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Delhi Metro Rail Corporation -DMRC Civil Engineering Interview Questions, DMRC Civil Engineering Technical Questions with Answer, DMRC Job Interview Questions with Answer, DMRC Best Interview Tips to crack Non IT Companies recruitment 2012, Free Job Interview tips With Explanation, Free Technical Interview Questions With Answer, DMRC Latest Assistant Manager Selection pattern 2012

CIVIL ENGINEERING QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Civil engineering is one of the oldest branches of engineering that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of buildings, roads, bridges, artificial waterways, dams etc. Civil engineers have shown their expertise from time immemorial. From the Roman Pantheon to Hong Kong international airport, civil engineers have excelled in every step. Interview questions for civil engineers include strength of materials, material science, energy engineering, environmental engineering and earthquake engineering.

Define Modulus of Elasticity? Modulus of Elasticity, also know as elastic modulus is the elastic deformation tendency of a material. In the stress strain curve the slope is the elastic modulus.

What is the chemical composition of cement? Cement primarily consists of CaO. The chemical composition of Portland cement is tricalcium silicate, dicalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate and tetracalcium aluminoferrite.

What is tensile strength? It is the maximum longitudinal stress that an object can withstand without necking. It denotes the maximum point in a stress strain curve.

Which is the world’s largest hydroelectric project? The Three Gorges dam on Yangtze River in China is the world’s largest hydroelectric project in terms of total capacity. The total capacity of the Three Gorges dam upon full completion would be 22500 MW with 32 turbines. Its length is 2335m and height is 101m. The second largest is the Itaipu dam on the Parana River in the border of Brazil and Paraguay. Its length is 7700m and height is 196m with a capacity of 14GW

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in 20 turbines. Explain soil analysis. Soil testing is a qualitative analysis to determine the nutritional and elemental composition of soil. Soil is mostly tested for elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is also tested for acidity, moisture, organic contents and contaminants.

What are the points in the stress strain curve for mild steel? The points in the stress strain curve for mild steel are Proportional limit, elastic limit or yield point, ultimate stress and stress at failure.

What are building codes? Building codes are a set of specifications regarding minimum safety conditions that any building should take in account during construction. Building codes deal with the height, spacing, installations of a building. These codes lay huge emphasis on safety and ease to evacuate the building in case of an emergency.

What is fire resistance rating? It is a measure of time up to which a system could resist the fire resistance test. It is generally depicted by a time-temperature graph.

What are tectonic plates? Tectonic plates are the pieces of the Earth’s lithosphere. The lithosphere lies over the asthenophere, which has a higher density and makes the tectonic plates on the lithosphere to move. The movement of the tectonic plates is said to be the cause of earthquakes. Ocean trenches, volcanoes and mountains exist at the meeting points of two tectonic plates.

What is the Richter scale? The Richter scale, a base 10 logarithmic scale, is a measure to quantify the seismic energy from an earthquake.

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The size of concrete cube is 150mm x 150mm x 150mm as per indian standards. Why? According to British Standard (BS) 1881:1983 . 100 mm cubes can take up to 20mm CA and 150mm cubes can accommodate up to 40mm CA!

What is the quantity of 20mm concrete, sand used for 1 cum R.C.C? The total volume of materials needed for getting 1cum of concrete is 1.5cum. The mix prop for M20 is 1:1.5:3. So let a be the qty of cement, then a+1.5a+3a=1.5 5.5a=1.5 a=0.27 so cement=0.27cum,sand=o.41cum,gravel=0.81cum. This is more descriptive way to understand,the way of cal.the qnty.

How can we calculate 4/6 lane road width and maximum percentage of super elevation in national highways in . SINGLE LANE= CARRIAGE WAY OF 7.50 MTS WIDE+1.5M EACH SIDE SHOULDER



What is the bearing capacity of soil? It is defined as the maximum load carrying capacity of soil per unit area without any shearing failure of the soil.

How are freeway bridges built? After calculating the anticipated traffic for the bridge, cement/reinforced- with- rebar stanchions are spaced over the freeway to accommodate the bridge. An 'off-ramp' from the freeway to the bridge is constructed, as

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is an 'on-ramp' to the subsequent road. Cement/rebar slabs are built and lifted with cranes to form the platform, and voila! Drive carefully. Although the bridge deck/roadway is almost always a concrete slab, the structure that holds up the bridge deck can be reinforced concrete, structural steel, or a combination of steel and concrete.

What are the applications of modulus of elasticity? As the term implies, "Modulus of Elasticity” relates to the elasticity or "flexibility" of a material. The value of modulus of elasticity is very much significant relating to deflection of certain materials used in the construction industry. Take for example the general E value of mild carbon steel is about 200 GPA compared to about 70 GPA for aluminum. This simply translate that aluminum is 3 times flexible than steel.

What are the causes of building collapse? The Passage of time is one reason. Buildings also collapse due to weak foundations. Earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters can also damage the structure of the buildings and cause it to collapse. Bombings or demolition of buildings is also other reasons.

What is mean by least count? Tell the least count of dumpy level and theodolite?

What is the difference between working stress method and limit state design approaches?

For a construction which of the following is preferred - a precast pile or a cast-in-stu pile?

What isVdf? Full form of VDF is Vehicle Damage Factor

What is header in brick work? The short face of the brick in known as header and the longer is stretcher

Rate analysis for hammering pile foundation?

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Rcc vs steel design?

What is the method of calculation for require cement qty. In 1 cum brick work with csm 1:6.?

What is the method of calculate the requirement steel quantity in 1 cum rcc?

How much opening area % (windows,doors) required for industrial building?

What is the effect of doing rcc raft foundation without pcc(if provide some protection like polythene sheets tp prevent direct contact of rcc with soil?

What is the process of executing dmc piling?

DMRC job Interview Tips for Assistant Manager 2012, DMRC General HR Interview Questions with Best Answer, DMRC Latest Interview Pattern for DMRC 2012 Associate Manager post, DMRC Civil Engineering Technical Interview Questions, DMRC Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions, DMRC Electrical Engineering Interview Questions and DMRC Electronics Engineering Interview Questions, General Interview Questions with Answer

DMRC Job Interview Questions for Managerial Post So you have been invited for the job interview for a managerial position. That’s great, isn’t it? But what questions could you expect to get there? Interview questions for managerial positions in the job interview are usually very targeted. In this article, we will try to help you to be well prepared for some tough questions you can get, so you can ace your managerial interview and get a great job.

But let’s speak about some key abilities of good manager before that. Knowing them can help you to understand better how to act in the managerial interview. Good manager should have at least these key abilities:

1. Can not only talk, but also listen. To reflect it in your answers to interview questions for managers, do not make it look like you know everything and all the people just have to listen to your orders.

2.Should be a good example to his sub-ordinates. You should take on projects by yourself, be actively involved in things happening in the workplace, not just sit in the office. If recruiters got impression that you want only to delegate assignments and read reports, well, your interview will turn to a short parade very soon.

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3.Be willing to take decisions, hire but also fire if it is needed. Manager should not let his emotions to influence his decisions. Great manager should only ask himself: “Is this good for a company in a long run, or not?”, and take decision based on the answer to that question.

Tough interview questions for managers

So those were few key abilities of a good manager. You should keep it in mind while answering interview questions. Now we will have a look at particular queries you can get in the managerial job interview. We will not focus on general interview questions, like “how many people have you supervised in the past?”.

Honestly, there is nothing special you can answer to such a question. All you can say is the real number. So, let’s focus on few tough questions a manager can easily get in an interview for a job.

How do you motivate your subordinates? Answer 1. The best answer you can give here is that you solve the issue of motivation individually with every single employee. As a first step you always examine what is the problem causing lack of his motivation (whether it is money, or bad relations in the workplace, or personal problems, or s/he can’t see the relation of personal and company goals, etc.). Secondly, you try to improve his motivation by solving the problem you identified in step number one. And, if there is no other solution, you will fire this employee… How would you describe your management philosophy? Answer 2. There are various management philosophies. The one that nearly every single company director will like you to have is the following one: “The best decision is the one that helps the company the most in the long run.” It’s a simple answer, but it covers it all. You can choose other philosophy, if you have one. But always please keep in mind that your answer should be simple and clear. Real managers always have their management philosophy.

What makes you unique as a leader?

Answer 3. The best leader is the person that has an ability to train other people to become leaders. Once a company has many leaders (not only leaders of the others, but leaders of their own life), it will fly through the competition like a rocket. That’s why the best answer you can give here is this one:

“I always try to help all my subordinates to get to the higher level. Higher level of motivation, higher level of self confidence, higher level of effectiveness, higher level of personal leadership. And that’s what makes me unique as a leader.”

What biggest management problem did you face in your previous occupation? Describe them how have you changed your biggest problem to your biggest challenge and solved it finally.Can you see what have you just done? You showed them that you are only a man, but at the same time you showed them that you do not know problems… For you as a great manager, there exists no problems, only the challenges.

What do you think are three key abilities of a good manager? Answer 5. As an answer you can use the abilities we described in the beginning of this article.

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What is very important, never sink yourself with the wrong answer to this question. The key abilities of a good manager you mention in the job interview should be also your abilities. Saying anything else you are giving them the easy reason to not choose you… Do not forget on that.

Some General Interview Questions With Explanation 1. Tell me about yourself. This is the first question you could be asked in any interview. This may sound simple but if you are unprepared you could be in big problem. So just prepare yourself for this simple yet difficult question Start with one two lines about yourself, who you are ? a brief 1 line about your family [ this depends on what kind of interview you are going through] and lastly why are you the best suited person for this job. Tell about your achievements but never sound too proud of your achievements, highlight yourself but with decency. Remember the golden rule “First Impression is the last impression.” 2: What are your greatest strengths? This question is to judge how you present yourself, are you the person who talks too much, are you arrogant or are you the one who just do what others say and thus never realized your strengths. The answer to this question should be linked with facts and figures if possible. If you had any previous achievements say you lead a team which did wonderful and thus you are a team leader and all. Highlight yourself, tell your strengths but be sure it is well supported and you just don’t start sayings just to impress. Remember the HR person will grill you if he even finds an iota of doubt in what you are saying. Some points on which you could support your answer could be – honesty, leadership, tech savvy, confident, good communication skills, positive attitude, motivational and inspirational leader etc.

So just prepare yourself for this question, make a mental note of all your achievements.

3: What are your greatest weaknesses? Now this is the question which could either end your interview or could just get you the job. Don’t mince with words, at the same time just don’t be too blunt. Tell your weakness but also tell what you are doing to over come it. Never say I can not do this. Instead say, I have never done this but I am eager to learn and am sure if our company needs it I will do it.

Note – Never say your company or what would be my position in your company, use our company. Some HR people might ask you why you are saying our before selection then do say – its because I am confident that I am the best person for this vacancy.

4: Tell me about something you did – or failed to do – that you now feel a little ashamed of. This question is just to see how you react to embarrassing situations. Of course you just can not say “SKIP THIS PLEASE.” So better prepare yourself. Take your time to reply to this one, at first say I am really finding it very hard to find any such situation as I believe the best way to avoid shame is never do such things.

Most of the interviewers just will proceed to another question but if he or she insists to elaborate then give any appropriate reply but be sure it should not sound that you are so regretful that it still has a mental impact on you. Remember ”Life must go on….no matter what”

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5: Why are you leaving (or did you leave) this position? By asking this question, the interviewer just wishes to see how much respect you give to your management, colleagues etc. So never say bad words about any of your earlier employers or management. Remember – Never talk bad about any one even if he or she has been the worst boss.

There can be two situation – First is when you already have one job – In this situation tell truthfully that you see a bright future or this work profile suits you more than current one or so. Never say – I am joining you because you pay more. If you say so, 99% chances are you would be thrown out of interview.

Secondly when you are a fresher or you don’t have any job If you have been fired, then tell them why you were fired, what you have learnt from that incident and what are you doing to make sure this would never happen again in life. Don’t hide the facts, companies do check each and every individual so even if you don’t tell them, they know it.

If you are a fresher then you just say I am fresher and you are done with this question 6: Why should I hire you? The most commonly asked question but the question which is most difficult to answer. Before you enter any interview make sure you have read about the company, job profile and all. As soon as this question is asked, start matching your personality traits with the job requirements. Show how you are the best suited person for this job. For example – If you are going for a job which involves marketing, then convince the interview that you have a personality which is best suited for this job.

The bottom line is – Match yourself with what the job profile is and thus the interviewer should feel that you are the best person for the job.

7 : Where do you see yourself five years from now? This question is usually asked to see how much ambitious you are and what is your actual reason for joining the company. If you say I see myself as one of the richest manager in town – forget about the job and leave. You need to show that you are a person with focused aims and you are willing to work to fulfill your dreams. Don’t be over ambitious and say I want to be in board of directors in next 5 years. Of course that is not possible unless lady luck stays with you 24*7 for all 5 years.

During an interview I said – I want to see me at your post and you in top management and believe me, the interviewer had a very good laugh and said that was really clever. I don’t suggest you to say this every time but yes if you feel the person has a jolly nature you can say so

8: Why do you want to work at our company?

This question is asked to check whether you know about the company and work profile or it was just that you got a call from your friend and you walked in the interview. So do your homework and check annual reports of company, browse website or any relevant data. See the areas where company is growing and match your skills with it. Show the interviewer how you could add to the overall profit of company.

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9: What are your hobbies? This question is asked to judge your personality. I have seen hundreds of resume which say – Hobbies – reading books, listening songs, browsing internet , sleeping.

For god sake don’t copy it from other’s resume and use it. Write what you actually do. Don’t write I have a hobby of reading books when you could not even name 1 book if asked for. Never be fake, tell them truthfully what you do.

Mention some hobbies which are directly or indirectly linked with job. But make sure you have that hobby. If not then say what you actually do. Different people have different hobbies, so there is nothing to be ashamed off.

DMRC- Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Latest Selection pattern for Assistant Manager post, DMRC Written test will be held on 26/08/2012 for Graduate Engineers-Civil, Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical, MBA, LLb Qualified Graduate with 75% mark, DMRC Latest Company Profile, Selection Procedure, Previous year Technical, Aptitude Questions paper with Answer, Interview pattern with General Tips, Group discussion Tips , DMRC Latest Recruitment details for Assistant Manager, Junior Engineer , DMRC Frequently asked Technical Questions, General Awareness, English, Logical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude About Group discussion Group Discussion is a modern method of assessing students personality. It is both a technique and an art and a comprehensive tool to judge the worthiness of the student and his appropriateness for the job. A group discussion is a critical component of the campus placement process. It is a way for potential employers to learn more about the applicants, and it is an opportunity for applicants to stand out and shine. During the post placement phase, the applicants will be required to participate in a group discussion. The group will have 8 & 12 members who will express their views freely, frankly in a friendly manner, on a topic of current issue. Within a time limit of 20 to 30 minutes, the abilities of the members of the group is measured.

Prerequisites of a Group Discussion

• Topics given by panelists • Planning and preparation

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• Knowledge with self-confidence • Communication skills/ power of speech • Presentation • Body Language and personal appearance • Being calm and cool • Extensive knowledge base related to state, country and globe. • Areas are politics,sports,science &trade commerce, Industry and Technology, MNC, etc. • Analyze the social, economical issues logistically . • Listening skills • Co-operation.

Don’ts during group discussion

• Being shy /nervous / keeping isolated from G.D • Interrupting another participant before his arguments are over • Speak in favour ; example: Establish your position and stand by it stubbornly • Changed opinions • Don’t make fun of any participant even if his arguments are funny. • Don’t engage yourself in sub-group conversation. • Don’t repeat and use irrelevant materials. • Addressing yourself to the examiner. • Worrying about making some grammatical mistakes, for your interest the matter you put across are important.

1.Are Women Good Managers? Before discussing, who is a good manager? We shouldn't forget that it basically depends upon the field. There are many fields that are amicable to man and some to women. So man and women both are good manager in their respective field. The manger should have mainly these three main issues:- 1.Manager should have good knowledge of this field. 2. Manager should be a good leader.

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3. Last but not least Manager should have ability to initiative. These all qualities do not depend on sex of a person. Any individual can have these qualities and can be a good manager. 2.Is facebook boon or bane? "Facebook is primarily a communication medium, so it will influence our communication and collaboration behavior" we should know how to balance our lives with the technology for an effective means of communication. Example:I consider it a positive thing The great thing about Facebook is that it allows people to keep in touch with one another easily. Of course, before Facebook there was email and telephones and letters, Facebook allows people to share details about their lives that they never would have thought to share. But Facebook is in many ways superior to all of those. 3.Comparison b/w Indian & foreign education system First and foremost, as everyone knows Indian education system follows a theory based curriculum. Students are required to memorize facts and knowledge written in textbooks. In a way, Indian education system is still very much focusing on bookish knowledge instead of preparing students for future careers and jobs. Whereas, western education system stresses on educational flexibility, creativity and child’s interest. Western educational institutes’ treats imparting education as a learning process and believes in imparting practical knowledge to ready students for future.

Secondly, Indian educational system, unfortunately, has not changed much even after independence and is still following same set of obsolete rules when it comes to education as it was some 150 years ago. On the other hand, in the west, education system is changed as per needs and requirements of the present day world. Western education system is more liberal refined and advanced in its approach to teach children. 4. Success is all about human relations The following points could be discussed under this topic: The most important skill for success in to have people on your side. One can get a lot of work done by superiority and hierarchy but one cannot be a leader of men unless one maintains excellent human relations. Its importance not only in professional life but personal life too.Knowledge and expertise does one no good if one cannot maintain proper human relations...etc.....

5. Borderless worlds-Dream or reality?

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The following points could be discussed under this topic: Globalization of business. Opening up of the various economies. Cross cultural exchanges. More and more people getting an opportunity to work in different lands among different peoples and absorbing a bit of their values and culture. This leads to greater tolerance and understanding of others' problems. The other side- people despite all this have nationalistic and regionalist chauvinism . A world divided into first, second and third worlds. People still talk of "their" economy and not world economy. Europe has shown a step in this direction with EU but its feasibility remains to be seen. So while people clamor for globalization, they still think only in terms of their national interests...etc... 6. Education and success-Is there a correlation? The following points could be discussed under this topic: This is a topic which provides ample scope for dialectics. One can argue for and against it. One of the best examples is Bill Gates who went on to become the richest man in the world despite dropping out of hid education. Closer home we have the example of Dhirubhai Ambani. What a person learns and what he really wants to do has no correlation many a times. A person succeeds only if he likes what he does. The argument for education will be that , in practice, it is your marks and qualifications that opens doors for you. While one can become successful without education, education brings about a richness in one's life. One is able to appreciate many facets of life due to the extended knowledge that education provides. It opens a new window and provides a different perspective towards things, ability to distinguish between ethical and unethical, moral and amoral ....etc......

