011r, Xamatra VOLUME XIV KINGSTON, , DECEMBER, 1939 NUMBER 12, AN APPEAL S representatives of this Second Advent themselves anew to a closer fellowship with the- A Movement assembled in Autumn Council, we Lord. express our profound conviction that we have now We call upon our believers everywhere to unite- reached a most critical period in human history. with our ministry in this holy covenant; to shun The closing scenes of the last days so clearly por- all worldliness, even the very appearance of evil, trayed in the prophetic word are now being enact- and to yield themselves wholly and unreservedly ed before our eyes. to God. "Never since the creation of the world were We appeal to the parents in our churches to give such important interests at stake as now depend prayerful thought and earnest effort to the spiritu- upon the action of men who believe and are giving al interests of their children. When in that great day the last message of warning to the world. — "Life the question is put to parents, "Where is the Pcck Sketches," page 246. that was given thee, thy beautiful flock?" what will "To sleep now is a fearful crime. The Lord is be the response? Let all redouble their efforts in coming. We are appointed to prepare the way for their behalf, resting neither day nor night, wrestling His coming by acting our part to prepare a people with God in prayer, ever remembering the precious to stand in that great day. Is there one Christian promise of the Lord, "Even the captives of the migh- whose pulse does not beat with quickened action ty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible as he anticipates the great events opening before shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that us? We hear the footsteps of an approaching God contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children." to punish the world for their iniquity."—"Special —Is. 49:25. Testimonies for Ministerial Workers," No. 71, page We appeal to our children and youth to give anew 29. their hearts and to dedicate all their pow ers to Je- For years the merciful hand of our Heavenly sus their Saviour. We entreat them to think sober- Father has held in check the winds of strife. Thus ly and seriously of the truth in the following inspir- has been accorded us a time of comparative peace ed statement: in which to preach the everlasting gospel message. "The perils of the last days are upon us, and a Have these precious moments, however, been em- trial is before the young which they have not anti- ployed in kindling our tapers from the divine altar? cipated. They are to be brought into most distress- Are our lamps filled with the golden oil, and are ing perplexity. The genuineness of their faith will they sending forth strong, pure, clear rays of hea- be proved."—"Testimanies," Vol. 1, page 269. venly light upon the pathway of sinners? We know that the time has come for a mighty Believing with all our hearts that "the great revelation of God's power through His ct n- nand- day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth ment-keeping people. greatly," and that today we stand on the verge of "Before the final visitation of God's judgments eternity and that as watchmen upon the walls upon the earth, there will be among the people of of Zion it is our solemn duty to be always ready, the Lord, such a revival of primitive godliness as with our lamps trimmed and burning, we earnestly has not been witnessed since apostolic tin es. The dedicate ourselves, body, soul, and spirit to the spirit and power of God will be poured out upon high and holy work of making ready a people His children." —"Great Controversy," Page 464. prepared for the Lord. "Christ has made provision that His church Inasmuch as it is God's desire "to perfect His shall be a transformed body, illumined with the household through the perfection of his ministers," light of heaven, possessing the glory of In manuel. ("Testimonies," Vol. 9, p. 151)— It is His purpose that every Christian shall be sur- We call upon our brethren in the ministry to rounded with a spiritual atmosphere of light and join in whole-hearted consecration to God, pledging (Continued on pege 4) 2 THE JAMAICA VISITOR REPORTING MISSIONARY HARVEST INGATHERING 1939 HARVEST INGATHERING. ACTIVITY HONOUR ROLL OF DISTRICTS Brother! Sister! have you done your A good report maketh the bones fat. Over the top. best in the HARVEST INGATHERING "This is especially true in the missionary St. Thomas, Brother R. H. Robertson for 1939? Soon this year will be gone. This :activity of the church. Whether you realize North Street, Pastor A. C. Stockhausen will be the last APPEAL that we can it or not the missionary secretary of your Portland, Pastor G. A. E. Smith make to you through the columns of the .church is sending in to us each month a Kencot and Regent Street, Pastor Lin VISITOR this year, but we do urge that you picture of your church. No, it isn't one Rashford make your plans to reach your IN- taken by a camera, but it is just as much St. James and Hanover, Pastor E. E, GATHERING goal. If your personal goal -a picture as if it were. In some ways it is Parchment has not been reached, resolve that you a much more impressive picture than that. Rnllington Pen, Pastor J. A. Reid will do so before December 31. If your If we took a kodak picture of yourchurch, St. Elizabeth and Westmoreland, Pastor church goal has not been reached, even we could not tell whether you were active Frank Fletcher though you have your personal goal, again -or not, for when you pose for a picture South Manchester, Pastor R.S. J. Hamil- resolve that you will continue without :you all stand still and look pleasant. ton fail. And if your DISTRICT goal has not Here, however, is the type of picture Clarendon, Pastor W. S. Nation been reached even though your church -that we get of your church. Let me show 75% or more goal and your personal goal, has been :you the picture of a church of about 100 Western, Pastor A. R. Haig reached, make a double resolve that the -members for last quarter: Bible readings St. Ann, Pastor L. S. Crawford year will not finish with the task undone. St. Catherine, Brother W. A. Holgate :327, missionary visits 734, persons helped Ingathering is more than money raised, -868, literature distributed 109, persons 66%% or mwe it is souls saved in the kingdom. Each St. Mary, Pastor J. N. Williams taken to Sabbath school 99. This church time we go out to solicit funds, we are North Manchester, Pastor Hubert Fletch- then has given one Bible reading per telling others of the soon-coming Saviour; er. -month per member, made two and one we are gathering funds that others also South St. Elizabeth, Pastor W. H. Randle ihalf missionary visits per member per may hear the good news. We have the month, helped almost three persons per greatest news that has ever been given to :month per member. "Blessed be Jehovah God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things." man; the fact that Jesus is soon coming. Now, here is a picture of another church Let's be faithful. At- the close of the year, with about twenty members more than Ps. 72:18, A. S. V. Reaching the Harvest Ingathering goal for 1939 in Jamaica was we will publish another Ingathering bul- -the first church. Let's glance at its pic- nothing short of a miracle! Only those letin that will give the standing of all the ture: Bible readings 72, missionary visits churches, and districts. We are counting :235, persons helped 247, persons taken to who had