Press release 14 May 2014 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Press invitation: Stockholm Internet Forum This year's Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF14) will take place at the Brewery Conference Centre (Münchenbryggeriet) on 27-28 May. Some 450 participants from 90 countries will meet to discuss the theme 'The internet: privacy, transparency, surveillance and control'.

Time and place 27-28 May Brewery Conference Centre (Münchenbryggeriet)

Freedom and security on the internet is one of the major global issues of the future and one of the highest priorities of Swedish foreign policy.

SIF is a unique forum for in-depth discussions on how freedom and openness on the internet promote human rights and development in the world. Decision-makers, civil society, businesses, academia and the technical community will be represented. Half of the participants will be from low-and middle-income countries - often from places where internet freedom is restricted and efforts to promote it can be downright dangerous. The many participants will include: Jillian York from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Shahzad Ahmad from the Pakistani internet freedom organisation Bytes4All, Anja Kovacs from the Internet Democracy Project in New Delhi, and OSCE media representative Dunja Mijatovic. See the link below for the complete list of participants.

SIF is arranged by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sida and .SE. All panel sessions will be broadcast live on stockholminternetforum.se. Those not attending in person can put questions to the panels via Twitter using the hashtag #SIF14.

Minister for Foreign Affairs will host the conference, but Minister for International Development Cooperation Hillevi Engström and Minister for Information Technology Anna-Karin Hatt will also attend.

The whole event will be open to the media. Apply for accreditation via the link below. The deadline for accreditation is 25 May.

The programme for the Stockholm Internet Forum contains both panel sessions and a section arranged by participants called Unconference - a concept in which the participants themselves propose ideas for sessions that are then voted on. The ideas that receive the most votes are then implemented by the participants themselves during the SIF conference.

Agenda Participants Accreditation

Contact Erik Wirkensjö Desk Officer +46 8 405 51 13 Email to Erik Wirkensjö

Press release 13 January 2014 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications The Swedish government supports the Internet Governance Forum The Swedish government has decided to support the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) with a financial contribution of SEK 300 000.

- The Internet Governance Forum is a very important platform for civil society, business, academia and governments to discuss how the global Internet will continue to develop. By providing a support to the IGF wants to emphasise that we find the IGF an important forum and that Sweden considers issues concerning the development of the Internet very important, say's Anna-Karin Hatt, Minister for information technology and energy.

The Internet Governance Forum is a forum for dialogue on the Internet and the development of policy issues relating to the internet. The conference started in 2006 by an agreement in the World Summit on the Information Society, WSIS. The next IGF will take place on 2-5 September 2014, in Istanbul, Turkey.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson 2013

Press release 22 May 2013 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Carl Bildt, and Anna-Karin Hatt involved in Stockholm Internet Forum 2013 Starting today until 23 May, Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt, Minister for International Development Cooperation Gunilla Carlsson and Minister for Information Technology Anna-Karin Hatt will take part in the Stockholm Internet Forum on Internet Freedom for Global Development at Münchenbryggeriet in central Stockholm.

Time and place Related Ms Carlsson and Ms Hatt will be available to answer questions from the media when they attend the More about freedom on the conference on 23 May. Ms Carlsson will take part in the concluding panel debate on 'Internet freedom for Internet global development - making progress?' between 14.00 and 15.30. Ms Hatt will take part in the panel debate on 'Free and open internet for global inclusive growth' between 09.00 and 10.30. External links The Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF), which is being held the second year running, will bring together over Stockholm Internet Forum 400 activists, experts, politicians and representatives of business and society from more than 90 countries. Web site More than half of this year's participants are from middle- or low-income countries. They are coming to SIF to discuss how internet freedom and openness can promote human rights and social development worldwide.

Internet freedom is one of the top priorities of Swedish foreign policy. It concerns respecting human rights, both online and offline. Everyone should be free to think and say what they want - on the internet too. This may seem obvious to us in Sweden, but it is far from the reality in many other countries.

Stockholm Internet Forum online Digital curators will be at the conference to enable people to participate in the conference online. The digital curators will monitor and pick up on conference-related content to share on the conference website, making it participator-generated.

The Stockholm Internet Forum will be webcast live in its entirety on the Forum website. It will also be possible to interact with the conference via Twitter at #sif13.

