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Andreas Carlgren 2011 Press release 26 September 2011 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Environment Arctic week in Stockholm On Monday and Tuesday, researchers, lawyers and representatives of the Arctic region are meeting in Stockholm to discuss Arctic cooperation. One of the questions is how the Arctic Council can become stronger and more effective. In addition, a major research project will be launched on how the environment and Arctic communities are reacting to the changes that are occurring in the Arctic - one of the top priorities of the Swedish Chairmanship. Related Sweden took over the Chairmanship of the Arctic Council at the ministerial meeting in Nuuk, Greenland, in Arctic Council May. After a period of intensive preparations, the Swedish Chairmanship will now hold its first meetings. One of the issues on which the members of the Council are to seek agreement is the process surrounding the establishment of the new permanent secretariat of the Arctic Council. External links "Our objective is for the permanent secretariat to be set up during the Swedish Chairmanship," says http://www.arctic- Ambassador Gustaf Lind. He thinks a stronger Arctic Council can play an important role for the environment and sustainable development. "Reduced emissions of black carbon and short-lived climate forcers can rapidly lead to a positive impact on the regional climate." The Council includes the five Nordic countries, together with Canada, Russia and the United States, plus representatives of six indigenous peoples' organisations in the Arctic. Contact Paola Albornoz Special Adviser, Ministry for Foreign Affairs +46 8 405 21 62 +46 70 8275124 email to Paola Albornoz Press release 15 September 2011 Ministry of the Environment Report on latest climate change research The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) will present a report to the Government today on the latest climate change research. The report will be used in support of Sweden's actions on climate change. In the report, SMHI indicates that the effects of climate change are expected to be more serious than previously estimated, and that more substantial emissions reductions are therefore required by 2050 in order to achieve the two-degree target. "In order to tackle the joint challenge of making Sweden a green pioneer that combines welfare and a good environment, it is important to base our actions on the latest, most up-to-date research. The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute report is an important contribution and support, both for the External links international climate change negotiations and in Sweden's efforts to achieve our goal of being a green pioneer and emissions-neutral by 2050," says Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren. The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute report (in Swedish) is available The SMHI summary of recent studies shows that by the end of this century, sea levels may rise by more than here: was estimated in 2007. The effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems are more extensive than previously realised. Sea ice in the Arctic is also melting more rapidly than was estimated in 2007. Background The aim of the report is to account for developments since the most recent Assessment Report summarising current scientific knowledge was presented by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007. The next IPCC Assessment Report is expected in 2013-2014. The Government has tasked the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency with producing a road map to ensure that Sweden has no net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Several government agencies will be involved in this work, which is to be based on dialogue and collaboration with all sectors of society. On 31 January 2012, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency will submit an interim report on how various sectors of society may be affected. The final report will be submitted by 1 December 2012 at the latest. Contact Oscar Sundevall Press Secretary to Andreas Carlgren Nilla Thomson Desk Officer +46 8 405 40 90 +46 70 322 05 91 Press release 09 September 2011 Ministry of the Environment Andreas Carlgren to take part in climate negotiations in South Africa and Mexico Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren will travel to South Africa to take part in an informal meeting of climate ministers as part of the process ahead of the seventeenth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP17) due to take place in Durban, South Africa, in December. In Mexico, Mr Carlgren will join Mexican Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Elvira Quesada in hosting a ministerial meeting that Sweden has organised together with Mexico to strengthen measures to combat short- lived climate and air pollution, which is essentially not covered by the Framework Convention on Climate Change. To achieve success in the climate negotiations, the differences between north and south and between poor and rich countries need to be bridged. This also calls for a higher level of ambition. "To bridge the differences and increase the pace of climate efforts, Sweden is working on several measures in parallel with the UN climate negotiations," says Mr Carlgren. These measures include protecting more rainforest, reducing emissions of short-lived climate forcers and working to phase out fossil fuel subsidies. "In Durban we must mark out a path towards a global climate agreement. Sweden is pushing for a roadmap to be established with clear emission targets, dates and requirements for the follow-up of commitments," says Mr Carlgren. "By implementing several parallel measures to quickly reduce emissions, Sweden can make a contribute to concrete progress in international climate work," concludes Mr Carlgren. Contact Oscar Sundevall Press Secretary to Andreas Carlgren Press release 08 September 2011 Ministry of the Environment Super-green car rebate - kick-start for the most environmentally friendly cars The Government will invest SEK 200 million in a super-green car rebate over the next three years. This investment aims to encourage car buyers to make the best environmental choice. A super-green car is a passenger car that meets the latest EU exhaust requirements and emits a maximum of 50 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre. "The super-green car rebate is the start of the launch of the most environmentally friendly cars on our roads, and a tool in efforts to reduce emissions from the transport sector. The rebate was part of the Alliance's pre-election reform ambitions. I am very happy that we will be able to introduce it next year," says Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren. Transport accounts for about two thirds of Sweden's climate emissions. However, the trend of ever-increasing emissions from cars has been broken. One of the reasons for this is the growing number of green cars. The super-green car rebate was launched in the Alliance's election manifesto so as to continue to encourage the transition to a fossil-free fleet by 2030. Following the election, the Swedish Transport Agency was tasked with putting forward a proposal for its design, and the proposal has been circulated for comment. "The Government has taken note of the comments that have been made on the proposal during the consultation round. As a result, we are extending the premium to cover not only private individuals but also car pools, the public sector and companies, including taxi and car rental companies. What is important is to get the first cars out on the roads so that the public can see that the technology exists and that it works," says Mr Carlgren. The super-green car rebate is scheduled to be introduced on 1 January 2012. A final proposal on the criteria for the car models it will cover will be draw up in the autumn. Contact Oscar Sundevall Press Secretary to Andreas Carlgren Press release 06 July 2011 Ministry of the Environment Andreas Carlgren calls for political will in climate negotiations Environment and climate ministers from 35 countries met on 3-4 July in Berlin for climate talks. This was the first political meeting in a wider circle since the climate conference in Cancún in December 2010 and it was important for guiding UN negotiations ahead of the conference in Durban (COP17) in November. Sweden was one of seven EU countries to participate. "The emissions reductions we have on the table are still too low to reach the climate goals, and the pace of negotiations during the spring has been much too slow. Particularly tricky negotiation issues concern the future of the Kyoto Protocol and a broader, legally binding agreement. The parties are still too far from each other on these issues," says Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren. "A continuation of the Kyoto Protocol's rules is key, although this is not dependent on a decision in Durban over a second commitment period. The Protocol only covers just over one tenth of global emissions and is not enough for a global solution or sufficient emissions reductions. What is important now is to use the Kyoto Protocol as a point of departure to create a legally binding framework including all major emitting countries," says Mr Carlgren. The ministers also agreed on the importance of implementing the key decisions taken at the last climate conference in Cancún. In particular, the creation of the new 'Green Climate Fund' was discussed, as was the importance of transparent accounting and reporting of countries' climate measures. "It's time for countries to stop blocking each other and preventing success. This is why all parts of the Cancún decisions must be implemented without delay. The sooner the various partners show the political will to achieve this, the sooner we can achieve the necessary success," says Mr Carlgren.
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