composition 員工團隊 Professional Teams 專業團隊 註冊社工 Professional Teams Registered Social Workers Management / 幼兒教師 專業團隊 Pre-school Principals and Teachers Administrations

Educational/ Clinical Psychologists 教育/臨床心理學家 管理/行政人員 52.5% Physiotherapists 物理治療師 Occupational/ Speech Therapists 職業/言語治療師 4.2% Registered Nurses 註冊護士 Supporting Teams 支援團隊 Programme/ Service Assistants 活動/服務助理 Supporting Teams Project Managers/ Officers計劃經理/主任 支援團隊 Workmen 職工 43.3% Parents of Small Group Homes 家舍家長 Administrative Assistants 行政助理 Technical Support Staff 技術支援 Management/ Administrations 管理/行政人員

15 We showed care to our staff through enhancing the workplace friendliness by: 措施,期望藉本會團隊保持長遠的競爭優勢。 - implementing five-day work week across all offices and service centres in April 2020 after piloting the initiative at Headquarters (HQs) from September 我們重視保留及培育人才,並實行了以下措施: 2019 to March 2020, which promoted a family-friendly workplace for staff - 由資深社工為新入職社工提供在職培訓及 without compromising work efficiency and service quality, while keeping 指導 cost implication minimal - 年內共有 9% 同工獲增進工作效能及經驗而 - planning and renovating BGCA HQs, with one of the objectives being 作出的安排及事業發展的機會 enhancing workspace functions and facilities and improving staff working condition, workspace efficiency, service and office security and safety 與此同時,我們亦推行以下政策推動友善的 工作環境,體現對同工的關懷: Environmental policies - 於 2019 年 9 月在總部首先試行五天工作周 BGCA HQs signed up for the 4th consecutive year to the Energy Saving 計劃,繼而於 2020 年 4 月落實推行至所有 Charter organised by the Environment Bureau to continue our efforts in 辦公室及服務中心,旨在推廣家庭友善的 energy conservation. We duly considered our environmental responsibility in 工作環境的同時,確保工作效率及服務質 our HQs renovation and would be ready to apply for the BEAM Plus Interior 素得以維持,並對成本的影響減至最低 certification after the completion of the renovation. We would incorporate - 規劃及翻新總部大樓,其中一個目的為加 green building elements in the future development and renovation of our 強工作場所的效能和設施,提升員工的工 Bradbury Camp. At our offices and service centres, green measures were 作環境及條件、改善工作間效率、加強服 adopted to promote daily habits of “reduce, reuse and recycle” among our 務與辦公室環境的安全和保安 staff and service users.

環境政策 Corporate Governance 本會總部大樓連續四年參與環境局推行的節 Parallel to BGCA’s growth into its size and scale today has been our 能約章計劃,堅持為節能努力。我們在總部 commitment to improve our corporate governance. Over the years, BGCA has 翻新工程中謹慎顧及自身的環保責任,並在 developed robust governance structure and systems to help ensure that our 工程竣工後取得綠建環評室內建築評估認證, rules and procedures were properly governed. 而白普理營未來的發展及翻新工程亦同樣會 In 2019/20, in addition to maintaining full compliance with various statutory 加入綠色建築元素。此外,本會的辦公室和 rules and regulations set out under the Companies Ordinance, the Education 服務中心推行環保措施,鼓勵員工及服務使 Ordinance, the Lump Sum Grant (LSG) Manual, the LSG Best Practice 用者養成「減廢、重用、回收」的日常習慣。 Manual Level One Guidelines and the Service Quality Standards, we have revisited and refined our guidelines for BGCA membership and the nomination 機構管治 process for board and committee membership. The Task Force on Corporate 隨著香港小童群益會擴展至現時的規模,本 Governance Review would continue its work on the review and enhancement 會一直嚴格提升機構管治。多年以來,本會 of BGCA’s corporate governance measures in the coming year. 建立出穩健的管治架構及機制,確保規則及 程序得到妥善實施。 The Board of Directors and Board Committees At the time of combating the COVID-19 pandemic, our Board and Committee 2019/20 年度,本會繼續嚴謹遵守《公司條 members had continued to commit to meetings to provide their input and 例》、《教育條例》、《整筆撥款手冊》、《整 advice to the work of BGCA through adopting modern technologies when 筆撥款津助制度最佳執行指引》第一組指引 physical meetings were discouraged during the period. 及《服務質素標準》內各項法定規則、條例 及規定,並且重新審視及完善本會會員政策 The Board (i.e. Executive Committee) of BGCA was grateful to its 83 和指引,以及董事會和各委員會的提名程序。 committee members and advisers who rendered their unwavering support 此外,「檢討企業管治專責小組」來年將繼 and volunteered over 1025 hours taking part in meetings and events in 續檢討及改善本會機構管治措施方面的工作。 2019/20. A visit to our newly established KeySteps@JC Community Hub in Tin Shui Wai was arranged in July 2019 for our board and committee 董事會及委員會 members to have deeper understanding of the early childhood intervention approach that was core to BGCA’s services and the latest development in its 對抗新冠病毒疫情期間,儘管未能全面進行 adoption. In January 2020, Board and committee members went on its board 實體會議,本會董事會及委員會仍堅持利用 retreat to give steer regarding BGCA’s strategic foci in the upcoming years, 現代科技,進行網上會議,指導本會的工作。 for the management’s further formulation of concrete services and execution 董事會(即執行委員會)感謝 83 位委員及顧 plans. 問所給予的堅定支持,於 2019/20年度內投 放超過 1,025 小時,不遺餘力義務地參與本

16 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Welcoming new joiners 會舉辦的各項會議和活動。2019 年 7 月,董 We welcomed Dr Lobo LOUIE, a passionate professional in physical 事會及委員會委員到訪新成立的天水圍賽馬 education who has been the Chairman of the Team Challenge 36 Organising 會童亮館,深入了解本會的兒童早期發展與 Committee (TC36) in the past five years, to join us as a Board member in 及早介入核心服務的方法與最新實踐情況。 September 2019. We were happy to have five new committee members 2020 年 1 月,董事會及委員會委員參與退修 joining the BGCA family, including Dr Camilla LO Kin-ming on Research 會,商討並督導本會未來數年的策略重點, and Advocacy Committee, Dr Wilfred WONG Hing-sang on the Information 協助管理層進一步制訂具體服務及執行計劃。 Technology Committee, Dr Gilbert CHUA on both the Camp Committee and the TC36, and Mr Gordon CHEUNG Chi-leung and Prof. Kevin CHUNG Kien- 歡迎新委員 hoa on the Steering Committee on Early Childhood Intervention. 本會歡迎雷雄德博士於 2019 年 9 月加入董事 We would wish to express our heartfelt thanks to Ms Nikki NG Mien-hua who 會。雷博士熱衷投入體育事業,過去五年一 retired from the Board in September 2019 after serving a full term of three 直擔任本會「團隊挑戰36」籌備委會員主席。 years, and Mr Alan LIU Yee-tong who by the time of retiring from the Camp 另外,我們亦非常榮幸邀得五位新委員加入 Committee had served BGCA for 34 years. (Please refer to P.23-28 of the 不同委員會,分別為研究及倡議委員會委員 Annual Report for the corporate governance structure, the organisation chart 盧健銘博士、資訊科技委員會委員黃慶生博 and committee membership list.) 士、營舍委員會及「團隊挑戰 36」籌備委員 會委員蔡宇程醫生,以及早期兒童發展督導 Our Ways Forward 委員會委員張智良先生及鍾杰華教授。 Keeping up with modern times In the 21st century where the world has become more fluid and complex, and 本會在此特別感謝於 2019 年 9 月三年任期屆 where technology has changed the ways people communicate, the needs of 滿後退任董事會職務的黃敏華女士,以及在 and expectations on children and youths have also vastly changed. 退任營舍委員會職務時已服務本會達 34 年的 廖義棠先生,感謝他們熱誠盡心及無私的付 To ensure that our two new strategic foci on ‘Promoting Holistic Development’ 出(請參閱年報 23 至 28 頁之機構管治架構、 and ‘Uplifting Mental Wellness’ would be implemented most effectively to 組織結構及委員會名單)。 create impact and address the latest service needs of children, youths, their families and the society at large, the management through engagement exercise with frontline staff and insights from the Board, had kickstarted 邁向未來 to consolidate the strategic service plans for the next five years. Keeping 與時並進 abreast of the challenges and opportunities surrounding us in this fast- 置身二十一世紀,世界流動性增強,同時越 changing world, we were greatly aware of the need to mobilise resources 趨複雜,而科技正改變人類的溝通方式,令 to the right focus, and equip our staff to have the latest skillset, awareness, 兒童及青少年的需要和他們被寄予的期望產 hardware and mentality in the process of planning, developing and delivering 生巨變。 our services. 為確保本會能以最有效的方式推行「促進全 Implications of modern technology 人發展」及「推動精神健康」兩大新策略重 At the service end, we had used social media platforms more frequently than 點,回應兒童、青少年、家庭、以至整體社 before to engage our service targets, which had generated greater impact 會最新的服務需求,管理層與前線員工進行 and got us closer to our service users. It was particularly critical in the past 互動交流,並聽取董事會的意見,着手鞏固 year during the period of social unrest and COVID-19, that we got connected 未來五年的策略服務計劃。世界瞬息萬變, and could reach out promptly to our service targets to offer the emergency 挑戰與機遇處處,本會意識到在規劃、發展 support services needed. In adopting these online means, however, we were 及提供服務的過程中,必須調配資源、對準 aware of the importance of staff’s vigilance and awareness on data protection, 焦點,同時要裝備員工掌握最新技能、提高 privacy, intellectual property and impartiality, and hence these topics would 應有意識、提供硬件支援與對新科技的正確 continue to be raised through trainings and sharing of good practices among 態度。 different teams.

At the back-support end, we acknowledged that the use of information 採納先進科技蘊含的意義 technology and virtual communication has improved our work efficiency 在提供服務方面,本會較以前更頻繁使用社 and effectiveness, especially during the time when physical presence and 交媒體平台來與服務對象互動,這種溝通途 face-to-face meetings at work were kept to the minimal to minimise risk of 徑所帶來的影響深遠,有助拉近我們與服務 virus spread. This, however, demanded greater caution in the handling and 使用者的距離。過去一年,社會局勢不穩加 processing of data and information. Against this background, BGCA has 上新冠病毒疫情來襲,社交媒體的作用尤顯

17 commenced the upgrading of various data management systems, including 重要,讓我們能及時接觸服務對象,提供對 finance, human resources, and service delivery starting this year. This would 方所需的緊急支援服務。然而,我們亦意識 imply years of changes ahead for BGCA as we endeavoured to familiarise 到員工對於保護資料、私隱及知識產權的意 ourselves with the latest technology and mentality in using and managing 識和警覺性非常重要,故將繼續為員工提供 data. 相關培訓,並鼓勵各團隊之間互相分享經驗 和良好的工作方法。 BGCA Headquarters Renovation The existing BGCA HQs first came into operation after redevelopment in 在後勤支援方面,我們認同資訊科技及虛擬 1994. After 26 years of services, it became necessary to carry out renovation 通訊設備能提高工作效率和效能,尤其在必 work, which would commence in September 2020. Our HQs did not just 須透過減少人群聚集以減低病毒傳播風險之 provide office space for our staff, it had also been housing plenty of our social 時。惟與此同時,處理及使用數據與資料更 services including our Cheerland Nursery cum Kindergarten, Counselling 須加倍謹慎。有見及此,本會自今年起陸續 Centre and On-site Preschool Rehabilitation Services. Hence, apart from 為財務、人力資源及服務等多個資料管理系 improving staff working conditions in the new design of the HQs building, 統進行升級,這意味本會未來數年將經歷變 child-friendly and child-safety elements had been particularly considered and 革,我們須努力掌握資料使用和管理的最新 incorporated in the renovation as children would also be major users of the 技術,並培養正確的態度。 building. The design would also be expected to bring about a vivid corporate image of BGCA in alignment with our vision, mission and values. The Board 總部大樓翻新工程 set up a Task Force on Headquarters Renovation in November 2019, joined by members of various board committees, to lead this multifaceted project. 香港小童群益會的總部大樓於 1994 年重建後 Staff and other key stakeholders, including our service users and committee 開始投入運作。服務 26 年過後,大樓設施有 members, were engaged and consulted from the early planning stage. The 翻新的必要,工程將於 2020 年 9 月動工。總 renovation work would be expected to last for a year. 部大樓不僅作員工辦公室之用,更提供多項 社會服務設施,包括樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園、 Remain steadfast as we welcome the 85th anniversary of 輔導中心及到校學前康復服務。因此,新總 BGCA 部大樓設計旨在改善員工的工作環境外,亦 特別考慮到兒童作為大樓的主要使用者,納 Entering its 85th year in 2021, BGCA has never been complacent about 入兒童友善及安全元素,同時鮮明呈現本會 our accomplishment. With the strong foundation laid by our predecessors, 的機構形象,反映出我們的願景、使命與價 together with our greatest assets - our committed Committee members, staff and other dedicated stakeholders, we would remain steadfast in upholding 值。董事會於 2019 年 11 月成立「總部大樓 our mission in these challenging times, and ensure the legacy of BGCA would 翻新專責小組」,由多個委員會委員共同領 continue to sustain and flourish for the future years. 導這項涉及多個範疇的項目。在早期規劃期 間,我們已接觸並諮詢本會同工、服務使用 者、委員會委員等其他關鍵持分者。翻新工 程預期需時一年。

穩步前進 喜迎創會 85 載 香港小童群益會將於 2021 年迎接本會成立 85 周年,我們卻從未對自己的成就感自滿。 全賴前人的努力奠定穩健基礎,加上我們最 珍重的資產:全情投入本會事務的委員會委 員、同工與其他持分者,我們才得以在這個 充滿挑戰的時期,依然堅定不移地履行使命, 確保本會的精神與工作得以承傳,並在未來 繼續蓬勃發展。

18 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Financial Highlights 財務摘要

Statement of Income and Expenditure for the Year Ended 31st March, 2020 年度收入與支出結算表截至2020年3月31日止

2019-20 2018-19 HK$’000 HK$’000

Total Income 總收入 642,082 558,911

Total Expenditure 總支出 ( 566,954 ) (496,548 )

Total Income less Total Expenditure 總收入減總支出 75,128 62,363

Tax Expenses and Fund Transfer 稅務支出和指定用途 (71,371 ) (62,902) of Designated Funds and Reserves 基金及儲備撥款

Surplus/ (Deficit) for the year 盈餘/虧損 3,757 (539 )

Income and Expenditure 收入與支出


700,000 642,082

600,000 566,954 558,911 521,267 496,548 500,000 475,066





2019-20 2018-19 2017-18

Income 總收入 Expenditure 總支出

Remark: The financial report relating to the year ended 31st March 2020 on page 19 to 22 is not BGCA’s statutory annual consolidated financial statements for that year. BGCA will deliver those financial statements to the Registrar of Companies as required by section 662(3) of, and Part 3 of Schedule 6 to, the Companies Ordinance in due course. BGCA’s auditor has reported on those financial statements. The auditor’s report was unqualified; did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying its reports; and did not contain a statement under sections 406(2), 407(2) or (3) of the Companies Ordinance. 備註: 第19至22頁內截至2020年3月31日之財務報告不是本會的法定年度財務報表。本會將按照公司條例第662(3)條及附表6第3部提交年度財務報表。 本會核數師已就該財務年度的財務報表作出報告,核數師報告是沒有保留意見,及不就該報告作保留意見情況下以強調方式促請有關人士注意任何事宜;或載有根據公 司條例第406(2)或407(2)或(3)條的陳述。

The financial report relating to the year ended 31st March 2020 was published in our website, please refer to linkage as below: 截至2020年3月31日之財務報告已在本會網站公佈,請参考以下連結︰

19 Total Income 總收入

2019 - 2020 Income 收入

Grants & Income for Designated Projects Pre-school Education Services 指定項目的資助及收入 12% 學前教育服務 2% Income from Headquarters Building 總部大樓收益 6% Programme Income & Member Subscription 活動及會員費收入 11% Donation & Fundraising Events 善款收入及籌款活動 1%

Interest and Investment Income 利息及投資收入 1%

Other Income HK$642 million 其他收入 1%

Government Subvention 政府資助撥款 66%

2018 - 2019 Income 收入

Grants & Income for Designated Projects 指定項目的資助及收入 14% Pre-school Education Services 學前教育服務 2% Income from Headquarters Building Programme Income & Member Subscription 總部大樓收益 7% 活動及會員費收入 13% Donation & Fundraising Events 善款收入及籌款活動 1%

Interest and Investment Income 利息及投資收入 1% Government Subvention HK$558 million 政府資助撥款 61% Other Income 其他收入 1%

20 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Total Expenditure 總支出

2019 - 2020 Expenditure 支出

Pre-school Education Services 學前教育服務 5%

Bradbury Camp 白普理營 1%

Renovations, Fitting-out & Equipment for Units 中心裝修工程及設備添置 2%

HK$567 million Projects subsidised by Designated Donations 指定用途捐款及資助之項目 18% Social Services Headquarters Building 社會服務 72% 總部大樓 1%

Other Expenses 其他支出 1%

2018 - 2019 Expenditure 支出

Pre-school Education Services 學前教育服務 6%

Bradbury Camp 白普理營 1%

Renovations, Fitting-out & Equipment for Units 中心裝修工程及設備添置 2% HK$496 million

Projects subsidised by Designated Donations 指定用途捐款及資助之項目 18% Social Services 社會服務 70% Headquarters Building 總部大樓 2%

Other Expenses 其他支出 1%

21 For the financial year of 2019-20, the funds employed and reserves of the Association started from $337,780,000 and ended with $409,722,000 made up as follows: 於2019-20財政年度開始時,本會持有指定用途基金及儲備總額為$337,780,000,而在財政年度結束時總額結餘為 $409,722,000,詳列如下:

2019-20 2018-19 HK$’000 HK$’000

Accumulated Fund 累積基金 15,885 13,227

Reserves 儲備 Social Welfare Department :- 社會福利署 :- Lump Sum Grant Reserve Note 1 整筆撥款儲備 註1 85,181 48,424 Provident Fund Reserves - Snapshot Staff Note 2 公積金儲備 - 定影員工 註2 5,298 5,904 Provident Fund Reserves - Non-snapshot Staff Note 2 公積金儲備 - 非定影員工註2 21,406 18,836 Subvention (Deficits) Surpluses Account 撥款(赤字)盈餘儲備 (5,210) (4,285)

106,675 68,879

Designated Funds 指定用途基金

After School Care Service Development Fund 課餘託管服務基金 25,177 25,177 BGCA Charity Fund 香港小童群益會慈善基金 13,946 12,362 Camp Development Fund 營舍發展基金 14,276 15,276 Chan Po Fun Fund - For Camp Renovation 陳普芬營舍基金 513 513 Cheerland Nursery Fund 樂緻幼兒園基金 11,713 7,688 Education Development Fund 教育局程序計劃基金 12,875 12,875 Facilities and Equipment Fund 設施及設備基金 24,817 26,381 Estates Re-development Fund 物業發展基金 28,091 28,091 Facilities Improvement Fund 設施改善基金 30,816 31,248 Lotteries Fund Block Grant for F&E, 獎券基金 - 整筆撥款用作設備, 928 2,297 Replenishment and Minor Works 傢具設施添置及維修 Nursery Service - Education Bureau Fund 幼兒服務基金 13,427 13,427 Other Designated Fund 其他指定用途基金 36,910 20,663 Service Improvement Fund 服務改善基金 65,457 53,118 Sir Robert Ho Tung Charitable Fund 何東爵士慈善基金 95 95 Social Welfare Development Fund 社會福利發展基金 5,153 3,559 Staff Development & Welfare Fund 職員福利發展基金 2,405 2,328 The Social Work Development Fund for Mainland Services 內地社會工作發展基金 554 554

287,153 255,652

Investment Revaluation Reserve 投資估值儲備 9 22 Total Funds Employed and Reserves 基金及儲備總值 409,722 337,780

Note 1: As at 31 March 2020, the Lump Sum Grant Reserve was HK$85,181,000. The reserve will be used to support on-going operation cost of subvented services, such as fulfilling the contractual commitment to staff. Note 2: As at 31 March 2020, the Provident Fund Reserves amounted to HK$26,704,000. The additional employer’s contribution rate would be subject to annual review and could be changed according to the level of the Provident Fund Reserves. 註1:截至2020年3月31日,整筆撥款儲備為HK$85,181,000,儲備主要用於支持資助服務的持續營運成本,如改善員工待遇。 註2:截至2020年3月31日,公積金儲備總額為HK$26,704,000 。僱主的自願性供款率將作每年檢討,並可能根據公積金儲備金水平而調整。

22 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報

內地服務委員會 學前教育及服務顧問 團隊挑戰36籌備委員會 早期兒童發展督導委員會 顧問 / 特別計劃委員會 Mainland Services Committee Pre-school Education & Service Advisers Team Challenge 36Team Organising Committee Advisory/ Special Programme Committees Steering Committee on Early Childhood Intervention 機構管治架構

會長 提名委員會 審計委員會 會員大會 President 執行委員會 Audit Committee Audit 機構管治委員會 Nomination Committee Nomination General Meeting Executive Committee Corporate Governance Committees

Corporate Governance Structure 營舍委員會 管理委員會 常務委員會 人力資源委員會 資訊科技委員會 研究及倡議委員會 Camp Committee Camp 財務及投資委員會 財務及投資委員會 物業管理及發展委員會 Management Committee Management Standing Committees 商譽、籌款及資源發展委員會 Human Resources Committee Information Technology Committee Technology Information Finance and Investment Committee Research and Advocacy Committee Estate Management and Development Committee Branding, Fundraising & Resources Development Committee Effective as at 31st March 2020 截至 2020 年 3 月 31 日

23 元朗 東涌 服務 Home 九⿓城 Service Services 兒童之家 內地服務 Wan Chai Wan Eastern & Education Districts & Yuen Long Yuen Family Life Specialised 東區及灣仔 地區及服務 Tung Chung Tung Small Group Co-parenting City Psychological Counselling & 兒童中⼼服務 家庭⽣活教育 Support Centre Children Centre 輔導及⼼理⽀援 Support Services Mainland Service 共享親職⽀援中⼼ 高級服務顧問 服務 服務 介⼊ Senior Service Consultant Services 特別計劃 學前教育 Education Pre-school Pre-school Intervention Work Service Work Rehabilitation 學前兒童康復 Special Projects Development & 幼稚園駐校社⼯ 兒童早期發展與 Early Childhood Pre-school Social 服務 中西區 Services Services 支 援服務 特別計劃 Districts & 地區及服務 Youth Mental Youth ICYSC Service Special Projects 綜合青少年中⼼ 青少年精神健康 Wellness Support Wellness n Wester & Central 助理總幹事 Assistant Director Data Digital 系統轉化 數位轉型 數據管理 & Systems Information Technology Technology 資訊管理及 Information 資訊科技部 Department Management Management Transformation Transformation

服務 觀塘 服務 ⿈⼤仙 深⽔埗 Services Services Districts & Kwai Tsing Kwai Kwun 地區及服務 荃灣及葵青 Wong Tai Sin Tai Wong Youth At Risk Youth Work Service Work Tsuen Wan & Wan Tsuen School Social 學校社會⼯作 Sham Shui Po ICYSC Service 邊緣青少年服務 綜合青少年中⼼ 組織結構

助理總幹事 Assistant Director Service Services 服務營運 Operations Operation Coordination Improvement 服務流程改善 服務運作協調 Service Process 總幹事 執行委員會 Executive Director Executive Committee 南區 西貢 沙⽥ 屯⾨ 服務 Sha Tin Sha Services 營舍服務 特別計劃 Southern Sai Kung Districts & Tuen Mun Tuen 地區及服務 ⼤埔及北區 Camp Service Tai Po & North Tai ICYSC Service 綜合青少年中⼼ Special Projects 副總幹事 Deputy Executive Director 機構傳訊 知識管理 機構發展 Corporate Training & Training Corporate Knowledge 訓練及發展 Research & 研究及發展 Management Development Development Development Organisation Chart Communications 會計部 Accounts Department 審計委員會 Audit Committee Human Resources 人力資源部 Department

工 程 行政 行政部 機構管治 Corporate Governance Department Maintenance Administration Administration Administration Development & 審計部 Department Internal Audit Internal

24 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Effective as at 31st March 2020 截至 2020 年 3 月 31 日 Corporate Governance Members 機構管治成員

Photo taken date : 27th September 2019 相片拍攝日期 : 2019 年 9 月 27 日

Patron 贊助人 The Hon. Mrs Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS 香港特別行政區行政長官林鄭月娥女士,GBM,GBS Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Hon. Presidents 榮譽會長 The Hon. Mr Justice Patrick CHAN Siu-oi, GBM 陳兆愷法官,GBM Mr Henry WU King-cheong, BBS, JP 胡經昌先生,BBS,JP

Hon. Chairman 榮譽主席 Prof. MOK Bong-ho 莫邦豪教授

Hon. Advisers 名譽顧問 Ms Maria TAM Wai-chu, GBM, GBS, JP 譚惠珠女士,GBM,GBS,JP Mr William WAN Hon-cheung, MBE, JP 溫漢璋先生,MBE,JP Dr WONG Chung-kwong, JP 黃重光醫生,JP

Hon. Legal Adviser 義務法律顧問 Mr Lawrence LAM Yin-ming, PMSM, BH (1st row, right 1) 林彥明律師,PMSM,BH ( 前排,右一 )

President 會長 Dr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, GBS, BBS, JP (1st row, centre) 鍾志平博士,GBS,BBS,JP ( 前排,中 )

Executive Committee 執行委員會 Chairman 主席 Dr NG Yin-ming (1st row, left 3) 吳彥明醫生 ( 前排,左三 ) Vice-Chairman 副主席 Dr Pamela CHAN WONG Shui, BBS, JP (1st row, right 3) 陳黃穗博士,BBS,JP ( 前排,右三 ) Hon. Secretary 義務秘書 Mr David YAU Po-wing (1st row, left 2) 游寶榮先生 ( 前排,左二 ) Hon. Treasurer 義務司庫 Mr Paul YEUNG Wai-keung (1st row, right 2) 楊偉強先生 ( 前排,右二 ) Members 委員 Mr Daniel CHAN Hing-yiu (2nd row, right 3) 陳慶耀先生 ( 後排,右三 ) Ms Anna May CHAN Mei-lan, MH, JP (2nd row, left 3) 陳美蘭女士,MH,JP ( 後排,左三 ) Mr Laurence HO Hoi-ming 何海明先生 Dr Shirley HUNG Suet-lin 洪雪蓮博士 Dr Patrick IP (2nd row, left 1) 葉柏強醫生 ( 後排,左一 ) Ms Angel KAM Siu-lam (2nd row, left 4) 金笑林女士 ( 後排,左四 ) Prof. LAM Ching-man, MH (2nd row, right 5) 林靜雯教授,MH ( 後排,右五 ) Mr Lawrence LAM Yin-ming, PMSM, BH 林彥明律師,PMSM,BH Dr Frances LAW Yik-wa (2nd row, right 2) 羅亦華博士 ( 後排,右二 ) Mr Samuel LEE Ka-yue (2nd row, left 6) 李家裕先生 ( 後排,左六 ) Mr Philip LEUNG Kwong-hon, MH (2nd row, right 4) 梁光漢先生,MH ( 後排,右四 ) Dr Lobo LOUIE Hung-tak (since 27th September 2019) (2nd row, left 2) 雷雄德博士 ( 自 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) ( 後排,左二 ) Ms Nikki NG Mien-hua (til 27th September 2019) 黃敏華女士 ( 至 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Dr Katherine YAU HO Yan-tak (1st row, left 1) 邱何恩德博士 ( 前排,左一 ) Ms Grace YU Ho-wun (2nd row, left 5) 余皓媛女士 ( 後排,左五 ) 25 Auditor 核數師 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Certified Public Accountants 德勤• 關黃陳方會計師行


Corporate Governance Committees 機構管治委員會

Audit Committee 審計委員會 Chairman 主席 Mr Peter WONG Kau-on, BBS 王球安先生,BBS Members 委員 Dr CHENG Man-yung 鄭文容醫生 Ms Alice LUK Sai-lam 陸西琳女士 Mr Frederick WONG Tat-cheong 黃達昌先生 Mrs Judy WOO 胡湯文潔女士

