Women's Fellowship United Church of Christ Congregational Medina, Ohio ACKNOWLEDGMENT

We wish to acknowledge the fine spirit of co-operation by the organization members and the community at large including the merchants and business firms, without which this book could not have been possible.

- Litho in U.S.A. l""'1 I I 1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I I I i I I I MESSAGE FROM THE PUBLISHER I I I I I I This book has been published through the com- I )I bined efforts of our company and the organiza- I i:11 tion whose name appears on the cover. ! I I ' I We sincerely hope that you will enjoy it's use. I I Should you want extra copies of this publication I ! for your friends, relatives or neighbors, you can I 19"! I purchase them from the organization. I I' I )I i ill If you know an organization or club that would ! want a project that would give them a guaranteed ! lll profit, without cost or investment, they can ob- M I tain full information by writing to our company I I at the address below. We specialize in the pub- I I lishing of: ~ I Cook Books I I Recipe File Books I I Date Books i I Membership Directories I I Birthday & Anniversary Calendars I • Police Calendars 11 lll Fire Calendars • I Civic Directories of your Town I 1A Town Brochures I I Drug Abuse Brochures I I School Days & Memories Books I I I I YOUR ORGANIZATION CAN MAKE I I i I $200 to $2,ooo I I WITH ONE OF OUR PROJECTS I I I I Write to:. Project Department 1 ill Women's Clubs Publishing Co., Inc. I 323 South Franklin Street I 111111! I Chicago, Illinois 60606 I ' ' I I I I I I --~------·


The first Congregational Church services, from 1819 to 1831, were held in Medina Center, Bagdad and Weymouth, before set­ tling down in Medina Village. First services held in Medina village were in the original Court House, still standing on the southwest corner of Liberty and Court .Streets. In 1833, The First Congregational Society, a group of business­ men chartered by the State of Ohio to run the affairs of the church, decided to raise subscriptions to build the brick church. The Brick Church was dedicated on April 17, 1837. The church continues to grow and develop over the years. The present church was dedicated, debt free, in 1882 and The Chris­ tian Education Building was erected in 1957. In 1973, the congregation dedicated itself to a program to Rebuild, Restore and Reaffirm. This major undertaking of re­ building from the basement up was completed and rededicated on Sunday, January 27, 1974. Women's Fellowship has been active over the many years in the church's history. It has offered Christian Fellowship as well as an opportunity for women to serve their church. There are seven active groups meeting monthly in members' homes or the church for study and discussion. The groups also support the church and community by performing service projects. Groups 3 & 5 serve Kiwanis Luncheons bi-monthly, which pro­ vides a big portion of Women's Fellowship Budget. Monies raised by the groups of Women's Fellowship have been used in support of the Rebuilding and Remodeling of the church•

. 11111!

-A- Medina, Ohio ~i

The Officers and Committee Chairmen are as follows: I"' I I . President • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • Jan Holt 1st Vice President and Program Chairman •••••• o • • Sandy Root 2nd Vice President and Spiritual Life Chairman •••••• Dori Locke r Secretary • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • . Marge Gritman Treasurer •••.•••••••••..••••• Betty McCormick Hospitality • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • Reba Longacre """I Social Action • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . Barb Keehn

Reception • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sally Bauer ii Stewardship and Thank ! I Offering • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dorothy Crooks Constitution • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • Rachel Baker Camp Miniwanca • • • • • • • • • • • . • • Debbie Wa,ldron Library • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • Eileen Paull Church Women's United • • • • • . • • Barb Grimm Christmas Bazaar ••••••••••••• Jan Brumby r Jill Linek Elaine Kubasta Nominating • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • Dottie Jones Frances Drawe Phyllis Dayson

-B- Medina, Ohio · BALL Charlotte Nickerson 1 - 8 oz. 1 jar Kraft Roka blue cheese 1 - 10 oz. crock Cheddar Chopped pecans Parsley flakes • i-i Let come to room temperature; beat til creamy. Chill in · refrigerator til firm; form into 3 medium cheese balls or 1 large one. Roll into pecans that have been chopped very fine; sprinkle with a few parsley flakes for color. Can be frozen. CURRY DRESSING Jan Brumby · 1 pt. mayonnaise Black pepper lllllf 3 tsp. chili sauce 3 Tbsp. curry powder 1 Tbsp. Worchestershire 1/2 tsp. garlic powder sauce 1 1/2 grated onion Mix together. Excellent with cauliflower, carrot sticks, etc. HOT CHEESE DIP & SPREAD Reba Longacre

1 lb. processed cheese 6 oz. green chili spread (or Velveeta) Tomato hot sauce Melt cheese in double boiler; add green chilies and tomato sauce. Heat few minutes; put in chaffing dish. Serve with taco chips, potato chips or corn chips.

-1- Medina, Ohio r! ·-· GRANDMA'S BEET RE-LISH Dorothy Whittaker 2 c. cooked beets, chopped 1 bunch celery, chopped 2 c. cabbage, chopped 2 tsp. salt 1/2 c. grated horseradish 1/4 tsp. red pepp_er (optional) 1 c. sugar 2 c. vinegar (approx.) Cook beets until tender; dip in cold water and slip skins; chop. Mix all -ingredients using enough vineg~r to cover and bring to fll1 boiling point. (Be careful not to let it boil. ) Seal at once in boiling hot sterilized jars. -' - -

SAUERKRAUT BALLS Jan Brumby 191 I ' 1. lb. sausage' Pepper to taste 1/2 c. onion, chopped fine 1 can sauerkraut, chopped 1 - 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese 1/2 tsp. garlic salt 4 Tbsp. fine bread crumbs 2 eggs, well beaten 4 Tbsp. chopped parsley 1/2 c. milk 1 Tbsp. prepared mustard Flour · Bread crumbs r i Fry sausage and onion till brown and break up; add remaining ingredients and chill until cold. Roll chilled balls in flour, then in egg and milk mixture, then in crumbs. Deep fry at 350 degrees till golden. Freeze and reheat in 475 degree oven 10-15 minutes till crisp. ·

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191. !I :I i


!"'! I I I • -2- Medina, Ohio CORN BEEF SALAD Barbara J. Keehn 2 pkg. small size le:rnon 3 Tbsp. chopped onion Jell-0 2 Tbsp. chopped green pepper 2 c. hot water 1 1/2 c •.chopped celery 3 Tbsp •. vinegar ~ can c.ornbe13f, _chopped_ up . 1 c.' Miracle Whip dressing Beat in mixer the first four ingredients while warm; add remain­ ing ingredients and chill. Use 8-inch squ~re pyrex dish. Serves 9. CRANBERRY RELISH Ruth Tubbs 2 - 3 oz. pkg. raspberry 1 No .. 2 can crushed pine.apple """ Jell-0 .1 jar undrained -cran6erry­ · 2 c. hot water orange relish 2 c. applesauce 1 c. cold ,liquid (pineapple juice + water) Dissolve Jell-0 in boiling water; add the c. of cold liquid. Add applesauce, cranberry relish and crushed pineapple; pour in large pyrex·dish. Serves 12. · FLUFFY FRUIT DRESSING Dorothy Whittaker

1 c. pineapple juice 1 1/2 c~ ·sugar 1/2 c. lemon juice 1 1/2 pt. whipping cream 3 beaten eggs (or its substitute) continued ••.•...

-3- Medina, Ohio r; ! FLUFFY FRIED DRESSING (Continued) Ii Mix fruit juices; add eggs and sugar. Cook in double boiler until ! ' thickened; cool; add whipped cream. This goes well with a number of combinations of fruit. Nuts may be added as desired. r FROZEN CABBAGE SLAW Dorothy Whittaker Syrup: 1 medium head cabbage 1 c. vinegar 1 tsp. salt 1/2 c. water 1 carrot, chopped 2 c. sugar ~ green pepper, chopped 1 -tsp. celery seed 1 tsp. mustard seed ,., l ' Cut cabbage and add salt; let stand couple hours; squeeze juice out of cabbage. Boil syrup for 1 minute and cool; add cabbage, syrup, pepper and carrots together and freeze. ~ I ! I I FRUIT & MARSHMALLOW SALAD Dorothy Whittaker 2 - 3 oz. pkg. cream cheese 1 small can crushed "I/2 c. sugar . pineapple 1/2 c. salad dressing 1 pkg. small marshmallows 2 1/2 c. fruit cocktail, 1/2 c. chopped pecans drained. 1 c. whipped cream (or its substitute) Mix first three ingredients together well; add remaining ingre­ dients and mix together. Store in refrigerator few hours and then serve. SWEET FRENCH DRESSING Alice Tollafield ~ 1/2 c. granulated sugar . 1 Tbsp. catsup ! 2 tsp. paprika 1 small onion, grated fine 1 tsp. salt 1 c. salad oil 1/8 tsp. pepper 1/2 c. vinegar j l Mix in electric blender or shake well in jar.

THE GEORGE'S FAVORITE SALAD Doris E. Mardavich l \ 1 egg, beaten 1/4 c. chopped nuts 1/4 c. sugar (walnuts or pecans) fllllll Little less than 1/4 c. 2 medium-size bananas I i i ! vinegar 2 medium-size apples

To egg, add sugar and vinegar and mix together; cook over low 11'1) 11 heat until it thickens, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and 1 cool before putting over the fruit. Dressing should be made ahead of time (can be refrigerated). About 1 hour before serving, chop or continued. • • • • n -4- Medina, Ohio

~ I ' j I THE GEORGE'S FAVORITE SALAD (Continued) slice and cut bananas, then chop or slice and cut apples; add . chopped nuts in dish. Add dressing to bananas, apples and chopped nuts and mix. Put in individual .dishes or serve in a dish. Serves . about 3-4. Note: increase recipe to suit amount needed. CALICO CASSEROLE Carole Oehmler 2 - 10 oz. pkg. mixed frozen 1 c. Ritz cracker crumbs, vegetables crushed 1 c. Cheese Whiz 1/3 c. milk Cook vegetables until almost done; grease 11/2 qt. casserole • . Alternate layers of vegetable, crackers and cheese three times, leaving. some Ritz cracker crumbs for topping. Bake 30 minutes at 300 degrees. Serves 6. SWEET POTATOES SUPREME Alice Tollafield r1111 • 1 c. maple-flavored syrup 2 Tbsp. flour · 1/4 c. orange juice 3 Tbsp. butter Combine ingredients and cook until thickened. Pour over cooked llm\ sweet potatoes or yams and bake at 350 degrees 1 hour. FRENCH ONION SOUP Reba Longacre lllili1 5 c. thinly sliced onions 3 cans water 1/4 tsp. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 c. butter Ground pepper to taste . 3 - 10 1/2 oz. cans beef Croutons 1111!1 broth (beef cubes can Grated Mozzarella cheese be used) Sprinkle sugar on onions; saute' slowly in butter until they turn gold. Add beef broth and water; cover and simmer 45 minutes; add . salt and pepper. Place in oven-proof soup tureen; top with croutons · and sprinkle with Mozzarella cheese. Bake in 400 degree oven 8 minutes till cheese melts. Serves 6. Jiil\ GREEN BEAN SOUP Mothel" Holt • 1 lb. waxed beans (can be 4 Tbsp. butter green or yellow) 4 Tbsp. flour 2 Tbsp. butter 6 Tbsp. vinegar · 1 qt. water 1/2 c. sour cream Salt and pepper continued•••.•....•