Contact Erik Zsiga Press Secretary to Carl Bildt +46 72 573 91 30 email to Erik Zsiga Sebastian Tham Press Secretary to Hillevi Engström +46 72 212 74 72 email to Sebastian Tham Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson 2012

Press release 14 May 2012 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Sweden launches global network for sustainable urban development Minister for Information Technology and Energy Anna-Karin Hatt is in London today where she is taking part in launching The Global Sustainable Cities Network (GSCN), an initiative to promote renewable energy and sustainable urban development.

The initiative, coordinated within the framework of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), is a cooperation between Sweden, Denmark, China and the United Arab Emirates.

"Sustainable urban development, clean energy technology and renewable energy are areas of enormous importance to climate change and areas in which Sweden and Swedish cities are at the forefront," says Ms Hatt.

"The GSCN will provide us with even better opportunities for international collaboration in this important area. Sweden is home to many innovative practices that I know are very interesting for other countries to study, such as the city planning projects that received grants through the Delegation for Sustainable Cities. We will now invite Swedish cities, companies and government agencies to join in and develop cooperation on sustainable cities within the Clean Energy Ministerial," says Ms Hatt.

The Clean Energy Ministerial is a high level global forum initiated by the USA to facilitate and stimulate the advancement and spread of renewable energy and energy efficient solutions in which energy ministers from the G20 countries and the Nordic countries participate.

The work of the CEM is conducted through a number of technical initiatives in which Sweden is participating in a smart grids programme, electric vehicles and energy-effective products. The new cooperation for sustainable cities was an initiative of the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications and the Ministry of the Environment as yet another way to address the global climate challenge and produce added value for Swedish expertise in clean energy technology and sustainable urban planning.

Press release 24 April 2012 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Anna-Karin Hatt participates in Clean Energy Ministerial Minister for Information Technology and Energy Anna-Karin Hatt is participating in the Clean Energy Ministerial in London on 25-26 April. Energy ministers from the G20 countries and the Nordic countries are gathering at the meeting to discuss the energy transition.

The Clean Energy Ministerial is a high-level political process initiated by US Secretary of Energy Steven Chu in 2010 aimed at promoting international cooperation and sharing lessons learned to bypass economic, legal and other barriers to advance the adoption of climate-friendly energy technologies. The meeting in London is the third Clean Energy Ministerial to be organised.

"That Sweden has been invited to participate in this process is proof that we are seen as a leader in clean energy technologies. The Clean Energy Ministerial provides us with opportunities to share and influence others. At the same time, Sweden has much to learn from what is being done in other countries to promote the development and spread of climate-friendly energy technologies," says Ms Hatt.

A smart grids programme, wind and solar power, electric vehicles and energy efficiency in industry are among the areas in which the member countries cooperate. Representatives of a number of companies are also invited to the meeting to discuss the development and spread of climate- friendly energy technologies.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson

Press release 18 April 2012 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Carl Bildt, Gunilla Carlsson and Anna-Karin Hatt attend international Internet conference On Wednesday 18 April Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt, Minister for International Development Cooperation Gunilla Carlsson and Minister for Information Technology Anna-Karin Hatt will take part in the international Internet conference Stockholm Internet Forum on Internet Freedom for Global Development at Radisson Blu Park Hotel in Solna, just north of Stockholm.

The two-day Stockholm Internet Forum on 18-19 April will gather 350 knowledgeable and committed decision-makers, activists, and representatives from civil society, the business sector and the tech community to take part in discussions on Internet freedom. The conference aims to deepen the discussions on how External links freedom and openness on the Internet promote economic and social development worldwide. Stockholm Internet Forums website Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt, Minister for International Development Cooperation Gunilla Carlsson Stockholm Internet Forum on and Minister for Information Technology Anna-Karin Hatt will each deliver a speech. Discussions from seven Twitter sessions form the main structure of the programme. Prominent participants include Frank La Rue, UN Special Freedom on the Internet on Rapporteur on freedom of expression; Alec J Ross, Senior Advisor for Innovation to Secretary of State MFA's website Hillary Clinton; Rebecca MacKinnon, one of the founders of Global Voices Online; Nicklas Lundblad, policy geek at Google; Suneet Singh, CEO of DataWind, which has launched the budget tablet Aakash; and Måns Adler, founder of the company and Internet service Bambuser for live broadcast of mobile phone videos.

Many international fora deal with the Internet. It is hoped that Stockholm Internet Forum - which specifically deals with freedom on the Internet linked to global development - can feed more energy into international efforts for freedom on the Internet.

Stockholm Internet Forum online Stockholm Internet Forum will be broadcast live in its entirety on the Forum website. It is also possible to interact with the conference via Twitter at #fxinternet och #sif12.