Nomination Committee 提名委員會 Chairman 主席 Prof. MOK Bong-ho 莫邦豪教授 Member 委員 Prof. LAM Ching-man, MH 林靜雯教授,MH Ex-officio Members 當然委員 Dr NG Yin-ming (Chairman of Executive Committee) 吳彥明醫生 ( 執行委員會主席 ) Dr Pamela CHAN WONG Shui, BBS, JP 陳黃穗博士,BBS,JP ( 執行委員會副主席 ) (Vice-Chairman of Executive Committee)

Standing Committees 常務委員會

Management Committee 管理委員會 Chairman 主席 Prof. LAM Ching-man, MH 林靜雯教授,MH Members 委員 Mr Daniel CHAN Hing-yiu 陳慶耀先生 Ms Anna May CHAN Mei-lan, MH, JP 陳美蘭女士,MH,JP Dr Pamela CHAN WONG Shui, BBS, JP 陳黃穗博士,BBS,JP Dr CHENG Man-yung 鄭文容醫生 Dr Patrick IP 葉柏強醫生 Ms Lucy KWAN Man-san 關文珊女士 Dr Frances LAW Yik-wa (since 27th September 2019) 羅亦華博士 ( 自 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Dr TO Siu-ming 陶兆銘博士 Mr Eugene WONG Yu-ching 黃宇正先生 Dr Katherine YAU HO Yan-tak 邱何恩德博士 Mr David YAU Po-wing 游寶榮先生 Mr Paul YEUNG Wai-keung 楊偉強先生 Ms Grace YU Ho-wun 余皓媛女士

Branding, Fundraising & Resources Development Committee 商譽、籌款及資源發展委員會 Chairman 主席 Ms Grace YU Ho-wun 余皓媛女士 Members 委員 Dr AU Chi-kin 區志堅博士 Ms Anna May CHAN Mei-lan, MH, JP 陳美蘭女士,MH,JP Mr Josiah CHIU Sung-kei 趙崇基先生 Ms Jolie CHOW Mei-kwan 周美君女士 Mr Kenji KWAN 關錦智先生 Ms Isabelle LAM-yiang 林盈女士 Dr Katherine YAU HO Yan-tak 邱何恩德博士

26 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Camp Committee 營舍委員會 Chairman 主席 Mr Lawrence LAM Yin-ming, PMSM, BH 林彥明律師,PMSM,BH Members 委員 Dr Pamela CHAN WONG Shui, BBS, JP 陳黃穗博士,BBS,JP Dr Gilbert CHUA (since 27th September 2019) 蔡宇程醫生 ( 自 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Mr HO Cham 何湛先生 Mr Frederick KUNG 龔彥豪先生 Ms Lilian LAW Suk-kwan, MH, JP 羅淑君女士,MH,JP Mr Eric LEE Chung-ming 李仲明先生 Mr Trevor LEE Tai-wah 李大華先生 Mr LEUNG Kam-cheung 梁淦章先生 Mr Alan LIU Yee-tong (til 27th September 2019) 廖義棠先生 ( 至 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Mr WONG Chi-ming, JP 黃志明先生,JP Ms Michelle YE Min (til 27th September 2019) 葉敏女士 ( 至 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Representative from the Leisure and Cultural Services Department 康樂及文化事務署代表

Estate Management and Development Committee 物業管理及發展委員會 Chairman 主席 Ms Angel KAM Siu-lam 金笑林女士 Members 委員 Mr Bernard Y.S. CHAN 陳宇信先生 Mr Edmon LAU Cheuk-yin 劉卓然先生 Mr Eric LEE Chung-ming 李仲明先生 Mr Felix LOK Man-fai 駱文輝先生 Dr Katherine YAU HO Yan-tak 邱何恩德博士 Ir Gabriel YU Lin-keung 余鍊強先生

Finance and Investment Committee 財務及投資委員會 Chairman 主席 Mr Paul YEUNG Wai-keung 楊偉強先生 Members 委員 Ms Anna May CHAN Mei-lan, MH, JP 陳美蘭女士,MH,JP Mr Benson CHENG Sin-bun 鄭善斌先生 Mr Edmon LAU Cheuk-yin 劉卓然先生 Mr Samuel LEE Ka-yue 李家裕先生 Mr David YAU Po-wing 游寶榮先生 Ms Grace YU Ho-wun 余皓媛女士

Human Resources Committeee 人力資源委員會 Chairman 主席 Mr Samuel LEE Ka-yue 李家裕先生 Members 委員 Mr Josiah CHIU Sung-kei 趙崇基先生 Dr Tracy HUI Yee-chui 許綺璀博士 Ms Josephine LAM Wing-sze 林穎詩女士 Dr Terry LEUNG Tse-fong 梁芷芳博士 Dr Janet LEUNG Tsin-yee 梁倩儀博士 Ms Winnie LEUNG Wing-yee 梁穎怡女士 Ms Alice LUK Sai-lam 陸西琳女士 Dr Francis LUM Choong-kein 林中鍵醫生 Ms Winnie MAK Wing-yee 麥穎頤女士 Dr Agnes YEUNG LAW Koon-chui, JP 楊羅觀翠博士,JP

Information Technology Committee 資訊科技委員會 Chairman 主席 Mr Philip LEUNG Kwong-hon, MH 梁光漢先生,MH Members 委員 Ms Maria CHIN Po-mon 錢寶雯女士 Mr CHONG Wing-kong 莊永港先生 Mr Francis FONG Po-kiu 方保僑先生 Ms Jennifer S. Y. LAU 劉嬋儀女士 Dr Wilfred WONG Hing-sang (since 27th September 2019) 黃慶生博士 ( 自 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Ms Catherine YIP lin 葉連女士 Ex-officio Member 當然委員 Prof. LAM Ching-man, MH (Chairman of Management Committee) 林靜雯教授,MH ( 管理委員會主席 )

27 Research and Advocacy Committee 研究及倡議委員會 Chairman 主席 Dr LAW Hing-chung 羅慶琮博士 Members 委員 Dr Shirley HUNG Suet-lin 洪雪蓮博士 Dr Patrick IP 葉柏強醫生 Dr Frances LAW Yik-wa 羅亦華博士 Dr Janet LEUNG Tsin-yee (since 27th September 2019) 梁倩儀博士 ( 自 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Dr Camilla Lo Kin-ming (since 27th September 2019) 盧健銘博士 ( 自 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Dr Francis LUM Choong-kein 林中鍵醫生 Dr Cherry TAM Hau-lin 譚巧蓮博士

Advisory/ Special Programme Committees 顧問 / 特別計劃委員會

Mainland Services Committee 內地服務委員會 Chairman 主席 Dr Pamela CHAN WONG Shui, BBS, JP 陳黃穗博士,BBS,JP Members 委員 Dr CHAN Kam-tong 陳錦棠博士 Dr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, GBS, BBS, JP (til 27th September 2019) 鍾志平博士,GBS,BBS,JP ( 至 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Ms Lilian LAW Suk-kwan, MH, JP 羅淑君女士,MH,JP Mrs Justina LEUNG NGAI Mou-yin, JP 梁魏懋賢女士,JP Mr Henry WU King-cheong, BBS, JP 胡經昌先生,BBS,JP Ms Michelle YE Min 葉敏女士 Mr Paul YEUNG Wai-keung 楊偉強先生 Ms Grace YU Ho-wun 余皓媛女士 Adviser 顧問 Mr LIU Sing-cheong, JP 廖勝昌先生,JP

Pre-school Education & Service Advisers 學前教育及服務顧問 Dr CHENG Man-yung 鄭文容醫生 Dr Angela LUK CHIU Kwan-hung, BBS, MH 陸趙鈞鴻博士,BBS,MH Ms Geraldine NG Wai-bik 吳惠碧女士 Mrs Grace WONG CHAN Yuen-yin 黃陳婉燕女士

Steering Committee on Early Childhood Intervention 早期兒童發展督導委員會 Chairman 主席 Dr Patrick IP 葉柏強醫生 Members 委員 Mr Gordon CHEUNG Chi-leung (since 27th September 2019) 張智良先生 ( 自 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Prof. Kevin CHUNG Kien-hoa (since 27th September 2019) 鍾杰華教授 ( 自 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Prof. LAM Ching-man, MH 林靜雯教授,MH Ms Nikki NG Mien-hua (til 27th September 2019) 黃敏華女士 ( 至 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Dr Lobo LOUIE Hung-tak (since 27th September 2019) 雷雄德博士 ( 自 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Dr NG Yin-ming 吳彥明醫生 Dr Katherine YAU HO Yan-tak 邱何恩德博士

Team Challenge 36 Organising Committee 團隊挑戰 36 籌備委員會 Chairman 主席 Dr Lobo LOUIE Hung-tak 雷雄德博士 Vice-Chairman 副主席 Mr Randy YU Hon-kwan, MH, JP 余漢坤先生,MH,JP Members 委員 Dr Gilbert CHUA (since 27th September 2019) 蔡宇程醫生 ( 自 2019 年 9 月 27 日 ) Mr KWOK Tak-yin 郭德賢先生 Mr LAU Yau-kuen 劉有權先生 Mr Dick LI Kam-Yiu 李錦耀先生

28 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 I hope people can live harmoniously in the community regardless of gender, race and ethnicity. 我希望不同性別、膚色、種族的人都能共存在社區,少了歧視,多份關愛。 

Student YAM 任同學

29 Newborn babies symbolise the hope for future. Proper care and support for children is important for their future development. The first 6 years of a child’s life is the golden period of their development. How can parents, schools and stakeholders of the society work together to help the disadvantaged children reach their full potential? 新生兒童象徵未來的希望,讓兒童得到適切的照顧及支援對他 們日後的發展相當重要。六歲前是兒童發展的黃金時期,家 長、學校及社會人士可以如何配合幫助處於弱勢的兒童充分發 揮潛能?

Children’s development depends on the collaboration among “Home, School and Society”

30 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Children’s development depends on the collaboration among “Home, School and Society”

兒童發展在於「家、校、社」合作 31 Capturing the Golden Age for Child Growth; Paving the Way for a Healthy Growth 把握成長發展的黃金歲月 輔助學前兒童健康成長

The first few years of a child’s life is a golden period of their development, as 兒童的早期成長階段是對他們長遠發展非常 it is vital to their life-long development, contributing to a solid foundation for a 關鍵的黃金期,奠定他們健康成長的重要基 healthy growth. A child’s brain develops rapidly during the first 6 years of life. 礎。兒童在零至六歲的成長階段,是腦部發 Extensive research indicates that appropriate care, a nurturing environment 育最急速的時期。許多研究顯示,適切照顧、 and adequate resources are all essential to a child’s development. With 養育環境、生活資源等對兒童發展相當重要。 proper care and support, children can reach their full potential. All these are 如果兒童在這黃金期得到適當的照顧及支援, not only influential to their learning performance and academic results, they 將有助他們充分發揮潛能。這不但影響兒童 can also make a positive impact on their future physical and mental health. 個人的學習表現和學術成績,對他們日後的 身體及精神健康亦會帶來正面影響。

32 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Pertinent support is especially crucial to the disadvantaged groups, such 對於身處不利環境的組群,例如生活在低收 as children from low-income families and children with special educational 入家庭或有特殊學習需要的兒童,適切的支 needs. With the growing concern about early childhood development from 援尤為重要。隨著社會人士對兒童早期發展 the general public, BGCA has introduced the concept of “early intervention” in 的關注,本會近年引入「及早介入」的概念, order to provide assistance for children in need and strengthened support for 為有需要的兒童於早期成長階段提供支援, families and parents. Programmes such as Keysteps@JC, On-site Pre-school 同時加強家庭及家長支援的工作。「賽馬會 Rehabilitation Services (OPRS), and Sunshine Campus – Kindergarten 童亮計劃」、「『樂牽』到校學前康復服務」 Stationing Social Work Service Project have helped children in different 及「陽光校園——幼稚園駐校社工服務計劃」 aspects to better prepare for their future growth as well as supporting parents and schools. The inequality at the starting gate can hence be balanced out 的推行,在不同範疇幫助兒童在成長路上作 for a better development of the disadvantaged children. 好準備,亦為家長及學校提供支援,讓處於 弱勢的兒童都能擁有一個相對平等的人生起 Applying Child-centred Pedagogy of Play 步點。

It is every parent’s wish to see their children grow happily and healthily. Family education and parenting style have direct impact on the early development 提供兒童為本的遊戲教育 of children. Keysteps@JC was a programme launched in 2017, combining 每位家長都希望孩子能健康快樂地成長,而 elements from the medical field, education and social welfare sector. It aims 家庭教育和家長的管教模式直接影響孩子的 to provide a child-centred growing environment for children to learn through 早期發展。「賽馬會童亮計劃」於 2017 年開 playing and explore the world. This programme is designed specifically for 始推行,目標是建構一個結合醫護、教育、 young children from low-income families. BGCA is one of the organisations 社福專業於一身的計劃模式,為幼兒提供兒 that offers this kind of service for 16 kindergartens in Tin Shui Wai. 童為本的成長環境,讓孩子從遊戲中學習, 探索世界。本計劃針對基層家庭成長的幼童 Kelly Chung, the supervisor (KeySteps@JC & Small Group Homes Services), 而設,香港小童群益會為其中一個執行機構, said that parents play a significant role in a child’s development. Responsive 為十六間位於天水圍的幼稚園提供服務。 parenting along with attachment parenting can help children build a sense of security and self-confidence which provide them with the tools to deal with future challenges. “Our service users are mainly families with low social and 服務總監(賽馬會童亮計劃及兒童之家服 economic status. We have once visited a family whose children have no toys 務)鍾綺萍表示,家長在兒童成長歷程上擔 at all. Some parents lack the sense of home safety which can harm the growth 當著非常重要的角色,若家長能夠以同理共 of their children.” Insufficient resources and knowledge are challenges faced 感 的 教 養 方 式(Responsive Parenting) 教 by many low-income families. This programme has set up a 4,000-square 導小朋友,並與他們建立穩固的依附關係 -foot centre named KeySteps@JC Community Hub in Tin Shui Wai. The (Attachment),有助孩子產生安全感和建立 Community Hub organises experiential activities regularly for kindergarten 自信心,將來更有條件應付成長路上的挑戰。 students and family workshops for parents to learn about parenting. It is a 「我們的服務家庭社經地位相對低,試過家訪 great place for parents to relieve their stress and acquire knowledge mutually. 時發現有小朋友家中一件玩具也沒有,而部分 She added, “Raising a child requires more than just parental care and 家長的家居安全意識薄弱,不利兒童成長。」 guidance. The support from schools and the community is as important when 資源貧乏和欠缺認知是不少基層家庭正面對的 creating a healthy growing environment – just like ‘it takes a village to raise a child’.” 困難,本計劃於天水圍設立佔地約 4,000 平方 呎的「賽馬會童亮館」,讓幼稚園學生定期到 Facilitating Tripartite Cooperation among 訪進行體驗活動,同時舉辦親子小組教導家長 育兒之道,又為家長提供減壓的空間,透過家 Families, Schools and Society 長教育共建知識。她續說:「培育一個孩子不 Children with special educational needs especially require professional 單只靠家長的愛護和悉心指導,學校及社區 assistance and support during their golden period of development as an 的支援,對建構一個共同培育的健康成長環 early intervention. On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS) is 境同樣重要,所謂 "it takes a village to raise a there to help children with learning difficulties by providing the participating child"。」 kindergartens and kindergartens-cum-child care centres with on-site training service. Our service has been included in the regular service categorised by the Social Welfare Department since 1st October 2018. This enables us to extend our service to children of school age so that they can receive the appropriate training, preparing them to integrate into mainstream education.

33 促進家校社三方合作 有特殊學習需要的幼童,在幼齡階段更需要 專業團隊的協助及支援,把握黃金訓練期, 接受早期介入服務。「『樂牽』到校學前康 復服務」為在參與計劃的幼稚園、幼稚園暨 幼兒中心就讀並有特殊學習需要的幼童,提 供到校及中心訓練服務。本服務於 2018 年 10 月 1 日開始被納入為社會福利署常規化服 務,讓專業治療服務拓展至在校的學童,令 兒童接受適切訓練,有助他們日後融入主流 教育。

服務總監(學前服務—康復及特別計劃)葉 綺萍表示,團隊由不同的專業人員組成,包 括言語治療師、職業治療師、物理治療師、 Elaine Ip, the supervisor of Pre-school Services (Rehabilitation & Special 特殊幼兒工作員、心理學家及社工等,針對 Projects), said that the team consists of professionals including speech 幼兒及其家長的不同需要,提供合適支援。 therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, special child care 團隊表示,家庭支援和家長的管教方法對有 workers, psychologists and social workers. Appropriate support is offered 特殊學習需要的幼兒起關鍵作用,「不少家 according to the needs of the children and their parents. The team said that family support and parenting style play key roles in helping children with 長過分側重子女的成績和學習表現,卻忽略 special educational needs. “Many parents focus too much on the academic 了對孩子的語言、認知、社交能力和大小肌 achievement and performance of their children. Their lack of knowledge about 肉發展等的認識及重要性,故我們需要多花 speech, cognitive, social and motor development downplays the importance 一點功夫讓家長了解兒童在成長黃金期整體 of such developments.” Ms Ip emphasised the strong suit of this programme 發展是十分關鍵的」。葉綺萍強調,本計劃 – the intact cooperation among families, schools and the community. She 十分倚重家庭、學校及社區三方的通力協作, hoped that the programme can provide all-round support for children with 期望能按兒童在不同成長階段的各種需要, special educational needs, catering for various needs at different stages of 為有特殊學習需要的幼童提供全方位的支援。 their growth.

34 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Raising Awareness of Child Protection in 提升幼稚園保護兒童的意識 Kindergartens 幼兒教育是兒童成長的基礎,適切的照顧是 Early childhood education is the foundation for child development. Appropriate 關鍵元素之一。學童問題有年輕化趨勢,幼 care is one of the keys in a child’s growth. There is a growing trend of persons 稚園社工能及早識別有需要的幼童,為他們 suffering from psychological and emotional problems at a younger age. When 提供早期介入服務,處理孩子的成長需要、 the social workers in kindergartens can identify the children in need, they can 社交和情緒問題。同時,社工擔當著重要的 provide early intervention service promptly, helping them with their needs, 角色,與學校及家長之間有更緊密的聯繫, social problems and emotional problems. Social workers also act as a bridge 是鞏固家校雙方溝通的橋樑。 between parents and schools by consolidating the communication among all the parties involved. 現時,本會「陽光校園——幼稚園駐校社工 服務計劃」為全港四十五間幼稚園提供駐校 社工服務。服務總監(幼稚園駐校社工服務) 鄭惠君表示,社工的角色得以發揮,全賴我 們與校方建立互信關係,「社工除了及早識 別學童及家庭所遇到的問題,加強家長管教 效能外,團隊亦會提供保護兒童的支援及危 機相關的培訓,使校長和老師了解及早辨識、 預防及處理方法」。她補充,校方和家長都 要有保護兒童的概念,讓孩子在安全、健康、 快樂的環境中成長。

政府、學校、家長及社區服務機構應同心協力, 把握學前兒童發展的黃金期,及早識別有成長 發展差異的幼兒,為他們提供適切介入支援及 服務。就像農夫培育幼苗一樣,定期給予成長的 Sunshine Campus – Kindergarten Stationing Social Work Service Project 養分,期望孩子將來能茁壯成長。 is currently offering stationing social services for 45 kindergartens. Joel Cheng, the supervisor (Kindergarten Stationing Social Work Service), said that the social workers can play their part in all respects thanks to the mutual trust built between them and the schools. “Social workers can identify the problems faced by children and families and subsequently help the parents develop effective parenting skills. In addition to child protection service, the team also offers crisis management training so that school principals and teachers can have a better understanding about how to identify, prevent and handle potential problems.” She emphasised the importance for both schools and parents to grasp the concept of child protection, enabling children to grow in a safe, healthy and happy environment.

The government, schools, parents and social services organisations can join forces to fully utilise the golden period of child development. Upon recognising the developmental differences in young children, timely intervention service and support can be provided. Seedlings grow healthily with an abundance of nutrients. As farmers cultivate their plants, we nurture our children. We all look forward to the day when they flourish and thrive.

35 More than just an Idea


36 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 With the ever-changing social development and needs in addition to various challenges in the future, human-centred design thinking and ideas have become indispensable. Through various types of youth innovation programmes, we encourage young people to take the initiative to understand the social conditions. We hope to inspire them to design and create practical yet innovative services and products so that they can bring continuous changes to the society and the disadvantaged group.

面對社會的發展需求日新月異和未來種種的挑戰,以人為本的 設計思維和點子,成為不可忽視的一環。而我們透過各類型的 青年創新計劃,鼓勵青年人主動了解社區狀況,並設計及實踐 創新可行的服務和產品,為社區及弱勢社群帶來持續的改變。

37 Encouraging Youth Innovation in Pursuit of a Common Good of Society 鼓勵青年創新 營造共善社會

The 21st century is an era full of rapid changes. The technology is advancing 二十一世紀是個瞬息萬變的時代,科技發展 faster than we can ever imagine. With the ever-changing social development 的速度遠超我們想像。社會的發展及需求日 and needs, social problems are getting more and more complicated. 新月異,社會問題亦越趨複雜。生活於這個 Living in an age filled with challenges and innovations, young people 充滿挑戰、創新求變的時代,青年人需要具 need creative thinking and perspicacity. It is also necessary to connect 備創意思維和洞察力,以及連結社會不同持 different stakeholders of the society to bring continuous improvement to the 分者的能力,為社會帶來持續改進的力量, community and open up new horizons. 創造一番新景象。

In response to different social problems, social innovators emphasise the importance of reaching out to the community, putting oneself in somebody 針對不同的社會問題,社會創新者重視走進 else’s position and understanding the root causes of the problems 社區,設身處地、同感理解問題的根源,以 empathetically. In order to respond to and subsequently solve the current 新角度構思點子,以研究、行動實踐、政策 social problems, they conceive ideas from a brand new perspective; they 分析、活動、服務、企業等可持續的模式, continue to try, experiment and improve by consistently drawing experience 不斷嘗試、實驗和改良,並結合跨界思維及 from different researches, practical actions, policy analysis, activities, 資源,以回應及解決當下的社會問題。 services and enterprises as well as combining insights and resources from various sectors. 近年社會各界都積極投放相關培訓及技術支 援,例如行政長官於 2019 年《施政報告》通 In recent years, different sectors have actively invested a lot of resources 過獎券基金向「社會創新及創業發展基金」 in related training and technical support. In the 2019 Policy Address, for instance, the Chief Executive announced that the government would “inject $500 million through Lotteries Fund into the Social Innovation and

38 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Entrepreneurship Development Fund to further promote social innovation 注資五億元,進一步推動社會創新及培育社 and cultivate social entrepreneurship, and to address social needs through 會創業精神,以創新意念、產品及服務回應 innovative ideas, products and services, thereby alleviating poverty and social 社會需要,協助舒緩本港的貧窮及社會孤立 exclusion in Hong Kong” BGCA has received subsidies from different funds to 問題。本會亦獲得不同基金資助,為青少年 help young people develop their potential in these areas. 發展相關能力。

Learning and Experience Begin with “Hands on” 學習與體驗 由動手「造」開始 Creation 「創客」被視為啟動未來創新的角色,本會 “Maker” is regarded as a role in initiating future innovation. BGCA has 推展「賽馬會青創社區系列:香港小童群益 launched the “Jockey Club YouthCreate Series: BGCA Maker Education 會『創客教育』計劃」,鼓勵青年人針對社 Project” to encourage youngsters to help creating a better community by 區的需要,透過「設計」、「創造」及「分享」 responding to the needs of the society. Through the process of “designing”, 的過程,培養他們「動手造」的知識與方法, “creating” and “sharing”, young people can cultivate their “hands on” 令社區變得更美好。本計劃讓青年人透過不 knowledge and skills. This programme allows young people to enjoy the creative process through participating in different types of workshops and 同的介入手法,當中包括皮藝、PVC 膠管創 activities such as leather craft, PVC pipe creation, fabric craft, robotics, 3D 作、布藝、機械人、3D 打印、木工、電子等 printing, carpentry and electronics. Not only can they cultivate their interest 不同類型的工作坊和活動,享受創作的過程, through these workshops, they can also share their works with the community. 培養自造的興趣,並與社區分享。

Yeung, a social worker, hoped that this programme would trigger the empathy 社工張進揚表示希望觸發青年人的同理心, of young people so that they could observe and understand the needs of the 讓他們觀察及感受社區的需要,從而構想改 community and come up with ways to improve the situation. He said, “The 善的方法。他說:「社區面對的問題會隨時 problems faced by the community will keep changing over time and needs. 間或需要不斷轉變,我們要讓青年人了解這 We need to let young people understand this and encourage them to keep 一點,鼓勵他們不斷嘗試,從失敗中學習, trying, and to learn from mistakes so that they can design products or service 從而設計出合乎用家要求的產品或服務。」 that meet the requirements of the users.” He hoped that teenagers could 他希望青年人能運用人本設計思維,發揮創 apply the human-centred design thinking along with the “Maker” spirit to bring 客精神,為社區帶來改變。 changes to the community.

39 Stepping into the Community to Feel the Social 走入社區 感受社群需要 Needs 「感創敢為——青年社會創新服務獎」由本 “Youth ImpACT Awards” is co-organised by BGCA and The D.H. Chen 會及陳廷驊基金會攜手策動,並得到社會上 Foundation. It has received support from all walks of life to encourage young 各界的支持,藉此鼓勵青少年運用人本設計 people to improve social problems such as population ageing and lack of 思維改善人口老化、社會對弱勢社群保障不 social protection for the underprivileged groups by means of human-centred 足等社會問題。計劃經理宋善靈表示,能夠 design thinking. Vivian, the Project Manager, was impressed and touched 與青年人一起經歷自我探索和成長的過程, by her shared experience with these young people. They went through the 令他們自我發現「社會的事都與自己有關」, process of self-exploration and growth together and realised that “social 繼而構想方法去改善社會問題,令她感受至 matters are related to us too” which motivated them to find solutions to social 深。她笑言:「青年人參與體驗工作坊跟社 problems. She said with a smile, “The young people participated in the 區人士接觸和傾談,了解對方的痛點,用心 experiential workshops and got a chance to meet and talk to people in the 感受對方的感受,這正正就是同感理解。」 community. Understanding the pain point of the other party, young people can

feel what the others feel. This is exactly what empathy is about.” 計劃主任陳菲及曾凱婷亦有同樣的看法,「青 Fei and Estella, the Project Officers, shared the same view. “The teenagers 年人被不同社群的小故事所觸動,希望可以 were touched by the stories of different communities which inspired them to 利用創新的意念,為弱勢社群『做點事』。」 use innovative ideas to ‘do something’ for the disadvantaged groups.” Since 本計劃推行三年以來共有超過 3,700 名學生 the programme was launched 3 years ago, more than 3,700 students have 參與,收集了逾 900 個點子方案,收錄於網 participated, and we have collected more than 900 proposals for the “Idea 上點子銀行。她們表示,雖然未必每一個方 Bank”. They said that even though not every plan can be implemented, it 案都能落實執行,但重要的是,青年人可以 is more important that young people get inspiration, self-confidence and a 從中得到啟發、自信和成就感,了解到自己 sense of accomplishment through the participation. Upon realising that they 都是社會的持分者,學會關心和體諒身邊的 are all stakeholders of the society, teenagers can learn to show their concern 人,體現人性的真善美。 and sympathy to people around them, living a life blessed with kindness,

beauty and truth.

