
Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12302-018-0148-y

RESEARCH Open Access Combining in vitro reporter gene bioassays with chemical analysis to assess changes in the water quality along the Ammer River, Southwestern Germany Maximilian E. Müller1, Beate I. Escher1,2, Marc Schwientek1, Martina Werneburg1, Christiane Zarf1 and Christian Zwiener1*

Abstract Background: Rivers receive water and associated organic micropollutants from their entire catchment, including from urban, agricultural and natural sources, and constitute an important environmental component for catalyzing pollutant turnover. Environmental removal processes were extensively investigated under laboratory conditions in the past but there is still a lack of information on how organic micropollutants attenuate on the catchment scale. The aim of this study was to describe the chemical and toxicological profle of a 4th order river and to characterize in- stream processes. We propose indicator chemicals and indicator in vitro bioassays as screening methods to evaluate micropollutant input and transport and transformation processes of the chemical burden in a river. Carbamazepine and sulfamethoxazole were selected as indicators for processes and the moderately degradable chemicals tramadol and sotalol as indicators for potential in-stream attenuation processes. The battery of bioassays covers seven environmentally relevant modes of action, namely estrogenicity, glucocorticogenic activity, androgenicity progesta- genic activity and oxidative stress response, as well as activation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, using the GeneBLAzer test battery and the AhR-CALUX and AREc32 assays. Results: Both approaches, targeted chemical analysis and in vitro bioassays, identifed a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) as a major input source of organic micropollutants that dominantly infuenced the water quality of the river. Downstream of the WWTP the amount of detected chemicals and biological efects decreased along the river fow. The organic indicator chemicals of known degradability uncovered dilution and potential loss processes in certain river stretches. The average cytotoxic potency of the river water decreased in a similar fashion as compounds of medium degradability such as the pharmaceutical sotalol. Conclusions: This study showed that the indicator chemical/indicator bioassay approach is suitable for identifying input sources of a of organic micropollutants and to trace changes in the water quality along small rivers. This method forms the necessary basis for evaluating the natural attenuation processes of organic micropollutants on a catchment scale, especially when combined with enhanced sampling strategies in future studies. Keywords: LC–MS analysis, In vitro bioassays, Bioanalytical , Organic indicator chemicals, Catchment scale, Wastewater

*Correspondence: christian.zwiener@uni‑tuebingen.de 1 Center for Applied Geoscience, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, 72074 Tübingen, Germany Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s) 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat​iveco​mmons​.org/licen​ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 Page 2 of 14

Background groundwater [21], natural attenuation processes in con- Rivers collect water, sediments and solute fuxes, and taminated groundwater [22], surveilling hospital efuents integrate the input of chemicals within their entire catch- [23] and potable reuse [24]. A chemical that is used as an ment. Te chemical burden of an anthropogenically indicator must meet certain criteria that will depend on impacted river is mostly governed by pharmaceuticals, the study purpose [25], e.g., emission, degradability and pesticides, chemicals of industrial use and their transfor- partitioning properties [26]. mation products [1, 2]. Teir input sources can be point Te aim of this study was to investigate a 4th order sources such as wastewater efuents or difuse sources stream using a combination of bioanalytical tools and such as runof and leaching from agricultural and urban chemical analytics and test their power in characterizing regions [3]. Surface waters are environmental compart- input sources and dilution and loss processes of organic ments that host important transport and transforma- chemicals in rivers. Te Ammer River is a tributary of the tion processes of organic micropollutants. Sophisticated Neckar River located in Southwestern Germany, close screening methods are needed to characterize the input to Tübingen, that receives input from wastewater treat- sources of organic micropollutants and their natural ment plants (WWTP) and fows through urban and agri- attenuation on the catchment scale. Targeted chemical cultural areas. Te water quality of the Ammer River was analysis is typically used in water quality monitoring pro- monitored at nine sampling sites from the source to the grams [4] and provides important information about the mouth, where it fows into the Neckar River, using LC– concentration of selected compounds, but is often insuf- HRMS targeting 79 known pollutants that may serve as fcient to refect the large number of diferent chemicals indicator chemicals. We considered chemicals from dif- present in a sample [5]. Moreover, the analytical window ferent compound classes and input sources, like phar- of detectable chemicals is limited due to their physico- maceuticals, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and chemical properties. In vitro bioassays that are based on household chemicals. Tese compounds also represent reporter gene cell lines that mediate a measurable signal diferent degrees of degradability under environmental (efect) when exposed to a chemical can be a comple- conditions, like the rather persistent carbamazepine and mentary analytical tool as they detect micropollutants, sulfamethoxazole, the biodegradable sotalol and venla- transformation products and their , which may faxine, or diclofenac which is also photodegraded. We not be covered by the chemical analysis [6]. A combined also applied a test battery of seven in vitro bioassays cov- chemical and toxicological approach has the potential ering seven environmentally relevant modes of action, for a comprehensive assessment of water quality [7] and namely estrogenicity [15], glucocorticogenic activity it has been proposed to complement the chemical status [27], androgenicity [15], progestagenic activity [15], oxi- assessment with efect-based methods, for instance in dative stress response [28, 29], peroxisome proliferator- the Water Framework Directive [5, 8]. Besides the spe- activated receptor activity [30] and aryl hydrocarbon cifc efect in a bioassay, cytotoxicity can give information receptor induction [31]. Te assays for androgenicity and about the total chemical load of a sample. progestagenic activity were also performed in antagonis- In previous studies, diverse batteries of in vitro bioas- tic mode to identify possible antagonists present in the says were used to assess the chemical burden of wastewa- samples that suppress the efect of an agonist. ter, recycled water, surface water and drinking water (e.g., from Australia [9], the US [10], Europe (multinational) Methods [11], the Netherlands [12], Slovenia [13], France [14]), the Chemicals and reagents impact of untreated wastewater on surface waters [15] Methanol, acetonitrile, water, formic and acetic acid and the efciency of nature-based [16], conventional [17] were all LC/MS grade and purchased from Optima­ ®, and advanced [18] wastewater treatment technologies. Termo Fisher Scientifc (Waltham, US-MA). Ethyl ace- Efect-based methods have also been applied together tate was provided by Acros Organics, Termo Fisher Sci- with chemical analysis to characterize the surface waters entifc (Waltham, US-MA). 79 chemicals were monitored of larger river systems such as the Danube river [19], including pharmaceuticals, herbicides, fungicides, insec- but little work has been done on the catchment scale in ticides, antibiotics and other substances of anthropogenic smaller order rivers and creeks. origin (for details see Additional fle 1: Tables S1 and S2). Te use of indicator chemicals that are indicative for certain input sources or biotic and abiotic transforma- Sampling sites tion processes can be applied to interpret the results Te Ammer River with a catchment size of approximately from chemical analysis. Organic indicator chemicals have 238 km2 is located in Southwestern Germany, and fows been used previously for studying drinking water treat- over a distance of approximately 22 km from Herren- ment [20], evaluating the impact of sewer leakages on berg to Tübingen, where it fows into the river Neckar. At Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 Page 3 of 14