-5- Medina, Ohio GREEN BEAN SOUP (Continued) ~ Clean and snap beans. Cook in 1 qt. salted water and 2 Tbsp. butter until tender; add water so you have at least 1 qt. Brown 4 Tbsp. butter in saucepan; add flour and brown. Add to beans; cook i1 about 5 minutes; add vinegar and cook another 10 minutes. Add sour cream; cook until sour cream is dissolved. Salt and pepper to taste; top with chopped parsley. SLALOM MINESTRONE (Hearty Soup) Carole Oehmler 1 1/2 lb. beef stew meat 1 Tbsp. salt }1/2-inch pieces) 1 clove garlic 1 2 head cabbage 2 tsp. basil 1-2 carrots 1/4 tsp. pepper 3/4 c. dried kidney beans 1/2.,..3;4 c. spaghetti fllllt 7 c. water (1-inch pieces) ! j 1 lb. can tomatoes 1 - 10 oz. pkg. green beans, 1 onion frozen Parmesan cheese · Rinse kidney beans; put in large cooking pot with water. Bring to boil and cook 2 minutes; cover ari

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f'"'1 '

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-6- Medina, Ohio -Y:.u.Tif1 1• f PRODUCTS CORPORA.TION 460 LAKE ROAD, MEDINA, OHIO 44256



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CHOPPED MEAT CHINESE Collette Dankhoff . 1 green pepper, cut in 1 lb. ground meat long strips 3-4 stalks of celery, cut in 3-4 medium-size tomatoes, large pieces , quarted 1 large onion, chopped 1/4 c. soy sauce Fry ground meat; pour off grease. Add soy sauce with 1/2 c. water; add chopped onion and simmer 15 minutes. Add green pepper and celery; simmer until just tender; add tomatoes and · simmer 5 minutes. Serve over rice. Serves 4. CHOP SUEY JoArin Boruvka 4 Tbsp. shortening 1 can mushrooms 3/4 lb. city ch~cken meat, 1/2 tsp. pepper trimmed · 1/2 c. onion, chopped fine Thickening: · 3/4 c. hot water 2 tsp. soy sauce 1 tsp. salt 2 Tbsp. cornstarch 1 can mixed chop suey 1/2 c. cold water vegetables · 1 tsp. sugar Brown meat in shortening; cook 15 minutes; add onions and fry 5 minutes. Add salt, pepper, hot water and vegetables;_ heat to boiling. Add thickening ingredients which have been combined; cook 10 minutes. Serve hot over rice or chow mein noodles.


-7- Medina, Ohio COMPANY PORK CHOPS Jane Schaffer 6-8 pork chops 1 slightly beaten egg 1 can cream style corn 1 c. corn flakes cereal Salt and pepper pork chops; mix corn with slightly beaten egg. Dip chops in corn mixture and place in a shallow pan; pour any re­ maining corn over chops. Dot with butter and sprinkle with corn­ flakes. Bake at 350 degrees 3/4-1 hour. EASY & DELICIOUS BEEF STROGANOFF Jan Brumby 2 lb. flank steak 1 can mushroom soup 1 can onion soup 2 beef bouillon cubes 2 c. mushrooms

Brown steak in oleo; add soup and bouillon. Cook in 275 degree ~ oven 3 hours; add mushrooms last half hour. Serve on noodles with sour cream in separate bowl. HAMBURGERSTROGANOFF Dorothy I. Hoff 1/2 c. minced onion 1 lb. fresh mushrooms or 1/4 c. butter 8 oz. can sliced 1 lb. ground beef 1 - 10 1/2 oz., can chicken 2 Tbsp. flour soup, undiluted 2 tsp. salt 1 c. sour cream 1/4 tsp .. pepper 2 Tbsp" minced parsley Saute' onion in butter over medium heat; add meat and brown,, Add flour, salt9 pepper and mushrooms; cook 5 minutes. Add soup and simmer uncovered 10 minutes; stir in sour cream; heat through. Sprinkle with parsley. Serve with noodles or rice, HAM LOAF Ruth Tubbs 2 lb. lean pork Sauce: 2 lb. ham 2/3 c rui Campbell 1 s tomato 2 c. graham crackers soup 1/2 c. milk 1 c. brown sugar 3 eggs 1/3 c. vinegar 1/3 c. water 1 Tbsp. dry mustard Mix meat ingredients and mold into a loaf or in 2 bread pans. Bake at 325 degrees 2 hours" Mix sauce together and baste over loaves every 1/2 hour until sauce is used. If getting too brown, reduce heat and cover loaves with foil. 19\ ! ~'


-8- Medina, Ohio MARINATED FLANK STEAK Marty Robertson 1-2 flank steaks, 1 lb. each 2 green onions, chopped 4 Tbspo soy sauce 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 Tbsp. salad oil (or garlic powder) 2 Tbsp. brown sugar 2 Tbsp. sesame seeds 1/2 tsp" honey 1 Tbsp. sherry (optional) 1/4 tsp. ginger Dash pepper . Marinate all day, turning. Brott 7-8 minutes per side or till done as desired. Cut in thin slices on diagonal. MEAT LOAF Charlotte Nickerson 1 slightly beaten egg 1 Tbsp. cat sup 1 lb. ground beef 1 Tbsp. chopped green pepper 1/2 lb. ground pork 1 1/2 tsp. salt 1 c. cracker crumbs 1 tsp. sugar 1 small onion, chopped 1/8 tsp. oregano 1 Tbsp. horseradish 3/4 c. scalded milk Combine egg and meat; mix other ingredients with scalded milk and add. Press into loaf pan; bake in mod~rate 350 degree oven 1 houro MEAT LOAF Lucille Smith 2 lb. beef 2 c. bread crumbs 1 lb. pork 1/2 c. milk 1 tsp. salt 1/3 c. catsup Pepper 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 2 eggs 3 slices bacon 1 small onion, chopped 1/2 c. hot water Have beef and pork ground together; add salt, dash of pepper, ,., beaten eggs and onion. Pour milk over bread crumbs and add to meat mixture with catsup and Worcestershire sauce. Mix well ' with hands, keeping mixture light and fluffy; shape into loaf and place in pan. Put bacon slices on top and 'pour hot water over all. llilll! Bake 1 1/2 hours at 350 degrees. Serves 8.· BURGERS Carole Oehmler 6 oz. bologna 3/4 c. Ragu spaghetti sauce . 3 oz. Cheddar cheese, 1 tsp. parsley shredded 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 lb. ground beef 1/4 c. chopped onion 1/2 tsp, oregano 1/8 tsp. sage Parmesan cheese continued .•.••••••.

-9- Medina, Ohio I"' i

PIZZA BURGERS (Continued) Brown hamburger; meanwhile, grind or blend the bologna til chopped well. Add to hamburger the bologna, shredded cheddar cheese, onion and seasonings; toss well. Add Ragu and simmer uncovered 30-40 minutes; stir occasionally so won't scorch. Serve on hamburger bun halves. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese (gener­ ously) and bake at 375 degrees on cookie sheet 10-15 minutes. Serves 6. ~I I SAUSAGE LOAF Alice Tollaf ield \ 2 lb. bulk sausage 3 Tbsp. butter 1 c. dry bread crumbs 1/2 c. milk 2 eggs 1/4 tsp. pepper 1I4 c. brown sugar Pineapple slices Melt butter; add sugar, stirring until dissolved. Place in bottom of greased loaf pan; top with pineapple slices. Mix sausage, bread crumbs, eggs and pepper; form loaf and place on top of pineapple and sugar mixture. Bake at 350 degrees 1 hour; pour off excess I fat and serve. i ' VEAL LOAF Mrso Donald Gritman 3 lb. veal, ground Sauce or gravy: 1/2 lb. salt pork, ground 2 Tbsp. butter Juice of 1 fresh lemon 2 Tbsp. flour 4 Tbsp. milk 3 c. tomato juice 1 medium size onion, 1/2 tsp. salt chopped 1 /2 tsp. garlic powder 12 saltine crackers, crushed. 1 1/2 tsp. sugar

1/2 tsp. pepper 1 tsp. oregano I i 3/4 tsp. salt 1 tsp. celery seed

Have veal and salt pork ground together twice. Combine with \Mli remaining ingredients and bake in a loaf pan at 375 degrees 1 1/2 1 hours. Make sauce to use as gravy. Melt butter; add flour and blend. ' Add tomato juice and spices and cook until slightly thick, stirring constantly. .- VEAL LOUISA Mrs. F. L. Alman 2 lb. lean veal, cubed 4 Tbsp. shortening ' I 1 tsp .. paprika 1 clove garlic, crushed ' I 1 tsp. salt 1/2 c. chopped onion 1/2 tsp. rosemary 1/2-1 c. chicken broth 3 Tbsp. flour 1/2-1 c. sour cream 1/2 c. white wine continued ......

- 1 0- Medina, Ohio

j '. VEAL LOUISA (Continued) Combine paprika, salt, rosemary and flour. Dredge and brown meat; add garlic, ocion, broth and wine. Cook 1 1/2 hours; add 1111! • sour cream before serving. Serve on cooked noodles. CHICKEN BREASTS SUPREME Mrs. Jan Holt ...., 10 chicken breasts, skinned 1 c. orange juice and cleaned 1 - 13 3/4 oz. canned chicken 1/2 c. margarine, melted broth 1 1/2 c. honey Salt and pepper to taste Paprika Mix honey and chicken broth with melted margarine over low heat till well blended; stir in orange juice. Arrange cleaned chicken breasts in baking pan and cover with honey mixture; salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with paprika, cover with aluminum foil and bake in oven at 325 degrees about 1 1/2-2 hours; baste occasionally so chicken will not dry out, Foil can be removed last half-hour to brown. Can stay in oven on low heat for several hours; freezes ·well also. CHICKEN IN WINE SAUCE Carole Lynne Stuart 8 split chicken breasts 1 tsp. paprika 1 large onion 1/2 stick butter 1 1/2 tsp. parsley 2 c. sherry wine 1 pt. coffee cream Wash and pat dry chicken breasts; place in a roaster. Droe onion on top of chicken; sprinkle parsley and paprika over all the chicken breasts. Cut butter in small pieces and dot the chicken with it; pour in wine. Put on roaster lid and bake at 350 degrees 1 hour. Remove from oven, take out chicken (keep warm) and let wine sauce cool; then add cream. Stir cream-wine sauce while it's reheating bn top of stove; serve chicken with wine sauce on top. Excellent served with wild rice. • CHICKEN PAPRIKAS WITH DROP DUMPLINGS Shirley Hicks 1 medium onion, chopped 3 1/2-4 lb. chicken 4 Tbsp. fat 1/2 pt., light cream (optional) - 2 tsp. paprika (Hungarian Paprika suggested) Drop dumplings: 1 tsp. black pepper 1/4-1/2 c" water (if needed) 2 tspo salt 4 eggs i-i 1 c. water 3 c. flour 2 Tbsp. flour Pinch salt 1 pt. sour cream 2 Tbsp. oleo continued ..•.....