40 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Building a Caring Community with Innovative 創新意念 營造關愛社區 Ideas 為推動人本設計思維,本會於轄下的青少 To promote human-centred design thinking, our children and youth integrated 年綜合服務中心推展 "BGCA Changemaker services centres have founded “BGCA Changemaker Academy”. It aims at Academy",連結各服務中心的義工小組,透 connecting the volunteer groups of each services centre to bring changes 過創新服務點子,為社區帶來轉變。「代購 to the community through innovative ideas. “Feel Memory”, one of the 回憶」點子方案由 6 位青年人構思及策動, proposals, was conceived and instigated by 6 teenagers, hoping to bring the 希望替長者把昔日最真摰的快樂回憶,重現 precious happy memories of the elderly back to life. The members said that 眼前。成員表示居住於院舍的長者自主性相 the elderly living in nursing homes have relatively low autonomy. They wanted 對較低,他們想幫助長者們尋回人生價值與 to help the elders find their values and dignity in life and rekindle their fond 尊嚴,透過了解長者們過去的經歷,重塑美 memories through understanding their past experiences. 好回憶。

The members admitted that they had encountered quite some difficulties 成員坦言在構思計劃的過程中,不時會遇到 while conceptualising the whole project. “Sometimes we didn’t know where to start. Sometimes we even doubted whether our ideas were feasible.” Guy 難題,「有時候不知從何入手,甚至會懷 Sir, the assistant centre-in-charge of the Jockey Club Sheung Wan Children 疑自己的想法是否可行。」賽馬會上環青少 & Youth Integrated Services Centre, and Shirley, a welfare worker, said that 年綜合服務中心副主任佳 Sir 及福利工作員 human-centred design thinking is a new concept to them and they are willing Shirley 指,人本設計思維對他們來說都是新 to take the role of counterparts for the young people. “We have learnt with the 事物,他們擔當著與青年人同行的角色,「我 teenagers together. We have faith in their abilities, and we believe that they 們與青年人一同學習,而且相信他們的能力, can make it work.” Thanks to the guidance and companionship of the social 相信他們會做得到。」六位青年人憑藉信念 workers, these 6 teenagers have learnt, experienced and grown together with 堅持走下去,這半年間有社工陪伴,一起學 their faith and perseverance along the way. They have won the silver award 習、一起經歷、一起成長。最後奪得銀獎, by successfully transforming a concept into a concrete and practical project. 成功將概念變成切實執行的計劃。

Imagination and life experience are the sources of creativity. From a school 想像和生活體驗是創意的來源,而校園以至 campus to the community, young people can find the space to try out their 社區就是青年人實踐創新的練習場。從同理 innovative ideas. Our society will benefit from the creativity empowered by the empathy of the youths. Young people, as facilitators of social innovation, 心出發,以創意造就社會的幸福,青年人作 will continue to gather forces from different sectors to build a society where 為社會創新的推動者,將繼續集結各界力量, common good is achieved. 一起營造共善社會。

41 The entire society was under tremendous mental pressure in the previous year. Youth workers have started new counselling channels along with the social changes. With the gradual change from face-to-face interaction to online communication, how do these “invisible” youth workers walk hand in hand with the teenagers and help them resolve their negative emotions? 過去一年,整個社會承受著巨大的精神壓力,青年工作者亦隨 著社會改變而新增輔導形式。由實體見面交流慢慢轉為網上溝 通,到底這些不現於人前的青年工作者,如何與青年人同行, 幫助他們排解負面情緒?

42 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Invisible Youth Workers


43 Walking with Emotionally Distressed Teenagers Days and Nights 與情緒困擾青少年同行的日與夜

2019 is a different year. A homicide case in Taiwan gave rise to the anti- 2019 年是不一樣的一年,一宗台灣殺人案在 extradition bill protests in Hong Kong. A tossed stone raises a thousand 致香港掀起一場反修例風波。一石激起千重 ripples. The amendment to the Extradition Law has plunged Hong Kong into 浪,修訂《逃犯條例》法案事件,令香港社 an unprecedented social cleavage. Family members, friends, colleagues are 會陷入前所未有的社會撕裂。家庭成員、友 affected by the differences in their political stands; the trust between people 儕、同事之間,因政見立場不同而大受影響, are challenged. 人與人之間的信任備受考驗。

The images of demonstrations of all scales, conflicts and violent scenes 大大小小的遊行,隨時、隨地發生的衝突事 occurring anytime and anywhere have been deeply imprinted in everyone’s memory. Whether it is first-hand experience or second-hand information 件及暴力場面,影像深深烙印在大家的記憶 through a screen, the public of all ages or social classes are experiencing 當中。不論任何年齡、社會階層,無論是親 all kinds of complicated emotions inevitably. Young people feel the impact 歷其境、或是透過屏幕目睹衝突場面,社會 even more deeply as they are active on social media and live broadcasting 大眾都無可避免地產生複雜的情緒。青年人 platforms. The psychological pressure and trauma caused by the social 活躍於社交媒體及網絡直播平台,感受影響更 events over the past year are indescribable. As an organisation serving 深,這一年來他們面對社會事件而引起的心 children and young people, BGCA is saddened by the physical and 理壓力及創傷,往往難以言喻。作為兒童及 psychological injuries of the citizens in violent conflicts. We are worried that 青少年服務機構,本會痛心市民在暴力衝突 the foundation of law and justice will be shaken, and we cannot bear the ever- 中身心受傷,也擔心法治及公義的根基受到 growing social rift. 動搖,更不忍社會撕裂日益擴大。

44 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 The Intractable Inner Struggle; The Need to Be 鬱結難解 只求被明白 Understood 基於服務需要和人道立場,機構一如以往為 Based on the needs for service and humanitarian grounds, we continue 青少年服務對象提供網上外展、學校社工、 to offer counselling service through online outreach as well as by school 外展社工的輔導服務,支援青少年需要,舒 social workers and outreach social workers for young people, aiming to 緩困擾鬱結。面對過去一年的社會事件,衝 support their needs and ease their troubled minds. In the face of the social 突加劇、氣氛升溫,青年人的情緒及精神健 events, intensified conflicts and tensed atmosphere in the previous year, the 康承受前所未有的衝擊。負責網上輔導服務 emotional and mental health of the young generation have been crushed 的社工分享:「青年人的情緒狀況,隨著事 by the unprecedented shock. The social workers in charge of the online 件的進程大起大落,由運動開始時的憤怒, counselling service shared, “The emotional state of young people has 到後來感到失落、無助,甚至覺得絕望、放 fluctuated as the incident progressed. From anger at the beginning of the 棄。」他們表示,大部分求助的青年人的情 movement to the sense of loss, they felt so helpless and even hopeless that 緒狀態都是非常繃緊,一般觀察,情緒困擾 they just wanted to give up.” They said that most of the teenagers seeking 背後的原因包括期望與現實的落差:他們對 help was in an extremely distressed emotional state. Based on the general observation, the reasons behind the emotional distress include the huge 自由、民主、法治的理解,在真實世界中幻滅: gap between expectation and reality as their understanding of freedom, 「青年人感到價值觀被衝擊、被壓垮,失去 democracy and rule of law is disillusioned in the real world. “Young people are 盼望,那種無力感其實不難理解。」 under the impression that their values have been crushed and suppressed. It is not hard to understand the feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness.” 青少年外展服務的社工亦有類似的觀察,大部 分青年人面對社會事件會產生憤怒、猜忌和 The social workers of the youth outreach service have similar observations: 恐懼等情緒:「有些青年人與家人立場不同, the social issues have aroused the anger, suspicion and fear of a lot of young 雙方難以心平氣和地對話,彼此失去信任。」 people. “Some teenagers have different standpoints from their families. It is 結果為了迴避家人的嘲諷與謾罵,青年人選 difficult for both sides to talk peacefully resulting in a loss of trust.” In order 擇減少對話,甚至減少在家用膳、留宿,免 to avoid ridicule and abuse from their family members, young people choose 傷和氣。當人與人之間的互信關係變得脆弱, to reduce conversations with them. Sometimes they even avoid eating and 拒絕聆聽,彼此就會出現隔閡,逐漸令人感 sleeping at home for the sake of peace. When the mutual trust is hanging by a 到孤立無援。原來每天朝夕相對的家人、從 thread and people refuse to listen to each other, feelings of estrangement and alienation are unavoidable. When a person comes to realise that even the 小認識的朋友都不了解自己,那種不被明白 family members that he faces day and night and his life-long friends do not 的感覺,實在難受。外展服務社工觀察:「青

45 understand him at all, it is not difficult to imagine how dejected he feels. The 年人不但對制度變得不信任,對身邊人亦加 outreach social workers said after their observations, “Young people not only 強防備,內心築起一道牆。」他們舉例,有 become distrustful of the system, they also strengthen their defences against 些新認識的青年人初時對社工的身份都會起 people around them by building a wall inside.” They said that some teenagers, 疑,他們需要一些時間才能展開真誠對話, for example, doubted the intentions of the social workers when they first met. 幫助青年人疏理情緒。 It took the teenagers some time to open up so that the social workers can

help them channel their emotions.

輔導服務 支援情緒受困青年 社會事件越演越烈,青年人對情緒支援服務 的需求有增無減。負責相關服務的社工指, 青年人當刻最需要的,其實只是「找個『靠 得住』的傾訴對象」,希望別人聆聽他們的 聲音。賽馬會青少年情緒健康網上支援平台— 「OPEN 噏」是一個 24 小時服務、專為 11 至 35 歲青年人而設的網上輔導平台,求助人 士透過社交媒體或不同的文字訊息工具,與 輔導員溝通,訴說他們的心底話。他解釋, 「OPEN 噏」的特色是以匿名方式與服務使 用者對話,讓他們有一個安全的溝通平台表 達意見和抒發情緒。自上年6月開始,「OPEN 噏」的服務需求顯著上升,平均每日有 74 名 求助者入線,比過往上升 24%。每當夜闌人 靜,人們會倍感孤寂,「晚上十時至凌晨一 時是服務最繁忙的時段,所以在人力資源上 都需要有所調配,以應付服務需求」社工說。 Counselling Service Supporting Emotionally Troubled Teenagers 除了情緒支援服務,外展服務社工亦為青年 As the social issues are getting more intense, the demand for youth emotional 人及其家長提供被捕支援,社工稱:「有家 support service is growing significantly. The social workers in charge of the 長知悉自己的子女被捕及扣留,感到十分徬 related service pointed out that what teenagers need the most at the moment 徨無助。我們會為家長提供協助,處理相關 is actually “a person that they can ‘lean on’ and talk to” so that their voices 情緒、程序、轉介支援。」此外,他們亦配 can be heard. Jockey Club Online Youth Emotional Support – “OPEN UP” is a 合不同網上情緒支援平台,希望可以盡力協 24-hour online counselling platform designed for young people aged 11 to 35. 助有需要的青年人排解負面情緒。 Help-seekers can share their innermost thoughts with the counsellors through social media or other text messaging tools. He explained that “OPEN UP” 痛後餘生 尋找新路向 allows service users to talk anonymously through this secure communication platform in order to express their opinions and emotions. Since June last 當下的社會面對急劇變化和不少衝擊,在多 year, the service demand of “OPEN UP” has increased significantly. With an 變的社會形勢下,社會工作專業亦受到一定 average of 74 help-seekers using this service daily, there is an increase of 挑戰。「青年人經歷了一場前所未有的社會 24% comparing to the number of users in the past. People feel particularly 創傷,眼見他們受困於嚴峻的社會矛盾,看 lonely in the dead of night. “10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. is the peak hours for our 不通出路,我實在感到十分心痛及難過。」 service, so we need to allocate our human resources properly to meet the 大家都表現憂心,認為這一代的青年人背負 needs,” said the social worker. 太多痛苦,他們都希望能持守專業價值,陪 伴青年人同行:「我們可以做的實在不多, In addition to emotional support service, outreach social workers also provide 但仍希望當青年人感到孤立無援的時候,能 assistance in case of arrest for young people and their parents. The social 夠幫助他們舒解鬱結。」 worker said, “Some parents felt very desperate and helpless when they knew

that their children had been arrested and detained. We provide assistance for the parents by helping them dealing with their emotions, the necessary legal procedures and referral service.” Besides, they also coordinate with different online emotional support platforms, hoping to help young people in need as much as they can to help them resolve negative emotions.

46 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Finding a New Way in the Aftermath 溝通是人與人之間互相了解和建立關係的基 本步。四位社工對青年人的家庭狀況有相似 The current society is full of rapid changes and conflicts. The social work 的發現,「說到底,家長都是擔心子女的安 profession is also facing a great deal of challenges under the changing social 全,只是雙方在言語或行為表達上未達對方 situation. “Young people have experienced an unprecedented social trauma. I feel so heartbroken and sad to see them trapped in such a severe social 的期望。」親子矛盾背後,青年人其實深明 conflict thinking that there is no way out.” Everyone is worried about the 父母對自己的關心。 young generation who is bearing so much pain. They all hope to uphold their professional values while accompanying these young people. “We can’t really 隨著新型冠狀病毒疫情來襲,緊張的社會氣 do much, but we still hope that we can help them relieve their inner struggle 氛和家庭關係稍為緩和。同事留意到,當大 and pain.” 家有共同目標,家庭成員反而更齊心團結。 家家戶戶都忙著搜羅防疫物資,共同抗疫, Communication is the basic step for people to understand each other and 在艱難的時刻互相守望。疫情讓大家重新記 build a relationship. The four social workers come to a similar conclusion 起早已被遺忘的親情和友愛。面對未知的將 about the family conditions of these teenagers. “After all, parents are worried 來,社會上持不同意見的組群,可以怎樣修 about the safety of their children, but what they say or do just do not meet the 復關係?如何重新聆聽與溝通?讓我們從傷 expectation of the other party.” Despite the conflict between parents and their 痛中尋找出路。 children, young people can still feel how much their parents care about them.

With the outbreak of COVID-19, the social tension and family relations have eased slightly. Our colleagues noticed that family members stand shoulder to shoulder when there is a common goal. Every family is busy gathering anti- epidemic supplies. They help and support each other in difficult times fighting the epidemic together. The epidemic has revived the long-forgotten kinship and friendship. With so many unknowns lying ahead, how can we repair the relationship between the groups of people holding different views in the society? How can we listen to and communicate with each other again? We can find a way out through the pain after all.

47 Service units turned the table on “Pandemic”


48 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has disrupted the pace of the entire society. All kinds of jobs that involve “human contact” need to be adjusted. In hope of keeping in touch with the service users, social workers are not afraid of the difficulties they might encounter while learning how to use various online platforms and tools. They have successfully moved the offline service to the online world by providing interactive platforms and all-round support. Social workers who are not very familiar with the online world have discovered how much they have gained during the pandemic through learning by doing. Not only have they been able to continue walking through this difficult time with everyone, they have also reached some new service users. 突如其來的新冠病毒疫情打亂了整個社會的步伐,與「人」接 觸的工作需要作出調整。為了與服務對象保持連繫,社工們不 怕困難,學習各網上平台及工具,將線下服務搬至網上世界, 提供互動的平台作出多方位支援。對網絡世界不甚熟悉的社工 們,在邊學邊做的過程中發現,原來「疫」境下亦有所得著, 不單可繼續與大家疫境同行,更接觸到新的服務對象。

49 Finding Opportunities amid Difficulties: Social Services Going Digital during Pandemic 疫情影響服務變陣 造就網上服務新契機

Coronavirus was spreading across the world in the first half of 2020. To curb 2020 年的上半年,新冠病毒疫情全球肆虐, the community spread of COVID-19, many countries have imposed class 不少地區亦實行停課、停工、限聚等措施, suspensions, work suspensions and bans on social gatherings so that citizens 讓市民多留家中,以減低病毒於社區傳播的 can stay at home. During the epidemic, the government recommended people 風險。疫情發展期間,政府呼籲市民減少社 to minimize social activities and work from home partially. In late January, the 交活動,安排部分時間在家工作,教育局亦 Education Bureau announced that all schools would be suspended. 於一月底宣布全港學校停課。

There is a need for social services to adapt to the new situation due to the 疫情持續令社會服務需要調整,本會一直維 epidemic. BGCA has been able to continue our emergency service such as casework service, crisis support and small group home. However, school 持緊急服務包括:個案服務、危機支援、兒 social workers, outreach social workers, our Integrated Children and Youth 童之家服務等,學校社工、外展社工、青少 Services Centres, Children Centres and campsites could only provide limited 年綜合服務中心及兒童中心、營舍等亦只能 service. Activities and groups organised in the centres were cancelled; study 維持有限度服務,而服務中心內舉行的活動、 rooms had to be closed. 小組、自修室等一律需要暫停。

50 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 During the epidemic, measures such as home office and home learning have 疫情期間實行停課和在家學習及工作等措施, been introduced, which have brought along daily life and emotional challenges 為學童和家長帶來生活及情緒方面的挑戰。 to children and parents. In order to stay in touch with our service users amid 為了與服務對象於疫情期間保持連繫,本會 the epidemic, many of our service centres have implemented digital service. 不少服務單位紛紛推行網上服務,期間在網 More than 1000 online activities have been organised on internet and social 上及社交平台上推行了過千項網上活動,例 media platforms. For example, Sham Tseng Children & Youth Integrated 如:深井青少年綜合服務中心建立了《燒鵝 Services Centre has launched the “Sham Tseng Club” channel; Jockey Club 俱樂部》頻道;賽馬會上環青少年綜合服務 Sheung Wan Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre has established 中心建立了網上節目《Wedflix》;賽馬會秀 an online programme entitled “Wedflix”; Jockey Club Sau Mau Ping Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre has organised a picture book creation 茂坪青少年綜合服務中心舉辦了《我們的醫 activity, “Our Medical Hero”. Each service centre has provided online and 護英雄》繪本製作活動等。各服務中心即時 offline service promptly in hope of walking together with children, teenagers 從線下到線上提供支援服務,與兒童、青少 and parents through this difficult time. 年及家長「疫境同行」。

Providing Interactive Platforms; Soothing 提供互動平台 舒緩情緒 Emotions 疫情增加了兒童及家長在家的相處時間,面 Due to the epidemic, children and their parents have spent more time 對各種不確定因素,大家難免會感到擔憂、 together. With all the uncertainties ahead, worries, anxieties and even 焦慮,甚至產生衝突。《燒鵝俱樂部》頻道 conflicts are unavoidable in families. The “Sham Tseng Club” channel was 靈感源自深井中心同事於 2 月 14 日情人節在 inspired by a singing video posted on social media by a colleague in the 社交平台播放的歌曲演唱片段,於節日為大 Sham Tseng Centre on Valentine’s Day. At first, he simply intended to send 眾送上祝福。同事希望與服務對象有更多互 his blessings to the general public on this special day. Aspiring to enhance 動,於是依循這方向開展網上服務,其後加 the interaction with the service users, they knew that digital service would 入不同元素而成為定期播放頻道。社工 Tony be the way. By adding various elements to the original concept, this regular 表示:「預計疫情會持續一段時間,加上同 broadcasting channel was brought into the world. Tony, a social worker, said, 事沒有機會面對面接觸服務對象,於是我們 “The epidemic was expected to last for a while, and we would not have many 構思在網上發放短片,希望為大家舒緩一下 opportunities to meet our service users in person. That is why we thought about posting videos online to help ease everyone’s mind a bit.” 緊張的心情。」

Likewise, the colleagues in the Sheung Wan Centre have been organising 同樣,上環中心的同事透過多元化的網上活 diversified online activities such as games, cooking and live busking, aiming 動,例如遊戲、烹飪、直播音樂演奏等,連 to bring the youngsters in the community together. All these have fuelled 結區內的青年人。青年人更發揮創意,為流 the creative juice of the teenagers. Some pop songs were given new words 行曲填上與新冠肺炎疫情相關的歌詞,更拍 related to COVID-19. They even took the effort to make music videos and 成音樂視頻於網上分享。「疫情期間大家減 share them online. “During the epidemic, people tried to avoid social contact. 少了社交接觸,我們希望可以利用網上平台 We hope to create an online platform for teenagers to interact with each other 與青年人有多一點互動,讓他們舒緩壓力之 so that they can relieve their stress and showcase their talent,” said Tam, a 餘,也可展現才能。」社工阿 Tam 說。 social worker.

學校停課的安排為應屆中學文憑考試(下稱 The class suspension has certainly affected the students taking the Diploma 「DSE」)的考生帶來一定影響。同學未能 of Secondary Education (DSE) this year. Students could not attend classes nor could they revise in study rooms. Hence, our school social work service 上課,更不能到自修室溫習。本會「學校社 and some of our services centres, including the ones in Sheung Wan, Sau 會工作服務」及部分服務中心包括上環、秀 Mau Ping, South Kwai Chung and Tai Wai, have launched the “DSE Student 茂坪、南葵涌、大圍中心等遂開展「DSE 同 Club”. A platform for speaking examination practice was made possible with 學會」,利用視像軟件開設網上口試練習平 the help of video conferencing software. The Club also invited some previous 台,又邀請 DSE 過來人分享考試心得,為應 DSE takers to share their experience and cheer for the students this year to 屆考生打氣及舒減考試壓力。 help relieving their examination pressure.

51 Connecting Living with Community; Connecting 連結生活與社區 你我心連心 Our Souls 疫症蔓延隔絕了人與人之間的社交距離,偏 The spread of Coronavirus has widened the social distance between us. 偏人與人的心卻因疫情而連結在一起。秀茂 Nonetheless, it has also brought us closer together. The Sau Mau Ping 坪中心於疫情期間舉辦《我們的醫護英雄》 Centre has organised a picture book creation activity named “Our Medical 繪本製作活動,讓兒童透過圖畫和文字向醫 Heroes”, providing an opportunity for children to show their gratitude to 護人員致謝。社工 Alice、Bianca 及曾麗茵表 medical staff through images and words. Alice, Bianca and Tsang Lai Yan, 示,希望家長以繪本故事形式,讓孩子了解 the social workers, hoped that parents could explain the hard work and 醫護人員的辛勞和付出,「活動的反應比想 sacrifice dedicated by medical staff through storytelling. “The activity was 像中好,我們共收集了 117 份繪本,並將它 much more well-received than we had expected. In total, we have received 們轉贈予觀塘及將軍澳區的公立醫院和診所, 117 picture books. We sent them all to the public hospitals and clinics in Kwun 為醫護人員打氣。」令團隊感到意外的是, Tong district and Tseung Kwun O district as a means to cheer for our medical 有些醫護人員在收到繪本後主動聯絡他們, heroes.” What surprised the organising team was that some medical staff 並回贈感謝卡給小朋友,這份心意實在難得。 took the initiative to contact them upon receiving those books. It was such a kind and thoughtful move to send back some thank you cards to the children. 能夠把社會服務連結社區內不同的持分者, Being able to connect different stakeholders in our community through social 讓大眾在面對疫情時能感受到一份暖意,令 services and spreading love to the general public amid the epidemic was very 團隊覺得十分鼓舞。 encouraging for the team. 上環中心副主任佳 Sir 表示,上環中心建立了 Guy Sir, the assistant centre-in-charge at the Sheung Wan Centre, shared 網上節目《Wedflix》,逢星期三發放短片, with us the creation of an online programme, “Wedflix”. A short clip 介紹區內的大城小事。福利工作員 Shirley 補 concerning all kinds of matters and stories in the district is broadcast every 充:「上環有不少歷史建築及街坊小店,我 Wednesday. Shirley added, “There are a lot of historic buildings and small 們希望以影像讓青年人認識社區,探索區內 local stores in Sheung Wan. We hope that the younger generation can learn 的小故事。」另一邊廂,深井中心的同事和 more about the district and explore some small stories through our videos.” 義工亦曾在區內派發防疫物資予清潔工人及 On the other side of the city, the colleagues and volunteers from the Sham 有需要人士,充分體現鄰里守望相助的精神。 Tseng Centre were distributing epidemic prevention supplies to cleaning

workers and people in need. The spirit of mutual support in the community was thereby fully manifested.

52 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Since the establishment of the “Sham Tseng Club” channel, 24 episodes 《燒鵝俱樂部》頻道建立 3 個多月已推出 24 with different themes ranging from parenting, daily life to science have been 集,按不同專題播放,提供親子、生活、科 broadcast in the previous 3 months. Jeff, the centre-in-charge in the Sham 學等資訊,深井中心主任 Jeff 說:「同事能 Tseng Centre, said, “Our colleagues have been motivated to keep trying and 夠保持動力不斷嘗試及參與,由初期鬆散的 taking part in this project. We managed to turn the loose concept from scratch 概念,慢慢整合成為有組織的方案,令網上 into a systematic and organised programme. The online service has become 服務變為日常。」上環和秀茂坪中心的同事 our daily routine.” The colleagues from the Sheung Wan Centre and the Sau 齊聲應和,表示大家都是邊做邊學,收集服 Mau Ping Centre all agreed that they had been learning by doing. Collecting feedback from service users has encouraged them to improve their service. 務對象的意見,不斷改善服務。

The coronavirus pandemic has affected every aspect of life, from daily life to 一場疫情除影響日常生活,於社會服務亦帶 social services. As we live in an era of advanced technology, intelligentisation 來極大改變。生活在資訊科技發達的年代, and digitalisation have been fully integrated in everyday life. The impact 智能化和數碼化早已融入我們的日常生活。 brought by the epidemic urge us all, from children, teenagers, parents to 面對疫情所帶來的轉變,無論兒童、青少年、 social services organisations, to adopt and adjust. Undoubtedly, digital social 家長,甚至社會服務機構都需要作出靈活應 services will be the trend. Besides online and offline service, we are trying 變。推動網上社會服務無疑是大勢所趨,除 our best to narrow the digital divide among children. For example, we provide 了以線上線下形式並行發展服務外,本會亦 suitable mobile devices, data cards, hardware and software technical support 會繼續著力改善基層家庭兒童的數碼鴻溝, and online learning support for children in low-income families. We hope to 例如提供合適的流動電子設備、上網數據咭、 improve the learning and development environment of children and young 硬件及軟件的技術及上網學習支援等,改善 people so that they can better prepare themselves to face the new social trend. 兒童及青少年的學習與成展環境,讓他們作 更好的準備以迎接社會新趨勢。

53 Nurture the Young, Create the Future 培育新一代・攜手創未來

Up lift 展 ing 發 M 人 Go e 全 業 ver n 動 企 nm ta eer and Life Plann l 推 te Car ing en W ra 涯規劃 t t o 生 政 e n p n l r tio 府 ln e o en rv e C e m t pe S s In S cia 六 T s p 劃 l P E d 入 計 r M o o o 系 l o 介 j C h 別 e 創 A 促 e d c il 早 特 v h ts 技 C 進 e 及 y l r D a 精 E


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d ild Ch a 神 特 u r e ca en w ering l H 精 殊 tion ith Fost nta 學 al N Me 年 習 eeds 青少 需要 及 兒童 注兒童 S 關 erv BG ice 者 益 C Users 服務使用 群 A A . LL T 群力 HE WAY 群策. I hope I can save the world with my superhero power. 我希望有超能力救世界。

Student LAU 劉同學

55 Parent Child LINK - Specialised Co-parenting Support Centre 「家兒牽」共享親職支援中心

Funded by the Social Welfare Department, the Parent Child LINK - Specialised 「家兒牽」共享親職支援中心由社會福利署 Co-parenting Support Centre provides dedicated one-stop services in 資助,是專為離異家庭而設的一站式嶄新支 an innovative manner to support families with separated, divorced or 援服務。以「兒童為本」為原則,透過輔導 divorcing parents (the parents). Adhering to a set of child-focused principles, 服務協助離異家庭履行父母的親職責任,強 counselling services are provided to assist the parents in fulfilling their 化親子關係,把焦點集中在子女的身心需要, parental responsibilities, fostering a healthy co-parenting environment with 合力營造良好的撫養環境。 a focus on the children’s physical and mental needs, in order to strengthen

parent-child relationships. 中心透過親子聯繫、親職協調輔導、共享親

Through parent-child contact services, parenting coordination services, co- 職課程等服務,讓非同住家長能透過探視及 parenting courses and more, the Centre arranges visits and supervised 交接服務延續與子女的連繫,長遠希望父母 exchanges which allow non-residing parents to further their connections with 可自行逐步協調生活,讓子女繼續與非同住 their children, with the aim that the parents can gradually coordinate lives 家長維持親子關係。同時,提供兒童輔導服 on their own and establish lasting relationships with their children in the long 務及小組活動,提升子女應對父母離異及家 term. On the other hand, children are provided with counselling services 庭轉變的能力,促進他們的身心健康發展。 and group activities to enhance their abilities in coping with and adapting to 中心亦會舉辦公眾教育活動,提高社區人士 parental separation or divorce and family changes, in order to maintain good 對共享親職的認識。 physical and mental health. The Centre also organises public educational events to raise awareness regarding co-parenting among community. 本服務於 2019 年 10 月展開,本年度為 55 名 兒童/青少年、73 名家長、1,039 名專業人士 Commenced in October 2019, the initiative has provided services to 55 及社區人士提供服務。 children/ youth, 73 parents and 1,039 professionals and community members this year.

