ANNUAL REPORT 2019 20 Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. Helen Keller 希望 看到不一樣,體驗未知的旅程,實現無限可能。 1 CONTENT 目錄 ABOUT US 3 Family Life Education 64 關於我們 家庭生活教育 Specialised Co-parenting Support Centre Key Figures of the Year 2019 - 2020 5 64 年度重要數字 共享親職支援中心 Small Group Homes Chairman’s Message 6 65 主席的話 兒童之家 School Social Work Service Executive Director’s Report 8 65 總幹事報告 學校社會工作服務 Counselling Service Business Review 2019 - 2020 11 67 業務回顧 輔導服務 Youth Outreach Service Financial Highlights 19 67 財務摘要 青少年外展服務 Cyber Youth Support Team Corporate Governance Structure 23 69 機構管治架構 網上青年支援隊 Camp Service Organisation Chart 24 70 組織結構 營舍服務 Mainland Service Corporate Governance Members 25 71 機構管治成員 內地服務 Research and Advocacy 71 FEATURE STORIES 29 研究及倡議 專題故事 SPECIAL PROJECTS 72 Capturing the Golden Age for Child Growth; Paving 32 the Way for a Healthy Growth 特別項目 把握成長發展的黃金歲月 Early Childhood Intervention 73 輔助學前兒童健康成長 及早介入 Encouraging Youth Innovation in Pursuit of a 38 Alleviating Child Poverty 74 Common Good of Society 關注貧窮兒童 鼓勵青年創新 營造共善社會 Fostering Child and Youth Mental Health 76 Walking with Emotionally Distressed Teenagers Days 44 and Nights 關注兒童及青少年精神健康 與情緒困擾青少年同行的日與夜 Assisting Children with Special Educational Needs 79 支援特殊學習需要兒童 Finding Opportunities amid Diculties: Social 50 Services Going Digital during Pandemic Encouraging Social Participation 81 疫情影響服務變陣 造就網上服務新契機 鼓勵兒童社會參與 STEMCA 83 SERVICE INITIATIVES 55 六系創技 服務動態 Career & Life Planning 84 Parent Child LINK - Specialised Co-parenting 56 生涯規劃 Support Centre Scholarship Schemes 85 「家兒牽」共享親職支援中心 獎學金計劃 "SMILE" On-site Pre-school Intergrated Services 57 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務 APPENDICES 91 Jockey Club Arts Make SENse Programme 58 附錄 賽馬會藝術有SENse計劃 Service Points 92 Jockey Club SENCO@Community 59 服務點分佈 賽馬會社區星導計劃 Contacts of Service Units 93 CORE SERVICES 60 服務單位聯絡 核心服務 Stationing School Social Work Service 100 駐校社會工作服務學校 Centre Services 61 Acknowledgements 2019 - 2020 102 中心服務 鳴謝 Pre-school Education and Service 63 Outstanding Performance Sta 2019 112 學前教育及服務 2019年優異工作表現員工 Pre-school Rehabilitation Services 63 學前兒童康復服務 I hope I can be a warm-hearted person. 我希望成為一個有溫度的人。 Student CHAN Yee Nam 陳依楠同學 3 About Us 關於我們 Founded in 1936, The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) 香港小童群益會創立於 1936 年,屬本地歷史 is one of the longest serving local non-government organisations dedicated to 最悠久的兒童服務機構之一。本著「培育新一 the welfare of children and youth. 代.攜手創未來」的宗旨,本會一直關注兒 童及青少年的身心均衡發展及推動營造有利 Our mission to achieve a balanced and happy environment for the nurturing 兒童成長的社會環境,讓他們健康快樂成長。 and growth of our young - physically, intellectually and emotionally - has never wavered in our focus of “Nurture the Young, Create the Future”. 因應社會環境的急速發展,本會近年的服務 推動「及早介入」概念,特別針對為學前或 In response to rapid changes of our social milieu in recent years, BGCA has established new services in the context of early childhood intervention offered 有特別成長需要的兒童提供服務,同時亦加 to children at pre-school age, those with special educational needs and their 強家庭及家長支援的工作。 families requiring enhanced parenting support. 透過遍佈全港超過 140 個服務點的廣泛網絡, BGCA currently delivers services in Hong Kong through over 140 service 本年度本會服務人數超過 190,000 名,會員 points and reaches over 190,000 people this year, including over 70,000 人數超過 7 萬,力求發揚本會「群策.群力. members, thus pursuing likewise our coverage of “BGCA All The Way”. 群益」的信念。 4 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Our Vision and Mission 本會訂定的四大服務宗旨 To help children and youth attain a well-balanced moral, intellectual, 關注兒童及青少年身心均衡發展 physical, social and aesthetic development 培育兒童及青少年成為對社會有貢獻的公民 To nurture children and youth to become contributing citizens 加強家庭的功能 To strengthen the functioning of families 促進家長和社會人士對兒童及青少年的關 To raise parental and social awareness of our younger generation’s 注,特別是處於不利環境的組群;與服務對 welfare, particularly of disadvantaged groups, and to strive for the rights to 象及社會人士攜手,為他們爭取應有的權利 which they are entitled, through concerted efforts with service recipients 和福利 and the general public Our key work foci 本年度本會的服務重點包括 Early childhood intervention 及早介入 Alleviating child poverty 關注貧窮兒童 Fostering child and youth mental health 關注兒童及青少年精神健康 Assisting children with special educational needs 支援特殊學習需要兒童 Encouraging social participation 鼓勵兒童社會參與 STEMCA 六系創技 Career & life planning 生涯規劃 Key Figures of the Year 2019 - 20 年度重要數字 Finance 財政 TotalIncome總收入 HR 人力資源 History 歷史 $642,082,000 Employeesapproximately Service Points 員工人數約有 服務點 84 years TotalExpenditure 總支出 $566,954,000 1,130 140+ Programmes/ Initiatives 活動 Programme Attendance Serving 服務人數 14,773 活動出席人次 199,271 Programmes Sessions Children,YouthandParents 活動節數 969,136 兒童、青少年和家長 85,056 Volunteers 義工 Research and Scholarships and Service Partners 9,659 Advocacy papers Awards 合作伙伴 Volunteering Hours 研究及倡議文件出版數目 獎學金和獎項頒發數目 