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Opening Doors and Crossing Borders and Crossing Borders Opening doors Opening doors and crossing borders and crossing borders West Lothian College West Lothian College International Projects International Projects West Lothian College Almondvale Crescent, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 7EP Tel: 01506 418181 Fax: 01506 409980 Email: [email protected] Scottish Registered Charity No. SC021216 Board of Management West Lothian College has been recognised for Excellence in its approach to International Work: West Lothian College In 2016, 72 learners, has developed a most of whom came Erasmus+ Voice of Young Europe USA Scholarship comprehensive programme from the most deprived Erasmus+ is the EU (2015-2018) Opportunities (2015-2018) of opportunities designed SIMD data zones undertook Programme in the fields of education, training, to enable learners and staff a two week study Six schools from across Europe are Megan Waugh, a Business Student from West youth and sport for to participate in a range opportunity in a range participating with West Lothian College in the Lothian College, was awarded a scholarship to the period 2014-2021. of learning projects within project. Clark College, Washington, USA in 2015. of European countries West Lothian College Europe and beyond. through Erasmus+. aims to help close The main objective of this project is to Megan spent a year studying in the USA and the attainment gap produce a transferrable learning programme has now returned to West Lothian College The college identified opportunities and secured through its Erasmus+ for European Citizenship through cooperation to complete her BA degree in Business funding support from a range of providers projects between schools from geographically Management. The Colleges worked together contrasting European member states and with SQA and Edinburgh Napier University Education Scotland Review, March 2016 Turkey. to ensure that Megan could count the credits The final product: a learning programme for obtained at Clark College towards her Business Improving Skills Through International Learning Exchanges European Citizenship complete with resource Management Degree, which she is now completing at West Lothian College (Awarded (ISTILE) – (2015 – 2017) tool-box will be disseminated to networks, teacher training colleges, on open source by Edinburgh Napier University). websites and to the European Committee of The scholarship is funded by the Community of An exciting and innovative project to improve outcomes for young people facing difficulty and Culture and Education. Scottish Descent in Vancouver, Washington and deprivation. Linked into Europe 2020 Goals and Indicators to deliver improved results to learners and will be offered once again in 2017. motivation to staff through increased capacity to help these learners. 72 Learners are travelling in groups of eight to nine different destinations across Europe for two week work and study experiences, which will broaden their horizons, open new networks and change their lives. British Council Skills For Employability – Morocco, Indonesia, Tunisia “Lifting Barriers” – (2014-2016) – Improving chances for young people facing difficulty in their lives in EU Preneurs (2015-2017) Scotland, Wales and Morocco. A pastoral care and supported placement development project. Best new International Skills Project at the British Council’s Bringing the Learning Home Awards in Hanoi, Working with with partner schools and colleges across Vietnam October 2014 Europe to introduce new strategies to teaching and “ Enhancing placements and internships in the field of STEM” – (2016-2017) – Building soft skills and learning, which will improve outcomes for young people 21st century skills development sessions prior to placement/internships in Scotland and Indonesia. considering self-employment as a positive progression Responding to employer concerns that learners on placement lack non-technical skills impeding their from their studies. life chances. The project will build capacity to support students into “Opening doors to low costs and fast returns” (2016 – 2017) – Developing models for Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship and simultaneously develop the in Scotland and Tunisia which support young people with limited access to funds into self-employment. curriculum and tools trainers and lecturers can use to Collaborative research and implementation will further build West Lothian College’s reputation to stimulate young minds to think on an entrepreneurial level. support learners into Entrepreneurship. (Winners of FE Team Enterprise at National Enterprise Educator The EU-Preneurs project has the potential to transform the Awards 2016). way Entrepreneurship is fostered through the Education System. West Lothian College is closing the attainment gap through a range of diverse international projects, which is helping to open doors to careers, life successes and skills improvement..
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