Is China a threat to Indian industry India or West , which is the land of opportunities. Effect of cinema on Youth. Is it necessary to ban COCO COLA in India Privatization in education is good or bad

DMRC Technical knowledge questions with answers,DMRC previous years solved question papers,DMRC,DMRC Technical professional knowledge questions with answers,DMRC Question bank,DMRC aptitude reasoning technical questions with answers TECHNICAL/PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE

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1. A 13 m ladder is placed against a smooth vertical wall with its lower end 5 m from the wall. What should be the coefficient of friction between ladder and floor so that it remains in equilibrium: (1) 0.1 (2) 0.13 (3) 0.2 (4) 0.21-Answer

2. A glass marble drops from a height of 3 meters upon a horizontal floor. If the coefficient of restitution be 0.9, find the height to which it rises after impact: (1) 2.43 metre-Answer (2) 4.43 metre (3) 1.22 metre (4) 0.61 metre

3. Two cars are 10 km apart and moving in the same direction at speed of 40 km/hr. A car moving in opposite direction meets these cars at interval of 8 minutes. At what speed the other car is moving: (1) 75 km/hr (2) 60 km/hr (3) 45 km/hr (4) 35 km/hr-Answer

4. A 1000 kg. block resting on a horizontal plane has a static coefficient of friction of 0.33 and is acted on by a horizontal force of 200 kg. Under the above conditions, the frictional resistance is: (1) 200 kg-Answer (2) 66 kg (3) 500 kg (4) 670 kg

5. 2 kg of substance receives 500 kJ heat and undergoes a temperature change from 100°C to 200°C. The average specific heat of substance during the process will be (1) K kg kJ5 o (2) K kg kJ.5 2o-Answer

(3) K kg kJ0 1o (4) K kg kJ5 2o

6. For a system to be in equilibrium, the torques acting on it must balance. This is true only if the torques are taken about: (1) The centre of mass of the system (2) The centre of the system (3) Any point on the system (4) Any point on the system or outside it-Answer

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7. A ball hangs from a string inside a bus moving along a straight road. The string is seen to be inclined towards the rear of the bus making a constant angle with the vertical. This means that the bus is moving with: (1) Uniform velocity (2) Uniform acceleration-Answer (3) Variable velocity (4) Variable acceleration

8. A body of mass m is moving with a constant velocity along a line parallel to the X–axis away from the origin. Its angular momentum with respect to the origin is: (1) Zero (2) Constant-Answer (3) Increasing (4) Decreasing

11. A 200 W lamp is connected to 100 volts supply. The number of electrons passing through the lamp in one minute is (charge of an electron =1.6 × 10–19C) : (1) 1×1019 (2) 2×1015 (3) 7.5×1020-Answer (4) 1×1012

12. An electric dipole is placed in a uniform electric field. The net electric force on the dipole: (1) Is always zero-Answer (2) Depends on the orientation of the dipole (3) Can never be zero (4) Depends on the strength of the dipole

13. A freshly prepared radioactive source of halflife 2 hours emits radiation of intensity which is 64 times the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it would be possible to work safely with the source is: (1) 1 hour (2) 24 hours (3) 12 hours-Answer (4) 30 minutes

14. A train is approaching the platform at a speed of 36Km/hr, sounding its whistle. A sound detector detects 12.0Khz as the most dominant frequency in the whistle. The train then stops at the platform. The most dominant frequency that the detector will read now is: (1) 11.6Khz-Answer (2) 9.2Khz (3) 10.8Khz

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(4) 8.2Khz

15. The angle of a prism is 60° and its refractive index is 1.5. There will be no emergent light if the angle of incidence on the first face is: (1) 30° (2) Less than 27°-Answer (3) More than 30° (4) 60°

16. A body takes 4 minutes to cool from 100°C to 70°C. If the room temperature is 15°C, the time taken to cool from 70°C to 40°C will be: (1) 2 minutes (2) 7 minutes-Answer (3) 5 minutes (4) 6 minutes

17. If kinetic energy of a body becomes four times it’s initial value, then the new momentum will be: (1) One time (2) Two times-Answer (3) Three times (4) Four times, the initial value

18. A particle moves under the effect of a force F=cx from x=0 to x=a. The work done in the process is: (1) c2a (2) 2ac2

(3) ca2 (4) 2ca2-Answer

19. In case of a sustained forced oscillations, the amplitude of oscillation: (1) Decreases linearly (2) Remains constant-Answer (3) Decreases sinusoidally (4) Decreases exponentially

20. If Fo and Fe are the focal lengths of the objective and eye piece respectively for telescope, its magnifying power is about: (1) FO+Fe (2) FO x Fe (3) FO /Fe-Answer (4) (FO – Fe)

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21. The luminous efficiency of a lamp is 5 lumen/watt and it’s luminous intensity is 35 candela. The power of the lamp is: (1) 80 W (2) 176 W (3) 88 W-Answer (4) 36 W

22. A piece of copper is to be shaped so as to have a minimum resistance. It’s length and cross sectional area should be: (1) l and A (2) 2 l and A/2

(3) l /2 and 2A-Answer (4) Do not matter

23. The work function of a photoelectric material is 3.3 eV. It’s thresold frequency will be (h=6.60x10–34Js): (1) 8 × 1014 Hz-Answer (2) 5 × 1033 Hz (3) 8 × 1010 Hz (4) 4 × 1011 Hz

24. A bird flies for 4 sec. with a velocity of (t–2) m/s in a straight line, where t is time in second. It covers a distance of: (1) 2 m (2) 4 m-Answer (3) 6 m (4) 8 m

25. A cricket ball is hit at 45° to the horizontal with a kinetic energy K. The kinetic energy at the highest point is: (1) Zero (2) K/2-Answer (3) K/√2

(4) K

26. The normality of 0.3 M aluminium sulphate solution is: (1) 0.1 N (2) 0.3 N (3) 0.9 N (4) 1.8 N-Answer

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27. The compound C2 (CN)4 contains: (1) 5 sigma (σ) & one pi (Π) bonds (2) 3 sigma (σ) & three pi (Π) bonds (3) 6 sigma (σ) & six pi (Π) bonds (4) 9 sigma (σ) & nine pi (Π) bonds-Answer

28. Optical rotation of an organic compound is +20° & that of a mixture containing compound and its enantiomer is +10°. The ratio of compound to its enantiomer in the mixture is: (1) 1:1 (2) 1:3 (3) 2:1 (4) 3:1-Answer

29. Addition of 0.025 gms of a protective colloid prevents the coagulation of 10 ml gold sol upon additon of 1 ml of 10% Nacl solution. The gold number of the protective colloid is: (1) 0.025 (2) 2.5 (3) 25-Answer (4) 250

30. When ethanal & propanol reacts together in the presence of an alkali, the number of products are: (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4-Answer (4) 5

31. In which of the following, glucose will show mutarotation? (1) P–cresol (2) Pyridine (3) Equimolar mixture of p–cresol & pyridine-Answer (4) None of the above

32. Which element is alloyed with copper to form brass: (1) Pb (2) Bi (3) Zn-Answer (4) Sb

33. If the atomic number of an element is six, it is placed in group: (1) Six (2) Three (3) Four-Answer

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(4) Two

34. In Haber’s process for manufacture of NH3: (1) Iron is used as catalyst-Answer (2) Molybdenum is used as catalyst (3) Nickel is used as a catalyst (4) No catalyst

35. Which among the following is correct order of reactivity with water according to electro chemical series: (1) Cu>Zn>Mg>K (2) K>Mg>Zn>Cu-Answer (3) Mg>Zn>Cu>K (4) K>Zn>Mg>Cu

–4 –1 36. The first order rate constant for the decompostion of N2 O5 is 6.2 × 10 sec. . The half life period for the decomposition in seconds is: (1) 1117.7-Answer (2) 111.7 (3) 223.4 (4) 1609

37. Which of the following type of metals are the most efficient catalysts? (1) Alkali metal (2) Alkaline Earth metal (3) Transition metals -Answer (4) Metals of p-block

38. For the reaction:

2NO(g) ⇌ N2(g) + O2(g) + Q

(1) K is independent on temperature (2) K increases as temperature increases (3) K decreases as temperature increases-Answer

(4) K varies with the addition of N2 or O2

39. Zinc metal "dissolves’ in aqueous HCl. Solid NaCl dissolves in water, solid sucrose also dissolves in water. Which of the followings are actually cases of dissolving: (1) Solid NaCl & Solid sucrose dissolution in water-Answer (2) Zn metal dissolution in aqueous HCl (3) Zn metal and solid NaCl dissolution

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(4) Solid sucrose and Zn metal dissolution

40. In the reaction: 2- - 3+ Cr2O7 + 6H + 6Ι → 2Cr + 3H2O + 3Ι2, which element is reduced: (1) Cr-Answer (2) H (3) O (4) Ι

41. The half life period of 36Kr85 is 10.6 years. How long will it take for 99% of the isotope to disintegrate: (1) 100 years (2) 21.2 years (3) 31.8 years (4) 70.4 years-Answer

42. The following four colourless salt solutions are placed in separate test tubes and a strip of copper is placed in each. Which solution turns blue:

(1) KNO3

(2) AgNO3-Answer

(3) Zn(NO3)2

(4) ZnSO4

43. Gypsum, CaSO4.2H2O on heating to about 120°C forms plaster of paris, which has the chemical comosition represented by:

(1) 2CaSO4.3H2O

(2) CaSO4.H2O

(3) 2CaSO4.H2O-Answer

(4) CaSO4

44. Mohr’s salt is prepared in warm distilled water by the reaction of (NH4)2SO4 and:

(1) FeSO4-Answer

(2) Fe2(SO4)3

(3) CaSO4

(4) ZnSO4

45. According to Hardy-schulze rule, what will be correct order for coagulating action on negative As 2S3 sol for different ions [Al3+, Ba2+, Na+]: (1) Al3+>Na+>Ba2+ (2) Al3+>Ba2+>Na+-Answer (3) Na+Al3+ (4) Ba2+>Al3+>Na+

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46. For a chemical reaction, A → B, it is observed that the rate of reaction becomes four times when the concentration of A is increased four times. The order of reaction in concern to A is: (1) Two (2) One-Answer (3) Half (4) Zero

47. T.N.T., an explosive can be obtained by nitration of: (1) Benzene (2) Toluene-Answer (3) O-Xylene (4) p-Xylene

48. Aniline reacts with NaNo2 and Hcl at O°C to form:

(1) C6H5OH + - (2) C6H5N2 Cl ,NaCl,H2O-Answer

(3) C6H5Cl

(4) C6H5NO2,NH3

49. Which of the following will produce least knocking: (1) Iso-Octane-Answer (2) n-heptane (3) n-Octane (4) n-nonane

50. Reaction of acetone with magnesium butyl bromide followed by hydrolysis gives: (1) Secondary alcohol (2) Primary alcohol (3) Ketone (4) Tertiary alcohol-Answer

∞ 51. Value of the integral ∫ e-3t sin h t/t dt is: 0 (1) e–2 (2) e–6 (3) In √2-Answer (4) In 4

52. A solution of the equation = 0 is :

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(1) x=1 (2) x=2-Answer (3) x=5 (4) x=7

53. The real root of the equation 2x3 + 3x2 – 4x = 40 lies between: (1) 0 and 1 (2) 1 and 2 (3) 2 and 3-Answer (4) –2 and –1

54. The rank of the matrix is: (1) 1 (2) 2-Answer (3) 3 (4) 4

55. The value of lim sin2 x / 2x is: x→0 (1) 0-Answer (2) 1/2 (3) 1 (4) ∞

56. If A = then the inverse of A2 is:


57. A box contains 200 bulbs including 10 defective bulbs. If 5 bulbs are chosen at random, the probability that at least one bulb will be defective is

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58. Lt (TPK - image - Qno. 58.(Equation)) is equal to: x→∞ (1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) –2-Answer

_ _ 59. Two vector A and B are given below: _ _ A = 2i − 3j + 2k B = 4i − 6j + ck

Where c is constant. The value of ‘c’ for the two vectors to be parallel is. (1) –13 (2) 2-Answer (3) 4 (4) 26 59-3-Answer 60. The magnitude of the determinant of the following matrix is equal to:

(1) –1-Answer (2) +1 (3) 3 (4) 5

61. If x is an angle in the first quadrant and sin x a/b, then tan x equals: (1) a /√b2 – a2-Answer (2) b /√b2 – a2

(3) a /√a2 + b2

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(4) b /√b2 + a2

62. The sum of the series 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + 1/5 ...... is:

(1) loge 1/2

(2) e–1 (3) 0 (4) log 2-Answer

63. Determinant equals: (1) 1 (2) 0-Answer (3) 2 (4) 4

64. The equation 4x2 – y2 + 6 = 0 represents a curve: (1) Circle (2) Parabola (3) Hyperbola-Answer (4) Ellipse

65. lim sin x is: x →∞ x (1) 1 (2) 0-Answer (3) ∞ (4) None of these

π/2 66. The value of ∫ √1/2 (1–cos 2x) dx is: -π/2 (1) 0 (2) 1/2 (3) 2-Answer (4) 1

67. If Sin A = Sin B, Cos A = Cos B, then the value of A in terms of B is: (1) nπ + B (2) nπ + (–1)n B

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(3) 2 nπ + B-Answer (4) 2 nπ – B

68. If in a triangle ABC, ∠B=60°, then:

(1) (a–b)2 = c2–ab (2) (b–c)2 = a2–bc (3) (c–a)2 = b2–ac-Answer (4) None of these

69. If a, b, c, are in A. P. and a2, b2, c2 are in H. P., then: (1) a = b = c-Answer (2) 2b = 3a +c (3) b2= √ac/8 (4) None of these

70. If sets A and B have 3 and 6 elements respectively, then the minimum number of elements in A∪B can

be: (1) 3 (2) 6-Answer (3) 9 (4) None of these

71. In a throw of two dice, the probability of getting a sum of 9 or 11 is: (1) 2/9 (2) 7/9 (3) 5/9 (4) None of these-Answer

1 72. ∫ |1 – x| dx equals: –1 (1) –2 (2) 0 (3) 2-Answer (4) 4

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_ _ _ 73. The vector a × (b × a) is: _ (1) Perpendicular to a-Answer

_ (2) Perpendicular to b

(3) Null vector _ _ (4) perpendicular to both a and b

74. A particle is dropped under gravity from a height h in meters (g = 9.8 m/sec2) and it travels a distance 9h/25 in the last second, then h in metres is: (1) 100 (2) 122.5-Answer (3) 145 (4) 167.5

75. A woman of 50 Kg. is in a lift. If the lift is going upward with an acceleration of 4 m/sec 2, then her weight is: (1) 50 Kg. wt. (2) 0 Newton (3) 690 Newton-Answer (4) 290 Newton


76. Who is the Chairman of National Knowledge Commission? (1) Mr Ratan Tata (2) Mr Sam Pitroda-Answer (3) Dr K. Radhakrishnan (4) Dr Vijay L. Kelkar

77. The first temporary president of Constituent assembly was: (1) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (2) Dr. Sachidanand Sinha-Answer (3) Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar (4) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

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78. When a Higher court directs that record of a case be sent up for review, together with all supporting files, evidence and documents, usually with the intention of overruling the judgement of the lower court, it is called writ of: (1) Certiorari-Answer (2) Mandamus (3) Quo Warranto (4) Habeas Corpus

79. An Indian social entrepreneur, who founded Selco India, which over the years has lit up over 1,20,000 households, emerging as India's leading solar technology firm, has been recently awarded: (1) Booker Prize (2) Ramon Magsaysay-Answer (3) Mercy Ravi award (4) Solar king award

80. Bharat Nirman, a programme to build rural infrastructure, was launched by the Government of India in 2005. Bharat Nirman comprises of six components. The Five are (i)-Irrigation, (ii)-Rural Roads, (iii)-Rural Housing, (iv)-Rural Drinking Water Supply, (v)-Rural Electrification .The sixth one is: (1) Telephone Connectivity-Answer (2) Internet banking (3) Free Education to all (4) Free food for BPL families

81. Who has been certified by the United Nations as the first metro rail and rail-based system in the world to get "carbon credits for reducing greenhouse gas emissions": (1) Delhi Metro-Answer (2) London Underground (3) New York City subway (4) Hong Kong MTR

82. The abnormal constituent of urine is: (1) Urea (2) Creatinine (3) Albumin-Answer (4) Sodium

83. Which among the following was the major demand of the Bardoli Satyagraha (1928) organized under the leadership of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel? (1) Land to the tiller (2) Increase the rates of labour wage (3) Rollback of newly enhanced revenue rate-Answer

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(4) Supply of agricultural Inputs to farmers at subsidized rate

84. During the time of which Mughal emperor did the English East India Company establish its first factory In India? (1) Akbar (2) Jahangir-Answer (3) Shahjahan (4) Aurangzeb

85. The southernmost point in India, Indira Point, is in the: (1) Daman & Diu (2) Andaman and Nicobar Islands-Answer (3) Dadar & Nagar haveli (4) Kanyakumari

86. The Rashtrakutas were great builders. Who amongst the kings of this dynasty built the famous temple at Ellora? (1) Amoghavarsha (2) Krishna I-Answer (3) Dhruva (4) Govinda III

87. Humayunama has been authored by: (1) Firdausi (2) Gulbadan Beghum-Answer (3) Abul Fazal (4) Kazi Nazrul Islam

88. Recently in March 2012, which country hosted a BRICS Summit? (1) Brazil (2) South Africa (3) Russia (4) India-Answer

89. The highest grade of coal whose surface shines and has the highest calorific value: (1) Anthracite-Answer (2) Lignite (3) Hematite (4) None of these

90. In which folk paintings of India valuable stones and pieces of glass are pasted: (1) Nath Dwara

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(2) Tanjore-Answer (3) Kalighat (4) Jagannath Puri

91. Which Tala has sixteen Maathrass: (1) Jhaptal (2) Roopak Taal (3) Teen Tala-Answer (4) Aadi Tala

92. Speaker of the Lok Sabha may be removed from the office by: (1) A resolution passed by a majority of all members of the House-Answer (2) The order of President of India (3) A resolution passed by at least 2/3 of the total membership of the house (4) The ruling party adopting a no confidence motion

93. Pungency in chillies is due to: (1) Capsaicin-Answer (2) Solanin (3) Isothiocyanates (4) None of these

94. One of these is a sex-linked disease: (1) Colour Blindness-Answer (2) Malinancy (3) Hepatitis (4) Leukemia

95. Which state of India produces the country's highest percent of safety matches: (1) Andhra Pradesh-Answer (2) Madhya Pradesh (3) Tamil nadu (4) Orissa

96. In which state is the Gol Gumbaz located: (1) Karnataka-Answer (2) (3) Uttar Pradesh (4) Bihar

97. Which state has the largest population of scheduled tribes: (1) Kerala

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(2) Maharashtra (3) Bihar (4) Madhya Pradesh-Answer

98. The colour of star is an indication of: (1) Weight (2) Distance (3) Temperature-Answer (4) Size

99. Match the Suitable pair: Mineral Used in A. Mica 1. Almunium Industry B. Bauxite 2. Thermal Power C. Manganese 3. Electrical Industry D. Lignite 4. Steel Alloys

(1) A3, B1, C4, D2-Answer (2) A4, B1, C3, D2 (3) A2, B1, C4, D3 (4) A3, B1, C2, D4

100. Find the incorrect statement: (1) Spring tide is caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun together in the same direction (2) A line on a map that join all the places of the same height above sea level is called contour line (3) Full moon occurs when the moon comes between the Earth and the Sun-Answer (4) The difference in minutes between the Greenwich time and the local time at a place can be derived by multiplying the longitude of place by four

101. If START = WALKA and BUDPI = XZFMQ, then what will be the code of STUPID: (1) MAZWQF (2) WAZMQF-Answer (3) WZAQMF (4) None of these

102. A man stands on a tower and sees two hill peaks one in the north east and one in the north west. Both peaks are at the same distance from the tower. He climbs the top of the peak in the North East and looks at the other peak. Which direction does he look to do so: (1) North West (2) South West (3) South (4) West-Answer

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DIRECTIONS: Study statements given and select the most logical conclusion from among the choices.

