

Nelson Granite Limited

2005 Bulk Sampling Program

Mining Claim K-3007907

Redditt Township

Plan G-2611

Kenora Mining Division



G.Zebruck Jan. 2006 Table of Contents

Page Introduction...... 1 Location and Access...... 1 Purpose of Bulk Sample Program...... I Equipment Used...... 1 2005 Bulk Sample Program...... 1 Regional Geology...... 3 Description of the Granite...... 3 Previous Work...... 3 Results of Physical Tests...... I 0 Results of Market Tests...... 10 Statement of Expenditures...... 1 I Expenditure Summary...... 12 Employees Names and Addresses...... 13 References...... 14

List of Maps

Page Key Map - Location...... 1.5 Map #2 Location of Excavations...... 2 Map #3 Geology...... 4

List of Figures

Page Fig. 1 Excavation # 1 ...... 5 Fig. 2 Excavation #2...... 6 Fig. 3 Excavation #3...... 8 Fig. 4 Excavation #4...... 9 11

List of Plates

Page Plate 1 Excavation # 1 ...... 7 Plate 2 Excavation #2...... 7 Plate 3 Excavation #3...... 8 Plate 4 Excavation #4...... 9 Introduction Nelson Granite carried out a bulk sampling program for granite dimension stone on mining claim K-3007907 in Township. The work was done during the three week period from April 18th to May 5th, 2005. Granite blocks were removed from the property under the authority of a bulk sample permit issued by the Ministry of Northern Development & Mines dated April 8, 2005.

Location and Access Mining claim K-3007907 is located in the southwest part of the north part of Lot 6 Concession 6, Redditt Township. The site is located approximately 2 kilometres northwest of the village of Redditt or 30 kilometres north of the city of . The property is accessed via the Corn Road just a few hundred metres from where it joins the English River Road (a major forest access road). 'rhe main line of the CNR is located 2 kilometres to the south.

Purpose of the Bulk Sampling Program The purpose of the bulk sampling program was: • To determine the colour and texture of the deposit and its uniformity • To determine the nature and distribution of defects • To assess the quarry potential of the deposit (availability of large blocks) • To obtain sufficient material for the production of samples and an initial market evaluation • To test the material (how it saws, polishes, and workability with hand tools)

Equipment Used A four man quarrying team carried out the removal of the bulk sample using the following equipment: • Dresser 560 Front End Loader with rock work attachments (rock forks, bucket and tipping boom). • Komatsu 150 Backhoe • 3 Tammrock hydraulic rock drills (Commando 120, 300 and Liner 110) • Ford Tractor with rock splitting attacimlents • Explosives (k-pipe, 50 grain detonating and safety fuse detonators)

2005 Bulk Sampling Program Ledges strike east southeast and dip 5 to 10 degrees north northwest. Beds vary in thickness from 3 to 10 feet thick and are easily quarried. The vertical joints are wide spaced so that large blocks can be obtained from this deposit. There are some defects associated with the deposit including colour variations, black streaks, minor pegmatite patches and veins. Forty two blocks totalling 651 tOlU1es were removed from four extraction sites. All blocks were shipped to our block yard at Vermilion Bay. Two blocks were shipped to Margranite Industries in Vancouver to make tile samples and one block was processed at our monument plant for sawing, polishing and workability tests. Key Map - Location Mining Claim K-3007907

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Map 112 Location of Excavations N


of Our crOll ~ ~ Limit Metres

Ledges 2. 12. Sca Ic I: 2500 F I ~I oj o '0 SS3.!.400


••Post Scattered Jackpine oyer bedrock

5538300 Cutover

~ Corn Road K~~007907

.. til Ii ".1 . Cutover 5538200 '<{

~ - Exc. :14 ~

5538100 b ~ o• 0: '4::l-Exc. :12 J}-

Scattered Jackpine over bedrock

5538000 02 Post '3 Post I I I 398800 398900 399000 399100 399200 3

Regional Geology Mining claim K-3007907 is located in the southern part of the Lount Lake Batholith see attached map 3 - Geology The Lount Lake batholith is an intrusive complex incorporating several rock types including gneiss, granodiorite, monzonite, and inclusions of metasediments and mafic volcanics, and is the largest batholith in the River Subprovince (Breaks and Bond, 1973), covering approximately 2500 square kilometres. The rocks are characteristic of the Southern Potassic Suite described by Breaks et al. (1978), and are analogous to the granitic suite of Beakhouse (1991). The youngest and least fractured rocks belong to the late-phase undeformed and unmetamorphosed potassium-enriched suite, which is subdivided into porphyritic granodiorite, younger porphyritic quartz monzonite and youngest massive equigranular quartz monzonite (Breaks and Bond, 1993). Because fracturing is an important criterion in quarry selection, the most promising prospects generally occur in this younger potassic suite of intrusive rocks Farrow (1996).

