Receiver Bias Estimation and Comparison URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (2017) with Ground-Based Observations C
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PUBLICATIONS Radio Science RESEARCH ARTICLE Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe Ionospheric Radio 10.1002/2017RS006453 Occultation Measurements at High Latitudes: Special Section: Receiver Bias Estimation and Comparison URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (2017) With Ground-Based Observations C. Watson1,2 , R. B. Langley3 , D. R. Themens4 , A. W. Yau2 , A. D. Howarth2 , Key Points: and P. T. Jayachandran4 • GAP-O provides high-resolution radio occultation and topside TEC 1COSMIC Program Office, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA, 2Department of Physics and measurements of the ionosphere, 3 primarily at northern high latitudes Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, • GAP-O receiver bias estimates are in University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 4Physics Department, University of New Brunswick, the range of -40 to -28 TECU, with a Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada long-term decrease in bias magnitude and day-to-day variability • F region ionospheric density profiles Abstract This paper presents validation of ionospheric Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation retrieved from inversion of occultation fi TEC correlate well with ISR and measurements of the GPS Attitude, Positioning, and Pro ling Experiment occultation receiver (GAP-O). GAP is ionosonde measurements one of eight instruments comprising the Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP) instrument suite on board the Cascade Smallsat and Ionospheric Polar Explorer (CASSIOPE) satellite. One of the main error sources for certain GAP-O data products is the receiver differential code bias (rDCB). A minimization of standard Correspondence to: deviations (MSD) technique has shown the most promise for rDCB estimation, with estimates ranging À C. Watson, primarily from À40 to À28 total electron content units (TECU = 1016 el m 2; 21.6 to 15.1 ns), including a [email protected] long-term decrease in rDCB magnitude and variability over the first 3 years of instrument operation. In application of the MSD method, the sensitivity of bias estimates to ionospheric shell height are as large as Citation: 4.5 TECU per 100 km. MSD calculations also agree well with the “assumption of zero topside TEC” method for Watson, C., Langley, R. B., Themens, D. R., rDCB estimate at satellite apogee. Bias-corrected topside TEC of GAP-O was validated by statistical Yau, A. W., Howarth, A. D., & Jayachandran, P. T. (2018). Enhanced comparison with topside TEC obtained from ground-based GPS TEC and ionosonde measurements. Although Polar Outflow Probe ionospheric radio GAP-O and ground-based topside TEC had similar variability, GAP-O consistently underestimated the occultation measurements at high ground-derived topside TEC by up to 7 TECU. Ionospheric electron density profiles obtained from Abel latitudes: Receiver bias estimation and comparison with ground-based inversion of GAP-O occultation TEC showed good agreement with F region densities of ground-based observations. Radio Science, 53, incoherent scatter radar measurements. Comparison of GAP-O and ionosonde measurements revealed 166–182. correlation coefficients of 0.78 and 0.79, for peak F region density and altitude, respectively. 2017RS006453 Received 7 SEP 2017 1. Introduction Accepted 5 JAN 2018 Accepted article online 8 JAN 2018 The GPS Attitude, Position, and Profiling (GAP) instrument (Kim & Langley, 2010) is one of the eight instru- Published online 6 FEB 2018 ments comprising the Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP) instrument payload on board the Cascade Smallsat and Ionospheric Polar Explorer (CASSIOPE) satellite launched on 29 September 2013. e-POP was designed to study solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes and ionospheric dynamics in the polar regions (Yau & James, 2015). CASSIOPE was launched into an elliptical low Earth orbit (LEO) with an initial perigee of 325 km, initial apogee of 1,490 km, inclination of 81°, and orbital period of ~100 min. Orbit perigee and apogee have decreased to ~322 km and ~1,319 km, respectively, as of April 2017. The high-inclination, elliptical orbit of CASSIOPE, combined with the high-data-rate (20–100 Hz) GAP occultation (GAP-O) receiver, provides unique radio occultation (RO) and topside observations of the high-latitude iono- sphere, including the characteristics of small-scale plasma irregularities in the polar and auroral regions (Shume et al., 2015). Satellite and receiver hardware differential code biases (DCBs) are one of the main error sources in the retrie- val of absolute total electron content (TEC) from GPS observables (Hâkansson et al., 2017). There are well- established methods for DCB determination using ground-based receiver networks and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s (JPL) Global Ionospheric Map (GIM) (Komjathy et al., 2005) that, for LEO purposes, provide reli- able GPS satellite DCB (sDCB) estimates. These