r, THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE: WASHINGTON ft 6., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1S91. -T-WELVE PAGES. liberally to Fovobja XJsohm Hand, Buoeaer A XOKTUlfiKK MULOGY OF A IIUUISJL. men, against which Kimball could oppose TII12 CiriXKAX SITUATION. man's burning his barn to got rid of a few tbe HWntWbdi hnwrlMK witltej wwv'iwic mm cccejrrt. T-RIBM- rapid- Grayneek? caccaadi Sajcaan, km kaa a a TBE family. One nnd Matters in Chile do not improve as rats. fcaa acni. ibe IffilHIL Tha Holds ars a peoullar but 7,000. Jackson was badly repulsed, Gray week Wak ao, I reckon set, Fatseu. CHm Natawwd' OawU who woaali tm mcaeU scrttBu il ly as bad been hoped for. The victorious As there are no descrtera on the roll, ao at h apaoiateMMMb 18774 bwtihor aoliiovod a roat deal of notoriety retreated to the Upper Shenandonb Valley, Rev. Haras Att, remember, Bietnor, 'II vin- bounty-jumpin- Congres3ionalists arc pursuing a vory thore can beno " bounty-jumper- ," for g Site abaam Onmm. Mm. sebwe tmekm e CWk monu- whore he was joined by Ewell and Edward that giveth to the peer amdotk te the Lord a few yoaw ago by orootiug a ootly TowawWp, - tf-a-aa dictive policy, which will long delay the necessarily involved desertion. aad lad,, who awMftt a a fmn- mmm Johnson with their divisions. They decided wbe leva taw Mm from hw sa nmm. and PUBLISHED WEEKLY. ment to Maj. AnAr who xas caught play- Everyone G rayaeek nak ! I've jestj'iaod the FaraMss' to who had tranquilizing of the country. "What does the Chicago Tri$a mean by whocaal that WrOttltor bad dlwdttii itcfam m$ tap make an attack on Gen. Milroy, AIHaace, an' we'ro atterly opaoaod to money Baa, ing las spy wSthtu our lines during tbe who sided or sympathized with Balmacoda a man was a good aad, if aeeefwiry. . waa wiiitacHa fellow hit ipbr pushed forward a little command of 2.26S "drunken bummers"? If leania. Better drive oa, Fassoa, ar I caa'ttte eceampfct, wagtoa mm uovum yiear, pun- ahadoMlrBeBtahy' ltovotutioB, tried by a oourtmartinl ordered is looked upon as a criminal deserving soldier during tbe war and i3 now unfor- anything at mumm CrawfimawiK Um oreetta o! IK AOViWOG. far into the Valley from the "West Virginia ferys. a 4MVMMABLV Wednemtny. Nov. M. Tba la. Toaag by WaahiagtoH, foaad guilty according to over- ishment, and the prisons aro full of the tunately fallen into habits of dissipation feaam ota side. Though attacked by nltnost Maa'a ChrfatiAa Amoefcucw, wmn crowded with Sfe inoltir, 91 toeat. We irtlmrtptn ler a toss thore poaca or HASIT. IJbo laws lisagod. desper- proscribed ones. It is estimated that what has tha got to do with his pension ? ta heat cMwmi f Crawamfewille. Chart 2tf. teeeWed. of wac aad very properly whelming numbers, Milroy made n fuvkul aro at loast 4,000 political prisoners in the A pension certificate is not a Good Tem- UAR.. and ate every assault upon nr Thoro v,m notWng to make him different resistance, repulsed to VihmhmmIh, prcaftJcd, aad Oca, X. jails, and 10,000 more have been ordored to plar's card, nor a warrant of church mem- D. Xaaaoa, 8MSOIA1L ANNOUNCEMENT. other spioe, oxoopt be was caught him, and then retired unmolested to Frank- Ooww of ,dlaaak delivered an ragfe-tM,- &oa that oddwee, mmy Mowiw amrt tm, otherwise (Uiiim by 'i of surroudor themselves. The lists of pro- bership. It i3 merely payment for services watie v. jfo. imWmI money oraer, or ftraft oa with th proofis of his guilt upon him, which lin. The Union loss was 23G, and that taUoa speech hi tbe aaa rf Utr, Uw Balmaceda'a ta OtmhI , Jsn 1 urk, will tx at th risk of sender. the rebels 498, yet Jackson bad the scribed include all officers in rendered years ago, having no reference to Sons of Vct,riw. and tha Patriate omplor no Tub they are to allow, and and f Aa A;:.flvv sevtit. generally too swart army Lieutenant, and all feo. Mbw Coaaor responded aad Mm cau-H-i- above the JtArioKai. Triucnk m many voluHtoer x hardihood to telegraph Jeff Davis, "Provi- rank of tho holder's present condition or habits. tM ?, o j' who ber defense of tho Baa; et.KjiM.aUy aoa tlH-- aw Httiwallv honest mm Hist lie was a hatulsomo young follow Tho that audi. vic- who held civil offices during the war. "While we fervently wish that all veterans tpeiitHMNHi.". but who oHfld ihekv dence blessed our arms with a glorious wad mm nttribatatl tb iaaait te l.tiih'ul; traoii8 JuSgos had baea muoh petted in tho Tory socioty to wain muet be tlH.4r own residences of Balmaceda's friends in Santia- were temperate and moral and there are the Str te hCMWRHce, few taa fee that Mm man nMUMHiiility. TIm' jiapor Mill be wait tory yosterday." Meanwhile Gen. Banks who palfci (' hn eutjherUAlott price. of Kow York nnd Philadelphia. Fuithor, destroyed teriewnaetnailytMd aatfcaawa un! mi twtitrt ol tiM had Eouth as Har- go were gutted by the mob, which surprisingly few of them who aro not ofearceaatry fta Ad-r- it bhc-ooBsful- ,as pushed his army as far waaa a w it. 9a weiwMllyaatd jt'mKi$iiat, (KiruAiifi, ictc if his apyiag aad intriguing had been away. The tbatjhe .' aiil lie c4ittiifMd hb often oesit'aa, risonburg, and bad bis force of 9,000 men whatever could not be carried so yet lapses from sobriety can have no badi4wfwM,nft)HWikBwwli(, every near being, hat she to Imt uueorilrboiiHl fa caef itfve tbey canto perilously is acts of con- vmnlml dfettactly nuOwSo Mto tho t ii.