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Orioies.Naiion Honarpen in Final Cane Mon 8 October 12, 2001 ~roKr~~.,um"Bi~ I I I' I , I '"'I I ...- 10.. ""'" .... 110...""1 I • I I < I I I I I FlilIpIrIS I I lellilioll ,.. ""'" ; I ...I ; I I .... , Men's and Women Cross Country ing homer. " at-bats set by McGwire in 1998. September Th~ ' 8010 homer came on a full­ 'T dQn't know what my future is,",; Barry Bonds' hit his 73rd home count knuckleball from Sp,ringel'. It he said. "} love San Francisco and I! Sal. 29 at Belmont Classic 10:00 am run Sunday. further extending the gave Bonds a careel'-rugh 137 R, B.I~. love you fans. My fa mily knows, God, major league record he brOKe Fans aceustomed to Bonds' herOICS knows, I'm proud to wear this uui·· October two days earlier. In what couldbe this S'eason gave him a standing ova· form." ; Sal. 6 at Muhlenberg In vite 10:00 am his final game with the Son tion, l};nd be stepped ~ut of the But the Giants, have a projected! Francisco Giants, Bonds connect­ dugout for a quick curtain call. payroll of $66 million next season, Sat. 13 at DeSales In vit e 10:00 am ·ed In the first Inntng off los Before his second at-bat, fans and signing Bonds, would mean com ~, Sat. ?:7 Middle Atlantic Confe re n~ e Ar:tQeles' Dennis $pringer. The chanted, mitting, neaTly ,al Champion ships at Messiah 11 :00 am ,Glonts won the game 2- T. ' . ' .. F i v ~ third of-that amount: m 0 r e to one player. Also; November Associated Press - ''This was years.!"- a the Giants may not' ;a great, great way to end it with a reference be prepared to offerl Sat. 10 NCAA Regional at Muhlenberg lvictory and a nom.e run. You can't ask to com­ ~e five-year dea ~ 10:00 am ifor anythirtf' better." Bonds said a.iu;1' merits 'by Bora-s i~ ' appaFentlyj !the game." never thought I could do Bon d s ' seek.ing. Volleyball ~t.'" age n t. "It's ' a simple September Bonds, who broke Mark McGw~'s that he 'equation,." gene!alJ Tues,25 Western Maryland 7;00 pm Won r ecord by' slugging, ,tw-C? hQmel"l;l ,:.(jfi 'w 'Ul ~ seeK tl}Jlnag'e.r : Ertanl 11lUrs. 27 at Albright 7:00 pm Won :Friday night, homered in his firs~ ,at- a " five­ . Sabeansaid. "We']l! :bat Sunday after taking a dayaf£ on year deal only p.ay him what; Fri. 28 at Univ. of Sciences in Phila Saturday. He singled in th~ third, a,fter this we can pay him td 7:30 pm Won ipop,ped out'in t. he sixth, and flied out se.ason. put a competitive1 lin the' eighth; , E v en team on tbe field. ~ October (I Instead .of feeling the, pressure in t h () ugh he's.!ooking to break the fmal few games of the season, Bonds is the bank, oui Wed. 3 at Eli7.abethtow n 7:00 pm Lost Bonds finished the year in style - he h a v i n g chance;s to sign him Sat. 6 at Richard Stockton 10:30 alll Lost hi t four homers in his . final three one of the dimmish;". , ~old ey Beacom 12:30 pm Lost games. g.r ea t'e s . And Giants owne~ Tues. 9 Lebanor'l Valley 7:00 pm Lost Bonds shook his head and offensive Peter Magowan,' 111u rs. II Harverford 7:00 pm shrugged his shoulders, almost in seaso,ns serenaded with disbelief at what he bas accom- in major chants of "Sign rum! Sat. 13 at Uni v. of Penn. 11 :00 am !plished t.his season,' as., he took the 1 e a g u e Sign himl" duringj Wed. 17 Messiah 7:00 pm 'field for the top of the ~ecoud inning. history, Friday night's cele: Fri. 19 at Gettysburg 7:00 pm ~ When McGwire set his record,of 70 he may I" ', . , _ ,_ ~ ., bration, said it's not, 1i.les.23 at Susquehanna 7:00 pm homers in.1998, a mark tn:en not be lt.. , _" - ~ 'n-:-_ ,< " such a simple situa­ thought unbreakable, he hit two back in Barry Bonds: What else can you gIVe me, God, tion. ' 11lUrs. 25 Philadelphia 7:00 pm )lOIJlers o:n the final day of the sea;son S Ii n . "It sounds liek ill S'lt. 27 at E" stern Thurnament· 9.00 am (and five in his final three games. Francisco .next year. He is eligible fol' stupid question. are your chances to ' Bonds' homer, onto the arcade free agency after nine seasons with w.in better with Bar!y or . without; Women Tennis :above the r,ight-field fence, was the the Giants, who may not be able to hIm," Magowan said. "But thel September ;56?th of hi$: c~ reel' - leaving him' ~Pt affotd his, dentands. " . bigg~a,t ,quest.l-o,: n is, , ~ep'en, d.ing fO.nJ Mon. 24 Cabrini 4:00 am Won ~behind HarmQn Kellebrew forslx.th . Bdnds. 