Vector Issue 153 • Dec/Jan 89/90 ISSN 0505-1448
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December-January 1989-90 95p Issue 153 The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association • Broken Bubbles: the fiction of Philip K Dick • • Lewis Shiner & Greg Bear Interviewed • • Who Remembers ... Patrick Moore's SF • Vector Issue 153 • Dec/Jan 89/90 ISSN 0505-1448 Contents Cover pbotognipb otPbUlp K Dick, c:ourtuy ol Victor Goltaocz Ltd. Photognph or IAwis Sblner OD 3 Editorial page 11, c:ourt,esy ol l...uris Shiner. 4 Letters Photgr-aph ol Grq Bear on page 9, 6 Broken Bubbles c:ourtc5J ol Vktor- Gollancz Ltd. Paul Kincaid looks at the progress of Philip K Dick from his mains1reamfiction through to his SF 8 Interview: Lewis Shiner and Greg Bear Charles Scross talks co two major writers from the US 13 Who Remembers Bruce Talbot and Maurice Gray ... ? Fay Symes looks back on the juvenile fiction of Patrick Moore 16 Book Reviews 16 Nemesls - /saacAsimov The Mammoth Book of Golden Age Science Fiction Shon Novels of the 1940s - /SIJ/Jc Asimov, Marrin H Greefl«rg & Charles G Waugh (Eds) Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: 1987 . Char~s N Brown & William G Contento (Eds) The New Encyclopedla of Science Fiction . J~s GuM (£d) 17 The Black Reaper - BunardCa~s Stories In the Dark - Hugh Lamb (Ed) Bone to His Bone - EG Swain 18 Red Prophet - OrsonScou Card A Child Across the Sky - Jonathon Carroll lnterzone: the 4th Anthology - John Clute. David Pringle&: Simon Ounsley (Eds) 20 Dracula's Brood - Richard Dalby (Ed) Winter In Aphelion - Chris Dixon The Best ol Modern Horror - Edward L Ferman&: Anne Jordan (Eds) Dark Fantasies - Chris Morgan (Ed) Zenith - David S Garnell (Ed) 22 Angel Fire - Andrew M Greeley 23 The Total Devotion Machine - Rosaleen Love The Warlord's Domain . Peler Morwood Jane Saint and the Backlash - Josephine Saxton 24 KIiier Planet - Bob Shaw Plague 99 - Jean Ure The Network - Laurence Staig Dark Toys and Consumer Goods . Laurence Sraig Dig Ital Vampires - Laurence Swig Them Bones - I/award Waldrop Co-Editors Boyd Pa,kinM>n 11 Minh Street, Barrow-in--Fi.mess, Cwibria. L.Al-4 2AE Tetephone 0229-32807 Kev McVeigh 37 Ftn Road, Milnlhorpe, Cumbria, LA7 70F Telephone 05395-62883 Revl-• Edilor Paul Kneaid Production Anl1lllnl1 Chris Amies, Paul Macaulay, Catie Cary Production Con1ult11nl Barry Pariunson Typeset by PCG, 61 SchoolStreet, Barrow-in-Furness. Cumbrial.Al-4 t EW. Tel: ~957 PMted by PDC Cop)'pmt, 11 Jeffries Passage, Guidford. S!ney. GU I -iAP Veclor rs published bimonlhly by h BSFA, copyright 1989. Al opinions expressed in Veclor are thow of lhe individual cootributoni and must not be taken to represent !hose of lhe Ech>rs or lhe BSFA except where explicitly staled. Contribulors Good .ricies a-e aways wanted. Al MSS must be r-,ped double-spaced on one side ol lhe paper. Ma.unum preferred length is 3500 WOfds : excepcions can andwil be made. A preliminruy letter is useful but not euenliai. UniOicited MSS cannot be returned witholJt an SAE. Please noie Iha! there is no payment for publication. Members who wish 10 review boob mull lirll wrile lo hi Editors. Art Covel" art, ilk.lstratiorls and Mets are •ays welcome. Volunteer• Typists partiwlar1y (Alai ST or IBM PC) waned. Contact Boyd Pa-bisor1-.. Adverlf1lng Al adwtnising copy must be sibnined as blw canera-ntady artwortt wi1h al necessary halftones. All enquiries on ram, sizes, et. to the Pubicir-, Manager: Dave Wood, 1 Friary Close, Mame Hil.Clewdon, Avon BS21 7~ Tt,,,$domit""""'"-u,1 • ~.._IIJO--• ~s..t:z:1JOO • ......... •e..t-• L&.....i__,11,o..1,,11s-.,-,Kam cno1ES ek:ometo thclastVectorofthc W I 980s .... And where doe$ that leave us? In the 90s how will we remember lhe 80s'! To see lhat. we need to sec where we are now, at the very end of the decade, to see the platforms Ula1 might be EDITORIAL built upon in the next few years. As I see it. the 80s have been too king to be considered By Kev McVeigh u a perfect whole. bui lhcrc have been features recently which offer clues about the future. We have been through a period of hype based a.round one novel, Neuromaocu, but in the main all that cyberpWU: has left us with in the UK is the concept of "William Gibson - Supc!'star", the disturbing news that John Shirley may be quining the genre, and Charles Stros.s telling all who will listen about a soi-disanJ "Tcchnogoth .. movement in Britain. And yet, I'm not entirely opposed to this hype because it ha.s brought some very interesting writen to my attention. These arc writ£rs who have been Jinked with cyber punk, but in ge=al are so much