Hindu Astronomy
HINDU ASTRONOMY BY W. BRENNAND, WITH THIRTEEN ILLUSTRATIONS AND NUMEROUS DIAGRAMS. London : Published by Chas. Straker & Sons, Ltd., Bishopsgate Avenue, E.C. 1896. S JUL 3 1 1974 fysm OF Wf B-7M Printed by Chas. Straker & Sons, Ltd., BisiiorsoATE Avenue, London, E.G. PREFACE. It is perhaps expected that some reason should be given for tho publication of this work, though it may appear inadequate. Force of circumstances; rather than deliberate choice on my part, impelled it now that it has been I cannot but feel how ; and, accomplished, imperfect the production is. A lengthened residence in India led me to become interested in the study of the ancient mathematical works of the Hindus. This study was frequently interrupted by official duties, and much information acquired in its course lias been for a time forgotten. Recent circumstances, and chiefly the interest displayed by my former pupils in a paper presented to the Royal Society on the same subject, has induced me to make an effort to regain the lost ground, and to gather together materials for a more extended work. Moreover, a conviction formed many years ago that the Hindus have not received the credit due to their literature and mathematical science from Europeans, and which has been strengthened by a renewal of my study of those materials, has led me also to a desire to put before the public their system of astronomy in as simple a maimer as possible, with the object of enabling those interested in the matter to form their own judgment upon it, and, possibly, to extend further investigations in the subject.
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