-11- Medina, Ohio 1"11 I f I I CHICKEN PAPRIKAS WITH DROP DUMPLINGS (Continued) Wash and cut chicken in pieces. Melt fat in a large pot; add diced oniqn; cook until irridescent, not brown. Add paprika and stir; add chicken, salt, pepper and water; simmer until chicken is tender and browned. Remove chicken pieces onto platter while gravy is prepared. Mix sour cream and flour in« bowl until mixture is smooth. Remove pot from burner; add mixture, blending well. Serve with drop dumplings. (If more gravy desired, add the light cream.) Dumplings: Mix eggs, flour, salt and oleo and beat well with spoon; a smooth consistency is desired. (Add optional water if your personal desire is a thinner mixture.) Spread batter on platter (dish); hold this over edge of pot with boiling salted water. Using back edge of a teaspoon, push off small portions of batter (into boiling water); continue until all batter has been dealt with accord­ ingly. Boil about 10 minutes; drain. Serve with paprikas and gravy. COMPANY CHICKEN Bonnie L. Lee 4-6 chicken breasts 1 can cream of chicken soup Flour 1/2 tsp. curry powder Salt and pepper . 1 - 4 oz. can sliced mush­ Shortening rooms Flour and season chicken; in skillet, brown chicken in shortening on medium heat. Place chicken in greased casserole. Add soup to skillet in which chicken was fried; stir to pick up drippings; add curry powder and mushrooms. Pour over chicken; cover and bake at 350 degrees 1 hour. TOPSY TURVY CHICKEN Mrs. Clara Gair ~ 3 lb. choice chicken parts 1 1/2 c. College Inn Chicken I ! 1 Tbsp. butter or oleo Broth 3/4 c. chopped onion 1 1/2 c. canned tomatoes 3/4 c. chopped pepper 1 tsp. rosemary 1/2 c. chopped parsley 1 tsp. pepper 1 c. uncooked rice Salt to taste Wash and dry chicken pieces; place skin side up in a shallow greased pan. Brush lightly with butter and bake uncovered at 450 degrees 30 minutes or until brown; sprinkle with onion, pepper, parsley and rice. Bring remaining ingredients to a boil; lour over chicken mixture. Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees or unti chicken and rice are tender. (Cover with foil for last 30 minutes of baking.) Serves 6.


-12- Medina, Ohio

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Medina, Ohio ~ i

~ BANANA NUT BREAD Mary Smith 1 c. sugar 1 c. mashed bananas 2 Tbsp. soft shortening 3 c. whole wheat flour 1 egg 3 1/2 tsp. baking powder 3/4 c. milk 1 tsp. salt 3/4 c. nuts Blend first 3 ingredients; add next ingredients in order. Bake 60-90 minutes at 350 degrees in two 9x5x3-inch greased pans. BASIC SWEET DOUGH RECIPE Mrs. John Wegst . 2 pkg. active dry or 2 cakes 1/2 c. sugar compressed yeast 2 tsp. salt 1/4 c. water 4 1/2-5 c. sifted flour 1 c. milk, scalded 1 tsp. grated lemon peel or ~ 1/4 c. shortening 1 tsp. mace 2 eggs Soften active dry yeast in warm (110") water, compressed yeast in lukewarm (85°) water. Combine milk, shortening, sugar and salt; cool to lukewarm. Stir in 2 c. flour; beat smooth. Add soft­ ened yeast, lemon peel and eggs; beat thoroughly. Add remaining , flour; mix to soft dough. Knead on lightly floured surf ace until ., smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl, turning once; cover; let rise till doubled. Punch down; shape. Especially good for kuchen with crumb topping, fruit ring and Hungarian Coffee Cake (recipe on pg. 21).

-13- Medina, Ohio BOSTON BROWN BREAD Dorothy Davis

2 c. sour milk 1/2 Co sugar 3 Tbsp, molasses 1 c. white flour 2 tsp. soda 2 1/2 Co graham flour Fill coffee tins half full and let stand 1 hour. Bake 1 hour slowly at 3 25 degrees. PUMPKIN BREAD Betty Lynham 1/3 c. shol'tening 1/4 tsp. b~ing powder 1 1/3 c. sugar 1/2 tsp. cinnamon ,.., [ I 2 eggs .. 3/4 tsp. salt ; 1 c. canned pumpkin 1/2. tsp. nutmeg 1 2/3 c. sifted flour 1/3 c. water · 1 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1/2 c. chopped nuts Cream sugar and shortening; add eggs, beating well after each one. Stir in pumpkin and vanilla~ Sift together dry ingredients and IR\ add alternately with water; add chopped nuts. Bake in well greased j I loaf pan at 350 degrees 60-70 minutes~ ·Let cool bn ·wir~ rack for . ro minutes., then turn out of pan to cool thoroughly. STRAWBERRY BREAD Mrs. Sydney Benson 1/2 c. margarine 1/8 'tsp. lemon extract 3/4 c. sugar 2 eggs , \ 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 1/2 c. flour i 1/2 c. strawberry jam 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 c. sour cream 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar 1/2 c. chopped walnuts 1/4 tsp. baking soda Cream butter, sugar, vanilla and lemon extract until creamy; add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each one. Sift flour, salt, !RI cream of tartar and soda; combine jam and sour cream. Add jam ' mixture alternately with dry ingredients to creamed mixture; stir in nuts. Bake at 350 degrees 40-50 minutes; be sure to grease pan well. Keeps. well. Good toasted! · 111111 MOTHER FLEMING'S SOUR CREAM TWISTS · M. A. Fleming

3 1/2 c. flour ~ 1/4 c. warm water - to dis­ 1 c. shortening (margarine) solve 1 cake yeast with 3/4 Co SOUr cream 1 tsp. sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 3 eggs (2 whole~ 1 yolk) Sift flour into a bowl; cut in shortening as for pie dough. Dissolve yeast in water and sugar; let rise. Beat eggs well; add sour cream and yeast mixture; add this to f_lour, then add vanilla. Put in refrig- ~ continued••••••• I I. I -14- Medina, Ohio MOTHER FLEMING'S SOUR CREAM TWISTS (Continued)

erator in covered bowl for at least 2 hours~ or overnight if neces­ sary" ,Remove from refrigerator and roll' out dough on a board, using sugar on the board or pastry clot}:!. Spread with at least _, 1/2 c. sugar, fold over and roll out again; repeat this procedure 3 times" Cut in strips about 3 inches long and 1 inch wide. Twist strips, put on a teflon cookie sheet and bake at 400 degrees 12-15 , minutes. Remove from pan and allow to cool on a cake rack. 1111111 Yield: about 3 dozen rolls. OATMEAL MUFFINS Frances Drawe 1 c. rolled oats 1 c. unbleached white flour 1 c. buttermilk or sour milk 1 tsp. baking powder 1 egg, well beaten 1/2 tsp. soda 1/2 c. brown sugar 1 tsp. salt 1/3 c. oil or melted margarine

Soak rolled oats in buttermilk for 1 hour; add beaten egg and sugar to rolled oat mixture. Add combined dry ingredients; stir in oil or melted margarine. Spoon into 12 oiled muffin cups, filling each about 2/3 full. Bake in preheated 400 degree oven 20-25 minutes. This muffin freezes well. Yields 12 muffins. RAISED ROLLS Dorothy Davis 1 c. milk 1 cake yeast 2 Tbsp. shortening 1/4 c. lukewarm water 2 Tbsp. sugar 1 beaten ·egg 1 tsp. salt 3 1/2 c. flour Scald milk; add shortening, sugar and salt; cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water and add to milk mixture; add egg. Gradually stir in flour to form soft dough; beat vigorously. Cover and let rise in warm place (82") until double in bulk. Toss on lightly floured surface and proceed with desired variations. REFRIGERATOR ROLLS Betty McMillan 1 3/4 c. warm wate.r (115") 1/4 c. soft butter or margarine 2 pkg. active dry yeast 6 c. sifted flour 1/2 c. granulated f:!Ugar 1 Tbsp. melted butter or 1 Tbsp. s·alt · marg.arine 1 unbeaten egg Pour warm water over yeast and stir; add sugar and salt and stir until completely dissolved. Add egg, soft butter and 3 c. flour. With large spoon or mixer beat 3 minutes until smooth; · gradually add 1 c. flour; beat hard. Add by hand remaining flour ·until smooth and elastic. Brush top with melted butter. Cover with continued ••••

-15- Medina, Ohio 1-i I

REFRIGERATOR ROLLS (Continued) plastic wrap or damp towel; let raise in refrigerator at least 2 hours or until dough doubles in bu~k. Bake cinnamon rolls at 375 degrees, Parkerhouse, pan rolls, bU:tterhorn, extra fancy types9 etc. at 400 degrees 20 minutes. Can be stored in refrigerator for 1-3 days; punch down each day. Makes 2 dozen rolls. GINGER COOKIES Thelma Wegst """I. I 1 c. molasses 3 tsp. soda I 1 c. sugar, white or brown 1 tsp. baking powder 1 c. shortening 1 1/2 tsp. ginger 1 c. milk (sour or buttermilk) 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. salt 6 c. flour (enough to make soft dough) Cream sugar and shortening together; add molasses and milk. Mix dry ingredients together and add to mixture. Chill 2 hours; roll and cut. Bake in 400 degree oven 8-10 minutes.

GINGER SNAP COOKIES Alice Chidsey i 1 3/4 c. shortening 2 c. flour 1 c. sugar . 1/2 tsp. cloves 1/4 c. molasses 1/2 tsp. ginger 1 egg 1 tsp. cinnamon 2 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp. salt ,.,

Melt shortening in 3 or 4 qt. saucepan over low heat; remove and 1 allow to cool. Add sugar, molasses and egg, beaten well; sift rest of ingredients together and add to first mixture. Chill; form in 1-inch balls; roll in granulated sugar and place on greased cookie !""I sheets 2 inches apart. Bake at 375 degrees 8-10 minutes. Makes 4 dozen cookies. 19'11\ GRANDMA'S CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES Jane Schaefer 1 1/2 c. brown sugar 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/2 c. white sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 c. butter 2 Tbsp. hot water 1 egg · 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 1/2 c. flour 6 oz. bag chocolate chips 1/2 c. chopped nuts I Cream together butter, sugars and eggs; sift together flour and i ' salt. Dissolve soda in water; add flour, water and vanilla to the creamed mixture; stir in chips and nuts. Bake 10-12 minutes at ~ 375 degrees. Makes 3-4 dozen cookies. I '


-16- Medina, Ohio

~ ! i LIGHT LEMON SLICES Betty Lynham Crust: 1/2 c. confectioners' sugar 1 c. butter or margarine 2 c. flour

Combine flour and sugar; cut and_hl~nd putter into m~xfure, _then pat into a 17xllxl-inch cookie sheet. 13ake at 350 degrees 15-20 min- . utes or until golden. Filling: 1/4 c. lemon juice 4 large eggs Grated rind of 1 lemon . 2 c. granulated sugar (about 1 tsp.) Beat eggs with granulated sugar, lenioh juice and rind; pour over baked crust while still warm and return to oven 15-20 minutes. Immediately after removing from ovenp sprinkle with sifted con­ fectioners' sugar; cut into squares when cool. Tpis is a delicate, flakey cookie bar with good lemon flavor. Add more grated rind . if you are a real lemon fan.· LUSCIOUS BARS Marjorie Gritman 1/4 lb. butter Mix together and spread in a 9- 2 Tbsp. sugar inch greased cake pan. Bake at . 1 c. flour 350 degrees 10 minutes. 2 beaten eggs . 1 1/2 c. brown sugar. Mix and spread over first mix­ i-i . 2 Tbsp. flour ture and bake 20 minutes at 350 . 1 tsp. baking powder degrees.•. 1 c. chopped nuts lll!llil · 2 c. powdered sugar 2 Tbsp. butter Mix and spread over cookies 2 Tbsp. water while stil~ hot. 1 tsp. vanilla PUFF NUT BALLS Priscilla Komjati 3 c. unsifted flour Filling: 1/2 c, QUtter 6 egg whites 1/2 c. sour cream 1/2 c. powdered sugar 6 egg yolks 1 lb. ground nuts Cut butter into flour and add rest of Ingredients; knead on floured - . board gently till smooth.· Pinch off walnut size bits of dough and . roll in palm of hand to make a small ball. Put on cookie sheet; refrigerate overnight. Roll each ball into a circle; put 1 tsp. filling · in center and pinch dough together over filling. Put on lightly greased sheet and bake at 350 degrees 20 minutes:i or until lightly brown. continued., ......