a part in the Ingathering work this year can fully appreciate what this on you to make your church and district Sabbath school 10, literature distributed "OVER THE TOP." 17. This picture, I fear, is not as good as achievement means to the conference. But regardless of the existing adverse circum- DONT PUT OFF—PUT IT OVER. -the previous one. Let's note: one Bible read- ing per member every five months, one stances, our pastors and leaders "had a missionary visit every six weeks per mind to work," and the task was complet- ADVENTIST PIONEER PASSES ed. We believe that the Spirit of God ac- member, one person helped per member Last week witnessed the passing away -every six weeks, one person taken to companied our dear people and leaders of one of the pioneer Adventists of Ja- Sabbath school every ten months per mem- as they co-operated with the heavenly angels in the campaign just finished. We maica. He accepted the Advent Message ber, one piece of literature distributed per forty-two years ago through reading the member every six months. believe that all received a great blessing book, "Bible Readings for the Home Cir- Now let me give you the picture that from the effort put forth, and the field will be greatly blessed materially because of le," sold to him by a faithful colporteur, -the Lord says we ought to see instead of and was one of the very first Jamaicans -what we do see. "Hundreds and thousands this great achievement. to be baptized into the faith. His name is were seen visiting families, and opening We wish to express our profound ap. preciation for the faithfulness on the part familiar to the great body of believers in before them the Word of God. Hearts Jamaica—Charles C. McCatty. were convinced by the power of the Holy of our pastors, church leaders and the Spirit, and a spirit of genuine conversion hundreds of our brethren and sisters The Saviour said, "He that endureth to was manifested." Where are you in the who had an active part in the campaign the end shall be saved." Brother McCatty picture? Are you among that class? If not this year. We are hoping that you are endured for forty-two years. When others even now planning to do your share again -now get there immediately. gave up he held on. When false brethren This is the last month of the year. Be in perhaps a stronger way in the 1940 attempted to bring in divisions and dis- sure to report all the missionary activities Harvest Ingathering campaign. sension, he laboured for unity and har- at once on your card. Report your Har- Every opportunity should be taken ad- mony. His life was one that counted for vantage of to follow up the interest crea- God. vest Ingathering activities as follows: ted through the campaign. Only six weeks Harvest Ingathering papers given away remain until another year's history: is During his lifetime Brother McCatty as literature distributed. closed for time and eternity. Have you was a real missionary worker. He served invited a soul to Sabbath school during as a church officer and a conference Report number of solicitations for Har- 1939? Have you given that Bible study vest Ingathering funds as missionary you promised the Lord to give? Have committee member for many years. He visits. you won a soul to Christ during the year? saw the church grow from very few mem- Get every individual, young and old, If not, why not improve the the precious bers to a great army of over six thousand. moments left this year to win some one -who took part in the campaign to report, We believe God has laid up for him a to the truth. crown against the great day when the and thus increase the number of reporting May God bless each and every one as members. Let's make December the best you labour for the Master in Jamaica. whole church of all ages will meet on the report of the year. HAROLD C. BROWN sea of glass. W. E. ATKIN