56 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 "SMILE" On-site Pre-school Integrated Services 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務

Early intervention is essential to young children in need of rehabilitation 及早介入對需要接受康復服務的幼兒非常重 services, allowing those with special educational needs (SEN) to receive 要,為了讓有特殊學習需要的兒童在成長發 timely and necessary services and trainings during their golden age of 展的黃金期及早得到適切的服務和訓練,本 development. With the Lotteries Fund from the Social Welfare Department, 會早於 2015 年已獲社會福利署透過獎券基金 the Association launched an On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services 撥款,營辦到校學前康復服務試驗計劃。本 (OPRS) pilot scheme early in 2015. Since 1st October, 2018, with the subsidy 會的到校學前康復服務於 2018 年 10 月 1 日 of the Government, our OPRS scheme has been rolling out on a regular basis 開始常規化,由政府資助營辦,每月提供 493 with a monthly service quota of 493, where 50 kindergartens or pre-schools 服務名額,共 50 間幼稚園或幼兒園受惠。 have been benefited.

The Scheme highlights the cooperation among interdisciplinary teams, 本計劃著重跨專業團隊的參與,服務由資深 spanning from senior social workers, clinical/ educational psychologists, 社工、臨床/教育心理學家、言語治療師、 speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and special 職業治療師、物理治療師及特殊幼兒工作員 childcare workers, to provide one-stop early intervention services to young 提供一站式的及早介入服務,為各類被評為 children identified with various types of SEN. Such services include training 有特殊學習需要的學前兒童,提供到校及中 programmes at school campuses or at community centres, as well as 心訓練和社區支援等服務。本計劃舉辦家長 community support. The Scheme also organises seminars and forums for 講座及研討會,提升他們對子女成長需要的 parents to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge regarding their 認識及強化家長的社區支援;為幼兒老師提 children’s growth needs, and to strengthen community support among such 供訓練支援,增進老師在照顧特殊學習需要 parents. Pre-school teachers are also supported with training efforts to 兒童方面的知識和技巧。 enhance their knowledge and skills with regard to taking care of SEN children.

With an emphasis on the collaboration among families, schools and 本計劃著重家、校、社區協作,為家長及兒 community, the Scheme provides parents and children with one-stop services 童提供一站式服務,建立跨專業團隊的溝通 and a communication platform aligning interdisciplinary teams, in order to 平台,有助家長建立信心與子女一起面對成 help parents build confidence and face hand-in-hand with their children the 長挑戰。本年度為 734 名兒童、865 名家長 challenges along their path of growth. The Scheme has served 734 children, 及 589 名老師提供服務。 865 parents and 589 teachers this year.

57 Jockey Club Arts Make SENse Programme 賽馬會藝術有 SENse 計劃

Art is a multi-sensory medium that brings visual, auditory and tactile 藝術是多感官媒體,能帶來視覺、聽覺及觸 experiences, which suits our service targets who have verbal difficulties to 覺的經驗,尤其適合面對言語障礙及難以表 express themselves. The Programme deploys art as a platform for children 達自己的服務對象。本計劃以藝術作平台, and teenagers with special educational needs (SEN) to enjoy creative 讓有特殊學習需要(SEN)的兒童及青少年 processes and express themselves just like everyone else. 跟其他人一樣,可以享受創作及表達自己。

Integrating efforts from professional artists, the Programme provides social 本計劃結合藝術家的專業,為社工提供一系 workers with a series of training designed to enhance their sensitivity towards 列的培訓,運用藝術家對創作、物料及人的 creativity, materials and people, thus enriching their methods of intervention. The Programme serves senior primary to secondary school students with 敏感度設計課程,豐富社工的介入手法。本 SEN, mainly those with autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit/ hyper- 計劃為高小至中學有 SEN 的學生提供服務, activity disorder and dyslexia, allowing them to express themselves, release 主要支援自閉症譜系障礙、專注力不足/過 and regulate their emotions via various creative forms, hence improving their 度活躍症及讀寫障礙的兒童及青少年,讓他 self-confidence and sense of competence. The Programme also organises 們藉不同創意藝術方法表達、舒緩及調節個 a wide range of activities, display tours at schools and public exhibitions, in 人情緒,提升其自信及能力感。本計劃亦舉 order to deepen society’s understanding towards the SEN community and 辦共融活動、學校巡迴展示及公眾展覽,提 promote social inclusion. 升公眾對 SEN 組群的理解,建立共融社區。

The Programme was launched in June 2019, with 153 students participating 本計劃於 2019 年 6 月展開,本年度有 153 名 in training groups or workshops this year. 學生參與小組或工作坊訓練活動。

58 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Jockey Club SENCO@Community 賽馬會社區星導計劃

Parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) face greater 有特殊學習需要學童的家長,他們所面對的 and more challenges than ordinary families, yet not many understand the 挑戰及困難比一般家庭大,其狀況亦不容易 situations they are in. Sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities 被別人理解。本計劃由香港賽馬會慈善信託 Trust, this initiative provides services to Primary 1 to Secondary 3 students 基金贊助,主要服務對象為小一至中三被懷 who are suspected to have or identified with SEN (including dyslexia, 疑或已評估為有特殊學習需要(讀寫障礙、 attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder), as well 專注力不足/過度活躍症、自閉症譜系)的 as their caretakers. 兒童、青少年及其主要照顧者。

Adhering to a "strength-based" philosophy and strategy, the initiative establishes a network among 3 districts where the Association serves, 本計劃在機構內三個服務區域成立聯網,並 providing services to 9 Integrated Children and Youth Services Certres. Our 於九個青少年綜合服務中心提供服務,以「強 service targets are given the opportunity to develop personal potentials and 項為本」為服務理念及策略,讓服務對象透 strengths via group and community activities, and enhance their self-esteem 過參與小組及社區活動,發展個人的潛能和 and self-efficacy. In addition, the initiative also establishes a support system 強項,提升自尊及自我效能感。此外,本計 for parents through various service units, connecting those with SEN children 劃亦透過各服務單位建立家長支援網絡,連 to support each other, share their experiences, resources, personal practices 結有特殊學習需要孩子的同路人,互相支持、 and wisdom, fostering the spirit of mutual help and benefit. 分享經驗和資源,將個人的實務智慧貢獻他 人,推動互助互惠的精神。 The 3-year initiative was launched in October 2019. This year, the programme sees the participation of 53 children/ teenagers, 57 parents and 11 volunteers, 本計劃於 2019 年 10 月展開,為期三年。本 while professional training has been provided to 71 social workers. 年度有 53 名兒童/青少年、57 名家長及 11

名義工參與,並為71 名社工提供了專業培訓。

59 I hope technology keeps evolving while craftsmanship gets inherited. 我希望將來科技化及保留上一代的手工藝。

Student AU YEUNG Hei Tung 歐陽熙彤同學

60 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Core Services 核心服務

More than 140 service points in 18 districts and Guangzhou offer a variety of professional service to 2 to 35-year-olds and their families. Every centre directs their resources to target specific social issues in order to address the needs of each local community efficiently. Our regular and special service are designed to complement each other to ensure children and young people get the most relevant assistance.

BGCA’s network of community service units consists of 20 Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres, 3 Children Centres and 3 Self-funded Centres, 5 Family Life Education units, 4 Nursery Schools-cum-kindergartens, 5.75 Pre-school Rehabilitation Service Teams, 7 Small Group Homes, 2 Youth Outreaching Social Work Teams, 2 Young Night Drifters Service, a Cyber Youth Support Team, a Specialised Co- parenting Support Centre, 2 Growing Partner II – CDF programmes, a Youth Action Network programme and the Bradbury Camp. There is also stationing school social work service at 38 secondary schools, 12 primary schools and 43 kindergartens.

本會共有超過 140 個服務點遍佈於全港 18 區及廣州市,為 2 至 35 歲人士及其 1 隊網上青年支援隊、1 間共享親職 家庭提供各類專業服務。而每個單位的運作亦與所處的社區息息相關,我們希 支援中心、2 個結伴再成長 – 兒童 望既能回應社區的需要,亦能有效運用各方資源。各單位除了提供恆常服務外, 發展基金計劃、青鋒網社區支援服務 亦提供不同類型的特別服務計劃,以達相輔相成之效,為更多有需要的兒童及 計劃及白普理營等。此外,本會亦於 青少年提供適切和深入的服務。 38 間中學、12 間小學及 43 間幼稚 園派駐學校社會工作員。 本會社區為本的服務單位包括:20 間綜合青少年服務中心、3 間兒童中心及 3 間非資助中心、5 個家庭生活教育單位、4 間幼兒園暨幼稚園、5.75 隊學前兒 童康復服務隊、7 所兒童之家、2 隊青少年外展社會工作隊、2 隊深宵外展隊、

Centre Services 中心服務

Operating as neighbourhood centres, BGCA’s Integrated Children and Youth 本會綜合青少年服務中心及兒童中心 Services Centres and Children Centres can deploy their resources flexibly to address 以鄰舍中心的形式提供服務,因應社 each community’s unique needs. Operating in 18 districts, our registered members 區的轉變靈活調配資源,使服務能更 reached 73,241. 全面地回應社區的需要。本會的中心 分佈於全港 18 區,登記會員人數達 73,241 人。

Membership Statistics, Children Centres and Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度兒童中心和綜合青少年服務中心會員統計

Children Centres Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres 兒童中心 綜合青少年服務中心 Children 兒童 3,128 30,091

Youth 青年(15 - 24) 194 5,742 Youth 青年(> 24) 19 476 Parents 家長 3,328 30,263 Total 總數 6,669 66,572

61 Core Programme Sessions, Children Centres and Non-Subvented Centres, 2019 - 2020 2019 至 2020 年度兒童中心及非資助中心核心活動節數統計

Guidance and Counselling Supportive Services 指導及輔導服務 支援服務 680 2,106

Total 總數 7,043 Socialisation Programmes Social Responsibility 社群化服務 Enhancement Programmes 3,277 提升社會責任感的服務 980

Core Programme Sessions, Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度綜合青少年服務中心核心活動節數統計

Guidance and Counselling 指導和輔導 Supportive Programmes 18,923 支援計劃 10,481 Total 總數 63,631 Developmental and Community Engagement Socialisation Programmes Programmes 社區參與活動 發展和社交活動 12,665 21,562

Core Programme Statistics, Centre Service and Objectives Achievement Rate, 2019 - 2020 2019 至 2020 年度各類型中心的社署服務指標統計

New & Renewed Registration Total Core Programme Total Core Programme Core Programme Objectives Attendances Achievement Rate 新登記及重新登記會員 Session 核心服務總節數 核心服務總人次 核心服務目標達成比率 Children Centre (1 Unit) 兒童中心 (1 間 ) 3,229 2,640 25,681 100%

Children Centre and Library (2 Units) 3,440 4,403 49,765 100% 兒童中心及圖書館 (2 間 ) Integrated Children and Youth Services Centre (20 Units) 66,572 63,631 597,031 100% 綜合青少年服務中心 (20 間 )

62 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Pre-school Education and Service 學前教育及服務

Our four nursery Schools-cum- kindergartens in Wan Chai, , Tseung Kwan O and Wong Tai Sin offer quality pre-school education to 2 to 6-year-olds, plus support to their parents. Based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, our syllabuses and diverse range of activities are designed to harness children’s potential, and to galvanise their learning initiatives.

本會設有 4 所幼兒園暨幼稚園,分別 位於灣仔、九龍灣、將軍澳及黃大仙, 為 2 至 6 歲的幼童提供優質的學前 教育,亦為家長提供各類型的支援服 務。本會幼稚園採用多元智能作為課 程理念,按主題安排多元化活動,讓 幼兒在有趣的環境中發展潛能,學習 主動追求知識。

Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten Monthly Enrollment Figures 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園每月平均入讀人數

Wan Chai Kowloon Bay Tseung Kwan O Wong Tai Sin 灣仔 九龍灣 將軍澳 黃大仙 110 116 118 117

Pre-school Rehabilitation Services 學前兒童康復服務

Through collaborative approach with families, schools and community, Pre-school 本會學前兒童康復服務著重跨專業團 Rehabilitation Services provides early intervention for children who are waiting 隊的參與,服務由資深社工、臨床/ for rehabilitation services of the SWD. This one-stop service portal with interdisciplinary 教育心理學家、言語治療師、職業治 professional teams which include senior social workers, clinical/ educational 療師、物理治療師及特殊幼兒工作員 psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and special 提供,為輪候社署資助學前康復服 child care workers, offering rehabilitation services for children identified with special 務的學童,提供一站式的及早介入服 needs. Synergised with surrounding centres nearby, parents and community support 務,並透過家庭、學校及社區協作模 services are leveraged for expanding their social network so as to nurture a socially 式,有效支援學童及其家長,使其融 inclusive environment in schools and community. 入學校及社區。本會由社會福利署資 BGCA is now operating SWD’s subvented Pre-school Rehabilitation Services, 助的學前兒童康復服務包括:「樂牽」 including On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS), Integrated Programme 到校學前綜合服務提供的校學前康復 in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre (IP), Training Subsidy Programme (TSP) and a 服務、3 間樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園提供 Special Child Care Centre (SCCC) cum Early Education and Training Centre (EETC) in 的幼稚園暨幼兒中心兼收計劃、學習 “SAIL” Early Child Development Centre (Tung Chung) which gradually started services 訓練津貼項目,以及「樂航」兒童早 in January 2020. 期發展中心(東涌)於 2020 年 1 月 開始逐步提供特殊幼兒中心暨早期教 育及訓練中心服務。

63 Family Life Education 家庭生活教育

Our Kowloon City, Wong Tai Sin, Sai Kung, Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing district 本會共有 5 個家庭生活教育服務單 Family Life Education Units (FLE) aim to help parents improve their parenting skills and 位,分別位於九龍城、黃大仙、西 parent-child relationships. Our Family Life Education offers campaign against family 貢、沙田及荃葵青區,以親職教育為 crises through community education through the promotion of family cohesion and 重點,協助父母改善其管教技巧及親 reinforcement of family bonds. 子關係。同時,家庭生活教育主任亦 致力推動具預防及發展功能的社區教 FLE Service Hours and People Served, 2019 - 2020 育工作,凝聚家庭,強化家庭功能, 2019至2020 年度家庭生活教育組服務人數及時數 以預防家庭危機的發生。

Number of People Served Number of Direct Service Hour 服務人數 直接服務總時數 Family Life Education Unit (Wong Tai Sin ) 黄大仙區家庭生活教育組 1,548 1,370.25 Family Life Education Unit (Sai Kung ) 西貢區家庭生活教育組

Family Life Education Unit (Sha Tin District) 6,407 2,301.75 沙田區家庭生活教育組

Family Life Education Unit (Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing) 4,269 1,025 荃灣、葵涌及青衣區家庭生活教育組

Family Life Education Unit (Kowloon City District) 2,889 922 九龍城區家庭生活教育組

Total 總數 15,113 5,619

Specialised Co-parenting Support Centre 共享親職支援中心

The Parent Child LINK - Specialised Co-parenting Support Centre provides dedicated 「家兒牽」共享親職支援中心是專為 one-stop services in an innovative manner to support families with separated, divorced 離異家庭而設的一站式嶄新支援服 or divorcing parents (the parents). Adhering to a set of child-focused principles, 務。以「兒童為本」為原則,透過輔 counselling services are provided to assist the parents in fulfilling their parental 導服務協助離異家庭履行父母的親職 responsibilities, fostering a healthy co-parenting environment with a focus on the 責任,強化親子關係,把焦點集中在 children’s physical and mental needs, in order to strengthen parent-child relationships. 子女的身心需要,合力營造良好的撫

養環境。 Through parent-child contact services, parenting coordination services, co-parenting

courses and more, the Centre arranges visits and supervised exchanges which 中心透過親子聯繫、親職協調輔導、 allow non-residing parents to further their connections with their children, with the aim that the parents can gradually coordinate lives on their own and establish lasting 共享親職課程等服務,讓非同住家長 relationships with their children in the long term. 能透過探視及交接服務延續與子女的 連繫。長遠而言,希望離異父母可自 On the other hand, children are provided with counselling services and group activities 行逐步協調生活,讓子女繼續與非同 to enhance their abilities in coping with and adapting to parental separation/ divorce 住家長維持親子關係。 and family changes, in order to maintain good physical and mental health. The Centre also organises public educational events to raise awareness regarding co-parenting 本中心亦提供兒童輔導服務及小組活 among community. 動,提升子女應對父母離異及家庭轉 No. of People Served 服務人數 變的能力,促進他們的身心健康發 展。另外,中心會舉辦公眾教育活動, 提高社區人士對共享親職的認識。

Children/ Youth 兒童/青少年 Parents 家長 Others 其他 55 73 1,039

64 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Small Group Homes 兒童之家

Small Group Homes provides a home-like care service for 4 to 18-year-olds children 本會轄下的兒童之家,為年齡介乎 4 and youth whose families are inadequate in taking care of them. Social workers, 至 18 歲、因不同家庭原因暫時未能 clinical psychologists counsellors and houseparents take care of the children’s daily 與家人生活的兒童及青少年,提供一 living, provide education and counselling service, organise social, recreational and 個與家庭環境相似的住宿服務。本服 growth activities. Our professional team tailor-made the age-appropriate services for 務由專業社工、臨床心理學家、輔導 them in order to develop the boarders' potential and build their self-worthless. The 員及家舍家長提供,團隊分別照顧宿 warm and secure home-like environment in our small group homes nurture our children 童日常起居生活、提供教養和輔導服 and youth, stimulate their growth and development. At present, there are total 7 Small 務,並為兒童安排各種社交、康樂及 Group Homes providing 58 places (including 2 emergency/ short-term place). In last year, we had 96.6% occupancy rate and served 65 headcounts in total. 心身成長活動,協助他們建立正確價 值觀以及促進全人發展。現時本會轄 下共有 7 所兒童之家,共提供 58 個

宿位(其中包括兩個緊急/短期宿 位)。去年為 65 位有需要的兒童提 供服務,平均住宿率為 96.6%。

School Social Work Service 學校社會工作服務

Our stationing school social work service at 38 secondary schools, 12 primary schools and 43 kindergartens offer academic, social, and emotional support to young people. We also provide professional consultation supervision service at 2 primary schools. We encourage children to seize learning opportunities, adopt good moral values, and enjoy a balanced development. Carrying over from last year, 28 independent-mode secondary school social workers have organised 1,358 activities and offered 13,008 consultations to enhance secondary school students’ capability to combat hardship in life, to boost their confidence, and help them resist the temptation of drugs.

本會為 38 間中學及 12 間小學 43 幼稚園提供駐校 社會工作服務,並為 2 間小學提供專業諮詢督導服 務,協助學生面對和處理在學業、社交或情緒上的 問題。我們鼓勵兒童善用學習機會,從中獲得身心 健全的發展,並建立正確的價值觀。承上年,28 位獨立模式的中學學校社工舉辦 1,358 節各類活動 及 13,008 諮詢次數,以提升中學生抗逆能力、增 強自信及免受毒品誘惑。

65 Service Statistics, Primary School and Independent-Mode Secondary School Social Work Service, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度小學及獨立模式中學學校社會工作處理的個案數目及諮詢次數

149 1,322 16,687

Primary School Cases Independent-Mode Consultations 小學個案 Secondary School Cases 諮詢次數 獨立模式中學個案

Case Summary, Independent-Mode Secondary School Social Work Service, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度獨立模式中學學校社會工作處理的個案分類及人數

Categories 個案分類 Number of People 人數

School-Related Issues 學校生活問題 330

Development Adjustment 個人發展或適應問題 65

Emotion/ Mental Health 有關情緒管理或精神健康 543

Family Problems 家庭問題 189

Social Norms 與社會規範有關 12

Sex-Related Issues 與性有關 9

Peer Relationships 朋輩相處 153

Bullying 欺凌 3

Internet Addiction 網絡成癮症 1

Drug-Related Issues 與毒品有關問題 0

Others 其他 17 Total 總數 1,322

Case Summary, Primary School Social Work Service, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度小學學校社會工作處理的個案分類及人數

Categories 個案分類 Number of People 人數

Family/ Environment 家庭 /環境問題 37

Emotional/ Psychological Issues 情緒 /心理問題 53

Behavioral Issues 行為問題 16

Interpersonal Issues 社交問題 25

Studying Issues 學習問題 7

Developmental Issues 發展障礙 11

Total 總數 149

66 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Counselling Service 輔導服務

The Counselling Centre provides professional assessments, individual counselling, 輔導中心透過專業評估、個案輔導、 play therapy and group counselling services for the children, adolescents and their 遊戲治療、小組輔導等,為有情緒困 family members who are in emotional distress. Trainings and clinical supervisions are 擾的兒童、青少年及其家庭提供全方 also provided to counselling professionals. In addition, hotline service is provided to 位兒童為本的輔導服務,亦為輔導專 answer parents' enquiry. There were 870 cases last year. 業人員提供培訓及臨床督導。同時, 我們設有兒童身心發展家長專線,解 No. of People Served 服務人數 答家長疑問。去年,本服務共接獲 870 宗求助個案。

Children/ Youth 兒童/青少年 Parents 家長 Others 其他 346 1,416 233

Youth Outreach Service 青少年外展服務

Targetting the needs of street youth, BGCA’s Youth Outreaching Social Work Team (the Kwun Tong Team), Sham Shui Po District Youth Outreaching Team (the Sham Shui Po Team), the Young Night Drifters Service (Kowloon East), and the Youth Action Network offer assistance to marginalised young people who face integration issues.

為針對街頭青少年的需要,本會另設 立 觀 塘 區 青 少 年 外 展 社 會 工 作 隊( 簡 稱觀塘隊)、深水埗區青少年外展社會 工 作 隊( 簡 稱 深 水 埗 隊 )、「 夜 貓 子 民 」 東九龍深宵外展服務以及「青鋒網社 區支援服務計劃」,旨在協助一些未能 融入主流社會的邊緣青少年。

Case Load, District Youth Outreaching Social Work Services, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度地區外展隊的個案量

Sham Shui Po Team Kwun Tong Team Total 深水埗隊 觀塘隊 總數 Total Cases, Yearly Cases 398 505 903 全年總個案 個案 Potential Cases 408 245 653 潛在個案 Total 806 750 1,556 總數 Cases 327.7 340 667.7 Average Case Load, Monthly 個案 每月全隊平均個案量 Potential Cases 236.8 147 383.8 潛在個案

67 Case Types Handled by the District Youth Outreaching Social Work Services, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度地區青少年外展社會工作服務處理個案主要問題分佈

Sham Shui Po Team 深水埗隊 Kwun Tong Team 觀塘隊 Percentage 百分比 Family 家庭 35 79 15.4 Academic 學業 53 23 10.3 Vocational 職業 49 39 11.9 Peer 朋輩 85 40 17 Identity 自我功能 114 118 31.4 Social Norm 社會規範 62 41 14 Total 總數 398 340 100

Service Statistics, Overnight Outreaching Services for Young Night Drifters, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度青少年深宵外展服務數字

Kwun Tong 觀塘 Wong Tai Sin 黃大仙

Total Contact Hours 接觸時數 2,903 2,249

No. of People Served 服務夜青(人數) 458 248

Referal 轉介服務 6 10

Youth Action Network – CSSS Service Outline, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度「青鋒網」社區支援服務計劃服務概況

Case Load 個案服務數字 381

Opened Case 新開個案數字 381

Counselling Sessions 輔導節數 4,105

No. of Attendance 輔導/活動人次 13,396

Direct Contact Hours 直接服務時數 6,357

Successful Rate 成功率(不重犯率) 87%

68 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Cyber Youth Support Team 網上青年支援隊

Applying an online-community-based and net-generation-oriented approach, Nite Cat 夜貓 Online 網上青年支援隊強調以 Online Cyber Youth Support Team provides online and offline counselling, training on 網絡社區為本、網絡世代為主體的信 digital creativity and talent development for the youth at disadvantaged situation. In 念,運用資訊及通訊科技工具,為面 addition, online and community education of social inclusion was designed to create a 對即時危機或高危處境的青少年提 youth-friendly environment for net-generation. 供輔導服務、數碼創意及潛能發展訓 練,以推動共融的互聯網文化,為網 絡新一代締造更友善的成長環境。

Service Statistics, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度服務數字

No. of Youth Reached Online 1,225 網上接觸青年

No. of Cases 214 跟進個案

No. of Counselling Session 2,382 輔導服務節數

No. of Programme Session 312 活動節數

No. of People Joined Groups/ Activities 1,950 參與小組 /活動的服務對象

No. of People Joined Professional Training & Activities 333 參與專業訓練及協作活動的社區相關人士

69 Camp Service 營舍服務

Sai Kung Wong Yi Chau’s 112-bed Bradbury Camp has a signature Youth Observatory 白普理營位於西貢黃宜洲,設有 112 facilities. The telescopes and the related instruments provide the ideal setup for 個宿位,公開予會內服務單位、學 campers to enjoy their stargazing experience. Bradbury Camp and its range of 校、團體及公眾人士使用。營地最大 adventure facilities, such as the climbing wall, rope course, high wall, canoes, dragon 特色為有一個設備完善的天文台,備 boats, rafts and wild cooking are opened to schools and the public to enjoy their 有多項觀測天文儀器,供營地使用者 adventure in the wild. 學習天文知識及觀測天象。另外,白 普理營具備各項歷奇訓練設施,包括 攀石牆、繩網、高牆、獨木舟、龍舟、 竹筏及野外煮食體驗等,讓營地使用 者享受野外歷奇的樂趣。 Age Distribution of Campers, Bradbury Camp, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度使用白普理營營友年齡分佈圖 (人數)

Below aged 14 14 歲或以下 Aged 25 to 39 6,035 (46.9%) 25至39歲 1,999 (15.5%) Aged 15 to 24 Aged 40 to 59 15至24歲 40至59歲 4,563 (35.4%) 264 (2.1%)

Aged 60 or above 60 歲或以上 12 (0.1%)

Total 總數 12,873

Types of Users, Bradbury Camp, 2019 - 2020 2019至2020年度白普理營使用人士之類別

Family 家庭 16 School 學校 Commercial/ Industrial Sector 商業機構 72 26 Total Campers Religious Group 宗教團體 入營總人數 14 Community Organisation 社區組織 16,664 16 Voluntary Agency 志願機構 148

70 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Mainland Service 內地服務

To perform the professional value, theory, and working practice of social work, 廣州市成長動力社會工作專業發展與 Guangzhou Growth Dynamics Social Work Professional Development & Resource 資源中心運用以社會工作的專業價 Centre collaborates with Guangzhou Government and local non-governmental 值、理論和工作手法,與廣州市政府 organisations to nurture and train up local social workers, staff and volunteers through 及廣州市民間機構合作,透過服務創 service innovation, training, supervision and assessments. 新、人才培訓、督導諮詢及研究評估

等,培育廣州本土社會工作人員、相 We strive to encourage the social service innovation in Guangzhou and provide 關從業人員及義工。 professional counselling and developmental training for children, youth and their families in the community to develop a harmonious family and social environment for children’s growth. 中心參與推動廣州社會服務改革創 新,為社區及學校內的兒童青少年及 其家庭提供專業輔導及成長訓練,培 No. of People Served 服務人數 育兒童成長,建立和諧健康的家庭及 社區環境。

Units, Organisations, Children/ Youth Parents Elderly School Social Workers, Teachers & Staff 兒童/青少年 家長 長者 事業單位、機構、學校社工、老師及服務人員 9,645 7,837 2,548 1,437

Research and Advocacy 研究及倡議

To advocate our views and stands on various issues affecting children welfare, we 本會一直關注兒童成長,在各項相關 have adopted both reactive and proactive approach to voice out our professional 的議題上採取積極的行動,包括研 opinions on children’s growth and development. 究、回應公共政策的立場書,表達我 們的專業意見及立場,促進建立一個 有利兒童快樂健康成長的社會環境。

Efforts and Submissions on Child-related Issues 2019 – 2020 2019至2020年度進行的研究及倡議項目

Areas 範疇 Researches and submissions 項目名稱 Date 日期 Services Development Survey on the Intergenerational Transfer of Trauma 05/2019 服務發展 創傷跨代轉移的研究調查 Social Environment Submissions on Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Bill 2019 04/2019 社會環境 《2019年吸煙(公眾衛生)(修訂)條例草案》意見書 Submission on the consultation paper of Causing or Allowing the Death or Serious Harm of 09/2019 a Child or Vulnerable Adult 導致或任由兒童或易受傷害成年人死亡或受到嚴重傷害個案諮詢文件意見書 Submission on “The Chief Executive's 2019 Policy Address of HKSAR” 09/2019 回應行政長官2019年施政報告之意見書