103. Eminent cricketers playing an active role in advertisements of products is not good for the game. They concentrate less on the game: (1) Not so well known cricketers can take part in advertisements (2) Loss of concentration by players is an important issue posed by advertisement involvement-Answer (3) Advertisers are justified as they pay money to players (4) Playing cricket and advertisements are separate issues

DIRECTIONS: In the following questions pick the choice that establishes the logical relationship.

104. ELECTION : 12178904 :: NOTION : ? (1) 401217 (2) 211892 (3) 780121 (4) 408904-Answer

DIRECTIONS: (Question no. 105 & 106) In each of the following number series only one number is wrong. If wrong number is corrected, the series gets established following a certain logic. Below the series a number is given followed by (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f). You have to complete the series following the same logic as in the given series after correcting the wrong number. Now answer the following questions giving the correct values for the letter in the questions.

105. 2 3 2 15 44 254 1434 3 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) What will come in place of (c): (1) 18 (2) 22 (3) 24 (4) 21-Answer

106. 2 4.5 11 30 93 312 1136 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) What will come in place of (b): (1) 7 (2) 81 (3) 16.75 (4) 18.75

DIRECTIONS: Each of the following questions is followed by two statements I and II. Select the choice as follows.

A. If I alone is sufficient to answer the question-Answer

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B. If II alone is sufficient to answer the question C. If I and II are both required to answer the question D. If both I and II are insufficient to answer the question and more data is required

107. Has Tendulkar’s performance in batting gone down of late:

I. The average of runs scored by Tendulkar in the last fifteen matches has dropped by 7%-Answer II. Spectators have also noticed that he hits less boundaries (1) A-Answer (2) B (3) C (4) D

DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. 108 to 110) From among the five doctors 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, four engineers G, H, K, L and six teachers M, N, O, P, Q and R, some teams are to be selected. Of these 1, 2, G, H, O, P, Q are females and the rest are males. The formation of teams is subject to the following conditions. Wherever there is a male doctor, there will not be a female teacher. Wherever there is a male engineer, there will not be a female doctor. There shall not be more than two male teachers in any team.

108. If the team consists of two doctors, two female teachers and two engineers, then all the following teams are possible except: (1) 1, 2, K, L, P, Q-Answer (2) 1, 2, G, H, P, Q (3) 1, 2, G, H, O, Q (4) O, P, G, H, 1, 2

109. If the team consists of two doctors, three female teachers and two engineers, then the members of the team are: (1) 3, 4, O, P, Q, G, H (2) 1, 2, O, P, Q, G, H-Answer (3) 3, 4, K, L, O, P, Q (4) 4, 5, G, H, O, P, Q

110. If the team consists of three doctors, two male engineers and two teachers, then the members of the team could be: (1) 3, 4, 5, K, L, M, N-Answer (2) 1, 2, 3, K, L, M, R (3) 3, 4, 5, K, L, P, R (4) 1, 2, H, M, R, P, Q

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 111 to 113) Fill in the blank with correct preposition.

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111...... cooking, he also likes to write poetry in his free time: (1) Beside (2) Besides-Answer (3) Except (4) While

112. The thief entered the room ...... the window: (1) From (2) By (3) Through-Answer (4) With

113. My car does forty kilometers ...... a litre: (1) In (2) To-Answer (3) For (4) Of

DIRECTIONS: (Question No 114 & 115) Against each key word are given four suggested meaning. Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the key word.

114. FLABBERGAST: (1) Confident (2) Religious (3) Extravagant (4) Surprise very greatly-Answer

115. ASPERITY: (1) Ambition (2) Eagerness (3) Promptness (4) Harshness-Answer

DIRECTIONS: (Question No 116 & 117) Against each key word are given four suggested meanings. Choose the word or phrase which is opposite in meaning to the key word.

116. FABLE: (1) Myth (2) Truth-Answer (3) To speak falsely (4) Fabricate


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(1) Strident-Answer (2) Lethargic (3) Literary (4) Significant

DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct passive voice of the sentence given in the question. 118. There is no house to let: (1) There is no house to be let-Answer (2) No house is there to let (3) There is no house which could be let (4) There is no house for letting out

DIRECTIONS: Change the following sentences into reported speech.

119. Shashi said " I plan to leave for Australia next week": (1) Shashi said that he had planned to leave for Australia next week. (2) Shashi told that he planned to leave for Australia next week. (3) Shashi said that he planned to leave for Australia the following week-Answer (4) Shashi told that he had planned to leave for Australia the following week.

DIRECTIONS: Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3), (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in underlined to make the sentence grammatically correct.

120. The crowd which has gather to protest against decision slowly returned to their homes: (1) Gathering up (2) Which had gathered-Answer (3) Gathering up (4) Which gathers around

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1. Which of the following countries is not a member of the elite league of six nations that have nuclear-powered submarines? a. China b. India c. Germany -Ans d. UK

2. Who amongst the following has been awarded the prestigious 'Dadasaheb Phalke award' for the year 2012?

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a. Manna Dey b. Soumitra Chatterjee-Ans c. VK Murthy d. K Balachander

3. Tiger Woods' former swing coach, Hank Haney, has written a book about his time working with the golfer. The name of the book is: a. The Lord of the Rings b. Rules of Attraction c. Strong Motion d. The Big Miss-Ans

4. The Titanic, with 2,200 people on board, departed from which of the following British ports on 10 April 1912, for its fateful voyage from Europe to the US? a. Port of Southampton -ans b. Port of Barrow c. Port of Swansea d. Port of Immingham

5. According to a report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), which country is the secondlargest weapons importer? a. b. India c. China-Ans d. South Korea

6. The Para Athletics National Championship 2012 was held in: a. Hyderabad b. Gurgaon c. Bhopal d. Bengaluru-ans

7. Who among the following politicians has been declared the winner of the prestigious ‘International Jurists Award-2012’? a. Sheila Dixit b. Nitish Kumar c. Narendra Modi d. Mulayam Singh Yadav-Ans

8. Oil has been discovered for the first time in which East African nation recently? a. Kenya-Ans b. Tanzania c. Burundi d. Uganda

9. Who among the following is the surprise choice of US President Barack Obama for the post of World Bank president? a. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala b. Jim Yong Kim-Ans c. Jose Antonio Ocampo d. Robert Zoellick

10. After WWE wrestler Great Khali, who is the second sportsperson keen on opening a cricket academy in Himachal Pradesh? a. Suresh Raina b. Yuvraj Singh c. Mahendra Singh Dhoni-Ans d. Harbhajan Singh

11. To promote institutional deliveries, create awareness and ‘responsibility towards health’ in pregnant women, which of the following states has recently introduced the ‘Surakshit Maa' and ‘Swasth Maa' awards? a. Bihar b. Haryana-Ans c. Madhya Pradesh d. New Delhi

12. The Prime Minister has appointed a panel on the feasibility of executing the controversial Sethusamudram project through Dhanuskodi instead of routing it through Rama Sethu. The committee is headed by: a. Vandana Shiva b. Ashok Khosla c. T Srinivasa Rao d. RK Pachauri-Ans

13. The Ladakh International Film Festival (LIFF), the fi rst international fi lm festival in Ladakh and the highest-altitude fi lm festival at 13,500 feet above sea level, will begin from: a. 15 June 2012-Ans b. 29 March 2012 c. 15 April 2012 d. 29 May 2012

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14. Ms Tawakul Karman, titled the ‘Mother of the Revolution’, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2011. She belongs to: a. Kenya b. Liberia c. Yemen -Ans d. Morocco

15. The first World Sparrow Day was celebrated (in 2010) across the globe to celebrate the beauty of the house sparrow. The World Sparrow Day is observed on: a. 21 March-Ans b. 20 March c. 5 January d. 27 January

16. The ‘Pudhu Vazvu Thittam' scheme has been launched in which of the following states with the aim of improving livelihood activities of the poorest of the poor, differently abled, destitute widows, and orphaned women? a. Tamil Nadu-Ans b. Kerala c. Karnataka d. Andhra Pradesh

17. Who has been chosen for the Chameli Devi Jain award? a. Shailaja Bajpai b. Aruna Sharma c. Tusha Mittal-ans d. Shahina K.K

18. Which Indian NGO was selected for the US' fi rst ‘Innovation Award for the Empowerment of Women and Girls’ for training and organising wastepickers and eliminating child labour from recycling? a. Pahal b. Smile foundation c. HelpAge India d. Chintan-Ans

19. Who among the following is the current Director-General of the United Nations Educational Scientifi c and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)? a. Irina Bokova-Ans b. Luther Evans c. Koïchiro Matsuura d. Federico Mayor Zaragoza

20. Tihar Prison became the fi rst jail in the country to attain near total literacy among inmates. Which of the following programmes has been launched in Tihar jail in collaboration with the National Literacy Mission? a. 'Aao Padhein' b. 'Padho aur Padhao-Ans’ c. 'Padhana Likhana Sikho' d. 'Aao Sakshar Bane'

21. Which of the following social activists recently became a part of the ‘Global March to Jerusalem' to uphold secularism in the region? a. Swami Agnivesh -ans b. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar c. Anna Hazare d. Medha Patkar

22. Recently, which of the following countries qualified for the silver medal in the women's 4x400m relay of the last Asian athletics championships due to the disqualifi cation of athletes from Kazakhstan and Iraq? a. Sri Lanka b. Pakistan c. India-Ans d. China

23. 'Malabar 2012' is an annual naval exercise between India and: a. Japan b. Russia c. France d. USA-Ans

24. Which of the following countries has topped the list of 27 MDR-TB high-burden countries worldwide? a. India-Ans b. Bangladesh c. China d. Pakistan

25. The Union Minister for Rural Development, Drinking Water and Sanitation, Jairam Ramesh, has announced a national award for sanitation and water - in the name of: a. Sant Gadge Baba-Ans b. Sant Vadiraja Tirtha c. Sant Variyar Swamigal d. Swami Yogaswami

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1. 'Phaeton' is a full-size luxury sedan launched by: a. Audi b. Volkswagen-Ans c. BMW d. Daimler

2. Global private equity major Warburg Pincus has sold its 3.6% stake in which bank for about Rs.1,400 crore? a. HDFC Bank b. Kotak Mahindra Bank-ans c. ICICI Bank d. Yes Bank

3. Tatra is a. A vehicle manufacturer from the Czech Republic -Ans b. A drug that increases the life expectancy of the elderly c. A new variety of Bt Cotton developed by Monsanto d. A new operating system developed by Samsung

4. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a regional development bank established to facilitate development of countries in Asia. It is headquartered in: a. Singapore b. Philippines-Ans c. Japan d. Malaysia

5. Recently, the state-owned Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd (KIOCL), signed a contract for exploration, development, and mining in the Akjoujt Iron Ore project at Mauritania in West Africa, with which of the following companies? a. Curve Capital Ventures-Ans b. South African Mining c. Talvivaara Mining Company Plc d. North Bay Resources Inc

6. Which of the following server chips has recently been launched by Intel Corp? a. 64-bit ARM server chip b. Opteron 6200 c. Opteron 4200 d. Xeon E5-2600-Ans

7. Which of the following countries is India’s second largest supplier of crude oil - against which western countries have imposed sanctions? a. Iraq b. Iran-Ans b. Russia d. Saudi Arabia

8. Who is the current chairman and chief executive offi cer of Pepsico? a. John Compton b. Pamela Culpepper c. Indira K Nooyi -Ans d. Josh Luis Parado

9. Which IT company has launched the 'MyEdu tablet' in India? a. HCL-Ans b. Wipro c. Dell d. Samsung

10. Which of the following California-based companies has recently been acquired by chipmaker AMD for $334 million? a. Antec b. SeaMicro-Ans c. Intel d. Memorex

11. Which motorcycle company has launched its gearless scooter portfolio with the launch of the Swish 125? a. Suzuki Motors -Ans b. Hero MotoCorp c. Bajaj Motorcycles d. Honda Motorcycles

12. The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) recently launched a single premium plan called:

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a. Jeevan Chhaya b. Jeevan Nidhi-Ans c. Jeevan Vriddhi d. Jeevan Saathi

13. Kobelco Cranes India Pvt. Ltd (KCI), which is a part of the Kobelco Cranes Company, has commenced production at its hydraulic crane manufacturing in Andhra Pradesh. This company belongs to: a. South Korea b. Germany c. Japan-Ans d. Sweden

14. AP Choudhary is the current Chairman-cum-Managing Director of: a. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) b. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL)-Ans c. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) d. Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL)

15. Which of the following state governments has decided to give cycles to the girls studying in Classes XI and XII under the 'Mai Bhago Vidya scheme'? a. Punjab -Ans b. Haryana c. West Bengal d. Himachal Pradesh

16. To improve corporate governance, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has constituted a committee headed by: a. Kiran Majumdar Shaw b. Adi Godrej-Ans c. Sidharth Birla d. MK Chanu

17. The Indian Government has imposed anti-dumping duty for fi ve years on imports of phosphoric acid from Israel and: a. China b. Canada c. South Korea d. Taiwan-Ans

18. A unique scheme, titled ‘Master Health Card', of the Rahbar Group of Companies, was launched in: a. Andhra Pradesh-Ans b. Uttar Pradesh c. Karnataka d. New Delhi

19. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), India recently experienced the second- strongest domestic air traffi c growth (at 12.3%) among the major domestic markets in the world after: a. USA b. Brazil-Ans c. Saudi Arabia d. Russia

20. Who is the current Director General of the World Trade Organisation? a. Pascal Lamy -Ans b. Supachai Panitchpakdi c. Mike Moore d. Renato Ruggiero

21. Which telecom company has selected ZTE Corporation to plan, design, supply, and deploy its 4G network in Kolkata? a. Idea b. Bharti Airtel-Ans c. Reliance d. BSNL

22. The GSM Association has said that 3G mobile connections in India are expected to grow to more than 10 crore by 2014 - the highest in the world - while India would become the second largest mobile broadband market globally within the next four years after: a. USA b. South Korea c. UK d. China-Ans

23. 'Mini Countryman' is a SUV car launched by: a. Hyundai b. BMW-Ans c. Volkswagen d. Toyota

24. Which of the following countries is the world's most nuclear-dependent country, deriving 75% of its electricity needs from 58 reactors and has been a leading international proponent of atomic energy?

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a. France-Ans b. Canada c. Sweden d. Japan

25. Pratt & Whitney is an aerospace manufacturer and leading supplier of aerospace engines, space propulsion systems, and industrial gas turbines. Its headquarters are located in: a. France b. UK c. Canada d. USA-Ans

26. Which of the following railway stations has bagged the ‘Best Tourist Friendly Railway Station' award for 2010-11? a. Madgaon railway station b. Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Mumbai c. New Delhi Railway Station-Ans d. Mangalore railway station

27. Who among the following is the current Chairman and CEO of General Motors? a. Daniel F Akerson-Ans b. Edward Whitacre c. Frederick Henderson d. Stephen J Girsky

28. Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL) has a joint venture with which of the following country's aeronautical manufacturing company, 'Aerostar'? a. Italy b. Germany c. Romania-Ans d. South Africa

29. Which of the following motor companies will launch a new bike in 250cc categories under Korean brand 'Hyosung'? a. Garware Motors-Ans b. TVS Motors c. LML d. Honda Motors

30. US-based New York Life has recently sold its 26% stake in Max New York Life Insurance to which of the following insurance companies for Rs.2,731 crore? a. Aviva b. Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (MSI)-Ans c. MetLife d. American International Group (AIG)

Current affairs 2012

1.Name the yesteryear actress who featured in the popular song ‘Ae Meri Zohra Jabeen’ from the film ‘Waqt’who passed away recently. Achala Sachdev passed away at a hospital on April 30, 2012. Achala was 91 year old.