more lhan that. who don't fit categories easily. In lhe 90s I expect grc:11 things from Uwis Shiner. P11 Cadigan, Paul Difillipo, Rich.rd Kad rey, and Marc Laidlaw. They are writing hard SF, Horror, Fantasy, mairu1ream... and making it exciting again. In we have a range of emerging writers who are well-versed in literature, and who are ta.king their SF and FIUlla5y away from the established formulae.. Not only are they produc ing alternatives to the American traditions, but they are also developing new British styles, so that there is very little pre about the next few years for these authors getting short story collections publi devoted to developing skills nec.::essary for writers: Colin Greenland. Garry Kilworth, shed. particularly in the USA, from where I writing non-fic1iorL So far there arc two Gwyneth Jones, Geoff Ryman, Storm rec.::ently acquired collections by John Shir people interested besides myself. which is Constantine, Ian McDonald, Iain Banks, ley, Connie Willis, Karen Joy Fowler, Pat disappointing. To work properly, at least one Mary Gentle and Paul J McAuley (to name Cadigan and Ian McDonald; whilsl in Britain more member is nec.::essary, so please write but a few), except that they will be worth our Mary Gentle, Scou Bradfield, Lucius Shep to me for details. Hopefully this will lead to considerable attention. Even further from the ard, Leigh Kennedy, Howard Waldrop and a better &landard for Vei.:tOJ" in the future. British "norm" are a oouple of writen I came Tanith Lee add 10 the list. So far the response to the Parkinson across recently: Martin Millllf and Jeremy You will see then, thal there a lo1ofwrilefs McVeigh Vector has been very good. It C larke are bolh published by 41h E.state and I believe will help to maintain a healthy seems that most people like the new look, write bizUTe novels aboul • crazy low-life genre over the nex1 few years, and there are with only a couple of dissenters who don't which takes in fragmenlS from al) directions others I have yet to reacl. 1nere are bad signs actually CJ1:plain wh.a1 we are doing wrong for and throws out vivid whole images which too: the failings or Intenone u mentioned them, and so Boyd and I will continue u we might be ourselves in a magic mirror. above; the pt1liferation of 1rilogies, lCUll]. have begun, making improvements as we I nOle also the resurgence of the short ogies, intcnninologiei... mosl or whlch take see the need and/or develop the skills form. It hu been said for ycan that collec seven volumes ID say lw than would fit on a necessary. tions and anthologies don't sell; yet now post.age stamp (though Samuel R Delany, The material is coming in steadily and I they are everywhere. Until recently the only Gene Wolfe and a few others have produced am panicularly pleased ID be able to use outlet for short stories in the UK was Inter worthwhile series); the fonnulaic nature of articles by writers who have not featured in zoot, a m agazine whlch I personally believe the majority or the paperbacks in WH Smith, the pages of Vector before, as well as by has lost all the intere s1 it once had. I think etc; lhe ludicrous amounlS some publishers established novelists, reviewers and critics. back to the memorable stories by Richard will pay for crap Fantasy such u The Hopefully we can continue to give new Kadrey, Pwl J McAuley, David Langford, Dragon boot Chair, th11 they then print in writers their first tastes of fame and fortune Eric Brown, Geoff Ryman, Ian Watson, some biz.arre size thal fi ts no known book (though no money, sadly!). In the next few John Shirley, and a few olhers. to realise that shelf at a price equivelent to the GNP of issues we hope to have articles by or about the most recent of thei;e was over two years Bolivia because they spent too much in the Colin Greenland, Kirn Newman, Mary ago, a dozen issues back. MoSI go back to first place (and again, there is still good Gentle, Paul J McAuley, Michael Moorcock issues in the early teens. Recently the most Fantasy from Tim Powers, Megan Lindholm, and others. There is such a wealth of talent radical things appearing have been David Storm Constantine etc); the absence of good in British SF that, if Boyd and I can keep up Brin and Terry Pratchell, and most issues are quality criticism outside of John Clute, Colin what feels to me an amazing success (I Willi an effort to reacl. I speak to too many people Greenland and a couple of others. terrified about the first issue). then Vector who read John Clute's reviews and Charles This last point is something which has co will be the magazine to read in the 1990s.