PLANETARIAN Journal of the International Planetarium Society Vol
PLANETARIAN Journal of the International Planetarium Society Vol. 31, No.2, June 2002 Articles 4 Gender and American Planetarium Community ..... Jordan Marche II 9 Goodbye to Griffith ................................................................ Ivan Dryer Features 18 Reviews ............................... ~ ............................................... April S. Whitt 23 International News ............................................................. Lars Broman 29 NASA Space Science News ............................................... Anita Sohus 31 Focus on Education .................. Kathy Michaels & Francine Jackson 32 President's Message ..................................................... Martin Ratcliffe 33 Mobile News Network ..................................................... Susan Button 41 What's New ........................................................................... Jim Manning 45 Gibbous Gazette .............................................................. James Hughes 48 Last Light ................................................................................ April Whitt This is lNhat counts: ZKP 3 5 51 Decatur, USA Fle xi bility ZMP -TO 552 Glasgow, UK Brilliance ZKf" 3 5 5 3 Muscat , OM Quality MIX 554 St . loui s, USA Pre c i si on MIX 555 los Angeles, USA Re liabi l ity ZKP 3 556 Schwaz, A K now - Ho w M IX 5 5 7 Vima, A Ergonomics MIX 558 Stuttga,t, D Service ZKP 3 5 5 9 Cleveland. USA T r u s t ZKP 3 560 "'"gos, " Seeing is Believing! ZMP-TO Kenner, USA In the U.S. & Canada 561 contact Pearl Reilly ,r,' ; ( • " ,"A, N, Phone: 800-726- 8805 ZKP 3 Ta oj oo, SK fax 985-76j-~396 562 {-Mdll: plle,fi, ", ZKP 3 563 Kreuzllngen. CH Carl Zeiss Planetarium Division 564 07745 lend, Germany Phone: -t-49· 3641·642406 Fax +49-3641-643023 £ Mall: piane!dllum(:: W\VI'V zel~s.delplan('taf1ums The Planetarian (ISN 0090-3213) is published ©2002, International Planetarium Society, Inc., e personal opinions and are not necessarily the Opllllic)ns officers, or agents.
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