COLPORTEURS' REPORT Report of Tithes and Sabbath School Huntley Castle 2 0 9 0 6 9 2 5 • For iVIontn of October 1939. Offerings for Month of Oct. 1939. Hunt's Town 0 18 9 41 7 2 3 4 4- Colporteurs Jackson 1 0 4 0 2 7 0 19 10 NAMES HOURS ORDERS DELIVERIES Churches and S. School Harvest James Hill 012 8 0 2 8 2 3 it Companies Wallace, R. B. 67 £ 9 5 0 6 0 0 Tithes Offerings Ingathering Jericho 1 18 0 0 0 616 9 Campbell, W. U. 179 12 17 0 12 7 3 Amity 115 0 0 8 0 3 4 2 Jointwood 5 5 6 1 7 1 t 10 Fieetfoot, Z. 62 9 16 0 16 16 8 Aberdeen 0 8 8 0 7 0 0 54 Kencot 2 9 9 0 17 6 0 14 4 Griffiths, Wm. 124 23 9 0 .7 6 Asia 2 10 5 0 10 10 112 10 Kingston 108 8 4 9 4 4 5 12 Hylton, G. M. 20 6 14 0 Askenish 0 li 4 O 3 2 1 10 7 0 3 6 0 14 * Maxwell, S 115 10 12 6 3 16 0 Auchtembeddie 1 17 5 O 41i 2 5 6 Little London 2 0 6 0 8 2 418 7 Mitchell, J. A. 74 5 1 0 2 8 0 Axe & Adze 1 13 3 0 4 6 3 7 8 Long Bay 0 14 2 0 3 9 013 1 Plummer, H. L. 68 5 0 Q 9 17 5 Bagbie 3 17 8 1 3 8 7 410 Lottery 0 9. 7 0 4 9 0 7 * Ricketts, B. A. 148 35 17 6 23 18 3 Ballimonay Manchioneal 3 3 10 0 13 10 1 3 3 .Ricketts, C. 41 5 2 6 Bamboo 1 18 9 0 10 9 0 16 0 Mandeville 29 7 1 410 1 3 14 S Tharpe, C. H. 188 21 13 6 12 15 0 Beeston Spring 1 5 0 0 2 0 011 0 March Town 5 6 3 1 1 fl i7 * Vasciannie, S. 140 22 16 0 7 11 0 Hellas Gate 2 5 8 0 5 3 4 2 0 Lances Bay 0 5 1 0 8 3 012 * Wood, C. R. 183 31 6 6 21 12 0 Boyce 0 10 2 1 2 1 0 10 4 1 8 Wright, E. 199 11 10 6 5 11 6 Berea Hayes 0 11 2 Part-time Colporteurs Beverley 210 8 0 4 6 1 3 9 Mile End 2 13 7 0 9 11 0 3 7 Anderson, K. E. 39 4 12 3 Bird's Hill 1 17 11 0 13 2 3 12 3 19 8 5 3 11 8 Crawford, L. 132 3 19 0 2 6 6 Blackwood 0 , 811 0 4 1 2 3 0 Moore Park 4 12 6 1 5 11 0 1 It Riddel, J. 13 7 4 0 Blue Hole 013 6 0 211 0 8 4 Orange Bay 0 5 3 3 3. 41 Satchell, M. A. 99 22 14 6 3 8 0 Bonny Gate 0 14 7 0 6 11 1 3 10 9 11 7 1 7 3 0 10 Tennent, C. G. 95 10 12 6 1 1 6 Broadgate 214 9 0 9 0 Mt. Carey 1 19 11 0 9 5 119 7 Wright, J. E. 110 15 19 0 Brown's Town 1 8 11 0 11 9 0 13 3 Mt. Peace 1 7 6 0 5 3 1 4 7 Totals 2096 £252 9 6 £153 9 4 Bryant Hill 1 15 3 Mt. Providence 2' 7 2 0 5 9 0 16 0 Gain in Hours 208 and in deliveries £36 1 11 Tweedside 0 12 7 Mulgrave 0 17 8 0 7 0 1 3 7 Loss in Orders £19 6 3 Buff Bay 313 5 0 17 11 215 5 Newell 3 3 1 0 9 It 113 7 Wm. A. Holgate Brittonville New Market 0 15 3 0 7 8 1 4 8 Campbell's Castle O 8 5 0 211 0 7 4 New Port 0 14 10 0 7 2 0 14 4 Camberwell 4 0 11 0 9 4 4 8 0 OBITUARIES Camrose Old Harbour Tucker.—Sister May Tucker, a faithful mem- 2 6 9 014 3 I 0 0 ber of the Mt. Peace church, died on September Carron Hall 1 7 2 0 8 6 213 0 Olive Mt. 2 15 10 0 8 8 8 18 8 18th after a long illness. She awaits the Lifegiver. Cave 3.0 0 Orange 2 8 2 013 6 0 4 3 Funeral services were conducted by Ferdinand Cayman Brac Palm Samuells and Rudolph Kent. Mts. J. SAMUELLS. Chapleton 114 2 012 1 012 6 Petersfield 3 19 4 I 1 3 Dunn.— Sister Amelia Dunn, a faithful member Clermont 310 7 019 3 1 911 4 14 0 1 7 2 8 17 9 of the March Town church, died uctober 21,.1939, • Islington Brookdale 0 19 6 0 4 0 at the age of sixty-two years. She leaves a hus- 0 .3 0 band, six children, twelve grandchildren, and a Coleyville 5 8 6 1 4 2 2 9 7 Mt. Pleasant I S 11 wide circle of friends to mourn their loss. Fun- Comfort Valley 113 9 0 6 5 Snow Hill 1 0 eral services were conducted by A. D. Laing, J. Contented Hall 0 8 3 0 5 7 Stanton 0 3 0 E. Nasmyth, and C. E. Farrier. 1 18 11 C. E. FARRIER. Cooper's Hill O 5 8 0 2 7 1 110 1 1 4 0 7 11 0 16 7 Doran.