the time of sampling (July 18th, 2017), the Ammer River Table 1 Numbering and description of the sampling was mainly fed by karstic springs emerging from lime- locations, in accordance with Fig. 1 stone and gypsum aquifers and treated wastewater. All Index Sampling site location Geographic coordinates sampling sites are listed in Table 1. With a discharge of 1 Ammer source 48°35’03.4″N 8°51’17.7″E 0.40 m3 s−1 at the gauge Pfäfngen (sampling site 5), the 2 Pump station Herrenberg 48°35′02.7″N 8°51′48.5″E fow was below the average annual low fow (0.44 m3 s−1). Te pump station Herrenberg uses water from a lime- 3 Ammer upstream of WWTP 48°34′04.7″N 8°53′30.7″E stone spring for drinking water treatment. Five kilome- 4 Ammer downstream of WWTP 48°33′48.8″N 8°54′00.6″E ters downstream of the spring the Ammer River receives 5 Ammer downstream of Käsbach 48°31′34.7″N 8°57′50.9″E mouth efuent from the catchment’s largest WWTP [80,000 6 Ammer canal downstream of Mühl- 48°31′12.7″N 9°00′18.9″E PE (population equivalent)]. Te contribution of treated bach mouth wastewater at site 4 was estimated to be 81% based 7 Ammer canal 48°31′10.0″N 9°01′24.1″E on electrical conductivity measurements (see Addi- 8 Ammer canal at Nonnenhaus 48°31′17.9″N 9°03′20.2″E tional fle 1: Section S1 and Table S3). Te Ammer River 9 Ammer upstream of Goldersbach 48°31′37.7″N 9°04′28.8″E receives input from a second WWTP (9000 PE) located mouth between the villages Hailfngen and Tailfngen through G Kleiner Goldersbach creek 48°34′33.5″N 9°02′06.0″E the small Kochart Creek, which plays a minor role in SB W1 Schönbrunnen weir 1 48°32′37.1″N 8°57′54.3″E water and chemical input due to its size. SB W2 Schönbrunnen weir 2 48°32′21.4″N 8°57′41.9″E Six sampling sites along the main stem and three sam- MS Mühlbach source 48°31′04.8″N 8°58′43.3″E pling sites along the Ammer Canal were chosen to char- acterize and identify input sources that afect the water quality (Table 1, Fig. 1). Te samples were taken within 8 h along the fow direction, starting at the Ammer Chemical analysis source, in order to reduce the efects of transient fow. Target screening analysis of the sample extracts was Furthermore, samples were taken from the “Kleiner performed by liquid chromatography (Agilent 1290 LC) Goldersbach (G)”, a remote tributary within a nature coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (Agi- reserve that was expected to be unafected by domestic lent 6550 iFunnel Q-TOF-MS). Analyte separation was and industrial wastewaters, and the tributaries Schönb- achieved by an Agilent Poroshell 120 EC-C18 column runnen (SB) and Mühlbach (MS). (2.7 µm particle size, 4.6 × 150 mm) and a gradient program using water/acetonitrile both with 0.1% formic Sampling and sample preparation acid in the case of positive ESI or with 0.1% acetic acid Grab samples of water were collected at each sampling in the case of negative ESI. External calibration solu- site, from the middle of the water body at half depth on tions were prepared for identifcation and quantitation. July 18th 2017. Solid phase extraction (SPE) was used for Reference standard were frst measured in an analyte preconcentration. 500 mg Oasis HLB (waters) All-Ion Fragmentation (AIF) mode, which allows acqui- cartridges were preconditioned with 10 mL methanol sition of mass fragmentation data without precursor and 10 mL ethyl acetate. Two liters of river water from selection. Data analysis and evaluation were performed each sampling site were passed through the extraction by Mass Hunter Qualitative Analysis B.07.00 and Mass cartridges using a vacuum manifold ­(Phenomenex®). Hunter Quantitative Analysis software B.06.00 (Agi- After extraction, the sorbents were aspirated to dry- lent Technologies, CA, USA). Te data acquired by ness by vacuum and stored at − 20 °C until they were AIF were evaluated by the Find by Formula (FBF) algo- eluted with 10 mL methanol and 10 mL ethyl acetate. rithm to identify target compounds based on accurate Te eluates were combined and passed through a 0.2 µm mass, retention time and accurate mass fragments to polyethersulfone flter (PES, 0.2 µm, Agilent Captiva Pre- reduce the number of false positives. To assess matrix mium Syringe flter) to remove any remaining solid parti- efects on quantifcation, standard addition of all ana- cles. Subsequently, the extracts were reduced to dryness lytes at about 30 µg ­L−1 was used exemplarily for sam- by a gentle stream of nitrogen at 40 °C (Barkey Vapo- ples from sites 2 (pump station Herrenberg), 4 (Ammer therm basis mobil II) and reconstituted in methanol to downstream WWTP) and 8 (Ammer canal Nonnen- achieve an enrichment factor of 1000. Te extracts were haus). Signal suppression or enhancement of the target stored at − 20°C until measurement. To check for back- compounds in the Ammer main stem was calculated ground signals caused by the SPE procedure, a blank was and considered for quantifcation based on the follow- provided by extracting 2 L of MilliQ (Termo Fisher Sci- ing scheme: matrix efect of sample 2 was considered entifc, GenPure Pro UV-TOC). for samples 1, 2 and 3, matrix efect of sample 4 was Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 Page 4 of 14

