DJ Wedding Reception Planner Dear Bride- The following worksheet is for planning purposes only. Because weddings vary as to size, style and personal preference, it is helpful to us to know in advance as much information from you as possible so that we can serve you well. If you have no preference re: any of the questions, feel free to leave that portion blank. After filling this out completely, please mail it, or scan and email it to me at least one month before your reception. Thanks for letting us help you make your wedding day special. Tim Calcara 1825 31 st Street Marion, IA 52302
[email protected] 318 213 7275 INTRODUCTIONS Please give us the names of your wedding party and number them in the order you would like to have them announced at the reception. Maid of Honor Best Man & &Bridesmaids Groomsmen Flower Girl Ring Bearer Bride Groom How would you like to be introduced as the newly married couple? DANCES – Please give us your preference on the following dances. Bride & Groom Dance Father/Daughter Dance Song: Song Artist: Artist Mother/Son Dance Wedding Party Dance Song: Song: Artist: Artist: OTHER SPECIAL MUSIC REQUESTS: Music for: Music for: Song: Song: Artist: Artist: Music for: Music for: Song: Song: Artist: Artist: Reception Event Order This is only a guideline as to the timeline of events for your wedding reception. Actual times may vary. However, if you do have a preference as to the starting time of each activity, please put in the space provided. Background Music- will be played during the arrival of the guests.