-- addtvns. roaewhur endeavoring to Junta supplementing this by relations to pensions. The Government has ifeK tli mil wU In downfall of scattered all along tho route, wa4d iMMiH ca her school ham m teas' as But riltort. auotild 1m ouwul i Hnd ub the it weald have resulted in tbe Mm. - fiscation. is asserted that all the wounded no more right to refuse pension to a man ft .o lw ha iiuHi- tivd. Hud sfajofty bold a largo number of points. Jackson It a Jofc. tcher. Tha that wae paffaadowa l,ili de&ax; 1H the cause of Aaterieaa independence. IS icaoai bourn -- hown in i i' iprHt ions r dutus bey made left on tho field after tho recont battles were becauso be gels would be- wm a. n aodfomoe, began attacking tbe detachments one after drunk than it nad aa MW lj.i.in or address. Tliorc vtm ikm absolutely no reason wiry it awl aaw aacj war waved together t OKettHf 'tttHMSWOR. CorWWfHWldPMCO if another, and though eacb fought kirn stub- murdered by stiletto thrusts. cause ho was so run down in hia mind aa to tbe vt aarthmea aathaf ia sfciffinaj "ebfoacbta, tnMHHM wliowirflgiMJ any should oarctobeuor Of 8lulUd Aau'rioan oitiaen beMH tha Ocean." ! iH Military,tanAjr-- ri Tho conductor the Chilean officials toward be a constant reader of the Chicago Tribune. vmt Ai n,oitt.ol Vifas, iJHion, onougb bornly, and gcnorally managed to drive him Feminine Aagel (greetiag now arrival) in tic .uiiumI. induatual and Household uwMcn, hiw.lMii the reverse. It was well con- I HhoJ teacher. Tbapren - tho representatives of tho United States Both aro defects afflictions over which ceremony ,.,,.. i.ti.'f. tn t!m i;.htm- will always iHive off, be yet succeeded in capturing a largo and am so glad to ao yeu ! It seeeie yearn aad ho would hav. bea hmUi Im tfca no .uiit tmetHioii. Write on OKI: lR of the ; for EutglisbMien to lament his fatetbwigb Mho! hoaec, bnt tha number wagons and forcing tinues to be exceedingly offensive. The tho mantle of charity has to be thrown. years aiaee Tnatfee eajeetedi fearing pi" r obU . Wedo imt tvrttrn oummmticawons t)he 10,000 of and prisoners, Mwt tae scoundrel who unlet are hhhiijmum truth is, not one ISaglishman in and New Arrival (also fowiame) One moment, tare dowa tfta Oar wonkl oc't..tiivtritU Banks to retreat. Fremont at once con- Legation at Santiago is closely guarded, ;. Aa attempt a tn u itju(Mt to that t'flei and the iieoeeeary has the slightest idea there ever was dear! Is my crowa ea straight? !W"M eOtah a hall ia t guimittUw that Our - Inspecto p. Chi- town near where Mm t it-- .mid widw no cirt'Mtntf centrated bis forces, and started after Jack- all persons coming out arc arretted. Police- Hubbard, of Ioso,a erae waa cam. tii, i j.uliii'-ttliot- i ttt tilt wciul date. such a man. Why an American Bbould MiMcd, preved latiu,, Mi haatag caaacd so AduWb eoNunumcM&HMi to Minister's servants, and oven bis son, have cago, deserves a general voto of thanks. hW all son. After a sharp chase be forced him to FORTHCOMING ATTRACTIONS. weh dfeeaesfeMi that no ana ia Mm town would WK AAriOKAl. QIUttrXB, want to raise a monument to him is past rent a sultnhhj 1). 8. been taken into custody by the police, and Last week the Anarchists of that city held batlritatr. Thia waatd be a good Waalrfiigtoit, C. turn and give battle at Cross Keys, June pee for ftudtug out. The only rational explanation to anniversary 0v, Havay to send a few aad wipe Jackson was badly and fled during detained for greater or loss periods. Tho a meeting celebrate the of out what secaw to OFH0C M CltO fOWCt HATOe. defeated, MaaiN of the "Xafeetaef tho CfcTtltMl At WlllllBTOH POl is that Oyrua W. Field thought suck an Good in OoWan tt the night, burning tbe bridges behind him. authorities at Valparaiso have refused to tbe execution of tho Haymarket murderers. Things Store for Read- Ctrde." act might bring him to the favorable Mr. DnnM H. On outlying allow either Commodore Schley or Consul Tho speeches wero very inflammatory and Kao. son of Gap. Tncatfero F. opon his bis rotrcat ho fell upon the ers of The National Kane. W. 3. Navy, awl Mfcw TpDMR notice of Queen Viotoriatand bolp Inspector Tribune. Xmma KaUbwcro mar- IHPML detachments of Carroll at Front McCreery to be present during tho investi- seditious, but in the midst of them ried in Immanael Church, Kttoa, ea te way into high English society. It was Tyler and Wedaesday, gation of tbe massacre of tho Baltimore's Hubbard appeared, with 10 resolute officers Jiov. II. Many oflicers ef the Away, Navy and Ma 1891. be Koy.il, who made a subborn fight, but were for the coming rino Corps wero present 1AttIIWffl9lf,ai).CHX0YEWllER 1, forcibly poiuted out at the time that if senten-tiousl- y, The National Trisstne at the ceremony forced from the retiring in good order. sailors, but say that an interpreter will be at his back, and delivered himself Gen. was possessed witk the idea of building a field, year will be made unusually attractive and FtMterto. Preafcfent of toe Ca4eaaaw..n iraacjr wasjom ri,MK. Froraont came up tbe next day, nnd tried allowed during tbe examination of tbe thus : NnWennl Park Ceatmia,,, m, Urw from ,hix to an executed spy, be could interesting. "Wo have a great array of valu- carriage nfMi , moaaaieat American witnesses. The feeling