Fig. 1 Catchments of the river Ammer (A) and its tributary Goldersbach (G). From source (cyan diamond at sampling site 1) to mouth (AM, cyan diamond downstream of sampling site 9), the Ammer River fows over 22 km; numbers in red circles indicate sampling sites (Table 1). Downstream of site 6 the Ammer bifurcates, only the Canal (purple line) was sampled. Before site 9, the canal and the stream merge again. The pie charts present the bioassay results at each sampling site and show the toxicological patterns (chart colors) and average cytotoxicity (chart size). The colors within the map illustrate urban areas (pale red), agricultural areas (yellow) and woodland (green)

considered for samples 4 and 5, and matrix efect of γ (PPARγ), a molecular target of several drugs that is sample 8 was considered for samples 6, 7, 8 and 9. involved in many cell metabolism pathways. Te AREc32 [28, 29] indicates the activation of the oxidative stress In vitro bioassays response triggered by stressors like electrophilic chemi- In this current study, seven in vitro reporter gene bio- cals or reactive oxygen species and is mediated via the assays covering nine diferent endpoints were applied antioxidant response element (ARE). (Table 2). Te ERα-GeneBLAzer [15], GR-GeneBLAzer Te experimental procedures of the bioassays are [27, 32], AR-GeneBLAzer [15, 33] and PR-GeneBLAzer described in [15, 30]. All were expressed [15, 34] are reporter gene cell lines that generate a hor- in units of relative enrichment factor (REF) which take mone receptor-mediated response when exposed to the enrichment by SPE and the dilution in the assay into chemicals that trigger the estrogen receptor (ERα), the account [6]. Te maximum concentration applied was androgen receptor (AR), the glucocorticoid receptor REF 100. (GR) and the progestagenic receptor (PR), respectively. Te AR-GeneBLAzer and PR-GeneBLAzer were also Data treatment and presentation measured in antagonistic mode to detect chemicals caus- ing suppression of the efect of an agonist added at a con- Te concentration-efect curve for cell viability was ft- stant concentration in the bioassay. Te AhR-CALUX ted with a log-sigmoidal model (Eq. 1), using slope of [31] mediates a measurable signal in the presence of the curve and the inhibitory concentration causing 50% chemicals having an afnity for the aryl hydrocarbon reduction in cell viability ­(IC50) as the ft parameters. 1 receptor (AhR), such as dioxin-like compounds. Te = Cell viability ·( − ) PPARγ-GeneBLAzer [30] responds to chemicals bind- 1 + 10slope logIC50 log concentration ing to the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (1) Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 Page 5 of 14

Table 2 Overview of the in vitro bioassays, endpoints, reference compounds, EC values and literature source of the methods [EC­ 10: Concentration causing 10% efect relative to the maximum triggered by a positive control (Eq. 3); EC­ IR1.5: Concentration causing an induction ratio of 1.5 (Eq. 4); EC­ SR0.2: Concentration causing a suppression ratio of 0.2 in the presence of the agonist (Eq. 5)] Assays Mode of action Reference compound EC value Reference method

ERα-GeneBLAzer Estrogenicity 17β-Estradiol (E2) EC10 [15]

GR-GeneBLAzer Glucocorticogenic activity Dexamethasone EC10 [27, 32]

AR-GeneBLAzer Androgenicity Metribolone (R1881) EC10 [15, 33]

Anti AR-GeneBLAzer Anti androgenicity Cyproterone acetate (antagonist) ECSR0.2 [15, 33] Metribolone R1881 (agonist)

PR-GeneBLAzer Progestagenic activity Promegestone EC10 [15, 34]

Anti PR-GeneBLAzer Anti progestagenic activity Mifepristone RU-486 (antagonist) ECSR0.2 [15, 34] Promegestone (agonist)

AREc32 Oxidative stress response (adaptive t-Butyl-hydroquinone (tBHQ) ECIR1.5 [28, 29] stress response)

PPARγ-GeneBLAzer Peroxisome proliferation activation Rosiglitazone EC10 [30]

AhR-CALUX Aryl hydrocarbon receptor induction 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) EC10 [31] with modifcations of [16]

Te concentration causing 10% cell death (IC­ 10) was Te standard errors (SE) of the ­EC10, ­ECIR1.5 and calculated according to Eq. (2). EC­ SR0.2 were calculated according to Eqs. (6), (7) and 1 10% (8). logIC = logIC − log 10 50 − 10% slope 100% 10% SE(EC ) = ∗ SE   10 2 slope (6) (2) slope For evaluation of the activation of the nuclear recep- tors and transcription factors, only concentrations 0.5 = ∗ below the IC­ for cytotoxicity were used. For the SE(ECIR1.5) SEslope 10 slope2 (7) antagonistic mode of the AR and PR assays, concentra- tions above the ­IC01 were excluded to avoid false-pos- itive antagonistic efects. Efect data above 40% or an 0.2 = ∗ induction ratio (IR) greater than 5 were also excluded SE(ECSR0.2) SEslope slope2 (8) to ensure linearity of the concentration-efect curves [9]. From the linear concentration-efect curves, the following efect concentrations (EC) were derived: Te ­IC10 and EC values were transformed into toxic the concentration causing 10% of the maximum efect units (TU) because TU can better visualize toxicity as ­(EC10, Eq. 3), the concentration causing an induction a high TU relates to a high efect. Te cytotoxicity of a ratio of 1.5 ­(ECIR1.5, Eq. 4) or the concentration caus- sample was expressed as ­TUcytotoxicity according to Eq. (9). ing 20% suppression of the efects elicited by a constant 1 concentration of the agonists R1881 (8.81·10−8 M) in TUcytotoxicity = IC10 (9) −9 i Anti-AR and promegestone (8.10·10 M) in Anti-PR ­(ECSR0.2, Eq. 5). 10% Te specifc efects of the bioassays (EC­ 10, ­ECIR1.5 and EC = 10 slope (3) ­ECSR0.2) were expressed as ­TUspecifc.efects (Eq. 10). 1 1 1 TUspecific effects = or or EC10 ECIR1.5 ECSR0.2 (10) 0.5 EC = IR1.5 slope (4) To achieve a measure comparable to other surface water case studies, the bioanalytical equivalent concen- 0.2 tration (BEQ) was calculated with Eq. (11): EC = SR0.2 slope (5) Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 Page 6 of 14