2. Where in India, largest solar power plant with an installed capacity of 40 MW started producing electricity? Pokhran in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan

3. Which department in India plans to set up 1000 ATM’s across 6 states? Postal department

4. Who created history by becoming the first Indian female wrestler to have qualified for the London Olympics 2012? Geeta

5. Who has been appointed next Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission?

Ratan Kumar Sinha

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6. In which part of India, Indo Tibetan Border Police headquarters is to be opened? Bihar

7. Which state’s High Court has insisted that banks cannot freeze accounts nor stop services of issuing cheque book or ATM facility where the account holder has not supplied KYC (Know Your Customers) documents? Gujarat

8. Name the former Haryana chief secretary who took oath as state information commissioner ? Urvashi Gulati

9. Which State becames the 3rd state in India to launch State Portal (SP) and State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) project? Nagaland

10. Who won the World Series Hockey 2012 title? Sher-E-Punjab

11. In which state Urdu medium Government schools would be setup as announced by Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav? Uttar Pradesh

12. Where is the World’s first Virtual shopping store opened? Korea

13. Who is named as HSBC’s India CEO? Stuart Milne

14. Which Indian state bans guthka from 1st of April 2012 to curb the increasing number of mouth cancer cases? Madhya Pradesh

15. Which Indian state chief minister has urged union Finance Minister to bail it out of its huge burden? West Bengal

16. Name the Jammu and Kashmir High Court Chief Justice who was sworn in as Supreme court judge ? F.M.Ibrahim Kalifulla

17. Name the Gujarati techie whose name has emerged for India’s President as the nation has to elect 16th President in July 2012 ? Sam Pitroda

18. At what value Air India’s restructuring plan was approved by a group of 19 banks led by SBI? 18,000 crore

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19. Which services Airtel is planning to launch in Kolkata in April 2012? 4G services

20. Name the nuclear submarine which joined Indian Navy. INS Chakra

21. Which education company bagged Rs.209 crore order from Assam Government? Educomp

22. Which 2 north Indian states will have pipeline connected oil terminals for supply of diesel, petrol and kerosene? Jammu and Himachal Pradesh

23. Which Asian country has issued tender to buy minimum of 30,000 tonnes of basmati rice from India and Pakistan? Iraq

24. NSE founder who passes away Recently? RH Patil

Dr R H Patil, chairman, Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) and founder-managing director of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) passed away in Mumbai.

25. Who donated 1 million Singapore Dollars to Indian Heritage Centre? Founder of Singapore-based IT company Si2i Mobility B.K.Modi

26. Name the world’s highest and longest bridge that was officially opened to motorists in China. Anzhaite Long-span Suspension Bridge in Jishou

27. Which bank has opened 16 Ultra Small branches in 16 locations in villages to cater to financial needs of the rural populace? IDBI Bank

28. Who has been conferred with Sir Jehangir Ghandy Medal? Narayana Murthy

29. In which city in Kerala will Infosys setup its 2nd campus? Thiruvananthapuram

30. Which bank will set up 1-person micro branches to serve remote areas of the northeastern region financially? Indian Overseas Bank

31. Which act does not allow to prosecute (no wife can claim compensation or maintenance) husband’s girlfriend? Protection of Women from Domestic Vilonce Act, 2005

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32. Name the 3 Indian hockey players after whom tube stations in London has been renamed. Dhyan Chand, Roop Singh and Leslie Claudius

33. Who has been signed up as brand ambassador of Toyota Kirloskar Motors? Virat Kohli

34. When was 63rd Rajasthan Day celebrated? 30th March 2012

35. Where in Rajasthan Spices Board’s first Spices Park is setup? Jodhpur

36. Which Asian country recently became member of Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)? India

37. Who won her 6th world sprint title at the world track cycling championships 2012? Victoria Pendleton

38. Name the Malawi President who died after heart attack. Bingu wa Mutharika

39. Who was sworn in as Malawi’s President following the death of Bingu wa Mutharika? Joyce Banda

40. Which Asian country made Hindu marriage registration a must by bringing the law in lines with India? Bangladesh

41. Israel has decided to setup its consulate office in which part of India? Bangalore

42. Which Indian city is likely to get water taxis and air-conditioned trams? Kolkata

43. Name the young doctor who is set to become the first foreign national of Indian origin to walk across Antarctica carrying the Indian Flag. Dr.Alexander Kumar

44. Name the youngest Indian boxer who qualified for London Olympics 2012. Shiva Thapa

45. What percentage hike was allocated for Karnataka by Planning Commission for current fiscal 2012-13 in the 12th Plan? 10%

46. Who will be the sports ambassador for the state of Haryana?

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Leander Paes

47. Which category of women will be allowed to participate in the Miss Universe beauty pageant from next year? Transgender women

48. Which rank does Bangalore hold as preferred entrepreneurial locations worldwide? 9th rank

49. Which TV has become the first Indian television channel to enter the Chinese market? Zee TV

50. Which act was amended to include compulsory registration of marriages in India? Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969

51. Where in Himachal Pradesh Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) would be opened? Una district

52. What denominations of currency note will RBI introduce bearing rupee symbol? Rs.20 and Rs.50 currency notes

53. Name the index on which NSE is set to launch derivative trade. FTSE 100 index

54. What percentage and value of US based Max New York Life Insurance was sold to Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (MSI)? 26% and Rs.2,731 crore

55. Which country replaced China as Iran’s top oil client? India

56. India has recently decided to allow Foreign Direct Investment from which Asian country? Pakistan

57. What value of equity infusion did Air India get spread over a period of 9 years? Rs. 30,000 crore

58. Where in India Integrated Check Post was inaugurated on the occasion of Baisakhi to enhance trade between India-Pakistan? Attari

59. Which education council in India would have its own job portal for the students of technical and professional institutions? All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)

60. Which 2 countries have agreed to resume dialogue on disarmament and non-proliferation after a gap of

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9 years? India and China

61. Which repayment transaction is now allowed by RBI electronically i.e. NEFT? Repayment of Loan EMI’s

62. How many co-sponsors are against the Bill of outsourcing call centers in USA? 106 co-sponsors

63. How much basis point did RBI cut key rates after 3 years? 50 basis points

64. Name the Master Card’s President and CEO who has been elected next chairman of the US-India Business Council? Ajay Banga

65. Which Indian FMCG company crossed $1 billion mark in 2011-12? Dabur India

66. Which 14 year old ICC cricket tournament would end after 2013? ICC Champions Trophy

67. Which state has included services of the petroleum industry, including that provided by tanker operations as essential services under the state’s Essential Services Maintenance Act 1971, (Act 20 of 1971)? Andhra Pradesh

68. Which Indian state’s 100th anniversary was celebrated recently? Bihar

69. Who replaces Simon Leung chief executive of the greater China region of Microsoft? Ralph Haupter

70. Bill to include children with disabilities under which Act was recently passed by Rajya Sabha recently? Right to Education Act

71. Name the spy satellite launched by ISRO recently. RISAT-1

72. Which cricket player and lady actor were recommended for Rajya Sabha membership in India? Sachin Tendulkar and Rekha

73. Name the Indian origin entrepreneur and educator who is named as the Goodwill Ambassador for Education Partnerships for UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Sunny-Varkey

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74. Who has been appointed as Governor of Goa, Rajasthan and Uttarkhand? B.V.Wanchoo, Margaret Alva and Aziz Qureshi

75. Who were given fresh terms as Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra? E.S.L.Narasimhan and K.Sankaranarayanan

76. Which Indian state will be showcased at the Cannes Film Festival? Gujarat

77. Which 2 Asian countries will hold 1st ever economic dialogue on 30th April 2012? India and Japan

78. Name the first of the four Dreamliner aircraft that Air India got from Nikki Haley’s state. Boeing 787

79. Who won the Asian Snooker Championship 2012? Aditya Mehta

80. Who retained the crown as Britain’s richest man? Lakshmi Mittal

81. Where was the India Investrade 2012 organised by Indian Chamber of Commerce, Kolkata held? Colombo, Sri Lanka

82. Name the mango variety named after the youngest Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. ‘Akhilesh aam’, named after Akhilesh Yadav

83. Which Indian state is planning to make 100 the common number to dial in any emergency? Tamil Nadu

84. Who became the 1st player to cross 2000 runs in cricket tournament IPL? Suresh Raina

85. Which country is keen to boost trade ties with Kerala? Singapore

86. Who became the 1st player to win Barcelona title for 7 times? Rafael Nadal

87. Name the former BCCI president who passed away recently after whom the challenger trophy was named. N.K.P.Salve

May 2012 1. Who won her first World Cup individual recurve gold medal in Archery? Deepika Kumari

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2. Who took over as 28th chief secretary of Madhya Pradesh succeeding Avani Vaish? R.Parasuram

3. Which state’s Chief Minister has demanded law to deal with cases of discrimination against northeastern students? Meghalaya CM Mukul Sangma

4. ISRO recently gave clearance for using which frequency band from satellite for internet on trains? KU band

5. Which company bagged the contract for deploying Bharti Airtel’s 4G network in Karnataka? Huawei

6. Who became the first cricketer to hit 5 consecutive T20 fifties? Virender Sehwag

7. Who won the award in the best Actress category at the London Asian Film Festival (LAFF) 2012 for her film ‘Bol’? Humaima Malick

8. Which type of SIM cards are Switzerland based Geo Communications AG, launching in India? International Mobile Subscriber Identity(IMSI) SIM cards which will allow multiple mobile numbers from different operators on a single SIM card

9. To help clear cane arrears of over Rs.10,000 crore which commodities exports has been let free by Government of India recently? Sugar

10. Which industry in India will celebrate 100 years of its existence in May 2013? Indian Film Industry (May 3rd 1913 to May 3rd 2013)

11. When is Facebook (IPO) set to go public? May 18th 2012

12. When will the phased Basel III capital regulation in India be implemented as per RBI guidelines? January 1st, 2013 (to be fully implemented by March 31st, 2018)

13. Name the multifaceted personality (a poet, an author or a painter) whose 150th birth anniversary would be celebrated on May 8th 2012. Rabindranath Tagore

14. Which sport in Goa will benefit from the Government’s decision as it will be declared state sport? Football

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15. Where in India Archeological Survey of India is planning gallery on Harappan civilization? Vadodara, Gujarat

16. Where in India the 49th Raising Day of the Central Command was celebrated on 3rd May 2012? Cantonment, Lucknow

17. Where in Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (Tidco) is planning to establish aerospace park? Chennai

18. Where in Coimbatore, Government has planned to setup cold storage facility for tomatoes? Kinnathukkadavu

19. Which German sportswear maker has planned to shut down 1/3rd of its 900 Reebokstores in India? Adidas

20. Which Kolhapur-based bank is looking at an IPO in 2 years? Ratnakar bank

21. Which resource in nuclear reactors will be used for power generation as the Government has decided to start construction of 300MW reactor by 2016-17? Thorium

22. As Indian Parliament holds special sitting on Sunday to celebrate 60th anniversary, when was India’s first Parliament session held? May 13th, 1952

23. Which country slapped a fine of $80,000 fine on Air India recently? US Transportation Department

24. Which Finance company recently deferred its Rs.1,665 crore IPO, which opened on May 2nd 2012? Samvardhana Motherson

25. Name the firm which is planning to build mud cottages in Gir area of Junagadh district. Swati Infratech Pvt. Ltd.

26. In which glacier have geologists discovered hot water from geothermal sources which is nearly 15 degrees arm in plunging -40 degree Celsius weather? Siachen

27. Name the Indian who became first Asian-origin UK councilor. Philip Abraham

28. Name the ‘Big Bang’ scientist whom France jailed for terror plot. Adlene Hicheur

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29. What value of fund will Asian Development Bank provide to India for 2012-2014 for the development of various projects? $6.25 billion

30. Name the West Indian cricketer who has set an eye on after IPL. Chris Gayle

31. Who is elected as Chair of the ADB’s Board of Governors? Pranab Mukherjee

32. Which country will host the 46th annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank in 2013? India in New Delhi

33. Name the Indian-origin doctor who won the London Assembly (Ealing and Hillingdon) seat? Dr.Onkar Singh Sahota

34. Who is elected as President of France? Francois Hollande

35. Which mobile operator is the biggest gainer of mobile number portability (MPN) servicein India? Idea Cellular

36. Which 2 Indian women won the 16th Asian Team Squash Championship? Joshna Chinnappa and Dipika Pallikal

37. Name the US secretary who is India on a 3-day visit asking to reduce oil imports from Iran on the agenda. Hillary Clinton

38. Which series of bollywood actor’s TV debut got a thumbs up from the Hindi film industry? Satyamev Jayate

40. Which popular comic is featuring members of Delhi Daredevils players like Virender Sehwag, Irfan Pathan and Kevin Pietersen? Chacha Chaudhary in Sabu new comic series

41. Who was sworn in as Russian president for 2nd time? Vladimir Putin

42. Who won the silver medal at the 3rd International ‘Republic of Kazakhstan President’s Cup’ held in Almaty, kazakhstan? Devendro Singh

43. Name the hockey player who died after being hit in the head by the ball during a game in Perth recently. Elizabeth Watkins

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44. Which movie team is set to open 4-day Children’s Film Festival to be held in Goa from May 11th 2012? Gattu

45. Which state’s first marine training institute will be operational from August 2012? Gujarat

46. Which state of Jaipur will host first edition of 3-day Fashion Week from May 24th 2012? Rajasthan

47. After completing a year post acquisition of Patni Computer which company dropped Patni from its brand name? iGate Corporation

48. India’s Finance minister recently scrapped a ‘draconian’ clause under which law? Customs law

49. Red Hat recently setup its R&D centres in which locality outside North America? Pune and Bangalore in India

50. Which PSU acquired 51% stake in Bharti Axa Mutual Fund? Bank of India

51. Who created national record by winning silver medal at the Altius Track Crew Threwdown meet in maui Island, Hawaii? Krishna Poonia

52. Who is appointed as Russian Prime Minister? Dmitry Medvedev

53. Name the aircraft carrier and nuclear submarine India is set to get in 2013. Admiral Gorshkov and INS Arihant

54. What was rolled back on realty as excise on gold jewellery? Tax Deducted at Source

55. Where in London a centre dedicated to the life and work of Rabindranath Tagore has been launched? Edinburgh

56. Name the former chairman of ICICI bank and billionaire investor who are re-appointed to the Arcelor Mittal board? N.Vaghul and Wilbur Ross

57. When was the World Red Cross day celebrated? May 8th

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58. Which street is renamed after Roger Federer in Germany? Weststrasse renamed as Roger-Federer-Allee

59. Which cricketer is likely to make an appearance in filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s ‘Ferrari Ki Sawari’? Sachin Tendulkar

60. based Ajoka has planned for 4-day theatre festival to pay tribute to which birth centenarian as on May 2012? Saadat Hassan Manto

61. NSG base will be setup in which part of India? Gujarat

Which Oscar-winning musician has been conferred with his first American Honorary Doctorate by the Miami University? A.R.Rahman

62. Name the Russian plane which went missing on a demonstration over Indonesia in the area of Mount Salak recently. Sukhoi Superjet 100

63. Name the former Ukraine Prime Minister who ended her 20-day hunger strike after claiming that her guards handled her roughly while in prison. Yulia Tymoshenko

64. Which sector is likely to get electronic development fund to promote its R&D activities? Information Development sector

65. Denominations above what value should now be machine processed for authenticity by bank branches as per RBI notification? Rs.100 and above

66. Which singer is awarded America’s highest civilian honour “The Medal of Freedom”? Bob Dylan

67. Who won the Google Photography Prize 2012? Viktor Johansson (A Swedish Student)

68. What is the name of the Carrie Underwood’s album released on May 1st 2012? Blown away

69. Which singers were awarded 2012′s Sweden highest music honour “The Polar Music Prize”? Paul Simon and Yo-Yo Ma

70.Which bollywood actor is starring in the Hollywood movie “The Amazing Spider-man”? Irrfan Khan

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71. Name the bill passed by Rajya Sabha in India to protect children against sexual abuse. Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Bill

72. Name the bill approved by the Union Cabinet in India to regulate the micro finance industry and bring the micro lenders under the purview of RBI. Micro Finance Sector Development and Regulation Bill, 2011

73. Which city in India leads household penetration of the internet as per Census 2011? Gurgaon

74. Which sporting tournament will be held in Orissa from 11th May to 28th May 2012? 66th National Football Championship for Santosh Trophy 2012

75. How many districts of the border state of Punjab will get clusters of food processing industry post United Nation’s Industrial Development Organisation’s survey? 2 districts

76. AICTE has allowed private engineering colleges to run dual degree programme for bachelor of engineering and master of technology courses in which state recently? Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

77. In which year MotoGP set to make its debut in India? 2013

78. WHO in its ‘International Travel and Health Bulletin 2012′ issued a malaria alert to which country recently? India

79. Which society in Goa is organising children’s film festival from May 11th to 13th 2012 at Maquinez Palace, Panaji? Entertainment Society of Goa

80. Which state in India has made ID proof mandatory for pregnant women who undergo ultrasound? Haryana

81. WHO has urged which country to act on Palestinian hunger-strike? Israel

82. Which state announced 500MW gas-fired power plant in its budget session recently? Tamil Nadu

83. Who has been named EPL manager of the year? Alan Pardew

84. Which country recently honoured over 150 peacekeepers?

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85. Which football sporting event will India bid to host at the FIFA Congress in Budapest scheduled for May 24th and 25th 2012? Under-17 World Cup in 2017

86. Punjab has recently achieved a record wheat crop produce of what value? 120 lakh tones

87. Which 3 northeastern Indian states will have its own high courts? Tripura, Manipur and Meghalaya

88. Jammu and Kashmir Government will set up Development and Management Authority to promote which sport in the state? Golf

89. Where in Kozhikode UL Cyber Park with Special Economic Zone status is built? Malabar

90. Which airline will become first to provide in-flight mobile access in UK? Virgin Atlantic

91. Which country has BCCI allowed to play in Champions League T20 in India? Pakistan

92. Which country’s president visited India recently? Maldivian President, Mohammed Waheed

93. Where and at what cost was The Arcelor Mittal Orbit has been built? London, amounting to 22.7million pounds

94. Name the Indian American who has been named as Chancellor of California. Pradeep Khosla

95. Where in India “Veer Bharat Premises”, a unique museum dedicated to Indian heroes will be setup? Bhopal

96. Name the Venezuelan who won his maiden Formula One Spanish Grand Prix 2012. Pastor Maldonado

97. Who won the woman single’s Madrid Masters title 2012? Serena Williams

98. Who won the men single’s Madrid Masters title 2012? Roger Federer

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99. Name the companies that Nigeria’s telecom authority fined a total of 7.3 million dollars for providing poor services to customers. Bharti Airtel, MTN, Etisalat and Globacom

100. Which bank has is ranked 2nd most profitable public sector bank in terms of annual profit for the fiscal year ended March, 2012? Bank of Baroda

101. Who has been appointed as TRAI chairman for a 3 year term? Rahul Khullar

102. Where in India first 2MW solar power plant started functioning? Uttar Pradesh

103. Where was the British World War II fighter plan found recently? Egypt desert

104. Which 3 countries have warned North Korea on further Nuclear tests? China, Japan and South Korea

105. Who will temporarily replace Yahoo Chief Executive Scott Thompson? Ross Levinsohn

106. Which 3 India’s bank and Insurance Company did Credit ratings agency Moody’s downgrade recently? ICICI bank, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank and Life Insurance Corporation

107. Which automobile maker is planning Rs.1,500 crore plant in Tamil Nadu? Yamaha

108. Which Chennai-based hospital became the first in India to receive the ‘halal’ certification from the Halal Development Authority? Global Health City

109. Which company signed a deed with the National Apprenticeship Scheme of Britain to impart software skills training for about 100 youths in Britain? Infosys

110. What is the theme of World Economic Forum which is to be held in India between 6th and 8th November 2012? From Deliberation to Transformation

111. Name the Indian who became the youngest to win Asian Chess Championship. Primarjan Negi

112. Which Asian country was invited by NATO to Chicago summit 2nd day of which will focus on Afghanistan?

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113. Name the child actor who acted in movie ‘Paa’ died in the Nepal plane crash recently. Taruni Sachdev

114. Name the mass segment vehicle launched by Honda targeting Indian market. Dream Yuga

115. Who won the top player in the English Premier League’s history? Ryan Giggs

116. Who won the top manager award for the past 20 years in EPL? Alex Ferguson

117. Which 3 North Eastern states will have planetarium by 2013? Nagaland, Manipur and Jorhat in Assam

118. Which state will introduce a bill to protect heritage buildings which are not protected by the Archaeological Survey of India or the state archeological department? Tamil Nadu (Tamil Nadu Heritage Commission Bill 2012)

119. Which country’s President has been fined $17,000 by its electoral authorities for urging his Facebook followers on polling day to vote for him? Taiwan (President Ma Ying-jeou)

120. In which Junior Asia Cup tournament did India bag Bronze medal recently? Hockey

121. Who will help bring the Olympic flame to Britain along with 5 young Britons as a formal handover ceremony in Athens, London 2012 on 18th May 2012? David Beckham

122. Which company is planning to open ‘Motherwood Maternity’, ‘A pea in the Pod’ and ‘Destination Maternity’ brands in India? Mahindra Retail

123. Where in India the first store of ‘Destination Maternity’ is opened by Mahindra Retail? Gurgaon

124. Which town in Odisha touched 45 degree Celsius on 16th May 2012? Sambalpur, Hirakud, Titilagarh, Jharsuguda and Sonepur

125. Which company was allowed by Indian cabinet to sign a gas purchase agreement with Turkmenistan national oil firm? GAIL India Ltd.