Submission on “The 2020 - 21 Budget of HKSAR” 02/2020 回應特區政府2020 - 21年度財政預算案之意見書 Survey on the Situation of Children and Parent under School Suspension of Coronavirus 03/2020 兒童及家長在停課期間的狀況調查

71 I hope I can become a “Silent Teacher” by contributing my body after death. 我希望我自己死後能貢獻自己做無言老師。

Student OET Ho Sam 屈浩琛同學

72 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Early Childhood Intervention 及早介入

The early years of a child is a very significant milestone of development and a 兒童的早期成長階段是他們成長發展的黃金 good foundation is vital to the holistic and long term wellbeing of children. 期,為孩子未來全面及長遠發展奠定重要的 基礎。 From numerous researches’ evidence, childhood development is a maturational process in which there are multi-faceted factors influencing the acquisition 不少研究已經證實,在兒童成長過程中,促 of competencies and skills, including health, nutrition, security and safety, 成其能力發展的因素是多樣的,包括健康、 responsive caregiving, and early learning. 營養、安全環境、具備同理共感的教養、早

We truly believe that all children should have a Fair Start in life. Family as 期學習等都是關鍵。 the cornerstone of early child development, is in need of more support and enrichment. The earlier an intervention is made in a child’s life, the greater the 我們深信兒童在生命中應該享有公平的對待。 long-term impact will be on the individual, family and community. 作為早期兒童發展的基石,家庭需要有足夠 的支援。越早提供適切介入予小朋友,對其 個人、家庭及社會的長遠影響越大。

Children/ Youth 兒童/青少年 Parents 家長 Volunteers/ Mentors 義工/友師 Others 其他 9,168 18,296 12 990

Project Name 計劃名稱 Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構 KeySteps@JC Early Children The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Big Bang Academy, Boss Display Intervention Project Corporation, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong Christian Service, Hong Kong 賽馬會童亮計劃(早期兒童發展計劃) Science Museum, Hong Kong Wetland Park, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, KeyLearning Education (Asia) Limited, The Art of Living Foundation, The University of Hong Kong 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金、中華電力有限公司、香港基督教服務處、香港科學館、香港濕地 公園、嘉道理農場暨植物園、啟程教育 (亞洲) 有限公司、生活的藝術基金會、香港大學 Sunshine Campus – Kindergarten Lotteries Fund Stationing Social Work Service Project 獎券基金 陽光校園—幼稚園駐校社工服務計劃

Executive Function (EF) Project for Quality Education Fund Young Children 優質教育基金 「樂動孩子」實踐計劃 73 Alleviating Child Poverty 關注貧窮兒童

In life, although we start at different starting point, each child should have an 儘管我們人生起跑線的位置都不盡相同,但 equal opportunity to develop one’s potential no matter how rich or poor his or her 不論家境貧富,每位孩子都應該擁有同等程 family is. 度的發展機會。

BGCA continues to apply the “Asset Building” model, to optimize and consolidate 本會持續以「資產建設」模式 (Asset the internal and external assets of children from poor families. “Human capital” Building),優化及鞏固來自貧窮家庭的兒童的 of internal asset include physical and psychological abilities, such as health, 內在及外在資產。內在資產中「個人資產」 self-esteem, positive emotions, and learning abilities. Aside from accumulating 包括身體和心理上的能力,如健康、自尊、 money, “financial capital” also include financial management knowledge and life planning skills. 正面情緒以至學習能力。「經濟資產」除了 金錢的累積,亦包括理財知識、生涯規劃等。 External assets mainly include “social capital”, including social and community mutual support networks. At the same time, children’s ability and potential in 而外在資產則主要指「社會資產」,包括社 various aspects are enhanced through strengthening the family function and 交及社區互助互惠網絡等。同時,透過強化 relationships with teachers and friends. With individual-based development, we 家庭功能及師友關係,提升其各方面的能力 help children find their own paths in life. 及潛能,繼而以己為本,在人生的賽道上跑 出屬於自己的未來。

Children/ Youth 兒童/青少年 Parents 家長 Volunteers/ Mentors 義工/友師 Others 其他 31,211 19,453 261 973

74 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Project Name 計劃名稱 Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構 Mead Johnson Feeding Hope Project Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, Farm Road Government Primary School, Five 美贊臣童懷希望計劃 Districts Business Welfare Association School, Fuk Wing Street Government Primary School, Hong Kong Taoist Association Wun Tsuen School, Lei Muk Shue Catholic Primary School, Mead Johnson Nutrition (Hong Kong) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Hong Kong Limited, Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School, Sau Ming Primary School, SKH St. Thomas' Primary School, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong Wo Che Lutheran School 攜手扶弱基金、農圃道官立小學、五邑工商總會學校、福榮街官立小學、香港道教聯合會雲 泉學校、梨木樹天主教小學、美贊臣營養品 ( 香港 ) 有限公司、利潔時有限公司、秀茂坪天 主教小學、秀明小學、聖公會聖多馬小學、基督教香港信義會禾輋信義學校 Caltex Project – Fuel Your School Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, Chevron Companies (Greater China) Limited, 加德士—推動學校 Chevron Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong Aerospace Society, QnS Consultancy Limited 攜手扶弱基金、雪佛龍 ( 大中華 ) 集團有限公司、雪佛龍香港有限公司、香港航天學會、科 量顧問有限公司 Treasure Trove Love U All Charitable Foundation, PMA Music Foundation Limited, Arts with Smile Limited, 群益寶庫 Bentley Communications Limited, Billion Time Enterprise Limited, GODIVA Chocolatier, In Express Expo Limited, L’ Oréal Hong Kong Limited, Media Asia Group Holdings Limited, OKIAN Optical, The AIA Great European Carnival, Visible Record Limited, Windsor House 愛心全達慈善基金、樂苗基金有限公司、童窩藝術有限公司、恒信公關國際有限公司、百得 商貿有限公司、歌帝梵巧克力、凌速博覽有限公司、香港歐萊雅有限公司、寰亞傳媒集團有 限公司、瞳視一家、友邦歐陸嘉年華、采風電影有限公司、皇室堡 Growing Partners 2 – Child Labour and Welfare Bureau, Chartered Insurance Institute Hong Kong, Hong Kong Development Fund VI Financial Planners General Union, Hong Kong University Alumni Association, Junior ( Sha Tin/ Kwun Tong) Chamber International Sha Tin, Legacy Training Limited, Royal Bank of Canada, The Hong 結伴再成長2 Kong Institute of Surveyors, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers – Young Members (兒童發展基金計劃第六期) Committee, Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) (沙田/觀塘) 勞工及福利局、英國特許保險學院香港、香港財務策劃人員總工會、香港大學校友會、沙田 青年商會、加拿大皇家銀行、香港測量師學會、香港工程師學會—青年會員事務委員會、蘇 黎世保險(香港) CIIF Project Play and Build Community Investment & Inclusion Fund, Consumer Council,, Hong 「樂」「翠」相投建社區 Kong Christian Service Fortune Neighbourhood Elderly Centre, Hong Kong Family Welfare Society Shamshuipo (West) Integrated Family Service Centre, Hong Kong Housing Department, Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School, Nice Property Management Limited, Queen Elizabeth School, Social Welfare Department Sham Shui Po District Social Welfare Office, Unilever Hong Kong Limited 社區投資共享基金、消費者委員會、裝修學院、基督教服務處幸福長者鄰舍中心、香港家庭 福利會深水埗(西)綜合家庭服務中心、房屋署、天主教南華中學、嘉怡物業管理有限公 司、伊利沙伯中學、社會福利署深水埗區福利辦事處、香港聯合利華有限公司 Project CRADLE Hong Kong Lacrosse Association, Baptist Rainbow Primary School, Bishop Ford Memorial 攜動計劃 School, Christian Alliance H.C. Chan Primary School, Free Methodist Mei Lam Primary School, Holistic Education Limited, Kowloon City Baptist Church Hay Nien (Yan Ping) Primary School, Lok Sin Tong Lau Tak Primary School, Ng Clan's Association Tai Pak Memorial School, Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Sin Chu Wan Primary School 香港棍網球總會、浸信會天虹小學、福德學校、宣道會陳元喜小學、循理會美林小學、九龍 城浸信會禧年(恩平)小學、樂善堂劉德學校、吳氏宗親總會泰伯紀念學校、秀茂坪天主教 小學、東華三院冼次雲小學 Sharing is Caring Music Scheme Lok Wah Music Co. 「童譜同樂」音樂學習獎勵計劃 樂華琴行 Hearty Express – Fulfilling Personal Love U All Charitable Foundation Developments Scheme 愛心全達慈善基金 愛心全達—成就未來個人成長發展計劃 Family Milestone Sham Tseng Yue Kee Restaurant 家庭新里程 深井裕記飯店

JMA Scholarship Fund 2018 - 2020 Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, Jing Mei Automotive Limited JMA獎學計劃2018 - 2020 攜手扶弱基金、精美汽車工業有限公司 Community Digital Competence Hub Bright Future Charitable Foundation, Lee Kee Group Limited, Legan Foundation, Telstra (CDCH) Foundation, TK Group (Holdings) Limited 數碼能力躍動計劃 鵬程慈善基金、利記集團有限公司、創建大同基金、東江集團(控股)有限公司

75 Fostering Child and Youth Mental Health 關注兒童及青少年精神健康

As society becomes complex nowadays, children and youth grow up in a 隨著社會愈趨複雜,兒童及青少年正處於較 competitive environment. Their stress levels are not much lower than those of 以往競爭更為劇烈的成長環境,因此所承受 adults. BGCA advocates “Strength Base” as an intervention strategy, to help 的精神壓力也不比成年人少; 本會提倡以「強 children to discover their strengths and potential. By developing their strength, 項為本」的介入策略,協助孩子發掘自身的 they can gradually build self-confidence, self-respect, and problem-solving skills. 強處及潛能,並加以發展,使他們從中逐步 We also promote “positive psychology” to enhance young people’s resilience 建立自信、自尊和解難能力;結合推廣「正 and encourage them to face ups and downs in life with optimism. Ultimately 向心理學」,增強青少年的抗逆力,鼓勵他 becoming confident youths with positive value of life. 們以樂觀的態度,坦然面對生活中的起跌,

In addition, BGCA has been striving to improve campus culture. We aim at 建立正面積極的價值觀。 improving the peer relationship among school children through different activities, and cultivate a supportive environment on campus. 此外,本會一直致力改善校園文化,期望通 過不同的活動,改善學童之間的朋輩關係, 並在校園中建立更緊密、互相扶持的成長環 境。

Children/ Youth 兒童/青少年 Parents 家長 Volunteers/ Mentors 義工/友師 Others 其他 36,110 5,462 733 555

76 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Project Name 計劃名稱 Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構 Healthy School Programme (Kowloon Beat Drugs Fund Association District Government Schools) 禁毒基金會 健康校園計劃(九龍區官立中學) Healthy School Programme (Tai Po) Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, Beat Drugs Fund Association, Buddhist Tai Kwong Chi 大埔區健康校園計劃 Hong College, Carmel Holy Word Secondary School 保安局禁毒處、禁毒基金會、佛教大光慈航中學、迦密聖道中學 School Support Scheme Holy Family Canossian School, Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam 全方位校園支援計劃 Fai Secondary and Primary School, Islamic Primary School, Lok Sin Tong Leung Wong Wai Fong Memorial School, Maryknoll Fathers' School (Primary Section), Pak Tin Catholic Primary School, Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Wau School, S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School, S.K.H. Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary School, S.K.H. St. Michael's Primary School, S.K.H. St. Thomas' Primary School, Shek Lei Catholic Primary School, St. Louis School (Primary School), St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School (Po Kong Village Road), St. Patrick's School, St. Peter's Catholic Primary School, Sung Tak Wong Kin Sheung Memorial School, Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School, Taikoo Primary School, The Indepentent Schools Foundation Academy (Primary Section), Tse Wan Shan Catholic Primary School, TWGHs Yiu Dak Chi Memorial Primary School (Yuen Long),CCC Kei Heep Secondary School, CCC Rotary Secondary School, HKWMA Chu Shek Lun Secondary School, Ho Lap College, Homantin Government Secondary School, Jockey Club Government Secondary School, Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School, Kowloon Technical School, Kwun Tong Government Secondary School, Kwun Tong Kung Lok Government School, Lee Kau Yan Memorial School, Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School, Lung Cheung Government Secondary School, Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School, PHC Wing Kwong College, Queen Elizabeth School, S.K.H. St. Benedict's School, Salvation Army William Booth Secondary School, Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School (West Kowloon), Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School, Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School 嘉諾撒聖家學校、香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學、伊斯蘭學校、樂善堂梁黃蕙芳紀念學 校、瑪利諾神父教會學校(小學部)、白田天主教小學、保良局蔡繼有學校、聖公會主愛小學、 聖公會呂明才紀念學校、聖公會聖米迦勒小學、聖公會聖多馬小學、石蘺天主教小學、聖類斯中 學(小學部)、聖博德天主教小學(蒲崗村道)、聖博德學校、聖伯多祿天主教小學、大埔崇德 黃建常紀念學校、大角嘴天主教小學、太古小學、弘立書院(小學部)、慈雲山天主教小學、東 華三院姚達之紀念小學(元朗)、中華基督教會基協中學、中華基督教扶輪中學、香港布廠商會 朱石麟中學、可立中學、何文田官立中學、賽馬會官立中學、潔心林炳炎中學、九龍工業學校、 觀塘官立中學、觀塘功樂官立中學、李求恩紀念中學、樂善堂余近卿中學、龍翔官立中學、天主 教伍華中學、五旬節聖潔會永光書院、伊利沙伯中學、聖公會聖本德中學、救世軍卜維廉中學、 官立嘉道理爵士中學(西九龍)、香港神託會培敦中學、將軍澳官立中學 Joyful School Project Quality Education Fund, Homantin Government Secondary School, Jockey Club Government 喜樂校園計劃 Secondary School, Kowloon Technical School, Kwun Tong Government Secondary School, Lung Cheung Government Secondary School, Queen Elizabeth School, Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School (West Kowloon), Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School 優質教育基金、何文田官立中學、賽馬會官立中學、九龍工業學校、觀塘官立中學、龍翔官 立中學、伊利沙伯中學、官立嘉道理爵士中學(西九龍)、將軍澳官立中學 Project Touch Beat Drugs Fund Association, Council for the AIDS Trust Fund, Special Preventive 性向無限計劃 Programme, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health, The Keswick Foundation 禁毒基金會、愛滋病信託基金委員會、衞生署衞生防護中心特別預防計劃、凱瑟克基金

BGCA Nite Cat Online Cyber Youth Sham Shui Po District Council, Yau Tsim Mong District Council, Caritas Hong Kong, Hong Support Team Kong Children & Youth Services, Kowloon Estadium, My Meat Run Buddy, Rawcraft 香港小童群益會夜貓Online網上青年 handmade, St. James' Settlement, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups 支援隊 深水埗區議會、油尖旺區議會、香港明愛、香港青少年服務處、九龍電競館、走肉.朋友、 聖雅各福群會、香港青年協會

Understanding Adolescents Project Education Bureau, Maryknoll Fathers' School, S.K.H. St. Thomas' Primary School, St. (Primary Schools) Francis of Assisi's Caritas School, St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School (Po Kong Village 成長的天空計劃(小學) Road), St. Patrick's School, Sung Tak Wong Kin Sheung Memorial School, Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School, Taikoo Primary School, Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School 教育局、瑪利諾神父教會學校、聖公會聖多馬小學、聖方濟愛德小學、聖博德天主教小學 (蒲崗村道)、聖博德學校、大埔崇德黃建常紀念學校、大角咀天主教小學、太古小學、慈 雲山天主教小學 Jockey Club Trauma Treatment The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Service for Children 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 賽馬會兒童心理創傷治療服務

Path-finding Adventure Project Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation, Hong Kong Fire Services Department, Baptist Wing 創路雄心計劃 Lung Secondary School, China Holiness Church Living Spirit College, Christian Alliance S W Chan Memorial College, Kowloon Technical School, Ling Liang Church M H Lau Secondary School, Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 黃廷方慈善基金、香港消防處、浸信會永隆中學、中華聖潔會靈風中學、宣道會陳朱素華紀 念中學、九龍工業學校、靈糧堂劉梅軒中學、天主教南華中學、香港中文大學醫學院賽馬會 公共衞生及基層醫療學院

77 Project Name 計劃名稱 Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構

Psychological Support Service 心理支援服務 Growing Partners Project – Hung Hing Hung Hing Ying and Leung Hau Ling Charitable Foundation, Hong Kong University Alumni Ying and Leung Hau Ling Charitable Association Foundation 孔慶熒及梁巧玲慈善基金、香港大學校友會 結伴成長計劃—孔慶熒及梁巧玲基金

Keswick Foundation – Counselling The Keswick Foundation Services Scheme (Phase 2) 凱瑟克基金 「輔輔得正」 先導計劃(第二期)

Joyful Life – Walk Together in Quality Education Fund, "Share Respect for Life, Walk Together in Adversity Project" Adversity advisory panel, CCC Kei Heep Secondary School, CCC Rotary Secondary School, Chi 「喜樂同行—尊重生命、逆境同行」 Lin Buddhist Secondary School, Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School, Lee Kau 校本計劃 Yan Memorial School, Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School, Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School, PHC Wing Kwong College, Po Leung Kuk Celine Ho Yam Tong College, Salvation Army William Booth Secondary School, Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School 優質教育基金、「尊重生命、逆境同行」計劃顧問團隊、中華基督教會基協中學、中華基督 教會扶輪中學、佛教志蓮中學、潔心林炳炎中學、李求恩紀念中學、樂善堂余近卿中學、 天主教伍華中學、五旬節聖潔會永光書院、保良局何蔭棠中學、救世軍卜維廉中學、香港神 託會培敦中學

Dialogic Reading Program for Quality Education Fund Kindergarten Children and Parents 優質教育基金 看•說•想—親子「悅」讀共享計劃

Jockey Club Online Youth Emotional Hong Kong Police Force, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, A.D. & F.D. of Support – “OPEN UP” Pok Oi Hospital Mrs Cheng Yam On School, Buddhist Wing Yan School, Caritas Hong 賽馬會青少年情緒健康網上支援平台 Kong, Dustykid, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Good Counsel Catholic Primary School, Hong ─ OPEN噏 Kong Design Institute, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hotung Secondary School, Lai King Catholic Secondary School, Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School, NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College, Po Leung Kuk Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial College, Our Lady Of China Catholic Primary School, S.K.H. Li Ping Secondary School, Shek Lei Catholic Secondary School, St. Paul's School (), Tak Oi Secondary School, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Tuen Mun Government Secondary School, TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College, Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School, Youth College, Zensis Limited 香港警務處、香港賽馬會慈善信託基金、博愛醫院歷屆總理聯誼會鄭任安夫人學校、佛教榮 茵學校、香港明愛、吉布森律師事務所、天主教善導小學、香港知專設計學院、香港專業教 育學院、香港樹仁大學、何東中學、荔景天主教中學、嶺南鍾榮光博士紀念中學、新生命教 育協會呂郭碧鳳中學、保良局百周年李兆忠紀念中學、天主教佑華小學、石籬天主教中學、 藍田聖保祿中學、德愛中學、聖公會李炳中學、香港青年協會、香港大學香港賽馬會防止自 殺研究中心、香港理工大學、屯門官立中學、東華三院呂潤財紀念中學、仁濟醫院王華湘中 學、青年學院、昇科有限公司

Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Hong Kong Correctional Services, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, The Grow Project Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 藍巴士賽馬會結伴成長計劃 香港懲教署、香港賽馬會慈善信託基金、香港善導會

Counselling Centre 輔導中心

健康校園在仁濟 ─ Stand by Me Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, Beat Drugs Fund Association, Yan Chai Hospital 健康校園計劃 Wong Wha San Secondary School 保安局禁毒處、禁毒基金會、仁濟醫院王華湘中學

Holding Hearts – Project CIA Beat Drugs Fund Association, Family and Child Protective Services, Social Welfare 同行線—預防濫毒及關係重塑中心— Department, The Barnabas Charitable Service Association Limited, The Hong Kong 親職承絡CIA Council of Social Service 禁毒基金會、社會福利署保護家庭及兒童服務、基督教巴拿巴愛心服務團有限公司、香港社 會服務聯會

Holding Hearts-A Better Man Project Beat Drugs Fund Association 同行線—預防濫毒及關係重塑中心—心 禁毒基金會 藍•新男計劃

Sunshine Family Wong Tai Sin Family Social Welfare Department Learning and Support Centre 社會福利署 陽光家庭(黃大仙家庭學習支援中心)

78 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Assisting Children with Special Educational Needs 支援特殊學習需要兒童

Each child has unique qualities and potential. Children with special 每位孩子都擁有不同的特質和潛能,而有特 educational needs are no exception. They can find their strengths, and their 殊發展需要的孩子亦不例外;只要以合適的 paths once their motivation and potential are stimulated through suitable 方法激發他們的學習動機和潛能,他們同樣 methods. 能夠找到屬於自己的一片天。

BGCA has long believed in “early intervention, evidence-centric, multi- 本會一直深信「及早介入、實證為本、多元 disciplinary approach, and family support” as the most effective ways to 手法、家庭支援」,是支援學童及其家長最 support school children and their parents. Through the “Family, School, and 有效的方法,透過「家庭學校社區協作 Community Collaboration model”, we help them integrate into schools and communities. Ideal environments for children’s growth was created to help 模式」,協助他們融入學校及社區﹑建立理 school children overcome various challenges. 想的成長環境,應付成長中各種挑戰。

Children/ Youth 兒童/青少年 Parents 家長 Volunteers/ Mentors 義工/友師 Others 其他 2,149 1,504 48 727

79 Project Name 計劃名稱 Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構 HSBC TSW Children Learning and The Hongkong Bank Foundation Support Centre 滙豐銀行慈善基金 滙豐天水圍兒童學習及發展支援中心 “SMILE” Tai Po Early Education & Training Center 「樂牽」大埔早期教育及訓練中心

Jockey Club SENCO@Community The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 賽馬會社區星導計劃 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金

Jockey Club Arts Make SENse The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Programme 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 賽馬會藝術有SENse計劃 SHKP Science & Innovation Project for Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, Eco-Education and Resources Centre, Hong Kong Gifted (II) Aerospace Society 新地資優科學創意發展計劃(第二期) 新鴻基地產發展有限公司、生態教育及資源中心、香港航天學會

80 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Encouraging Social Participation 鼓勵兒童社會參與

We stimulate children and youth to pay attention to social issues. By active 喚起兒童及青少年對社會議題的關注和反思, participation in social affairs, they can further understand the specific needs 鼓勵他們積極參與社會事務,進一步瞭解不 of different communities. Through ideation and collaboration with different 同社群的特定需要,透過和不同持分者協作 stakeholders, we encourage them to take the initiative to propose and implement 及構想點子,身體力行去倡議及實踐解決社 solutions to social problems. We nurture children and youth’s ability to think 會問題方案,從而培育兒童及青少年獨立思 independently, build empathy, develop a sense of belonging and mission to the 考的能力、培養同理心,以及對社區的歸屬 community, so that they can become responsible citizens of the community and 感和使命感,成為負責任的公民,持續推動 the world. With children and youth’s participation, we can continue to promote 社會進步、構建共融社會。 social progress and build a harmonious society.

Children/ Youth 兒童/青少年 Parents 家長 Volunteers/ Mentors 義工/友師 Others 其他 12,355 558 194 822

81 Project Name 計劃名稱 Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構 HSBC Young Financial Planners Education Bureau, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Programme 教育局、香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 滙豐青年理財師計劃 Youth ImpACT Award Education Bureau, The D. H. Chen Foundation, Caritas Third Age Service Support 感創敢為—青年社會創新服務獎 Network, Concerning CSSA & Low-income Alliance, Eldpathy, Fantastic Dream, HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre (Neighborhood Level Community Development Project), HKSL From Deaf Star, Hong Kong Blind Union, Hong Kong Island School Heads Association, Hong Kong PHAB Association, Kowloon Region School Heads Association, New Territories School Heads Association, SLCO Community Resources Limited, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation-Community Rehabilitation Network, The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund, Women’s Welfare Club Western District, Hong Kong, Chung Hok Social Centre For The Elderly 教育局、陳廷驊基金會、明愛第三齡服務支援網絡、關注綜援低收入聯盟、歷耆者、 網•想•正、香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心(鄰舍層面社區發展部)、香港手語來自聾星、 香港失明人協進會、香港島校長聯會、香港傷健協會、九龍地域校長聯會、新界校長會、 語橋社會資源有限公司、香港社會服務聯會、香港復康會—社區復康網絡、 社會創新及創業發展基金、香港西區婦女福利會松鶴老人中心 Jockey Club YouthCreate Series: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust BGCA Maker Education Project 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 賽馬會青創社區系列:香港小童群益會 「創客教育」計劃 Sham Shui Po Holding Environment Sham Shui Po District Office, Home Affairs Department , Sham Shui Po District, Hong Project For Youth 2019 Kong Police Force, Sham Shui Po District, Social Welfare Department, District Fight Crime 「深」連心社區承托計劃 2019 Committee (Sham Shui Po District), Sham Shui Po District Council 民政事務總署深水埗民政事務處、香港警務處深水埗警區、社會福利署深水埗區福利辦事 處、深水埗區撲滅罪行委員會、深水埗區議會

Junior Financial Secretary Education Bureau, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 少年財政司 教育局、香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 Junior Chief Executives Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, Social Services Innovation Centre of Shunde 香港小特首 Junan, The Women’s General Association of Macau, Women's and Children's Working Committee of Shenzhen Longgang District Office 政制及內地事務局、澳門婦女聯合總會、深圳市龍崗區婦女兒童工作委員會辦公室、佛山市 順德區均安鎮社會服務創新中心

Junior District Councillor (Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing) 荃葵青區兒童區議員 Junior Advisor 兒童諮議員

82 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 STEMCA 六系創技

The world is ever changing. New trends, challenges and needs arise. STEM 世界一直在變,社會不斷冒起新的趨勢和需 education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is the latest 要,而STEM 教育(科學、科技、工程、數學) focus in the world today. 正正是現今世界發展的最新趨勢。為迎接時代 轉變所帶來的挑戰,兒童必須充分裝備自己。 BGCA has added the elements of “Career” and “Art” to STEM education and “STEMCA” is developed. Children and youth have more opportunities to apply 本會加入職涯 (Career) 和藝術 (Art) 元素,成 relevant knowledge, and learn to explore the world with innovative thinking 為本會「六系創技」的發展方向,孩子從中 and new perspectives, which in turn create more possibilities for our future 獲得更多機會應用相關的知識和思考模式, society. 學習以創新思維和嶄新的角度,為社會尋求 更貼合時代需要的新出路。

Children/ Youth 兒童/青少年 Parents 家長 Others 其他 2,434 472 163

Project Name 計劃名稱 Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構 Community Creativity Learning Centre Eco-Education and Resources Centre – Marine Science Camp 2019 生態教育及資源中心 社區創意學習中心—海洋科學營2019 Jockey Club Coding Our Future The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Qi computer Technologies limited, STEMex Programme Limited 賽馬會童編新里程計劃 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金、好奇電腦科技有限公司

83 Career & Life Planning 生涯規劃

We believe that every youth has the ability to surmount themselves. Through 本會相信每位青少年都具備突破自己的能力, collaboration with organizations in different industries, we actively provide 透過與不同行業的機構合作,我們積極培育青 young people with interest exposure, volunteer work, and diversified workplace 少年的不同興趣、提供義務工作及多樣化職 environment experiences, in order for them to deeply understand their personal 場環境體驗,讓他們深入認識個人的價值與 values and attitudes. Hence they can enhance their skills to grasp future 態度、提升技能與知識,及早掌握未來志向, aspirations to become our future masters of society. 開拓個人志業,成為社會未來的主人翁。