-17- Medina, Ohio I '·

PUFF NUT BALLS (Continued) Filling: Beat whites to soft peak; add powdered sugar and beat till glossy; fold in nuts. __

!al! SUGAR COOKIES Alice Tollaf ield : ! 5 c. flour 1 tsp. baking powder 1 c. vegetable shortening· 3 Tbsp. water 2 c. brown sugar 3 eggs 1 tsp. soda 1 tsp. nutmeg

Mix shortening and brown sugar; add eggs and water beaten to- ~ gether. Sift dry ingredients and add to mixture. These can be rolled and cut or make balls with teaspoonfuls of dough and flatten crisscross style with fork dipped in flour; sprinkle with granufated sugar. Bake at 350 degrees about 10 minutes, depending on size. i-i \ I WHEATIES COOKIES Alice Chidsey 1 c. sugar Salt 1 c. brown sugar 1 tsp. baking powder 1 c. shortening 1 tsp. soda 2 beaten eggs 2 c. wheaties · 2 c. flour 1 c. chopped nuts r Cream first 3 ingredients; add eggs and beat. Sift flour, salt, baking powder and soda; add to mixture slowly and beat. Stir in nil.ts and wheaties. Bake on greased cookie sheets at 350 degrees. i-l

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r ' ' -18- Medina, Ohio MEDINA CARPET CENTER REMNANTS-BAL.ROLLS OFFICE: 725·0304 or 725-0305 124 N. COURT STREET MEDINA, OHIO 44256

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Medina, Ohio n !mt .

BITS 0' ZUCCHINI CAKE Bernice Gale Kosto 1 pkg. Coconut Pecan 2 c. shredded zucchini Frosting Mix squash 2 1/2 c. all purpose flour 1 Tbsp. vanilla extract 1 1/4 c. sugar 3 eggs 1 Tbsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. salt Glaze: 1 tsp. soda 1 c. powdered sugar 1/4 tsp. baking powder 1 Tbsp. melted margarine 1 c. cooking oil 1-2 Tbsp. milk Preheat oven to 325 degrees; generously grease and flour 12 c. fluted tube pan or 10-inch tube pan. In large bowl, blend all ingr~­ dients; blend 2 minutes at high speed; pour into prepared pan. Bake 60-70 minutes until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool upright in pan 30 minutes; turn onto serving plate. Cool com­ pletely. Combine glaze· ingredients and blend until smooth; spoon over cake. BLACK DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE Betty McCormick 1/2 c. shortening 1 c. hot water or coffee 1 1/4 c. sugar 1 1/2 c. sifted flour 2 eggs, unbeaten 3/4 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. soda ' 1/2 c. cocoa 1/4 tsp. baking powder continued •••••.•

-19- Medina, Ohio BLACK DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE (Continued) Beat separately in large bowl all ingredients except cocoa and coffee; add cocoa and coffee mixture alternately withflour mixture and be.at for 3 minutes. Grease pans and pour batter into two 8-inch cake pans or one 13-inch cake pan. Set oven for 350 degrees and !""'\ bake 35-40 minutes. Test for

CAPE ANN BLUEBERRY CAKE (circa 1700) Betty Lynham i i 1 c. shortening 5 tsp. baking powder 2 1/2 c. sugar 1 tsp. salt · r'I 3 eggs 5 c. flour ! ! 1 c. milk 1 1/2 pt, blueberries

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cream shortening and work in sugar ~ gradually; beat in eggs, one at a time; add milk. Sift together baking i 1 powder, salt and flour; add to batter and mix well; stir in blueber- ' ries. Bake in a large greased and floured sheet pan, with a sprink- ling of cinnamon and sugar on top. B~e 40-50 minutes, depending f""! on pan size. Good plain, or with whipped cream. COFFEE CAKE Dorothy Hoff f""! 1 1/2 c. sifted flour Strudel: I 3 tsp. baking powder 1/2 c. brown sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 2 tsp. cinnamon 3/4 c. sugar 2 Tbsp. flour 1/4 c. shortening 2 Tbsp. melted butter 1 egg 1/2 c. chopped nuts 1/2 c. milk Blend together with fork Sift dry ingredients; blend in shortening. Beat egg w'ith milk and add to first mixture. Spread half of batter in pan; add half of strudel, then remaining batter and top with the remaining strudel. Bake about "'"' 375 degrees. . i · FAVORITE CHRISTMAS CAKE Mrs. David P. Locke 1 lb. shelled walnuts 1 lb. dates, cut lengthwise 1/2 lb. shelled Brazil nuts 1 1/2 c. white sugar (le ave nuts whole) 1/4 tsp. salt 8 oz. bottled cherries + 4 eggs, well beaten juice 1 1/2 c. sifted flour 1 tsp. baking powder

Combine eggs, cherries, juice and nuts; add sugar, baking powder~ i: salt and flour; mix well. Grease and flour 2 loaf pans; divide mixture ; ~. between pans. Bake at 325 degrees 1 hour; test for doneness. ·

f""! I I I -20- Medina, Ohio i1 I · HUNGARIAN COFFEE CAKE Mrs. John Wegst After first rising, cut dough (found on pg. 13) into pieces the size of walnuts; form into balls and roll each ball in 1/2 c. melted but­ ter (total amount). Then roll in mixture of: 3/4 c. sugar, 1 tsp. lllli · cinnamon and 1/2 c. finely chopped nuts. Place 1 layer of balls so they barely touch in well greased 9-inch tube pan; sprinkle with a few raisins. Add another layer of balls and sprinkle with raisins, pressing them in: slightly; let rise 45 minutes. Bake 35-40 minutes at 375 degrees. Loosen from pan; invert pan so butter-sugar mix­ ture runs down over cake. To serve, break apart with 2 forks. ffiE KUCHIN Sandra Root - 3 eggs 1/2 c. milk · 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 c. flour 2 Tbsp. melted butter Blend all ingredients in a blender or beat with electric mixer • . Heat griddle to 325 degrees; spray with oil. Pour thin layer into - pan; turn when you can cut wlth a knife. Fry on other side a short time. Serves 3-4; serve with butter and jam or syrup. This is a · very thin pancake. - MARBLE CAKE Charlotte Nickerson 3/4 c. butter or margarine 1 c. milk 2 c. sugar 3 c. flour i-i 3-4 eggs 1/4 tsp. salt 4 tsp. baking powder Cream butter and sugar together; add eggs one by one. Sift flour - - 3 times with baking powder and salt, then mix altogether. Take 1/3 of dough; add 2 Tb13p. _c_Q(:O~, l,1.2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. cloves and rind and a little of the juice of 1 lemon. When putting it in the pan (use a tube pan), put a layer of white dough first, then ,., a layer of dark dough, then the remaining white dough on top. Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees. When cool, remove from pan and · sprinkle with confectioners' sugar. PRUNE CAKE Alice Chidsey 1/2 c. shortening 1 tsp. each: cinnamon, ,., 1 1/2 c. sugar nutmeg & allspice · 3 large eggs 1 c. sour milk or buttermilk 2 c. sifted flour 1 c. well drained, cut up 1/2 tsp. salt prunes (Use unsweetened, ,_, 1 tsp. soda cooked, pitted prunes. Cut 1/2 tsp. double-action up and drain. ) baking powder continued ••••••••

-21- Medina, Ohio - . PRUNE CAKE (Continued) l""'I I I Grease three 8xl-inch round pans or two 9xl 1/4-inch round pans. Place shortening in mixing bowl; blend in sugar with shortening. Beat eggs; blend into sugar and shortening. Sift together flour, i.-.i salt, soda, baking powder and spices; add milk and flour alternately. Add prunes and blend in with mixture. Pour into prepared pans and · bake at 350 degrees 35-40 minutes, APPLE SQUARES Jan Holt 1 lb. vegetable shortening 1 c. white sugar 4 c. flour 1/2-c. brown sugar 1 1/2 tsp" salt Juice of 1/ 2 lemon 1 c. sour cream Chopped nuts and/or raisins 5-6 apples, peeled & sliced Cinnamon

Bread crumbs I I Mix first 3 ingredients together as for pie crust; mix in sour cream. Refrigerate at least 1 hour. Divide dough into half and roll into 15xll-inch pan. Sprinkle bottom of dough with 1/4 c. bread crumbs; put in apples; sprinkle with lemon juice. Combine sugars, nuts, raisins and cinnamon; spread over apples. Roll out remaining dough and cover apple mixture; seal edges. DO NOT CUT VENTS., Bake 1 hour at 375 degrees. Cool; sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut into squares. Freezes well baked or unbaked. BLUEBERRY PIE ).\IIarjorie Gritman 1 - 9-inch baked pastry shell 1 pt. fresh blueberries Fresh peaches or strawberries 1 c. sugar (enough to cover bottom of 3 Tbsp. cornstarch shell, sliced) 1 - 1/2 pt. whipping cream Mash berries; add sugar and cornstarch and cook 10 minutes until thick; stir frequently, using low heat. When cool, spread l""'I over sliced fruit and refrigerate. Whip cream and sweeten slightly with sugar; spread over cold pie.

BUTTERSCOTCH PIE Sadie Thatcher i-, I 2 eggs 1 Tbsp. flour 1 c. brown sugar 1 c. milk l""'I 1 Tbsp. butter Pinch salt I I I Separate eggs; beat yolks, sugar, salt and butter together. Add flour and mix well; then add milk and mix. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour in crust and bake in moderate oven. There will r· be a brown meringue on top of pie when done.

PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS l""'I i I -22- Medina, Ohio i-i I CUSTARD PIE Marjorie Gritman · 1 - 9-inch unbaked pastry 1/2 c. sugar shell 1/4 tspo salt 4 slightly beaten eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 2 1/2 c. scalded milk . Thoroughly mix eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla; slowly stir in hot milk., Immediately pour into unbaked pie shell; dash with nutmeg. Bake in preheated hot 475 degree oven 5 minutes; reduce heat to 425 degrees and bake 10-15 minutes longer. Remove from oven and place on rack to cool. . EXQUISITE CUSTARD PIE Bonnie Lo Lee

1 Co sugar 1 Tbsp. vinegar 1/4 c. butter 1/2 c •. nutmeats 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 c. small raisins 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 2 well beaten eggs

!RI\ Cream butter and sugar; add cinnamon, nutmeg, vinegar, nuts and raisins; add well beaten eggs. Pour into unbaked 8-inch pie shell. Bake at 350 degrees 50-60 minutes.