EC (reference) EC (reference) Te size of the pie charts represents the average cytotox- BEQ = 10 or IR1.5 EC10(sample) ECIR1.5(sample) icity (average TU­ cytotoxicity) of the samples and shows the ECSR0.2(reference) toxicological patterns by displaying the ­TUspecifc efects of or all tested bioassays (Eq. 10). Sampling site 4, downstream ECSR0.2(sample) (11) of the WWTP, revealed the highest average cytotoxicity Te error of the BEQ (SE(BEQ)) was calculated by error (average ­TUcytotoxicity) and dominated the toxicity pattern propagation with Eq. (12). of all downstream samples (sites 5–9). From site 5–9,

2 1 2 EC SE(BEQ) = SE(EC )2 + reference SE EC 2 (12) reference 2 sample  ECsample  ECsample      

Results only a slight decrease in the cytotoxicity (pie chart size), In vitro bioassays along with a rather marginally alteration of the efect Te concentrations causing cytotoxicity and efect pattern, was observed. In all agonistic assays, cytotox- ­IC10 and EC­ 10 in the in vitro bioassays are presented in icity and specifc efects decreased at site 5. Within the Table 3 and all concentration-efect curves, as well as the stretch from site 6–9, the PPARγ and AhR assays did not ­EC10 values of the reference compounds, are depicted show any distinct changes in their responses, while the in the Additional fle 1: Table S4 and Figures S1–S7, response of AR slightly decreased. Te assay for oxidative respectively. All agonistic endpoints except for the PR- stress response AREc32 was not triggered continuously GeneBLAzer were triggered by at least one of the tested downstream of the WWTP but led to slight changes in samples. Te bioassays indicative of the hormone recep- the overall efect pattern at sampling sites 5, 7 and 9. tors AR-GeneBLAzer and PR-GeneBLAzer were also After passing the WWTP, the toxicological pattern of the evaluated in antagonistic mode, i.e., in the presence of a Ammer River shifted and included the newly activated constant concentration of agonist causing approximately assays ER, GR and AR for hormonal efects. Tis clearly 80% of the maximum efect, but showed no antagonis- refects the input of estrogens and other hormones by tic efects (EC­ SR0.2) (Additional fle 1: Figures S3 and S4). the WWTP efuent. Te bioanalytical response of ERα- Te blank caused no measurable response in GeneBLAzer and GR-GeneBLAzer attenuated from site any assay (Additional fle 1: Figures S1–S7). Te PPARγ- 4 to 5 and only AR-GeneBLAzer was activated from site GeneBLAzer and AhR-CALUX were the most responsive 6 on. Although these seven bioassay covering diferent assays, with activation observed in all samples and at very toxicological pathways difer in sensitivity, it becomes low ­EC10 values for the samples from sites 4 to 9 (appear- apparent how important it is to combine diferent assays ing at a REF 1 to 6) compared to all other bioassays. indicative of diferent endpoints to cover the largest pos- At site 1, no cytotoxicity was observed up to the high- sible number of organic micropollutants governing the est tested REF of 100 with low efects in PPARy-Gene- water quality. Besides the main stem of the Ammer River, BLAzer and AhR-CALUX. At site 2, with the exception the samples from the tributaries Schönbrunnen (SB) and of AhR-CALUX, all assays caused 10% cell death within Mühlbach (MS) were measured as well, for detailed loca- the applied concentration range. With the exception of tion see Table 1. Teir efect patterns clearly difer from AR-GeneBLAzer and PPARγ-GeneBLAzer, cytotoxicity those of the main stem, which identifed the WWTP as was detected in all assays along with low efects in ERα- the dominant parameter determining the toxicologi- GeneBLAzer, AREc32, PPARγ-GeneBLAzer and AhR- cal profle of the Ammer River, see Fig. 1. Te small and CALUX at site 3, upstream of the WWTP. Te samples remote Kleiner Goldersbach (G) creek located in the taken downstream of the WWTP at site 4 showed cyto- Schönbuch nature reserve was sampled as a potential toxicity and activation in all agonistic assays, except for control site. Although this creek is unafected by domes- PR-GeneBLAzer, and yielded the lowest IC­ 10 and EC­ 10 tic and industrial wastewaters, the impact of forest activi- values of all samples from the Ammer River. Tis is not ties and ubiquitous dry and wet deposition needs to be surprising as this WWTP efuent was already shown to considered. Te bioassays revealed that cytotoxicity was have a distinct impact on the water quality of the Ammer similar to the Ammer River at sites 6–9, but with a dif- River in an earlier study [35]. To gain a better understand- ferent efect pattern. Te most responsive bioassays ing of the overall toxicological profle of the Ammer River, were PPARγ-GeneBLAzer, AhR-CALUX and AREc32. the results of the in vitro bioassays are visualized as pie Furthermore, the Kleiner Goldersbach creek caused the charts integrated into the map of the catchment (Fig. 1). highest response in the AREc32 assay. Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 Page 7 of 14 ± SE

± 0.29 ± 0.32 ± 0.49 ± 0.51 ± 0.21 ± 0.81 ± 1.7 ± 0.48 ± 1.8 ± 1.9 ± 0.9 ± 2.6 ± 1.5 10 4.17 4.74 5.77 5.75 3.94 2.02 24.5 8.41 21.3 26.2 23.4 35.0 24.3 EC ± 27.8 ± 21.9 ± 17.7 ± 6.6 ± 26.5 ± 12.1 ± SE

