D-Farana. Olin<<UI Agrahayana, As, T, Am
d-farana. 114 agriidhrlya. a musical instrument n. a. mul- the function of the is, is, m. f, Ved. dngara, am, (fr. angara), where a sacrificial fire is kindled ; A-ghdti, on shaken, a or rattle. firebrands. kindles the sacred fire. which sounds being cymbal titude of priest who am, within the Agnl- 1 m. A'jniJItriya, u*, S, being ^THI ! ii-yliarsha, as, (rt. ghrish), j, ^.. dnyirasa, as, i, am (fr. anyiras), is kindled dhra or the where a sacrificial fire ; or to the place rubbing, friction. descended from or belonging to referring within the ; the m. the fire Agnldhra to m. a descendant of (as), (agnt) A-gharehana, as, i, am, scratching, rubbing; Aivgiiasas or An-giras; (as), within the Agnidhra. n. friction f. a brush, a rubber. a N. of the fire-place (dhishnya) rubbing, ; (I), An-giras ; especially Vrihaspati, preceptor to the (am), as, a, am, belonging Agnidhra brushed. the a will of Brahm5 and AijHlilhrya, A-gharshita, as, d, am, rubbed, of gods ; Kshatriya by by or the who kindles the sacred fire. priest rt. han with profession. Ved. consecrated to -.HI VIM S-ghdta, as, m. (fr. a), Agnewlra, as, I, am, Agm a striker ; am a a wound ; ; beater, as, t, (fr. anyuli, and Indra. striking, blow, killing flljjTrtoli dngulika, or ; a or relating retention of urine ; misfortune, pain slaughter-house, like a Agneya, at, i, am, fiery, belonging q. v.), finger. similar to fire or for animals or victims. consecrated to fire or its deity Agni ; a place killing ^ as, praising aloud, m.
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