191 . FROSTY STRAWBERRY PIE Jan Holt Crust: 2 Tbsp. sugar 1/2 c. butter 1 c. flour Combine butter and sugar (do not cream); add flour. Place 1/4- . 1/3 mixture in small pan for crumb topping; press remaining into 9-inch pie pan. Bake at 375 degrees: crumbs 10-12 minutes, crust 12-15 minutes; cool. Filling: 1 unbeaten egg white . 1 c. (10 oz. pkg.) frozen 2 tsp. lemon juice ~ strawberries, partially 1/2 c. whipping cream thawed 1/2 c. sugar

Combine strawberries 7 sugar, egg white and lemon juice; beat with electric mixer at highest speed until soft mounds form 5-8 minutes. Whip cream till thick; fold into strawberry mixture by hand. Spoon into shell and sprinkle with crumbs; freeze until firm 1911 4-9 hours; cover. I


-23- Medina, Ohio LEMON MERINGUE PIE Dorothy Whittaker 1 1/2 c. sugar 6 Tbsp. lemon juice 2 Tbsp. cornstarch 1 1/2 tsp. lemon rind 1/4 c. flour 2 Tbsp. butter 1/4 tsp. salt r 2 c. water Meringue: I 3 egg yolks 3 egg whites 6 Tbsp. powdered sugar Mix first 4 ingredients and add to water; cook until thick (approx. 15 minutes). Add egg yolks (slightly beaten), lemon juice and lemon rind to first mixture; cook 2 minutes. Add butter. Cool slightly and turn into 9-inch baked shell; cover with meringue and r bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees. i 0 LD FASHIONED CREAM PIE Pat Frysinger r 1 c. sugar 1 rounded Tbsp. flour I 2 1/4 c. milk 1/2 stick butter or oleo 2 rounded Tbsp. cornstarch 2 tsp. vanilla r Mix sugar, flour and cornstarch; add milk slowly and stir. Add oleo and vanilla; stir until thick. Put cinnamon in bottom of baked pie shell and top of pie. r i PECAN PIE Jane Schaefer 3 egg whites 1 tsp. vanilla 3/4 c. sugar 3/4 c. chopped pecans 1 tsp. baking powder 3/4 c. crushed graham crackers (about 10 squares) Beat together egg whites, sugar, baking powder and vanilla; stir r in pecans and graham crackers. Bake in a greased pie or 8-inch square pan 30 minutes at 300 degrees. Top with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Serves 6-8. May be doubled, using a sheet cake pan. QUICK PINEAPPLE CHEESE PIE Dawn Imig Graham cracker crust 1 - 8 oz. pkg. softened 1 - 1 lb. can crushed pine­ cream cheese apple, well drained 1/4 c. sugar r-r 1 medium tub Cool Whip i I Make crust as directed on box. Cream the cream cheese and sugar; fold in drained pineapple with the Cool Whip. Combine these two ,_,

mixtures and put into crust. Allow to cool 1-2 hours in refrigerator. · 1 Serves 6-8. 1 ·

-24- Medina, Ohio r1 I i BANANA SP LIT Sandra Root 2 c. graham cracker crumbs 2 large or 4 medium bananas 3 sticks margarine 1 - 20 oz. can crushed pine­ 2 c. powdered sugar apple, well drained 2 eggs 2 pkg. Dream Whip Chopped nuts for topping Melt 1 stick margarine; mix with graham cracker crumbs and press into 9xl3-inch pan; refrigerate. Beat together 15 minutes: """ powdered sugar, 2 sticks margarine and eggs; pour over graham base; refrigerate. Slice bananas and put on top of mixture; add . pineapple and refrigerate. Prepare Dream Whip as package directs; place on top and add chopped nuts. Refrigerate overnight. CHERRY DELITE Jan Holt 1 - 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese 1 pkg. Dream Whip 1 c. powdered sugar 2 cans cherry pie filling Graham cracker crust Make your favorite graham cracker crust in a 13x9 l/2x2-inch imi oblong pan. Cream cheese; add powdered sugar to this; add Dream Whip (already prepared). Spread over crust and cover with pie filling; refrigerate.


-25- Medina, Ohio ri I

CHOCOLATE Pat Frysinger 1 c. flour 1 - 8 oz. soft cream cheese 1/2 c. nuts 2 - 9 oz. Cool Whip 1/2 c. melted oleo 2 small boxes instant choco­ l"'I 1 c. powdered sugar late I 3 c. milk Crush Bake flour, nuts and oleo in 9xl 3-inch pan 15 minutes at 350 degrees; let cool. Cream together powdered sugar, cream cheese and 1 Co?l Whip; beat well. Mix and milk.and layer. over first_ l!lllllt mixtqre. Finally layer Cool Whip, nuts ·and shav,ed chocolate on top. I I ! COFFEE SOUFFLE Mary Loveless 1 1/2 c. liquid coffee 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 c. milk 3 eggs 2/3 c. sugar 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 Tbsp. Knox gelatin l"'I i Mix coffee, milk, i~/2 of sugar and gelatin; heat in double boiler. Add remaining sugar, salt and yolk of eggs, slightly beaten; cook until mixture thickens. Remove from stove and add stiffly beaten ,., egg whites; add vanilla. Chill and serve. Serves 4-6. COTTAGE PIE Audrey Riedel 1 - 8 oz. carton Whipped 3/4 c. sugar cream cottage cheese + 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 c- of a second carton Pinch salt 4 egg yolks 4 egg whites Combine all ingredients except egg whites; mix well. Beat egg whites till stiff and fold into cheese mixture. Pour into unbaked pie shell; bake at 400 degrees 45 minutes. Refrigerate before """' serving. CREAM CHEESE JELL-0 DESSERT Frances Drawe 1 - 3 oz. pk:g. lemon Jell-0 8 oz. cream cheese 1 large can Carnation milk 1/2 c. sugar 2 tsp. vanilla ""'I i. I Cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. Make Jell-0 with 1 c. boiling water and stir until dissolved; set aside to cool till almost ready to set. Whip refrigerated milk till it peaks. Pour cooled Jell-0 1"'l into cheese and sugar mixture and mix. Pour mixture into the i I whipped milk and beat 2 minutes. Make a graham cracker crust. Refrigerate overnight or 4-6 hours. 191 I I -26- Medina, Ohio J

.. ~ . ~ FROZEN STRAWBERRY CREAM Dorothy Crooks 1/2 c. butter or margarine 1 c. sugar 1/4 c. brown sugar 1 Tbsp. lemon juice 1 c. flour 1 tsp. vanilla 1 pkg. Dream Whip Filling: 1 - 10 oz. pkg. frozen 2 egg whites strawberries Mix ingredients lightly. Lay out on a cookie sheet and bake at 400 degrees; stir until golden brown. Press 1/2 or more of mix­ ture in bottom of 9xl 2-inch pan. Filling: Place all except cream in a large bowl; beat 20 minutes - with electric beater. Fold Dream Whip ·in and pour all into pan; place remaining crumbs on top. Freeze 8 hours in freezer; cut in squares. ICE CREAM Rachel Baker '"" 6 eggs 2 Tbsp. vanilla 2 c. sugar Dash of salt 1/2 gal. milk

111111 Combine eggs, sugar and vanilla; beat with electric mixer until creamy. Add salt; mix again with part of the milk. Pour into ice ere am freezer. Add :rnilk until freezer is 2/3 full; close freezer and put into tub for freezing process with ice and rock salt. . PARADISE DESSERT Pat Frysinger 1 - 3 oz. pkg. strawberry 1 c. cream, whipped """' Jell--0 1/2 c. chopped pecans 1/3 c. sugar 6 marshmallows, finely cut 1 c. hot water 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 c. cold water Dissolve Jell-0 and sugar in hot water; add cold water. Chill until slightly thickened; then place.bowl in ice and water and whip until light in color. Fold in cream, pecans, marshmallows and 1911 · vanilla. Turn into mold; chill until firm. RHUBARB-RASPBERRY CRISP Jill E. Linek 2 c. rhubarb, cut in 1/2-inch Topping: pieces 1 c. bread flour, unsifted · 2 c. raspberries (or 10 oz. 1 c. brown sugar frozen) 1/2 c. butter or margarine 1/2 c. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 2 Tbsp. flour 1 Tbsp. lemon juice continued....•.....

-27 - Medina, Ohio r-l ; '

RHUBARB-RASPBERRY CRISP (Continueg) Mix rhubarb and raspberries in a 1 1/2 qt. casserole. Combine sugar and flour and mix with fruit; sprinkle with lemon juice. Topping: Combine flour, sµgar and salt; cut in butter or margarine :; till mixture is crumbly; sprinkle ovel" fruit. Bake 40 minutes at ! . ; 375 degrees. Serve warm with cream. STRAWBERRY WHIP Frances Drawe 1 pkg. strawberry gelatin 2 Tbsp. sugar 1 c. boiling water 1 pkg. frozen strawberries ~ Juice of 1/2 'lemon 1/2 c. heavy cream I 1 angel food cake

Dissolve gelatin in boiling water; stir in lemon juice and s~gar. ,. Add strawberries and stir until dissolved; refrigerate until syrupy. ! ~ Whip cream stiff; fold into strawberry mixture. Break cake into small pieces in long casserole baking pan; press down slightly; pour strawberry mixture evenly over cake. Cover with foil and re- l""I frigerate until gelatin mixture congeals. Serve in slices; top·with whipped cream and garnish with strawberries. Yields 8 servings.

TOASTED SNOW SQUARES Dorothy Davis ~ I 1 ~ . 10 graham crackers, crushed Butter sauce: 1 env. Knox gelatin 3 egg yolks, beaten well 11'11 4 Tbsp. cold water 1/3 c. sugar . ' I 1 c. boiling water 1/3 c. butter 3/4 c. sugar . 1 Tbsp. lemon rind 3 egg whites, unbeaten 2 Tbsp. lemon juice 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 c. whipping cream 1 tsp. vanilla Put graham crackers (saving 1/2 c. for top) in 9x12-inch pan. SpriI1Kle gelatin over cold water and let stand until dissolved; add boiling water and sugar; stir in egg whites when first mixture is cool. Beat egg whites, vanilla and salt into mixture with mixer until thick; pour over crumbs and cool. Whip butter sauce ingre- - dients and spread over cooled gelatin; sprinkle with remaining graham crackers. j i,

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I'll! ' ' ! i

-28- Medina, Ohio · CHOCOLATE TOFFEE BAR Collette Dankhoff 1 c. sugar 1 large 8 oz. Hershey bar 1 c. butter 1 - 2 1/ 4 oz. pkg. nut topping Melt butter in heavy stew pan (do not use teflon). Pour in sugar when butter is melted· cook over medium heat about 25 minutes, stirring constantly. T~is mixture will separate and then come back together; after it comes back together it will turn a caramel color. Pour onto a greased cookie sheet. Break Hershey bar into small . pieces and spread on toffee with spatula; sprinkle nuts on top and let cool. Break into bite size pieces, Tastes like a Heath bar. CRACKER JACK Alice Chidsey 1 gal. popped corn 1/ 4 c. dark Karo syrup 1 c. granulated sugar 1 1/ 2 tsp, butter · 1/ 4 c. maple syrup 1 Tbsp. vinegar 1/2 tsp. baking soda