10 – 65.5 61.9 – 54.2 31.7 – 74.0 – – – – AhR IC 53.1 0.67 ± SE

± ± 0.28 ± 0.31 ± 0.24 ± 0.29 ± 0.29 ± 0.07 ± 0.8 ± 0.29 ± 2.7 ± 0.6 ± 2.3 ± 24.2 10 8.31 4.47 4.87 4.60 4.92 5.00 1.06 15.1 6.82 36.4 13.2 27.3 89.5 EC ± 10.6 ± 7.0 ± 3.8 ± 7.1 ± 5.2 ± 12.3 ± 1.69 ± 9.7 ± SE

10 34.5 32.1 22.0 53.3 30.0 48.9 5.41 – – – 59.0 – – PPARy IC ± SE

± 1.1 ± 2.2 ± 1.5 ± 1.6 ± 2.0 ± 2.2 ± 6.7 IR1.5 19.5 24.8 > 13 20.7 > 14 23.0 > 5 – 33.7 37.9 – 57.6 – EC ± 4.3 ± 4.3 ± 1.9 ± 4.6 ± 3.0 ± 2.9 ± 1.22 ± 6.6 ± 4.2 ± SE

10 22.5 37.9 13.6 23.8 14.9 32.4 5.45 – 64.0 – 24.5 – – AREc32 IC ± SE

10 – – – – – – > 9 – – – – – – EC ± 3.9 ± 5.8 ± 3.5 ± 3.0 ± 7.1 ± 2.3 ± 0.61 ± 6.5 ± 6.9 ± 29.0 ± 5.1 ± SE

10 19.1 40.2 31.5 18.9 40.7 12.1 9.67 – 30.7 19.5 82.4 17.9 – PR IC ± SE

± 3.2 ± 2.8 ± 1.7 ± 1.2 ± 0.9 ± 0.18 10 > 81 46.4 52.1 43.5 35.7 34.1 8.22 – – – – – – EC ± 17.0 ± 11.1 ± 10.2 ± 12.9 ± 0.1 ± 14.7 ± 6.2 ± 9.1 ± SE

10 ) values in REF) values units of the samples from site 1 to 9, the tributariesW1 and SBW2) Schönbrunnen (SB 81.1 58.8 54.2 62.8 54.5 45.6 19.3 – – – 71.8 – – AR IC 10 (EC ± SE

± 0.21 10 – > 32 > 31 > 16 > 14 > 12 4.14 – – – – – – EC ± 2.8 ± 4.0 ± 4.2 ± 1.4 ± 1.3 ± 1.1 ± 0.64 ± 5.8 ± 8.1 ± 10.7 ± 5.3 ± SE

10 17.3 32.2 31.3 16.3 14.1 11.5 7.18 – 29.6 28.1 61.2 18.7 – GR IC ± SE

± 1.1 ± 0.13 ± 6.0 ± 1.0 ± 4.4 10 ) and efect ­ concentration – > 16 > 15 > 27 > 13 15.3 3.09 68.3 37.9 – – 48.0 – EC 10 ­ (IC ± 1.5 ± 2.0 ± 2.4 ± 7.7 ± 1.6 ± 2.1 ± 0.47 ± 7.2 ± 8.7 ± SE

10 16.9 16.6 15.3 27.5 13.7 17.4 4.84 – 40.4 – 42.1 – – ER IC Cytotoxicity Cytotoxicity 3 G 9 8 7 6 5 4 MS 3 SB W2 2 SB W1 1 Table Sampling sites and Mühlbach (MS) in the Ammer catchment and site G in the Goldersbach catchment measured in the diferent in vitro bioassays in vitro in the diferent measured G in the Goldersbach and site catchment catchment and Mühlbach (MS) in the Ammer Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 Page 8 of 14

In some samples, no specifc efects were observed, for herbicide metabolite atrazine-desethyl were detected. instance in the PR assay (see Table 3), but the ­IC10 val- Except for atrazine-desethyl and bentazone, all target ues could still be derived within the applied concentra- compounds occurred downstream of the WWTP at tion range of REF 0.1 to 100. Tis turns cytotoxicity into sites 4 to 9. Eight pharmaceuticals including metoprolol an additional and valuable measure in evaluating changes acid representing the most abundant class of substances in the water quality within a stream such as the Ammer with a concentration range between 0.26 and 1.9 µg L−1. River. Only hydrochlorothiazide, a diuretic and antihyperten- sive drug, occurred at a concentration above 1 µg L−1. Chemical analysis With the exception of atrazine-desethyl and bentazone, A total of 79 compounds were selected based on their the maximum concentration levels of the 19 remain- environmental relevance, suitability as indicator chemi- ing analytes were detected at site 4 and showed a more cals and occurrence in previous studies [1, 36], including or less decreasing trend between sites 4 and 6. Lamo- 50 substances present in European River systems with trigine, irbesartan, sulfamethoxazole, and carbamazepine hazard quotients > 10−4 as estimated by Busch et al. [37]. showed rather constant concentration levels between Te hazard quotient is defned as the quotient of a meas- sites 6 and 9 indicating a rather conservative behavior ured environmental concentration and an efect concen- along this river stretch. Hydrochlorothiazide, tramadol, tration (EC). venlafaxine, thiamethoxam, sotalol, and acetaminophen In the samples taken at sites 1 to 9 of the Ammer showed a decreasing trend between sites 4 and 9, which River and the tributaries Schönbrunnen (SB) and Müh- indicates compound attenuation. Other compounds lbach (MS), 21 out of the 79 target analytes could be like oxcarbazepine, isoproturon, trimethoprim, fucona- detected in at least one sample and these were assigned zole, gabapentin, atenolol, and metronidazole were only to the concentration classes shown in Fig. 2 (concentra- detected at site 4. A few pharmaceuticals (hydrochlo- tions are given in Additional fle 1: Table S5). Among rothiazide, lamotrigine, carbamazepine and acetami- them, 14 pharmaceuticals (including three commonly nophen), bentazone, and atrazine-desethyl also occurred applied antibiotics: sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, upstream of the WWTP, indicating further input sources. metronidazole), the pharmaceutical metabolite metopro- Except for atrazine-desethyl, none of the target chemicals lol acid, the insecticide thiamethoxam, four herbicides were detected in the tributaries SB and MS. (isoproturon, fuconazole, diuron, bentazone), and the