Contact Anna Charlotta Johansson +46 8 405 00 00 Sebastian Tham Press Secretary to Hillevi Engström +46 72 212 74 72 email to Sebastian Tham Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson 2011

Press release 29 September 2011 Prime Minister's Office Annie Lööf new Minister for Enterprise and Regional Affairs, new Minister for the Environment Prime Minister today appointed Annie Lööf Minister for Enterprise and Regional Affairs and head of the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications. Lena Ek has been appointed Minister for the Environment and head of the Ministry of the Environment. Anna-Karin Hatt will now take over responsibility for energy issues and will therefore be Minister for Information Technology and Energy.

The new ministers will take up their posts with immediate effect. External links See the press conference presenting the new ministers Contact (In Swedish) Erik Bratthall Press contact for Annie Lööf +46 73 337 226 38 Jonas Pettersson Press contact for Lena Ek +46 70 104 16 98 Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson Roberta Alenius Presschef hos Fredrik Reinfeldt +46 8 405 49 04

Press release 08 March 2011 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Round-table discussion on eGovernment and digital social services This Thursday will see the seventh and final round-table discussion held as part of work on a digital agenda for Sweden. The theme of the discussion will be eGovernment and digital social services, and it will be chaired by Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt.

Time and place Related Thursday 10 March Digital agenda 14.00-16.30

Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications, Mäster Samuelsgatan 70, Stockholm

How can we best make everyday life easier for citizens and business operators? What division of work between the public and private sectors is appropriate in efforts to create eServices that make everyday life easier? How can the public sector use 'new media' to create platforms for growth and participation? These are some of the questions that will be discussed at the round-table discussion at the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications on Thursday, to which Ms Hatt has invited actors from organisations, government agencies and companies.

The discussion will be webcast on the Government website at www.regeringen.se/digitalagenda.

The media are welcome to follow the round-table discussion. Contact Press Secretary Jonas Johansson.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson email to Digital Agenda

Press release 07 March 2011 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Round-table discussion on IT in health care and social services This Wednesday will see the sixth round-table discussion held as part of work on a digital agenda for Sweden. The theme of the discussion will be IT in health care and social services, and it will be chaired by Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt.

Time and place Related Wednesday 9 March Digital agenda 10.30-12.45

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Fredsgatan 8, Stockholm

Where could increased IT policy initiatives assist and expedite work on national eHealth, and what cross- sectoral initiatives need to be taken in order to increase the introduction and use of new eServices in the health care and social services sector? These are some of the questions that will be discussed at the round- table discussion on Wednesday.

The discussion will build on the work currently under way within the framework of the national eHealth strategy and is thereby seeking to increase knowledge and create better prospects of the digital agenda being useful for all sectors of society and having a broad impact.

More information about this work is available at www.regeringen.se/digitalagenda, where it is also possible to submit your views on the content of the agenda.

The media are welcome to follow the round-table discussions. Contact Press Secretary Jonas Johansson.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson email to Digital Agenda

Press release 03 March 2011 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Future eGovernment to focus on the user Sweden must aim to maintain its world-leading position in eGovernment. The Government therefore decided today to instruct four agencies to plan their future eServices with a particular focus on the everyday situation of people and businesses.

To provide the best possible service to users, whether individual people or businesses, it is essential that eServices are planned on the basis of users' needs rather than the way in which public administration is organised.

The agencies that have received special instructions are the Swedish Tax Agency (responsible for development of the 'private people' area), the Swedish Companies Registration Office ('businesses and entrepreneurs'), the Swedish Transport Agency ('vehicles and drivers'), and Lantmäteriet ('geographical information and property information').

The four agencies are also to assume special responsibility for development and coordination between the various agencies concerned in each development area.

"There has been slow progress so far in getting needs-driven eServices involving more than one agency in place. By giving these agencies a special responsibility for development, we aim to build more horizontal links between the vertical processes of individual agencies," says Minister for IT and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt. She adds that while the eGovernment Delegation has proposed these four agencies to begin with, other areas for development will probably also come up in future.

"The overarching objective of our work on eGovernment is to make it as easy as possible for as many people as possible to exercise their rights and fulfil their obligations, and to benefit from the services provided by public administration. The ambition must be to dismantle red tape-Sweden and create a country that is easy to live in and easy to start and run a business in," says Ms Hatt.

There are already some examples of eServices in which agencies work together to solve people's problems across agency divides, such as Verksamt.se, Körkortsportalen.se, Geodata.se and MinPension.se.

