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VOLUME 33, NO. 23. PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 26, 1899. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. CINCINNATI CHEERED WILL GO IT ALONE. LIKEL? TO BE WESTERN CRAM- ILLINOIS WANTS NO MORE HYPHEN PIONS ANYHOW. ATED LEAGUE. Confident ol Being the Leading Western The Greatest State in the West Will Team in the First Division Cause Next Season Have a Purely State ol the Slump in New York- Jack Organization The Thing Taylor©s Second Fall From Grace, Engineered Even Now. Cincinnati, O., Aug. 21. Editor "Sport- Chicago, III, August 20. Editor "Sport lug Life:©© The Reds made their reappear ing Life." It is said to be a foregone ance at home and received a cordial wel conclusion that with the close of the pres come, but naven©t recovered from tlie slump ent season the Indiana-Illinois League at New York, Having rather taken the edge will go out of existence, and that off local enthusiasm. The game put up next spring an Illinois League will be formed, yesterday against St. Louis also seemed to which will probably include Terre Haute, but no put a further damper upon the team©s friends and other Indiana city. Correspondence is partisans. However, the Pittsburgs come to-day NOW IN PROGRESS for their last local appearance of the season, looking to the organization of a circuit embrac and this may give the Reds© a chance to re- ing Dauville, Bloomington, Springfield, Quiucy, Instate themselves in local favor. Peoria, Lincoln. Uecatur and Terre Haute. This is compact enough to satisfy any of the grumb AN AWFUL FALL. lers who are complaining of the long jumps The Reds left New York In anything but a from Illinois towns to Wabash and Crawfords- pleasant frame of mind. With their records ville. All are good base ball towns, and will against the Brooklyns and the Bostons on the support strong teams. With the Illinois cities present trip it was but natural that they anti eliminated cipated making a good showing against the AN INDIANA LEAGUE New Yorks a team that ranked far below them which will probably include Wabash, Crawfords- In the second division. But the only spot on the ville. Marion. Muncie. Anderson. and one or Red route that seemed full of flowers, ready three other cities, contingent upon whether the for plucking, turned out to be a thistle patch. league shall include six or eight clubs, will be After knocking down the leaders five out of six formed, and as traveling expenses will be re It was like the refinement of cruelty to drop duced to a minimum it is believed the new three straight to the tenth-raters. All the Reds© league will win. Already there is a plan on foot twirlets looked alike to the Giants, and that In Wabash among enthusiasts to provide a large tell.s the story of bow-the New Yorks, with a guarantee fund which will carry the team team of cripples, made the Reds look like a through the season, and good sport will be pro bunch of counterfeit money. vided at moderate cost. CHAMPIONS OF THE WEST. While it would be foolish to pick a position for the Reds at the present writing their in- and-out work and the fact that the season still TQLEDQ©TQPICS. has about nine weeks to run, making such a prediction the veriest kind of guess work- Some Facts About Beck, Transferred It is safe to say that they will finish ahead of to Brooklyn The Toiedos Likely to any of the Western teams. There is nothing in Manager William (Buck) Ewing, o! Cincinnati, the work or the make-up of either the Chicago Win a Pennant. end St. Louis teams their only Western rivals Toledo, Aug. 20. Editor "Sporting to caase any great uneasiness as to their Life:" Well. Beck has been sold at last. ability to beat out the Reds. In the last two Manager Strobel received four offers for To seasons to* Keds have had the honor of finishing YQUNGSTOWN BRIEFS. YOUNG "SUBS." ledo©s" great second baseman, but noue of bead of. the other Western teams a record not them were good enough to take Beck away from without, ©honor, as it is something to be known The Local Team Changes Hands Some Interesting Facts About Those Toledo before the close of the season. Accord «B the champions of the West. The claim for Outnelder McCreedie Appointed a New-Comers iu the Big League, ing to the terms of the sale Beck finishes the th* team to finish ahead of all other Western season with Toledo, and begins next season tpums ts based