Fig. 2 Detected target pollutants from sampling sites 1 to 9 along the Ammer River, the tributaries Schönbrunnen (SB) and Mühlbach (MS) 1 and from one sample of the Kleiner Goldersbach (G) creek. The concentration of hydrochlorothiazide at site 4 was 1.9 µg L− which exceeds the concentration scale and is colored in dark red Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 Page 9 of 14

Discussion Previous work identifed similar ranges in the Danube −1 Evaluation of bioassay results with efect‑based trigger River, where the rosglitazone-EQ was 67 ngrosiglitazone L values and benchmarking against other water samples at a site where untreated wastewater was introduced, but To evaluate the mixture risk of the Ammer River, the a value far below the EBT was observed a couple of km BEQ values for each sample in each bioassay were cal- up- and downstream of the discharge site [15]. culated (Additional fle 1: Table S6) and compared to Te BEQs in the AhR-CALUX assay were presented other studies on wastewater and surface water, as well in an earlier study as benzo(a)pyrene equivalents (B(a) as to tentative efect-based trigger values (EBT) for sur- P-EQ) and the EBT-B(a)P-EQ for surface water was pro- face water. Te EBTs were derived from Environmental posed as 6.36 ng L−1. Tis EBT is much smaller than any Quality Standards (EQS) of the European Union by read B(a)P-EQ encountered in this study (Additional fle 1: across and mixture toxicity considerations [38]. Tese Table S6). An earlier study on the treatment efcacy of EBTs represent levels of efect that diferentiate accept- conventional and intensifed treatment wetlands reported −1 able from unacceptable water quality and can, there- a B(a)P-EQ of 130 ngB(a)P L for an WWTP efuent at fore, serve to estimate the environmental risk of organic the same time of the year as the current study (July) [16], micropollutants in water. Te EBTs listed in Additional which is higher than what we detected in the sample of fle 1: Table S4 are preliminary as they were derived site 4, downstream of the WWTP. from an insufcient dataset in some cases, but at least In summary, site 4 with the highest BEQs in all bioas- for the estrogenic efect they provide a fairly robust esti- says, except for AREc32, would not comply with the pro- mate [38]. Te estradiol equivalent concentrations EEQ posed EBTs for estrogenicity, and activation of PPARγ −1 directly downstream of the WWTP, 2.19 ng­ E2 L at site and AhR. Tis is not astonishing given that 81% of the −1 4 and 0.44 ngE2 ­L at site 5, exceeded the proposed EBT- water volume at site 4 stemmed from the WWTP (Addi- −1 EEQ of 0.34 ­ngE2 L for the ERα-GeneBLAzer assay by tional fle 1: Section S1). factors of 6.4 and 1.3, respectively. Te EEQ-level was of no concern in all tributaries, and downstream of site Chemical analysis 5 the estrogenic efect was masked by cytotoxicity. Te In the sample of the Ammer source, only the herbicide EEQs in the river were similar to those for agricultural bentazone and the metabolite atrazine-desethyl were and WWTP impacted surface waters in Australia [39]. detected among all target compounds. Te occurrence Another Australian river in South East Queensland was of the pharmaceuticals hydrochlorothiazide, lamotrigine, characterized by EEQ values that were up to a factor of 6 and carbamazepine at site 2, downstream of the pump lower than measured downstream of the WWTP in the station in Herrenberg, and furthermore acetaminophen Ammer River [9]. at site 3 indicates the impact of wastewater, for example, No EBT could be derived for the GR assay because from contaminated groundwater from the city of Her- none of the regulated chemicals in the EU were active in renberg, storm water overfows or leaking sewers that this assay and, hence, there were no EQS available for the are installed parallel to the Ammer. Interestingly, the read across. Jia et al. [40] derived bioanalytical equivalent herbicide diuron was detected only at and downstream concentrations based on dexamethasone as the reference of site 4 at concentrations up to 8 ng L−1, indicating its compound (Dexa-EQ) in the GR-GeneBLAzer of 39 to use in urban areas presumably for protection of facades −1 155 ­ngdexamethasone L for four WWTP efuents in the and other construction materials. Its use as a herbicide in US, which is within the same range as the value measured agriculture is no longer authorized by the German gov- downstream of the WWTP at site 4. ernment since 2008 [41]. However, atrazine-desethyl, the For AREc32, the preliminary EBT was based on dichlo- major degradation product of atrazine, was measured at −1 −1 rvos with an EBT-dichlorvos-EQ of 156 µgdichlorvos L . concentrations ranging from 2 to 3 ng L in the main All samples tested here would have been compliant with stem and 33 to 56 ng L−1 in the tributaries Schönbrunnen this EBT for oxidative stress response. Te dichlorvos- (SB) and Mühlbach (MS). Atrazine, which was banned in EQs detected in this study were also substantially lower the European Union in 2004 [42], was not detected in any than in previous studies on WWTPs and surface water sample. Te relatively higher concentrations of atrazine- [9, 16, 28]. desethyl in the tributaries, which are located in agricul- For PPARγ-GeneBLAzer, the proposed EBT-rosglita- tural areas, point to the previous use of atrazine at these −1 zone-EQ was 36 ngrosiglitazone L . While the Ammer River sites. As atrazine-desethyl was the only target compound at site 3, upstream of the WWTP, complied with this EBT, detected in the tributaries SB and MS, no major impact all sites in the Ammer River downstream of the WWTP by agriculture on the water quality of the Ammer River is were just around the EBT, with only samples SB W1 and concluded. None of the detected chemicals listed in the SB W2 and G being lower than the EBT-rosglitazone-EQ. Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 Page 10 of 14

