2013 CALENDAR of EVENTS ONE-TIME EVENTS (March 13Th, 2013)
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2013 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ONE-TIME EVENTS (March 13th, 2013) APRIL April 27 37th Annual Festival of the Maples Car Show, Perth, ON. Enter via Wilson Street from 8:00 A.M. until late morning. Dash Plaques to the first 50 Vehicles. Check with the Chamber of Commerce at 613-267-3200 or under “Festivals” at www.perthchamber.com For further information on the Car Show, contact Mike Alberty at [email protected] or 613-267-7784 or Bill Fossey at 613-812- 8780. April 27-28 Ottawa Classic & Custom Car Show, Ernst & Young Centre (CE Centre) 4899 Uplands Drive near the Airport. Detailed information and registration forms are on the website: www.OttawaClassicCustomCarShow.ca or by contacting Dave Brown at 613-860-8687 or via e-mail at: [email protected] MAY May 4 Osgoode Tire’s 8th Annual Show ‘n’ Shine and BBQ - 2605 Stagecoach Road at Snake Island Road. 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Free Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and Refreshments. 10% of all tire sales that day to the Ride for Dad. For further information, call 613-821-2953 or www.osgoodetire.ca May 4 - 5 Stirling Swap Meet, Stirling, Ontario. Contact Jason Detlor at 613-921-2402. May 17-19 Clayton Auto Extravaganza, Clayton, N.Y. hosted by Highways Legends Car, Truck and Bike Club. For information and registration forms, check their website at www.highwaylegends.us or call Rick Mentry at 315-771-7807. May 18 Monkey Joe's Car Show. Carling Avenue at the Westgate Shopping Centre 4:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Open to all makes and models. Sponsored by Wicked Garage. All free. Dash plaques, door prizes and discounted meals. Contact: Larry Way at 613-446-4717 or [email protected] May 19 Wicked Garage Open House and Cruise-In, Greely. 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Charity BBQ and Door Prizes. Contact 613-788-3701 for more information. May 25-26 Rideau Lakes ACCCC Flea Market, Craft Sale & Car Show (on the 26th). Lombardy Fairgrounds on Hwy 15 - 4 miles S.W. of Smiths Falls. www.rideaulakes-acccc.com and [email protected]. Contact Terry Irish at 613-283-3409 ([email protected]) for general information. For the Car Show, contact Henry or Lori Schur at 613-283-2833 or 613-284-1168 ([email protected]). May 26 Denny’s Charity Show ‘n’ Shine, South Keys, Ottawa. 4:00 P.M. until Dusk. Proceeds to Big Brothers / Big Sisters. Dash Plaques and Door Prizes. Contact Jeff Billard at 613-806-1670 or [email protected] May 26 Canadian Classic Cars Annual Show, Wendover, ON. 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Contact Paul Dube at 613-673-2277 or www.canadianclassiccars.ca or [email protected] JUNE June 2 Byward Market Auto Classic, Ottawa, ON. 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Contact: Katherine at 613-562-3325 or [email protected]. Advance registration fee of $10. includes goodie bag, dash plaque, door prizes and proceeds to charity. Limited space available !! First come – first served !! June 3 St. Lawrence Automobile Club, Lapping Day at Shannonville Race Track. 9:00 AM until 5:00. PM. 3 Groups, Instructors available for in-car training. Check with Eric Brunner at 613-376-1538 or [email protected] for Registration Information as well as safety requirements, helmets, etc… The website can also be checked at www.stlac.ca June 6 - 9 BUSFUSION - a Volkswagen Camper Camping Event, Almonte Fairgrounds, Almonte, ON. Activities for the entire weekend are at: www.BusFusion.com. Contact Erwin Schouten at 519-623-9488 or e-mail: [email protected]. June 8 Cruise In for Cancer. 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Morrisburg Waterfront. Contact Brian Erratt (613) 543-2261 or [email protected] June 8 1st Annual D.J.’S Auto - Blair Rendell Memorial Car Show at D.J.’s Auto, 1359 Coker Street, Greely, Ontario. 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, 50/50 Draw and Door Prizes. For further information, contact Jeff Pelletier at 613-406-1442. June 9 Auto-Show Quyon . By the same people who did the Alymer Auto-Show for 20 years. Location – Quyon Recreational Park. Easily accessed by the Quyon Ferry from Fitzroy Harbour. $10. Entry Fee. Free dash plaques and the first 100 entries will receive a commemorative T-Shirt. Contact: J.P. Sylvestre at 819-684-9406 or 613-327-3939. E-mail address is [email protected] June 12 Corvette Night at the Wednesday Night Cruise Night, OLG Slots, Rideau Carleton Raceway. All Corvettes welcome ! Parking on the lower level accessible from left side of building only. Contact Wendy Hall at [email protected] June 14-16 FCA Ottawa Ferrari Festival, Preston Street, Ottawa. www.fcaottawa.com. Cars on Display Friday and Saturday Evenings. Speed Demonstration Zone on Saturday. Father’s Day Dream Ride for Charity on Sunday. Contact Giuseppe Castrucci: 613-880-4089 (Cell) or via e-mail at [email protected] June 15-16 Odessa Flea Market & Car Showhosted by the ACCCC. Further information available at 613-386-7091 or via e-mail at [email protected] June 15 Italian Car Parade and Retro Show hosted by the Italian Car Club of Ottawa. Held on Preston Street. 