A final report on the assignment is to be presented by 31 December 2014.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson

Press release 25 February 2011 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Sweden reclaims the lead electronic governance Sweden tops a new European Commission comparison of eGovernment in Member States. In the comparison conducted by consultancy firm Cap Gemini, Sweden consistently ranks highly in a number of important indices.

Compared with a similar study carried out in 2007, Sweden has climbed from seventh place to the very top positions in most areas. Among other things, Sweden is best in the EU regarding the sophistication of its online governance.

"It is satisfying to note that the objective of the Government's 2008 action plan for regaining a leading position has been achieved. With a 'Digital agenda for Sweden' we will now strengthen our position and further develop our policies," says Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt.

Furthermore, Sweden receives top marks for openness, the use of parallel channels (text messaging, telephony and the Internet), privacy and data protection, as well as usability. Sweden is placed fourth when it comes to eProcurement availability and is among the top ten regarding eProcurement transparency.

"We are at the very top regarding the multi-agency process of 'starting a business'. At the same time, Sweden ranks relatively poorly when it comes to the life event of 'loosing and finding a job'. Obviously, we can get even better in this respect. I know that the Swedish Public Employment Service is planning exciting measures right now with its job database where they invite external entrepreneurs to create new services using the agency's information. We are supporting this process through the eGovernment Delegation and, in my coordinating role, I will do what I can to strengthen our profile even further," says Ms Hatt.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson

Press release 18 February 2011 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Digital skills - a resource for individuals and companies Tuesday will see the fifth round-table discussion held as part of work on a digital agenda for Sweden. The theme of the discussion is digital skills.

Time and place Related Tuesday 22 February 2011 Digital agenda 13.00-15.30

Rosenbad, Stockholm

Digital skills affect both salaries and opportunities to change track during a long working life. More people already in work need to acquire basic skills to handle digital tools.

Digital skills also relate to the provision of specialists in the business sector. All sectors of the economy are becoming digitalised. Companies and organisations whose employees have digital skills reap the benefits of IT developments and become more competitive and better innovators. Increasing employees' basic digital skills and deepening their specialist knowledge is becoming increasingly important.

We need more young people to become interested in choosing education and training that provides these skills. In particular, Sweden needs to attract more women to these kinds of programmes.

The round-table discussion on the theme of digital skills is being held as part of the work on a digital agenda for Sweden - a new national IT strategy.

More information about the work on the digital agenda is available on the Government website at www.regeringen.se/digitalagenda. It is also possible to submit views on the content of the agenda.

The media are welcome to follow the round-table discussions. Contact Press Secretary Jonas Johansson.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson email to Digital Agenda

Press release 18 February 2011 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Round-table discussion on IT in schools and teaching Monday will see the fourth round-table discussion held as part of work on a digital agenda for Sweden. The theme of the discussion is IT in schools and teaching.

Time and place Related Monday 21 February 2011 Digital agenda 14.00-17.00

Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications, Mäster Samuelsgatan 70, Stockholm

Schools must be part of the information society. For this to happen, we must formulate a clear ambition and relate to the different roles for the state, municipalities and companies, and for teachers, school management and parents. The question of IT in schools is usually one of pupils' access to computers and the use of computers in teaching. To some extent, it is also a matter of teachers' access to computers in their work and to communicate with parents. By contrast, the use of IT as an aid for effective administration in schools is rarely discussed.

These three questions are all related, says Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna- Karin Hatt.

"I hope that the round-table discussion will look at how IT can be used in all school activities, for effective administration that gives school managers time for their teaching tasks, and to support teachers in their communication with parents, planning their teaching and teaching pupils," says Ms Hatt.

The round-table discussion on the theme of IT in schools and teaching is being held as part of the work on a digital agenda for Sweden - a new national IT strategy.

More information about the work on the digital agenda is available on the Government website at www.regeringen.se/digitalagenda. It is also possible to submit views on the content of the agenda.

The discussion will be webcast on the Government website at www.regeringen.se/digitalagenda.

The media are welcome to follow the round-table discussions. Contact Press Secretary Jonas Johansson.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson email to Digital Agenda

Press release 14 February 2011 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Round-table discussion on IT-related innovations Wednesday 16 February will see the third round-table discussion held as part of work on a digital agenda for Sweden. The theme of the discussion is IT-related research, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Time and place Related Wednesday 16 February 2011 Digital agenda 14.00-16.30

Rosenbad, Stockholm

Minister for Information Techology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt is inviting representatives of organisations, government agencies and companies to discuss subjects such as what makes an IT development internationally competitive, what barriers there are to fully utilising the potential of IT for innovation and entrepreneurship, and how we can work in concrete terms to achieve improvements.

