011R Lantaira Volume XIV KINGSTON, JAMAICA, SEPTEMBER, 1939. Number 9
011r lantaira VoLumE XIV KINGSTON, JAMAICA, SEPTEMBER, 1939. Number 9 CAN INGATHERING BE INGATHERING CAMPAIGN ESTABLISHED FROM THE SHORT AND SUCCESSFUL BIBLE ? BY HAROLD C. BROWN 1. GOD takes us into partnership with Himself. 1 Cor. 3: 9. The Harvest Ingathering season is on! of consecration on the part of all for a 2. He has a business. Luke 2: 49. All Jamaica is astir! Most of our church- short, intensive and successful ingathering (a) It is a life-saving business. Luke es have already entered into the campaign effort. One of our district pastors reports with great enthusiasm. As 1 have met that his churches have already gone to 19: 10. with the pastors and elders of the various work and have reached the district goal. (b) He was busy at it Himself. John tricts of the conference in their appointed This is splendid. 5: 17. rally centers, I have noticed a decided spirit 3. Away back in the ages He 'turned it (Continued on page 3) over to Abraham and his descend- ants. Matt. 21: 33. (a) They did not pay interest on the investment. Matt. 21: 34. (b) He sent collectors around to see them. Matt. 21. 35. 4, Finally it went into receivership and His Son took it over. Matt. 21: 37 John 3: 16. (a) Jesus was very active in His work. John 4: 34. (b) He was interested in finishing it. Atm vrtseVits Uheoiise wish %t, same vmt‘e John 9: 4. (c) Finally Ile gave His report of a finished" task. John. 17:-4.