Water Framework Directive [4] (bentazone, diuron, iso- respectively (Fig. 3). Both TRA and SOT are less stable proturon) exceeded the EQS. than CAR and SUL but stable enough to pass the distance To refect changes of the water quality along the River from sampling site 6 to 9 without any further dissipa- Ammer, fve pharmaceuticals, carbamazepine (CAR), tion. VEN is even better degradable and dissipates faster sulfamethoxazole (SUL), tramadol (TRA), sotalol (SOT) from the water phase than all other indicator chemicals and venlafaxine (VEN), were selected as indicator chemi- (Fig. 3). Terefore, TRA and SOT can be considered as cals with WWTP efuents as predominant input source. degradable tracer compounds in this study, indicating Teir concentrations along the river relative to their max- potential in-stream attenuation processes. imum concentration, expressed as Ci/Cmax, are depicted in Fig. 3. CAR and SUL were selected as indicators for Comparison of chemical analysis and bioassays dilution processes, because both are expected to show a Similar to the results from the bioassays, the target rather conservative behavior in surface water. CAR shows screening also identifed the WWTP in the Ammer River environmental persistence, high water and as a dominant source of pollutants considerably afecting negligible sorption to the sediment [43]. Te antibiotic the river water quality. Te information obtained from SUL is rather stable during wastewater treatment and the list of detected target compounds and the efects against photodegradation under neutral pH conditions found by bioassays are complementary. For example, no [44] and it also prevents bacterial growth [45]. Figure 3 hormones or nonpolar compounds detectable by the bio- shows a signifcant decrease of 63 and 55% of CAR and assays ER, GR, AR, PR and AhR have been included in SUL, respectively, between sites 4 and 6 indicating dilu- the target screening. Herbicides from the target list are, tion processes within this stretch under the assumption on the contrary, not detected specifcally by the bioas- of a more or less constant input function over time if not says. Moreover, none of the target compounds were the same parcel of water is sampled. Further downstream found in the Kleiner Goldersbach even though the bioas- of site 6 towards the river mouth the concentrations of says revealed that cytotoxicity was similar to the Ammer CAR and SUL are rather unchanged (− 3 and + 2%, River, which underlines the complementarity of both respectively) suggesting no further dilution or additional approaches. sources. Te drug TRA is rather persistent but mod- Te average cytotoxicity of all bioassays (average erately photolabile [46], whereas SOT is prone to slow ­TUcytotoxicity) at each sampling site was plotted together biodegradation, hydrolysis and indirect photolysis [47, with the fve indicator chemicals in Fig. 3. Interestingly, 48]. Between sites 4 and 6, the concentrations of TRA the cytotoxicity curve aligns between CAR and SOT; and SOT drop faster than CAR and SUL by 87 and 78%, thus, the decrease in cytotoxicity between sites 4 and 6

TUcytotoxicity Venlafaxine Carbamazepine Tramadol Sulfamethoxazole Sotalol 1.0 1.0 ma x /C i cytotoxicit y C TU 0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0 123456789 Fig. 3 Concentrations of carbamazepine (CAR), sulfamethoxazole (SUL), tramadol (TRA), sotalol (SOL) and venlafaxine (VEN) and the cytotoxicity

expressed as ­TUcytotoxicity relative to the maximum concentration and maximum cytotoxicity, respectively, along the Ammer River Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 Page 11 of 14

(69%) can be mainly attributed to dilution efects. Fur- high dilution factor [15]; in the Ammer, the impact of thermore, similar to the indicator chemicals, the cytotox- the WWTP was still noticeable at a few sampling sites icity remains rather stable from site 6 to 9. Further work below the infow. Despite being situated in an active is required to show whether the changes in the toxicolog- agricultural area, this study has not registered a major ical profle or the average cytotoxicity, both of which are chemical impact from agriculture. Tis might be par- surrogates for the chemical burden, can be explained by tially due to sampling in late summer after the end of the use of indicator chemicals. the major spraying activities but also because the bio- assays targeted more efuent-derived micropollutants. Conclusions Herbicide- and insecticide-specifc bioassays should Both approaches, in vitro bioassays and targeted chemi- complement the test battery for a better diferentiation cal analysis, identifed the WWTP as a major input between urban and agricultural impact. source of organic micropollutants dominantly infuenc- Additional fle ing the water quality of the Ammer River. Hence, this method could also be used to characterize the impact Additional fle 1: Table S1. Usage, CAS-number, vendor and detection and infuence of WWTP efuents and possibly also agri- limit in ng L­ -1 of the detected target analytes of Table S3. Table S2. Target analytes that were included in the analytical method but not detected at cultural and industrial activities on a catchment in sur- sampling sites 1 to 9, the tributaries Schönbrunnen and Mühlbach, the veillance monitoring. Further, the application of tentative Goldersbach and the SPE blank. Section S1. Estimation of the contribu- EBTs forms an innovative way to account for mixture tion of treated wastewater at site 4. Table S3. Electrical conductivity, toxicity and toxicologically relevant pollutants that are temperature (T) and pH of sampling site 3, 4 and the WWTP efuent. Table S4. ­EC10 values of the used reference compounds in all agonistic not regulated yet. bioassays. Proposed efect-based trigger values EBT-BEQ from Escher et al. Specifcally, the combination of target analysis and [1]. Figure S1. Concentration-efect curves of all measured samples, SPE blank and the reference compound 17β-estradiol in the ER assay. Figure in vitro bioassays uncovered (1) a reduction in cyto- S2. Concentration-efect curves of all measured samples, SPE blank and toxic potential between sampling site 4 and 6 mainly the reference compound dexamethasone in the GR assay. Figure S3. attributed to dilution by additional water inputs, (2) no Concentration-efect curves of all measured samples, SPE blank and the reference compounds R1881 and cyproterone acetate in agonistic substantial dilution and only little or no loss occurred and antagonistic mode in the AR assay. Figure S4. Concentration-efect between sampling sites 6 and 9, suggesting that (3) the curves of all measured samples, SPE blank and the reference compounds consistent efect patterns and cytotoxic potential at the promegestone and RU486 in agonistic and antagonistic mode in the PR assay. Figure S5. Concentration-efect curves of all measured samples, sampling sites 6, 7, 8 and 9 was primarily caused by the solvent blank and the reference compound tBHQ in the AREc32 assay. discharge of poorly degradable substances from the Figure S6. Concentration-efect curves of all measured samples, SPE WWTP. Tis study showed the combination of these blank and the reference compound rosiglitazone in the PPARγ assay. Fig‑ ure S7. Concentration-efect curves of all measured samples, SPE blank two complementary approaches to be a suitable way to and the reference compound TCDD in the AhR assay. Table S5. Detected identify input sources of organic micropollutants and target analytes and measured concentrations in ng L­ -1 at sampling sites to trace changes in the water quality along the Ammer 1 to 9 of the Ammer main stem, the tributaries Schönbrunnen (SB W1 and SB W2) and Mühlbach (MS), the Goldersbach (G) and the SPE blank. River. Furthermore, the implementation of this com- Table S6. BEQ values of all sampling sites in the agonistic bioassays. bined approach into comprehensive, mass fux-based investigations of reactive transport may be promising to further elucidate and distinguish between difer- Abbreviations ent in-stream transformation and loss processes. Te AhR: aryl hydrocarbon receptor; AIF: All-Ion Fragmentation; AM: Ammer mouth; Anti-AR: anti androgenicity; Anti-PR: anti progestagenic activity; AR: Ammer river is a 4th order stream with an extraordi- androgen receptor; B(a)P-EQ: benzo(a)pyrene equivalent concentration; narily high base fow. Hence, the water quality situation BEQ: bioanalytical equivalent concentration; CAR​: carbamazepine; Dexa- is very much dependent on local and possibly highly EQ: dexamethasone equivalent; dichlorvos-EQ: dichlorvos equivalent; EBT: efect-based trigger value; EC: efect concentration; EEQ: estradiol equivalent fuctuating inputs. It is likely that seasonal changes will concentration; EQS: environmental quality standard; ER: estrogen receptor; ESI: impact on the input of pesticides and the WWTP efu- electrospray ionization; FBF: Find by Formula; GR: glucocorticoid receptor; IC: ent may have a higher contribution to the overall fow inhibitory concentration; IR: induction ratio; LC/MS: liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry; LC–HRMS: liquid chromatography–high resolution mass under dry summer conditions. Such seasonal efects spectrometry; MS: Mühlbach source; PE: population equivalent; PES: poly- will be investigated in future studies. Benchmarking ethersulfone; PPARγ: peroxisome proliferator activated receptor; PR: progester- against other surface water studies and comparison one receptor; Q-TOF-MS: quadrupole time-of-fight mass spectrometry; R1881: metribolone; REF: relative enrichment factor; rosglitazone-EQ: rosglitazone with tentative EBTs already provides an indication that equivalent concentration; SB: Schönbrunnen; SE: standard error; SOT: sotalol; we need to pay more attention to lower order streams SPE: solid phase extraction; SR: suppression ratio; SUL: sulfamethoxazole; because unlike in large higher order streams like the TCDD: 2,3,4,7-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; TRA​: tramadol; TU: toxic unit; VEN: venlafaxine; W: weir; WWTP: wastewater treatment plant. Danube river, where even the release of untreated sew- age hardly results in the exceedance of EBTs due to the Müller et al. Environ Sci Eur (2018) 30:20 Page 12 of 14