37, . eal':ned $JO.3 Jililliptl what we have U> pay him, hQw mu{!n! 11lUrs. ?:7 at Moravian 3:30 pm Lost jaIl-time. Bonds started the ~son this season in the last year a do we have left over to win with? . or Sat. 29 Messiah [:00 pm Lost ~17t)l OJ) the ~r list. , , tb.r~e·year, $2.2.9. million contract ({Barry has said aU ' the right) ; ~nds> 78r<\ h~me .l'UJi{ ·wJ,'APp,e4,up ~x,ten&i~l) ,. H~; agent, SCOtt B€>.rae, ia tl¥nt$~ l:li$ p~mary m:otivation ii3 ~. lanQt1):er majo:r lea«\l~' ~ord . !Qr ?J~~ f ~xp-ettted ·,tG . se.e~ aCOhtr«ct W6:t1>h wm;Alnd he' doosn't W-Q:nf,. to 'saddlel October piants? If!lt nelder.. H:e'f£iniahed '\th,~,erhaps' $'2'0 'millivn '8 y~ar stal'tiiig the. £1iants wifh a nUl'nDer that would! Wed. 3 Richard Stockton 4:00 pm Lost season wl,th a sluggmg percentagft of m. 2002. ' p!Ombit !.lS. frQJ;il bayingtihfit. chance ~ Sat. 6 EIi7.abethtown 1:00 pm Lost ~ 86.3, easil)t swP"asSln( :thete~ of Bodds ~ould like to ' ~t\U'n to ,the; He b.i.J.s said that xp.onel,l' 1S. n-o~th~ Man, 8 at Arcadia 11 :00 am . Lost ~ .84.1$~t by B;ibe Jtutlthl1921t. ,," ~'t$, the' te,14m (jf his, g9d.fat mo~t imp0l'~aat thing~ , Bu-t , Scot~ i ~dit ~stY ~d811other' m'iQ.'dl' 'W:iJiij, 'Mays::;,', ~d, .one' 'of the ~ ___ _ Bora~"'~ nasti"tsai8 t~t~. 8'nd: ' j~ ~eafue , r~~.ru &n'd,.. He Mnrej~a hi's i'atlile;r. !fQo1:!y ~~ ;p'4ty~: ,rQt. :t:$tn:ainS to be' ,se.f}n what ~-e8 out o£ Field Hockey :~veJ:'Y' '6.fi~; atjbats t;bi$ ~a~n,bJ:e, ak, .... '~ He"made. tbf}~~~~l;1.· ~da:r night ~ Ii the, ,n.e:gotiaijQn~." September ~·. the ~ ' Qf a Mm~r :every .'J:2;7 . ce~m0~ fol1b;wJ,tIg "r,,@Prd~bre,ak,.. Tues. 25 Messiah 4:30 pm Won ~.~ .....;.;;.: ;./ ..;.., .. ;,- ...... ,..... -.... ..... -..-.:;;;;}-~~ .- ;-....... .;.; .;.;..;:~. .;:..;: . .-,~;, .>.... -., ........ :~:..... .;.;i:.:; "':·:~ ?::::: ""'-""""';"~""""""~~"')' S;"~ '-"''''''; .;.;,;.~,;;;.. ~-.::;. .::;;. w.•••..••• _;.,.. .; ... .. ~;l ;;.;::~ .... ;;,Y;';-;"';';';';" ; .. ;:: .. ,', ~;';';" ,; ••••• W;';· ;';';~·;-•• ; ';.;-;~~;•• ~:;-••• ,-; .' •• ;-;-;', ;.; c;w;· .. ;-. ;;;..~-;.;,::;;,::~·: ~ .'."N, ;. ,', •• -. -»W;~~ •• ;"', '-;';' •• , " 11lUrs.27 at Bryn Mawr 4:30 pm Won Sat 29 at Juniata 1:00 pm Lost October OrioIes.naIion honaRpen in final cane Mon. I at Neumann 4:00 pm Won Major League Baseball bid a fond farewell to Cal in ceremonies held Saturday night before a game against Wed. 3 EIi7.abethtown 4:30 pm Lost the Red Sox. It marked Rlpken's 3,001st game. Sat 6 at Susquehanna 1:00 pm Lost Tues. 9 at Delaware Valley 4:00 pm Won balls," Cone said. "He swung the.bat Kerrigan said, "No, not really. I think Thurs. 11 Arcadia 4:00 pm Associated Press - pretty well. The first time up, he hit the integrity of the game is what Tues. 16 Albright 4:00 pm David Cone wasn't about to groove the ball pretty hard. If he got a little Ripken stands for. When you mess Thurs. 18 Philadelphia 4:00 pm a pitch to Cal Ripken in the Iron lift, he probably would have hit a with the integrity of the ga,me, I don't' Man's fmal game. home run." care what the circumstances are, Sat 20 Villa Julie 1:00 pm He figured Ripken Con e that's not what the man over there wouldn't want it that wanted to represents." way.. m a k e A sellout crowd of 48,807 including Ripken went hitless Ripken earn former President Clinton and major Women's Soccer in his last major a hit. league commissioner Bud Selig, September league game, closing "That's attended the game. Many of the fans 1:00 pm out his Hall of Fame the way he missed several innings standing in Sat 22 Messiah Lost career in a 2-for-48 played the long lines to buy souvenirs and pro­ Thurs. 27 at Neumann 4:00 pm Won skid as the. Boston game," Cone grams to mark the OCcasion - the Sat 29 at Susquehanna 12:00 pm Lost Red Sox completed a said. 3,OOlst and final game for Ripken. four-game sweep of With fans The crowd collectively stood and October the Baltimore Orioles chanting, cheered each time Ripken came to Wed,3 with a 5·1 victory 'We want the plate, but the Orioles' 41-year-old Albright 4:00 pm Won Saturday night.
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