The Commitment to Indigenous Self-Determination in the Anglican Church of Canada, 1967–2020
The Elusive Goal: The Commitment to Indigenous Self-Determination in the Anglican Church of Canada, 1967–2020 ALAN L. HAYES In1967 the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) committed itself to support Indigenous peoples whowere callingonthe Cana- dian governmenttorecognize theirright to self-determination, andin1995 it resolved to move to recognizeIndigenous self- determination within thechurch itself. Nevertheless,inthe ACC, as in the countryatlarge, Indigenousself-determination hasremained an elusivegoal. To saysoisnot to deny theprogress that theACC has made in developingIndigenous leadership, governance, ministry, and advocacy. But with afew partial excep- tions, IndigenousAnglicansremain under the oversight of aset- tler-dominated churchwith its Eurocentric constitution, canons, policies, budgets, liturgical norms, assumptions, andadmin- istrativeprocedures.1 Whyhas the goalofIndigenous self- determinationprovensoelusive? Iintend to argue herethat colonialassumptions andstructures haveproven tenacious,and that, although Indigenous self-determination is consistent with historical patternsofChristian mission andorganization, the 1 The terms‘‘settler’’and ‘‘Indigenous’’are both problematic, but the nature of this discussion requires,atleast provisionally,abinaryterminology,and these terms are currently widelyused. The Rev.Canon Dr.AlanL.Hayes is BishopsFrederickand Heber Wilkinson Professor of the historyofChristianity at Wycliffe College and the Toronto SchoolofTheology at theUniversity of Toronto. Anglicanand EpiscopalHistory Volume 89,
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