Historical and Descriptive Account of the Island Of
: EISTORICAL AND DES< l.'l I Tl \ K \MHI M (II Mil ISLAND OK CAPE BRETON AND OF ITS MEMORIALS OF THE FRENCH REGIME: WITH BIBLIOGRAPHU HISTORICAL, \NI» CRITICAL NOTES By J. C MOUUINOT, C.M.G., LL.D., D.C.L., PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL 80C1ETJ OF CANADA, MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE AMERICAN HISTOl ASSOCIATION, ETC.; AUTHOB OF " PARLIAMENTARY PBOCEDDRE in CANADA," " MANUAL OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL HIBTOR1 OF CANADA," "FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN CANADA," (JOHNS HOPKINS UNrVBRSITi si 8), ETC MONTEEAL W. FOSTEE BROWX & CO., ST. JAMES STEEET 1892 3 CAPE BRETON AND ITS MEiMORfAL PREFATORY NOTE. Since the beginning of the present centnry Cape Breton, once known as He Royale, h been to the world ai large very little more than a mere raphical expression, and the importance which it possessed in the times when England and Prance were struggling for the supremacy in North America has been long since forgotten ox. :ep1 by the Btndei of history. In the present work it is the object of the writer, a native of I Breton, to record briefly the main facts in its history from the days of its discovery by European voyagers in the remote past down to the present time, when a stream of travel is already beginning to find its way to an island abounding with so many features of natural and historic interest. In the narrative of the days of the French regime, especially from 17 1" to IT'S, stress has been naturally laid on the important position lie Koyale once held with relation to New Prance and the old Thirteen Colonies.
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