Mix sugar, syrups, butter and vinegar; boil until it cracks in water. Remove from heat and stir in soda; pour over corn. FRESH FROZEN ORANGE JUICE CANDY Dawn Imig 2 cans fresh frozen orange 2/ 3 c. sugar juice, undiluted 1 c. light corn syrup 4 Tbsp. unflavored gelatin 1/2 c. sifted confectioners' sugar continued•..•..••

-29- Medina, Ohio ("""i I

FRESH FROZEN ORANGE JUICE CANDY ( Continued ) Place undiluted frozen orange juice in a heavy pan and melt over low heat; remove from heat. Stir in gelatin and let stand 5 minutes; cook over moderate heat and stir with a· wooden spoon until gelatin I""! is completely dissolved. Add sugar· and stir until dissolved; add corn 1 syrup and stir thoroughly. Remove from heat and pour mixture into 8x8-inch pan that has been rinsed in cold water; cool; then place in refrigerator until firm. Cut in 1-inch squares and roll each in sifted confectioners' sugar. Yield: 64 candies. MINTS Alice Chidsey 1 egg white 2 1/2 c. confectioners' sugar 1 1/2 tsp. cold water 6 drops oil of peppermint

Put egg white and water in bowl; beat until well blended. Add !!NI sugar gradually to make a fondant that can be easily handled. Knead 1 smooth; add flavoring. Roll into balls and press fl-at with decorative item. SPICED WALNUTS Alice Chidsey 1 c. sugar 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. cloves 2 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 c. water 2 c. walnut halves Combine first 6 items in medium saucepan; cook over medium · heat, stirring constantly until sugar is dissolved. Continue cooking without stirring to 238 degrees on candy thermometer or until a little in cold water forms a soft ball. Remove from heat; add wal­ nuts, stirring gently; mixture becomes creamy. Turn onto waxed ii paper; with fork, separate walnuts; let dry. Makes about 3/4 lb. I I

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ii"'!! ! i '

1'111 i ! i l

-30- Medina, Ohio \"') ) I BAKED BARLEY CASSEROLE Janette Purdum 1 c. barley 2 cans College Inn chicken 3/4 c. chopped onions broth 1/4 lb. oleo 2 cans mushrooms with liquid 1/2 c. slivered almonds

Sau~e' barley, onions and mushrooms until brown. Butter a 2-qt. casserole and put browned mixture in it; pour chicken broth over it and mushrooms with liquid. Bkae at 350 degrees covered 1 hour; uncover and cook 1 hour; last 10 minutes add almonds. Mix a few through barley and put the rest on top to brown. Serves 8. This . casserole is good to use in place of potatoes for a dinner.

BAKED EGGPLANT PARMESAN Betty H. Zarney 1 eggplant 1/2 c. (or more) grated Mayonnaise to taste Parmesan cheese 1/2 c. (or more) ground (Depending on size of eggplant) bread crumbs · Slice peeled eggplant into 1/3-1/2-inch slices; spread mayonnaise on one side. Sprinkle with crumbs and Parmesan, mixed; turn over and repeat. Bake on cookie sheet at 300 degrees 45-50 minutes.


-31- Medina, Ohio BAKED SWISS-SAUSAGE DELIGHT Betty Boyer 6 slices bread 3 slightly beaten eggs 1 lb. bulk sausage . 2 c. milk 1 tsp. prepared mustard 1/2 tsp. salt ri 1 c. shredded processed Pepper ': I Swiss cheese Dash nutmeg 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce Trim crusts from bread; add slightly beaten eggs. Brown sausage and drain; stir in mustard. Spread sausage evenly over bread; sprinkle with cheese. Combine remaining ingredients. Bake in 350 degree oven 30-35 minutes. 1 Ox6xl-inch pan. CABBAGE AND NOODLES Jan Brumby 5 slices bacon, diced 4 oz. medium noodles, ~ 1 Tbsp. sugar cooked (about 3 c. ) I I 1 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 c. sour cream 6 c. chopped cabbage Paprika In large skillet, cook bacon till crisp; remove from skillet, drain and crumble. Stir sugar and salt into bacon drippings in skillet; add cabbage and stir until coated. Cook covered till tender about i-1 10 minutes. Combine cabbage, noodles and bacon; turn into 1 1/2 1 • qt. casserole. Cover and balm in slow 325 degree oven 45 minutes. ' ' Uncover; spoon sour cream over top and bake 5 minutes longer. Serves 6. CHEESE BREAD SOUFF LE Lena Carnes 6 slices bread with crusts 4 beaten eggs removed 1 pt. milk 1 c. grated Cheddar cheese 1/2 tsp. salt

Butter loaf-size pan; butter the bread. Reserve 1/3 c. cheese for 19'1\ top; alternate layers of bread and cheese. Combine eggs, milk and 1 .: salt; pour over bread mixture; refrigerate 1 hour. Sprinkle remain-· - ing cheese over top; bake at 350 degrees 45 minutes. Serve immed- iately. Serves 4. i-i CHEESE ROYALE Alice Tollafield 1 c. uncooked macaroni 1 Tbsp. parsley, minced 1 1/2 c. milk, scalded 2 Tbsp. onfon, minced 1 c. soft bread crumbs 1 3/ 4 c. sharp cheese, grated 2 Tbsp. melted butter 3/4 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. pimento, minced 1/8 tsp. pepper I I 1 Tbsp. green pepper, 3 eggs, well beaten ! ! minced Paprika continuedo •••••••.. l""'l I , r' \ -32- Medina, Ohio

\91111 j I CHEESE ROYALE (Continued) , Cook macaroni. Pour scalded milk over remaining ing.redients, except eggs and paprika; stir in macaroni and eggs. Put in shallow pan or casserole; top with paprika and bake at 325 degrees 35 min­ utes until firm. CHEESE SOUFFLE Sydney Sue Benson 1 can cream of mushroom or 10 oz. pkg. Cheddar cheese cream of chicken soup 5 eggs Pepper and salt to taste Place cut-up cheese in soup in double boiler; melt cheese and blend; cool. Add 5 egg yolks, slightly beaten; blend; fold in 5 egg . whites, beaten stiff. Pour in buttered 2-2 1/2 qt. casserole; bake . in pan of water about 40 minutes in 350 degree oven. Test with knife as custard. Can let stand in oven for 20-30 minutes with oven turned off. Serves 6. To serve 3: use 1/2 can soup, 5 oz. cheese . and3 eggs. CONSOMME CASSEROLE DISH Frances Drawe · 1 can consomme 11/2 c. raw rice 1 can onion soup 1/4 lb. oleo or butter, 1 can mushrooms melted Mix together and put in 1 1/2· qt. casserole. Bake at 350 degrees 1-1 1/2 hours (look at it after 1 hour). CORN-BROCCOLI CASSEROLE Mrs. Dorothy M. Jones 1 can cream style corn 2 Tbsp. chopped onions 1 pkg. frozen chopped 1/4 c. melted butter . broccoli, cooked and 1 c. "Chicken in a Biskit" ·drained (crumbed) '1 egg Salt and pepper - ·· 1/4 c. milk

~ Beat together egg and milk; mix the ingredients all together. Top with regular cracker crumbs, rolled fine and buttered. Bake 30 minutes in 325 degree oven. Variation: for a main course, add two chicken breasts cut in bite-size pieces or l can tuna fish. EL PASO PIE Collette Dankho;ff 1 lb. ground beef 1 pkg. ready-to-mix corn 1 can mexe beans with bread chili sauce 1 green pepper, cho_pped 1 c. grated Cheddar cheese (optional) continued •••••••

-33- Medina, Ohio EL PASO PIE (Continued) ,_, Fry ground meat and stir in mexe beans. Put into a casserole dish; sprinkle with cheese. Make corn bread according to package instruc- tions; spread on top of cheese. Bake at temperature required for i- corn bread until done~ Serves 4. (If green pepper is used, mix with meat and bean mixture. ) HAM & ASPARAGUS CASSEROLE Dawn hnig 11/2 c. cornbread stuffing Cheese sauce: (1 pkg. cornbread mix, 2 cans cream of mushroom baked and crumbled) soup 2 c. diced ham 1 c. milk 2 c. asparagus, fresh or 1/4 c. chopped onion canned or 2 pkg. frozen 1/4 tsp. marjoram cooked Dash of rosemary (ml! I 3 Tbsp. melted butter Dash of Worcestershire i ' Dash of white wine 1 c. grated Cheddar cheese ~ i i Spread 1/2 of cornbread stuffing over bottom of 9xl3-inch baking I ' dish; put 1/2 amount of ham on top. Arrange 1/2 amount of aspara- gus on top of ham; spread 1/2 amount of cheese sauce. Repeat · ~ above; top with the rest of stuffing moistened with melted butter. I Bake at 350 degrees 30-35 minutes. i HERBED CHICKEN CASSEROLE Debby Waldron ~ I 6 c. cooked chicken breasts 1 can cream of mushroom (3 whole breasts in bite- soup size pieces) 2 cans chicken & rice soup ,., 1/2 c. chopped onion 1 large can chow mein i • 1 c. chopped celery noodles ' I 1 can evaporated milk 1/2 c. slivered almonds 2/3 c. melted butter 1 c. herbed Pepperidge 1 can cream of chicken soup stuffing mix 1 c. grated sharp cheese

Mix all ingredients in large bowl, except cheese. Pour into two ~ 8-inch casseroles; sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake 1 hour at ' 350 degrees. Serves 12. MASHED POTATO CASSEROLE Dorothy J. Jones 5 lb. white potatoes 1 stick butter or margarine 1 - 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese 1 tsp. salt 1 c. Half & Half cream 1 tsp. onion salt ~ I i

1 tsp. seasoned salt I I continued•••••••.••••

-34- Medina, Ohio 111111 MASHED POTATO CASSEROLE (Continued) Boil potatoes in salted water after peeling. Blend cream cheese and cream together in large mixer bowl; add stick of butter to !""I cream and cream cheese mixture. Drain potatoes and add to mixer bowl; beat till creamy and add seasonings. Place in large 3 qt. casserole which has been buttered; dot with butter and sprinkle with paprika" Bake at 350 degrees 1/2 hour. Can be made night l""'I before and refrigerated; if so, bake at 350 degrees 1 hour. QUICHE LORRAINE Mrsc John Lutsch

-i Pie dough for 9-inch pie 4 eggs, beaten lightly plate 1 c. heavy cream or 1 c. milk 1 Tbsp. bacon drippings 4 slices crisp bacon 1 c. thinly sliced onions 2 c. light cream /al· 1 1/2 c. cubed Gruyere or 1/2 tsp. salt · Emmentaler cheese 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp. white pepper .

