Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 101: 787-810, September 1989
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Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 101: 787-810, September 1989 BOLOMETRIC LUMINOSITIES AND COLORS FOR Κ AND M DWARFS AND THE SUBLUMINOUS STARS OF THE HALO JESSE L. GREENSTEIN Palomar Observatory and Department of Astronomy, California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California 91125 Received 198 ABSTRACT This review deals with the H-R diagrams of dM, sdK, and sdM proper-motion stars. It depends heavily on the rapid growth in precision of small parallaxes, combining them with various photome- try to produce different types of H-R diagrams. Given my multichannel spectrophotometry and published mid-infrared filter photometry, a method for integrating energy distributions (including blanketing) by using discrete weights is developed. The bolometric corrections are evaluated at various wavelengths; an easy method is proposed for obtaining luminosities even if the star lacks infrared data. The various color-luminosity diagrams show that the high-velocity, low-metallicity stars of the halo are clearly subluminous. They are found to be bluer and brighter than low-mass OD m analogs; the apparent cutoff in the halo is close to Mbol = 12 . Well-known OD stars are far redder, reaching Mbol = 13?7. In both populations, the lowest luminosities observed are near those predicted with an energy-generation cutoff at low masses. A crucial test is proposed—examining the faintest stars in metal-poor globular clusters, where the predicted cutoff is accessible with the space telescope. Comparison of disk and halo stars with the theoretical model interiors for low-mass stars proves difficult, problems arising from a still poorly known effective temperature scale. The observed speed of halo stars, exceeding 425 km s1, confirms that the escape velocity from the Galaxy is high. Key words: stars: luminosities-stars: subdwarfs-stars: high velocity 1. Introduction reduced proper motion, H, were observed. Of 450 stars, Accumulation of data on the faint red stars makes it now 275 had usable parallaxes; 140 of these had published IR possible to study some of the physical properties of dK magnitudes, so 140 bolometric magnitudes could have and dM stars of various populations. I here analyze a been determined by integrating the full flux distribution. combination of my multichannel spectrophotometer A simplified method exists, discussed below; I here deter- (MCSP) observations, published mid-IR magnitudes, and mine Mbol for 71 stars with full data which then serve to parallaxes that lead to the relation between bolometric calibrate bolometric corrections to be applied. Many of these stars are close neighbors; for them other data will be magnitude Mbol and various colors. An MCSP observing program with the Hale 5-meter reflector, completed in found in the Gliese (1969) and Gliese and Jahreiss (1979) 1979, gave data on 450 proper-motion stars selected by catalogs. Sample MCSP energy distributions are in size of their reduced proper motions (H = m + 5 + Greenstein (1978); a preliminary review, in Greenstein 5 log μ). These are mostly from the Lowell Observatory (1989), outlines broadly a range of observational and theo- Proper Motion Survey (Giclas, Burnham, and Thomas retical problems of the lower main sequence as I now view 1971, 1978); those catalogs were complete to mpg = 16?5 them. A valuable, and much broader, general review with and motions of 0'/26 per annum but do not cover the entire extensive bibliography is Liebert and Probst (1987). sky. I observed all Lowell northern stars with μ > Γ.Ό The sample is not ideal for studies requiring statistical together with a random selection with 0'/5 < μ < Γ.Ό completeness but was not thought to be seriously biased selected by large H, some at negative declinations. The except by the magnitude limit of the Lowell catalogs. program was in part a search for new, faint yellow and red With one goal study of halo dwarfs special emphasis was degenerates and colors LC = 1,2 were preferentially placed on selection for high tangential motion {vt ^ 150 selected in the sample with motions less than 1". This km s1). Unfortunately, few such stars prove to have proved fortunate, supplying many subdwarfs. Some published IR data; at a given color, old-disk outnumber fainter LHS stars (Luyten 1979), of particularly large halo stars by ~ 1000, the latter will be 5m fainter (and, 787 © Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 788 JESSE L. GREENSTEIN therefore, missing from various source lists). It appears, working on these important problems. Perhaps the data in fact, that published IR data have been not only severely here presented will help stimulate their labor. brightness limited but particularly rare for high-velocity stars. In the direct determination of bolometric luminosi- 