STRENGTHENING CAPACITIES FOR DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND INCREASING RESILIENCE IN COMMUNITIES OF CAYLLOMA, AREQUIPA. ANNUAL REPORT OCTOBER 2018 – SEPTEMBER 2019 GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION STRENGTHENING CAPACITIES FOR DISASTER RISK Project Title REDUCTION AND INCREASING RESILIENCE IN COMMUNITIES OF CAYLLOMA, AREQUIPA. Award number 72OFDA18GR00319 Registration number REQ-OFDA-18-000751 Start date October 01, 2018 Duration 15 months Country / region: Peru / department of Arequipa, province of Caylloma. Reported period: April 2019 – September 2019 Date of report: October 23, 2019. Adventist Development and Relief Agency International - ADRA INTERNATIONAL Report for: Debra Olson, Program Manager, Program Implementation Unit. Nestor Mogollon, Director of Monitoring and Evaluation. Adventist Development and Relief Agency Perú – ADRA Perú Víctor Huamán, project manager. Report by: cell phone: 51 - 997 555 483 - email:
[email protected] Erick Quispe, local coordinator. cell phone: 51 - 966 315 430 - email:
[email protected] REPORTE ANUAL: OCTUBRE 2018 – SETIEMBRE 2019 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since 2016 the Sabancaya volcano has registered permanent eruptive activity with emissions of gases, ashes and earthquakes, which together with other natural phenomena such as frosts, intense rains and landslides, interrupt local development and affect thousands of people in the province of Caylloma. For this reason, the project aims to integrate disaster risk reduction into institutional management tools of local governments in the Province of Caylloma, with the participation of the population and collaboration at the regional and national levels. The project called "Allichakusun ante desastres" (“Prepared for disasters”) is implemented in two sectors and the reached for the length of award is: (1) agriculture and food security with 545 beneficiaries, and (2) disaster risk reduction policy and practices with 10,014 beneficiaries sensitized, 392 beneficiaries trained, and 339 beneficiaries (54 belong to the community) involved in the development of contingency plans and others.