500 義工服務時數 6(Published) 253 (Given) 84,143 5 Chairman’s Message 主席的話 Dr NG Yin-ming, Chairman of Executive Committee 吳彥明醫生 執行委員會主席 It was 84 years ago when The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) was established, but if one only looked at the passion and fervour of its staff, one would think time has barely passed. Throughout all these years, we have stayed true to our mission of ‘Nurture the Young, Create the Future’, and upheld the spirit of ‘BGCA All the Way’, as we work to create a future that promises joy and happiness for our children and youth. In times of rapid social developments, it becomes even more critical for a service organisation to exercise foresight and stay many steps ahead. Over the past year, in view of social changes, BGCA focused on the holistic development of our children and youth, with emphasis on developing their resilience, and providing a healthy and happy environment for them to grow. Resilience is akin to our immune system – the earlier it is developed in childhood, the more resilient one would be when tackling various adversities and problems later in life. If the youth of our society learn to face challenges with a positive attitude, they will be much less prone to tendencies such as depression, substance abuse and suicide. 不經不覺,香港小童群益會已經走過 84 個寒 In that regard, in addition to continuously optimising our regular services, the 暑。這些年來,同工服務的熱誠依舊不變, BGCA Board and Management crafted a visionary blueprint to put forward two 秉持「培育新一代.攜手創未來」的宗旨, key strategies in our service development over the next five years: (1) Promote 以「群策、群力、群益」的精神,繼續為兒 holistic development, be a forerunner in the area of child-centred early 童的未來謀幸福。 intervention services and; (2) Ensure the emotional and mental well-being of children and youth, as well as their families, by leveraging evidence-based 當社會瞬息萬變,服務機構更要高瞻遠矚。 approaches that focus on a person’s potential, and mental health services that 過去一年,本會因應社會環境轉變,致力推 focus on holistic rehabilitation, to meet new challenges brought forth by the 動全人發展,提升兒童及青少年的抗逆力, global pandemic and social developments. We hope that our approach will 創造健康快樂的成長環境。抗逆力有如身體 help to create an environment that encourages well-rounded development for 的免疫力,能夠越早在兒童階段建立,長大 the common good of mankind. 後就越能抵抗不同的困難、逆境。青少年學 懂用正面態度迎接挑戰,將來可以減少抑鬱、 Child-Centred Early Interventions Ensure Solid 濫藥、自殺等問題。 Foundation in Childhood 為此,本會董事會及管理層規劃出一個宏觀的 Nobel Prize winning economist James Heckman has pointed out in his 發展藍圖,除持續優化恆常服務外,我們在 writings the importance of quality early childhood development. In Chinese, 未來五年將有兩大服務發展策略:(一)推 we also have the saying “Life at eighty was determined at the age of three.” We believe providing pertinent services to children during their critical period 動全人發展,成為業界「兒童為本及早介入」 of early development not only improves their academic performance, but also 服務的先驅者;(二)促進兒童、青少年及 lays a strong foundation for their physical and mental health. 其家庭的情緒及精神健康,推動實證為本、 潛能導向、重視身心復元的精神健康服務, As one of the earliest advocates of ‘child-centred early interventions’, BGCA 以回應全球疫情及社會變化所帶來的新挑戰, hopes to provide children with a safe and healthy environment that nourishes 共同締造有利全人發展的成長及共善環境。 them physically and enriches them through learning. We hope to do so by incorporating the Nurturing Care Framework in the design and provision of our 兒童為本及早介入 services in our children service, four nursery schools-cum-kindergartens and 鞏固兒童全面培育基礎 parent support service, and practising Responsive Caregiving. In general, we 諾貝爾經濟學得獎者詹姆士.赫克曼(James observe that first-time parents and dual-income couples appear to lack the Heckman)的論述指出兒童早期發展,尤其 skills and knowledge relating to early childhood development, which results in them facing many challenges in the course of raising their children. To support 是幼兒階段的重要性。所謂「三歲定八十」, first-time parents, BGCA is equipping them with the necessary parenting skills 在兒童成長發展的黃金期提供適切服務,不 at the grassroots level in the community, including integrated service centres, 但可以及早改善他們的學習表現,亦為兒童 outreaching social work services, family life education centres, and so on. 的身體機能及精神健康奠定良好的根基。 6 BGCA Annual Report 2019 - 2020 香港小童群益會年報 Providing Resources for Special Needs Children 香港小童群益會是提倡「兒童為本及早介 and Those from Lower-Income Families 入」的先導者,我們將來希望在轄下幼兒服 務、四間幼兒園暨幼稚園及家長支援服務著 According to 2018 figures, the poverty rate among Hong Kong children was 手,以全面培育式照顧框架(Nurturing Care as high as 16.8%; 58,860 children and youth of school age under 18 years Framework)設計及提供機構服務,確保兒 had special educational needs, and this figure is set to rise. This underscores 童在健康、營養、安全、學習及具同理共感 the urgency of providing support to families that lack a conducive environment 的育養(Responsive Caregiving)環境下成 to bring up their young. Equipped with many years of practical experience, research, service
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