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126. Bharti Airtel tied-up for mobile banking services with which bank recently? Axis Bank

127. Nomura downgraded which company from ‘buy’ to ‘reduce’? Larsen and Toubro

128. Nomura downgraded which company from ‘buy’ to ‘neutral’? Ashok Leyland

129. What did Rajya Sabha approve in the Copyright Amendment Bill seeking to remove operational difficulties? Address newer issues related to the digital world and worldwide web

130. Demand for which language in the 8th Schedule of Indian constitution could be accepted soon? Bhojpuri

131. Expand LAAR Bill. Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill

132. Name the Grammy-winning, nicknamed the Queen of Disco who passed away after a battle with cancer. Donna Summer

133. What value of swap facility has RBI set up for SAARC nations? $2 billion

134. At what value did Facebook IPO open at Nasdaq? $42.05

135. Who rang the opening bell remotely of Nasdaq as Facebook made its public debut on 18th May 2012? Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg

136. Name the NRI who became the first Lord Mayor of Leicester town in UK. Abdul Razak Osman

137. Name the Indian-American who was elected to Sugar Land City of Texas in US. Himesh Gandhi

138. Death due to which insect is an accident and is covered under accidental death insurance as per the North District Consumer Forum in India? Mosquito

139. Kerala investor meet was held as a part of build-up towards which event in September 2012? Emerging Kerala Conclave

140. Which rating agency has downgraded Greek banks ratings from B- to CCC?

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Fitch rating agency

141. How many Spanish banks debt ratings have been cut by Moody’s, citing the effects of recession? 16 Spanish banks

142. Name the 73 year old Japanese oldest woman to scale Mt.Everest. Tamae Watanabe

143. Which Mobile E-commerce App was acquired by Facebook recently? Karma

144. What is the name of the new version of Android Operating System called? Android 5 “Jelly bean”

145. What is the name of new tool launched by yahoo for online advertisers for their data analytics? Genome

146. Who won the Football Champions League 2012 final match against Bayern Munich? Chelesa

147. Which state Government in the west of India completed 1 year at office? West Bengal

148. Which state Government in South India completed 1 year at office? Tamil Nadu

149. Which Indian state is now center of spiritual tourism? Gujarat

150. Cyber Defence Research Centre came into operation recently in which Indian state? Jharkhand

151. Name the 1st Bangladeshi woman who scaled Mt.Everest. Nishat Majumder

152. Name the Indian origin British civil servant who was chosen as president of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Suma Chakrabarti

153. Which country will become biggest IT consumer in Asia-Pacific surpassing Japan? China

154. Name the 12 years and 9 months old child prodigy from Bhojpur district in Bihar who created history by cracking IIT-JEE 2012. Satyam Kumar of Bakhorapur

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155. Who won the French MotoGP 2012? Jorge Lorenzo

156. One-year of rural posting is made compulsory for which medical course in India? MMBS

157. Name the Indian player who won his first ever ATP Challenger singles title 2012. Yuki Bhambri

158. Name the asteroid which could come near to earth on 15 February 2013 leading todisruption of geosynchronous satellites. DA14

159. Name the 12 year old who has lectured at harvard and co-written a book in America. Blake Kernen

160. Name the card that would popularise after Chief General Manager D.V.Deshpande forNABARD urged commercial banks to promote it in Bihar. Kisan Credit Card

161. Name the former Prime Minister who’s 21st death anniversary was observed in India on21st May 2012. Rajiv Gandhi

162. Which browser over took Internet Explorer to become top browser in the world? Google Chrome

163. Which country is pressing for global internet governance to the UN committee? India

164. As per the Delhi Registration of Marriages Bill 2012, marriage registration is madecompulsory in Delhi within how many days of tying the knot? 60 days. If exceeds, one has to pay a fine of Rs.10,000

165. Which Indian state with over 6 lakh unemployed youths could get an Information andTechnology park? Jammu and Kashmir

166. Name the tower in Dubai, UAE which is 413.4 metres (1,356 feet) high and has 101 storeys, the world’s tallest residential building. Princess Tower

167. Who won the men’s Rome Masters 2012 for a record 6th time? Rafael Nadal

168. Which act was passed for Sikh organisations recently? Anand Marriage Act

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169. What is the changed brand name of West Assam Milk Producer’s Cooperative Union Ltd. (Wamul) milk in the market? Purabi Smart

170. Name one among the Bee Gees who died recently fighting against cancer. Robin Gibb

171. Which city in Rajasthan will be made smoking free? Jaipur

172. Expand ADaRSH. Association for Development and Research of Sustainable

173. Expand GRIHA. Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment

174. Name the former chief minister of Meghalaya who passed away recently. Flinder Anderson Khonglam

175. Which state Government in India announced a pension of Rs.1,000 per month post retirement and housing scheme for homeless journalists? Tripura

176. Name the deputy Prime Minister who quit from Nepal cabinet recently. Krishna Sitaula

177. Expand PAC. Public Accounts Committee

178. Name the Indian who became the first Prime Minister to visit Myanmar after 25 years. Dr.Manmohan Singh

179. Who won the 66th Santosh Trophy? Services against Tamil Nadu (3-2)

180. Which company has warned of internet blackout on July 9th 2012? Google

181. Which company has invested Rs.21,000 crore to setup railway wagon and component factory in West Bengal? SAIL

182. Name the tennis player who played his 50th Grand Slam tournament at the French Open 2012. Roger Federer

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183. Who won the Monaco Grand Prix 2012? Mark Webber

184. Who won the Chennai Open 2012 at the Indian Squash Academy? Joshna Chinappa (6th title of her career)

185. Who won the Thomas Cup 2012 title? Lin Dan

186. Which countries recently signed 12 agreements, including a $500 million credit line,border area development and air services? India and Mayanmar

187. Where in India 3-day international student’s film festival will be held from 1st June2012? Kolkata

188. Which film of Raj Kapoor has been added to All-Time 100 list of the greatest films made since 1923 by Time magazine? Awaara

189. Who has been appointed as commerce secretary in India? S.R.Rao

190. Who has been appointed as director general of Jammu and Kashmir police? Ashok Prasad

191. Which football team has been identified as the world’s most popular football club by a survey carried out by market research agency, Kantar? Manchester United

192. Expand SFIO. Serious Fraud Investigation Office

193. Which Northeast state got Software Technology Park recently? Tripura

194. Ritesh Idnani was Chief Operating Officer of which BPO company? Infosys

June 2012 1. Who took over as Vice-Chief of Indian Air Force? Air Marshal D.C. Kumaria

2. Who took charge of command of the Western Air Command (WAC)? Air Marshal Arup Raha

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3. Name the Indian American girl who won the 2012 Scripps National Spelling Bee crown. Snigdha Nandipati

4. Name the spacecraft which returned to earth to end historic trip. SpaceX Dragon

5. Global rating agency Fitch downgraded which banks credit rating outlook to negative from stable? Indian Bank

6. Which 2 countries signed a Tax Information Exchange Agreement to promote economic cooperation and joint investment to boost bilateral trade? India and Bahrain

7. Name the Taiwanese bank which is set to open its 2nd branch in India at Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu. Chinatrust Commercial Bank

8. To save which ailing company, proposal is being made by 2 oil sector PSU’s IOC and MRPL to take charge of running it? Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. (HPL)

9. Name the Sikh leader from BJP, who won his 2nd term as MLA from Dasuya in Punjab assembly elections and died recently. Amarjit Singh Sahi

10. Which country celebrated Queen’s 60 year reign recently? United Kingdom

11. Irish voters recently backed which pact by large majority by exhibiting final memorandum results? European Union fiscal pact

12. Who won the 73rd PGA Tour Title 2012? Tiger Woods

13. Who won the Catalunya MotoGP 2012? Jorge Lorenzo

14. Who won the Copenhagen International sand sculpture championship 2012 held in Denmark? Sudarsan Patnaik for “Save the Ocean” sand sculpture of 20-feet high

15. Name the Australia’s largest beef producer. Australia Agriculture Co. (AAco)

16. Name the Indian cricketer who took oath as Rajya Sabha MP. Sachin Tendulkar

17. Which electronic giant’s stock dipped below 1,000 yen for first time since 1980?

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18. Name the oldest American men’s clothier chain Reliance inked pact with to hold 49% stake in it. Brooks Brothers

19. Which Asian stock market hit 28-year low on 4th June 2012? Tokyo

20. Name the Pakistan Interior Minister who was suspended for dual nationality. Rehman Malik

21. Who won the 21st Sultan Azlan Shah Cup hockey tournament 2012? New Zealand

22. Which medal did India bag at the 21st Sultan Azlan Shah Cup hockey tournament 2012? Bronze

23. What is the importance of June 5th? World Environment Day

24. Which shrubs are turning into trees as Arctic region warms? Tundra shrubs

25. Music Academy in Chennai has been granted the status of research centre by which Karnataka-based University? Tumkur University

26. For which summit Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Beijing, China? Regional Security summit

27. Where did the Boeing Phanton Eye drone made its ground? Edwards Air Force Base

28. Which scam-hit bank’s license was cancelled by Reserve Bank of India recently? Madhavpura Mercantile Cooperative Bank (MMCB)

29. Who is named as Navy chief as Admiral Nirmal Verma retires on August 31st 2012? D.K.Joshi

30. Which country has approved world’s first ‘healthy cola’ for being beneficial to health? Japan

31. Which country marked 23rd anniversary of the military crackdown in Tiananmen Square? China

32. Which cricketer was recalled by West Indies Cricket Board into One-day squad after 14 month long

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stand-off? Chris Gayle

33. Name the psychiatrist and balloonist who took off on the world’s first intercontinental flight in solar- powered plane. Bertrand Piccard

34. Name the India’s London bound discus thrower who bagged silver medal at the Post Pre Elite Women’s event at Portland, US. Krishna Poonia

35. Who was named captain of 18-member Indian hockey team for the 6th Junior Women’s Asia Cup to be held in Thailand from June 27th 2012? Mid-fielder, Ritu Rani

36. Which planet crossed the sun on 5th June 2012 making one complete orbiter rotation? Venus

37. Name the Wisconsin governor in USA who survived recall. Scott Walker

38. How many gold did India win on 1st day of Commonwealth Weightlifting? 11 gold

39. Name the author of ‘The Twilight Zone’ who passed away recently. Ray Bradbury

40. Where in India talking ATM is launched by Union Bank of India? Ahmedabad

41. Name the boxer who ended his 19 year boxing career which earned him 5 world titles and 3 weight classes. Shane Mosley

42. Which 2 cricketer of India’s World Cup winning squad were conferred with Eklavya award by Gujarat Government recently? Yusuf Pathan and Munaf Patel

43. Who has been appointed as Chief Election Commissioner to take over S.Y.Quraishi from June 10th 2012? V.S.Sampath

44. International Olympic Committee has announced to live stream free London Olympic Games on which medium to fans in 64 territories across Asia and Africa including India? Youtube

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45. Which state’s rice exporters demand abolition of cess on paddy? Punjab

46.How many positive list services will be taxed from July 1st 2012? 119

47. Name the company which has developed a vaccine for dengue. Paris-based Sanofi

48. What value is the allocated by Planning Commission for sanitation in the 12th Five Year Plan? 36,000 crore

49. Who won the South African Cricketer, Test Cricketer and CSA Fan’s Cricketer of the Year award? Vernon Philander

50. Name the writer who has been felicitated with an Assamese Japi. Chetan Bhagat

51. What value of investment proposal did Karnataka get across 14 sectors on the 1st day of 2nd Global Investors Meet (GIM 2012)? Rs.5 trillion (Rs.5 lakh crore)

52. What rate of interest did European Central Bank retain? 1%

53. Based on which film has Titan’s children watch brand ZOOP launched new watch collection? Madagascar 3 : Europe’s Most Wanted

54. Who won the mixed doubles title at the French Open 2012? Mahesh Bhupathi and Sania Mirza

55. Which section of Income Tax Act lets Assesses minor children eligible for separate tax exemption? Section 54 EC

56. Who is named as CEO of Samsung? Kwon Oh-hyun

57. Which social bookmarking site unveiled new logo, 6 years since its launch? Twitter

58. What value of compensation has Nasdaq offered for clients who were hit by technical problems that arose during the Facebook IPO on May 18th 2012? $40 million

59. Which Asian country’s central bank cut its interest rates by 25 basis points, being its first cut since the 2008-09 financial crisis?

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60. Who is named as Event Ambassador for 2012 World Twenty20? Malinga

61. Name the 250 MW unit thermal power project commissioned by BHEL recently. Harduaganj thermal power project in Uttar Pradesh

62. Name the Lebanese journalist who headed Arab’s newspaper An-Nahar and died recently. Ghassan Tueni

63. Name the football tournament kick started at Warsaw on 8th June 2012. UEFA Euro 2012

64. What value of money will be pumped in the market on June 12th 2012 by buying Government securities to ease the liquidity situation by RBI? 12,000 crore

65. Quote the reason why RBI recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Central Bank of Bahrain? To promote greater co-operation and sharing of supervisory information between the 2 regulators

67. Which Indian company’s Rs.1,000 IPO in 1977 is now worth Rs.7.7lakh? Reliance Industries Limited

68. What value of capital infusion was made in Regional Rural Bank’s to improve their capital adequacy and lending capacity to the agriculture sector? Rs.632 crore

69. Expand FLCC (Hint: Credit). Financial Literacy and Credit Counselling

70. Expand FLC (Hint: Literacy). Financial Literacy Centres

71. What is the jobless rate in Greece as of March 2012? 21.9%

72. What material is used by Israeli scientists to develop strong plastic to replace steel and other materials used in pipelines and machinery? Polypropylene

73. Which 2 models of smartphones launched by Motorola are water-resistant, scratchresistant and dust- proof? Motorola DEFY XT and DEFY MINI

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74. Name the south Indian filmmaker-editor who passed away recently. K.S.R.Doss

75. Where in the world forced marriage is set to become crime? Britain

76. Which 2 disease has been identified as top killers around the world by UNICEF? Pneumonia and Diarrhea

77. Who was sworn in as cabinet minister in the Vijay Bahuguna Government in Uttarakhand? Harak Singh Rawat

78. Who won the Dutch MotoGP? Casey Stoner

79. Who became the 10th woman in tennis history to win all 4 Grand Slam titles after defeating Italy’s Sara Errani in the French Open 2012? Maria Sharapova

80. From which country India is set to buy 8 warships? South Korea

81. Which country is set to launch manned spacecraft in June 2012? China

82. To which Eurogroup the Eurozone finance ministers were willing to respond favourably to the need of 100 billion euros to a bailout request from its troubled banks? Spain

83. How many medals did India bag at the Commonwealth Weightlifting Championships? 45 medals, including 29 gold

84. Where in Chennai first phase of 50 acre ‘Logistics Park’, a facility comprising warehouses and commercial complex has been completed by Shri Kailash Logistics Ltd.? Oragadam

85. Who won the Thailand Open 2012? Saina Nehwal

86. Who won the Canadian Grand Prix 2012? Lewis Hamilton

87. What value of bailout did Spain receive recently from European finance ministers? $125 billion

88. Which housing arm of India launched its first low-cost housing project targeting 366 Tier-II and Tier-III

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cities and costing between Rs.5.5 lakh and Rs.12 lakh? Sahara Infrastructure and Housing

89. Name the Ex-industry secretary who is to be appointed as NHAI chief. R.P.Singh

90. Name the Indian actor who is set to make hollywood debut with ‘The Lord of the Rings’ producer Barrie Osborne. Kamal Haasan

91. Who won the French Open 2012 men’s title? Rafael Nadal

92. Who was presented with Wisden India Outstanding Achievement award? Sachin Tendulkar for completing a century of 100 international hundreds

93. Who will lead Indian hockey team in Olympics 2012? Bharat Chetri

94. Which university signed MoU with Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) to establish a Hindi Chair in South China? Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS)

95. Where have scientists discovered the largest ever under-ice bloom of phytoplankton? Under the Arctic ice

96. USA exempted India from which country’s sanctions? Iran

97. Name the 5-day film festival that is to be organised by Entertainment Society of Goa in collaboration with Directorate of Film Festivals and National Film Archive of India. Cinema Out of the Box

98. Name the Operating system and mobile Operating system version that Apple announced at the 23rd annual developers conference WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference). Mountain Lion and iOS6

99. Which Qatar-based bank is expected to start India operations? Doha Bank

100. Which search engine has signed a deal with Encyclopedia Britannica to bring richer content to its search results? Microsoft search engine Bing

101. Who is appointed as Brand Ambassador of TVS Motor? Anushka Sharma

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102. Which company exported 100 ‘Falcon’ buses to Ghana? Ashok Leyland

