A Selected Bibliography of Publications by, and about, Leo Szilard Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 09 July 2021 Version 2.93 Title word cross-reference + [ABF+43, CL18, LC02, Lan04c, Lan12b]. $1 [Duf46]. $20 [Per62b]. $27.50 [Cas93]. $35.00 [Bus93]. U238 [Tur46]. //www.store.aetv.com/= [Wac06]. 1 [Szi54a]. 11th [KNSB54]. ’15 [Lan15]. 17th [Lan96b]. 1930 [Cho10]. 1930/41 [Fer68, Fer71]. 1933 [MWW11]. 1933-1980s [MWW11]. 1939 [Dan96, Szi63e]. 1942 [Ano11, CMS42, Lau46, MS42, MLC+42]. 1945 [CD48, Dan95, Lan95a, Szi76b, Pal10]. 1952 [KNSB54]. 1963 [Szi87]. 1964 [E.01, Rab64]. 1969 [ZB69]. 1971 [Jas93]. 1979 [All80]. 1980s [MWW11, BB12]. 1981 [Fel81]. 1998 [Mar98b]. 1st [Ano87a]. 20 [Cas93]. 2002 [Blo04]. 20th [Pri03]. 21st [Kel02]. 25 [Szi63e]. 1 2 387 [Pei43]. 60th [Lan05a]. 737 [Fri74]. 888-423-1212 [Wac06]. 9 [Szi44c]. = [Wac06]. A&E [Wac06]. A-387 [Pei43]. A-Bomb [Ano61g, Ano64a, Ano64b, Wei61, Ano60b, Lan99b, Rob14c]. A-Scientist [Rob6x]. A. [Ano55a]. ABM [Kub98]. ABM-Vertrages [Kub98]. Abolishing [Weh61]. abrogate [Szi60e]. Absorption [AFS39, BJ41, Szi35a, Cha11, Sch00a]. Abstracts [ZB69]. Academic [BB12, MWW11]. Academy [Szi59b]. Acceleration [Szi28]. Accelerators [Tel00, Tel98a]. achievements [Gab74]. acid [NS54]. Action [Szi55d, Woo62, Szi41d]. Active [Szi39c]. activist [Bes85, Bes93, Win98]. acts [Ano61g]. Adaptation [Szi60c]. Addendum [Szi54a]. Address [Ano84a]. Administrators [STS+49]. Adventure [ND98]. adventurous [ABES12]. AEC [Jas93, Szi49a, Szi63a].