on the fact that the Reds are Regular Umpire. Quinn, Hickey and Murphy. playing bettf-r ball at present than either the WITH BROOKLYN. Chicagos or Perfectos. that they still have 27 Youugstown, O., Aug. 19. Editor "Sport Chicago, 111.. Aug. 14. Frank Quinn, the And Brooklyn has captured one of the most, fames to play on the home grounds, and that 10 ing Life:" The local team has changed new Chicago second baseman, is 23 years promising young players iu the country. Al-J or the games still to be played are with the hands during the week, and ex-Leaguer of age. 5 feet S inches in height, a strong though be Is only 21 years of age Cor threff Clevelands. whom everybody beats. James II. McAleer is in charge. The batsman, a fast runner and a good years be has been the idol of Toledo "fans- " former owners have declared themselves outnelder. He was two seasons In How often, oh, how often, has "Lizzy" co, TAYLOR OFF AGAIN. to bat with men on bases. A hit was needetj Tb<= Cincinnati team once more Is minus the as having had enough of base ball, and the Michigan League, playing second base for ervtces of pitcher Jack Taylor. After being have decided to quit. Patronage, too. has been Bay City. This year Mansfield secured him. He win the game, and Beck has met th< on fcls best behavior for more than a month the falling off to a large extent of late, and the batted this year for .338 and fielded for .961. sciuarelv. The bases were cleared, the erratte twlrler seems to have found being club was running behind in expenses. The was won and the fans went home declarinii traigbc too monotonous, and on the last day of new manager intends to supervise field work Brooklyn, N. Y.. Au^. 15. Hanlon©s new In- "Germany" ts the creates! emergency the Reds© sojourn tn New York proceeded to from the bench, and It is his intention to fielder,. Thomas Murphy, hails from Natick. In the business. During a recent series nnd«> all the good that had come of his sup strengthen the team wherever necessary, al Mass.. and began the season as short stop for won four games by making a timely home rui posed reformation. The fact that Taylor had though no move has as yet been made in that rhe Manchester Club, of the New England A TOLEDO BOY. bc-f-n pitching excellent ball of late and had direction. League. He never played with a full-fiedged pro Beck was born in Toledo, and the "fan! Civeu Captain Bwing no trouble created a pros M©ALEER ASSUMES fessional team until last year. wh»n he began declare that they do not remember when I pect that the Cincinnati Club would be lenient charge with the old team, and some changes are with Taunton. bui was released. He then could not hit the©ball. He was second basemai with him in enforcing the punishment Inflicted looked for in the near future. Short stop Berte. rounded into form with semi-professionals. He ou the kid team, and later of a city league 0" him for his previous escapade and return who was let go some two weeks ago. Is still ts 27 years of age. five feet 9 Inches tall and team, and always the same hard-hitting bars-^ to him at least part of the monev that he was playing the short field, and. be it said to his weighs 15S pounds. He is a good fielder and man: We will miss Beck here iu Toledo. It supposed to lose. Should It transpire that his credit, has been putting up a fast fielding game batter according to Managers Selee and Barnle. will not look natural to see him out of the present disappearance is another case of a "hot on the home grounds. Captain Truby. who was game. time" is no prospect of clemency from the out of the game for a time, appeared in his old Boston. Mass., Aug. 16. M. F. Hickey, Bos THE TEAM©S WORK. Cincinnati Club, and it would noc be surprising position during the New Castle series last week. ton©s new utility intielder. is 27 years of age. Toledo wil! win the pennant again this year, if be was laid off for the rest of the season. Outfielder Connors bad his ankle injured last He played semi-professionally in Brattleboro. despite the ravings of the papers of the other MINOR MENTION7 . week, and has been out for the last few games, Vt.. ©91-©92; was a member of Holy Cross Col towns ou the circuit. It is the tield and Presi The OPW hats and the brass band certainly did pitcher "Mont" McFarland taking his place in lege team ©93; played in Amsterdam. N. Y.. dent Powers against Toledo. Why this should the business. the middle garden.