IT development plays an important role for new and growing companies and for the long-term competitiveness of Sweden. Research and development, innovative capacity and entrepreneurship in the area of IT are important aspects of this.

Sweden has a good starting position: we rank second in investments in research as a proportion of GDP, and tenth in registering patents. But how good are we at turning creativity into innovations and companies? Do we need to develop an 'innovation rush' culture in Sweden?

More information about the work on the digital agenda is available on the Government website at www.regeringen.se/digitalagenda. It is also possible to submit views on the content of the agenda.

Members of the media are welcome. Contact Press Secretary Jonas Johansson.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson email to Digital Agenda

Press release 11 February 2011 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications IT key to achieving climate objectives The Government is bringing actors together to broaden efforts to use IT for the environment. Monday 14 February will see the second round-table discussion held as part of work on a digital agenda for Sweden. The theme of the discussion is IT for the environment.

Time and place Related Monday 14 February 2011 Digital agenda 13.00-16.00

Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Mäster Samuelsgatan 70, Stockholm

Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt has invited actors from organisations, government agencies and companies, particularly in the construction, energy, IT and transport sectors, to discuss how IT's potential for environmental improvement can be fully utilised.

It is currently estimated that IT is responsible for two per cent of global carbon dioxide emissions. At the same time, it is estimated that IT has the potential to achieve carbon dioxide emission reductions of 15 per cent in other areas, primarily construction, housing, energy and transport. IT is therefore an important tool for achieving the ambitious climate targets that Sweden has set - to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 40 per cent by 2020.

Last year, the Government adopted a strategy entitled 'IT for a greener administration'. It focused mainly on the environmental impact of IT in public administration. The idea behind the round-table discussion is to start from a broader social perspective and the positive potential of IT for climate and environmental improvements. The actors and thinkers invited to the meeting rarely meet for talks in other contexts.

The round-table discussions on the theme of IT for the environment are being held as part of work on a digital agenda for Sweden - a new national IT strategy.

More information on the work on the digital agenda is available on the Government website at www.regeringen.se/digitalagenda. It is also possible to submit views on the content of the agenda.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson email to Digital Agenda

Press release 10 February 2011 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Increased consumer power with new electronic communications act The Government has today decided to refer the proposal 'Better regulations for electronic communications' to the Council on Legislation for consideration. The proposal contains a number of important reforms, including strengthened consumer protection and improved competition regulations.

Among the proposals referred to the Council on Legislation for consideration is the requirement on operators to clearly inform customers about any limitations to their telephone and broadband subscriptions. If an operator blocks voice communication over the Internet (VoIP), for example, this must be made clear in any contracts and offers directed at customers.

"In a functioning market where there is competition between several operators, a well-informed consumer has a lot of power. The purpose of requiring operators to provide information is to ensure that this power has effect, for example, by making it easy for consumers to reject limited subscriptions in favour of the services of other operators," says Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt.

The Government's proposal also gives more powers to the regulating authority, the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency. If consumers have difficulty finding subscriptions without blocking clauses, or if actual problems with low-priority traffic arise, under the proposal referred to the Council on Legislation for consideration, the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency would be able to stipulate a minimum level of service so as to force all operators in the market to offer subscriptions without blocking clauses.

"I am responsible for making sure that the Government proposes modern legislation that is tailored to rapid technological development in an area where services and business models constantly change and emerge. So it is also a matter of anticipating problems that may arise," says Ms Hatt.

The importance of net neutrality was confirmed about a year ago by all EU Member States and the in the telecoms package. Net neutrality refers to an open Internet where all traffic is treated equally regardless of its origin, content and destination. A number of other consumer protection measures are also proposed in the 'Better regulations for electronic communications' proposal referred to the Council on Legislation for consideration. One is that it should be easier for customers to gain control over their telephone and broadband expenditure. For example, it should be possible and free of charge to block outgoing calls and message services. Furthermore, all operators would be obliged to offer consumers subscriptions where the term of the contract is limited to 12 months.

In the proposal, the Government also stipulates additional requirements concerning network reliability and accessibility for people with special needs. According to the proposal, operators must also take into account the needs of people with disabilities for the services offered to the majority of consumers.

