MADHYA PRADESH POWER TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED CIN-U40109MP2001SGC014880, vkbZ ,l vks : 9001-2008 STATE LOAD DESPATCH CENTRE, Nayagaon, Rampur, Jabalpur ISO: 9001-2008 Telephone: (0761) 2970089 Fax: (0761) 2664343 e-mail
[email protected] No-07-05/PM-68A/SEA-9.1/3135 Jabalpur, dtd: 29/10/2018 To 1. The Chief General Manager (Comml), 4. The Chief General Manager (Comml.), MPPMCL, Jabalpur. (MPPuKVVCL), Jabalpur 2. The Chief Engineer (Comml.), O/o MD 5. The Addl. Chief Engineer (CS-GENCO), MPPGCL, (MPPaKVVCL), Indore Jabalpur. 3. The Chief General Manager (Comml.), 6. General Manager (F&A), MPPMCL, Jabalpur MPMKVVCL, Bhopal. Sub: Revised State Energy Account for the month of SEPTEMBER-2018. Ref: This office letter no. 07-05/PM-68A/SEA-9.0/3014 dated 08.10.2018. ….. The State Energy Account (SEA) for the month of SEPTEMBER -2018 has been revised. A copy of the same is uploaded on SLDC website for kind perusal and needful please. The State Energy Account has been revised on account of the following: i. The Entitlement and scheduled energy of SEZ and Discoms for dated 4th Sept 2018 as intimated by MPPMCL vide letter no. CGM/PM/816 Dated 09.10.18. The scheduled energy of SEZ and Discoms has been revised due to inadvertent error for dated 7th & 10th Sept 2018. ii. The JMR data of Pench HPS has been replaced with actual ABT meter data of PGCIL meters as the same was not received at the time of issuance of provisional SEA. The signed copy of SEA is available on SLDC website under commercial section which may please be downloaded for needful please.