in all Thfa is America. Tho Stnra nnd Strlnos must bo iMy ijIIHNl u fcttfafejia of W earnestly caU afcteniion of our hard to bring Jackson to an engagement, on JW-- . tie have found a wacit better Bubjoct in the displayed among the oolorn here or I shall close up able features to present to our readers. First HMtamafta Thanalay. No. IX hack waa r- - w4c3t wltwto p-e- ttt to be sprained hia re.d 4t be ureat fft but Jackson bad bad entirely too much circles against Americans is reported thies meeting. In no and head baNy cat, bat Mto lajncias itto patriotic young Hale, who under- It nil red here. You have and foremost, we have an admirable account arc not tboagbt ii atMCbw ooluittti. Tli is w vally Kathaa very strong. known nag, nnd are boasting of thofaot. I want to be tbtaafaua. fighting, and as Dr. Field puts it, be "alipt Qen. le.i uttct of vaiuaWe Uw(iit)t fvor iude load a apy's duty from the noblest moUros, to Boe the flac produced here, or this audienao must of a boy soldier's experiences in The Sherman Statu Committee tbe So. 1 Tli & re atmnly I4e away." It becomes clearer every day that tho slaty ef tbe Araiy of atiy tHer. and died latnottitBg that he had but one life disperse. THE VICKSBUMQ CAMPAIGN. By Prof. tbe Taancasee, on TtMadar, lwsi iutid atiywhore in 4ie warJd, and wittg English aro responsible much of the Nov.W, appointed Cat. D, a. MmdacwMi. With reforeuce to Chancellorsvillc Dr. for Ho was by the lan- C. A. ICote, of the Dtlmm. ( Wis.) Csiteg. 70mb to a immk in 44m watch trtiet we we Wc to to frive for bis country, assailed jeers in all at Cengraps from the Dooma, ( towa Metric, aad bitterness stirred up against the Americans-Th- e Prof. Hobbe was First Sergeant C. 3, ofli i for a of what they linve Field says: guages was so en. John W. NoWe, !Wa4ay of Uei ftadiott Kow, another brother, the Kev. Henry M. of Europe, but he determined 99a W., and fou9ki the entire eamipmgf Me feteriar, a l u iKfcutiore Kelhoc Ko long tilii Tie fell llio very tho jrreat flank Euglisb have control of the immonsely Committee en ConiercetHm laMattoa, vrith " at moment tliat eom-tnenc- in his bearing that tho Anarchists finally whkh he se grttphieully describes. He es caw tall, so it'heliwves Field a divine of National reputation has to aak for aa appropriation JBOOOO, bwak will last noont: mavantettt whioh he bad oonoeivod nnd ooiiduotod valuablo nitrate deposits, and they fear that isith the eemp at MUhken's Bend, f w the same amoaa every wtoo waut a Sligk-tilat- watoli at done equally unaccountable thing in ImhI siruek the Union army with n shock from weakened, and displayed the flag. granted for a sto, padcatal, and as and emries the render through all the eum-paig- n, statue m tbe caaca an n'nHcodfStttJy low to take iutmedi-mU- - which it roelod mwl could not recover, but sought the Americans will compel a division of this f Sena. aa, Seaeoek,aail jH'we writiag a eulogistic biography of Stonewall giving a bey soMier'a views the Sberbkm. The ArmUm ftdvauUtKe of he offw. safety oa the other ride of the Kiippahannoek, monopoly. Miuister Egan incurred their ef f Mm Ohio, Vateataa, and marching, eitmpinif, fighting, scenery, Gen- CMmherlond, the OwmmI Army Mm w - .. ,m ' 5 with abun w litob it had aroewd only a few days before iu all each sulmrilxr to THE NATIONAL of JteeuMle,aa4 i Jackson, which published, If the Loyal the oenldenoe of victory. hostility by endeavoring to secure a foothold erals, etc. It will be read with greed interest Legion were ia riled to dance offine illustrations, in JTmyer's Maga-f- a TRIBUNE mil charge himself with gsiting through for the Americans in this profitable business, tyuU. their chief efltoeta, aa weM as ctUacas of offijct tUte The truth about this is that tbe only one the country at large. Cbair-ma- ike laid; of tlte McEtwlw Bill for November. As "there is no Turk ncut subscriber the circulation of thtpapsr INDIAN STORIES. A Series EzeMng 0eu. . 3a. Itodfee, a and also to establish an American lino of ef of the Committee, will appera comanHtotw tMfiioii itudcens of bis oouMtry biogra- people in the Army of the Potomac who will be doubled at once, and with UlUe IrsuMe Narratives Life, Iwmg, Hunting and f p,irl oW like a renegade,1' so even tbe rebel of ftve m each State to farther the week. Cot. J. stoamera plying between San Francisco aud Fighting en the Western, Csk F. tltttir fadritx rouninc aaly a podlea phers are distanced by the fulsome adulation were "shocked" by Jackson's flank march Let each submriber try it. Frmiier. Sg How, ef St, Loate, wan elected Troaotirot; iti Valjraraiso. Hence the English enmity Henry Inmmn, the popular anther. The new book of the lime. Xowr 1jr have at! thr ofta So of this 3ortbera divine. Before be is well were certain brigades of the Eleventh Corps, of Oea. Lew Wallace fe aapected New-Year- Jto-tnan- ee. to be ready for Mm by 's. against him. TRI-BUNET- LAMZ BEVERLY. An Interesting pnm Tbe en. tin year wand, and uiHom of tNUiottt wc 90 paragraph he discovers who were caught at a disadvantage, and cral Is a most into his third that policy Mrs. OUse Legem Sthea, the melhotHenl literary worker. Ho Unless there is a radical ehange of HMay rtsos at S o'clock, Hw oeut. lower 41mm bqy wore 1fcwe the his her "outdid even Xapoloon himself" most unwarrantably so, and Gon. Joseph A