—After a brief illness Sister Jean Doran Cornwall Barracks 3 5 9 0 8 9 112 4 Porus 018 8 0 5 2 0 7 6 -was laid to rest in the Beverly church yard on Oc- Cornwall Mountain 0 13 11 0 3 2 Race Course 0 6 2 0 5 6 tober 25, 1939. She was of a quiet disposition, very 012 8 kind, and friendly. She accepted the Third An- Bethel Town 0 3 0 0 2 3 Regent Street 9 2 8 0 18 10 0 1 4 gel's message in 1931, and was a faithful member Craighead 2 5 5 0 8 0 2 1 4 Richmond Park 1 1i 11 0 2 9 2 1 0 and officer of the church. She sleeps to await the Cumberland 1 2 1 0 2 8 Riversdale 0 17 0 0 5 11 0 8 5 acall of the Lifegiver. Funeral services were con- ducted by the writer. HUBERT FLETCHER. Conf. & Isolated 41 4 10 0 19 1 3 11 7 Robin's Hall Thompson.—Sister Marian Thompson passed Aeolus Valley 019 9 0 210 013 0 Rollington Pen 8 2 10 1 8 0 1 8 away on the 25th of October after an illness of only Claremont O 110 0 810 0 5 0 Maryland 0 11 0 .one day. She had been a member of the Camp- bell's Castle church for several years. Funeral Croft's Hill 0 7 4 0 1 4 0 7 6 Salt Spring services were conducted by the writer. Falmouth 1 3 43 Santa Cruz 3 17 10 0 10 2 1 0 9 J. W. BARNES. Hope Lodge 16 8 0 2 6 117 0 Say-la-mar Lee.—Mrs. Rebecca Lee, aged about ninety years, was a faithful member of the Florence Kitson Town 1 0 2 0 3 0 010 6 Scott's Hall 0 11 3 1 4 3 Hill church. She accepted the message in 1903 Lucea 0 13 11 0 4 5 0 6 3 Seaford Town 1 6 11 0 5 8 1 12 3 and remained faithful in her feeble age. She fell Milk River O 5 0 Sheffield 1 3 10 0 5 11 0 10 1 asleep in Jesus October 28, 1939. Funeral services were conducted by the leader, C. Clough, assisted Mt. Success O 2 7 0 1 7 0 2 8 2 5 3 0 10 10 I 11 7 by the writer. S. DACRES. Mt. James 0 3 7 Friendship 3 1 10 0 3 8 2 4 6 Johnson.—Sister Christina Johnson was baptiz- Plowden 2 2 0 Sherwood Forest 4 7 8 0 11 6 0 8 3 ed by Pastor H. Fletcher on November 9, 1932, and became a member of the Watermount church. Prospect 1 0 10 Southfield 1 13 8 0 10 7 1 8 2 She remained faithful until October 10th. when Salem 1 7 3 13 13 2 113 4 9 8 2 she was laid to her rest. She leaves a husband Thornton O 7 6 0 4 0 017 0 Springfield 1 10 10 0 3 0 0 6 8 and seven children to mourn their loss. Funeral services were conducted by the leader. Dalvey O 4 0 0 1 6 0 1 0 Spring Garden 3 15 11 0 12 0 1 18 11 EVERALD G. CAMERON. Dallas Castle 1 0 0 St. Ann's Bay 3 16 I 1 1 4 2 4 5 Townsend.—Martha B. Townsend was born Oc- 213 7 019 5 1 3 0 Swift River 3 8 6 0 9 5 1 16 0 tober 6, 1874, and died October 29, 1939. In 1922 she united with the church and remained faithful Devor. O 9 4 0 3 5 1 16 11 Ythanside 015 0 until the time of her death. An ardent Christian Dias Sandy Bay 1 2 3 0 9 4 0 13 5 worker, she filled many important posts in the Dignum Mt. O 5 0 Trinityville 3 15 9 'church. It can be truly said of her, -She loath done Troy 0 10 0 what she could." She sleeps in Jesus to await the East End 1 0 0 Vaughnsfield 3 5 I 0 16 0 3 1 0 1 call of the Lifegiver when He comes to call His Enfield 1 2 0 0 2 8 4 0 0 Watermount own. She is survived by her husband, two bro- Everton Park 4 5 10 0 14 0 3 11 0 Duxes 0 1 0 thers, and two sisters. Funeral services were con- Springvale 0 8 0 0 12 0 ducted by Pastor Frank Fletcher. Florence Hill 1 4 9 0 8 1 2 3 6 Williamsfield S. H. BRODIE . Flower Hill 1 0 6 2 5 0 White Hill 0 19 4 0 6 6 0 14 10 Charles C. McCatty passed away November 14th Fruitful Vale 515 3 v18 2 1 11 10 White House 2 10 4 0 10 1 2 6 0 . at his home in Kingston, at the age of 75 years. 