Project Name 計劃名稱 Partner / Sponsor 合作/贊助機構 CLAP for Youth @ JC The Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Hong Kong Police Force, The Hong Kong 「賽馬會鼓掌 • 創你程計劃」 Jockey Club Charities Trust, Ali Baba Provision Store, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service, Barista Hong Kong Trading Company, Browny Café, Christian Action Hong Kong, Coffee Public Limited, Free Association, HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong International Aviation Academy, Hong Kong Unison, Mattel East Asia Limited, Megatoni Production, MO's Production, Mr. Steak, New World First Ferry Services Limited, Overseas Management Company (Asia) Limited, Pok Oi Hospital 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Hei College, Recruit & Company Limited, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Islamic Union of Hong Kong, Winton Financial Limited 香港貿易發展局、香港警務處、香港賽馬會慈善信託基金、浸信會愛羣社會服務處、 香港基督教勵行會、自由空間有限公司、香港聖公會何明華會督中學、香港浸會大學、 香港國際航空學院、香港融樂會、新世界第一渡輪服務有限公司、博愛醫院八十週年鄧英喜 中學、香港中文大學、香港伊斯蘭聯會、運通泰財務有限公司、三丑堂 Tap Seac Craft Market Cultural Affairs Bureau, Macao Special Administrative Region Government 澳門塔石藝墟 澳門特別行政區政府文化局 Band Union Renaissance Foundation 音樂同盟 文藝復興基金會

Children/ Youth 兒童/青少年 Parents 家長 Volunteers/ Mentors 義工/友師 Others 其他 3,687 73 60 1,000

84 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Scholarship Schemes 獎學金計劃

With the donation of the enthusiastic corporations and individuals, different 本會獲熱心企業及捐款人的捐助,設立不同 scholarships are set up to support the needy children and youth who 的獎學金計劃以支援有需要的兒童及青少年, have made remarkable progress or outstanding performance in studying, 以及嘉許他們在學習、創意思維或品格等方面 creativity, morality and behavior. The scholarship schemes includes the 的傑出表現。獎學金計劃包括群益關愛學童 BGCA Caring Award for the Most Outstanding Improvement, Ng Lee Wong 飛躍進步獎勵計劃、吳李旺音樂培育獎學金計 Music Scholarship, Milagros Corporation Scholarship Awards, RBC@BGCA 劃、美而高企業獎助學金計劃、RBC@BGCA Scholarship and 小橋 @BGCA Scholarship. 獎學金及小橋 @BGCA 獎學金。

Ng Lee Wong Music Scholarship 吳李旺音樂培育獎樂金計劃

Founded by the Chairman of Executive Committee of BGCA, Dr NG Yin- 本會主席吳彥明醫生設立「吳李旺音樂培育 ming, The Ng Lee Wong Music Scholarship provides children from low-income 獎學金」,為低收入家庭兒童提供學習樂器 families the opportunity to develop their music talent. 29 children were awarded 的機會,助他們發展音樂才能。29 名學童獲 the scholarship to learn different instruments. The programme was supported 資助參與不同的樂器課程。本計劃由加油音 by ADDOILMUSIC in providing music instruments courses. 樂導師提供服務。

85 List of Awardees 得獎名單

Name School 姓名 學校 CHAN Yu-ying Kam Tsin Village Ho Tung School 陳雨瑩 金錢村何東學校 CHEN Ka-man Assembly of God Leung Sing Tak Primary School 陳嘉敏 基督教神召會梁省德小學 CHEUNG Yat-hei Si Yuan School of the Precious Blood 張逸希 寶血會思源學校 CHONG Taz-ching Alliance Primary School – Whampoa 莊芷澄 黃埔宣道小學 FUNG Taz-yau Po Leung Kuk Ngan Po Ling College 馮芷柔 保良局顏寶鈴書院 HO Cheuk-tung Wong Tai Sin Catholic Primary School 何卓桐 黃大仙天主教小學 HO Nga-man Our Lady Of China Catholic Primary School 何雅雯 天主教佑華小學 HON Cheuk-lam Chun Tok School 韓焯藍 真鐸學校 LAH Kin-wan Shatin Government Primary School 羅健允 沙田官立小學 LAI Sum-yi St. Mary Canossian College 賴心怡 嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院 LAM Yau-chun Chun Tok School 林佑晉 真鐸學校 LAM Yau-sum Chun Tok School 林佑芯 真鐸學校 LAM Yik-man AD & FD POHL Leung Sing Tak School 林易旻 博愛醫院歷屆總理聯誼會梁省德學校 LAM Sze-ming Buddhist Chung Wah Kornhill Primary School 林詩銘 佛教中華康山學校 LAW Pui-kwan Chun Tok School 羅沛筠 真鐸學校 LI Yun-tong Fung Kai Liu Yun Sum Memorial School 李蕓彤 鳳溪廖潤琛紀念學校 LIU Ka-yiu Canton Road Government Primary School 劉嘉瑤 廣東道官立小學 LEE Yuen-ching Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Primary School 利婉晴 伊利沙伯中學舊生會小學 LUK Tin-yan Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School 陸天欣 慈雲山天主教小學 NIE Kwan-wing Chun Tok School 聶君穎 真鐸學校 OU Lok-yiu Wong Tai Sin Catholic Primary School 歐樂瑤 黃大仙天主教小學 SHUM Sze-wing S.K.H. Kei Fook Primary School 沈思穎 聖公會基福小學 TUNG Yuen-chun S.K.H. St. Michael's Primary School 董元俊 聖公會聖米迦勒小學 WONG Hao-nam Island Road Government Primary School 黃浩男 香島道官立小學 WONG Hoi-nam Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Primary School 王凱楠 旅港開平商會學校 WU Wing-kei Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut Nam College 吳潁姬 東華三院黃笏南中學 YEUNG Pui-yin The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong Wo Che Lutheran School 楊沛然 基督教香港信義會禾輋信義學校 YIM Sung-ming Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School 嚴崇銘 迦密愛禮信中學 YU Hao-ming S.K.H. Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary School 余浩鳴 聖公會呂明才紀念小學

86 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 The BGCA Caring Award for the Most Outstanding Improvement 群益關愛學童飛躍進步獎 The “BGCA Caring Award for the Most Outstanding Improvement” is sponsored 本會榮譽會長胡經昌先生特設立「群益關愛 by our Honorary President, Mr Henry K.C. Wu, BBS, JP, to encourage the 學童飛躍進步獎勵計劃」,鼓勵參加本會課 constant improvement amongst children and youth who took part in BGCA’s 餘託管服務的兒童及青少年在求學及成長期 After School Care services, and recognise the personal development of those 間努力學習,並公開表揚他們在品格、行為、 children and youth who have made remarkable progress and outstanding 學習和人際相處上有顯著進步。因應新型冠 performance in areas of morality, behavior and school studies. Due to 狀病毒疫情,第九屆「群益關愛學童飛躍進 COVID-19 pandemic, the selection of the 9th “BGCA Caring Award for the 步獎勵計劃」的甄選是透過初選面試資料及 Most Outstanding Improvement” was based on the performance of primaries 學童自拍短片,從中選出 16 位傑出表現的學 interviews and short video prepared by students. 16 students were selected and awarded book coupons and certificates for encouragement. 童並頒予書券及證書,以茲鼓勵。

List of Awardees 得獎名單 Junior Primary Division 初小組

Name Service Unit 姓名 單位名稱 Champion LAM Yu-ho Jockey Club South Kwai Chung Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 冠軍 林宇浩 賽馬會南葵涌青少年綜合服務中心 First Runner-up CHENG Wing-hei Jockey Club Southern District Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 亞軍 鄭穎晞 賽馬會南區青少年綜合服務中心 Second Runner-up CHEUNG Ho-yin Jockey Club Ma On Shan Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre (Chevalier Branch) 季軍 張浩然 賽馬會馬鞍山青少年綜合服務中心(富安) Third Runner-up NG Kwan-tai Jockey Club South Horizons Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 殿軍 吳君泰 賽馬會海怡青少年綜合服務中心 Certificate of Merit KOO Wing-yan Jockey Club Tuen Mun Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 優異獎狀 官泳欣 賽馬會屯門青少年綜合服務中心 PFARR Lydia Jockey Club Sheung Sha Wan Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 李德晞 賽馬會長沙灣青少年綜合服務中心 TAM Tsun-hei Ma On Shan East Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 譚浚禧 馬鞍山東青少年綜合服務中心 WONG Gei-oi Shaukeiwan Children Centre and Library 黃寄靄 筲箕灣兒童中心及圖書館

Senior Primary Division 高小組 Name Service Unit 姓名 單位名稱 Champion AU Chi-yu Lok Man Children & Family Integrated Activity Centre 冠軍 歐祉妤 樂民兒童及家庭綜合活動中心 First Runner-up YIN Ju-yi Ma On Shan East Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 亞軍 鄞居玉 馬鞍山東青少年綜合服務中心 Second Runner-up CHAN Tsz-him Jockey Club Tuen Mun Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 季軍 陳子謙 賽馬會屯門青少年綜合服務中心 Third Runner-up TROUNG Kwai-san Jockey Club South Kwai Chung Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 殿軍 張季新 賽馬會南葵涌青少年綜合服務中心 Certificate of Merit CHAN Yin-ling Joy Kornhill Children Centre 優異獎狀 陳燕玲 康山兒童中心 FUNG Kwan-nok Jockey Club Sau Mau Ping Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 馮君諾 賽馬會秀茂坪青少年綜合服務中心 LO Wing-sum Jockey Club Cheung Hang Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 盧泳心 賽馬會長亨青少年綜合服務中心 YEUNG Ho-yin Jockey Club Tsz Wan Shan Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 楊浩然 賽馬會慈雲山青少年綜合服務中心

87 Milagros Corporation Scholarship Awards 美而高獎學金 Milagros Corporation Scholarship Awards was funded by The Milagros 「美而高企業獎助學金計劃」由美而高企業 Corporation Limited and implemented by the Jockey Club Children 有限公司設立,與賽馬會油塘青少年綜合服 and Youth Integrated Services Centre of BGCA to recognise the outstanding 務中心合作推行,嘉許學術成績有優秀表現 academic performance of students. This year, a total of 6 students were 的學童。本年度共有 6 名學童獲獎,各人獲 awarded, each of them received a HK$5,000 grant. 頒港幣 $5,000 元助學金。 List of Awardees 得獎名單

Name School 姓名 學校 CHAN Kwok-tung HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School 陳國棟 香港聖公會何明華會督中學 CHAN Tan-ling NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College 陳丹鈴 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學 KWOK Po-hong Semple Memorial Secondary School 郭寶康 基督教四方福音會深培中學 LI Chi-kin, Zachery CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School 李梓鍵 中華基督教會方潤華中學 LOK Yan Pok Oi Hospital 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Hei College 駱昕 博愛醫院八十週年鄧英喜中學 YIP Pui-ki FDBWA Szeto Ho Secondary School 葉佩琪 五邑司徒浩中學

RBC@BGCA Scholarship 獎學金 "RBC@BGCA Scholarship " was subsidised by Royal Bank of Canada, 本會推行的「RBC @ BGCA 獎學金計劃」由 aimed at assisting DSE students to pay for the retention fee for self-funded 加拿大皇家銀行(RBC)資助,協助升讀本 undergraduate programmes and encouraging DSE students to pursue further 港大學自資學士學位課程或副學位課程的香 studies. The scheme supports DSE students who have financial difficulties or 港中學文憑考試學生,以繳交有關自資課程的 special educational needs with the nomination of social workers. By providing 留位費。設立這項獎學金的目的,是協助有 the scholarship, it aims to relieve the financial burden initialed by pursing 家庭經濟困難或有特殊學習需要學生支付部 further studies of students in self-funded undergraduate programmes. It may 分留位費,減輕學生升讀相關課程所帶來的 encourage their future development. 經濟負擔和壓力,以促進其學習和發展機會。 List of Awardees 得獎名單

Name * School 學校(2018-2019 學年) 姓名 陳柳伊 何栩晴 甘柔雅 Hong Kong Weaving Mills Association Chu Shek Lun Secondary School 香港布廠商會朱石麟中學 葉敏芝 陳曉曉

方家樂 Kowloon Technical School 九龍工業學校 劉嘉輝 S.K.H. All Saints' Middle School 聖公會諸聖中學 鄭根海 S.K.H. Chan Young Secondary School^ 聖公會陳融中學 歐家駿 S.K.H. Saint Benedict's School 聖公會聖本德中學

88 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Name * School 學校 (2018-2019 學年) 姓名 余柏賢 Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School 迦密愛禮信中學 馮嘉祺 Pope Paul VI College 保祿六世書院 池偉誠 Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School 嶺南鍾榮光博士紀念中學 Aimen Noor Delia Memorial School (Hip Wo) 地利亞修女紀念學校(協和) Mohammad Zeshan Yakoob Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers Wong Cho Bau Secondary School 香港教育工作者聯會黃楚標中學 Nafissa Talib Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College 保良局羅傑承(一九八三)中學 鍾國顏 Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School 馬鞍山祟真中學 楊嘉敏 S. C. Gaw Memorial College 東華三院吳祥川紀念中學 劉穎恩 Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School 馬鞍山祟真中學 王曉晴 Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary Schoo 香港紅卍字會大埔卍慈中學 陳浩軒 San Wui Commercial Society Chan Pak Sha Schoo 新會商會陳白沙紀念中學 張偉樂 Ying Wa Girls' School 英華女學校 張韻晴 陸海琳 陳愷晴 T.W.G.Hs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College 東華三院呂潤財紀念中學 李詠嘉 戴佳城 譚達禧

方秀芝 Po Leung Kuk No. 1 W. H. Cheung College 保良局第一張永慶中學 郭寶康 Semple Memorial Secondary School of Church of Foursquare Gospel 深培中學 陳錦駒 Choi Hung Estate Catholic Secondary School 彩虹邨天主教英文中學 黃小芬 Mu Kuang English School 慕光英文書院 張美儀 Kiangsu-Chekiang College 沙田蘇浙公學 陳詩敏 張葦欣 鄭安琦 Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School 潘煒筠 浸信會永隆中學 徐梓希 呂清清 吳兒

* Chinese version only 只有中文 89 Name * School 學校 (2018-2019 學年) 姓名 陳嘉慧 張耀升 何澤龍 鄺紋瓊 梁莹鈺 蘇寶權 Private Candidate 練家妙 自修生 陳家兒 區培鏗 何鈺顥 黎芷妍 范曉彤

@BGCA Scholarship 小橋 獎學金 The purpose of setting “ 小橋 @ BGCA Scholarship” is to recognise students 「小橋 @BGCA 獎學金」的設立,目的是嘉 who are hard-working, embrace to adversity and have a good moral cultivation. 許努力學習、逆境自強、有良好品德修養的學 The target beneficaries are primary school students of Tai Po District, Fanling 生。本計劃的對象為家庭經濟有困難並就讀於 District and Shatin District with financial difficulties. Each service unit from 大埔區、粉嶺區及沙田區的小學生。本會各服 BGCA can recommend no more than 10 students to participate the scheme. 務單位可推薦不多於 10 名學生參與。本年共 This year, a total of 21 students were awarded, each of them received a HK $ 5,000 21 名「小橋 @BGCA 獎學金」獲發獎學金, or 8,000 grant. 款額為港幣 $ 5,000 或 8,000 元。 List of Awardees 得獎名單

Name * 所屬提名服務單位 姓名 曾港興 Tai Wai Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 戴瀚聰 大圍青少年綜合服務中心

羅芷鈴 Ma On Shan East Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 孫柏翹 馬鞍山東青少年綜合服務中心 余麗盈 黃雅思 Jockey Club Ma On Shan Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 謝文輝 賽馬會馬鞍山青少年綜合服務中心 羅慧怡 彭康蕎 黃伊洛 Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project 藍巴士賽馬會結伴成長計劃 羅志豪 田舒漫 林健煒 黃冠杰 葉寶琳 趙耀彬 Jockey Club Tai Po Children & Youth Integrated Services Centre 賽馬會大埔青少年綜合服務中心 劉宇軒 劉權俊 蔡若素 謝泳珊 鍾嘉欣

* Chinese version only 只有中文 90 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 I hope mom can go home earlier and dad can find a new job soon. Everyone is happy! 我希望媽媽能夠不要這麼常加班,多陪家人,不要太累。 也希望爸爸能早日找到新工作。大家都快樂!  Student LEUNG Yuet Ming Nicole 梁玥明同學 Service Points 服務點分佈

Guangzhou 廣州市荔灣區

Hong Kong 28 香港

38 New Territories 43 42 新界

33 New Territories 32 新界 40 37 30 41 36 25 39 26 34 22 21 1718 35 8 24 19 Kowloon 9 27 15 九龍 13 16 20 12 14 11 Kowloon 31 29 九龍 10

2 23 1 3 4 5 Hong Kong 7 香港島 6

Hong Kong 港島

Stationing School Social Work Services are not included 以上並不包括駐校社會工作服務學校 Contacts of Service Units 服務單位聯絡

1 Headquarters 總部 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 香港灣仔駱克道3號 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 Email 電郵:[email protected] Website 網址:

HONG KONG 香港島 WAN CHAI 灣仔區 1a Jockey Club Coding Our Future Programme 1/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:6899 9176 賽馬會童編新里程計劃 香港灣仔駱克道3號1樓

1b Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten 2/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2529 8484 (Wanchai) 香港灣仔駱克道3號2樓 Fax 傳真:2529 8482 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(灣仔) Email 電郵:[email protected]

1c Sunshine Campus-Kindergarten Stationing Social 3/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2823 8683 Work Service Project 香港灣仔駱克道3號3樓 Fax 傳真:2529 3353 陽光校園幼稚園駐校社工服務計劃

1d Growth Education Centre 3/F & 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2529 3329 成長教育中心 香港灣仔駱克道3號3樓及4樓 Fax 傳真:2529 3353 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1e Counselling Centre 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2520 2950 輔導中心 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 Fax 傳真:2143 6843 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1f Parents' Hotline 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2866 6388 「兒童身心發展」家長專線 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓

1g "SMILE" On-site Pre-school Integrated Services 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:3709 8810 (Team 1) 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 Fax 傳真:3709 8811 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務(隊一) Email 電郵:[email protected] 1h Psychological Support Service 6/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 心理支援服務 香港灣仔駱克道3號6樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1i Jockey Club Trauma Treatment Service for 6/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 Children 香港灣仔駱克道3號6樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 賽馬會兒童心理創傷治療服務 1j School Social Work Services Section 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 學校社會工作服務部 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332

1k Youth ImpACT Award 2.0 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 感創敢為 - 青年社會創新服務獎 2.0 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 Email 電郵:[email protected]

1l Junior Chief Executives 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 香港小特首 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332

1m Mainland Service Office 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121 內地服務辦事處 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332 Email 電郵:[email protected]

CENTRAL & WESTERN 中西區 *2 Jockey Club Sheung Wan Children & Youth 11/F, Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building, Tel 電話:2850 7237 Integrated Services Centre 345 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2541 8077 賽馬會上環青少年綜合服務中心 香港上環皇后大道中345號上環市政大廈11樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務 93 EASTERN 東區 *3 Kornhill Children Centre G/F, Block 2-3, Kornhill Garden, Quarry Bay, Tel 電話:2886 1916 康山兒童中心 Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2535 9855 香港鰂魚涌康山花園第2至第3座地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

*4 Shaukeiwan Children Centre and Library UG/F, Block A, Ming Wah Dai Ha, Shaukeiwan, Tel 電話:2569 9732 筲箕灣兒童中心及圖書館 Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2567 2463 香港筲箕灣明華大廈A座地下高層 Email 電郵:[email protected]

4a Jockey Club Coding Our Future Programme UG/F, Block A, Ming Wah Dai Ha, Shaukeiwan, Tel 電話:6899 9873 賽馬會童編新里程計劃 Hong Kong 香港筲箕灣明華大廈A座地下高層


電話: 5 Jockey Club South Horizons Children & Youth 2/F, Neighbourhood Community Centre, East Tel 2552 2111 Integrated Services Centre Commercial Block, South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau, Fax 傳真:2552 8666 賽馬會海怡青少年綜合服務中心 Hong Kong Email 電郵:[email protected] 香港鴨脷洲海怡半島東翼商場海怡社區中心2樓

電話: *5a Jockey Club South Horizons Children & Youth G/F, 9 - 13, Low Block, Lei Fook House, Ap Lei Tel 2552 2165 Integrated Services Centre (Ap Lei Chau Branch) Chau Estate, Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2580 9567 賽馬會海怡青少年綜合服務中心(鴨脷洲分處) 香港鴨脷洲邨利福樓低座9至13號地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

*6 Jockey Club Southern District Children & Youth 1/F & 3/F, Wah Kwai Community Centre, Wah Kwai Tel 電話:2550 3622 Integrated Services Centre Estate, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2552 3993 賽馬會南區青少年綜合服務中心 香港仔華貴邨華貴社區中心1及3字樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

6a Jockey Club Southern District Children & Youth Flat 120 - 124, G/F, Wah Tai House, Wah Fu (2) Tel 電話:2550 7200 Integrated Services Centre (Wah Tai Branch) Estate, Hong Kong Email 電郵:[email protected] 賽馬會南區青少年綜合服務中心(華泰分處) 香港仔華富邨華泰樓120至124室

電話: 7 Jockey Club Online Youth Emotional Support – 1/F, 22 Tin Wan Street, Aberdeen , Hong Kong Tel 2507 2881 “OPEN UP” 香港香港仔田灣街22號1樓 Fax 傳真:2507 2466 賽馬會青少年情緒健康網上支援平台— 「OPEN噏」

KOWLOON 九龍 KOWLOON CITY 九龍城 *8 Lok Man Children & Family Integrated Activity G/F, Block G, Lok Man Sun Chuen, Tokwawan, Tel 電話:2714 3200 Centre Kowloon Fax 傳真:2768 8490 樂民兒童及家庭綜合活動中心 九龍土瓜灣樂民新邨G座地下 Email 電郵:[email protected] 8a Community Digital Competence Hub G/F, Block G, Lok Man Sun Chuen, Tokwawan, Tel 電話:2768 7070 數碼能力躍動計劃 Kowloon 九龍土瓜灣樂民新邨G座地下 8b Jockey Club Coding Our Future Programme G/F, Block G, Lok Man Sun Chuen, Tokwawan, Tel 電話:6899 9475 賽馬會童編新里程計劃 Kowloon 九龍土瓜灣樂民新邨G座地下 8c Kowloon City Family Life Education Office G/F, Block G, Lok Man Sun Chuen, Tokwawan, Tel 電話:2711 4650 九龍城區家庭生活教育辦事處 Kowloon Fax 傳真:2768 8490 九龍土瓜灣樂民新邨G座地下 Email 電郵:kcfl[email protected]

KWUN TONG 觀塘 *9 Jockey Club Sau Mau Ping Children & Youth G/F, Sau Lok House, Sau Mau Ping (III) Estate, Tel 電話:2348 0636 Integrated Services Centre Kwun Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2348 0696 賽馬會秀茂坪青少年綜合服務中心 九龍觀塘秀茂坪邨第3期秀樂樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

9a Jockey Club Sau Mau Ping Children & Youth G/F, Wing C, Sau Mong House, Sau Mau Ping Tel 電話:3565 6564 Integrated Services Centre South Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon Email 電郵:[email protected] (Sau Mau Ping South Branch) 九龍觀塘秀茂坪南邨秀旺樓C翼地下 賽馬會秀茂坪青少年綜合服務中心(秀南分處)

* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務 94 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 9b Community Digital Competence Hub G/F, Wing C, Sau Mong House, Sau Mau Ping Tel 電話:2775 6969 數碼能力躍動計劃 South Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 九龍觀塘秀茂坪南邨秀旺樓C翼地下 *10 Jockey Club Yau Tong Children & Youth No. 1, 3/F, Carpark Block, Ko Cheung Court, Yau Tel 電話:2343 3554 Integrated Services Centre Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2343 3615 賽馬會油塘青少年綜合服務中心 九龍油塘高翔苑停車場大樓3樓1號 Email 電郵:[email protected]

10a Growing Partners Project No. 1, 3/F, Carpark Block, Ko Cheung Court, Yau Tel 電話:2343 3554 結伴成長計劃 Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2343 3615 九龍油塘高翔苑停車場大樓3樓1號 10b Growing Partners 2 - Child Development Fund No. 1, 3/F, Carpark Block, Ko Cheung Court, Yau Tel 電話:2343 3554 (Kwun Tong) Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2343 3615 結伴再成長—兒童發展基金計劃(觀塘區) 九龍油塘高翔苑停車場大樓3樓1號 電話: 11 Kwun Tong District Youth Outreaching Social Unit 212, Kwong Tin Shopping Centre, Kwong Tin Tel 2347 2733 Work Team Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2347 4450 觀塘區青少年外展社會工作隊 九龍觀塘廣田邨廣田商場212室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

11a Overnight Outreaching Service Unit 212, Kwong Tin Shopping Centre, Kwong Tin Tel 電話:6776 3343 夜貓子民東九龍夜青服務隊 Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2347 4450 九龍觀塘廣田邨廣田商場212室 Email 電郵:[email protected] 11b A Better Man Project Unit 212, Kwong Tin Shopping Centre, Kwong Tin Tel 電話:2347 2733 心藍.新男計劃 Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2347 4450 九龍觀塘廣田邨廣田商場212室 Email 電郵:[email protected] 12 Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project Room 507, Billion Trade Center, 31 Hung To Road, Tel 電話:5802 5682 藍巴士賽馬會結伴成長計劃 Kwun Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:3150 8153 九龍觀塘鴻圖道鴻貿中心507室 Email 電郵:[email protected] 電話: 13 Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten G/F, Shops 11-13, Chevalier Commercial Centre, 8 Tel 2796 2122 (Kowloon Bay) Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2755 1355 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(九龍灣) 九龍九龍灣宏開道8號其士商業中心11-13號地下 Email 電郵:[email protected] 電話: 14 CLAP for Youth @ JC 3/F, Tamson Plaza, 161 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong Tel 3692 4470 「賽馬會鼓掌、創你程計劃」 九龍觀塘偉業街161號德勝廣場3樓 Fax 傳真:3692 4474 Email 電郵:[email protected]


*15 Jockey Club Cheung Sha Wan Children & Youth Room 101-120, G/F, Lai Ho House, Lai Kok Estate, Tel 電話:2729 2294 Integrated Services Centre Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2725 5726 賽馬會長沙灣青少年綜合服務中心 九龍長沙灣麗閣邨麗荷樓地下101-120室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

15a Jockey Club Coding Our Future Programme Room 101-120, G/F, Lai Ho House, Lai Kok Estate, Tel 電話:6899 9458 賽馬會童編新里程計劃 Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon 九龍長沙灣麗閣邨麗荷樓地下101-120室

15b CIIF Project Play and Build Room 101-120, G/F, Lai Ho House, Lai Kok Estate, Tel 電話:2729 2294 「樂」「翠」相投建社區—麗翠苑支援計劃 Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2725 5726 九龍長沙灣麗閣邨麗荷樓地下101-120室

電話: 16 Mei Foo Children & Youth Integrated Services 4/F & 5/F, Mei Foo Government Complex Building, Tel 2741 6294 Centre 33 Mei Lai Road, Shamshuipo, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2370 0747 美孚青少年綜合服務中心 九龍深水埗美荔道33號美孚政府綜合大樓4樓及5樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

16a Nite Cat Online Cyber Youth Support Team 5/F, Mei Foo Government Complex Building, 33 Tel 電話:2396 9447 夜貓Online 網上青年支援隊 Mei Lai Road, Shamshuipo, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2370 0747 九龍深水埗美荔道33號美孚政府綜合大樓5樓 Email 電郵:[email protected] 電話: 17 Shamshuipo District Youth Outreaching Social Unit 2, G/F, Un Kin House, Un Chau Estate, Tel 2729 2262 Work Team Shamshuipo, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2708 2422 深水埗區青少年外展社會工作隊 九龍深水埗元洲邨元健樓地下2號 Email 電郵:[email protected]

17a Project CIA Unit 2, G/F, Un Kin House, Un Chau Estate, Tel 電話:2729 2262 親職承絡CIA Shamshuipo, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2708 2422 九龍深水埗元洲邨元健樓地下2號

* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務 95 電話: 18 "SMILE" On-site Pre-school Integrated Services Unit 1113, 11/F, Tower 2, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza, Tel 2581 1102 (Team 3) 833 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2630 0600 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務(隊三) 九龍荔枝角長沙灣道833號長沙灣廣場二座11樓 1113室 電話: 19 "SMILE" On-site Pre-school Integrated Services Unit 709, 7/F., Tower 2, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza, Tel 2944 2227 (Team 4) No. 833 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2630 0568 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務(隊四) 九龍荔枝角長沙灣道833號長沙灣廣場二座7樓 709室