"Information technology should be based on the needs of users. This legislative proposal simplifies life for both consumers and companies by providing clear regulations. As such, it is also a piece in the puzzle that is the 'Digital Agenda for Sweden', which I am currently working to develop," says Ms Hatt.

The 'Better regulations for electronic communications' proposal represents Sweden's implementation of the EU's telecoms package comprising five revised EU directives. It is proposed that the new regulations enter into force on 1 July 2011.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson Henrik Ishihara Political Adviser +46 8 405 16 53 email to Henrik Ishihara

Press release 01 February 2011 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Minister for Information Technology to host discussions to formulate digital agenda The work to formulate a digital agenda for Sweden is now getting into full swing. On Thursday, Minister for IT and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt will host the first of seven thematic round-table discussions. The specific content of the digital agenda will then be gradually built up in collaboration with organisations, government agencies and companies.

The aim that Sweden should develop into the world's most successful digital society places great demands on companies and government agencies, as well as civil society, to unite. A digital agenda for Sweden is a matter not just for the Government, but for the entire country. Related Digital agenda "This is why I want to be very clear that anyone who wants to be involved and help strengthen Sweden's digital status is welcome", says Ms Hatt.

The theme of Thursday's discussion is digital inclusion and how we can ensure that more people feel digitally involved. Around 20 actors in the relevant area are invited to each round-table discussion.

The discussions will all be held in February and March as follows:

3 February - digital inclusion 14 February - IT and the environment 16 February - research, innovation and entrepreneurship 21 February - IT and education 22 February - digital skills 9 March - IT in health care and social services 10 March - eGovernment and other digital social services

A digital agenda for Sweden must be strategic and long-term. This in turn requires receptiveness and cooperation. The round-table discussions are the beginning of efforts to make Sweden the world's most successful digital society. Dialogue in 2011 will also include meetings and other forms of collaboration.

Broad participation will be needed to produce a satisfactory agenda. For this reason, a special website offering information about the work and the opportunity to submit views on the content of the agenda is being launched in connection with the first round-table discussion. http://www.regeringen.se/digitalagenda

It will be possible for the media to attend the round-table discussions. Contact Press Secretary Jonas Johansson.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson email to Digital Agenda 2010

Press release 22 December 2010 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Anna-Karin Hatt reviews the conditions for secure e-services Inquiry Chair Stig Jönsson today submitted the report on the E-identification Board and Swedish e-identification.

The inquiry proposes a new national system for electronic identification - Swedish e-identification.

"The system for e-identification in Sweden works relatively well, even from an international perspective, but it has some faults. For example, it is not open to new actors. The current system for e-identification is based on a procured framework agreement that is valid until the middle of 2012 and cannot be extended," says Mr Jönsson.

According to the Inquiry Chair, all forms of e-identification within the Swedish e-identification infrastructure that meet the requirements set can be used by private individuals and employees to access public administration e-services.

"The recent Government decision to establish the E-identification Board and the Inquiry Chair's proposal for Swedish e-identification gives Sweden a regulated and standardised infrastructure that improves the conditions for the faster development of secure e-services in Sweden," says Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt.

As well as e-identification, the Inquiry Chair also proposes electronic signature services. Such services would be expected to make public administration more efficient, as well as make things simpler and save time for private individuals, business operators and citizens.

Contact Henrik Ishihara Political Adviser +46 8 405 16 53 email to Henrik Ishihara

Press release 22 December 2010 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Government promotes effective postal competition The Government has amended the duties of the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency to also include the promotion of effective competition within the postal area.

It is part of the Government's work to improve conditions in the postal market. The agency already has a similar task within the area of electronic communications.

"If we look at Europe, and the common market which is now being developed within the EU, we can note that Sweden is one of the leaders in this area. But we cannot rest on our laurels, rather we must keep working to achieve an even more effective market. That's why the new role of the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency is important for our work to promote competition," says Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt.

Contact Henrik Ishihara Political Adviser +46 8 405 16 53 email to Henrik Ishihara

Press release 03 December 2010 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Anna-Karin Hatt calls for cheaper mobile telephony services abroad The EU telecom ministers gathered in Brussels today to discuss, among other things, price regulation for mobile telephony services that go via foreign operators, known as 'roaming'. Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt believes that in future a price ceiling may be introduced for data roaming.

The telecom ministers' discussion was part of a process to prepare a possible proposal on the continuation, and expansion, of price regulation for roaming.

"For me it is self-evident that we should be able to use our mobiles to make calls or surf the Internet when we're abroad, without receiving exorbitant mobile phone bills. It is reasonable to assume that it is also in the interests of the operators that tariffs do not put customers off using their services," says Ms Hatt.