445 2 1 72 4 9 201 14 8 He was one of the pioneers of the Advent Move- Gayle ment in Jamaica, having accepted the message in George Town 1 15 0 LATE REMITTANCES FOR MONTH OF SEPT. 1897, and having been one of the first Jamaicans Glengoff 1 3 5 0 7 3 0 7 0 Newell 3 16 10 1 9 9 1 9 5 Old Harbour 3 1 10 1 10 0 3 3 8 to be baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Goshen faith. He held fast to his hope in the Lord in spite O 410 0 1 7 2 7 3 Cornwall Mountain 0 14 5 0 5 9 of all manner of hardships and trials, and was Grove Town 118 0 0 7 4 4 2 9 East End 0 9 5 0 8 3 faithful to the end. We believe he will come forth Guy's Hill 5 1 2 0 12 1 0 8 11 George Town 1 8 7 6 16 5 112 5 with the saints of God in the first resurrection. HarryT,atch 2 0 1 0 5 8 TOTAL RECEIVED 454 13 2 76 14 11 208 0 2 Funeral services were conducted by Pastor W. E. 1 6 3 Atkin, assisted by Pastors Reid and Rashford, and Hector 's River 0 14 10 0 3 8 0 4 3 F. S. Thompson Brother Walters. Highgate 515 8 013 7 0 010 Secretary-Treasurer THE JAMAICA VISITOR

BAPTISMAL SERVICES WEEK, OF PRAYER Some nations have already ceased to exist "He that believeth and is baptised shall The 1939 Week of Prayer is at hand— Neutral governments are prepared to be saved" Mark 16: 16. the date is December 9-16. As.the Week throw their entire forces into a life and , NORTH STREET, KINGSTON of Prayer, and the close of the year, death struggle at a moment's notice. Alt Sunday morning, October 25th, was the draws near, my mind has been turning to these tremendous things are danger sig- date fixed for another baptismal service at the opening paragraphs of Vol. 9 of the nals of the approaching end. The. days of the North Street church. Owing to the un- Testn-nonies. I quote them: this world are numbered; and although' settled state of the weather many of those "We are living in the time of the end. ".'. that'daV and hour knoweth no man ..'" who had planned to be present felt that The fast-fulfilling signs of the times de- yet the words of Jesus as found in Matt.. -the service would surely have to be post- clare that the coming of Christ is at hand. 24. 44 .are a mighty challenge to everw poned. At the appointed hour-10 a. m.— The days in which we live are solemn and professed Christian' today. I quote them:: very few had come, but by 10: 30 fourteen important. The Spirit of God is gradually "Therefore be ye also ready: fdr in such of the twenty-eight candidates, and about but surely being withdrawn from the an hour as ye think not the Sbn of man,, fifty members and visitors were pre- earth. Plagues and judgments are already cometh." Clearly, the implication is that. sent and we decided to go ahead with falling upon the despisers of the grace of He is coming when we do not expect Him.. And this means that He is coming sooner the service. Pastor E. W. Storing gaVe a God. The calamities by land and sea, the than many expect, and they will not be very inspiring address, and we were con- unsettled state of society, the alarms of ready. Is this our condition? If it is,, whew -scions that the Spirit of the Lord was war, are portentous. They forecast will we be ready? When will we make present with us in a marked manner. the needed preparation? Let every one approaching events of the greatest mag- remember that "the final movements will Those candidates that did not come nitude. be rapid ones." were very disappointed when :hey learned "The agencies of evil are combining Now is the time to surrender ourselves that some had gone forward and they their forces and consolidating. They are to God. Today is the time to put awa3p bad been left behind. So as not to keep strengthening for the last great crisis. sin and evil from our lives. There is abun- dance of power through Christ, to over- them waiting longer than was necessary Great changes are soon to take place in come, and He longs to bestow it upon His another baptism was arranged for the our world, and the final movements will children right now. The words which He following Sunday night, November 4th. be rapid ones." spoke to Paul, He speaks to every soul to- After a whole week of rain King Sol