COStPARISO. noted writer. and after taking slight by the new Administration AYhich ia now refreshment starts out en a bowebaek rale for p? M a iM-af- iiw; Tbe report foow New- Hooker. Everybody olee in the army was of Liii ia tbe Napoleonic aitrfbutoe of secrecy of ON THE MEXICAN BOEDER. By Col. A. couple ef hours, returning and hreakfectiae; about entering into power, it will become very 8 ark. K, J., M'diat tb iAiatoriM libote nr ooa-tunt- lf design and rapidity of execution." "As a confident of victory, and amazed at tho G.BriU,U.S.A. o'clock. He sits at hia deafc from Uat bear nntU necessary to make some demonstration noon, when be takes lunebeen, eKtendiitK libok operalloiai. Thtrfr orders to recross the Rappahannock. As A NOBLE and, after another flotdier, some oompetont critics pronounce ATONEMENT. An Interesting rhie, writes until four o'clock hi Mie aftetaoea. Ho against Chile which will bring the people Story. By Uouhla is to Ant Qttowt icitted him the first that the war produced on either Lee had committed the enormous fault of Mm. Sophie RedfielddeMeissner, pae?es the remainder of the evening aad night ia KHtt there to their senses. Nothing that wo can of the Russian Legation. tbe company of bis family. wortAMMM o Mioot 4b ofwlvowos of thoir gfde.H This is rank nonsense. The zaore dividing his army in two parts in order to do will make them more inimical than they Col. Maurice S. Langborne, ef Lynchburg, constantly make tbe flank movement, and bad them SOUTH ATRICA. A Series of Letters from Ya. iuowiiaf . the history of the war is studied, the less the Diamond Fields. By H. B. Harrison. while dressing an aheccrta on his leg laafcweete now are, while a sharp lesson administered found part of the ImII with which reason will there appear to be for the ex- separated by a fall day's march, the most F 1 he wasweaaded K. oojNi Chat th reliol to them will have the effect of teaching thorn nil CARRYING THE FIRST MAIL SOUTH. at the buttle of Seven Flnek Va., aenrty M yeara :i:k.. ftui if ordinary geueralship would have suggested SnPww Geo. ago, travjigaut praises "which rebel writ era and By B. HaU. while ooramandtng Mm tlth Ya. (yehel) reai-bmh- L flag m ot Kllowod 4o tiojitajFttk ai Ciii-ca- 0, that they must respect our flag and our peo- on that the Army of the Potomac attack tbe AMONG THE The wound baa opened annually since it " their Northern copyists lavish Stonewall MOONSHINERS OF NORTH waa inflicted. tlieu let wj bawe aao&er Wor34 Fair ple, and that it is vory much to their interest CAROLINA. By Gen. Marem Wright. Jackson. That be was a skilful, enterprising separated parts, one after another, and de J. Gen. Loula Wagner, w hoc H mM fc.m JLM lihi, Oottorat, got u$ to be on good terms with us. To let things Colnael of the Mt Fo., was stroy them. Unfortunately, there was not SOUTH AMERICAN SKETCHES. By tbe principal speaker at n supper given -- leader ail win admit, but this kind of leaders bvttwee!: your rebel exoaitioa, aaA 5 at the vvodl go on as they have been will simply ruin Cttpt. Almmtt Barnes. by the Ladfes Mite Society of were pretty lueatiiW both North aad South. ovon ordiuary generalship at the Head- tbe Sacaaeaaana 1hv om opporttioity of AmMtmg LiL A us in the estimation of the whole of South THE BELL WETHER GUIDE. My Mrs. Presbyterian Church in Phlladelpbbu la tho Jackson made most of Ms reputation in the quarters of the Army of tho Potomac at that Morgan. eourso of hia remarka he alluded to bis manage- fine -- abihiUoa it woalt of the poottlfar America, and effectually destroy all hopes of Lemke &ill (tUmghler of Gen. Mor- V gan L. Smith). A Stery ment of tho Department of Publle Works of Phila- M fibettadoah Yalky, where we bad four or time, and a groat opportunity was lost of East Tennessee prduol of BottOtoru 3tfTlrj.N It ought our ever building np a commerce with that Loyalty. delphia, comparing himself lo Wagner, Me com- five oommanders of independent armies, all Dr. Field's admiration for his boro is so poser, of whose musio the people of Germany at to be beM Im a ifiMHolNille of tflao AiHRomon-vili- w portion of the world. Thfe ie only a partial Other one time did apparently jealous of each other, and play- groat that he is not evon shocked at Jack- Bst attractive not think anything; too bad to aay. otookHJe, with a ootuotory oaHtaliiing H5 features wiB be announced from time to Wazner's was the muslo of the future, and tho ing at cross purposes. He proceeded on tbe son's advocacy of raising the black flag. The tiik iuwikdy. Sapamlth Do you lovo poetry, Mlaa Maud? time. General said ho was perfectly willing to rwt lo the iioAJoi of 21000 starvoa ihoh a a side tho people correct military principle of "opposing Doctor, indeed, coufoftses that be wishes this The Chicago 2ribunc, an alleged Republi- Miaa Maud Brisk (gushingly) Lovo it? I Lieut. T. Dix Bolles will continue his of the future to Judge his administra- fdow. ky all means, Gonornl, that fascinating series of "Experiences and Ad- tion. "There la nlso this to bo aatd of that bad t0toti out-and-o- adoro Poetry seems to lift mo out of and ut it! masses to fraofcioas. But lie did sot have it wore not so, bnt he is compelled to believe can and nn Free Trade news-papo- r, ventures." rann,Wagner,"said the General, " notwithstanding the MMr wUt rosoaod every-da- y