2. Sources of Data ties I have included almost every known high-velocity The MGSP provides an overabundance of data, 64 or northern star with complete data, some fainter LHS stars, 128 points; limiting measurements to seven representa- and a few candidate "brown dwarfs". To balance these a tive points proves adequate. These were selected as spots group of high-velocity stars was added, whose Mbol could with least possible blanketing in data taken at 80 A or be calibrated by a method based on those stars having IR 160 A resolution. Table 1 gives the nomenclature, origi- data. Early discussions of subluminous red stars are Eg- nally chosen for my work on the white dwarfs, but with gen (1968, 1969) and Greenstein (1969). some points shifted onto maxima between TiO bands. The work of Berriman and Reid (1987, hereafter BR) These points are identified either by names or by fre- marks an important step forward in the technique of using quency, the latter always given in square brackets [ ], mid-IR information to obtain Mbol. Their modest-resolu- with units inverse microns. The peaks were selected near tion IR spectroscopy demonstrated the existence of H2O central wavelengths of common broad-band systems. My bands with strengths like those predicted by Mould s R is at a narrow, only partly clear peak; is at the most (1976a,¿) model atmospheres. These bands affect Mbol nearly clear peak in the red, but possibly affected by Ha significantly; allowance for H2O is made by BR and in the emission; Β has been shifted to avoid 4227 A of Ga I. present study, thus improving the Greenstein, Neuge- Mould (1976a, 1978) used some of these same high bauer, and Becklin (1970) least-squares blackbody fit, a spots to compute "continuum" fluxes in his models to ν ^ method also used by Veeder (1974). We must look at this [1.712]. The data reductions were on the original Oke- in some detail since the temperature scale for the dM's Schild AB69 system, but corrections to AB79 are negligi- remains an elusive, most important problem. How signif- ble on the scale of colors of red stars. (A word of excuse icant is a least-squares blackbody fit for temperature, may be in order; over 100 tapes of my MGSP observations given the severely nonblackbody shape of the energy were lost during a building modernization, so rereduction distributions? In the use of L = L may be obtained was impossible. Digital and graphical outputs were, for- accurately by integration of the fluxes. But depressed tunately, preserved. All data had to be typed into the fluxes in bands and lines affect the shape strongly enough computer. Such are the hazards of electronic data re- that decisions must be made how to weight data points in trieval.) The AB system gives fluxes in meaningful energy determining reff. Specifically, BR determine Teíí, fitting units, millijanskies or cgs. But the IR magnitudes are Planck curves of equal area; I quote "normalized to the published on scales with Vega set at 0m; the Gal tech flux density at 2.2 μιη (assumed to measure the stellar calibration to place them on an energy scale, additive to continuum)". An approximately equivalent method of fix- filter magnitudes (see Table 1), give AB such that, like the ing the temperature is to compute with the Planck func- MGSP magnitudes, fluxes are derived from: tion, BV{T), a bandwidth Δν(Γ) such that, after assuming logio/v^ -0.4 XABV +6.56 . (1) that the observed flux FK = BK{T), the correct luminosity, 26 -1 2 -1 L = FKX Δν(Τ), is obtained. It proved difficult in practice Here fluxes are in mjy, i.e., HT ergs s cnT Hz . On to obtain a useful parameter Δν to describe adequately this physical scale, in which the mid-IR magnitudes are the mid-IR fluxes, from the limited observations made written in lower case, colors are {j — h) = {J — H) — 0?46; through filters at arbitrary fixed intervals. The blackbody energy distribution narrows at low temperatures, table 1 through the exp — (hv/kT) factor, and might be fitted if Nomenclature and Properties of Standard Wavelength Bands used in Multichannel Spectrophotooetry; Calibration enough spectrophotometric data (low resolution) were of the Mid-IR Filter Bands to the AB Scale available. An empirical Δ ν is also affected by the (largely IR AB Relation nU unknown) shape of infrared absorption bands. Formal (microns) (inverse errors of the BR fits are satisfactorily small, ± 110 K, but microns) the systematic errors in Te{[ may be appreciably larger, M m nFtt+3.42 4.8 0.208 L 1 1=1.+2.79 3.5 .286 given the restriction on the least-squares method im- Κ k ksR+l.87 2.2 .454 posed by the heavy weight ascribed the 2.2-μιη data. A H h h=H+1.36 1.65 .606 J j jeJ+0.90 1.25 .800 direct fit to theoretical model atmospheres including I* 1.00 1.000 H2O, TiO, MgH, and CaH bands and the myriads of I 0.8265 1.21 R 0.7102 1.408 atomic lines would be ideal; ample data exist to justify R* 0.6579 1.52 V 0.5405 1.85 such a program.