be- We see these statements fulfilled before day, ". . My grace is sufficient for thee . gan to shine once more on Sabbath morn- Brethren, shall we not consecrate our- our very eyes. Everywhere, on land and selves to God as never before. And during ing, and Sunday was a beautiful day. sea, and in the air, the greatest military the coming Week of Prayer, shall not the' Sunday night found a fairly good atten- struggle of all time seems right upon us. voice of prayer be heard many times; dance of members and visitors to witness Indeed it has already begun, and the daily in every church, and home, ancb the other fourteen go forward with their secret chamber, and upon the lips of every- world waits with baited breath for it to soul who names the name of Christ. ire Lord in the sacred ordinance. We were burst forth with new and unparalleled fury. Jamaica. W. E. ATKIN indeed happy to have with us once more Dr. H. M. Johnston, who had only that cNotoi.or-1 eNortur' cNotloon OD r-44LtAo..1,-1 r-Nofio ODr-`44.".9"' r-Nortue"." 4-"Nc_fAt.),..3 morning returned to the island after s being away for seven months, and to hear How quickly the weeks and months of 1939 have passed' by! his voice petitioning the Throne of Grace. Soon the year's record will be closed. Our churches and colpor- Pastor W. E. Atkin addressed us on the teurs have faithfully co-operated in our literature ministry campaign, power of the Holy Spirit in the new birth but there is still a short time left in which we may endeavour to for victory over the besetments of the make up for any lack of the past. flesh. Once again we could feel the pre- Here are some items which we are sure will be of special in- sence of the Spirit of the living God in terest to our members during this season:- our midst. We praise God for these twen- ty-eight dear souls that are being added Morning Watch Calendars Bedtime Stories for the children to His church. A. C. STOCKHAUSEN plain covers 3d., de luxe 9d. Nos. 1-8 and No. 11. Delight the children with a present Christian Home Calendars 1/3 of one of these books. Usual AN APPEAL price to members. (Continued from page 1) Scripture Motto Cards - a beautiful assortment with some of the SPECIAL OFFER peace."—"Testimonies," Volume 8, page old lines included — 2/-, 4/-, 19. 7/6, 10/- and 15/- per dozen, Christ's Object Lessons, slightly Finally, in this last hour, before the less 10% on dozen rates. damaged, cloth binding, price 6/- usual price 16/: Judge of all the earth shall arise and pro- The cards are slightly higher in nounce the sentence that will seal the price this year. Prophets and Kings, trade edition eternal destiny of every soul, we appeal (S. S. Lesson Help) 9/- for Concordance Bibles 9/-, 13/6, & 15/- cloth. to all our fellow youth, to unite in crown- ing Jesus Lord of all; thus shall we all be Reference Bibles 5/-, 5/6, and 6/6 Sabbath School Quarterlies, Senior, Junior and Primary--3d each. ready to welcome our Lord and Master By the time this issue of the at His glorious appearing. VISITOR reaches you we hope to have Send your orders early as THE AUTUMN COUNCIL. the 1/3 school Bibles and the 3/- the post office is greatly large print for which there is al- rushed during the holiday ways a great demand. season. Aantaira TiSiitIr Published monthly by THE JAMAICA CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS at 176 Orange St, Postage will be charged on parcels mailed. Kingston. Printed by the College Press, Cools- worthy, Mandeville. Subscriptions and all matter for publication should be sent to THE JAMAICA VISITOR, 176 Orange St. JAMAICA BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE Kingston. Price in Jamaica, 1/- per annum. c e_worOIA-N., tAttroWN.., 00 c-"Aiibk., t...0-41571L, t."147N.s,