The current EU regulation in the area of roaming was adopted in 2009. Since then, charges for calls and text messages from mobiles have been reduced, but when it comes to data traffic - known as 'data roaming' - there has been no equivalent reduction in price. The prices for surfing on a mobile in another EU country remain high in relation to what users pay in their own countries.

"If it's not possible to get to grips with this problem, we may have to consider in future a price ceiling for data roaming - at end-user level as well. This is one of the issues I will be discussing when I meet operators on the market in future," says Ms Hatt.

Background The Commission will soon be publishing a report about roaming and how the market should be regulated in future. The report will be sent out for consultation to all stakeholders and a final proposal is expected to be ready by the summer.

Press release 02 December 2010 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications An important step towards the introduction of IPv6 The Government decided today to instruct the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency to describe how IPv6 could be introduced at government agencies and other public organisations with respect to accessibility, security and financing.

The aim of the assignment is to produce background material to support agencies, municipalities and other organisations in the public sector when they introduce IPv6.

The Internet Protocol, often shortened to IP, is used when we transfer information over the Internet. Today, IP version 4 (IPv4) is mainly used. With the major increase in the number of Internet users, IPv4 addresses will soon run out. Therefore, new users and online services will increasingly use the next version of the Internet Protocol (IPv6). This means that both the eServices that already exist and the new eServices being developed must be able to use IPv6 to be accessible to all users.

During the autumn of 2010 the Government's eDelegation produced an overall guidance document for government agencies' introduction of IPv6. This guidance document needs to be supplemented with concrete descriptions of how agencies should, in practical and technical terms, go about making their eServices accessible.

"It's important that we keep up with developments and ensure that our public eServices are accessible when the technology changes," says Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt.

Ms Hatt believes that it will not be long before we have citizens who are connected to the Internet through IPv6 alone.

"State administration should set a good example and share its experiences. This is why it's important that we gather experiences and knowledge from public organisations, but also from private organisations that have already introduced IPv6 in their networks and eServices," says Ms Hatt.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson

Press release 22 November 2010 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Smart growth in Europe requires gender equality "To achieve growth throughout the EU we have to make use of the entire population's potential, that of both men and women. We need to take more measures for a gender-equal labour market." These were the comments of Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt speaking at the informal meeting of the regional ministers in Liège, Belgium today.

The meeting is part of the public consultation taking place on the European Commission's fifth cohesion report. The discussions focus on the role of cohesion policy in efforts to achieve long-term, sustainable growth in the whole of the EU. In her speech, Ms Hatt said that it is important to have a strategic focus on future cohesion policy. It should focus on contributing to the objectives for smart and sustainable growth for all.

"We need to develop the innovation climate in Europe to support growth that takes account of the environment," says Ms Hatt.

Ms Hatt believes that focusing the Structural Funds should coincide with improving the regions' chances of making use of the potential that exists.

"During the Swedish Presidency we showed Kiruna as a good example of how sparsely populated areas can also contribute to development in the EU. It is therefore important for us that EU cohesion policy pays attention to, and takes account of, the sparsely populated regions in northern Sweden and Finland," says Ms Hatt.

Ms Hatt believes that the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region contributes to this focus, and to the more efficient use of our common resources in the region. According to Ms Hatt, it is also important to further strengthen gender equality efforts on the European labour market.

"We need to make sure that it's possible to combine work and family life," says Ms Hatt.

. During the current programme period, Sweden is receiving SEK 15 billion from the EU cohesion policy budget.

Contact Jonas Johansson Press Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt +46 8 405 24 11 +46 72 208 22 71 email to Jonas Johansson

Press release 10 November 2010 Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Commission presents future direction of cohesion policy The European Commission will today present the fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion in Europe. The report contains the Commission's most important proposals and direction for cohesion policy reforms for the next programme period beginning in 2014.

"I welcome the Commission's report. It will be the start of our future dialogue at national and regional level on how we should prepare for upcoming negotiations in the EU ahead of the new programme period," says Minister for Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt. External links The Cohesion Report Sweden is pleased that the Commission's direction makes clear that cohesion policy is an important tool in DG Regio website efforts to achieve the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy in partnership with actors at national, regional Europe 2020 and local level. To achieve the strategy's objectives, participation and support are required at all levels - local, regional and national.