20 Youth Action Network - Community Support 2/F, 54 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon Tel 電話:2304 2401 Service Scheme 九龍大角咀必發道54號2樓 Fax 傳真:2304 3702 青鋒網 - 社區支援服務計劃 Email 電郵:[email protected] 20a School Support Scheme 3/F, 54 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon Tel 電話:2527 3226 全方位校園支援計劃 九龍大角咀必發道54號3樓 Fax 傳真:2395 9595 Email 電郵:[email protected] 20b Healthy School Programme (Kowloon District 3/F, 54 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon Tel 電話:2527 3226 Government Schools) 九龍大角咀必發道54號3樓 Fax 傳真:2395 9595 健康校園計劃(九龍區官立中學) Email 電郵:[email protected] 20c Comprehensive Student Guidance Service 3/F, 54 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon Tel 電話:2527 3226 全方位學生輔導服務 九龍大角咀必發道54號3樓 Fax 傳真:2395 9595

20d Understanding Adolescents Project (Primary) 3/F, 54 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon Tel 電話:2527 3226 成長的天空計劃(小學) 九龍大角咀必發道54號3樓 Fax 傳真:2395 9595

20e Walk Together in Adversity-Joyful@School 3/F, 54 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon Tel 電話:2527 3226 Project 九龍大角咀必發道54號3樓 Fax 傳真:2395 9595 尊重生命、逆境同行「好心情@學校」計劃

WONG TAI SIN 黃大仙 *21 Jockey Club Tsz Wan Shan Children & Youth Room 203, 2/F, Lung Poon Court Commercial Tel 電話:2320 4005 Integrated Services Centre Centre, Diamond Hill, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2328 6401 賽馬會慈雲山青少年綜合服務中心 九龍鑽石山龍蟠苑商場2樓203室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

21a Wong Tai Sin Family Life Education Office Room 203, 2/F, Lung Poon Court Commercial Tel 電話:2329 5102 黃大仙區家庭生活教育組辦事處 Centre, Diamond Hill, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2328 6401 九龍鑽石山龍蟠苑商場2樓203室 Email 電郵:wtsfl[email protected]

21b Project Touch Room 203, 2/F, Lung Poon Court Commercial Tel 電話:2321 1103 性向無限計劃 Centre, Diamond Hill, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2328 6401 九龍鑽石山龍蟠苑商場2樓203室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

21c Community Digital Competence Hub Room 203, 2/F, Lung Poon Court Commercial Tel 電話:2755 6555 數碼能力躍動計劃 Centre, Diamond Hill, Kowloon 九龍鑽石山龍蟠苑商場2樓203室 21d Jockey Club Coding Our Future Programme Room 203, 2/F, Lung Poon Court Commercial Tel 電話:6899 9475 賽馬會童編新里程計劃 Centre, Diamond Hill, Kowloon 九龍鑽石山龍蟠苑商場2樓203室 21e Jockey Club Tsz Wan Shan Children & Youth G/F, Lok Yan House, Tsz Lok Estate, Tsz Wan Tel 電話:2326 6555 Integrated Services Centre (Tsz Lok Branch) Shan, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2351 9992 賽馬會慈雲山青少年綜合服務中心(慈樂分處) 九龍慈雲山慈樂邨樂仁樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

21f Tsz Wan Shan Small Group Home G/F, Lok Yan House, Tsz Lok Estate, Tsz Wan Tel 電話:2320 4336 慈雲山兒童之家 Shan, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2351 9992 九龍慈雲山慈樂邨樂仁樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected] 電話: 22 Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten G/F, Tat Sin House, Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate, Tel 2216 4216 (Wong Tai Sin) Kowloon Fax 傳真:2216 4811 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(黃大仙) 九龍黃大仙上邨達善樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務 96 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 NEW TERRITORIES 新界 ISLANDS 離島 電話: 23 "SAIL" Early Child Development Centre Unit 105-106, Joysmark, Mung Tung Estate, Tung Tel 2580 0013 (Tung Chung) Chung, Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2580 0208 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(東涌) 香港大嶼山東涌滿東邨滿樂坊1樓105及106室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

KWAI TSING 葵青 *24 Jockey Club Cheung Hang Children & Youth G/F, Hang Yee House, Cheung Hang Estate, Tsing Tel 電話:2435 2113 Integrated Services Centre Yi Island, N.T. Fax 傳真:2435 1830 賽馬會長亨青少年綜合服務中心 新界青衣島長亨邨亨怡樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

*25 Jockey Club Shek Yam Children & Youth G/F & 1/F, Yam Yue House, Shek Yam East Estate, Tel 電話:2481 3222 Integrated Services Centre Kwai Chung, N.T. Fax 傳真:2420 6278 賽馬會石蔭青少年綜合服務中心 新界葵涌石蔭東邨蔭裕樓地下及1樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

*26 Jockey Club South Kwai Chung Children & Youth 3/F, Block D, 6 King Cho Road, Cho Yiu Chuen, Tel 電話:2744 2123 Integrated Services Centre Kwai Chung, N.T. Fax 傳真:2310 2153 賽馬會南葵涌青少年綜合服務中心 新界葵涌祖堯邨敬祖路6號D座3樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

26a Jockey Club South Kwai Chung Children & Youth G/F, Yeung King House, Lai King Estate, Kwai Tel 電話:2742 8736 Integrated Services Centre (Lai King Branch) Chung, N.T. Fax 傳真:2310 2153 賽馬會南葵涌青少年綜合服務中心(荔景分處) 新界葵涌荔景邨仰景樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

電話: 27 Jockey Club Tsing Yi Children & Youth Integrated G/F, Yee Kui House, Tsing Yi Estate, Tsing Yi Tel 2433 2319 Services Centre Island, N.T. Fax 傳真:2435 6326 賽馬會青衣青少年綜合服務中心 新界青衣島青衣邨宜居樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]


*28 Jockey Club Fanling Children & Youth Integrated G/F, Fuk Tai House, Ka Fuk Estate, Fanling, N.T. Tel 電話:2676 2392 Services Centre 新界粉嶺嘉福邨福泰樓地下 Fax 傳真:2669 8287 賽馬會粉嶺青少年綜合服務中心 Email 電郵:fl[email protected]

28a Community Digital Competence Hub G/F, Fuk Tai House, Ka Fuk Estate, Fanling, N.T. Tel 電話:2669 3909 數碼能力躍動計劃 新界粉嶺嘉福邨福泰樓地下

28b Jockey Club Fanling Children & Youth Integrated No. 19, G/F, Ching Long House, Ching Ho Estate, Tel 電話:2663 5088 Services Centre (Ching Ho Branch) Sheung Shui, N.T. Fax 傳真:2669 8287 賽馬會粉嶺青少年綜合服務中心 (清河分處) 新界上水清河邨清朗樓地下19號


電話: 29 Jockey Club Tseung Kwan O Children & Youth 2/F, East Wing, Po Kan House, Po Lam Estate, Tel 2701 4388 Integrated Services Centre Tseung Kwan O, Sai Kung, N.T. Fax 傳真:2701 0309 賽馬會將軍澳青少年綜合服務中心 新界西貢將軍澳寶林邨寶勤樓(東翼)2樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

29a Family Life Education Unit (Sai Kung) 2/F, East Wing, Po Kan House, Po Lam Estate, Tel 電話:2703 5955 西貢區家庭生活教育組 Tseung Kwan O, Sai Kung, N.T. Fax 傳真:2701 0309 新界西貢將軍澳寶林邨寶勤樓(東翼)2樓 Email 電郵:skfl[email protected]

電話: 30 Bradbury Camp DD 257, Lot 676, Wong Yi Chau, Sai Kung, N.T. Tel 2792 1409 白普理營 新界西貢黃宜洲257約份676地段 Fax 傳真:2792 0721 Email 電郵:[email protected]

31 Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten G/F, Tong Wong House, Tong Ming Court, Tseung Tel 電話:2177 4831 (Tseung Kwan O) Kwan O, N.T. Fax 傳真:2177 4830 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(將軍澳) 新界將軍澳唐明苑唐煌閣地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務 97 SHA TIN 沙田

*32 Jockey Club Ma On Sham Children & Youth 1/F, Kam Tai Shopping Centre, Kam Tai Court, Ma Tel 電話:2641 7999 Integrated Services Centre On Shan, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2640 1048 賽馬會馬鞍山青少年綜合服務中心 新界沙田馬鞍山錦泰苑商場1樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

32a Family Life Education Unit (Sha Tin District) 1/F, Kam Tai Shopping Centre, Kam Tai Court, Ma Tel 電話:2641 8454 沙田區家庭生活教育組 On Shan, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2641 2550 新界沙田馬鞍山錦泰苑商場1樓 Email 電郵:stfl[email protected]

電話: *32b Jockey Club Ma On Sham Children & Youth 1/F, Commercial Centre, Chevalier Garden, Ma On Tel 2641 7994 Integrated Services Centre (Chevalier Branch) Shan, N.T. Fax 傳真:2641 2550 賽馬會馬鞍山青少年綜合服務中心(富安分處) 新界沙田馬鞍山富安花園商場1樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

*33 Ma On Shan East Children & Youth Integrated 2/F, Ma On Shan Lee On Community Services Tel 電話:3525 0440 Services Centre Complex, 23 Sha On Street, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:3168 2767 馬鞍山東青少年綜合服務中心 新界沙田沙安街23號馬鞍山利安社區服務大樓2樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

*34 Tai Wai Children & Youth Integrated Services 1/F, Carpark Floor, Tai Wai Social Service Building, Tel 電話:2694 9322 Centre 1 Mei Tin Road, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2606 4135 大圍青少年綜合服務中心 新界沙田大圍美田路1號大圍社會服務大樓1樓(停 Email 電郵:[email protected] 車場層) 電話: 35 Tai Wai Growth and Development Centre Room 129-140, G/F, Mei Yeung House, Mei Lam Tel 2697 6989 大圍成長發展中心 Estate, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2636 4072 新界沙田美林邨美楊樓地下129-140室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

35a Growing Partners II - Child Development Room 129-140, G/F, Mei Yeung House, Mei Lam Tel 電話:2649 5113 Fund (Shatin) Estate, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2636 4072 結伴再成長—兒童發展基金計劃(沙田區) 新界沙田美林邨美楊樓地下129-140室

35b Caltex – Fuel Your School Room 129-140, G/F, Mei Yeung House, Mei Lam Tel 電話:2649 5113 加德士推動學校 Estate, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2636 4072 新界沙田美林邨美楊樓地下129-140室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

35c RBC Race For the kids Room 129-140, G/F, Mei Yeung House, Mei Lam Tel 電話:2649 5113 RBC童心競賽 Estate, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2636 4072 新界沙田美林邨美楊樓地下129-140室

35d Mead Johnson Feeding Hope Room 129-140, G/F, Mei Yeung House, Mei Lam Tel 電話:2649 5113 美贊臣童懷希望 Estate, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2636 4072 新界沙田美林邨美楊樓地下129-140室

35e Junior Master Academy Scholarship Fund Room 129-140, G/F, Mei Yeung House, Mei Lam Tel 電話:2649 5113 JMA獎學計劃 Estate, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2636 4072 新界沙田美林邨美楊樓地下129-140室 *36 Community Creativity Learning Centre G/F, Fook Lam House, Kwong Lam Court, Shatin, Tel 電話:2338 0160 社區創意學習中心 N.T. Fax 傳真:2338 0005 新界沙田廣林苑馥林閣地下

36a HSBC Young Financial Planners Programme G/F, Fook Lam House, Kwong Lam Court, Shatin, Tel 電話:2338 0160 滙豐青年理財師計劃 N.T. Fax 傳真:2338 0005 新界沙田廣林苑馥林閣地下

36b SHKP Science & Innovation Project for Gifted G/F, Fook Lam House, Kwong Lam Court, Shatin, Tel 電話:2338 0160 新地資優科學創意發展計劃 N.T. Fax 傳真:2338 0005 新界沙田廣林苑馥林閣地下

37 “Parent-Child Link” Specialised Co-parenting Unit 1218, Shatin Galleria, No. 18-24 Shan Mei Tel 電話:2180 6559 Support Centre Street, Fotan, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:3150 8043 「家兒牽」共享親職支援中心 新界火炭山尾街18-24號沙田商業中心12樓1218室

* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務 98 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 TAI PO 大埔 *38 Jockey Club Tai Po Children & Youth Integrated 1/F & 2/F, Tai Wo Neighbourhood Community Tel 電話:2651 4987 Services Centre Centre, Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po, N.T. Fax 傳真:2650 6904 賽馬會大埔青少年綜合服務中心 新界大埔太和邨太和鄰里社區中心1、2樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

電話: 39 "SMILE" Tai Po Early Education and Training 4/F, Tai Wo Neighbourhood Community Centre, Tai Tel 2653 8772 Centre Wo Estate, Tai Po, N.T. Fax 傳真:2630 8538 「樂牽」大埔早期教育及訓練中心 新界大埔太和邨太和鄰里社區中心4樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

39a "SMILE" On-site Pre-school Integrated Services 4/F, Tai Wo Neighbourhood Community Centre, Tai Tel 電話:2653 8772 (Team 2) Wo Estate, Tai Po, N.T. Fax 傳真:2630 8538 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務(隊二) 新界大埔太和邨太和鄰里社區中心4樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]


電話: 40 Sham Tseng Children & Youth Integrated Services Level 5, Commercial Block Bellagio, 33 Castle Tel 2496 0116 Centre Peak Road, Sham Tseng, N.T. Fax 傳真:2496 0068 深井青少年綜合服務中心 新界青山公路33號深井灣畔碧堤半島碧堤坊5樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]

電話: 41 Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing Family Life Education G/F, Fu Ching House, Tai Wo Hau Estate, Kwai Tel 2481 6316 Office cum Tai Wo Hau Family Activity Centre Chung, N.T. Fax 傳真:2401 3445 荃灣及葵青區家庭生活教育組暨大窩口家庭活動 新界葵涌大窩口邨富靜樓地下 Email 電郵:tkfl[email protected] 中心

TUEN MUN 屯門 *42 Jockey Club Tuen Mun Children & Youth G/F, Tower 1, Phase 2, Tai Hing Gardens, Tuen Tel 電話:2462 3161 Integrated Services Centre Mun, N.T. Fax 傳真:2466 1400 賽馬會屯門青少年綜合服務中心 新界屯門大興花園第2期第1座地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

42a Tuen Mun Small Group Home G/F, Tower 1, Phase 2, Tai Hing Gardens, Tuen Tel 電話:2461 8917 屯門兒童之家 Mun, N.T. Fax 傳真:2466 1400 新界屯門大興花園第2期第1座地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

42b Tin Shui Wai Small Group Home G/F, Tower 1, Phase 2, Tai Hing Gardens, Tuen Tel 電話:2462 3619 天水圍兒童之家 Mun, N.T. Fax 傳真:2466 1400 新界屯門大興花園第2期第1座地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]

YUEN LONG 元朗 電話: 43 BGCA HSBC TSW Children Learning and Support Unit 104, 1/F, Tin Ching Amenity and Community Tel 2445 5899 Centre Building, Tin Ching Estate, Tin Shui Wai, N.T. Fax 傳真:2445 5829 滙豐天水圍兒童學習及發展支援中心 新界天水圍天晴邨天晴社區綜合服務大樓1樓104室 Email 電郵:[email protected]

44 KeySteps@JC Early Childhook Intervention Flat A, 5/F, Wing A, Tin Heng Estate Carpark Tel 電話:2526 0038 Project Building, Tin Shui Wai, N.T. Fax 傳真:2526 0079 賽馬會童亮計劃(早期兒童發展計劃) 新界天水圍天恆邨停車場大樓A翼5樓A室 Email 電郵:[email protected]


電話: 45 Guangzhou Growth Dynamics Social Work Unit 1408, Yuexiu Fortune Building, 152 Xiwan Tel (86) 020-8197 0694 Professional Development and Resource Road, Liwan, Guangzhou, 510098 Email 電郵:[email protected] Centre 廣州市荔灣區西灣路152號越秀財富大廈1408室 廣州市成長動力社會工作專業發展與資源中心 郵政編號 : 510098

* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務 99 Stationing School Social Work Service 駐校社會工作服務學校

Kindergarten 幼稚園

Agnes English Kindergarten Harbour Mission Church Yan Oi Tak Sun Private Kindergarten 雅麗斯英文幼稚園 Kindergarten 德信幼稚園 基督教海面傳道會仁愛幼稚園(幼兒園) Agnes Kindergarten (Grandeur Terrace) Talent Kindergarten 雅麗斯俊宏軒幼稚園 Ho Ching Kindergarten (Sponsored By Sik 天樂幼稚園暨幼兒園 Sik Yuen) Agnes Wise Kindergarten 嗇色園主辦可正幼稚園 Kindergarten 雅麗斯樂思幼稚園 德福幼稚園 Ho Lap Kindergarten (Sponsored By Sik Cheerland Nursery School cum Sik Yuen) The Church of Christ in China Wanchai Kindergarten (Kowloon Bay) 嗇色園主辦可立幼稚園 Church Kindergarten 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(九龍灣) 中華基督教會灣仔堂幼稚園 Ho Oi Day Nursery (Sponsored By Sik Sik Cheerland Nursery School cum Yuen) Tivoli Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten Kindergarten (Tseung Kwan O) 嗇色園主辦可愛幼兒園 宏福中英文幼稚園 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(將軍澳) Ho Shui Kindergarten (Sponsored By Sik Tivoli Kindergarten 宏福幼稚園 Cheerland Nursery School cum Sik Yuen) 嗇色園主辦可瑞幼稚園 Kindergarten (Wanchai) 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(灣仔) Sheung Shui Church Kindergarten Ho Tak Kindergarten (Sponsored By Sik 上水堂幼稚園 Cheerland Nursery School cum Sik Yuen) 嗇色園主辦可德幼稚園 Kindergarten (Wong Tai Sin) St. Paul's Church 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(黃大仙) 聖保羅堂幼稚園 Ho Yan Kindergarten (Sponsored By Sik Chiu Yang Kindergarten Sik Yuen) Sung Kei Kindergarten 嗇色園主辦可仁幼兒園 崇基幼稚園 潮陽幼稚園

Creative Kindergarten Hong Kong 5-S Kindergarten Women's Welfare Club (Eastern District) 香港五常法幼稚園 啟思幼稚園(馬灣) Hong Kong Lai Kwai Tim Day Nursery 香港東區婦女福利會黎桂添幼兒園 CUHK FAA Chan Chun Ha Kindergarten Hong Kong & Macau Regional Centre of 香港中文大學校友會聯會陳震夏幼稚園 the World Fellowship of Buddhists Ltd. Yuen Long Merchants Association 世佛會文殊幼兒學校 Kindergarten 元朗商會幼稚園 CUHK FAA Shun Lung Yan Chak Kindergarten Hong Kong & Kowloon Kalfong 香港中文大學校友會聯會順龍仁澤幼稚園 Women's Association Ting Sun Hui Chiu Yuen Long Public Middle School Alumni Kindergarten Association Lau Leung Sheung Memorial 港九街坊婦女會丁孫慧珠幼稚園 Faith Lutheran Church Kindergarten Kindergarten 元朗公中學校校友會劉良驤紀念幼稚園 深信堂幼稚園 Hop Yat Church Pak Wang Memorial First Assembly of God Church Tin Chak Kindergarten 合一堂陳伯宏紀念幼稚園 Nursery 神召會禮拜堂天澤幼兒園 Kam Tsin Village Ho Tung Kindergarten 金錢村何東幼稚園 Five Districts Business Welfare Association Cheung Chuk Shan Kindergarten 五邑工商總會張祝珊幼稚園 Kwong Lam Baptist Lui Kwok Pat Fong Kindergarten 廣林浸信會呂郭碧鳳幼稚園 Five Districts Business Welfare Association Kindergarten 五邑工商總會幼稚園 Mei Tung Estate On Kee Kindergarten 美東邨安琪幼稚園 Fung Kai Kindergarten 鳳溪幼稚園 NMS Lutheran Kindergarten 基督教挪威差會主辦信義中英文幼稚園

100 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Primary School 小學 Secondary School 中學

Fukien Secondary School Affiliated School Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College 福建中學附屬學校 浸信會永隆中學 保良局羅氏基金中學

Holy Family Canossian School Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College 嘉諾撒聖家學校 College 保良局羅傑承(一九八三)中學 佛教孔仙洲紀念中學 Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated Po Leung Kuk No.1 W.H. Cheung College School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Buddhist Tai Kwong Chi Hong College 保良局第一張永慶中學 Primary School 佛教大光慈航中學 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 Po Leung Kuk Yao Ling Sun College Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary 保良局姚連生中學 San Wui Commercial Society School School 新會商會學校 明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學 Pui Kiu College 培僑書院 Sau Ming Primary School Carmel Holy Word Secondary School 秀明小學 迦密聖道中學 Queen Elizabeth School 伊利沙伯中學 S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School F.D.B.W.A. Szeto Ho Secondary School 聖公會主愛小學 五邑司徒浩中學 Queen's College Old Boys' Association Secondary School S.K.H. Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary H.K.W.M.A. Chu Shek Lun Secondary 皇仁舊生會中學 School School 聖公會呂明才紀念小學 香港布廠商會朱石麟中學 Renaissance College 啟新書院 St. Patrick's School Ho Lap College (Sponsored by Sik Sik 聖博德學校 Yuen) San Wui Commercial Soc. Chan Pak Sha 可立中學(嗇色園主辦) School Taikoo Primary School 新會商會陳白沙紀念中學 太古小學 Hotung Secondary School 何東中學 Semple Memorial Secondary School Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School 深培中學 大角嘴天主教小學 King's College 英皇書院 S.K.H. Leung Kwai Yee Secondary School S.K.H. St. Thomas’ Primary School 聖公會梁季彜中學 聖公會聖多馬小學 Kowloon Technical School 九龍工業學校 S.K.H. Li Ping Secondary School The Independent Schools Foundation 聖公會李炳中學 Academy (Primary) Lai King Catholic Secondary School 弘立書院(小學) 荔景天主教中學 S.K.H. St. Benedict's School 聖公會聖本德中學 Lee Kau Yan Memorial School 李求恩紀念中學 St. Clare's Girls' School 聖嘉勒女書院 Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School Tak Sun Secondary School 嶺南鍾榮光博士紀念中學 德信中學

Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School The Independent Schools Foundation 馬鞍山崇真中學 Academy 弘立書院 Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School 天主教南華中學 T.W.G.Hs. S.C. Gaw Memorial College 東華三院吳祥川紀念中學 N.L.S.I. Lui Kwok Pat Fong College 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學 T.W.G.Hs. Lui Yun Choy Memorial College 東華三院呂潤財紀念中學 Po Chiu Catholic Secondary School 天主教普照中學 Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School 仁濟醫院王華湘中學 保良局蔡繼有學校

101 Acknowledgements 2019-2020 鳴謝

The Association wishes to express its grateful thanks to the following, whose support have made its work possible: 本會謹就下列部門、機構及熱心人士在過去一年來竭誠協助本會推展工作,致以衷心的謝意:

Government Departments / Officials 政府部門

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區政府

Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室

Office of the Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區行政長官辦公室

Business-School Partnership Programme, Hong Kong Police Force Consumer Council Education Bureau 香港警務處 消費者委員會 教育局「商校合作計劃」 Labour Department District Social Welfare Offices Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau 勞工處 社會福利署分區福利辦事處 政制及內地事務局 Leisure and Cultural Services Department Equal Opportunities (Sexual Orientation) Education Bureau 康樂及文化事務署 Funding Scheme 教育局 平等機會(性傾向)資助計劃 Office of the Government Chief Information Home Affairs Bureau Officer Estate Management Advisory Committee 民政事務局 政府資訊科技總監辦公室 of Lai Kok Estate, Hong Kong Housing Authority Innovation and Technology Bureau Regional Crime Prevention Office of 香港房屋委員會麗閣邨屋邨管理諮詢委員會 創新及科技局 Kowloon West, Hong Kong Police Force 香港警務處西九龍總區防止罪案辦公室 Estate Management Advisory Committee Labour and Welfare Bureau of Mei Tin Estate, Hong Kong Housing 勞工及福利局 Sham Shui Po District Planning and Authority Co-ordination Team, Social Welfare 香港房屋委員會美田邨屋邨管理諮詢委員會 Narcotics Division, Security Bureau Department 保安局禁毒處 社會福利署深水埗區策劃及統籌小組 Hong Kong Housing Society Ming Wah Dai Ha Office 18 District Offices, Home Affairs Sham Shui Po District, Hong Kong Police 香港房屋協會明華大廈辦事處 Department Force 十八區民政事務處 香港警務處深水埗警區 Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration Department of Health Social Welfare Department 電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處 衞生署 社會福利署 The Hong Kong Trade Development Family and Child Protective Services, Special Preventive Programme, Centre for Council Social Welfare Department Health Protection, Department of Health 香港貿易發展局 社會福利署保護家庭及兒童服務 衞生署衞生防護中心特別預防計劃

Home Affairs Department 18 District Councils 民政事務總署 十八區區議會

Hong Kong Correctional Services Sham Shui Po District Council 香港懲教署 深水埗區議會

Hong Kong Fire Services Department Yau Tsim Mong District Council 香港消防處 油尖旺區議會

Hong Kong Housing Department 18 District Fight Crime Committees 房屋署 十八區撲滅罪行委員會

102 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Charity Foundations 慈善基金

Beat Drugs Fund Association Koo Tin Lok Charitable Foundation Sun Hung Kai Properties Charitable Fund 禁毒基金會 古天樂慈善基金 Limited 新鴻基地產慈善基金有限公司 Bright Future Charitable Foundation Lee Hysan Foundation 鵬程慈善基金 利希慎基金 Ten Percent Donation Scheme Foundation Child Development Fund Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation 十分關愛基金 兒童發展基金 李錦記家族基金 The D. H. Chen Foundation Community Investment & Inclusion Fund Legan Foundation 陳廷驊基金會 社區投資共享基金 創建大同基金 The Fung Yuet Ngor Charitable Foundation Council for the AIDS Trust Fund Lotteries Fund 愛滋病信託基金委員會 獎券基金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Henderson Development Anti-Epidemic Love U All Charitable Foundation 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 Fund 愛心全達慈善基金 恒基兆業「抗疫基金」 The Hongkong Bank Foundation Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged 滙豐銀行慈善基金 HK.WeCARE 攜手扶弱基金 香港開心D The Keswick Foundation PMA Music Foundation Limited 凱瑟克基金 Hong Kong Community Foundation 樂苗基金有限公司 香港社區基金 The Social Innovation and Quality Education Fund Entrepreneurship Development Fund House of Blessings Foundation Limited 優質教育基金 社會創新及創業發展基金 歡樂之家基金有限公司 Remad Foundation Limited W I Cheung Scholarship Hung Hing Ying and Leung Hau Ling 紀恩基金有限公司 張永賢律師奮進獎學金 Charitable Foundation 孔慶熒及梁巧玲慈善基金 Renaissance Foundation Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation 文藝復興基金會 伍絜宜慈善基金 InspiringHK Sports Foundation 凝動香港體育基金 Sir David Trench Fund for Recreation 戴麟趾爵士康樂基金 K&K Charity 建灝慈善基金

Individuals / Donors 贊助人

Jeffrey ANDREWS CHIN Ching Lan Vera Dr. KEE Chi Hing, JP 錢靜蘭 紀治興博士, JP Audrey CHAN Joe CHIU KUNG Fang David Ingrid CHAN 趙崇基 KWOK Kai Fai Adam CHAN Ming Yiu Samson CHOI Ya Yin 郭基輝 陳明耀 CHOI Yuen-wan KWOK Ping Kwong Thomas 蔡元雲 CHAN Wai Lun 郭炳江

CHAN Yee Men Anne CHONG Ignatius Kum Kong George LAM 陳綺雯 林其東 CHONG Lung Sam CHARK Chi Wing Alexis LAU Hiu Fung Tonny CHU CHENG Muk Lam 朱錦棠 Joseph LAU 鄭木林 劉啟泰 FUNG Ka Keung Karen CHEUNG Patricia LAU 張添珞 HO Kai Hin 劉冼靜儀 何啟軒 CHEUNG Wing Sum Iris LAW 張永森 HON Yam Pang Frankie 103 Kino LAW PONG Yat Ming Henry WU King-cheong, BBS, JP 羅建一 龐一嗚 胡經昌, BBS, JP