Description of the Granite A sample of the granite was submitted to Kenora MNDM staff(A. J. Raoul) for microscopic examination ofthe mineral content. He describes the granite as a medium grained, off-white to grey monzogranite having a composition of!' • 30% Quartz • 30% Potassium Feldspar • 35% Plagioclase Feldspar • 5% Biotite Mica

Weak Alteration • Less than 2% of mafic minerals biotite into hematite • Trace sericite in fractures - alteration of potassium feldspar • Epidote -alteration of plagioclase feldspar

5% phenocrysts of potassium feldspar (orthoclase) with Carlsbad twinning.

* visual estimate

Previous Work There was no previous work done on the area of mining claim K-3007907. Map 3 250K Geology Legend

5 Mafic - lntermed iate Volcanics Gnessic Tonalite 5 Diorite - Monzodiorite - Granodiorite Massive Granodiorite - Granite

o kilometres 2

Scale: I em. = 560 m


, .... 11 5

Fig. 1 Redd it Quarry Excavation # 1


Scalet :200

.Area " 39 sq. M '\ "- UTM: 398991 mE Zone 15 5538137 mN


,.....---1 Vertical Joint

'Ii ( i I III Ledge Face

Excavation Front

Jll} I // Quarry Face 2 6 10 I j ! Drilled & Blasted Line 1 I ~ 0 4 8

metres 6

Fig. 2 Redditt Quarry Excavation #2


UTM: 3 ••036 mE Zone 15 # 55310.1 mil --_ .... -

"­ "


Vertical Joint

dlllli Scale 1:200 Excavation Front 2, 6 10 l=---t I ~ Drilled & Blasted Line 0 4 8 metres 7

Plate 1 Reddin Quarry Excavation#l (Iookiog . 'e,,)

pt"l. 2 Reddin Quarry Excavation #2 (looking nor11!) 8

Fig. 3 Redditt Quarry Excavatioo #3 LEGEND

.---; Vertical Joiot N rrTTTT' Ledge Face

-- Excavation Front

UT" : n .... mE Zone 11 Quarry Face 515$8111 mN ~ 100"_ Scale 1:200 ~-=-->--. - .,• Dept" ----. 10 ; 1.2" cinrh • • , .:=] _----.J...... I h---t '-----. 0 • • metr • •

Plate 3 Redditt Quarry Excavation #3 OOOkinl aonb) 9

Fig.4 Redditt Quarry Excavation #4 N

UT ..: ' ....0 mE Zone 15 51sal31 mN

Scale 1:200


.---t Vertical Joint

T111lTL Ledge Face

Excavation Front

\\\\\\\ Quarry Face

--.. Drilled & Blasted Line

1 .... 1 ..... Rubble

Plate 4 Redditt Quarry Excavation #4 (looking east) 10

Results of Physical Tests The stone was easily sawn having a low consumption of diamonds and took a high polish. It split well and was easy to work with hand tools. Water absorption may be a problem in some applications (stone absorbs water and seems to want to retain it).

Results of Market Tests Preliminary market tests indicate that the stone is suitable for the production of floor tiles and counter tops. A major fabricator has shown an interest in obtaining the North American distribution rights for the stone pending an agreement on guaranteed volume. Their present market is western and western USA. Efforts to promote the stone in Europe have so far not been successful however the company has not made a big effort in promotion until we are certain that permits w1ll be forthcoming. A customer in Italy has indicated that similar granite is being produced in China so the market for this stone may be limited toNorth America. To date 15 blocks have been sold having gross proceeds of $41 ,825. 13

Employees Names and Addresses

Ray Hertz P.o. Box 215 Vermilion Bay, Ont. POV 2VO

Collin Wrighton 446 3rd St. South Kenora,Ont. P9N lJ 1

Darren Whitta 1 Goss Road Kenora, Ont.

Lany Canfield Coker Road Kenora, Ont.

Harold Leutschaft RR#1 Vermilion Bay, Ont. POV 2VO

Nevin Nelson P.O. Box 178 Vermilion Bay, Ont. POV 2VO

George Zebruck 1349 Airport Rd. Kenora, P9N 3W7 14


Beakhouse, G.P. 1991: Subprovince; in Geology of Ontario, Ontario Geological Survey, Special Volume 4, Part I, p.279-301.

Breaks, F.W., Bond, W.o., and Denver Stone 1978: Preliminary Geological Synthesis of the English River Subprovince, and Its Bearing Upon Mineral Exploration; Ontario Geological Survey Misc. Paper MP 72, SSp. Accompanied by Map P.1971, Scale 1 :253440.

Breaks, F.W. and Bond, W.D. 1993: The English River Subprovince An Archean Gneiss Belt: Geology, Geochemistry, and associated mineralization; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 5846, vols. 1&2, 884p.

Farrow, D.G. 1996 Potential dimension stone quarry sites in the Kenora, and Rainy River areas of northwestern Ontario; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 5949, 139p.