~ Line pie plate with dough; bake 5 minutes in 450 degree oven. Cook onions in bacon drippings until transparent. Cover bottom of pastry with cheese, onions and crumbled bacon; combine remain­ ing ingredients and pour over onion and cheese. Bake in a pre- .-i heated 450 degree oven 10 minutes; reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake 20 minutes longer or until knife comes out clean. May be cut in small pieces and served as hot appetizer, or in regular wedges as main dish. SEAFOOD CASSEROLE Charlotte Nickerson 4 c" thin noodles 2 small cans mushrooms .-. 1 lb. Velveeta cheese (bits and pieces) 1/2 lb. butter or margarine 2 cans crabmeat or 2 cans 2 1/2 c. milk shrimp or 1 of each 1 small onion, chopped Cook noodles in salted water and drain. Melt cheese, butter and milk in saucepan. Saute' onion in a little butter until tender; add ~ to milk and cheese mixture. Combine all the above ingredients in a large casserole; cover with cracker crumbs and dot with butter. Place in 350 degree oven 30 minutes or until bubbly. Serves 12. Can be easily halved and can be frozen. SQUASH CASSEROLE June Fisher · 2 pkg. frozen squash or 1 can cream of chicken or .. 2 lb. fresh cream of mushroom soup 1 carrot 1 stick margarine · 1 onion 1/2 pkg. Pepperidge Farm 1 c. sour cream herb dressing continued•••.•••. -35- Medina, Ohio I ( !

SQUASH CASSEROLE (Continued) Cook squash and drain; melt margarine; grate onion and carrot; mix all ingredients, except dressing. Generously coat casserole dish with butter; sprinkle half the dressing on bottom of dish,, re­ mainder on top of squash mixture. Bake at 350 degrees until it bubbles. VIENNESE GOULASH Barbara Keehn 1/4 c. oil 3 lb. stew beef, in chunks 1 chopped onion 2 small cans tomato paste 1 chopped green pepper 2 small cans water 3/4 tsp. caraway seeds Salt to taste Put oil in electric skillet and brown onion, pepper and caraway seeds; add remaining ingredients. Stir, cover and simmer 2 hours; ~ serve over rice or boiled potatoes. Serves 8. j ( YON MEZZETTA Dorothy Whittaker 191 I, ' 1 lb. hamburger 1 c. tomato soup I 1 large onion 1 c. :lnushroom soup 4 stalks celery, chopped 1/4 lb. Cheddar cheese, cubed 1/2 green pepper, chopped 1/2 pkg. noodle·s;,, cooked Brown together hamburger and onion; add remaining ingredients into greased casserole. Bake at 350 degrees 45 minutes. CHEESE PUDDING Mrs. James R. Bryant : \ 8 slices white bread 3 c. milk · .. 1 - 8 oz. box Parmesan­ 4 eggs, well beaten Romano grated cheese 1/3 tsp. dry mustard Paprika (optional) Butter bread slices and cut each slice into 4 squares. Grease ~.qt. casserole; line bottom with bread, then cheese, etc., ending with cheese. Mix milk, eggs and mustard and pour over casserole; cover and refrigerate overnight. Before baking, leave casserole out until room temperature; sprinkle with paprika. Bake at 325 """'I degrees 50 minutes. This can be a main dish and goes well with a vegetable and salad. 119) ' i CHICKEN DUMPLINGS Karla Franklin i l 2 c. flour 2 eggs, well beaten 1/2 tsp. salt 1 c. chicken broth ., 1/2-1 c. milk l i continued••••••••

; \ I -36·- Medina, Ohio

'' ' CHICKEN DUMPLINGS (Continued) Mix flour, salt, eggs and broth until very stiff; roll out on floured surface to about 1/4-inch. Cut into 3/4-inch wide strips; drop . strips into boiling broth and boil 2 minutes. Add 1/2-1 c. milk, depending on desired thickness of gravy. Cook 2 more minutes uncovered. MUSHROOM-RICE STUFFING Reba Longacre ·'. l/2 c. butter or margarine 1/2 c. snipped celery leaves 2 2/3 c. packaged precooked 1 Tbsp. salt rice 1/8 tsp. pepper 1/2 c. chopped green onions 1/2 tsp. dried marjoram 1 lb. chopped mushrooms or 1/8 tsp. dried sage 1 large or 2 small cans 1/8 tsp. dried thyme 2 c. diced celery 2 1/2 c. water 2/3 c. chopped pecans

~ .Melt butter in large saucepan; add rest of ingredients except water and pecans; saute', stirring, until· onions are golden. Mix . in water; bring to boil over high heat, then simmer 2 minutes, gently fluffing rice once or twice with fork. Remove from: heat; • add pecans. Enough for a 13 lb. turkey. Can be used as a side dish instead of ~stuffing: Prepare, dot with butter and bake in 350 degree oven 45 minutes. STEAK SAUCE Reba Longacre 1 stick butter or oleo 2 Tbsp. soy sauce 1 large onion, sliced into 1 large can mushrooms rings Garlic salt to taste Pepper to taste Melt butter or oleo; add soy sauce, onion slices and mushrooms. Saute' till onions turn yellow; season to taste.

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-37- Medina, Ohfo 0 n n n

~ 1 l n D n n Il n n n

0 OVEN TEMPERATURE CHART Slow ..••.•.•.. 250 degrees 325 degrees F. Moderate 325 degrees 37 5 degrees F. Moderate hot. 375 degrees 425 degrees F. Hot •.•.••. 425 degrees 450 degrees F. Very hot •...•••••.. 450 degrees 475 degrees F. Minutes Temperature BREADS Loaf 50-60 400 Rolls 20-30 400 ...... 12-15 450 Muffins •• 20-25 400 Popovers ...... 30-40 425 Corn bread ...... 25-30 400 Nut ...... 50-60 350 Gingerbread .••••••• 30-40 325 PIES Pumpld.n .••••...... ••• 35-45 400 Two-crust ...... 25-40 400 Shells ...... 10-12 450 Meringue 10-15 300 COOKIES Drop .....- ...... 10-15 400 Rolled 3;..12 400 Ice box 8-12 400 Molasses 10-15 350 CAKES Angel ...... 60 325 Sponge •••••.•• 60 325 Cup 25 350 Layer ...... 25-30 375 Loaf ...... 45-60 350 Sheet •••••••.•• 20-30 375 Pound ...... 60-90 325 MEAT AND POULTRY Beef, rare ...... 20 min. to lb. 300 Beef, medium ...... 25 min. to lb. 300 Beef, done 30 min. to lb. 300 Pork 40 min. to lb. 350 Ham, smoked •• 30 min. to lb. 300 Mutton ••• 35 min. to lb. 300 Veal 35 min . .to lb. 325 Chicken .••••.• 25 min. to lb. 350 Duck ...... · 25 min. to lb. 350 Turkey, large 20 min. to lb. 275 Turkey, small 25 min. to lb. 300 Fish ...... 20 min. to lb...... 375 -a- OVEN TEMPERATURE CHART (Continued) r-i I I MISCELLANEOUS I Custard cup •••••••••••••••• 20-30 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 300 Custard casserole ••••••••••• 45-60 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 300 Souffle •...... 50-60 ...... 325 ••••· •••••••••••• 60-90 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 400 Baked beans ...... •... 6 hours ...... 350 Timbales ...... 35-45 ...... 300 ••••••••••••••• 50-60 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 325 Scalloped potato ••••••••••••• 60-90 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 375

i-, TIME CHART FOR ROASTS / ) I Kind: Minutes per lb. after searing: Beef - rare ••••••••••••••••• 10-16 medium •••••••••••••• 17-22 well done ••••••••••••• 23-30 Veal, pork, lamb - well done .• 30 Cured pork - well done •••••••• 40-55 r Broiling: Remove any extra fat from the meat and grease the J i. broiler with some of it. Broil the meat over a clear fire or under a gas or electric burner. Sear it on both sides and cook it half of il the required time on each side. I Pan broiling: Heat a frying pan very hot and grease it, by rubbing with a little fat. Sear meat on both sides, then cook more slowly until done. Season. Keep free from fat.

TIME TABLE FOR BROILING AND PAN BROILING Kind of Meat: Time in Minutes: Beef steaks - 1-inch thick ••••• Rare or medium, 8-10 11/2-inch •••••• Rare or medium, 10-15 2-inch ••••••••• Rare or medium , 18-25 Pork chops, thin • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8-10 Lamb chops, rib • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6-8 Loin or shoulder • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8-10 ll!Oll\ Mutton chops 1-inch thick ••••• 15-20 i \ Veal cutlets, very thin • • • • • • • • 6-8 Chops .•..•.•...... ••... 10 (11111) Sauteing or pan frying: Remove any extra fat and dip the meat in ! ! crumbs, egg and crumbs again (or use a mixture or corn meal and crumbs), cook 25 to 30 minutes in a small amount of fat in a f'rying pan, browning first on one side then turning, seasoning I'll! 1 I with salt and pepper, and browning on the other. Example: I . breaded veal chops. Tender Meat Cookery: Roasting: Skewer meat into shape, lay on -b-

riI TIME TABLE FOR BROILING AND PAN BROILING (Continued) a rack in a meat pan and put pieces of the meat fat in the bottom of the pan. Place in a hot oven, 500 degrees F., on the upper grate for 10 minutes to sear meat; season with salt and pepper, remove to the lower grate of oven; lower temperature to about 300 degrees F. ; baste occasionally until done. Add hot water if neces­ sary for basting.

TEMPERATURES FOR BAKING FLOUR MIXTURES Food Temperature Time (Min.) Baking powder . 450 degrees to 460 degrees 12-15 Bread . . . . • . • • . • . • . . • 350 degrees to 400 degrees 45-60 Butter cake, loaf •..•. 360 degrees to 400 degrees 40-60 Butter cake, layer .••• 380 degrees to 400 degrees 20-40 Cake, angel • . • • . • • • • • 300 degrees to 360 degrees 50-60 Cake, sponge . . . • • . • . • 300 degrees to 350 degrees 40-60 Cake, fruit ••.....•.•• 275 degrees to 325 degrees 3-4 hours Cookies, thin ....•.•.• 380 degrees to 390 degrees 10-12 Cookies, molasses •••• 350 degrees to 375 degrees 18-20 Cream puffs . . • . • • • • • • 300 degrees to 350 degrees 45-60 Meringues . • • . . . • . • • • 250 degrees to 300 degrees 40-60 Muffins (b. p. ) • • . . • • • 400 degrees to 425 degrees 20-25 Pie crust . • . . • • . • . • • • 400 degrees to 500 degrees 20-40 Popovers • • • • • • • • • • • • 350 degrees to 450 degrees 35-40 Rolls. • • . • . • • • • . • • . • • • 400 degrees to 425 degrees 25-30

TABLE FOR COOKING CEREALS Time in Kind and Amount Salt Water double boiler Cream of wheat, 1 cup. 11/2 tsp. 4 c. 40 minutes Corn meal, 1 cup •••.• 11/2 tsp. 4 c. 3 1/2 hours Rice, 1 cup ••.•••..•• 1 tsp. 3 c. 40 minutes Hominy (coarse) •..•.. 1th. 5 c. 3 hours (fine) ...... 11 2 tsp. 4 c. 2 hours Rolled oats, 1 cup ••... 1 tsp. 2 1/2 c. 1 hour Cracked wheat, 1 cup •. 1 tsp. 4 c. 4 to 6 hours

TABLE FOR DRIED FRUITS Fruit Cooking Time Amount of Sugar or Honey Apricots . . • . • . . About 40 minutes 1/4 c. for each c. fruit Figs ...... •• About 30 minutes 1 Tbsp. for each c. fruit Peaches ••..••• About 45 minutes 1/4 c. for each c. fruit Prunes • • • . . • . • About 45 minutes 2 Tbsp. for each c. fruit -c- SAUCES Thickening White Sauce Liquid Material Fat Seasoning (salt) No. 1 thin •••••• 1 c. milk 1 Tbsp. flour 1 Tbsp. 1/2 tsp. No. 2 medium ••• 1 c. milk 2 Tbsp. flour 11/2 Tbsp. 1/2 tsp. No. 3 ••••••••• 1 c. milk 3 Tbsp. flour 2 Tbsp. 1 tsp. pi!ll!I No. 4 thick ••••• 1 c. milk 4 Tbsp. flour 2 1/2 Tbsp. 1 tsp. I Use No. 1 sauce for cream soups. Use No. 2 sauce for cr~amed or scalloped dishes or gravy. Use No. 3 sauce for souffles. . Use No. 4 sauce for croquettes.