Why, aoautaf cot itw boyond my self. when I read that tho gas has been so dull, the water so muddy, all bis own way by aay means. "Whenever it on the evidence of Jackson's wife and is distinguishing itself by rabid tirades fuel Frank G. Carpenter will continue hia in- from. door old Browning. I feel I teresting letters. and tho street have not been paved wWi gold, the Union forces were anywhere near his brotber-in-la- w, who have devoted a chapter against tho pension system. conclnded and It Little Rodney (poking in his head) Like Prof. L. notwithstanding the millions which yaqjtod Felix Oswald will continue his through my hands during a T Cogluii of irftneie own strength be got eoasdly thrashed. in the biography the former wrote of him a recent article: you did the other 'lay, after you had eaten all attractive articles. fear years' tonare of HMtoor efilee, not one person has risen to charge with would true that clam chowder? ate d irfwito ! (Obflo 1a lUeti of atmteot m Front Ant to loot be got wbit oftenor to this subject The Doctor hastens to No man deprive aad needy soldiers Thk National Tribune will eonstaatly having misappropriated a single cent." liberal petitions. The widows and orphans be made Qanorai of of better aad more intereatiag. The veterans the uttoh wole s tfbe Amotiooa avor laiHOK, than other fa tbe rebel army, aad make this lame apology: our hohlters (should never know want. But the of Regular Amy aad Navy of A GOOD KKASOK. The paper eests oaly two cents a week. the United States Ifvine; The fttaletMOHt is explicit, and leave no tleilhl deftorlors, aneake, ami perjurer.f, aud bounty. hi Hudson County. N. J., aud bM tiMMot oM "Ifttwsk !Eiip,Mwt m some of bis defeats were very discreditable and Every family sboubl have have enacted an organization that Jaefcbeu holtet'ed In the CromtvolHaii way of jumper, and drunkeo bmntuera all thwe should William Dickery What broke off tho en- it under the name of to him. fact, be did not gain a single Wtofletd Scott Hancock Commandery. our atUtei Suioe ivnmot owl "ISHtaam Ia oarrybtg oa war; that if war tnuit bo, the more go otr the list. gagement between you aad Miss Ramly Btttera, PERSONAL. IrotaeadtHM the Mows tho sooner to Prominent citizens of San Fmnefeeo have E m Hb Ajar of JUnorioMi woaoe taction! victory ia bis famous Shenandoah trill it ooue an "We are glad the Tribune makes the admis- Ike? taken aiaf end; and lie would tHink tho xrar into Southern papers etahn that tbe flst Me lest in up tbe movement to erect a monument) to Col. oaiapaibja. Lee's lite Korth, Alkali Ike Wal, you see, sho kept pesterin' ocuuiitK Jor mdb of ibo nosBc la 0b ObtUaa Baturnlag to army, he led aud make it (oltin all nuaevorHy. Hut lie never sion that " true and needy soldiera " deserve the late war for tbe Union was at Fort Saaater, B. D. Baker, 7ht Fn., who waa killed at Ball's Bluff. at mo to do something heroic to show my lovo Seen l. wowM after the surrender of the fort, and was a Fedeva. after Baker'sdeath PresMea Lincoln crK-oawa- 7U,WJu men against tite FiAb Oorps aad one have dealt with prfeenerg as Cromwell did pensions. is great for desired liberal That a deal for . So, at pienicday before yesterday, d w4ih the IrMt Droghoda, the soldier killed by tbe barattoe; ef a eannen. They to have a monument erected, and bad SMavr King-live- tbe Sixth, numbering 30,000 Karrkoa at or Kaie4eoH ditiotou of with the Turku at Jaffa. such a paper to concede. The Natioxai. I told her to fling herself into the creek, which aleo claim that private Henry Lawsen Wyatt, Co. thin project would have been carried out. It fSKirssciiiK pawaoaibnity of at Games's Milk, and ia spite of wsa considerably swollen at tho time, an' I A, lat X. C, woa tbe Bret rebel soldier killed, nnd ia proposed to rafce a fond of $W,CW and etcct a ii4 Think of a Doctor of Divinity writing TniBUNB takes exception to the restriction bid 1 lit tKMolHiio)lc 3m olouls into w would pluage in an' rescue her. An' in she that he ioat life at the battle ef Bethel, Vn., Statue Golden Gate Parte. igNhf his overwhelming numbers barely suoooeded " 10. 1861. Wyatt was one ftiwt such feeble stuff in the 'broad light of the of needy." All true soldiers deservo a went. June ef the aokliers Millionaires are not so namerous In the South em of saiw tohsoowim; worjraotlwa. 51 mue-ter- ed fa jevotag tbe Uatoo soldiers to retreat At ISthoenlury! liberal pension, whether they aro neody or Dickery Did you keep your vow? te entfet, aad wee killed daya after be woe in the North, so that In Dixie muoh Interest te felt into aervlee in the "Edgeeomb Guard," In Malvern Hill "be made a laundering attack Iko I meant to, honestly, but about that the estate of the mte en. W. A. Jbftneon, of We have not space to discuss the rost of not Their needs do not outer into tho whieii after wank beeame Co. A, let N. C. He was Sheffield, Aln. Mo was left 300 to each of bis 10 reoulMal time somebody set up a yell that thar free foot CorawaUis deck-sweep- on our right, whick in a terrible buried near tbe of tbe monument, children. BegtnnlnK Hfo as a er n. m arMtUMjmi$r o a million oqpim this wearying article in detail. It is a pain- question. A liberal pension is the right of aa fa4or whisky at the Early Bird Saloon, an' I put out Vorklown, Vo. steamboat, ha left, Mm twain aso aa Commodaro of