103. Name the SVB Financial Group’s banking unit which is set to open its first international branch in London. Silicon Valley Bank

104. Which Indian company is set to enter dairy business from 2013? Sahara India

105. Where does inflation stand as of May 2012? 7.55%

106. In which movie actor Sridevi is set to make a comeback? English Vinglish

107. Which state Government recently awarded Indian hockey team for qualifying to London Olympics 2012? Haryana

108. Which states will ‘Gandhi Peace Bus’ tour, to conclude at Mangalore in July 2012? Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka

109. What is the importance of June 14th? World Blood Donor Day

110. In which year Government of Orissa declared filmmaking as an industry? 1974

111.Which traditional sport of Sikkim is set to get an academy? Archery

112. Name the first Northeast state to have IIIT (Indian Institute of Information Technology). Tripura

113. Which global financial services firm has termed Indian economy is facing stagflation? Moody’s

114. Name the Tagore literary awardees for the different genres of novels, poetry, short stories and drama between 2007-2009. Sheel Kolambkar for Geera (Konkani) Jagdish Prasad Mandal for Gaamak Jingi (Maithili) Akkitham Achyutham Nambudiri for Anthimahakaalam (Malayalam)N.Kunjamohan Singh for Eina Kenge Kenba Natte (Manipuri) Indramani Darnal for Krishna Krishna (Nepali) and

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Arjan Hasid for Na Ien Na (Sindhi) Amitav Ghosh for Sea of Poppies (English)

115. Where in Madhya Pradesh first tissue culture lab has been set up and developed 25 lakh saplings mainly of G – 9 variety of banana by a farmer, Subhas Mohan Pandey? Hamalapur Somvari, near to Betul district

116. Name the former McKinsey chief and Goldman Sachs director who is convicted of insider trading. Rajat Gupta

117. Name the feature that Facebook is set to launch which will allow advertisers to participate in real-time bidding to show ads on its website. Facebook Exchange

118. Which country is set to create world’s largest marine park network? Australia

119. Which country expects 5.5% growth in tourist arrivals from India? Hong Kong

120. Name the China’s space mission whose crew included its first woman astronaut, Liu Yang. Shenzhou-9 spacecraft

121. Which state got India’s 4th Buddhist centre? Arunachal Pradesh

122. Who becomes 4th Prime Minister of Greece in 8 months time? Antonis Samaras

123. Which 2 country’s home ministers are set to meet on yearly basis? India and Bangladesh

124. Which payment mode a must for public sector banks from July 1st 2012? e-Payment

125. Who will take on Spain in Euro 2012 finals? Italy

126. What is the importance of June 30th 2012? The last minute of 30th June 2012 will be 1 second longer and will be known as ‘leap second’

127. What percentage of additional service tax would be levied on all bollywood actors and those perform on television serials? 12%

128. Who took over as the director of ISRO Satellite Centre?

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S.K.Shivakumar replaces T.K.Alex

129. T.P.Sudhindra was recently in news, which sport did he play? Cricket

130. Name the list of 6 states which will raise 32.8 billion rupees via 10 year loans according to RBI. Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Punjab and Rajasthan

131. Which agricultural arm would setup over 20 rural gurukuls across Indian states including Jharkhand? NABARD

132. Who is appointed as Andhra Pradesh chief secretary? Minnie Mathew

133. Which state will setup film promotion board to promote its films and culture? Haryana

134. Which country is to setup auto component and Engineering Park in Gujarat? Japan

135. Which application of Microsoft is available for educational institutes free of cost? Microsoft Office 365

DMRC-Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Latest Selection pattern for Assistant Manager post, DMRC Written test will be held on 26/08/2012 for Graduate Engineers-Civil, Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical, MBA, LLb Qualified Graduate with 75% mark, DMRC Latest Company Profile, Selection Procedure, Previous year Technical, Aptitude Questions paper with Answer, Interview pattern with General Tips, Group discussion Tips , DMRC Latest Recruitment details for Assistant Manager, Junior Engineer , DMRC Frequently asked Technical Questions, General Awareness, English, Logical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude DMRC Latest EEE,CSE,Mech Enggquestions 1. The ability of a material to remain magnetized after removal of the magnetizing force is known as Permeability reluctance hysteresis retentivity Ans:D

2. When a solenoid is activated, the force that moves the plunger is

an electromagnetic field a permanent magnetic field

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varying voltage a steady current Ans:A

3. Which of the following capacitors is polarized

mica ceramic plastic-film electrolytic Ans:D

4. In a series resonant band-pass filter, a lower value of Q results in a higher resonant frequency a smaller bandwidth a higher impedance a larger bandwidth Ans:D

5. A steady-state condition is reached when the output voltage reaches the average value of the input voltage the output voltage reaches the input voltage the output voltage reaches approximately 63% of the input voltage the output voltage reaches the effective value of the input voltage Ans:A

6. An RC differentiator acts as a low-pass filter high-pass filter band-pass filter band-stop filter Ans:B

7. A balanced three-phase, 50 Hz voltage is applied to a 3 phase, 4 pole, induction motor. When the motor is delivering rated output, the slip is found to be 0.05. The speed of the rotor m.m.f. relative to the rotor structure is

1500 r.p.m. 1425 r.p.m. 25 r.p.m. 75 r.p.m. Ans:D Explanation: NS = 120f /P = 120 x 50 /4 =1500rpm N = NS ( 1-s) = 1500 (1-0.05) = 1425 \relative speed = 1500 – 1425 = 75 rpm

8. A ceiling fan uses

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split-phase motor. capacitor start and capacitor run motor universal motor. capacitor start motor. Ans:D

9. The drive motor used in a mixer-grinder is a

dc motor. induction motor. synchronous motor. universal motor. Ans:D

10. A 1:5 step-up transformer has 120V across the primary and 600 ohms resistance across the secondary. Assuming 100% efficiency, the primary current equals

0.2 Amp. 5 Amps 10 Amps. 20 Amps. Ans:A Explanation: I1= V1 /R1 = 120/600 = 0.2 (h = 100%, losses are zero \V1 = VR = I1R1)

11. A 50 Hz, 3-phase induction motor has a full load speed of 1440 r.p.m. The number of poles of the motor are

4. 6. 12 8. Ans:A Explanation: N= Ns (1-S) = NS –NS x S 1440 = Ns (1-S) Ns = 1440 / (1-S) Ns = (120 f/ p) = 120 x 50/p = 6000 p Ns will be closer to N i.e 1440 When P=2 ; Ns = 3000 rpm , not close to N When P=4 ; Ns = 1500 rpm , it is closer to N Therefore P =4 for N=1440

12. In a 3-phase synchronous motor

the speed of stator MMF is always more than that of rotor MMF. the speed of stator MMF is always less than that of rotor MMF.

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the speed of stator MMF is synchronous speed while that of rotor MMF is zero rotor and stator MMF are stationary with respect to each other. Ans:D Explanation: Because, Motor is magnetically locked into position with stator, the rotor poles are engaged with stator poles and both run synchronously in same direction Therefore, rotor & stator mmf are stationary w.r.t each other.

13. In a three phase transformer, if the primary side is connected in star and secondary side is connected in delta, what is the angle difference between phase voltage in the two cases.

delta side lags by -30°. star side lags by -30°. delta side leads by 30°. star side leads by -30°. Ans:C Explanation: This is vector group and has +30° displacement. Therefore, delta side leads by +30°.

14. Slip of the induction machine is 0.02 and the stator supply frequency is 50 Hz. What will be the frequency of the rotor induced emf?

10 Hz. 50 Hz. 1 Hz. 2500 Hz. Ans:C Explanation: Given : s = 0.02 ; f = 50 Hz Therefore, frequency of rotor induced emf = s f = 0.02 x 50 = 1.0 Hz

15. A 4 pole lap wound dc shunt motor rotates at the speed of 1500 rpm, has a flux of 0.4 mWb and the total number of conductors are 1000. What is the value of emf?

100 Volts. 0.1 Volts. 1 Volts. 10 Volts. Ans:D Explanation: Given N = 1500 rpm, F = 0.4 mWb, Z = 1000, P = 4, & A= 4 Therefore, Eb = NFPZ / 60 A = 1500 x 0.4 x 4 x 1000 x 10-3 / 60 x 4 = 60/6 = 10 volts

16. A 3 stack stepper motor with 12 numbers of rotor teeth has a step angle of ______.

120 °8

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°24 °10 Ans:D Explanation: Given m = 3, Nr = 12 °Step angle = 360 / m x Nr = 360 /3 x 12 = 10

17.Oil-filled cable has a working stress of ______kV/mm

10 12 13 15 Ans:D Explanation: This is defined by dielectric strength of mineral oil i.e. 15 kV/mm.

18. The rotor frequency for a 3 phase 1000 RPM 6 pole induction motor with a slip of 0.04 is______Hz

8 4 6 2 Ans:D Explanation: Given: N=1000 rpm ; P= 6; s= 0.04; and f = N_P/ 120 = 1000_6/120 = 50 Hz Rotor frequency fr=s_f = 0.04_50 = 2.0 Hz

19. The synchronous speed for a 3 phase 6-pole induction motor is 1200 rpm. If the number of poles is now reduced to 4 with the frequency remaining constant, the rotor speed with a slip of 5% will be ______.

1690 rpm 1750 rpm 1500 rpm 1710 rpm Ans:D Explanation: Given : Ns1 =1200 , P1= 6, P2 = 4, s = 0.05, Frequency f = Ns_P/120 = 120_6/120 = 60 Hz rotor frequency f/ = s.f = 0.05 _60 = 3.0 Hz Now, Ns2 = 120 _60 /4 = 1800 and Ns – N = 120 f / P2 Therefore, N=Ns- 120 f / P2 = 1800-120_0.05_60/4 = 1800-90 = 1710

20. The efficiency of a transformer is mainly dependent on

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core losses. copper losses stray losses. dielectric losses. Ans:A

21. A synchronous motor is operating on no-load at unity power factor. If the field current is increased, power factor will become

Leading & current will decrease Lagging & current will increase. Lagging & current will decrease Leading & current will increase. Ans:A Explanation: Initially synchronous motor is operating at no load and unity power factor. When field current increases, the excitation will increase. Therefore, p.f will be leading and Φcurrent will be I Cos< I

22. If the phase angle of the voltage coil of a directional relay is o 50 , the maximum torque angle of the relay is

130 100 50 25 Ans:C Explanation: Torque _ Power Power _ Voltage Therefore, It has same angle as ‘V’ ha

23. A 220/440 V, 50 Hz, 5 KVA, single phase transformer operates on 220V, 40Hz supply with secondary winding open circuited. Then

Both eddy current and hysteresis losses decreases. Both eddy current and hysteresis losses increases. Eddy current loss remains the same but hysteresis loss increases. Eddy current loss increases but hysteresis loss remains the same.

Ans:A Explanation: Wh = khfBm 1.6 and We = kef2Bm 2.k Therefore, hysteresis and eddy current losses will be decreased when frequency decreases.

24. Electric ovens using heating elements of ______can produce temperature upto 3000°C.

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Nickel Graphite Chromium Iron Ans:C Explanation: Chromium has high melting point.

25 Electric resistance seam welding uses ______electrodes.

Pointed Disc. Flat Domed Ans:B Explanation: Disc type electrodes are used for electric resistance seam welding.

11. The line trap unit employed in carrier current relaying:

offers high impedance to 50 Hz power frequency signal offers high impedance to carrier frequency signal offers low impedance to carrier frequency signal Both (A) & (C) Ans:B Explanation: The line trap unit employed in carrier current relaying offers high impedance to carrier frequency signal. Because carrier frequency range is 35 km – 500 kHz XL = 2_ f l Where f increases XL will also increases

26 The temperature of resistance furnaces can be controlled by changing the:

applied voltage number of heating elements circuit configuration All of the above Ans:D Explanation: Temperature of resistance furnaces can be controlled by changing either applied voltage or by number of heating elements or by circuit configuration.

27 A single phase Hysteresis motor

can run at synchronous speed only can run at sub synchronous speed only can run at synchronous and super synchronous speed can run at synchronous and sub synchronous speed Ans:A

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Explanation: The rotor revolves synchronously because the rotor poles magnetically lock up with the revolving stator poles of opposite polarity

28. The armature of a dc machine is laminated to reduce:

Eddy current loss Hysteresis loss copper losses friction and windage losses Ans:A Explanation: Thinner the laminations, greater is the resistance offered to the induced e.m.f., smaller the current and hence lesser the I2R loss in the core.

29. For LV applications (below 1 kV), ______cables are used.

Paper insulated. Plastic. Single core cables. Oil filled. Ans:C Explanation: For low voltage applications single core cables are suitable.

DMRC-Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Latest Selection pattern for Assistant Manager post, DMRC Written test will be held on 26/08/2012 for Graduate Engineers-Civil, Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical, MBA, LLb Qualified Graduate with 75% mark, DMRC Latest Company Profile, Selection Procedure, Previous year Technical, Aptitude Questions paper with Answer, Interview pattern with General Tips, Group discussion Tips , DMRC Latest Recruitment details for Assistant Manager, Junior Engineer , DMRC Frequently asked Technical Questions, General Awareness, English, Logical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude DMRC Latest EEE,CSE,Mech Enggquestions 1.For a parallel plate capacitor which is being charged out of the following the incorrect statement is - a). Energy stored in the capacitor does not enter it through the connecting wire through the space around the wires and plates of capacitor. b.) Rate at which energy flows into this volume is equal to the integration of the poynting vector over the boundary of the volume between the plates. c.) The poynting vector points everywhere radially outward of the volume between plates. d.) The poynting vector points everywhere radially into the volume between the plates.

2. The presence of alkali oxides in alumino silicate ceramics is likely to result in dielectric breakdown due to - a. )Polarization b.)Conductivity c.)Structural homogeneties

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d) Ionization 3. Which of the following will serve as a donor impurity in silicon - a.)Boron b) Indium c) Germanium d) Antimony 4. Electrical contact materials used in switches, brushes and relays must possess - a)High thermal conductivity and high melting point b) Low thermal conductivity and low melting point c) High thermal conductivity and low melting point. d) Low thermal conductivity and high melting point.

5. The Maximum spectral response of the germanium and silicon is in the - a) infrared region b) ultraviolet region c) visible region d) x-ray region 6. For an insulating material, dielectric strength and dielectric loss should be respectively - a) high and high b) low and high c.) high and low d.) low and low

7. In a distortion factor meter, the filter at the front end is used to suppress - a.) odd harmonics b.) even harmonics c.) fundamental component d.) dc component 8. The coefficient of coupling between two air core coils depends on - a). mutual inductance between two coils only b). self inductances of the two coils only c). mutual inductance and self inductances of the two coils d.) none

9. Modern capacitors which have high capacitance in small size use a dielectric of - a.) paper b.) rubber c.) ceramic d.) Mylar

10. In any atom the potential energy of an orbiting electron is - a.) always positive

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b.) always negative c.) sometime positive, sometime negative d.) numerically less than its kinetic energy 11. A DE MOSFET differs from a JFET in the sense that it has no - a.) channel b.) gate c.) P-N junctions d.) substrate

12. The advantage of a semiconductor strain gauge over the normal strain gauge is that a.) it is more sensitive b.) it is more linear c.) it is less temperature dependent d.) it,s cost is low

13. Barrier potential in a P-N junction is caused by - a.) thermally generated electrons and holes b.) diffusion of majority carriers across the junction c.) migration of minority carriers across the junction d.) flow of drift current

14. When an NPN transistor is properly biased then most of the electrons from the emitter - a.) recombine with holes in the base b.) recombine in the emitter itself c.) pass through the base to the collector d.) are stopped by the junction barrier

15. The value of r when a transistor is biased to cut off is - a.) 0.5 b.) 0 c.) 1.0 d.) 0.8

16. A UJT can - a.) be triggered by any one of it,s three terminals b.) not be triggered c.) be triggered by two of its three terminal only d.) be triggered by all of its terminals only 17. An SCR can only be turned off via it,s - a.) cathode b.) anode c.) gates d) none

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18. Gold is often diffused into silicon DN junction devices to - a.) increase the recombination rate b.) reduce the recombination rate c.) make silicon a direct gap semiconductor d.) make silicon semi-metal 19. With n nodes and b branches a network will have - a.) (b + n) links b.) b - n + 1 links c.) b - n - 1 links d.) b + n + 1 links

20. When a network has 10 nodes and 17 branches in all then the number of node pair voltages would be - a.) 7 b.) 9 c.) 10 d.) 45

21. A two port network having a 6 dB loss will give - a.) an output power which is one - quarter of the input power b.) an output power which is one - half of the input power c.) an output voltage which is 0.707 of the input voltage d.) an output power which is 0.707 of the input power

22. While transporting a sensitive galvanometer - a.) the terminals are kept shorted b.) critical damping resistance is connected across the terminals c.) the terminals are kept open circuited d.) it does not matter as to what is connected across the terminals

23. A T type attenuator is designed for an attenuation of 40 dB and terminating resistance of 75 ohms. Which of the following values represent full series and R1 and shunt arm R2 ? 1. R1 = 147W 2. R1 = 153W 3. R2 = 1.5W 4. R2 = 3750W a..) 1 and 3 b.). 1 and 4 c.). 2 and 3 d..) 2 and 4 24. For a transmission line, the characteristic impedance with inductance 0.294mH/m and capacitance 60pF/m is - a..) 49w b.). 60w c..) 70w d..) 140w

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25. When the graph of a network has six branches with three tree branches then the minimum number of equations required for the solution of the network is - a..) 2 b..) 3 c..) 4 d..) 5

26. Consider the following statement for a 2-port network 1. Z11 = Z22 2. h12 = h21 3. Y12 = -Y21 4. BC - AD = -1 then the network is reciprocal if and only if - a..) 1 and 2 are correct b.) 2 and 3 are correct c.) 3 and 4 are correct d.). 4 alone is correct 27. As a network contains only independent current sources and resistors then if the values of all resistors are doubled then the values of the node voltages are - a.) will become half b.) will remain uncha c.). will become double d.). cannot be determined unless the circuit configuration and the values of the resistors are known

28. The energy of electric field due to a spherical charge distribution of radius r and uniform charge density in vacuum is-

29. Maxwell,s divergence equation for the magnetic field is given b

30. When a short grounded vertical antenna has a length L which is 0.05 l at frequency f and if it,s radiation resistances at f is R Ohms, then it,s radiation resistance at a frequency 2f will be - a). R/2 ohms b). R ohms c). 2R ohms d). 4R ohms 31. In a cylindrical cavity resonator, the two modes which are degenerate would include a.) TE111 and TM111 b). TE011 and TM011 c). TE022 and TM111 d). TE111 and TM011