Authors’ contributions 3. Heeb F, Singer H, Pernet-Coudrier B, Qi W, Liu H, Longrée P, Müller B, Berg MEM conducted the study including sampling, sample preparation, chemical M (2012) Organic micropollutants in rivers downstream of the megacity analysis, evaluation of the bioassay results, interpretation of data and the Beijing: sources and mass fuxes in a large-scale wastewater irrigation initial design of all fgures. He is the main author of the manuscript, gave his system. Environ Sci Technol 46:8680–8688. https​://doi.org/10.1021/es301​ fnal approval of the version to be published and agreed to be accountable 912q for all aspects of the work. BIE made substantial contributions to conception 4. European Commission (2013) Directive 2013/39/EU of the European and design, bioassay measurements and analysis and interpretation of data, Parliament and the Council amending Directives 2000/60/EC and including the initial design of all fgures. She was involved in drafting the 2008/105/EC as regards priority substances in the feld of water policy. L manuscript, gave her fnal approval of the version to be published and agreed 226/1-L226/17 to be accountable for all aspects of the work. MS made substantial contribu- 5. Brack W, Dulio V, Ågerstrand M, Allan I, Altenburger R, Brinkmann M, tions to sampling, acquisition and interpretation of data. He was involved in Bunke D, Burgess RM, Cousins I, Escher BI, Hernández FJ, Hewitt LM, revising the manuscript critically for important intellectual content, gave his Hilscherová K, Hollender J, Hollert H, Kase R, Klauer B, Lindim C, Herráez fnal approval of the version to be published and agreed to be accountable DL, Miège C, Munthe J, O’Toole S, Posthuma L, Rüdel H, Schäfer RB, Sengl for all aspects of the work. MW made all contributions to the chemical analysis M, Smedes F, van de Meent D, van den Brink PJ, van Gils J, van Wezel AP, and interpretation of data. She was involved in revising the manuscript criti- Vethaak AD, Vermeirssen E, von der Ohe PC, Vrana B (2017) Towards the cally for important intellectual content, gave her fnal approval of the version review of the European Union Water Framework Directive: recommen- to be published and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work. CZa dations for more efcient assessment and management of chemical made a contribution to conception, design and interpretation of data. She contamination in European surface water resources. Sci Tot Environ was involved in revising the manuscript critically for important intellectual 576:720–737. https​://doi.org/10.1016/j.scito​tenv.2016.10.104 content, gave her fnal approval of the version to be published and agreed to 6. Escher BI, Leusch F (2012) Bioanalytical tools in water quality assessment. be accountable for all aspects of the work. CZw made substantial contribu- IWA publishing, London tions to conception and design, chemical analysis and interpretation of data. 7. Maruya KA, Dodder NG, Mehinto AC, Denslow ND, Schlenk D, Snyder SA, He was involved in drafting the manuscript, gave his fnal approval of the ver- Weisberg SB (2016) A tiered, integrated biological and chemical monitor- sion to be published and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work. ing framework for contaminants of emerging concern in aquatic ecosys- All authors read and approved the fnal manuscript. tems. Integr Environ Assess Manag 12:540–547. https​://doi.org/10.1002/ ieam.1702 Author details 8. 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