alaoglttor of his mea. At tbe second ful exhibition of how far n gushing, emo- every man who honorably served tbe Gov- hh tkt time Cottm msd, ant 4t M htm if for town to git tny sharo an' forgot all about Old Comaaebe in dead. He was the most cele- a river Sect. Gen. Johnaan entored tbe Gcnfed-erae- y be wa only d from doatracUnn half-inform- liau saw by ed Mies say was nigh brated horse in tbe United eavalry aervfee, as n private, and came Brrgadtor.toa-era- tic mmmdm mm for & m M morim tkm. tional, man will go when he ernment during its dire omergency, and sac- Randy. They aha raighty 9tate out a l. fur pulled nnd he died at Fert Riley, Kan., on Thursday, Nov. ' the blundering of sovoral of our command- starts out to panegyrize a public enemy. rificed his time, his health, and his business drownded when tbe Rev. Mr. Harps her 5. Comanebe waa the only living thing that ed er aad tbe rapMUy with which Loagatreet out. Services eomraemoraUvo ef indfana's "War prospects to save it from destruction. No the meeanere at Little Big Horn, where Governor," the late Oliver P. Morten, were held TO 15KI.NG COMUADKS TOGIZTIIKK. CtMter nnd bid eomeaand the 7th Cay. gave up To Im4 itolli a opIoMiM JtmwatMii to mardbed to bis relief. At Harper's Ferry such mau can begin to be repaid for all that In a Methodist church in ItHNananetts Ate week. The Committee on lleunious for the A PHOOLTAIt XOTJC their lives. Comanche win ene of the original Several Grand Army Potto and ether patriotic G o fobs A-- Loaa In ibf Capital of tibe drunken and iaoanable Mites gave him country by mount of the 7th Cav. when waa tb coming National Encampment is he gave the tho most liberal it organized, in societies attended aumeroualy. Tbe widow of tbe Chancel-lerevili- ierfecling 1343, awl bad been every m al a moat undeserved victory. e is battle whieh that Governor hauoa 4tboall Im .a pluooatu to owory oom-i- At pension can be allowed him. "II and hia son were present. a scheme by which all comrades in attend- that gallant regiment participated ngaittat "the Red be placed himorlf ia a position Quantrell, Mte noted guerrilla, baa been dis- .uth;iraud Aay of tlRpuUic A that "Wo also welcome tho Chicago Tribune's L Deviln ef tbe West." After the battle of Little Big ance shall be brought at once into commu- covered again, this time by a Kansas caller, who invited destruction, we bad oom-aMwd- er Horn Coaanebe wtw found rhlerle-- and iutiihutioa w81 ofeow qpootyoit and bat no saddleiess says the Jhreous ia Ueiag Mm hus- nication the old comrades admission that tho widows and orphans of from tho seene raider still and capable of with of their some dbttanee of the maeenere, band of a rich Mexican woman, gi.itimdtfor tlie treat ooorooVs uuOrinft taking advantage of the be placod beyond was Quantrell appears regiments, brigades, divisions and corps. veterans should the reach covered with wound. lie taken in charge to have almost as many lives aa onportttaity. was Jackson's singular good It by Rowlnn, who sent him to he took when in and trurkm wodc te behalf of fee soMUora It of want That is what we fought for for dipt. Fort Jtiley, the heyday of bis gory carver. is proposed to divide the whole army into for 11 years he baa been ward of fortune ia strike tbe most astonishing array where the of tbe 7th tb country, it will teobow thai years, and the result was the Disability Bill, Cenianehuta seven woumla were so severe lei some 32 oorps, with headquartors Cav. . of iaoompetoNts and series of for each, MUSTERED OOT. the otonuis renwanhw atid Wo Uwjif blunders in our which the Chicago Tribune attacks with such w03k that it was thought it would be Impossible for hitu and subdivisions for the smaller military xJBL (o aa was very from leas Ma- - wfeefe war. He never happened to ettoouu-to- r lfve, he weak ef blood, Kbksky. At Boston, Nov. 8, Leedegar M. fneudi, and forfit gut Otoot: "wbo otood utter-unc- units. Kosters of all the virulence. How can it reconcile this o but with good treatment he reeovered. Special Lipp Kureky. Captain, 36th Maes., f&tl SI. Ho first-cu- es regiments, etc., wiw born hi Prague, mw hnehiy educated, thetu ia of aMtoi. Bond otmiii-Iiuih- aay really opponent. Bach provision waa made by the War Department for served th dar all with its bitter hostility to tho law in the Lombardy war, and was hrevetted Major will be kept at each of these hoadquarlere, hid care and support. Onee in a while, whan on to Tm Vmhckk, attd men as Sheridan or Hancock, fiodgwiok or the the field of Maxento by the Kmperor. Ia 1861 ho Satiokl the old commanders and other oflicers will which does what it commends, and does cavalry were on inspection, Comnneho was led out, oanio to this country, and waa takhn; a special tbef ml laolMioa-lodgo- d ia those ootttacHS. Logan, to say nothing of Grant, Sherman, saddled nnd bridled, but no soldier ever sat in his course at Harvard when the war broke out. Ho be urged to bo present, and every nothing more? enlisted, nnd after serving nine given Thomas, or Rotectaau, would have used him effort made saddle after the battle of the Little Big ITorn. months was Chicago rs, a Lieutenant's oommitxion, aud waa Inter mado to assemble the comrades some "But," says the Tribune, "tbe Comanoho wad the horse ridden by Cupt. JCeogh at up eompleteiy, if oaoouulcfod on anything at