VEGETABLE TIME TABLE 1911 I Minutes I' Vegetable Boiled Steamed Baked - - l""I Asparagus, tied in bundles •••••••••• 30 I i Artichokes, French •••••••••••••••• 40 45-60 I Beans, Lima, depending on age •••••• 20-40 60 Beans, string ...... 15-45 60 Beets, young with skins on •••••••••• 45 60 70-90 rI , Cabbage, chopped, cut sectional ••••• 10-20 25 / Cauliflower, stem down ••••••••••••• 20-30 20-30 40 Carrots, cut across ••••••••• • •••••• 19! Chard •..•••••••••••••••••••••.••• 60-90 90 i : Celery, cut in lengths 1/2 inch •••••• 30 45 I Corn, green, tender •••••••••••••••• 5-10 15 20 Cucumbers, peeled and cut ••••.••••• 20 30 40 !11111 Eggplant, whole ...... •.••... 30 40 45 I ! ' ', Onions •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 45 60 60 i Parsnips •••••••••••••.••••••••••• 60 75 75 Peas, green •••.••.••••.•.••••••••• 20-40 35-50 I'll! Peppers • ...... •...... ·.. 20-30 ~o 30 I Potatoes, depending on size ••••••••• 20-40 60 45-60 I i Pumpkin, in cubes ...... 30 45 60 Potatoes, sweet ••••••••••••••••••• 40 40 45-60 191 I Salsify ...... •...... •.. 25 45 : Spinach ...... •... 20 30 i Sq,uash in cubes ...... •.... 20-40 .50 60 Tomatoes, depending on size •••••••• 5-15 50 15-20 19! · Turnips, depending on size •••••••••• 30-60 I l I


J ! 1 cup = 250 milliliters (ml) 1/4 cup = 62 1/2 ml 1. teaspoon = 5 ml fll"l!! I 1 tablespoon = 15 ml I ' 1 pint = 1. 47 liter (1) 1 quart = o. 95 1 ' 1 gallon = 3. 8 1 1"11 1 liter = 2.1 pint 1 liter = 1. 06 quart 1 liter = o. 26 gallon 1111111 i l -d- l i CANDY THERMOMETER HINTS To check candy thermometer accuracy, let stand 10 minutes in boiling water. Thermometer should read 212 degrees; if there is any variation, subtract or add to make the same degree of al­ lowance in testing candy. Thread ••••.••• 230 degrees to 234 degrees Soft ball .•••••• 234 degrees to 238 degrees Medium ball . • • • 238 degrees to 244 degrees Firm ball • • • • • • 244 degrees to 248 degrees Hard ball • • • • • • 248 degrees to 254 degrees Very hard ball. • 254 degrees to 265 degrees Light crack • • • • 265 degrees to. 285 degrees Hard crack •••• 290 degrees to 300 degrees TEMPERATURES IN CANDY MAKING Fudge, opera creams, penuche and cream candies 234-236 degrees, soft ball Fondants lmints, etc.) •••••••• 234-236 degrees, soft ball - Marshmallows •••••••••••••• 238-240 degrees, soft ball Caramel mixtures •••••••••••• 246-252 degrees, firm ball Taffies ••••••••••••••••••••• 254-270 degrees, hard ball Butterscotch ••••••••••••••••• 280-300 degrees, crack Brittles .•••••••••••••••••••• 290-310 degrees, hard crack Boiled frostings: 1 egg white to 1 c. sugar - 238-242 degrees, soft ball or thread 2 egg whites to 1 c. sugar - 244-248 degrees, soft ball or thread 3 egg whites to 1 c. sugar - 254-260 degrees, firm ball or long thread.

TIME AND TEMPERATURE REQUIRED FOR CAKE BAKING Sponge cake • 275-325 degrees - 40 minutes to 1 hour Loaf cake • • • 325-350 degrees - 40 minutes to 1 hour Cup cakes ••• 350-375 degrees - 15 to 25 minutes Layer cake •• 375-400 degrees - 20-30 minutes FOR THE COOKY JAR Cooky dough that is to be rolled is much easier to handle after it has been in a cold place 10 to 30 minutes. This keeps the dough from sticking, even though it may Le soft. If not done, the soft dough may require more flour and too much flour makes cookies hard and brittle; in rolling, take out on a floured board only as much dough as can be managed easily. Flour the rolling pin slightly and roll lightly to desired thickness. Cut shapes close to­ gether and keep all trimmings for the last. Place pans or sheets in upper third of oven. Watch cookies carefully while baking to a void burning edges. When sprinkling sugar on cookies, try putting it into a salt shaker. It saves time. -e- ROAST TURKEY Stuff and truss turkey; brush skin with cooking fat. Place breast up on a rack in a shallow open pan. Cover turkey with fat­ moistened cheesecloth, large enough to cover top and drape down on all sides. Place in preheated oven, 325 degrees F. Do not sear; do not add water; do not cover. Basting is unnecessary, but if cloth dries during cooking, moisten it with drippings in pan. When meat thermometer registers 190 degrees F. (20 minutes be­ fore turkey should be done) test for

Roasting Time and Temperature (whole turkeys): Ready-to-cook Oven Total Time Weight Temperature {Hours} 19\ I

Btol0 ...... 1111 •••• 325 degrees F...... 4 to 4 1/2 1 O to 12 ...... •....•. 325 degrees F...... 4 1/2 to 5 12 to 14 . " ...... 325 degrees F...... 5 to 5 1/4 14to16 ..•.•.•...... 325 degrees F...... 5 1/4 to 6 16 to 18 ...... 325 degrees F...... 6 to 6 1/2 18 to 20 ..•..•...•.•.. 325 degrees F...... 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 20 24 ••••••••.••••• 325 degrees F. to ...... 7 1/2 to 9 I I ' Note: If turkey is roasted unstuffed, reduce time approximately 5 minutes per pound. (Half Turkeys) 3 1/2 to 5 ••.•...••..• 325 degrees F...... 3 to 3 1/2 5 to 8 ...... 325 degrees F...... 3 1/2 to 4 8 to 12 ...... 325 degrees F...... 4 to 5 (Foil Wrapped Turkeys) 8 to 10 ...... 450 degrees F...... 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 10 to 12 .•...... •..• 450 degrees F...... 2 1/2 to 3 12 to 16 ...•.....•.... 450 degrees F...... 3 to 3 1/4 16 to 20 .....•...... 450 degrees F...... 3 1/4 to 3 1/2 20 to 24 •••••••••••••• 450 degrees F...... 3 1/2 to 3 3/4

-f- 19\ I INGREDIENT SUBSTITUTIONS 1 square (1 oz.) chocolate equals 3 tablespoons cocoa plus 1 tablespoon vegetable shortening. 1 3/4 cups (approximately) all-purpose flour equals 2 cups cake fl.our. 2/3 cups honey equals 1 cup sugar plus 1/3 cup of water. 1 package (8 to 9 oz.) macaroni or spaghetti equals 4 to 5 cups cooked. 1 cup raw rice equals 3 cups of cooked rice, approximately. 1 1/2 cups corn syrup equals 1 cup sugar plus 1/2 cup of water. 2 tablespoons flour (for thickening) equals 1 tablespoon corn starch. 2 cups ground meat (tightly packed) equals 1 pound. 3 cups ground meat (loosely packed) equals 1 pound. 2 1/2 cups raisins equals 1 pound. 3 cups coarsely chopped nuts equals 1 pound. 1 cup sweet milk equals 1 cup sour milk plus 1 teaspoon soda. 1/2 teaspoon soda plus 1 cup sour milk equals 2 teaspoons baking powder. 2 CUJ>S equals 1 can (tall) - 2 1/2 cups equals No. 2 can 3 1/2 cups equals No. 2 1/2 can 1 lemon (medium) equals 3 tablespoons juice 1 orange (medium) equals 1/2 cup juice 2 Tablespoons shortening equals 1 ounce.

TABLE OF MEASUREMENTS AND ABBREVIATIONS t. or tsp. . •.•••••••••••.•••• teaspoons T. or Tbsp. . •..••••.•.••.•.. tablespoons c...... cup pt...... pint qt...... quart lb...... pound 3 t...... 1 T. 16T •••.•..••.•••.•..••••••• le. (4T. -1/4c.; ST. -1/2c.) 2 cups ...... 1 pint 2 pints ...... 1 qt. 4 qt...... 1 gal.

MEASURES OF FRUITS AND NUTS 1 pound dates measure about 2 cups 1 pound raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dried peaches, dried pears or dried figs measures about 3 1/4 to 3 1/2 cups 1 pound dried apples measure about 5 cups 1 pound cut-up candied fruit peel measures about 3 cups 1 pound shelled almonds or Brazil nuts measure about 3 cups 1 pound shelled walnuts or pecans measure about 4 cups


BAKED BEANS FOR 100: 4 lb. salt pork 8 qt. dry beans ~ 20 qt. salad 20 doz. rolls I 4 lb. butter 20 pies " 4 qt. cream 2 lb. coffee ,., HASH SUPPER FOR 100: 40 lb. corned beef 5 qt. salad dressing 32 qt. potatoes 5 lb. butter ,., 20 doz. rolls 2 lb. coffee ; \ 20 qt. chopped cabbage 4 qt. cream CABBAGE SALAD FOR 175: ,., 20 lb. cabbage 4 large cans crushed 1 1/2 qt. Miracle Whip pineapple 2 bunches carrots ~ ' HAM SUPPER FOR 225: 48 lb. canned ham 2 qt. milk ,., 24 potato salads (solicited) l lb. Crisco I I 5 lb. coffee 5 to 6 c. water 1 pt. cream 48 pkg. peas ,., 45 qt. strawberries 8 qt. milk I 6 p~. Bisquick equals 6 qt. heavy cream 3/4-inch biscuits 1 pkg. Starlac 1 c. sug.u, add to Bisquick i-1" BRAISED BEEF FOR 200: Harvard beets 65 lb. stew beef Cabbage salad 60 lb. potatoes 40 lb. turnip fm!· 36 pies 2 lb. cheese TURKEY DINNER FOR 250: ~ 7 turkeys 7 5 lb. potato 7 5 lb. butternut squash 10 bunches celery 20 large cranberry rings 44 pies i-r CHICKEN SHORTCAKE FOR 135: 60 lb. chicken 3 large pkg. Bisquick 30 pkg. frozen peas 17 pkg. Flakon corn mix 12 cans cranberry sauce 2 bunches celery ,.,_ I -h-. ,_,., ~--n ; _.. ' n n n n n

!"! l l n n ii \ I n n n n n n rI '


nI I

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