hoi'Done. A Political Phenomenon. a Tho President'! Letter. What the Administration themselves or bolp tbo enemy, cxccpt fow Letter from General Howard. n^iranled as barbarous or oruol. One of the most curious questions of the THE UNION & things, as- JOURNAL, tlx? are the massacre of Pres- In these of war rebels and is then such a Tail difrrenoe 30.11 Among acceptions, On the evo of the State last week, We this morning tho letter of daj* against day if, "Why In paMifthcl crwry Friday || leaving publish Administration bv rebels who hate into ; If (ill the foe* and non-combatants, male dcnt Ltoooln to tho Union State Convention saults against the betweon the Democrats *ono paid strictly In advance $£0U delayed tNrg. vanquished Howard wroto the letter ia General following the of tho Democrata eiplration uf tbo year.. and female. But tho proclamation law of Illinois, and which is to be read t*day to at home, sajs Chicago Tribune, Republi- the army and tho majority tib*!* or ADVBKmina. From the Home Journal. it to an intimate friend who thinks no can! are nrone to look into the futuro rather Tho valid or not valid. It it is not valid, poraonal tho Convention in session at Syracuss.— who have remained at home?" former, line* and in their the Ad- One «(u»rc (bein£ the (pace oocupied by 13 NEW ENGLAND'S DEAD. noeds no retraction{ if it is valid, it cannot conGdcnoo is betrayed in allowing it to bo Both these Conventions aro composed of men than at tot "retrospect, impa- almost to a man, heartily rapport of aolid nonpareil, or a space U lochca in length) or of the bo retracted more than tho dead can be noto "who maintain unconditional doTotion to tho tience at tho sooming slow progress events, ministration in a ••ne InMrtiou, f l,OU any laid beforo tho It is worthy of rigorous prosecution » tho brave who to public. the to tho desired suo- oh- Kach «nlwe |««> fluoo hTU and shore. ably Why twenty-fivo days furlough expires. gratitudo to suoh of them "old during calling peft. CUD 101« 1300 From whore the now. In freedom, proud- was Men are bewildered with openly that Two square*. 3.UU Mississippi rotfuction than before tho issuo? There Ilo was anxious to remain, but tho friends," but "whom no national history. of this occu An the suggestion 1 80 Sou 14 TO a> 00 ly rolls. prospoct politioal partisan problem Three nquarea, a a of trial to and do not mo the rounded, a of Demo- VJU») JHmi wave* that on ft death more than year and half sup- tho malico nor can mako falso to details, oompleto the war drew off Afferent class F» «|UAr«s r. on loui To sigh Ocorgta's islec, hymn of "active operations" in tho Army of partisan bopo »»0U ton* their boioro the national sucoessos which the Administration at home. Bat Right a<<«arts, 10 00 Ht*> for souls. pr<«s th« n-k-llion proclamation tho nation's life." His older friends, ho is crats from those woo stayed 13 W 30 m ttfW 70 00 Potomac, calls him at onco to his command, this when ttiiteen «ja*roa. was issued, ttio last uno hundred days of confident, will thank him for thus reoognis* havo accomplished. At moment this is not always In Maine, for flmtorall, the noblo blood by traitorous band oauso of to totter, it apparent. D, which under an notice that it [lis heroic devotion to the sacred tho of mon to whom tho slaveholder's rebellion begins Bion and Hon. tieorgo waj shed ; puascd explicit ing position theoountrj instanoe, Bradbury revolt is to over the see what the It tho streets of 1U1U more, New England he- was unless arrested those in has onds^rod him to tho ontiro and tho Union aro far more than well look back field, P. for stood upon business cards. dyed coming by his oountry precious Shepley years togother n»e< bled; The war hai wo have aad whether returning to their allcgianco. venom- ties. gainod, ascertain,* same bura shell section of Ihe Democracy, An