techniques are unsuitable for LEO receiver DCB (receiver dif- ©2018. American Geophysical Union. ferential code bias, rDCB) determination due to the fast-moving satellite that samples multiple ionospheric All Rights Reserved. regions in a short time period; the high multipath LEO environment, which renders assumptions based on WATSON ET AL. 166 Radio Science 10.1002/2017RS006453 a low-multipath environment invalid; and their reliance on cross correlation of multiple receiver measure- ments of the same ionospheric region, which is not available to a single LEO receiver. Techniques for estimat- ing rDCBs at LEO require a more “self-reliant” approach and one that accounts for highly variable global ionospheric conditions not fully captured in models such as GIM and the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI). The “least squares (LSQ)” and “zero-TEC” methods have been applied in rDCB estimation for LEO missions such as FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC, CHAMP, and GRACE (Stephens et al., 2011; Zhong, Jiuhou, & Xinan, 2016). For one month (October 2010) of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC observations, Stephens et al. (2011) found that the zero-TEC method produced rDCB estimates of 18 to 21 total electron content units À (TECU = 1016 el m 2), 11 to 13 TECU, and 29 to 32 TECU for COSMIC 1, 4, and 6 satellites, respectively. They estimated that the uncertainty of daily rDCB values was 2.9 TECU (1.6 ns), primarily due to multipath and phase-leveling errors. Zhong, Jiuhou, and Xinan (2016) used zero-TEC and LSQ methods to estimate receiver biases of À25 to À14 TECU for CHAMP, À59 to À49 TECU for GRACE, À43 to À38 TECU for TerraSAR-X, À8 to 10 TECU for SAC-C, 11 to 16 TECU for MetOp-A, and À5 to 3 TECU for Jason 1. The large range of bias values for each mission is mostly due to long-term trends. For the LSQ method, the authors pro- vided daily average root-mean-square errors of 0.08 to 0.87 TECU but did not provide uncertainty estimates for either technique. Estimation of the GAP-O receiver bias presents a unique challenge due to the highly elliptical CASSIOPE orbit and intermittent availability of GAP-O measurements (typically 0.5–3 h per day). The objective of this paper is to provide a reliable estimate of GAP-O receiver bias and to assess the accuracy and reliability of GAP-O topside TEC and RO density profile data products. Daily estimates of GAP-O receiver bias from “minimization of standard deviations” and zero-TEC methods are presented. GAP-O topside TEC measurements were compared with topside TEC calculated from ground-based ionosonde and GPS TEC measurements. GAP-O electron density profiles derived from inversion of RO TEC were compared with inco- herent scatter radar (ISR) measurements at midlatitudes and auroral latitudes. In addition, high-latitude GAP- O peak F region density (NmF2) and height (hmF2) parameters were compared with ground-based ionosonde and digisonde measurements. Shume et al. (2017) compared low-latitude to midlatitude GAP-O electron density profiles with electron densities of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC, ground ionosondes, and the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI). 2. GAP-O Measurements GAP consists of five NovAtel OEM4-G2L dual-frequency GPS receivers for tracking GPS broadcasts at L1 (1,575.42 MHz) and L2 (1,227.60 MHz) frequencies. The single GAP-O receiver is fed by an antiram facing modified NovAtel GPS-702 pinwheel antenna, while the remaining four receivers are fed by zenith-facing patch antennas and make up the GAP components used for navigation and attitude determination (GAP- A). GAP-O records L1 and L2 pseudorange and carrier phase observables at a rate of 20 Hz, 50 Hz, or 100 Hz, depending on the specific experiments and science operations scheduled, as well as the available telemetry bandwidth. GAP RINEX files are currently available at Code- and phase-derived slant TEC (referred to as TEC in this paper) were computed from the relative delays of received pseudorange and carrier phase signals. The algorithm of Blewitt (1990) was applied for cycle slip detection and correction, which uses wide-lane and ionospheric linear combinations. The phase-leveling algorithm of Stephens et al. (2011) was used to compute the relative (biased) carrier phase TEC. This algo- rithm was designed for LEO and applies a leveling function that is weighted based on the noise and multi- path effects present in the pseudorange measurements. Under the premise that the multipath distributes the measured differential pseudorage around the ionospheric delay, the weighting function for each TEC arc is defined as the normal distribution of the differential (L1-L2) pseudorange multipath. For calculating the leveling constant in the phase-leveling algorithm, this weighting function essentially assigns less influ- ence to pseudorange observations that contain multipath further from the mean of the multipath distribu- tion. Monthly pseudorange (P1-C1) and daily interfrequency (P1-P2) GPS satellite DCBs (e.g., Sanz et al., 2017) were obtained from the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) database of the University of Bern (