32. When an antenna of input resistance 73 ohm is connected to a 50-ohm line and if the losses are ignored then it,s efficiency will be nearly a). 0.19 b). 0.81

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c). 0.97 d). 1.19

33. If an isolated conducting sphere in air has radius = 1/ 4pqe0 it capacitance will be a). Zero b). IF c). 4pF d). OF 34. When a dominant mode wave guide not terminated in it,s characteristic impedance is excited with a 10 GHz signal then if ,d, is the distance between two successive minima of the standing wave in the guide then a). d = 1.5 cm b). d is less then 1.5 cm c). d is greater than 1.5 cm d). d = 3cm

35. When a dipole antenna of l/8 length has an equivalent total loss resistance of 1.5 W then the efficiency of the antenna is a). 0.89159 % b). 8.9159 % c). 89.159 % d). 891.59 %

36. In commercial FM broadcasting, the maximum frequency deviation is normally a). 5 KHz b). 15 KHz c). 75 KHz d). 200 KHz

37. Weins bridge is used for measurement of frequency in the applied voltage waveform is measurement of frequency in the applied voltage waveform is - a). sinusoidal b). square c). rectangular d). triangular

38. Strain gauge is - a). not a transducer b). an active transducer c). not an electronic instrument d). none

39. A high Q coil has - a). large band width b). high losses

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c). low losses d). flat response

40. In the case of an instrument reading of 8.3V with a 0 to 150 voltmeter having a guaranteed accuracy of 1% full scale reading, the percentage limiting error is - a). 1.810% b). 0.181% c). 18.10% d). 0.0018% 41. The ,h, parameter equivalent circuit of a junction transistor is valid for - a). High frequency, large signal operation b.) High frequency, small signal operation c.) Low frequency, small signal operation d). Low frequency, large signal operation

42. A system is causal if the output of any time depends only on - a.) Values of input in the past and in the future b). Values of input at that time and in the past c). Values of input at that time and in the future d). None

43. A iron cored choke is a - a). Linear and active device b). Non linear and passive device c). Active device only d). Linear device only

44. Poynting vector wattmeter uses - a). Seebeck effect b). Ferranti effect c). Induction effect d). Hall effect 45. Which one of the following is not a transducer in the true sense ? a). Thermocouple b). Piezoelectric pick - up c). Photo voltaic cell d). LCD

46. The term used to denote a static device that converts ac to dc, dc to ac, dc to dc or ac to ac is - a). Converter system b). Inverter c). Chopper d). Thyristor

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47. It is an unidirectional device that blocks the current flow from cathode to anode - a). SCR b). PCR c). VCR d). DCR 48. An ideal constant current source is connected in series with an ideal constant voltage source. Considering together the combination will be a - a). constant voltage source b). constant current source c). constant voltage and a constant current source or a constant power source d). resistance

49. Anode current in an thyristor is made up of - a). electrons only b). electrons or holes c). electrons and holes d). holes only

50. For a pulse transformer, the material used for its core and the possible turn ratio from primary to secondary are respectively - a). ferrite : 20 : 1 b). laminated iron : 1 : 1 c). ferrite : 1 : 1 d). powdered iron : 1 : 1

51. A converter which can operate in both 3 pulse and 6 pulse modes is a - a.) 1 phase full converter b). 3 phase half wave converter c). 3 phase semi converter d). 3 phase full converter

52. A single phase CSI has capacitor C as the load. For a constant source current, the voltage across the capacitor is - a.) square wave b.) triangular wave c )step function d.) pulsed wave

53. A single phase full wave midpoint thyristor converter uses a 230/200V transformer with centre tap on the secondary side. The P.I.V per thyristor is - a). 100V b). 141.4V c). 200V d). 282.8V

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54. In dc choppers for chopping period T, the output voltage can be controlled by FM by varying - a). T keeping Ton constant b). Ton keeping T constant c). Toff keeping T constant d.) None of the above

55. From the hot metal surface electrons escape because a). of change of state from metal to gas due to heat. b). of change of stats from gas to metal. c). the energy supplied is greater than the work function . d). the energy is greater than Fermi level.

56. The most common device used for detection in radio receivers is - a). amplifier b). triode c). diode d). transistor

57. In a full wave rectifier the negative point in a circuit is a). Either cathode b). Either anode c). The central tap on the high voltage secondary d). Either plate

58. Negative feedback amplifier has a signal corrupted by noise as its input. The amplifier will- a). Amplify the noise as much as the signal b). Reduce the noise c). Increase the noise d). Not effect the noise

59. Match the given feedback circuit with it,s proper nomenclatures a). Current series feedback b). Current shunt feedback c). Voltage series feedback d). Voltage shunt feedback 60. Class A amplifier is used when a). No phase inversion is required b). Highest voltage gain is required c). dc voltages are to be amplified d). Minimum distortion is desired

61. Identify the correct match for the given transistor a). Enhancement type P channel MOSFET b). Depletion type N channel MOSFET c). Enhancement type N channel MOSFET

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d). Depletion type P channel MOSFET

62. In case a signal band limited to fm is sampled at a rate less than 2fm, the constructed signal will be a). Distortionless b). Small in amplitude c). Having higher frequencies suppressed d). Distorted

63. Quad 2 input AND gates IC No is - a). 7411 b). 7404 c). 7400 d). 7408

64. Registers in which data is entered or taken out in serial form are referred as - a). left shift register b). right shift register c). shift registers d). none of the above 65. The expression can be simplified to

66. An ideal power supply consist of - a) . Very small output resistance b) . Zero internal resistance c) . Very large input resistance d) . Very large output resistance

67. The linearity error for a digital input is indicated by -

68. Register and counters are similar in the sense that they both - a). count pulses b). store binary operation c). shift registers d). made from an array of flip flops and gates integrated on a single chip

69. In the 8421 BCD code the decimal number 125 is written as - a). 1111101 b). 0001 0010 0101 c). 7D d). None of the above

70. In D/A converter, the resolution required is 50mv and the total maximum input is 10v. The number of bits required is - a). 7 b). 8

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c). 9 d). 200 71. On differentiation unit impulse function results in -- a). Unit parabolic function. b). Unit triplet. c). Unit doublet. d). Unit ramp function.

72. Read the following; i. Routh Hermitz`s criterion is in time domain. ii. Root locus plot is in time domain. iii. Bode plot is in frequency domain. iv. Nyquist criterion is in frequency domain. a). 2, 3, and 4 are correct b). 1, 2 and 3 are correct c). 3 and 4 are correct d). All four are correct.

73. The maximum phase shift that can be provided by a lead compensator with transfer function. a). 150 b). 450 c). 300 d). 600 74. The correct sequence of steps required to improve system stability is - a). Insert derivative action, use negative feedback, reduce gain. b). Reduce gain, use negative feedback, insert derivative action. c). Reduce gain, insert derivative action, use negative feedback. d). Use negative feedback, reduce gain, insert derivative action.

75. Identity slope change at w = 10 of the magnitude v/s frequency characteristic of a unity feedback system with the following open-loop transfer function - a). -40dB/dec to -20dB/dec b). 40dB/dec to 20dB/dec c). -20dB/dec to -40dB/dec d). 40dB/dec to -20dB/dec

76. In the feedback control system the loop transfer function is given by - Number of asymptotes of its root loci is a). 1 b). 2 c). 3 d). 4 77. In a closed - loop transfer functionthe imaginary axis intercepts of the root loci will be -

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78. Considering the following statement :In a magic tee 1. the collinear arms are isolated from each other 2. one of the collinear is isolated from the E-arm 3. one of the collinear arm is isolated from the H-arm 4. E-arm and H-arm are isolated from each other. Of these statements a) 1 and 2 are correct b). 1 and 3 are correct c). 1 and 4 are correct d). 2 and 3 are correct

79. In 1965 first geostationary satellite was launched called - a). ANIK b). EARLY BIRD (Intel sat -1) c). WESTAR d). MOLNIYA

80. --- watt of power is received from sun per m2 surface area of a geosynchronous satellite a). 100 b). 500 c). 2000 d). 1000 81. The ripple factor in an LC filter a). Increases with the load current b). Increases with the load resistance c). Remains constant with the load current d). Has the lowest value

82. In different parts of the country identical telephone numbers are distinguished by their - a). Language digits b). Access digits c). Area codes d). Central office codes

83. Amplitude modulation is used for broadcasting because a). it is move noise immune than other modulation systems b). compared with other systems it requires less transmitting power c). its use avoids receiver complexity d). no other modulation system can provide the necessary bandwidth for high fidelity 84. The amplifiers following the modulated stage in a low level modulation AM system be a). linear amplifier b). harmonic generators c). class C power amplifiers d). class B untuned amplifiers

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85. In a radar system maximum unambiguous range depends on a). maximum power of the transmitter b). pulse repetition frequency c). width of the transmitted pulse d). sensitivity of the radar receiver

86. In composite video waveform the function of the serrations, is to a). equalize the charge in the integrator before the start of vertical retrace. b). help vertical synchronization c). help horizontal synchronization. d). simplify the generation of the vertical sync pulse

87. The frequency range 30MHz - 300MHz is - a). medium frequency b). very high frequency c). super high frequency d). Infrared frequency

88. Which wave cannot exist inside wave guide - a.) TE b). TM c). TEM d). HE

89. Ionosphere layer of earth is situated at - a). upto 18kms from earth b). from 18 to 70 km c). 70 to 500 km d). above 500 km 90. A two cavity klystron tube is a - a). velocity modulated tube b). frequency modulated tube c). Amplitude modulated tube d). simple triode

91. As the thermal noise get doubled due to the increase in a resistance the noise power get - a). doubled b). quadrupted c). unchanged d). halved

92. Which one is a cross field tube - a). Klystron b). Reflex Klystron

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c.) Magnetron d.) TWT

93. The degree of coupling depends on - a). size of hole b). location of holes c). size and location of holes d). not depend on size or location of hole

94. The thermal noise depends on - a). direct current through device b.) resistive component of resistance c). reactive component of impedance d) load to connected

95. The charge on a hole is -

96. In a radio receiver the IF amplifier a.) is tuned above the stations incoming frequency b). amplifies the output of local oscillator c). is fixed tuned to one particular frequency d). can be tuned to various isolate frequencies 97. A duplexer is used to a. ) couple two antennas to a transmitter without interference b. ) isolate the antenna from the local oscillator c. ) prevent interference between two antennas connected to a receiver d. ) use an antenna for reception or transmission without interference

98. Intel,s 8085 microprocessor chip contains a). seven 8 bit registers b). 8 seven bits registers c). seven 7 d). eight 8

99. Boolean algebra is based on - a). numbers b). logic c). truth d). symbols

100. When A = 0, B = 0, C = 1 then in 2 input logic gate we get - - gate a). XOR b). AND c). NAND d). NOR

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101. With the beginnings of space travel, we entered a new - - a). Era of great history b). List c). Book d). Year

102. An - - though it mourns the death of someone, need not be sad. a). Funny poem b). Newspaper article c). Orthodox talk d). Elegy

103. If stare is glance so gulp is - a). Sip b). Tell c). Salk d). Admire

104. He hardly works means - a). The work is hard b). He is hard c). The work is easy d). He work very little

105. Give the opposite word for pulchritude - a). antipathy b). unsightliness c). inexperience d). languor

106. Nanometre is - - - - part of a metre. a). Millionth b). Ten millionth c). Billionth d). Ten billionth

107. Malaria affects a). Liver b). Spleen c). Intestine d). Lungs

108. Sindhu Rakshak is a/an a). Aircraft carrier b). Submarine

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c). Multiple-purpose fighter d). Anti-aircraft gun

109. With which subject is "Dada Saheb Phalke Award" associated? a). Best film director b). Best musician c). Best documentary d). Best work relating to promotion of Indian film Industry

110. Who developed the branch of mathematics known as Calculus? a). Aryabhatta b). Newton c). Einstein d). Archimedes

111. In which state is Kanha Park situated? a). M.P. b). U.P. c). Assam d). W. Bengal

112. Which day is observed as Human Rights Day? a). 24th October b). 4th July c). 8th August d.) 10th December

113. The Kailash Temple at Ellora is a specimen of a). Gupta architecture b). Rashtrakuta architecture c). Chalukya architecture d). Chola architecture 114. When the two Houses of Parliament differ regarding a Bill then the controversy is solved by a). Joint sitting of the two Houses b). President of India c). Prime Minister of India d). By a special committee for the purpose

115. Which of the following is not the work of Kalidasa? a). Meghdoot b). Raghuvansha c). Sariputra Prakarma d). Ritushamhara

116. Amir Khusro was the famous poet and aesthete of

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a). Akbar the Great b). Mahmud Ghaznvi c). Shah Jahan d.) Alauddin Khilji

117. The words ,Satyameva Jayate, have been taken from a). Vedas b). Bhagwad Gita c). Mundaka Upanishada d). Mahabharata e). None of these 118. Which of the following countries was the first to develop a neutron bomb? a). USA b). USSR c). China d). Pakistan

119. "Kathakali" dance is connected with a). Kerala b). Rajasthan c). Uttar Pradesh d). Tamil Nadu

120. The term "Ashes" is associated with a). Hockey b). Cricket c). Soccer d). None of these

DMRC latest general awareness questions with answers,DMRC Latest Technical Categories paperDMRC- DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION Recruitment - Assistant Manager human resources, leagal,store or material management jobs details and selection procedure, interview pattern, DMRC junior engineers civil and DMRC graduate engineer BE. BTech, Civil,electrical,Electronics,Mechanical ,MBA.....DMRC free solved sample placement papers, DMRC written test examination dates and whole details,DMRC Assisst Manager written examination will be held on 26/08/2012 .....DMRC Latest company profile,DMRC previous years solved question papers DMRC 2010,2011,2012 question paper with answers DMRC whole test paper Aptitude reasoning, technical and general awareness 1. Name the freedom fighter with picture of whom Rs.5 coin would be introduced by RBI. Ans. Bhagat Singh

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2. Name the news search engine introduced by Ans. Relatime News Search

3. Tiger brand is associated with which company? Ans. Britannia

4. Name the cricketer who was honoured with lifetime membership the Sydney Cricket Ground. Ans. Sachin Tendulkar

5. Which country has been ranked as the world?s richest country in the list compiled by US magazine Forbes? Ans. Qatar

6. Which country did India beat to qualify for London Olympics men?s hockey 2012? Ans. France

7. Name the service that is to be launched by Times Group to enable viewers to watch movies and TV shows online. Ans.

8. Name the football player who led India to the gold in the inaugural Asian Games in New Delhi who passed away recently. Ans. Sailendra Nath Manna

9. Who won the Allan Border medal (Australia cricketer of the year) award 2012? Ans. Michael Clarke

10. Which west Asian country approved for new constitution recently? Ans. Syria

11. Which model of Nokia phone has been built with 41-megapixel sensor camera? Ans. Nokia 808 Pureview camera phone

12. Name the digital music store launched by Ans. FlyteDownload From

13. Name the online property search portal launched by HDFC in Kolkata Ans. HDFC Red

14. Name the application launched by Vigyan Prasar and IGNOU as a free SMS service for mobile users that delivers content on science and related areas. Ans. Science@Mobile

15. Name the Kerala-based UAE business magnate who was awarded with Interfaith Harmony Award at Kuala Lumpur.

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Ans. M.A.Yusuf Ali

16. Which country has India agreed ?in-principle? to the participation in hydro power-projects in the North- East? Ans. Bangladesh

17. Name the Tech-savvy state which set a record by winning the National Tourism Award for its website for 5th time in last 10 years. Ans. Kerala

18. Who has been appointed as brand ambassador of fruit drink maker rasna? Ans. Genelia D?souza

19. Name the book which is set to be launched by model-turnedactress Diana Hayden. Ans. A Beautiful Truth

20. Who has been awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize considered as Nobel prize in Architecture? Ans. Wang Shu

21. Which railway station became the first railway network to offer BluFi, a combination of Bluetooth and WiFi to provide information to passengers? Ans. Bangalore City Railway Station

22. Name the Indian golfer who qualified for The Open Championship to be played in July at the Royal Lytham St Annes. Ans. Anirban Lahiri

23. Which state bagged the second best national award in the Comprehensive Development of Tourism category? Ans. RajasthanDownload

24. Name the men?s mixed doubles winner of the ATP Dubai Open 2012. Ans. Mahesh Bhupathi and Rohan Bopanna

25. Who won the men?s singles of ATP Dubai Open 2012? Ans. Roger Federer

26. Name the Indian American filmmaker who won the ?2012 Rising Star Award? for his feature film ?9 Eleven? at the Canada International Film Festival. Ans. Manan Singh Katohora

27. Who has been elected as Russian President recently? Ans. Vladimir Putin

28. Name of Taslima Nasreen?s autobiography? Ans. Nirbasan

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29. Who is World?s shortest man as per recent Guinness World Records ? Ans. 72-year old Chandra Bahadur Dangi of Nepal

30. Name the Romanian Prime Minister who quit recently. Ans. Emil Boc

31. Name the Maldives President who was appointed after Mohamed Nasheed quit. Ans. Mohammad Waheed Hassan

32. Which singer is launching her own social networking website exclusively for her fans? Ans. Lady Gaga []

33. Which country released world?s highest resolution lunar images taken by its 2nd moon orbiter, Chang? e-2? Ans. China

34. Who was honoured with Lata Mangehkar award by the Madhya Pradesh government recently? Ans. Rajesh Roshan

35. Why zebras have black and white stripes (recently solved mystery)? Ans. To keep blood-sucking files away

36. Who was honoured with a posthumous Grammy award for his contributions to the music industry in area other than performance? Ans. Steve Jobs ------

1. Name the yesteryear actress who featured in the popular song ?Ae Meri Zohra Jabeen? from the film ? Waqt?who passed away recently. Achala Sachdev passed away at a Pune hospital on April 30, 2012. was 91 year old.