time Captain. During hl four years service be paid and perjurers, the battle. Hid skiu will be stuffed nnd brought to bis own expense, allotting his pay to charitable in- oiowiiiiidoi--i'Obio- f u during tho Encampment and sneaks, and Faior i wlaaiDg like equal terms. in nearly the same tho National Museum In Washington. stitutions in Masaehiwt)tts. He waa badly wound- -- and drunken ed in lS&i. nnd since then had undergone 11 surgi- Kttldeo epiniotw irom organizations that they served in during bounty jumpers, bummers Hampton's ruddy alt norte of pooplc." Dr. Field's art id e abounds in tbe xnobt tho Gen. Wndo faao casts doubt cal operations. Hit personal income felled him all these ought to go." on tho reportd thut say he id beginning to show shortly alter the war, and in 1807 he npnlled for a b) bt, war. There will be a headquarters He tftka4 votMtor ftoldior, fnm'k, up-rbj- for oach absurd misstatement. Speaking of tbe to signs of physical breaking up. Despite bis age his pension, but never beard from it. Iu January last , 25 infantry corps Certaiuly, tbey ought go. So say we ho again applied, nnd a pension was granted. Ho fikosiiiK la nmmkim-- la tiboHKht of the of the army, one figure looks robust, and ha walks with tho oreot-ne- ss mly Shenandoah campaign of 1862, be says: to had been, of late, foreigu correspondent of the oach for the prisoners all. The only obstacle the deserters go- of a much younger man, although mlnns a Library. and jjrcoUM aod ainoofolj aUadtd to the He wiw jtU4 wt mm array four of war, tho cavalry Boston Pubhe Kftttt bt on leg. He dfd not lose this leg in the war, however, Mnncrc. At Nemalia City, Neb.. Aug; 5, Hiram (uwdor Krcttiotit, hlib-ldt- i. ing is that there is none the pension roll. jirittcitili of Ot jrrmtd Qrdar f lUnkn, Had WUrwy), ud of the Army of tho Potomac, the artillery but by the klek of a mule while out hunting. He O. Miuiok. need S3. His remains were laid to rest VtttwUta Mfxm liim frttm diOt-rea- t qmtrtorti, hihI a pension, in Grove Cemetery, Bruwuviile.Neb., Aug. official ihoad. ti Army of tbe Potomac, tho No deserter can get and all the not long ngo received a shot in one of his eyes, Walnut It 0 Ilk vkk to WwihUtjioH outHMtaavtflwd Ummm nit, HttwokiNC nnd defwtUNic of the cavalry 7. Comrade Miniek eame to Nebraska in JetW, and being on which was thought at the tlmo would destroy tho in On. whA Utrn, till 1m drov mm after armies between the AHegauics talk about them the roll is pure in 1802 ho enlisted Co. C. 2d Neb. Cav. In 184 iwtntiiosd Itoot yssstbl faapreasioa poa ii 0m, naMhar, of tbe and sight, but tho ocuUatd fixed him up as good as ha became Captain of Co. A, 49th U. 9. C. T., nnd Mt of tite VnlUry, wbtrn U Uhm all Oio hMj, nonsense. As to "sneaks" we to atone all tb caiaoos. Ko watj all Chat sv the MSssissipiH, for tho col o rod troops in tho shall have new. served to the of the war. Three weeks pre- a Grand Had wM)if; U !" JUdtje in cme iff hit) mirfd vious to bla.death he neekienlally awallowed two MMiTChMt, Mtdd4Wl' wait a fuller definition of what the ZViauae Comrado Joseph Lewis, Chief Bugler lOith 111., tbey todxed in his causing Armjr oaaa ao-oept- od Ht Uhi fliiak Mo- - same military division, and for the Congregation (singing) Rock Agea, fulso teeth; throat, obostli h d was at one HHtd of sailors Tho of III., was recently Ckdkui'ts araiy ht HLM&mtM&. means by the term, beforo disenssing Troy Grove, ordered beforo tho hemorrhajjes. of which he died. He leaves wifo as oudb. and marines. it It cleft for Pension Examining Board at Atlanta, III. He had and 10 children to mourn his untimely death. of he As a statement of military operations this is a word of uncertnin moaning. Most of us Alkali Iko (in tho midst of the hymn) to 30 iniies la an open bugRy, and caught Since the elose the war has been elected to Ilia tmmmk, ardar la ogacd to tba rebal It is to be hoped that the survivors of all travel several important oillees, whieh he filled with is very fanny. If he bad defeated and romombor, many a lime and oft, bearing tbe Auour-r-r-r-r-r-r- -r ! cold, which settled on his lungs, mid he eumo pretty honor nnd credit to himself. At hut death he was flai snoots with th moot oabafaatSc oom-meudaU- oa the old organizations will fall into this Reverend Mr. Harps (anxiously) near Joining the great majority, and ia only able to Commander of G. W. Culp Pont, 58. Ho was re- driven aW four of Hie opposing " Tho What armies out of scheme and appoint Reunions "whole Yankee army denounced as sneaks. walk at tho present tlmo by UHing two amies. spected by his comrades for his brave record aa a froa att Imt uttraoenairaolod at the time ia tho matter, Brothor Isaac? Why do you Boldter. nnd by all who knew him for bin Integrity, tbeYatkyjWkaiiM tbe world did he want to for the laws Comrade Lewis waa taken prisoner at Hartsvllle, rehok. was wfUat ovary of holding the National Eucampmont As "perjurers" of every State roar in that hidoous manner? nearly Waitk. At Huyea Creek, Nf b..Oet. 26. of uremia it traeAworiean 44 If Tenn., was stripped of all hhi elothing, and Co. 31st aged give tibom the ttpw for? By one in- Alkali Iko I'm tryin' to sing accordin' to poison, John Wuite, F, N. J., 0L vm this this is generally dono it will be the greatest and of the United States are very severe on contracted