LEE Man Ching Khan Mohammad RAZA YEUNG Chi Hung Johnny, MH 簡華 楊志雄, MH LI Hon Hung 李漢雄 SHUM Siu Hung William YEUNG Chiu Yin 沈少雄 LIE Ken Jie Ricky YEUNG Yun STEM Sir 楊潤 LIM S.C. 鄧文瀚 林順忠 YIM Siu Fung Onnie TAI Wan Fung Alex LING Cheuk Nam 戴雲峰 YUEN Ho Yin 袁浩賢 LOUEY Pak Hin Raymond TSOI Yuk Ping 蔡玉平 Maria YUEN MAK Wing Yee Winnie Anthony WONG Tony YUEN MOK Chung Fai, MH, JP 黃健偉 袁達堂 莫仲輝, MH, JP WONG Chun Leung 余顯華 Joe NG 王俊良 俞兆雄 NG Kwai Lun WONG Chung Fu 伍桂麟 黃仲夫 旅遊達人丹尼爾

NG Kwok Shing Peter WONG Ka Ki 漫畫家小雲 伍國成 黃嘉琪

WONG Kit Shuen

Caring Partners 合作伙伴

"Share Respect for Life, Walk Together in Chartered Insurance Institute Hong Kong Department of Social Work, Hong Kong Adversity Project" advisory panel 英國特許保險學院香港 Baptist University 「尊重生命、逆境同行」計劃顧問團隊 香港浸會大學社會工作系 Christian Action Hong Kong Agency for Volunteer Service 香港基督教勵行會 Department of Special Education & 義務工作發展局 Counselling, The Education University of City-Youth Empowerment Project, Hong Kong Australian International School Hong Kong Department of Social and Behavioural 香港教育大學特殊教育與輔導學系 – Support! International Foundation Sciences, City University of Hong Kong 香港澳洲國際學校—國際青年學融基金會 香港城市大學社會及行為科學系城青優權 Eco-Education and Resources Centre 計劃 生態教育及資源中心 Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service 浸信會愛羣社會服務處 Comprehensive Child Development Eldpathy Service, Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth 歷耆者 Big Bang Academy Hospital 伊利沙伯醫院兒科兒童身心全面發展服務 Fantastic Dream Bradbury Hostel, Hong Kong Juvenile Care 網‧想‧正 Centre Concerning CSSA & Low-income Alliance 香港青少年培育會白普理宿舍 關注綜援低收入聯盟 Food Angel by Bo Charity Foundation 惜食堂 Caritas Hong Kong CUHK Business School 香港明愛 香港中文大學商學院 Gender Studies Program, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Caritas Third Age Service Support Network 香港中文大學性別研究課程 明愛第三齡服務支援網絡 裝修學院 Harmony Education Limited Centre on Behavioural Health, Department of Social and Behavioural 學文教育有限公司 The University of Hong Kong Sciences, City University of Hong Kong 香港大學行為健康教研究中心 香港城市大學社會及行為科學系 Helena Beauty Centre 夏蓮娜化粧美容學院

104 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre Hong Kong Lacrosse Association Kowloon West Youth-Care Committee (Neighborhood Level Community 香港棍網球總會 西九龍護青委員會 Development Project) 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心(鄰舍層面社區 Hong Kong Nutrition Association Limited Leadership Qualities Centre - Office 發展部) 香港營養學會有限公司 of Student Affairs, Hong Kong Baptist University HKSL From Deaf Star Hong Kong Occupational Therapy 香港浸會大學學生事務處領袖素質中心 香港手語來自聾星 Association 香港職業治療學會 Legacy Training Limited HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation Leo Club of Hong Kong Citizens 香港大學專業進修學院 香港兒科基金 香港新民青年獅子會

Hong Kong Aerospace Society Hong Kong PHAB Assocation Love V Act 香港航天學會 香港傷健協會 心義行服務社

Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation 香港浸會大學 香港物理治療學會 Association The Wellness Centre (Shatin) 新生精神康復會安泰軒(沙田) Hong Kong Baptist University Academic Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union Community Hall 香港教育專業人員協會 New Territories School Heads Association 香港浸會大學大學會堂 新界校長會 Hong Kong Science Museum Hong Kong Blind Union 香港科學館 Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Princess 香港失明人協進會 Margaret Hospital Hong Kong Shue Yan University 瑪嘉烈醫院婦產科 Hong Kong Children & Youth Services 香港樹仁大學 香港青少年服務處 Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Queen Hong Kong Society of Professional Medical Elizabeth Hospital Hong Kong Christian Service Care 伊利沙伯醫院婦產科 香港基督教服務處 香港專業護理學會 Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Hong Kong Christian Service Fortune Hong Kong Unison 伊利沙伯醫院兒科 Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 香港融樂會 基督教服務處幸福長者鄰舍中心 Postgal Workshop Hong Kong University Alumni Association 貓室 Hong Kong Family Welfare Society 香港大學校友會 Shamshuipo (West) Integrated Family Radio Television Hong Kong Service Centre Hong Kong Wetland Park 香港電台 香港家庭福利會深水埗(西)綜合家庭服 香港濕地公園 務中心 RunOurCity Foundation Limited Hong Kong Young Women's Christian 全城街馬基金會 Hong Kong Financial Planners General Association Union 香港基督教女青年會 S.K.H. Holy Nativity Church Neighbourhood 香港財務策劃人員總工會 Elderly Centre IM Creative 香港聖公會主誕堂長者鄰舍中心 Hong Kong Hair & Beauty Merchants 創想聯萌 Association School of General Nursing, Queen 香港美髮美容業商會 Investor and Financial Education Council Elizabeth Hospital 投資者及理財教育委員會 伊利沙伯醫院普通科護士訓練學校 Hong Kong Institute of Construction 香港建造學院 Junior Chamber International Sha Tin School-based Team, CLAP for Youth@JC, 沙田青年商會 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Design Institute 香港中文大學「賽馬會鼓掌‧創你程計劃」 香港知專設計學院 Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden 校本支援小組 嘉道理農場暨植物園 Hong Kong Institute of Vocational SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie Education (Tsing Yi) Event Ambassador KeyLearning Education (Asia) Limited SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院 香港專業教育學院(青衣)活動大使 啟程教育 (亞洲) 有限公司 SLCO Community Resources Limited Hong Kong International Aviation KIDS4KIDS 語橋社會資源有限公司 Academy 童協基金會 香港國際航空學院 Sportsoho Kowloon Region School Heads Association 運動版圖 Hong Kong Island School Heads 九龍地域校長聯會 Association St. James' Settlement 香港島校長聯會 聖雅各福群會

105 Swire Properties' Community Ambassador The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers – The Law Society of Hong Kong Programme Young Members Committee 香港律師會 太古地產「愛心大使計劃」 香港工程師學會—青年會員事務委員會 The Mushroom Initiative The Art of Living Foundation The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for 菇菌圓 生活的藝術基金會 Suicide Research and Prevention, The University of Hong Kong The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime The Barnabas Charitable Service 香港大學香港賽馬會防止自殺研究中心 Prevention, Hong Kong Association Limited 香港善導會 基督教巴拿巴愛心服務團有限公司 The Hong Kong Paediatric Society 香港兒科醫學會 The University of Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港大學 香港中文大學 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學 Tung Wah College The Conservancy Association 東華學院 長春社 The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation-Community Rehabilitation Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Fong Yun The Hong Kong Association of Banks Network Wah Neighborhood Elderly Centre 香港銀行公會 香港復康會—社區復康網絡 東華三院方潤華長者鄰舍中心

The Hong Kong Committee on Children's The Incorporated Management Committee VolTra Rights of S.K.H. St. Thomas' Primary School 義遊 香港兒童權利委員會 聖公會聖多馬小學法團校董會 Wofoo Social Enterprises The Hong Kong Council of Social Service The Islamic Union of Hong Kong 和富社會企業 香港社會服務聯會 香港伊斯蘭聯會 Women's Welfare Club Western District, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth The Jockey Club School of Public Health Hong Kong, Chung Hok Social Centre For Groups and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The The Elderly 香港青年協會 Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港西區婦女福利會松鶴老人中心 香港中文大學醫學院賽馬會公共衞生及基層 The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors 醫療學院 俊和發展集團明華大廈地盤義工隊 香港測量師學會

Schools 學校

Bo Bo Nursery School CCC Kei Faat Primary School (Yau Tong) Holy Family Canossian School 寶寶幼兒學校 中華基督教會基法小學(油塘) 嘉諾聖撒聖家學校

S.K.H. Holy Nativity Church Kindergarten/ Christian Alliance H.C. Chan Primary Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated Nursery School School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and 聖公會主誕堂幼稚園/幼兒園 宣道會陳元喜小學 Primary School 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 Yau Yat Chuen School Farm Road Government Primary School 又一村學校 農圃道官立小學 Hong Kong Southern District Government Primary School A.D. & F.D. of Pok Oi Hospital Mrs Cheng Five Districts Business Welfare Association 香港南區官立小學 Yam On School School 博愛醫院歷屆總理聯誼會鄭任安夫人學校 五邑工商總會學校 Hong Kong Taoist Association Wun Tsuen School Baptist Rainbow Primary School Free Methodist Mei Lam Primary School 香港道教聯合會雲泉學校 浸信會天虹小學 循理會美林小學 Kowloon City Baptist Church Hay Nien (Yan Bishop Ford Memorial School Fuk Wing Street Government Primary Ping) Primary School 福德學校 School 九龍城浸信會禧年(恩平)小學 福榮街官立小學 Buddhist Wing Yan School Lei Muk Shue Catholic Primary School 佛教榮茵學校 Fukien Secondary School Affiliated School 梨木樹天主教小學 福建中學附屬學校 Carmel School (Shau Kei Wan Campus) Lok Sin Tong Lau Tak Primary School 香港猶太教國際學校(筲箕灣校舍) Good Counsel Catholic Primary School 樂善堂劉德學校 天主教善導小學

106 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Ma On Shan Ling Liang Primary School Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School King's College 馬鞍山靈糧小學 浸信會永隆中學 英皇書院

Ng Clan's Association Tai Pak Memorial Belilios Public School Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School School 庇理羅士女子中學 潔心林炳炎中學 吳氏宗親總會泰伯紀念學校 Buddhist Tai Kwong Chi Hong College Kowloon Technical School Our Lady Of China Catholic Primary School 佛教大光慈航中學 九龍工業學校 天主教佑華小學 Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary Kwai Chung Methodist College S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School School 葵涌循道中學 聖公會主愛小學 明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學 Kwun Tong Government Secondary School S.K.H. Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary Carmel Holy Word Secondary School 觀塘官立中學 School 迦密聖道中學 聖公會呂明才紀念小學 Lai King Catholic Secondary School Carmel School (Shau Kei Wan Campus) 荔景天主教中學 S.K.H. St. Thomas' Primary School 香港猶太教國際學校(筲箕灣校舍) 聖公會聖多馬小學 Lee Kau Yan Memorial School CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School 李求恩紀念中學 San Wui Commercial Society School 中華基督教會方潤華中學 新會商會學校 Ling Liang Church M H Lau Secondary CCC Kei Heep Secondary School School Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School 中華基督教會基協中學 靈糧堂劉梅軒中學 秀茂坪天主教小學 CCC Rotary Secondary School Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Sau Ming Primary School 中華基督教會扶輪中學 Secondary School 秀明小學 嶺南鍾榮光博士紀念中學 Chi Lin Buddhist Secondary School St. Clare's Girls' School 佛教志蓮中學 Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary 聖嘉勒女書院 School China Holiness Church Living Spirit College 樂善堂余近卿中學 St. Francis of Assisi's Caritas School 中華聖潔會靈風中學 聖方濟愛德小學 Lung Cheung Government Secondary Christian Alliance S W Chan Memorial School St. John the Baptist Catholic Primary College 龍翔官立中學 School 宣道會陳朱素華紀念中學 聖若翰天主教小學 Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School Delia Memorial School (Hip Wo No.2 馬鞍山崇真中學 St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School (Po College) Kong Village Road) 地利亞修女紀念學校(協和二中) Maryknoll Fathers' School 聖博德天主教小學(蒲崗村道) 瑪利諾神父教會學校 FDBWA Szeto Ho Secondary School St. Patrick's School 五邑司徒浩中學 Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School 聖博德學校 天主教南華中學 Fukien Secondary School Sung Tak Wong Kin Sheung Memorial 福建中學 Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School School 天主教伍華中學 大埔崇德黃建常紀念學校 HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School 香港聖公會何明華會督中學 NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學 大角嘴天主教小學 Homantin Government Secondary School 何文田官立中學 Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School Taikoo Primary School 天主教伍華中學 太古小學 Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and PHC Wing Kwong College The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Primary School 五旬節聖潔會永光書院 Kong Wo Che Lutheran School 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 基督教香港信義會禾輋信義學校 Po Leung Kuk Celine Ho Yam Tong College Hotung Secondary School 保良局何蔭棠中學 Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School 何東中學 慈雲山天主教小學 Po Leung Kuk Centenary Li Shiu Chung Jockey Club Government Secondary Memorial College Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Sin Chu Wan School 保良局百周年 李兆忠紀念中學 Primary School 賽馬會官立中學 東華三院冼次雲小學 Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College 保良局羅傑承(一九八三)中學

107 Pok Oi Hospital 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Semple Memorial Secondary School The Independent Schools Foundation Hei College 基督教四方福音會深培中學 Academy 博愛醫院八十週年鄧英喜中學 弘立書院 Shek Lei Catholic Secondary School Precious Blood Secondary School 石籬天主教中學 Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary 寶血女子中學 School Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School 將軍澳官立中學 Pui Kiu College (West Kowloon) 培僑書院 官立嘉道理爵士中學(西九龍) Tuen Mun Government Secondary School 屯門官立中學 Qualied College S.K.H. Li Ping Secondary School 匯知中學 聖公會李炳中學 TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College 東華三院呂潤財紀念中學 Queen Elizabeth School St. Clare's Girls' School 伊利沙伯中學 聖嘉勒女書院 Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School S.K.H. St. Mary's Church Mok Hing Yiu St. Paul's School (Lam Tin) 仁濟醫院王華湘中學 College 藍田聖保祿中學 聖公會聖馬利堂莫慶堯中學 Youth College St. Stephen's Church College 青年學院 Sacred Heart Canossian College 聖士提反堂中學 嘉諾撒聖心書院 Society of Boys' Centres Hui Chung Sing Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School Memorial School Salvation Army William Booth Secondary 香港神託會培敦中學 香港扶幼會許仲繩紀念學校 School 救世軍卜維廉中學 Tak Oi Secondary School 德愛中學 San Wui Commercial Society Chan Pak Sha School Tak Sun Secondary School 新會商會陳白沙紀念中學 德信中學

Corporates 企業

ADDOILMUSIC Bokeh Project Hong Kong Chevron Companies (Greater China) 加油 • 音樂 Limited Bonaqua 雪佛龍(大中華)集團有限公司 Ali Baba Provision Store 「飛雪」礦物質水 Chevron Hong Kong Limited Arts with Smile Limited Boss Display Corporation 雪佛龍香港有限公司 童窩藝術有限公司 Bravo Learning Education Centre China Construction Bank Atypic Company Limited 博科教育中心 (Asia) Corporation Limited 愛滌有限公司 中國建設銀行(亞洲)股份有限公司 Bridges Executive Centre Limited Australian Guest House 協橋商務中心有限公司 China Merchants Securities International Company Limited Limited Browny Café 招商證券國際有限公司 親子王國有限公司 咖啡賞館 CLP Power Hong Kong Limited Barista Hong Kong Trading Company Bulbble Inc. Limited 中華電力有限公司 寶士瀅有限公司 BCT Group Coca-Cola BCT 銀聯集團 C2 Innovations & Research Limited 可口可樂 思穎創新科研有限公司 Bentley Communications Limited Coffee by Zion 恒信公關國際有限公司 Celebrate Club Limited Coffee Public Limited Billion Time Enterprise Limited Centaline Property Agency Limited 百得商貿有限公司 中原地產代理有限公司 Concord Alliance Limited 康盟有限公司

108 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Covestro (Hong Kong) Limited Great Ocean Tours and Travel Limited Kowloon EStadium 科思創(香港)有限公司 港珠澳旅遊有限公司 九龍電競館

Credit Suisse (Hong Kong) Limited Green Island Cement Company Limited L'Oréal Hong Kong Limited 瑞士信貸(香港)有限公司 青洲英坭有限公司 歐萊雅香港有限公司

CTF Education Group Limited Hitachi (Hong Kong) Limited Lee Kee Group Limited 周大福教育集團有限公司 香港日立有限公司 利記集團有限公司

Dahood HKCPPCC (Provincial) Members Lok Wah Music Co. Association Limited 樂華琴行 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu 港區省級政協委員聯誼會有限公司 德勤‧關黃陳方會計師行 Lord Master Limited T/A The Sky Bar HKT Limited 爵士有限公司 DKSH Hong Kong Limited 香港電訊有限公司 大昌華嘉香港有限公司 Lotic (HK) Company Limited Hoi Fu Global Printing Limited 龍霆(香港)有限公司 Don't Believe In Style Limited 海富環球印刷有限公司 Lucy Beauty Dustykid Holistic Education Limited 滿堂威

East Trend Holdings Limited Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Many Wells Property Agent Limited 益昌集團有限公司 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 祥益地產代理有限公司

Evolution Wellness (Hong Kong) Limited Hong Kong Education City Limited Mattel East Asia Limited 香港教育城有限公司 Exodus International Company Limited Maybank 依則達國際有限公司 Hong Kong Foodie Tour Limited 馬來亞銀行 香港風味行有限公司 Expert System Holdings Limited Mead Johnson Nutrition (Hong Kong) 思博系統控股有限公司 Hong Kong Tramways Limited Limited 香港電車有限公司 美贊臣營養品(香港)有限公司 Facebook Hongkong-Asia Exhibition (Holdings) Media Asia Film Limited Fitter Sports Company Limited Limited 寰亞電影有限公司 飛騰體育用品有限公司 香港亞洲展覽(集團)有限公司 Megatoni Production Fortune Pharmacal Company Limited Hopewell Real Estate Agency Limited 幸福醫藥有限公司 合和物業代理有限公司 Meiriki JP 日本命力 Free Association Hornington Computers Company 自由空間有限公司 漢科電腦公司 Memorigin Watch Company Limited 萬希泉鐘錶有限公司 Freeing Group International Holdings Hyatt Centric Victoria Harbour Hong Kong Limited 香港維港凱悅尚萃酒店 Milagros Corporation Limited 逃出集團國際控股有限公司 美而高企業有限公司 In Express Expo Limited Fuji Xerox Co. Limited 凌速博覽有限公司 Million Rank (HK) Limited 富士施樂(香港)有限公司 百階(香港)有限公司 J.P. Morgan Fulvo Sports Company Limited 摩根大通 Mobicon Holdings Limited 富豪體育用品有限公司 萬保剛電子集團有限公司 Jing Mei Automotive Limited Gammon Construction Limited 精美汽車工業有限公司 Modern Terminals Limited 金門建築有限公司 現代貨箱碼頭有限公司 Joan Makeup GardenEast Management Limited Morgan Stanley Kerry Properties Limited 摩根士丹利 GFT Group Limited 嘉里建設有限公司 MO's Production Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Kim Eng Securities (Hong Kong) Limited 吉布森律師事務所 金英証券(香港)有限公司 Mr. Steak

GODIVA Chocolatier KL Home Care Limited MTR Corporation Limited 歌帝梵巧克力 健樂護理有限公司 香港鐵路有限公司

109 MUJI BOOKS Reckitt Benckiser Hong Kong Limited Swire Properties Limited 無印良品 利潔時有限公司 太古地產有限公司

My Meat Run Buddy Recruit & Company Limited Swire Resources Limited 走肉.朋友 太古資源有限公司 Recruit Advertising Limited New Idol Group 才庫廣告有限公司 T.E.B. Company Limited 楹慧(國際)有限公司 New Tokyo Hostel Recruit Production Limited 新東京旅舍 才庫媒體有限公司 Tea's Matter 一口茶事 New World Development Company Limited Richful Deyong Corporate Management 新世界發展有限公司 Limited Telstra Foundation 瑞豐德永企業管理有限公司 New World First Ferry Services Limited Telstra International Limited 新世界第一渡輪服務有限公司 Rosewood Hotel Group 澳大利亞國際有限公司 瑰麗酒店集團 Newtech Technology Holdings Limited The AIA Great European Carnival 創建科技控股有限公司 Royal Bank of Canada 友邦歐陸嘉年華 加拿大皇家銀行 Nice Property Management Limited The Bank of East Asia, Limited 嘉怡物業管理有限公司 Sandhu Hotel Legend Guest House 東亞銀行有限公司 Seamatch Asia Limited Norton Rose Fulbright 海配亞洲有限公司 The Commercial Press (Hong Kong) Limited Nusty Coffee Bar Seedland International Limited 商務印書館(香港)有限公司 一口田有限公司 The Express Lift Company Limited Oh!爸媽 ServiceOne Limited 捷運電梯有限公司 領先科技服務有限公司 OKIAN Optical Company Limited The Great Eagle Development and Project 瞳視一家眼鏡有限公司 Sham Tseng Yue Kee Restaurant Management Limited 深井裕記飯店 鷹君發展及策劃管理有限公司 Otis Elevator Company (H.K.) Limited 奧的斯電梯 (香港) 有限公司 Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking 新菱(香港)有限公司 Corporation Limited Outward Bound Hong Kong 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 香港外展訓練學校 SIGMA Elevator (HK) Limited 星瑪電梯(香港)有限公司 The ONE Overseas Management Company (Asia) Limited Silverlit Toys Manufactory Limited The Orch Academy 奧華思註冊代理集團 銀輝玩具製品廠有限公司 樂‧演奏學院

Pat's Pet Grooming Sing Tao News Corporation Limited The Royal Workshop 星島新聞集團有限公司 譽滿潮禮品公司 Pearson Hong Kong 培生香港 Sino United Publishing (Holdings) Limited The Wave 聯合出版(集團)有限公司 PressLogic Limited Thong Sia Watch Company Limited 邏輯媒體科技有限公司 Snow Brand Hong Kong Company Limited 通城鐘錶有限公司 雪印香港有限公司 Pro-Fit Nutrition & Wellness Three Garden Road Spa Resources Company Limited 花園道三號 Project Roll-Up 銀塩捲動 Standard Chartered (Hong Kong) Limited TK Group (Holdings) Limited 渣打銀行(香港)有限公司 東江集團(控股)有限公司 Qi computer Technologies limited 好奇電腦科技有限公司 Stanford Hotel Hong Kong Tradeport Hong Kong Limited 香港仕德福酒店 香港商貿港有限公司 QnS Consultancy Limited 科量顧問有限公司 STEMex Limited Trumptech (Hong Kong) Limited 尊科(香港)有限公司 Rawcraft handmade Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited 新鴻基地產發展有限公司 UA Cinema Re:echo Asia Pacific Limited 藝高亞太有限公司 Sun Ya Publications (HK) Limited Unilever Hong Kong Limited 新雅文化事業有限公司 香港聯合利華有限公司

110 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Urban Pack Hostel Weirdo Creative Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) 蘇黎世保險(香港) V2 Wellness Group Company Limited Windsor House 皇室堡 手日土咖啡室 Vega Global Winton Financial Limited 和記餐廳 Videocom Technology (HK) Limited 運通泰財務有限公司 腦博仕(香港)有限公司 三丑堂 Yellow Bus Visible Record Limited 黃巴士 采風電影有限公司 Zensis Limited Vitasoy International Holdings Limited 昇科有限公司 維他奶國際集團有限公司 Zitison Limited WAIGO Model Hobbies Limited 偉高模型有限公司

Caring Partners outside Hong Kong 境外合作伙伴

Children and Youth Section, Social Welfare Department, New Taipei City Government 新北市政府社會局兒童少年福利科

Cultural Affairs Bureau, Macao Special Administrative Region Government 澳門特別行政區政府文化局

Social Services Innovation Centre of Shunde Junan 佛山市順德區均安鎮社會服務創新中心

Taiwan Alliance for Advancement of Youth Rights and Welfare 社團法人台灣少年權益與福利促進聯盟

The Women's General Association of Macau 澳門婦女聯合總會

Women's and Children's Working Committee of Shenzhen Longgang District Office 深圳市龍崗區婦女兒童工作委員會辦公室

All relevant schools for supporting our school social work service; All sponsors, advertisers, organisations, schools and all members of the public who have supported our annual appeal; The local newspapers, T.V., radio broadcasting stations and digital media for promoting our activities; and All our benefactors, voluntary workers, supporters and staff.

有關學校支持本會學校社會工作; 各廣告客戶、商行、學校及社會各界熱心人士在周年籌款活動如售旗日所給予的支持; 各大報刊、電視台、電台及電子傳媒協助推廣本會各項工作及活動; 各善長、義務工作者、支持者及本會屬下同工的勤懇工作。

111 Outstanding Performance Staff 2019 2019 年優異工作表現員工

Au Chung Sze 區頌詩 Lam Yau Yee 林幼儀 Tong Wai Yee Leann 湯慧儀 Au Yuen Mei 區婉薇 Lam Yin Shan 林燕珊 Tou Chun Him 杜俊謙 Chan Mei Yi 陳美兒 Lam Yuen Hang 林婉衡 Tsang Ho Yin Vincent 曾浩然 Chan Pik Fai 陳碧輝 Lau Chim Chu 柳暹珠 Tse Kit Hung 謝杰雄 Chan Shun Lai Carol 陳純麗 Lau Ho Yuen 劉浩源 Wan Kit Ying 溫潔盈 Chan Siu Mei 陳小薇 Lau Sin Yee 劉善宜 Wong Chi Lam 黃志霖 Chan Wing Chi 陳詠芝 Lau Yin Fong 劉燕芳 Wong Choi Meng 黃翠明 Chan Wing Lam 陳詠琳 Lee King San 李敬燊 Wong Kin Bong 黃健邦 Chan Yuen Wing 陳婉穎 Lee Shun Hang 李信恒 Wong Mee Lin 黃美蓮 Chang Man Lee Mary 張敏莉 Leong Pou Sang 梁寶生 Wong Miu Yee 黃妙宜 Chang Wan Yan 張尹茵 Leung Chun Fong Rainnie 梁振芳 Wong Sau Ling 王秀玲 Chau Pik Wan 周碧雲 Leung Wai Yu 梁惠茹 Wong Ying Kit 黃英傑 Cheng Kit Chun 鄭潔珍 Leung Wing Fai 梁永輝 Yau Sin Hang 邱善行 Cheuk Tsz Yeung 卓子揚 Li Fuk Yau 李福有 Yeung Lok Wai 楊樂維 Choi Chi Seng 蔡志成 Li Po Ngor 李寶娥 Yeung Wing Man 楊穎雯 Chow Wing Sum 周詠琛 Li Yuk King 李玉琼 Yiu Kai Lok 姚佳樂 Chung Lai Kuen 鍾麗娟 Lin Yiqi 林旖琦 Yu Wai King 余惠琼 Chung Wai Lun Adino 鍾威麟 Liu Wing Yee 廖詠怡 Yue Wing Lung 余穎龍 Chung Yan Kit 鍾仁傑 Lo Chung Man 盧頌雯 Yuen Wing Yee 袁穎儀 Fong Ka Ki 方嘉琪 Lok Wai Yee Eva 駱慧儀 Ho Ka Tat 何家達 Lou Wing Yee 盧詠儀 Ho Lok Ting 何洛婷 Ma Yeuk Nung 馬若儂 Ho Yuet Kwai 何月桂 Miu Sze Man 苗施敏 Hung Lai Yin 洪麗賢 Mok Chau Sum Virginia 莫秋心 Hung Ngai Huen 洪藝烜 Ng Chatita 吳惠嫻 Ip Wing Kei 葉穎琦 Ng Ching Ting Rachel 吳靜婷 Koo Yin Ling 古燕玲 Ng Fung Ping 吳鳳萍 Kum Kar Yee 甘嘉怡 Ng Kai Yin 伍啟賢 Kung Shun Mei 龔順美 Ng Kwok Kai 吳國啟 Kung Yee Hei Charmaine 龔爾晞 Ng Wing Kam 吳詠琴 Kwok Man Ching 郭蔓菁 Pang Hoi Kuan 彭凱筠 Kwok Yuen Yan 郭婉恩 Pang Ka Yi 彭嘉怡 Lai Hoi Yi 黎凱儀 Siu Lai Na 蕭麗娜 Lai Kam Ling 黎金玲 Suen Suk Wan 孫淑雲 Lam Chi Tim Timmy 林志添 Tam Chi Wing 譚志穎 Lam Kin Kong 林建剛 Tam Ling Shan 譚靈珊 Lam Kwan Kit 林崑傑 Tam Oi Man 譚愛雯 Lam Pui Yee 林珮兒 Tong Chun 唐峻

112 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報