Spaceport News Index January 1990- December 1994
Spaceport News Index January 1990- December 1994 Kennedy Space Center Library, Kennedy Space Center, FL Technical Memorandum 110653 April 1995 FOREWARD The Spaceport News Index is intended to serve as a ready reference tool for the names, places, and events that comprise the history of John F. Kennedy Space Center. The period covered by the Index is January 1990 through December 1994. The arrangement is alphabetical by subject; under each subject, entries are arranged alphabetically by title. To facilitate use, cross references have been provided. The Index was prepared by KSC Library Services. Questions may be referred to KSC Archivist, Mail Code: Library-E, 867-2407. "/- WALTER L. COVINGTON Center Services AABERT, RALPH A. ACRV (ASSURED CREW RETURN VEHICLE) Engineers earn praise for shuttle main engine work. SEE: Escape Vehicles photos, p 3, Jul 2, 1993 ACTS AAMODT, ARNE E. SEE: Advanced Communications Technology International mission to study Earth's atmosphere. Satellite photos, p 1&8, Mar 27, 1992 ADAMS, JERRY ABBOT, MICHAEL Demonstrating devices for the disabled, photos, p Plant art keeps job interesting, photo. p 6, Nov 2, Nov 16, 1990 22, 1991 ADAMS, JOANNE M. ABLATIVE MATERIALS Board members honored, photo, p 8, Jul 19, 1991 KSC teams to support three April launches. photos, p l&8, Apr8, 1994 ADAMS, MICHAEL Names added to memorial, photo, p 2, May 22, ACCIDENT PREVENTION CERTIFICATES 1992 SEE: Awards - Safety ADAMSON, JAMES C. ACCIDENTS Atlantis completes mission at KSC. photos, p 1, Emergency team tests readiness, photo, p 1&8, Aug 16, 1991 May 20, 1994 Kennedy Space Center All American picnic.
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