"In the negotiations, it will be important for Sweden that the special situation of the sparsely populated areas in the north of Sweden receives attention, as well as the link with macro-regional strategies such as the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, which can contribute to a focus on important initiatives within a joint strategic development area."

The report is the result of several years of consultation with national, regional and local representatives and other actors in regional and local development. The Swedish Government welcomes this comprehensive report, which is the starting point for discussions and negotiations in the EU over the next few years on the future cohesion policy.

The Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications will be arranging a hearing in connection with the fifth cohesion report in January 2011.

Contact johanna martin Press Secretary to

Press release 14 October 2010 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications New State Secretary to Anna-Karin Hatt Today the Government appointed Marita Ljung as State Secretary to Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs Anna-Karin Hatt. Ms Ljung has broad business sector experience and will be responsible for both information technology and regional growth policy.

Ms Ljung comes most recently from Swedbank, where she has been Regional Director of Private Banking. She also has extensive political experience, having served for example as Deputy Chair of Youth, Municipal Commissioner for the opposition in Västerås and member of the National Board of the Centre Party.

Marita Ljung is 48 years old, a business economist and lives with her family in Sevalla, near Västerås.

Press release 12 October 2010 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Sweden receives continued confidence from UN agency ITU Sweden has been re-elected to the Council of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for the next four years at the UN agency's ongoing Plenipotentiary Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico.

The ITU is a UN agency based in Geneva and comprises 192 ember States. The Council is the ITU's governing body and omprises 48 Member States. Sweden was nominated to the Council as candidate for the Nordic countries. External links The Swedish Post and Member States and the private sector coordinate telecom networks and services as well as radio frequencies Telecom Agency (PTS) via the ITU. During the period, Sweden will continue to press for the ITU to perform its responsibilities in the most efficient manner.

The Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS) is responsible for Swedish ITU involvement.

Contact Maria Häll Ämnessakkunnig Catarina Wretman Stf. generaldirektör PTS 070-856 72 11

Press release 05 October 2010 Prime Minister's Office Sweden's new government Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt has appointed the following government ministers today, 5 October 2010

Ministers and their press contacts are listed below. For new ministers, the press contact given is temporary and applies until further notice.

Prime Minister: Fredrik Reinfeldt Roberta Alenius +46 70 270 72 17

Markus Nordström +46 70 238 67 30

Minister for EU Affairs: Jenny Sonesson +46 70 308 44 06

Minister for Justice: Martin Valfridsson +46 70 274 10 22

Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy: Tobias Billström Markus Friberg +46 702 61 30 84

Minister for Foreign Affairs: Carl Bildt Irena Busic +46 70 271 02 55

Minister for International Development Cooperation: Gunilla Carlsson Peter Larsson +46 70 283 95 97

Minister for Trade: Ewa Björling Monica Ohlsson +46 70 296 18 99

Minister for Defence: Mikael Östlund +46 70 297 43 28

Minister for Health and Social Affairs: Göran Hägglund Petra Kjellarsson +46 70 646 21 12 Minister for Children and the Elderly: Niclas Thorselius +46 70 509 50 65

Minister for Public Administration and Housing: Martin Kits +46 70 535 07 87

Minister for Social Security: Niclas Bengtsson +46 70 353 78 22

Minister for Finance: Daniel Valiollahi +46 72 225 45 47

Minister for Financial Markets: Peter Norman Anna Charlotta Johansson +46 70 356 30 32

Minister for Education and Deputy Prime Minister: Jan Björklund Camilla Hansson +46 70 206 99 09

Minister for Gender Equality (Deputy Minister for Education): Yoav Bartal +46 70 357 51 94

Minister for Rural Affairs: Anna-Karin Nyman +46 70 519 01 59

Minister for the Environment: Lennart Bodén +46 70 950 22 45

Minister for Enterprise and Energy: Maud Olofsson Håkan Lind +46 70 269 11 98

Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs (Deputy Minister for Enterprise): Anna-Karin Hatt Frank Nilsson +46 70 690 24 33

Minister for Communications: Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd Markus Sjöqvist +46 76 107 20 36

Minister for Culture and Sport: Sara Bengtsson +46 70 358 77 91 Minister for Employment: Hillevi Engström Sebastian Carlsson +46 73 769 22 77

Minister for Integration (Deputy Minister for Employment): Anna Neuman +46 70 301 47 90

Contact Roberta Alenius Presschef hos Fredrik Reinfeldt +46 8 405 49 04 Markus Nordström Press Secretary to Fredrik Reinfeldt +46 8 405 48 72 +46 70 238 67 30 email to Markus Nordström