disease while in tho bands of tho enemy Comrado Waits was Senior Vice Commander of ted said be moot atctaiochaiivo way. dad-blamode- advertent admission tbe Doctor overthrows perjury. The penitentiaries yawn for every the music, an' I joat run onto the et whieh has left him un Invalid for life. T. T. Dow Post, 233, which Poet had charge of tha n and most onjoyablo series of Reunions over ceremonies. He was a pioneer in hia vi- TIhi roota ia tiiis ooutitry ibr lmt oua note that over I seed, all spranglos an' sprawls Mrs. Susannah Evans, wife of John Evans, Corpo- funeral bis whole fabric Victorious Gonorals do man who commits the crime. If the Tribune, cinity, nnd was widely known and universally Sat All lOtfcMMs ato .au iatteaafoa, aad In known, and will add immensely to tho an' by Georgo, Parson, I beg your pardon ! ral, 18th Pa. Cav., died of congestive chills at her not of giving tbe pension-hate- r, Y-- , 24, think slip" to their van- or any other knows of nny-ou- c hain't a noto; it's a mashed spider. But home In Thompsonville. Kan., reaontly. Mrs. AtoAST. At Redfield, N. Oct. John Aioan, sonto a weaaco. pleasure and profit of tho Encampment It (35. iitaoiw llie flag enemies. Evans was born In Green County, Pa., Nov. 18, aged Comrade Aloan served ns a seaman on quished Tbe latter are tbe follows having committed perjury to get pen- (triumphantly) I reckon I sung him, all tho man-of-w- Decatur two years, from ofleaaWo Think over, comrades, and tako action a 1831, lived nearly all her Hfo in board the is a uwaaory, and aboaSd ha baod it samo! and her native October. 1801. to October, 1808. He joined Sidney wbe think about "slipping." sion, tho way to get him off the list ia She removed with her husband and family iu Mureli, 1832, forever of 1ms accordingly. ea3y State. C. Gay lord Post, 22, aa a eharter oat ltfbt It owtaot diaplayod 1873, and has slnco In was Chaplatu of The faots are that we bad a nurabor of and plain. Proper information with Prose- to Kansas in lived Kansas. member, and the Post when he aujnwltofa wMboat itiaaJll to all ovory HALCYOH. Sho was the mother of 12 chlldron, all of whom, died. that small armies converging Bunnitss. At New York City Nov. 11, of heart into the Valley cuting Attorney of his County or with the 18 heart-broke- n husband, she leaves behind. loyal MMNt Ho1d doar, iwtd it is iatoloraMe Evhhy attompt to extend our trado In "Kershaw ia tho father of children, ail with her disease. Ahrend Behrens, Captain, Co. A, 41th 111., upon widely soparatod routes. Most of Pension Commissioner, will promptly free living." She was n devout Christian woman, nnd is deeply aged 60. Comrade Behreiv was a native ef GeP abaU exces-sivoly-sensiti- that It oa aay oooasioB have ovon a South Amorica touches John Bull'a ve ' mourned by all who knew her. Comrado Evans many, and when Mie war broke out he enlisted aa them were far out of supporting distance of the rolls of bis name, and bring upon him Happy man!" years in tho n private, but whs soon promoted to n Captaincy. aaoMbai witli ifou ajlottoafi served nearly three army, nine months cards, afaat bautior pocket nerve, and tho agony "Hum! I don't know about that." spent Llbby, He was a poneiouer. He was playing when each ether, aad those that wore in support- deserved punishment It is the Chicago of which time he fa Audersouviilo, ho fell off his dmir and died htsmntly. He leaves wbioli .POjwawmU tmr uatloaHtilf , and all is excruciating. " Why, yes, indeed! Think of tho yoars and and Florence prisons. ing distance failed to Jackson IVibunc'a duty as a law-abidi- ng citizen to that wa lmva ifoaajbt for. years during which ho ha3 always hod chil- Col. D. Stucky, of Washington O. H., O., Is GkbRR. At ftarasota. Fin.. Oet. 30. Robert Green J. aged 40. Comrado Greer waj bu-peri- or Co. D, 3d Mo. Cav., ottterod tho Vattey with a force groally promptly lodge such information. If has dren of tho proper sizo to take to tho circus to prominently mentioned for appointment on Adjutant-- If eacli mibicribcr to TJIE NATIONAL it it n member of Cieorge A. Custer Post, 19. Ho leaves to oither of these, and having tbe aud does not place in the possesion of tho seo tho animals." General of Ohio, under tho incoming Repub- u wife. Mmtcmu oafeaf air four aofuaaatoaaw 1e TRIBUNE uill duirgc himself with gtiling it lican administration, and his onadklaey ia urged KeiitsoH. At Bleb Hill, Mo., Nov. 3, Jacob 31. oould lYieade-Shoul- Co. IK h Nov, Cav. He was buried ittside line attaak them one aftor proper officials it is grossly darelict. To by many of his personal and paHtieal d BuMson, bf one now tubscribor llic circulation Vic paper CONSISTENT. (lieu, Poet, 10, whieh ho was a of appli- t anhy ef member auocboi;, in dotatl. He first Gen. tho Colonel conclude to become an t. nv fUntily. assailed will he doubled once, urge destroying the peusiou system to get Gray-nec- k) He tie at and with little trouble. Tho Reverend Mr. Harps (to Farmer NC cant for tho position, lie dm brtae; strong backhtw u Albonv. Y.. Nov. 7. Henrv Lahr. p&mrin h 1 ai &tmninimf:&c J Kimball atKawwtewa.-Mara- sX-UHN- t mmvfiU itotraa 23, with 10,000 Lot each bulsorlber try it, rid of the perjurers la aa sensible as tho Of course you will bo glad to donato from the most Influential quarters. He U wll SwawutFrfrmcCe Y. Cav,ft8od07,