10:00 A.M. Registration. Parade at 1:30 P.M. For more information, contact Delio D’Angelo at [email protected] June 15 Duck Festival Car Show, St., Isidore, ON. St. Isidore Arena Parking Lot 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Contact: Rejean 613-524-5234 or 613 294-3815 or [email protected] or check the website: festivalducanardetdelaplume.ca June 15 Monkey Joe's Car Show, Carling Avenue at the Westgate Shopping Centre 4:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Open to all makes and models. Sponsored by Wicked Garage. All free. Dash plaques, door prizes and discounted meals. Contact: Larry Way at 613-446-4717 or [email protected] June 16 4th Annual Father's Day Show ‘n’ Shine, Riverside Park. 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Admission – Canned Goods or Non-Perishable Items in Support of the Kemptville Salvation Army Food Bank. Dash Plaques (first 200), Automotive Vendors, Food Vendors, Breakfast served by the Kemptville Canadian Legion and of course, our famous Burnout Contest with both a Men and Woman’s Category. A fun filled day for the whole family. For more information: Rod Rafter: 613-258-7567 or [email protected] or visit www.Hwy43CarClub.com June 16 Billings Estate Father’s Day Show, Ottawa. Spotlight on “Canadian Built” Cars. By invitation only. Limited to 40 Cars Contact Jonathan Stokes: 613-523-4802 or [email protected] June 23 Ottawa Jaguar Club Annual Concours/Jaguar Day at the Canada Museum of Space and Aviation, Rockcliffe Airfield present EUROCARS 2013. This day is a family day for selected European Car Clubs/Marques. Visitors are welcome to view the cars-Porsche, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Jaguar, Ferrari, Alfa Romeo and perhaps other marques belonging to invited club members. Watch the Ottawa Jaguar Club website for details http://www.ottawajaguarclub.com. Questions to Mike O’Brien [email protected] June 23 Carleton Place Car Show, Riverside Park, Carleton Place, ON. 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Contact: Ken Ferguson at 613-229-1625 or e-mail at: [email protected] June 29 10th Annual Mopar Magic Car Show, Lamoureux Riverfront Park, Cornwall, ON. Registration from 10:00 A.M. to Noon. $10. Registration In Advance or $12.00 at the Door. Girl Guide BBQ & Fundraiser. Contact: Jack Notman or Lisa: 613-938- 0934 or [email protected]. Rain or Shine ! June 29 Alexandria Car Show, Alexandria Island Park hosted by the Eazy Cruisers. For further information, contact Roddy Johnson at 613-874-2539. June 30 ALL GM “MOTORAMA” Show & Shine, GM Cars and Trucks Only. Myers Kanata, Palladium Auto Park. 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Admission – Canned Goods or Non Perishable Items in Support of the Kanata Food Cupboard. Music – Food – Vendors – Raffle Table – 50/50 Draw. Contact: Rod Rafter: 613-258-7567 or [email protected] or visit www.Hwy43CarClub.com JULY July 1 Golden Gears Car Club and the Iroquois & Matilda District Lion's Club Canada Day Car Show, 11am to 4pm, Seaway Locks, Iroquois, Ontario. Trophies, 50/50 Draw, Live Entertainment, Door Prizes and Fun for the Whole Family. Contact Henry Swank via e-mail at: [email protected] July 6 Carkinator Car and Moto Rally, 10:00 A.M. at the Winchester Arena. Join N.Y. Islander’s Matt Carkner for this 3rd Annual Event in support of the Winchester District Memorial Hospital. Car Rally, Scavenger Hunt, BBQ and Many Activities for the Kids. Enter your team (in your car or on your motorcycle) or pledge an existing team and get together for a great cause! Contact Keith at 613-543-3338 July 7 26th Annual St. Lawrence Valley Car Club Car Show on the grounds of Fort Wellington, Prescott, ON. Contact Mike Baril at 613-925-3751 (H) or 613-341- 1845 (Cell). Email: [email protected] July 7 Steering Towards Hope. Poker Run, Cars, Bike & Big Truck Show. Live Entertainment, Vendors. Walter Baker Park, Terry Fox Drive. A full day of family fun and sparkling chrome !! Check online at: www.steeringtowardshope.ca. All proceeds from the day’s activities go to the Kidney Foundation of Canada. July 12 Carp Lawn Tractor Pull at the Carp Fairgrounds, Carp ON. 7:00 P.M. Contact: Glenn Byrne at 613-832-2486 or email at [email protected] .