2. Where in India, largest solar power plant with an installed capacity of 40 MW started producing electricity? Pokhran in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan

3. Which department in India plans to set up 1000 ATM?s across 6 states? Postal department

4. Who created history by becoming the first Indian female wrestler to have qualified for the London Olympics 2012? Geeta

5. Who has been appointed next Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission? Ratan Kumar Sinha

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6. In which part of India, Indo Tibetan Border Police headquarters is to be opened? Bihar

7. Which state?s High Court has insisted that banks cannot freeze accounts nor stop services of issuing cheque book or ATM facility where the account holder has not supplied KYC (Know Your Customers) documents? Gujarat

8. Name the former Haryana chief secretary who took oath as state information commissioner ? Urvashi Gulati

9. Which State becames the 3rd state in India to launch State Portal (SP) and State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) project? Nagaland

10. Who won the World Series Hockey 2012 title? Sher-E-Punjab

11. In which state Urdu medium Government schools would be setup as announced by Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav? Uttar Pradesh

12. Where is the World?s first Virtual shopping store opened? Korea

13. Who is named as HSBC?s India CEO? Stuart Milne

14. Which Indian state bans guthka from 1st of April 2012 to curb the increasing number of mouth cancer cases? Madhya Pradesh

15. Which Indian state chief minister has urged union Finance Minister to bail it out of its huge burden? West Bengal

16. Name the Jammu and Kashmir High Court Chief Justice who was sworn in as Supreme court judge ? F.M.Ibrahim Kalifulla

17. Name the Gujarati techie whose name has emerged for India?s President as the nation has to elect 16th President in July 2012 ? Sam Pitroda

18. At what value Air India?s restructuring plan was approved by a group of 19 banks led by SBI? 18,000 crore

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19. Which services Airtel is planning to launch in Kolkata in April 2012? 4G services

20. Name the nuclear submarine which joined Indian Navy. INS Chakra

21. Which education company bagged Rs.209 crore order from Assam Government? Educomp

22. Which 2 north Indian states will have pipeline connected oil terminals for supply of diesel, petrol and kerosene? Jammu and Himachal Pradesh

23. Which Asian country has issued tender to buy minimum of 30,000 tonnes of basmati rice from India and Pakistan? Iraq

24. NSE founder who passes away Recently? RH PatilDr R H Patil, chairman, Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) and founder-managing director of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) passed away in Mumbai

25. Who donated 1 million Singapore Dollars to Indian Heritage Centre?

26. Name the world?s highest and longest bridge that was officially opened to motorists in China.Anzhaite Long-span Suspension Bridge in Jishou

27. Which bank has opened 16 Ultra Small branches in 16 locations in villages to cater to financial needs of the rural populace? IDBI Bank

28. Who has been conferred with Sir Jehangir Ghandy Medal? Narayana Murthy

29. In which city in Kerala will Infosys setup its 2nd campus? Thiruvananthapuram

30. Which bank will set up 1-person micro branches to serve remote areas of the northeastern region financially? Indian Overseas Bank

31. Which act does not allow to prosecute (no wife can claim compensation or maintenance) husband?s girlfriend? Protection of Women from Domestic Vilonce Act, 2005

32. Name the 3 Indian hockey players after whom tube stations in London has been renamed.Dhyan Chand, Roop Singh and Leslie Claudius

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33. Who has been signed up as brand ambassador of Toyota Kirloskar Motors? Virat Kohli

34. When was 63rd Rajasthan Day celebrated? 30th March 2012

35. Where in Rajasthan Spices Board?s first Spices Park is setup? Jodhpur

36. Which Asian country recently became member of Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)? India

37. Who won her 6th world sprint title at the world track cycling championships 2012? Victoria Pendleton

38. Name the Malawi President who died after heart attack. Bingu wa Mutharika

39. Who was sworn in as Malawi?s President following the death of Bingu wa Mutharika? Joyce Banda

40. Which Asian country made Hindu marriage registration a must by bringing the law in lines with India? Bangladesh

41. Israel has decided to setup its consulate office in which part of India? Bangalore

42. Which Indian city is likely to get water taxis and airconditioned trams? Kolkata

43. Name the young doctor who is set to become the first foreign national of Indian origin to walk across Antarctica carrying the Indian Flag. Dr.Alexander Kumar

44. Name the youngest Indian boxer who qualified for London Olympics 2012. Shiva Thapa

45. What percentage hike was allocated for Karnataka by Planning Commission for current fiscal 2012-13 in the 12th Plan? 10%

46. Who will be the sports ambassador for the state of Haryana? Leander Paes

47. Which category of women will be allowed to participate in the Miss Universe beauty pageant from next

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year? Transgender women

48. Which rank does Bangalore hold as preferred entrepreneurial locations worldwide? 9th rank

49. Which TV has become the first Indian television channel to enter the Chinese market? Zee TV

50. Which act was amended to include compulsory registration of marriages in India? Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969

51. Where in Himachal Pradesh Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) would be opened? Una district

52. What denominations of currency note will RBI introduce bearing rupee symbol? Rs.20 and Rs.50 currency notes

53. Name the index on which NSE is set to launch derivative trade. FTSE 100 index

54. What percentage and value of US based Max New York Life Insurance was sold to Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (MSI)? 26% and Rs.2,731 crore

55. Which country replaced China as Iran?s top oil client? India

56. India has recently decided to allow Foreign Direct Investment from which Asian country? Pakistan

57. What value of equity infusion did Air India get spread over a period of 9 years? Rs. 30,000 crore

58. Where in India Integrated Check Post was inaugurated on the occasion of Baisakhi to enhance trade between India-Pakistan? Attari

59. Which education council in India would have its own job portal for the students of technical and professional institutions? All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)

60. Which 2 countries have agreed to resume dialogue on disarmament and non-proliferation after a gap of 9 years? India and China

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61. Which repayment transaction is now allowed by RBI electronically i.e. NEFT? Repayment of Loan EMI?s

62. How many co-sponsors are against the Bill of outsourcing call centers in USA? 106 co-sponsors

63. How much basis point did RBI cut key rates after 3 years? 50 basis points

64. Name the Master Card?s President and CEO who has been elected next chairman of the US-India Business Council? Ajay Banga

65. Which Indian FMCG company crossed $1 billion mark in 2011-12? Dabur India

66. Which 14 year old ICC cricket tournament would end after 2013? ICC Champions Trophy

67. Which state has included services of the petroleum industry, including that provided by tanker operations as essential services under the state?s Essential Services Maintenance Act 1971, (Act 20 of 1971)? Andhra Pradesh

68. Which Indian state?s 100th anniversary was celebrated recently? Bihar

69. Who replaces Simon Leung chief executive of the greater China region of Microsoft? Ralph Haupter

70. Bill to include children with disabilities under which Act was recently passed by Rajya Sabha recently? Right to Education Act

71. Name the spy satellite launched by ISRO recently.RISAT-1

72. Which cricket player and lady actor were recommended for Rajya Sabha membership in India? Sachin Tendulkar and Rekha

73. Name the Indian origin entrepreneur and educator who is named as the Goodwill Ambassador for Education Partnerships for UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Sunny-Varkey

74. Who has been appointed as Governor of Goa, Rajasthan and Uttarkhand? B.V.Wanchoo, Margaret Alva and Aziz Qureshi

75. Who were given fresh terms as Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra?

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E.S.L.Narasimhan and K.Sankaranarayanan

76. Which Indian state will be showcased at the Cannes Film Festival? Gujarat

77. Which 2 Asian countries will hold 1st ever economic dialogue on 30th April 2012? India and Japan

78. Name the first of the four Dreamliner aircraft that Air India got from Nikki Haley?s state.Boeing 78779. Who won the Asian Snooker Championship 2012? Aditya Mehta

80. Who retained the crown as Britain?s richest man? Lakshmi Mittal

81. Where was the India Investrade 2012 organised by Indian Chamber of Commerce, Kolkata held? Colombo, Sri Lanka

82. Name the mango variety named after the youngest Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. ?Akhilesh aam?, named after Akhilesh Yadav

83. Which Indian state is planning to make 100 the common number to dial in any emergency? Tamil Nadu

84. Who became the 1st player to cross 2000 runs in cricket tournament IPL? Suresh Raina

85. Which country is keen to boost trade ties with Kerala? Singapore

86. Who became the 1st player to win Barcelona title for 7 times? Rafael Nadal

87. Name the former BCCI president who passed away recently after whom the challenger trophy was named. N.K.P.Salve 88.Who won the Champions Trophy women?s hockey tournament for the 5th time? Argentina 89.Who has been appointed as Chief executive operations for China?s Walmart? Greg Foran 90.When is Windows 8 set to be released by Microsoft? February 29th 2012

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DMRC Latest Technical Categories paperDMRC- DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION Recruitment - Assistant Manager human resources, leagal,store or material management jobs details and selection procedure, interview pattern, DMRC junior engineers civil and DMRC graduate engineer BE. BTech, Civil,electrical,Electronics,Mechanical ,MBA.....DMRC free solved sample placement papers, DMRC written test examination dates and whole details,DMRC Assisst Manager written examination will be held on 26/08/2012 .....DMRC Latest company profile,DMRC previous years solved question papers DMRC 2010,2011,2012 question paper with answers DMRC whole test paper Aptitude reasoning, technical and general awareness 1The chemical bond in germanium crystal is a)Metalic b)co-valent-Ans c)electro-valent d)Vaan der Walls

2.A ball is thrown upward in vacuum at 49m/sec. The time taken by the ball to reach the highest point is a)2.5 seconds 7.5 seconds c)5 seconds-Ans d)15 seconds

3.The majority charge carriers in p-type semiconductors are a)electrons b)holes-Ans c)both electrons and holes d)None of these

4.A body is projected at angle with the horizontal time of flight is given by a)usinθ/g b)24sinθ/3g c)2usinθ/g-Ans d)42sinθ/2g

5. If the distance between two masses be doubled the gravitational force of attraction between them will be a)doubles b)four times c)halved d)one-fourth-Ans

6. The ratio the length and breadth of a rectangle is 4:3 The area of the rectangle is 193cm2What will be its perimeter a)56cm b)46 cm c)28cm d)36cm-Ans

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7.A force provides an acceleration of 0.5/m/sec to a body of mass 2 kg. what acceleration will it produce when acting on a body of mass 10 kg? a)0.1m/sec-Ans b)0.2m/sec c)o.5m?sec d)1.0m/sec

8. The cathode rays are a)streams of electrons-Ans b)streams of positively charged particles c)streams of neutral particles d)electromagnetic waves

9In the most popular abbreviation in the field of banking sectors CBS the letter C stands for a)Core b)Credit c)Complete d)continent

10.Which group of inhabitants is targeted to be connected by seasonal roads during 2008-09? a)Population of 1000 to 2000 b)Population of 5000 to 10000 c)Population of 500 to 100-Ans d)Population of 2500 to 5000

11. which of the following economists has been conferred with Nobel Prize a)G.Swaminathan b)Amrty Sen c)M.L.Seth d)R Lingswsamy

12. In notation,http stands for a)host b)region c)pre-contact d)Set of rules-Ans

13.During a period of time you see so many websites and pages exhibited by a)status bar b)history bar c)task bar-Ans d)tool bar

14. where does the digestive and respiratory routes encroach each other a)Trachea-Ans b)Food canal

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c)respiratory tube d)Vocal cord

15.The state government gets maximum revenue form a)sales tax-Ans b)corporate tax c)excise tax d)custom duty

16 On internet in no charge the repair of generally known software bug is called a)version b)patch-Ans c)tutorial d)FAQ

17. Maria sharpova won Australian Opne Tennis-2008 by defeating a)Victoria Azarenka b)Alona Bondarenko c)Ana Ivanovic-Ans d)Kateryna Bondarenko

18. The planning commission of India has formed 12 members financial; sectors The chairman of the committee is a)Janaki Raman-Ans b)Raksesh Mohan c)Raghuram Rajan d)KV Kamth

19) The thickness of troposphere can increase during a)winter b)summer-ans c)spring d)None of these

20 the lightest gas in the atmosphere is a)hydrogen-ans b0nitrogen c)oxygen d)None of these

21 White phrospherous is stored in a)water b)supphuric acid c)alchol d)kerosene-Ans

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22 Find the least number by which 8640 is divided and the quotient obtained becomes a perfect cube a)6 b)5-Ans c)7 d)8

23evaluate (-216*1728)1/3 a)-72-Ans b)27 c)72 d)8

24whihc of the following features provisions did the framers of India constitution take form the US constitution a)judicial review b)fundamental rights c)Removal of the Judges of Supreme court d)All the above-Ans

25 the golden period of India culture was during a)Rajput period b)Gupta period-Ans c)Chola period d)Maurya period

26. Artifical dialysis is used in the form of a)liver substitution b)intestine substitution c)kidney substitution-Ans d)abdomen substitution

27.Evaluate 16*2n-1-4*2n/16*2n+2-2*2n+2 a)1/2-ans b)0 c)4 d)1/3

28 If (25)*3 =(125)2*-3, then x is equal to a)2/3 b)3/2 c)3/4-ans d)1/4

29 9x2-24xy+16y2/3x-4y=? a)3x+4y

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b)3x-4y-ans c)4x+3y d)4x-3y

30 When polynomial x4-3x2+2x+5 is divided by (x-1) the remainder is a)2 b)3 c)4 d)5

31 what will be the ratio f amount and the principl in n years at 5%p.a rate of compound interest? 21)nΛa)(22)n

32 A freely suspended bar magnet always remains in the direction A)NORTH-SOUTH b)east-west c)south-west d)not certain

33 Directions (Qns.33 to 37) Choose the correct synonyms of each of the following words at questions places 33.prudent a)Cautious-Ans b)Honest c)Polite d)wise

34. Feeble a)disable b)Docile c)Rough d)weak-Ans

35.Coarse a)haughty b)fair c)rough-ans d)childish

36Calamity a)upset b)disaster-ans c)gloomy d)dilemma


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a)moderate b)energetic c)intelligent d)industries-ans

38.The angle subtended at the center of circle by a major are will be a)right angle b)acute angle c)obtuse angle-Ans d)complementary angle

39A body dropped from a tower with zero velocity reaches the ground in 4 seconds. The hiehgt of the tower is about a)80 m -ans b)20 m c)160m d)40m

40Aman in a train moving with a constant velocity drops a abll on the platform. The path of the ball as seen by an observer standing on the platform is a)straight line b)a circle c)a parabola-Ans d)none of these

41Who among the following economists has done pioneering work on national income? a)Jagdish Bhagwati b)ML Seth c)Amartya Sen d)VKRV Rao-Ans

42 Monopoly means a)single buyer b)many sellers c)single seller-Ans d)many buyers

43Who introduced the silver coin called Taka or Rupia a)sher Shah Suri-Ans b)Akabar c)Timur d)Humayun

44 What is the International Date Line? a)Equator b)longitude

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c)90 degree East Longitude d)180 degree Longitude -Ans

45.The lines joining places experiencing a thunder stream at the same time is known as a)ishohyers b)Isochrones c)Ishoronts-Ans d)Isophenes

46 when a metal is heated its resistance a)decreases b)increases-Ans c)may increase or decrease d)remains constant

47The resistance of a wire of length 20 cm is 5Ω.It is stretched uniformly to a length of 40 cm.The resistance now becomes. a)5 Ω b)10Ω c)20Ω d)200Ω

48 Which among the following countries is NOT a permanent member of UN Security council? a)The US b)The UK c)France d)Spain-Ans

48 Which among the following is an air-to ground missile? a)Nag_Ans b)Aakash c)Agni d)Prithvi

49The profit earned after selling an article for Rs.878 is the same as loss incurred after selling the article for Rs. 636. What is the cost price of the article? a)Rs.797 b)Rs.787 c)Rs.767 d)Rs.757-Ans

50Which of the following is NOT a Navratna PSU a)SAIL b)BHEL c)NTPCeir ages will be 3:4 d)Bank of India-Ans

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51 The ages of Khushi and Jagriti are in the ratio of 5:8 After 8 years the ratio of their ages will be 3:4 What is the difference in their ages a)16 years b)8 years c)6 years-Ans d)10 years

52 In how many different ways can the letters of the word ?PUNCTUAL?be arranged? a)64 b)40320 c)960 d)20160-Ans

53Mohan decides to attend to some urgent work on a particular day in the month of august 2008. What is the probability that the day chosen by Mohan to attend to his work is Saturday? a)6/31 b)5/31-Ans c)2/15 d)1/6

54 While selling a watch a shopkeeper gives a discount of 20% he earns Rs.51 less as profit What is the original price of the watch? a)Rs.920 b)Rs.985 c)Rs.1,125 d)Rs.1,020-Ans

56 The length breadth and height of a school auditorium are 10m,30m, and 10m respectively The density of air is 1.3 kg per cubic metre, the mass of the air inside the auditorium a)39 kg b)390kg c)3900kg-ans d)39000kg

57 The mushroom which we eat as vegetable is a /an a)algae b)Fungus-ans c)Fern d)Moss

58If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 300% and the denominator is increased by 500%,t he resulton is 5/12 What was the original fraction? a)5/8 -Ans b)5/11 c)12/5

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59 12 men and do a piece of work in 10 days. How many men would be required to do the same work in 8 days? a)14 b)18 c)16 d)15_Ans

60 Monazire is an ore of a)Gerconium b)Titanium c)Iron d)Therium

61The God of the Konark temple in Orissa is a)Sun-Ans b)Shiva c)Krishna d)Brahma

62 In the following the spice obtained from the root is a)turmeric b)clove c)linseed d)None of these

63The first woman Prime Minister in the world was a)Indira Gandhi b)S.Bhandarnaike-Ans c)Arunthaty Rai d)M.Linside

64The model of DNA structure was propounded by Watson and Crick 65 Vitamin E is chiefly found in a)pulses b)butter c)germinated grains-Ans d)oil of liver of fishes

66 Which article of the Indian constitution directs the state government to form a Village Panchayath a)Article 40-Ans b)Article 32 c)Article-48 d)Article 78

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67Whihc of the following Grand Slams is played on grass courts? a)French Open b)Wimbledon Opne-Ans c)US Open d)Australian

68 Which of the following medicines is used in the treatment of typhoid? a)Sulfabdrugs b)Vitamina c)Chlorquin d)chlomycetin_Ans

69 Urea is a)sodium fertilizer b)Phosphorous fertilizer c)potassium fertilizer d)nitrogen fertilizer-Ans

70 Archipelago is a a)plateau b)island-Ans c)lake d)mountain

71 For photosynthesis energy is obtained from Sunlight b)water c)chlorophyll d)vitamin

72 We see before actual sunrise or after sunset due to a)reflection b)scattering c)refraction-ans d)diffraction

73 Who started the Saka era? a)Kanishka-Ans b)Vikramaditya c)Ashoka d)None of these

74 A sector of a circle subtending angle 36 degree has an 3.85cm2.The length of the arc is a)2.2cm b)2.5cm-ans

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c)2.7cm d)None of these

75 The dimension of energy are ML2T2

76 The vector quantity is _work

77Themaximum number of electrons in the second orbit of an element is -8

78 Saina Nehwal is related to-Badminton

79Dolomite is an ore of magnesium

80 The permeability in free space is equal to -4π10-7wb/Am

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